#All the Host goop went into Henry even when they went in the past
haunted-hijinxer · 2 years
What was the worst ending you had planned for Season 1 of the 'call of cthulhu: haunted hijinx' scenario?
Hahaha! Oh boy, what a fun question! Especially since we all kind of expected the first scenario to be standalone when we started...
I remember when I first pitched the first scenario, I had the vague thought that the scenario could potentially end up being a precursor to canon BatIM events. An explanation of the Ink Machine’s origins powered by the Stone, Joey perhaps resenting Henry’s prioritizing of his family and fueling his desire to force him closer until he ultimately pushes him away, while Henry is all the more disinclined to stay if Joey keeps practicing magic after the horrors it already brought to them… 
It was tidy! But I am soooo delighted this isn’t what ultimately happened, haha!
But while that was one possibility that had crossed my mind as plausible… the worst? 
I suppose the biggest failure case I considered is that the ritual is completed.
Host Joey spawns Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos into the world fully, not just an echo or an aspect, and the boys neither die before this happens to reset the loop nor manage to open a portal to the past by touching the eye of the Host where part of Joey’s soul was imprisoned.
Nyarlathotep walks the earth as a skyscraper-tall tangle of tentacles and madness, and decimates a significant portion of Haiti before he finally fades from this reality once again. The JDS boys are either driven completely mad and taken into his dubious service, manage to escape knowing an entire nation is paying the price, or die...and stay dead. 
After all, once Nyarlathotep emerges fully from the conduit of Joey’s mortal form, Joey is no longer the Host, is he? So all deals contingent on that state… are off. 
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