#Aliciaverse Masterpost
Aliciaverse Masterpost
The Aliciaverse is a Buffyverse continuity set after my Iron Coin Chronicles fic series, it is a ‘2nd Generation’ verse, centering on the character Alicia Lehane, daughter of Faith Lehane and Amy Lehane née Madison as she goes to college at UC Berkeley, starting in Freshman year, in 2027. Apart from Alicia, the main other characters are Kathryn Lockley, Daniel Chase-Harris, Jacobo “Jack” Rosado, Talia McDermott and Dr. Carter Williams. Technically, there are two other OCs in this verse, but they aren’t part of the semi-planned Aliciaverse stories - Jennifer Joyce “JJ” Chase-Harris and Iris Alonna Gunn. They exist off to the side, and are not present in Berkeley at all.
The technical divergence, of course, is the events of the Iron Coin Chronicles starting in Season 3 Buffy, which are still being written. However, for the purposes of understanding the Aliciaverse, you don’t need to know all the intricate details about every in and out of the ICC. What you do need to know is as follows:
Xander and Cordelia never break up, Cordelia manages (with Willow’s help) to secure enough of her money to go to UC Sunnydale for two years until, in the aftermath if Glory’s defeat, Xander and Cordelia move to Sacremento (Cordelia transfers to UC Sacremento, Xander transfers to the Sacremento branch of the construction company) because its finally time to move off the Hellmouth. They of course stay in touch with their friends and help with major crises when needed. They get married and have two children: Daniel Chase-Harris and Jennifer Joyce “JJ” Chase Harris.
Amy Madison never gets turned into a rat, joins up with the Scoobies, and becomes friends with, and eventually falls in love with (and gets fallen in love with by) Faith Lehane. Faith, for a number of reasons, doesn’t go Evil, doesn’t end up in a coma, and sticks around in Sunnydale helping Buffy until she too moves out of Sunnydale shortly after Glory’s defeat, when she gets a Slayer Dream that suggests she needs to move to L.A. Eventually, Amy and Faith get married, and Amy gets pregnant with (thanks to an accident involving a stolen fertility idol) their child, Alicia Lehane
Oz dies during Willow’s freshman year in a freak accident. While it takes longer than in canon due to Willow’s grieving and mourning, Willow and Tara do eventually get together, WIllow realizes she’s gay (though she never believes she didn’t love Oz), etc. They stay on the Hellmouth and eventually become foster parents. I have yet to decide if they have or adopt children of their own at some point. Oh, and Oz bit Willow by accident some time before he died, so Willow is a werewolf.
Spike and Drusilla are given souls during the fight against Adam, as they were working for him, and Buffy & Co. needed a way to find out what Adam had planned (and torture was rejected as a plan). They flit in and out of the Sunnydale/L.A. Area, but are often off on their own, fighting demons and vamps in other parts of the country.
Buffy and Riley still break up (Angel still goes to L.A.) and admittedly, what Buffy’s relationship status in 2027 looks like remains undecided. Buffy stays on the Hellmouth, and indeed, is still on the Hellmouth, in 2027. By then it’s a lot calmer and more controlled than her High School and college days. Buffy never died defeating Glory, and the First never tried to destroy the Slayer Line.
Wesley never gets fired, stays Faith’s watcher, and eventually he works out a fairly solid rapport and Watcher-slayer relationship with Faith, albeit not one remotely like what he’d been trained to expect. He is Alicia’s ‘Uncle Wesley’ he’s the reason Alicia has the bad habit of drinking tea. He goes to L.A. with Faith when she gets her slayer dreams, but not before, and never really joins ‘Team Angel’ formally. (he’s on Team Faith, which works with Team Angel a lot, but they are separate) His relationship status remains undecided.
Angel went to L.A. and meets up with Doyle, who doesn’t die against the Scourge. Harriet Abrahams (formerly Harriet Doyle), Doyle’s ethnodemonologist ex, also joins up with Angel to help him on the demon front, and she and Doyle eventually reconnect and get back together.
Kate Lockley and Angel manage a better working partnership, and after one too many instance of police procedure getting in the way of solving/fighting supernatural crime, Kate Lockley quits the police and forms Lockley Investigations as a PI firm, which Angel nominally becomes an employee of (Angel Investigations was never formed in this AU) as useful cover for his activities. Eventually, Kate and Angel get together. No ‘perfect happiness’.
Darla still comes back, and Angel still goes overboard because of her. She is still turned into a vampire, Angel sleeps with her. I’m torn on if she gets ensouled at some point. Darla ends up skipping town on Angel regardless, only coming back when she is 9 months pregnant. In the end, she gives her life for her daughter,  who is named Kathryn after Angel’s baby sister (much as canon Connor was named for Angel’s dad). Kate ends up formally adoping Kathryn when the girl is two (by that point she was already ‘mommy’ to the girl) since Angel still kind of doesn’t exist, legally speaking.
Gunn and Fred still join Team Angel, more or less as they did in canon, and they get together, eventually having a daughter, Iris Alonna Gunn
Kathryn eventually moves to Seattle after graduating college to become a Champion and Supernatural PI there - but a run in with an Evil Cult will see her come to UC Berkely. 
Though not for lack of trying on Holtz’s part, Kathryn doesn’t get kidnapped (not for long anyway) and doesn’t go to a Hell Dimension. She is raised in L.A. alongside (in time) Alicia and Iris, viewing both as little sisters/cousins (and she saw Daniel and JJ a lot growing up too, since there were a lot of visits between all the extended Angel and Scooby Gangs over the years)
Talia McDermott (Alicia’s Roommate), Jacobo “Jack” Rosado (Initially Daniel’s Boyfriend) and Dr. Carter Williams (an ethnodemonologist who worked with Kathryn in Seattle) are also characters in the storyline’s centered on Alicia’s adventures at UC Berkeley.
Post Registry
Aliciaverse Characters:
Meme Fill/Answer Post on Doctor Carter Williams (Faceclaim - Idris Elba) 
Meme Fill/Answer Post on Talia McDermott (Faceclaim - Amber Stevens West)
Meme Fill/Answer Post on Alicia Lehane, Daniel Chase-Harris and Kathryn Lockley (Facelaims -Luisa Devushka, Tyler Posey and Cara Delevingne respectively)
Kathryn Lockley Formal Writeup
Daniel Chase-Harris Formal Writeup
Alicia Lehane Formal Writeup
Talia McDermott Formal Writeup
Jacobo “Jack” Rosado has no formal writeup or meme answers at this time. His facelaim is Adam Irigoyen, however.
Aliciaverse Shortfics:
A Memory She Couldn’t Share - Ghost Darla watches sleeping Kathryn
Brief Domestic Xandelia Married Life shortfic - Promptfic
Kate and Angel pinned down by W&H Goons Shortfic - Promptic
Mommy Please! - 16 year old Alicia witnesses her mother having a panic attack
Faith and Amy Bingewatching Together Shortfic - Prompt Fic
At Least A Million Words - Jack and Daniel briefly discuss the intricacies of Daniel’s extended ‘family’ of defacto Aunts and Uncles
First Day - The First Day for Alicia at UC Berkely
Faith Thinks Motherhood Is a Good Look On Amy Shortfic - Promptfic
Aliciaverse Aesthetics
Daniel/Alicia Aesthetic made by @wlwbuffy
Kathryn Lockley Aesthetic made by @wlwbuffy
Daniel Chase-Harris Aesthetic made by @wlwbuffy
Aliciaverse Headcanons
Cordelia Chase-Harris and Local Theater
Faith and Amy Aliciaverse Relationship Headcanons (Meme Answer)
Faith and Amy “Firsts” Aliciaverse Headcanons (Meme Answer)
Faith and Amy Relationship Headcanons Aliciaverse (Meme Answer)
How Daniel Got His Name 
Assorted Aliciaverse Headcanons
Headcanons and Questions about Alicia (Meme Answer)
Headcanons and Questions about Daniel (Meme Answer)
Daniel Coming Out As Bi
How Xander and Cordelia raise Daniel
How Faith and Amy Raise Alicia
Faith and Amy Parenting Fears relating to Alicia
The “If Faith and Amy Had a Kid” Meme Answer that Spawned the entire Aliciaverse
Chase-Harris Family Headcanons
Headcanons About Kathryn & Her Life
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kyliafanfiction · 6 years
I just noticed that your Aliciaverse master post isn't up at the top of the page. Did you scrap that or just replace it with something else?
The Aliciaverse masterpost is on my old blog. This isn’t actually the same blog I’ve been using since December 2013. Its the same URL because I’m in the process of moving blogs, but the old blog (now called @kyliafanfiction-archive) was simply too large and too unweildy in terms of tags and posts to be useful anymore. It had 20,000 posts on it, so finding any specific post I wanted or whatnot was more than a little impossible. 
The Aliciaverse masterpost can still be found here: http://kyliafanfiction-archive.tumblr.com/post/160250643287/aliciaverse-masterpost though all the links there are still referencing ‘Radison’, so you’ll want to change the blog URL to kyliafanfiction-archive.
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