#Allan Delong
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queenofthemasquerade · 2 months ago
Pretty Maids - Needles in the Dark
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ponderingrandomthings · 2 months ago
This is a nice melodic hard rock discovery (a song from quite a while back... - 1987)
Tip: The song begins at about 1 minute.
Album Artists:
Ronnie Atkins – lead & backing vocals
Ken Hammer – guitars
Allan Delong – bass guitar
Phil Moorhead – drums
Alan Owen – keyboards
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mikeladano · 6 months ago
REVIEW: Pretty Maids - Red, Hot and Heavy (1984)
REVIEW: Pretty Maids - Red, Hot and Heavy (1984)
Thank you to Thor Blackmore for this CD! PRETTY MAIDS – Red, Hot and Heavy (1984 Sony) I ignored Pretty Maids when I first heard of the band.  “Pretty Maids?  What kind of name is that?”  Shallow kid stuff, but impactful, because now in 2024 this is my first real listen to Pretty Maids with intent.  Red, Hot and Heavy was the debut album for the Danish hard rock band, after a self-titled EP in

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touchd0wn-boy · 1 year ago
ok first impressions while i'm still running on adrenaline:
- ouch my knees
- ouch my back
- single greatest concert of my life maybe holy shittt what the FUCK why did none of you guys tell me blink suddenly goes this hard WHAT THE FUCK
- the entire last part of the show from wmaa to dammit was one continuous mosh pit. I was JUMPING and SWEATING and CRYING and SCREAMING
- special shout out to the guy dressed as boomer who was pulled from the crowd for crowdsurfing right in front of tom during first date not once not twice but three whole times. ur my hero i love u
- they stole cynical from me. this is a hate crime against me in particular
- travis was there i think sorry i didn't look at him
- the ol adams song gotd one two punch of death
- tom hip thrusting and dancing his little heart out
- everyone was so nice fr we were just chilling!!! hanging out!!
- tom? nuzzled mark's cheek? i think? or kissed his cheek? there was a lot going on. old man yaoi alive and well in blinkverse tho god bless
- WHERE ARE YEWWWWWW goes so hard the videos don't do it justice fr. my voice is GONE
- skye gave picks to someone right next to me and mark made it into a whole thing it was very funny
- she was also filming and dancing right in front of me I LOVE U SKYE!!!!
- i'm dead
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big-bad-shorty-king · 7 years ago
When you actually are the embodiment of teenage angst and emo
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christian-dubuis-santini · 4 years ago
Quelques citations:
«La mĂ©decine a pris crĂ©dit pour certaines avancĂ©es dans le domaine de la santĂ© qu’elle ne mĂ©rite pas. Le cholĂ©ra, le typhus, le tĂ©tanos, la diphtĂ©rie et la coqueluche, etc., Ă©taient en rĂ©gression avant que les vaccins spĂ©cifiques ne soient utilisĂ©s. En fait, cette rĂ©gression rĂ©sultait de l’amĂ©lioration des conditions d'hygiĂšne, de l'Ă©vacuation des eaux d'Ă©gout, et de la distribution de la nourriture et de l’eau.»
Andrew Weil, Health and Healing.
«Les vaccins donnent les maladies et en crĂ©ent de nouvelles. La preuve scientifique qu’une provocation arti­ficielle d’une maladie empĂȘche l’apparition d’une maladie naturelle n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie.»
«Les vaccinations en bas Ăąge ont des effets dangereux sur le systĂšme immunitaire de l’enfant, ne protĂšgent pas l’enfant durant sa vie ouvrant la voie Ă  d’autres maladies suite Ă  une dysfonction immunitaire.»
«La plupart des personnes qui sont mortes de la variole la contractÚrent aprÚs avoir été vaccinées.»
Dr. J.W. HODGE, The Vaccination Superstition.
«Certaines souches de vaccins peuvent ĂȘtre impliquĂ©es dans des maladies dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratives telles que l’arthrite rhumatoĂŻde, la leucĂ©mie, le diabĂšte et la sclĂ©rose en plaques.»
Dr. G. DETTMAN, Australian Nurses Journal
«Le risque de souffrir de complications sĂ©rieuses prove­nant des vaccins contre la grippe est beaucoup plus grand que la grippe elle-mĂȘme.»
«Les vaccins peuvent causer l’arthrite chronique, la sclĂ©rose en plaques, le lupus Ă©rythĂ©mateux, le Parkinson et le cancer.»
Pr. R. SIMPSON, American Cancer Society
«Contrairement aux croyances antĂ©rieurement Ă©tablies Ă  propos des vaccins du virus de la polio, l’évidence existe maintenant que le vaccin vivant ne peut ĂȘtre administrĂ© sans risque de produire la paralysie.»
Dr. SALK (créateur du vaccin original de la polio dans les années 50).
«Le dĂ©clin du tĂ©tanos en tant que maladie commença avant l’introduction de l’anatoxine dans la population.»
Medical Journal of Australia, 1978.
«Les personnes vaccinĂ©es contre la grippe ont approxi­mativement 10 fois plus de chances de contracter le syndrome de Guillain-BarrĂ© que ceux qui n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© vaccinĂ©es.»
Center for Disease Control, 1977.
«Il existe un lien entre l’autisme et la vaccination. Les enfants sont blessĂ©s par vaccinations.»
Dr. Bernard RIMLAND, directeur et fondateur du Autism Research Institute of San Diego.
«Pendant 23 ans, j’ai observĂ© que les enfants non vaccinĂ©s Ă©taient plus sains et plus robustes que les enfants vaccinĂ©s. Les allergies, l’asthme et des perturbations comportementales Ă©taient clairement plus frĂ©quentes chez les jeunes patients vaccinĂ©s. De plus, ils souffraient plus souvent ou plus sĂ©vĂšrement de maladies infectieuses que les autres.»
Dr. Philip INCAO.
«Sur les 3,3 millions d’enfants vaccinĂ©s annuellement aux États-Unis avec le DCT, 16 038 dĂ©montrĂšrent des crises aiguĂ«s et des pleurs persistants ­­‑‑ ce qui est considĂ©rĂ© par plusieurs neurologistes comme l’indication d’une irritation du systĂšme nerveux central ; 8 484 eurent des convul­sions ou furent en Ă©tat de choc dans les 48 heures suivant l’injection du DCT.»
Dr. Allan HINMAN et Jeffrey COPELAN, Journal of the American Medical Association.
«Un enfant a huit fois plus de chances de mourir trois jours aprĂšs avoir reçu le vaccin DCT (diphtĂ©rie, coqueluche, tĂ©tanos) qu’un enfant non vaccinĂ©.»
The American Journal of Epidemiology, 1992.
«Chaque fois qu’un enfant meurt de mĂ©ningite dans les premiĂšres semaines de sa vie, on doit suspecter le BCG.»
Dr Jean ELMIGER, La médecine retrouvée.
«Les campagnes publicitaires en faveur des vaccins représentent un véritable lavage de cerveau : désinforma­tion, trucage des statistiques, amalgame savant de l'effet protecteur du vaccin avec d'autres affections, annonce de possibilité de contagion totalement fantaisiste et enfin banalisation de l'acte vaccinal.»
Dr Alain SCOHY.
«La quasi-totalité des cas de poliomyélite recensés aux USA, de 1980 à 1994, a été causée par l'administration du vaccin oral atténué.»
DĂ©pĂȘche AFP, 1er fĂ©vrier 1997.
« Il n'a jamais été prouvé scientifiquement que les vaccins étaient efficaces et sans danger.»
Dr Louis DE BROUWER, Vaccination, erreur médicale du siÚcle.
«Le systÚme immunitaire est sévÚrement endommagé suite aux vaccinations courantes.»
Le Concours médical, 20 janvier 1974.
«On risque sa vie en se soumettant à une intervention probablement inefficace afin d'éviter une maladie qui ne surviendra vraisemblablement jamais.»
«Les 2/3 des 103 enfants dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©s de la mort subite du nourrisson avaient reçu le vaccin DTP (DCT ?) dans les trois semaines prĂ©cĂ©dant leur mort. Certains mĂȘme Ă©taient morts le lendemain.»
Dr. TORCH, Neurology, 1982.
«Les vaccinĂ©s, loin de constituer un barrage protecteur vis-Ă -vis des non-vaccinĂ©s, sont au contraire dangereux et peuvent contaminer le reste de la population, puisqu'il est prouvĂ© qu'ils peuvent ĂȘtre porteurs et transmetteurs de virus poliomyĂ©litiques par voie intestinale, et peut-ĂȘtre par d'autres voies.»
«Depuis 1957, l'OMS ne recense dans les statistiques que les formes paralytiques de poliomyĂ©lite, alors qu'avant la vaccination, toutes les formes de polio Ă©taient incluses, ce qui permet de faire apparaĂźtre une rĂ©gression des cas qui est loin d'ĂȘtre vĂ©rifiĂ©e.»
Dr. SCHEIBNER, expert australien.
«AprÚs l'échec retentissant du vaccin Salk (au Massa­chusetts, 75 % des cas paralytiques avaient reçu trois doses ou davantage du vaccin), une parade géniale fut trouvée pour sortir l'industrie du médicament du pétrin : on décida de nouvelles normes pour l'établisse­ment du diagnostic de la polio.»
«Si le principe de la vaccination Ă©tait concevable au dĂ©but du 20e siĂšcle du fait que le monde mĂ©dical et scientifique ignorait pratiquement tout de la biologie molĂ©culaire, des virus et rĂ©trovirus endogĂšnes et mĂȘme exogĂšnes et du principe de la recombinaison de ces derniers, il en va tout autrement depuis quelques dĂ©cennies. Continuer Ă  vacciner des populations entiĂšres -- des centaines de millions d'individus depuis 1978 -- constitue une erreur monumentale et un quasi-gĂ©nocide.»
Dr Louis de Brouwer, Sida, le vertige.
«La vaccination est le modÚle de l'incertitude, des interac­tions et relations imprévisibles. Elle se situe aux antipodes de l'esprit scientifique.»
Dr Jacques KALMAR.
«Dans plusieurs pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement, la frĂ©quence de ces maladies a augmentĂ©, allant mĂȘme jusqu'Ă  quintupler depuis la vaccination.»
Pr Lépine, Médecine praticienne, n° 467.
«En rĂ©alitĂ©, la baisse de nombreuses maladies provient d’une meilleure hygiĂšne et d’une meilleure nourriture qui ont permis de dĂ©velopper le systĂšme immunitaire.»
Peter Duesberg, professeur de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire à l'Université Berkeley.
«Un virus, mĂȘme attĂ©nuĂ©, peut reprendre sa virulence; c'est notamment le cas du virus polio vaccinal, qui rede­vient pathogĂšne aprĂšs son passage dans l'intestin et contribue Ă  contaminer l'entourage. Les cas de polio chez les contacts des vaccinĂ©s par le vaccin oral sont bien connus.»
Dr Garcia Silva, Le Maroc médical, n° 43.
«L'introduction volontaire et non nĂ©cessaire de virus infectieux dans un corps humain est un acte dĂ©ment qui ne peut ĂȘtre dictĂ© que par une grande ignorance de la viro­logie et des processus d'infection. Le mal qui est fait est incalculable.»
Pr R. Delong, virologue et immunologue de l'UniversitĂ© Toledo aux États-Unis.
«En 1945, la Hollande Ă©tait le pays d'Europe le plus touchĂ© par la tuberculose. En 1974, sans jamais avoir eu recours au BCG, la maladie y Ă©tait totalement Ă©radiquĂ©e. A l'inverse, la tuberculose reprenait de la vigueur partout oĂč le BCG est encore pratiquĂ©.»
Bulletin statistique du ministÚre de la Santé publique et de la Sécurité sociale, n° 1, 1974.
«La prĂ©sence d’un ƓdĂšme cĂ©rĂ©bral chez des enfants en bas Ăąge qui meurent peu de temps aprĂšs une vaccination contre l’hĂ©patite B est inquiĂ©tante. Les enfants de moins de 14 ans ont plus de chance de mourir ou de souffrir de rĂ©actions nĂ©gatives aprĂšs avoir reçu le vaccin de l’hĂ©patite B que d’attraper la maladie.»
Dr. Jane ORIENT, mĂ©decin, directrice de l’Association des mĂ©decins et chirurgiens amĂ©ricains
«Une vaccination est toujours, biologiquement et immu­nitairement parlant, une offense contre l'organisme.»
Pr R. Bastin, Concours médical, 1er février 1986.
«Toute vaccination peut provoquer une encéphalite légÚre ou grave.»
Dr. Harris COULTER, Vaccination Social Violence and Criminality.
«Le pire vaccin de tous est celui contre la coqueluche. Il est responsable d'un grand nombre de morts et d'un grand nombre de dommages cérébraux irréversibles chez les nouveau-nés.»
Dr. Kalokerinos, Sunwell Tops, 24 mai 1987.
«Peu de mĂ©decins sont disposĂ©s Ă  attribuer un dĂ©cĂšs ou une complication Ă  une mĂ©thode qu’ils ont eux-mĂȘmes recommandĂ©e et Ă  laquelle ils croient.»
Pr. Georges DICK, British Medical Journal, juillet 1971.
«Les micro-organismes inoculés à travers toutes les barriÚres naturelles entraßnent chez la majorité des indi­vidus des pathologies chroniques dont les symptÎmes ne sont pas faciles à rattacher à leur cause initiale.»
Dr Jacqueline Bousquet.
«Ne vous hĂątez pas de faire tomber la fiĂšvre de votre malade ; s’il souffre d’une affection virale, vous risquez de compromettre sa guĂ©rison.»
Pr André LWOFF Prix Nobel de médecine.
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 4 years ago
any book recommendations on economics?
not many. i don’t really regard economics very highly. however, i am interested in political economy and have some recommendations;
the corporation as a command economy, delong (a short but interesting article)
the report on the subject of manufactures, hamilton 
outlines of american political economy, list
national system of political economy, list
the corporate state in action italy under fascism, schmitt
fascist economics and socialism of duty
political economy: a textbook issued by the economics institute of the academy of sciences of the u.s.s.r
fundamentals of political economy: the shanghai textbook
profits without production, melman
the control revolution, beniger
coordination and information: historical perspectives on the organization of enterprise
scientific cosmology and international orders, allan
the harmony of interests: agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial, carey
america's protectionist takeoff, hudson
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discoenj · 5 years ago
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Top 3 ships- uhhh. enjoltaire, really any relationship with watson and holmes (i love them. so much.) and uhhhh. i’m blanking on another (i’m generally pretty good with most ships as long as they aren’t like. really bad) 
Last Song- better days (robert delong) 
Last Movie- i actually don’t remember? i’ve been watching shows more. but probably les mis honestly
Currently Reading- les mis, the sinking of j. bruce ismay, sword of destiny, edgar allan poe 
Food you’re craving- none really
Tags: @civilized-revolutionary @amber-angel @legmiserable @pilferingapples @shiphappen-s @memeulesmis1984 @anyone that wants to do it
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ikmanjob · 5 years ago
Colombo 3Rd Test - India& Sri Lanka Share Honours On Day 1
Malaysia - The second team from Malaysia, Bernie Chan also is a mModel and actress, and Henry Chan is a chef the master of his own restaurant. Brother and sister, Bernie known as the face of Project Runway Malaysia, and Henry is complete unknown - a thing that can be an advantage on a show populated mostly with TV and media individuals. Earl Grey - Earl Grey tea is flavored with bergamot fuel. Some tea companies mix the bergamot oil with other oils cut down the price making the tea. Stash uses 100% bergamot an individual also can taste the price. There is in contrast to a hot glass of Earl Grey in the morning to begin the day off perfect. *NOTE* I probably would not advise drinking Earl Grey cold. The taste is considerably appealing when steaming incredibly. Australian Vacancies are skeptical about its effectiveness after the program first brush during the tour of Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka in 2008. They fought to obtain referrals, simply a right, while in Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka has successfully challenged the 1911 decision. "This is individual opinion," said Sehwag, who scored 7,152 from commonly 53.37 81 test. In 1900, a successful financier called J.P. Mogan donated the Star of India to your American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan. Where it remains today. In 1964 the priceless sapphire together with three other famous gemstones, the eagle diamond, the delong star ruby along with the midnight sapphire were stolen from the museum. The robbery was carried out by Jack Murphy and Allan Kuhn, who both received a three year prison sentence for your crime. The Star of India was later recovered in a locker in the Miami bus station. The eagle diamond was never recovered. Covert Affairs is plain engaging and fun to watch out. A little action. Some romance. Occasional humor. Regarding office nation-wide politics. But it's the cast, not only the personality of the leads however the supporting characters as well and ergo, also the director and writers, possess made this primary season so entertaining. The strange thing is that if you focus on the object only, like the yacht together with the dream house, you are truly limiting yourself because the best manifestation via emotion, by way of sensation, along with experience per se. The object is just car. Researchers usually tend to debate these subjects for time. At one time, cigarette companies claimed that smoking was great for your as well as wellness would an individual lose mass. Now, we know better. Singapore - This Singapore team could end up being my favorite team. A suitable.D. Chan is a freelance writer and director and her friend, Faeza (Fuzzie) Sirajudin is often a teacher. Both women look a bit geeky and funky which, in my book, is cool. In addition they seem undertake a great sense of humor as they've joked regarding complete connected with fitness you will not slow they'll probably seem. I'm looking forward to learning more about this team - they look like they can be fun to watch.
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 3 years ago
Why Love Matters – Sue Gerhardt
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Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain by Sue Gerhardt (2014)    SECOND EDITION
Why Love Matters explains why loving relationships are essential to brain development in the early years, and how these early interactions can have lasting consequences for future emotional and physical health. This second edition follows on from the success of the first, updating the scientific research, covering recent findings in genetics and the mind/body connection, and including a new chapter highlighting our growing understanding of the part also played by pregnancy in shaping a baby’s future emotional and physical well-being.
Sue Gerhardt focuses in particular on the wide-ranging effects of early stress on a baby or toddler’s developing nervous system. When things go wrong with relationships in early life, the dependent child has to adapt; what we now know is that his or her brain adapts too. The brain’s emotion and immune systems are particularly affected by early stress and can become less effective. This makes the child more vulnerable to a range of later difficulties such as depression, anti-social behaviour, addictions or anorexia, as well as physical illness.
Why Love Matters is an accessible, lively, account of the latest findings in neuroscience, developmental psychology and neurobiology – research which matters to us all. It is an invaluable and hugely popular guide for parents and professionals alike.
“Sue Gerhardt’s choice of title reflects the loving attention to detail that is the essence of this book
 excellently researched and well-written book which deserves to be widely read by practitioners, researchers and parents.” Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
“Sue Gerhardt has written a vitally important book – a must-read for every parent, teacher, physician and politician.” Daniel Goleman, author Emotional Intelligence
REVIEWS of the first edition
Finally, an explanation on why abandonment is so damaging, By Dwight DeLong    I am the director of a foundation that works in Romanian orphanages and children’s hospitals. For years we have been perceived as amateurs by the therapists because we focus on providing the children with individual attention and affection. It is such a HUGE relief to find a book that makes our work worthwhile. The damage that Dr Gerhardt describes is seen 100 times over in children who have not just been disregarded, but have been truly abandoned: left to themselves for month after month with only staff workers to change and feed them. Babies that stop crying because no one responds to their desperation are horribly broken. The attitude that they will grow out of it is so misguided and hurtful. I would LOVE to have the book available in Romanian. It could have a profound effect if people understood what is happening when they think that taking care of the baby’s physical needs is enough.
Essential reading     This book is essential reading for all parents and anyone who works with small children. It’s particularly refreshing to read a parenting book that can back up its claims with real research findings, and which has enough respect for the reader’s intelligence to allow you to draw your own conclusions on how you treat your child in the light of it, rather than the dumbed-down, unsupported ‘rules’ too many other books offer. We all know our children flourish with love and support – thank god for an author who is brave enough to say so and show us the evidence!
145 of 151 people found the following review helpful: The Key to a better society and a better world, February 2006 By D. R. Silvester     Before examining the book’s content I believe it is important to state that in my opinion this book would be a far easier read for those with some background knowledge of John Bowlby’s attachment theory, or at least prior reading on the subject of parent-child relationships.     Obviously I am speaking from my own level of intelligence, (not too intelligent but an avid reader) I should imagine that there are many parents and lay people who would enjoy reading this book without the above prerequisites.     For maybe the first third of the book I found it quite heavy going because the focus is upon the development of the child’s brain in relation to certain types of parenting.     Therefore, there is a lot of exploration into the structure of the brain and how certain parts such as the Hypocampus and Hypothalamus work in conjunction with other parts such as neurotransmitters like serotonin and cortisol. Initially the book seemed quite cold and technical.     Moving on, the book goes on to provide strong evidence for the work of John Bowlby and Attachment theory, illustrating how neglectful, emotionally ambivalent and emotionally distant parenting styles create brain structures and chemical imbalances that leave children prone to rage, aggression, hyper tension, violence, depression and addiction in adulthood.     At times I found the book disturbing when considering how many children are disadvantaged in this way, especially considering the problems they face in later life.    On the other hand this book is of huge importance to the lay person, professionals, policy makers and most particularly anyone who has or plans to have children.     The prominent message here is that a great many, if not all, of our social ills, war, violence, addiction, crime and murder (to mention but a few) are the consequences of unresponsive and abusive parenting.     Undoubtedly many parents may feel defensive reading this book, but I would defy anyone to offer a scientifically sound counter argument to the evidence presented within it. Also it is worth noting that the main thrust of the book is not to establish blame, but to throw light on what was previously unknown so that we may eradicate these needlessly destructive patterns.     The bottom line is that this book has huge potential to effect massive social change. In seeing how these maladaptive attachment and parenting styles lead to first personal problems and then serious social ones, we have the solution to making changes for the future of our children and theirs in turn.     Overall this book is a humanistic subject approached from a scientific perspective. Make no mistake this book is one of the most important I have and ever will read. Without a doubt it will also be the same for anyone reading the book.     Finally, in addition to being highly informative, it is also optimistic in pointing out that change is not impossible, but prevention is the key to a better society and a better world.
Sun Myung Moon caused huge damage to many second gen children.
Richard Bowlby, the man with the British accent, put this 13 minute video together. He interviewed Allan Shore (UCLA) and Alan Sroufe (University of Minnesota). They are both experts on child development and attachment theory. Richard Bowlby made the video for people in the field who are wanting to know the how secure attachment has a major positive impact on early brain development in humans. Richard Bowlby is the son of John Bowlby.
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rockandrollpicsandthings · 7 years ago
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Pretty Maids, Future World line-up 1987
Ronnie Atkins, Ken Hammer, Allan Delong, Phil Moorheed, Alan Owen
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vittrinroupas · 4 years ago
Dados do Produto
Vendedor: Bandalheira Preço: R$ 53,90
Quem conhece MĂșsica, suas Bandas e seus Artistas carrega o orgulho de usar essa marca!
Confeccionada em malha 100% algodão, que facilita a transpiração, a Camiseta Blink-182 Logo Álbum Preta conta com tingimento especial para que o preto continue preto por muito mais tempo. Nossas camisetas são confortåveis e duråveis. Possuem reforço interno ombro a ombro e gola redonda com Elastano, proporcionando mais conforto ao usar. Outro item importante é a Estampa em Silk-Screen de alta definição (Sistema High End), que resulta em uma estampa de altíssima qualidade.
O Blink-182 era formado por trĂȘs membros: Thomas Matthew DeLonge, Jr. (Tom) na guitarra e no vocal, Mark Allan Hoppus (Mark) no baixo e vocal, Scott Raynor (Scott) na bateria. A banda diferenciava-se das outras bandas punks pelo seu conteĂșdo humorĂ­stico, em contraste Ă s letras de outras bandas do gĂȘnero, que apresentam um engajamento polĂ­tico-social, e pela pegada mais pop de seu som. A histĂłria da banda começou quando Scott e Tom se conheceram no ensino mĂ©dio. Logo apĂłs conheceram Mark e o inseriram na banda. Mark ficou ausente do grupo por um tempo, pois tinha problemas com uma namorada, voltando logo apĂłs para completar a formação e começar a carreira de sucesso. Pouco apĂłs o lançamento de Cheshire Cat, o grupo foi ameaçado legalmente por uma banda techno da Irlanda de mesmo nome. Para evitar um processo demorado, o Blink adicionou o nĂșmero 182 no final de seu nome. Devido ao estouro do punk rock na dĂ©cada de 199, o Blink-182 assinou com os gigantes da MCA Records.
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O conteĂșdo Camiseta Blink-182 Logo Álbum Preta apareceu primeiro em Vittrin.
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touchd0wn-boy · 2 years ago
"give it up for dad, tom delonge came back"
-mark allan hoppus
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quincehat2-blog · 6 years ago
Untapped Cities Insiders Events for November 2018
Photo by James Murray
Every month Untapped Cities Insiders get to explore New York City’s most inaccessible places and attend exciting events hosted by the city’s leading cultural institutions, like our partners the Museum of the City of New York and the Brooklyn Historical Society. In the past, some of the activities Insiders have participated in include climbing to the top of the tower at the Jefferson Market Library, going inside the Little Red Lighthouse and touring the green roof of the Javits Center. Become a member today to gain access to our upcoming, free behind-the-scenes tours and special New York City events all year long! Here are the events Insiders can take part in this November:
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Join writer, editor, teacher, tour guide, and Untapped Cities Insider Marie Carter for a walking tour of Manhattan’s Financial District based on her soon to be released novel “Holly’s Hurricane.” On this tour designed especially for Insiders, you will cover hundreds of years of history in one hour while visiting various sites in Lower Manhattan. Along the way, you will hear excerpts from Carter’s new novel and have the chance to ask questions and discuss the topics raised with the author. TOUR HIGHLIGHTS:
Stop at Fraunces Tavern and learn how Hurricane Sandy, working in the Woolworth Building, and listening to the Bowery Boys inspired “Holly’s Hurricane”
Learn about the real-life effects of Hurricane Sandy on Lower Manhattan
Discover the remnants of General Lovelace Tavern, a colonial structure
See Federal Hall and hear excerpts from the novel
Visit Bowling Green and Stone Street
Find out how the history of the book’s setting in Boston, England intersects with histories of New York City
Photo by Jess Nash
Explore mental illness and how we can change our perceptions of normality and disease at the Festival Albertine panel discussion “Redefining Normality and Disease” with writers Siri Hustvedt, Laure Murat, artist Johanna Hedva and two representatives of L’Oiseau Mouche Theater Company. The discussion will be moderate by Sara Hendren and is part of an annual, five-day event hosted by Albertine Books. Albertine Books is a bookshop and cultural center operated by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US. Inaugurated in 2014, Festival Albertine has become a vital summit for discourse between leading French-speaking and American thinkers.
March For Our Lives NYC, courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons by mathiaswasik via MCNY
Join journalist Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! and leading youth activists Brea Baker, Ramon Contreras, and Hebh Jamal to discuss the key mobilizations of our moment—from gun control to immigrant rights—and how they draw on a long history of protest. This event celebrates the Museum’s publication of Activist New York: A History of People, Protest, and Politics (NYU Press, 2018) and a new case study on the movement against the Vietnam War in the Activist New York exhibition. Museum curator and author of the Activist New York book, Steven Jaffe, will introduce the program.
Image via Wikimedia Commons, Library of Congress
Join noted Gilded Age historian, Esther Crain, for a trip back through the mists to those years when Edgar Allan Poe wandered New York City. A gifted storyteller, Esther skillfully weaves together historical facts, anecdotes, and imagery of the time. Untapped Cities Insiders will learn about Poe’s start in Manhattan, his journey from Greenwich Village to the fields of the Upper West Side and how this “shy, solitary, taciturn sort of man” would ease his mind with long walks down through the woods to the not-yet-created Riverside Park and his observations on Manhattan’s development and the end of its rural, spacious charm.
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Go on a special tour of MoSA, the newest project by art collective 5Pointz Creates, led by MoSA Curator and 5Pointz Director Marie Flageul and New York City photographer and art educator Rachel Alban. MoSA, which stands for Museum of Street Art, is a site-specific installation housed in the new citizenM Bowery hotel. This “Vertical Love Letter to the Lower East Side” was inspired by icons of the neighborhood, and encompasses 21 works, with each floor dedicated to a single artist’s craft. The participating artists—all of whom were an integral part of the original 5 Pointz—represent seven countries and span ages 25-65. The tour will be followed by a Q&A session with Marie Flageul.
Private walkthrough of MoSA, the Museum of Street Art with curator Marie Flageul
Learn about the creative process behind the MoSA murals and their relation to the history of the neighborhood
Discover the history of 5Pointz, including the whitewash, historic court case, and evolution into 5Pointz Creates
Explore the relationship between 5Pointz and citizenM, a successful collaboration between the aerosol artist community and real estate hospitality
Q&A to follow with curator Marie Flageul
The Manhattan Front – featuring Madame Martha Held played by Lee DeLong. Courtesy of Polyvinyl Films
Untapped Cities Insiders are invited to attend the premiere screening of The Manhattan Front, an experimental, historical film about World War I and the Labor Movement in New York City. The film’s premiere at the Anthology Film Archives will coincide with the centennial anniversary of the World War I armistice on November 11th at 11:00am. Created by experimental filmmaker and Guggenheim Fellow Cathy Lee Crane, The Manhattan Front presents the true story of how America entered World War I with Crane’s signature aesthetic of fusing historic archival footage with fictional narrative. Much of the archival footage (from the National Archives in DC) of WWI and historic New York City has never been seen before, as it was recently digitally remastered.
The Museum of the City of New York is teaming up with the Gotham Center for New York City History for a night of trivia inspired by the city we know best. Put your knowledge of New York City to the test in categories spanning the city’s epic 400-year history, iconic “only in New York” places and moments, and the notable individuals who have shaped our fair city – for better or for worse. Prizes (and bragging rights!) will be awarded to the top teams. There will be a cash bar and your ticket includes Museum admission, so you can arrive early to explore (and study up on!) the museum’s exhibitions.
Attend a discussion on the history and culture of Brooklyn in the 1970s and 80s through the lens of street photography. “Remembering the 70s and 80s: A Bygone Brooklyn,” inspired by the gritty images captured in photographer Larry Racioppo’s new book, Brooklyn Before: Photographs, 1971-1983, will feature Racioppo others who remember Brooklyn as it was, including novelist and New York Daily News columnist Denis Hamill and journalist Tom Robbins of the Village Voice and New York Daily News. They will also be joined by Julia Van Haaften, founding curator of the New York Public Library’s photography collection.
Join Center for an Urban Future Executive Director Jonathan Bowles, author of Vanishing New York: How a Great City Lost Its Soul Jeremiah Moss, and Director of Economic Policy at the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development Lena Afridi for a conversation at the Brooklyn Historical Society moderated by Vanity Fair contributing editor Paul Goldberger as they consider how to counteract the “mall-ification” of public space and commerce in New York City. While chain stores proliferate along neighborhood main streets, a simultaneous phenomenon of storefront vacancy threatens the character of New York City’s famously vibrant street life as landlords push out small business owners, holding out for higher-paying tenants.
See our full list of Untapped Cities Insiders Tours and our upcoming Public Tours.
 events, untapped cities events, Untapped Cities Insiders
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Source: https://untappedcities.com/2018/10/29/untapped-cities-insiders-events-for-november-2018/
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aormetalrock · 6 years ago
Delong - Silence (2018)
Delong – Silence (2018)
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occfzv · 9 years ago
Pretty Maids
Hola otra vez,
ÂżConocen a Pretty Maids? Esta es una banda de Hard rock / Heavy Metal / Speed Metal de Dinamarca que se formĂł en 1981 y sigue activa y es una de mis favoritas.
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Aunque esta banda si ha vendido cientos de miles de discos, nunca ha logrado tener un Ă©xito comercial en grande, excepto en JapĂłn durante los 90s... AĂșn asĂ­ han tocado con grupos como Black Sabbath, Whitesnake, Deep Purple y Alice Copper, ademĂĄs, tambiĂ©n llegaron a aparecer en la versiĂłn alemana de la colecciĂłn de "Monsters of Rock" donde compartĂ­an tĂ­tulos con Metallica y Deep Purple.
Aunque esta banda si ha vendido cientos de miles de discos, nunca ha logrado tener un Ă©xito comercial en grande, excepto en JapĂłn durante los 90s... AĂșn asĂ­ han tocado con grupos como Black Sabbath, Whitesnake, Deep Purple y Alice Copper, ademĂĄs, tambiĂ©n llegaron a aparecer en la versiĂłn alemana de la colecciĂłn de "Monsters of Rock" donde compartĂ­an tĂ­tulos con Metallica y Deep Purple.
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Van a estar en el crucero de "Monsters of Rock" de octubre 1 a 5 de 2016 saliendo de L.A. en Estados Unidos junto con los grupos de Mr. Big, Slaughter, Kix, Quiet Riot, Faster Pussycat, Great White, Vixen, LA Guns, Firehouse, Autograph, Steelheart entre otros  ¿Vamos o como ven?..
Esta es su pĂĄgina oficial web: http://www.prettymaids.dk/
Pretty Maids en Spotify
Pretty Maids en Facebook
Twitter @pmaids
AquĂ­ les dejo como siempre mi playlist del grupo en mi canal de YouTube.
Si quieres que publique acerca de algĂșn grupo en particular u otras sugerencias no dudes en dejar tu comentario.
Hasta pronto...\m/
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