#Alicent has like 10 and a whole multiple hour routine
alicentwhore · 3 months
The real reason I know Aegon is Alicent’s least favorite child is that she did NOT share her hair care secrets with him. Aemond’s hair has been conditioned and straightened to high hell and Helaena always has her fluffy locks in beautiful braids. And I’ve talked enough times about Alicent’s flowing, soft, beautiful, auburn mane. Meanwhile Aegon… well he certainly has some hair
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connosaurusrex-blog · 7 years
To Love a Fred v.2
The following report is on voice files recovered from the body of a man found in the outskirts of the now abandoned Star Shell City. As per military protocol, any officer that finds documents in routine infected containment sweeps are to make a full report on what is found. This report was made by Lieutenant Harper Jackson, head of containment efforts on the western front.
Report 117584-3733
Recording 1
I don’t know where I am or who I am. I woke up the other day in a dark room without any hint of why I was there or how I got there. All I had with me was the clothes I was wearing, a revolver, and 12 bullets I found in my pocket. Why I would have either of those is beyond me. After I got my bearings, I discovered I’m in a house. The place is completely abandoned and looks pretty run down. But that’s not the weird part. I tried to leave the house and when I stepped foot outside I ran right back inside. The world I saw was in shambles, most of the buildings I saw were in ruins. It’s like something out of a nightmare. It made me feel pretty lucky to wake up in such a sturdy house.
From looking about in the kitchen, I think I may have to brave the outside. There’s not much food in this house, even for one person. Which I have figured out that it’s not mine. I had some feeling for a while that it was, but I found a picture of the family who did live in this house and the man looks nothing like what I see in the mirror. He has rich brown hair, brilliant eyes, and a clean-shaven face. My hair is long and mostly grey, I have a wild beard that’s just as grey, and my eyes look like those of an almost dead man. It’s kind of sad, really. I thought I found a decent clue, but it’s nothing.
I found this recorder in one of the rooms and a few batteries to keep it alive. There’s no previous recordings on it, unfortunately. Oh well, I’ll use it to help keep my mind as organized as I can.
Recording 2
It’s been a while since my last entry. Time feels so strange. Hours feel like days and days feel like weeks. It doesn’t help that all of the clocks have stopped working, at least the ones I’ve found, anyway. I finally braved the outside and made it to the local supermarket, which actually isn’t all that far from my base. It’s about four or five blocks away. I got in there and found what nonperishables I could. Thank God for peanut butter. It was so strange walking through the supermarket all by myself. Ever since I’ve woken up in this Hell, I haven’t found another person, or any other signs of life, for that matter. There’s nothing, no bugs, no birds, no nothing, even in the supermarket. I can’t believe I’m in a place with no life. The feeling of loneliness is petrifying. I’ve tried to cope using the picture of the family I found and it makes me feel a little better. It’s kind of like having a family I can’t remember. I’ve decided to give them names, seeing as I don’t know their actual names. The dad is named Roland, the mom is Alice, the boy is Stephen, and I call the girl Harper. I’m their fun Uncle Jack. I think we’re going to be pretty happy together. This is Jack, the happy uncle, signing off.
Recording 3
I found life in this pit! During one of my supply runs to the nearby houses, I found a mouse. I have decided to name him “Fred.” He’s a cute little gray thing and I love him. He took to me instantly, I guess because I’m some other form of life that isn’t foliage. I introduced him to the family and it was a general warm welcome. Roland said Fred was welcome as long as he didn’t get into anything, Alice thought Fred would be a delightful addition to the family, Stephen thought Fred was cool looking, Harper said I was stupid for thinking so highly of Fred. “It’s just a rat,” she said, but what does she know. I’m very excited to have Fred with me.
Recording 4
Dear God…I found another form of life. I was checking a gas station about a mile south of my home when I saw it. The image will never leave my mind. Its basic shape was human, but that’s as far as the similarities go. Its skin was sickly greenish gray and it moved all wrong from how humans move. It also had some weird growth on its head, I couldn’t make out what it was. Before I could completely understand what was happening, it let out the most scary growl I’ve ever heard and started to stumble toward me and Fred. I grabbed Fred and ran as far as I could and ducked into a house and waited for the growling thing to pass. I looked outside a second ago to see if it was gone and it was right outside the house. I almost cried out, but I managed to keep it quiet. I am so happy I’m on the upper floor. It feels like it’s been an eternity since I’ve been in here, why can’t it just go away? Oh God, I had never known such things existed.
I haven’t been able to leave this house, I don’t know how long it’s been or how long I’ll be here. I just want to get home to my family, that’s all I want.
*crying sounds can be heard*
*loud crashing and the sound of something being broken can be heard* Oh God, no! *loud growling* Stay away from me! *gunshot goes off and then the sound of a body hitting the ground followed by loud crying*
I just want to go home…
Recording 5
Been a few days since I last made a recording. I managed to get away from that house and back to mine. I haven’t slept right in days, not since I killed the Growler. I keep hearing them outside, I see them every time I close my eyes. I tried talking to my family, but Roland, Alice, and Stephen have all stopped talking to me. Harper is the only one who says anything and it’s always something mean. *voice changes to sounding more feminine* “That’s because I’m being real with you, unlike the others were.” Shut up, Harper. Anyway, Fred is the only friend I have and I’m so thankful to have him.
*gunshot* Sneak up on me? I don’t think so, Growlers! *voice changes to feminine again* “That was the floor board, you idiot. This house creaks, it’s nothing new. By the way, they’re called ‘zombies.’ You watched dozens of movies about them before.” Harper, you are the single greatest fool in this town. I have no idea what ‘movies’ or ‘zombies’ are, so don’t act like you know anything.
Recording 6
I have to run back to the supermarket and find some medicine stuff. I messed up my left hand. I thought I saw a Growler and punched as hard as I could. Turns out it was my reflection and I punched a mirror. I am bleeding a lot, like a lot. I’m trying to talk quieter since I’m out in the open. It seems like talking out loud is the only thing keeping me sane.
*door opening and closing* Hmmm…looks like I need aisle 5. Damn, looks like bandages are all gone. Guess saran wrap is going to have to do. *sounds of a package opening and plastic wrap unraveling* Ah! Good as new! Another adventure to the supermarket a complete success, right, Fred?
*loud growling* NO! NO! NO! NO! NOT THEM! PLEASE, GOD, NOT THEM! THEY’RE EVERYWHERE! NO! NO! NO! *loud crying* WHY ME? WHY? WHY? *crying*
I have to make a break for it and get back to my house… *voice changes to a feminine tone* “You won’t make it, you know that, right? You’re four blocks away and the street is filled with zombies. You’d be lucky to get two steps out there. If you hadn’t bled everywhere, we wouldn’t be in this mess, you idiot.” Please, Harper, not now. If you have nothing helpful to say, then shut your damn mouth! Time to make a miracle happen.
Recording 7
I have no idea how I did it, but I made it home without a single scratch! I’m so relieved. I’ve locked every door and window, so I should be safe. I can survive this! We got this, right, Fred? Fred?! Oh no, I’ve lost Fred! Fred? Where are you, Fred? I bet those Growlers have him! Let’s see… I have 1, 2, 3… 10 bullets left. I’m coming, Fred!
*opening and closing of a door* I’ll save you, Fred! *running and panting sounds*
*loud shriek* That Growler has Fred hanging from his mouth! Take my friend, will you? Not today! *gunshot* Fred, are you ok? Fred? Please say something. *feminine tone* “Your ‘friend’ is dead. Half of him is missing, it’s even the top half that’s missing. There is no way he’s even remotely alive. You better get to cover soon. The zombies have heard that gunshot and they’re on their way.” *through sobs* Let them come, Harper. I have to get revenge for Fred. I will kill all of them!
*multiple growls are heard and grow louder as they approach* Come get some, you monsters! *several gunshots go off until the sound of the empty chamber makes its click sound* Oh no, it’s empty!
*growls grow even louder* Wait! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it! I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY! I’M-
*crying and screaming can be heard as the sounds of ripping, chewing, and growling are heard*
 Lt. Jackson’s Notes
Throughout these recordings, my team and I noted how paranoid “Jack” was and how Harper was his voice of reason, though he never listened to it. We theorize that he created this persona in order to combat the loneliness anxiety he was suffering from. His Harper persona was the strongest and that’s why it lasted longer than the others. We cannot understand why he chose to ignore the voice of reason, other than it came from the voice of someone he was not fond of, or that it conflicted with his new understanding of the world. The paranoia he felt from meeting the infected humans created additional stress on his already fragile psyche. We are not completely sure how he came to have the initial amnesia. My team has come up with the theory that there were raiders in that area that stumbled upon Roland and roughed him up causing his memory loss.
The recordings are hard to listen to, to say the least. It grew even harder to listen for me because I discovered the man in these recordings, “Jack,” is my father, Roland. The house that he used as his home base was the house I grew up in. 10 years ago, after the initial fungal outbreak, my mother, brother, and I wanted to leave and get to the quarantined area. My father had other plans, he thought the whole thing was a hoax and he was not leaving the house that he worked so hard for. I never saw him again. That was my reasoning for joining the military and why I fought so hard to become the head of containment efforts, I wanted to find him again and save him from anything that could hurt him. But looks like I was a little too late. In the first two recordings, he talks about a picture of a family, that was our family portrait, and he was able to accurately name everyone in that picture, including himself. I suppose he got “Jack” from our last name, “Jackson.”
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