#Alfonz Eichel
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Three chirpbeasts with one stone today! 1 - New lore for Vexathea trolls - they have tails! Someday I’ll actually put together some Cohesive Thoughts for my headcanons.
2 - Al’s birthday!!! Happy birthday to the edgy boy! He gets to have a tail now.
3 - Also I cleaned up this doodle from my sketchbook.
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chaosbound-official · 4 years
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Al @iolitewyvern-trolls asked (quirk free): Purrol and Cilone, I’ve heard you’re both really good at fashion. Do either of you have advice for someone who doesn't really dress up much, but would like to try?
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Purrol: Ohh, me? Err, thankk you, I don'tt knoww iff I’dd go thatt farr… Thenn againn I seemm to be knownn forr fashionn opinionss so…
Purrol: Although, goshh, honestly I'mm nott surre I’mm onne to talkk… I guessss my bestt advicce iss, try findingg a stylle you likke, andd makingg thatt yourss? I thinkk itt shouldd be whateverr you mostt thinkk wouldd lookk goodd to you, evenn iff itt “doesn'tt suitt you” orr whateverr.
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Cilone: “Heard”? Darling, have y-u seen me?
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Cilone: I jest. As f-r y-ur questi-n… Y-u’re definitely -n the right track, asking pe-ple f-r input is a very g--d start, especially if it’s s-me-ne wh- kn-ws y-u well. I specify this because if they kn-w y-u, they have a better chance -f being able t- help find s-mething that reflects y-u very well. H-pefully that's a g--d starting place f-r y-u.
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@shyyren asked: cilone, how does it feel to know that youre by far the best-dressed troll?
Cilone: Given that my appearance is s-mething I put a l-t -f eff-rt int-?
Cilone: Abs-lutely divine, darling.
(I think their advice sounds almost contradictory at the start but it does work well together in tandem… unfortunately it's so vague ahsjajdjsjdjs good luck Al! Don't hesitate to return for clarifying questions)
Quirk free:
Purrol: Oh, me? Er, thank you, I don't know if I’d go that far… Then again I seem to be known for fashion opinions so…
Purrol: Although, gosh, honestly I'm not sure I’m one to talk… I guess my best advice is, try finding a style you like, and making that yours? I think it should be whatever you most think would look good, even if it “doesn't suit you” or whatever.
Cilone: “Heard”? Darling, have you seen me?
Cilone: I jest. As for your question… You’re definitely on the right track, asking people for input is a very good start, especially if it’s someone who knows you well. I specify this because if they know you, they have a better chance of being able to help find something that reflects you very well. Hopefully that's a good starting place for you.
@shyyren asked: cilone, how does it feel to know that youre by far the best-dressed troll?
Cilone: Given that my appearance is something I put a lot of effort into?
Cilone: Absolutely divine, darling.
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I really want it to be fall so I did a fall-themed drawing! With some photographed and collaged leaves. 
Edgy art student lays in some leaves, more at 6. 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 2 years
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Al lore? Al lore. 
I’ve been vaguely working on his backstory again, so here’s young Alfonz using his chucklevoodoos. I haven’t got specifics yet but it transmits/amplifies fear. 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 3 years
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A selection of dumbass families! Descendant - Dancestor - Ancestor 
Eichel (purple) - Alfonz (lowkey edgelord), Alizar (disaster stoner), The Cleanser (self-employed assassin) 
Baaran (rust) - Troysk (wanna-be knight), Trafey (historian), The Devoted (a real knight) 
Careon (jade) - Acanoo (well-read doctor), Ahclan (tired), The Deserter (runaway medic) 
Rivren (violet) - Akitos (loveable dumbass), Arksen (rebel), The Stranger (sneaky)
They’re all still wips, but whatever. I might have more soonish maybe! 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
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I’m back from my unexpected hiatus! 
Here’s a doodle of Al being a Mood. 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
(( @chaosbound-official ))
A short, tired looking purple carefully approaches Makkea. He looks kinda concerned, and like he just wants to help. There’s understanding in his eyes, or at least the one that you can see.
Al: ( Hey, Makkea? ) 
Al: ( Y[]u pr[]bably d[]n't want advice fr[]m ~[]me rand[]m ~tranger, but I heard what happened, ~[] here g[]e~ anyway. ) 
He looks down and to the side, holding his arms close. Seems like he’s tslking from experience.
Al: ( I kn[]w it ~uck~, but accident~ happen; ~hit happen~ and pe[]ple get hurt. And ~[]metime~ y[]u can't fix it. ) 
Now he starts gesturing with his hands, as if trying to brush away whatever he was thinking about.
Al: ( And then m[]re ~hit happen~ and life g[]e~ []n and, and I d[]n't kn[]w where I wa~ g[]ing with thi~. ) 
Al: ( Y[]u l[][]k like y[]u need a hug. C'mere )  
He holds out his arms, offering a hug.
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
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Local Disappointment fucks up yet again, to no one’s surprise. 
“And now I know that sounds pathetic, that’s because that’s what I am.” 
“Oh so useless and demanding, no I will not help out with chores; I’ll bring no money or conversation, unmotivated and bored” 
“Leech Boy” - Crywank
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
alfonz is adorable omg
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
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Art Improvement Meme - Alfonz! 
My favorite little edgelord. This is just a sampling of art, of course. Between this version and the non-troll version of him, I think he has the most art out of all of my ocs. 
This first one is the first time I drew Al, circa January 2015. What an absolute Edgelord. (Please refer to the post about him I made earlier.) 
The second one is from January 2017, just something from one of my sketchbooks. You can kinda see his choker I think. 
His refrence sheet! This is from September 2017, and was the first fantroll reference sheet I did. It set a template for all my other ref sheets. 
July 2018, I tried changing Al’s outfit. It didn’t go very well. I think I changed back to his original jacket. 
And finally, his sprite from December 2018! Al officially got a new outfit, switching to a nice, comfy hoodie. He still has the other jacket, of course. 
Some outfit notes - Al’s had that dumb long jacket with the high collar since I first made him, and it’s kinda his signature piece of clothing. His choker is an iimportant addition to his design - he made a pair for himself and his boyfriend (Al’s has Vin’s symbol, and Vin’s has Al’s symbol.) This is also why you’ll sometimes see him wearing olive green. 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
413 and Character Development
HAPPY 413!!! 
So, it recently came to my attention that not everyone is aware of just how edgy Alfonz really is. So, here is a somewhat condensed history of my favorite edgelord. 
The year is 2015, sometime in Janurary. My friend and I have just watched The Devil is a Part-Timer. My favorite character is Urushihara. This is also when my friend and I really get into making fantrolls. Thus, Urushihara-inspired fantroll, named Alfonz Eichel. 
Of course, being an Edgy Anime Boy, he has the classic hair-over-the-eye look. Sometime later I went back and forth about whether or not his eye was actually hurt, and decided that it is. 
Originally, Alfonz was kinda murderous. Not part of the clown church, but obsessed with manners and with a bit of a homocidal streak. He did *not* like humans, even though he had just run away to Earth. He was, hoo boy, Real Edgy. I was trying to make a villain but I’m very, very bad at villains. 
And then the shenanigans began. 
Alfonz was befriended by a human, and was still very edgy. Then he got stabbed and met his to-be boyfriend, and eventually started to calm down. He made some friends, many of them died. He has more friends now though, he’s fine, lol. Aldon
I’m pretty sure I decided on his powers first and then his God Tier, but Alfonz is a Seer of Doom. He occassionally has prophetic visions of people dying. They’re not always helpful. 
Al is just, super edgy. He calms down after he starts dating Vin, but he’s still a sad, edgy boy with a lot of self-hate problems. There are a few timelines where he tries to kill himself, or at least tries to hurt himself or thinks about it. 
My friend and I have so very many AUs with Al and Vin, it’s kinda ridiculous. But they were all super fun when we were working on them. We had two separate yandere aus, which were fun and super edgy. 
Now Al is just a sad, tired, edgy art boy. He went from Intimidating Wannabe Villain to Edgy Art Boy and I love him. He’s not my first fantroll, but he is my favorite.
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
Fun fact?
AAAA thank you!!! 
Al and Rin met on a spaceship headed to Earth! (Don’t worry about the weird time shit.) Rin’s lusus wanted to leave Alternia because Reasons and Al was a stowaway. Rin was exploring the ship when she found him, and he probably would’ve eventually starved if she hadn’t. They’ve been best friends ever since!
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 4 years
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@tailsdoll6 I loved your tags so much I drew them ^U^
Edgelord drinks juice while being upset. 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 5 years
I would like to see Al happy for his birthday
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Here he is!!!! Rin just told him a bad joke, lol. 
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 5 years
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iolitewyvern-trolls · 5 years
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Art? From me? That’s crazy! 
But anywhere, here’s Al! I’m still working on learning how to draw backgrounds/environments, and I’m just trying to have fun with it right now, to get into the habit of doing it. 
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