#All in all Serana is a curious vampire about everything and I love her for it c:
oblivions-dawn · 1 year
As a fellow fan of Serana, I’d love to hear a bit more about your headcanons about her opinion of Skyrim’s guilds and factions 🙂
OOOOOO!! You've come to the right place uwu
The most obvious one to start with is the College of Winterhold. I imagine that Serana went there in her youth/before her transformation with her mother, hence her shock in Petrichor when she sees it again for the first time since the town of Winterhold was once a city, and got reduced to shambles. She likes the college well enough--it has books upon books and reminds her of her time as a human, even if those memories are. Very fuzzy.
Serana still has no idea the Bards College exists at this point, as it was founded after the establishment of the First Empire [and it's implied she doesn't know what that is when she first wakes, therefore, she wouldn't know about this college--only about the Solitude she knew in her youth]. When she does hear about it, she would probably try to go see it, as curiosity always gets the better of her. I think she would like it, too.
Assassins have been around for a very long time, and even if Serana wasn't aware of them back then, she certainly is now. Although she's technically only met one member of the Dark Brotherhood in Petrichor thus far, I think she would find them amusing . . . or really, really strange. And, of course, she always found them intriguing in the stories she read before she was locked up.
Serana will actually get to visit the Thieves Guild in the sequel I'm working on, which I'm very excited to write about. I think she'll be curious, and also amused and wary of some of the members she meets. She won't be sure what to make of them living underground in the sewers, but Serana herself is familiar with that kind of territory anyway, so she'd respect it on some level.
Serana will also get to meet the Companions in the sequel, and will be able to tell who's a werewolf from a mile away just from smell alone. I could go into detail about everyone she would/wouldn't get along with, but I think overall she'd find them okay. They seem like a noble bunch, all things considered.
I don't think Serana cares for either the Imperials or Stormcloaks in the civil war, as she has nothing to do with either party. She also picks up this opinion largely because the companion she travels with, Vigdis, doesn't care about them either, and sees them both as enemies in a 'you're just exploiting Skyrim's resource for your own gains and killing each other for greed' kind of perspective.
OH AND OF COURSE! There's the Dawnguard! She has lots of opinions when it comes to them. In the end I think she warmed up to them? Kind of?? At least, she doesn't blame them for taking up the cause that they've chosen. Everyone still hates Isran, but Florentius and Agmaer are nice enough. Vigdis is. A different story that I won't get into here hehe.
Then, y'know, her own vampire clan, which at this point she feels so removed from it doesn't feel like it's her clan or home anymore, save for her mother Valerica. It's tainted beyond recognition, and that hurts her more than anything else.
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Serana falling in love with Dragonborn!s/o
So I've been burnout lately so in attempts to get back into swings of things, here's a self indulgent request that no one asked for and I guess I write for the elder scrolls now.
From the very moment she fell out of that coffin at Dimhollow Crypt, Serana would never saw her life leading up to this point where she is now; from the treacherous journey to the Soul Cairn leading to the reunion with her mother, the beauty of the Ancestor Glade, the dangerously stupid fall down Darkfall Grotto, to getting your hands on Auriel's bow to put an end to the prophecy and the life of her father - all these things done with someone as amazing as you right by her side and she’s forever internally grateful for everything that you’ve done.
Now even with that, love is something that’s...a delicate matter for her for lots of good and valid reasons given everything vile that came with becoming a daughter of coldharbour and that she really doesn’t know all that much about the current state of the world since her thousand year slumber, so commitment isn’t something that she’s ready for a very long while. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have feelings for you, over the course of your father-slaying journey together that’s something she is most definitely aware of with the particular moment she can recalling being aware of it these feelings swelling in her being when you were marching around, sparkling, with a slab of tree bark in your hands muttering curses to any god that came to your head as you were swarmed in Ancestor moths. It was...adorably cute and it was such an amusing sight to behold. 
After Harkon’s defeat and with Skyrim safe from the Vampire overrule threat the two of you continued to journey the land together, traveling from Hold to Hold and getting into more and more adventures and fetch quests together. Everyday didn’t have a single boring quality to it, the town of you were always going out and killing or looting something together, even with her ‘undead’ status she never felt more living. 
In the down time the two of you did have, a hobby the two of you share is storytelling (Usually when you have to make camp for the night or when you stay at inns) for both of your benefits; when it’s her turn you get to learn about what the world was like before the Septim Empire and when it’s yours Serana gets to hear tales of what it was like while she was sleeping, most notably the tale of the Oblivion Crisis which was the start of the downfall of the Empire and why it’s...how fucked it is today. 
With her Vampire powers, Serana tends to heal herself very quickly now while you as dragonborn do as well, you still get very beat up from time to time especially when it comes to having to deal with giants and their mammoth herd or when roaming large dwemer ruins and fighting off the old machinery of the ancient dwarves. So there's times where she has to deal with your injuries whether it being finishing up killing the last few foes in the room or just sitting on the floor with you waiting for you to heal back at the relatively decent but sometimes slow at times pace because you either forgot to buy enough of the necessary potions you need the last time you were in town or you chugged all of them down much earlier on dealing with a hard enemy. When this happens you either tease and joke at each other whether it be by the predicament you're in or Serana just mentions something like the one time you got so wasted with a daedric prince you proposed to a Hagraven (and breaking said Hagraven; Moira's heart) because that's something she's never going to let you down on, which leaves you with heat on your cheeks as you further repressed that whole night back out of your head. But on the bright side with her teasing it does make her giggle, which makes the embarrassment quite worth it.
Much later into your companionship together our both of your mutual romantic feelings know, and again with love/commitment being a thing Serana isn't yet ready for, you surprise her, when she turns down your confession and starts explaining herself you stop her - giving her one of the most loving gentlest smiles she's ever seen and tell her it's fine that after everything that happened she deserves time for her own personal recovery for her build up trauma and that your more than happy to support her by standing at her side as her partner in arms, dragging her in your silly dragonborn shenanigans - killing dragons, helping people in need, and maybe stealing the occasional sweet roll that whenever she feels right, you'll be waiting for her to go at the pace she needs to whenever that may be. 
Your words mean more to her more than you could possibly realize as she tackles you in an off guard hug, her face tucked in your neck/chest (depending on your height) and she mutters out a thank you, her voice barely above a whisper as everything just hits her at once. She does love you and a part of her screams at herself that she doesn't deserve someone such as amazing and caring as you but as she clings onto you something else tells her with this wonderful ache in her dead chest to never let go and lose herself in the feeling of being held by you. 
Sometime later down the road, after Alduin has been slayed, the rocky civil war settled, and the Holds at peace at last you and Serana pack up to leave Skyrim, the taste of adventure still not yet quenched and Serana still curious on what the state of the rest of Tamriel is like after a thousand years of slumber, this time hand in hand as you set off past Skyrim's border and set off for your next destination. Together at your own pace, now and forever. 
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