#Alex høgh x f!reader
kaybee87 · 2 years
Kaybee87 Masterlist
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Here finally is a list of my fics! All my stuff is 18+ so minors please DNI.
I am slowly making my way through the Viking series so I will probably write more for the characters at a later date but for now I am concentrating on writing for Marco/Hvitserk, Alex/Ivar and Ubbe/Jordan.
Heat - Ubbe x F!Reader
Heat Version 2 - Ivar x F!Reader
Therapy Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 - Ivar x F! Reader
Loosing Your Grip on Reality - Alex/Ivar x F!Reader
The Holiday Hvitserk x F!Reader
Haircut Marco Ilsø x F!Reader
Red Marco Ilsø x F!Reader
Comic-Con Prompt - Marco Ilsø x F!Reader
An Unexpected Desire - Marco/Alex/Jordan x F!Reader
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crowleying · 5 years
Together again | f!reader
Date: 07.02.2020
Pairing:  Christoffer Schistad x Reader
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Words: 4.054
Fandom: SKAM
Characters: Reader, Christoffer Schistad, William Magnusson, (ft. Alex Høgh Andersen)
Genre: Romance
Length: Oneshot
Warnings: Angst, minor character’s death
Requested by anon
Request: Can I request imagine where Chris and Reader used to be close friends but grew apart in high school and while he was popular she become antisocial, sarcastic loner. At some point his friends were talking shit about her like she's hot but always alone so he gets mad and tries to fix their relationship but she's stubborn and hates his way of living but he's not giving up and at some (maybe after he or she is hurt) point they become a couple and people are jealous. With 173, 66 and 70, 168. Thanks!
Prompts: 66. “I’m worried about you”
70. “If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart”
168. “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything”
173. “I just really miss talking with you”
Summary: You and Chris were best friends until you grew apart.
A/N: I’m sorry for taking too literally the “maybe after he or she is hurt” part of the request. I feel like a very bad person and at the same time I felt it necessary for myself. I hope you can enjoy the story anyway.
English is not my first language so feel free to correct any mistake and I would love to know what do you think about it. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I posted a List of prompts, so check it out! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my works.
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[ID: a gif of Chris Schistad surrounded by his friends. He is smiling at his phone. Someone shoves him and he turns toward them laughing. End ID.]
You were reading peacefully in the school yard, cup of hot black coffee on the wooden table in front of you and a book in your hand. You didn’t need much to be happy. The only think you wanted was people to stay away from you as much as possible, especially in the morning. What was wrong with those people who liked to talk in the morning you didn’t know, you simply hoped they didn’t try to talk to you. Most morning you were lucky, unfortunately that wasn’t one of them.
“Hey, would you like to be part of the theatre group?” a high-pitched voice asked and a flyer was put right under your nose, preventing you from continuing to read your book.
You looked up to see a blond, nice, stupid-looking girl with a bright smile on her lips and a girl who had a funny face and seemed to be there by mistake.
Your glare seemed to scare them a little. They almost jumped back and the blond girl left the flyer on your book. “I’ll leave it here, think about it” she said with a brief smile before leaving dragging her friend with her by the elbow.
You lifted your eyebrows. After all it was quick, you considered smiling to yourself. Your smile was wiped from your face as soon as you saw the last person you would ever want to see walking along with his friends towards the entrance of the building.
You crumpled the flyer and closed the book, taking your coffee and your backpack and getting up. You headed quickly to the entrance of the building opening the door some seconds before one of those assholes could and almost hitting said asshole in the face. You walked inside ignoring the comments and the glares that followed you almost everywhere. You had become very good at it during the years. It had begun the first year of high school. You and Chris had always been friends, you couldn’t remember a time when you weren’t, nobody had ever questioned your friendship until high school. Everyone started wondering why a handsome boy like him would be friend with someone as insignificant as you were. It hurt at the beginning but you still had him by your side as always and you thought it would be like this forever. How stupid and naïve of you. You almost didn’t notice as he drifted away from you, it had begun with him being included in an all-boys group. You were okay with that, you were happy he had other friends, he was a wonderful person and he deserved to be appreciated. He still made time for you. You spent some afternoons together doing homework or just hanging out, and you had movie night every Saturday evening. You had never loved parties but Chris always tried to convince you to come with him, until he stopped. What hurt the most was that he didn’t even tell you he was going to a party, you had found out the next day, when you heard the rumours of him fucking some random girl. You thought you told everything to each other. You had confronted him about it, he had apologized and everything was fine again or at least it seemed so. However, something was irremediably broken and nothing you did could bring things back to how they were before. He started making excuses to skip your afternoons together and he preferred partying to movie nights, till he simply stopped acknowledging your existence. He had replaced you with nothing less than William Magnusson, the most popular guy of the school. You didn’t understand why he was so popular: he wasn’t handsome or intelligent or kind. You were suddenly alone. The good thing that came with that was that after a couple of months of rumours about you and Chris not being friends anymore, you were forgotten. You were invisible and you loved it. It would have been a lie to say that his behaviour didn’t hurt you but at some point you just stopped caring. Sometimes you felt angry when you saw him with his new friends. He seemed happy and you asked yourself if maybe it was your fault, maybe he wasn’t that happy with you but then you remembered how he had treated you and nobody deserved to be treated like that, hence, the anger. Anyway, most of the times you just ignored it.
 You always sat alone in the school canteen and you liked having a table all for yourself so you could read or write or do your homework without having to make conversation with someone and you had a lot of space. Everyone knew you were a loner, and nobody dared asking you to sit at your table after you had scared a first-year last year. Therefore, you were surprised to hear someone asking you if they could sit there. You took your eyes off your book and looked at the person in front of you. You recognised one of Chris’ asshole friends with a stupid smile on his idiotic face.
“No” you said going back to your book. He ignored it and sat on the other side of the table. You ignored him.
“You know, Andersen, books can’t fuck you, I bet you will die a virgin” he said. You heard his friends laughing from a table not far from yours.
“And tell me, who was the one who fucked your brain out? Because I can’t believe you were born that stupid” you replied not taking your gaze off the pages.
A chorus of “oh” rose from the group.
“Oh come on, if you go on like this, nobody will want to fuck you. Don’t you want me to fuck you?” he continued, not noticing that in that precise moment Chris had made his entrance in the canteen and was witnessing the scene as confused as he could ever be.
“Not even if you were the last man on the planet” you snorted closing your book and taking your backpack leaving him without another word. On your way out you bumped into Chris who was still standing on the door but you didn’t stop to apologise.
He was still confused and a little shocked. He made his way to the table where his friends were talking and joking about you.
“I mean if only she wasn’t a pain in the ass I would really fuck her, she is hot” said Julian.
“She wouldn’t want you to fuck her, I think she likes to be alone” retorted Theo.
“Wash your mouth before saying shit about her” Chris interjected angrily. The Penetrators looked at him surprised.
“I-I didn’t mean to...” Theo tried to say before being interrupted by Chris. “Save it” he said leaving.
 He found you in the school yard, your book in your hands as always. He sat in the bench opposite to you, on the other side of the table. You looked up and rolled your eyes. “What the fuck do you want, now?” you asked, annoyance clear in your voice.
“I... I wanted to apologise for their behaviour.”
You snorted. “You wanted to apologise for someone else’s behaviour when you not once tried to be forgiven for what you did. Bold of you” you commented.
He sighed. “You’re right, I never told you how sorry I am for how I treated you, I was an asshole and you didn’t deserve it” he said sincerely. “I just really miss talking with you” he admitted.
You didn’t give any sign of having listened to him talking but he knew you had.
“I... I’m worried about you. You’re always by yourself; you don’t have any friend...”
“I did have a friend once and he left me for a group of assholes, I don’t want to have to deal with that shit all over again” you said coldly not looking at him. “And guess who’s fault it is if we don’t talk anymore” you said looking accusingly at him. You didn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll help you with that because staying with those brainless idiots might have fucked all your brain cells as well: it was you.”
Once more you closed your book taking all your belongings and left. Chris sighed.
 “Can I sit here?”
Seriously, this was starting to be a little bit too much. You didn’t need to look at the person in front of you to know who had talked. “No” was your abrupt reply.
He ignored it and sat in front of you making you roll your eyes. It had been going on for days. Since the day Chris had apologized, he had started to notice you again. He always greeted you, he smiled whenever he saw you, and he asked to be paired with you for group works and so on. You couldn’t take it anymore. You had been ignoring him as always but, apparently, it wasn’t enough.
“What’s so hard for you to understand in the sentence ‘leave me alone’?” you asked irritated.
“I just want to make things right between us because I miss you.”
“Save your time, I don’t want you around and I don’t want you to make things right” you replied trying to finish your fish as soon as possible so you could go away from him.
He opened his mouth again to say something but before he could, someone called his name. You both looked at the person and found a brown-haired girl in a Penetrators’ hoodie smiling widely while walking towards him. You shook your head and got up, even though you hadn’t finished your food yet and left without another word. When Chris turned back to you, you were gone.
Since you couldn’t finish your lunch, you decided you would at least have a coffee from the vending machine. On your way there you kept thinking about that poor girl that looked so excited, he had probably fucked and forgotten her, while she ingenuously had fallen for him. You felt sorry for her and your hatred for him grew just a little more. You were almost there when you heard someone running behind you. You turned to see the person and you found Chris, again. You turned and sighed keeping walking while he reached you.
“Why did you leave?” he asked out of breath.
“I told you I don’t want you around” you said stopping at the vending machine.
“I’ll pay it” he hurried to say putting some coins into the machine.
“There is no need” you replied annoyed. “I can pay my own coffee” you assured.
“I know, I’m not doing it because I think you can’t, I just want to be polite” he said while you pushed the button for the black coffee.
“You want to be polite? You should stop treating women like shit fucking them and then leaving them” you retorted taking your coffee and leaving him there. Apparently, you hadn’t been clear enough, because once more he was following you.
“Please, let me prove that I’m changed.”
“I know you are” you assured him.  “You changed for the worst and that’s why I don’t want to have anything to do with you” you said, for the first time you weren’t angry, just sad.
 He didn’t stop trying to fix things between the two of you but he was somehow less annoying. Nevertheless, you kept rejecting his attempts.
You were in front of the school waiting for your brother to pick you up when someone stopped beside you. You rolled your eyes already knowing who it was. He hesitated for a moment. “I... I was wandering if you maybe would like to come to the party at my house tomorrow night. I would like to have you there” he said softly, almost as if in that way there would be more probability you would go.
You saw your brother’s car getting closer. “No” you answered quickly before getting into the car that had just stopped in front of you. Your brother leaned to look at Chris and he smiled waving at him.
“Hey Chris, how are you?” he asked friendly.
“Hey Alex, I’m fine, and you?” Chris asked back, genuinely happy to see your brother after such a long time.
Your brother noticed you tensing and understood.
“Fine, thanks. We should go now, don’t want to keep the princess waiting” he said with a smile, referring to you. You rolled your eyes. He always called you princess when you were alone but you hated it when he did so in front of other people.
“Sure, bye.”
Then, the two of you were gone.
“So you two are friends again?” Alex asked earning a glare from you.
“Okay, sorry for asking” he said raising one hand in surrender while the other was still on the steering wheel.
You sighed and started explaining what had happened in the last few weeks and he listened.
When you had told him everything and you shut up he finally spoke.
“I think you should give him a chance. You said he invited you to this party, then go!” he encouraged you.
You snorted. “I don’t like the person he has become. He treats girls like shit, the drinks a lot and he is always with those assholes” you retorted.
“Well, he is spending a lot of time with you lately, am I wrong?” He looked at you, already knowing the answer and you nodded.
“Maybe spending time with you made him more intelligent” he suggested amused, winking at you.
He pushed a little in your ribs with his elbow making you smile. “Yes?” he asked smiling.
“Fine, I’ll go” you finally gave in, making him smile triumphantly.
“I’ll bring you there” he offered.
“There is no need. I won’t run” you promised.
“I’m going out with my friends anyway.”
“Okay, thanks” you said with a small smile.
You texted Chris to let him know you would go to his damn party but you regretted it instantly. He started texting you like nothing had happened between you and you still were best friends. You ignored him.
 The following night your brother dropped you in front of Chris’ house. You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, thanking him and he told you to have fun and winked before leaving.
You had barely made it inside the house before Chris was by your side. You rolled your eyes.
“I need some alcohol before I deal with you” you announced and you found a glass full of what seemed vodka in your hand.
“Now you can deal with me” he said cheerfully. “I’m happy you came. Thank you” he added sincerely.
You downed the vodka in one go. “You shouldn’t thank me. You should thank my brother, he convinced me.”
His smile seemed to be a little less bright than before but it stayed there. “I will when I see him” he assured while you poured yourself some more vodka.
 Two hours, six shots and at least ten girls trying to hit on Chris and just as many rejections from him later, you decided you needed some time alone. You excused yourself, leaving Chris before he could add anything else, and you headed for the toilet. You had to avoid way too many drunken people and you saw some couples snogging so hard you were almost worried they might be glued to one another’s lips for the rest of their life, but you made it to your destination. You sighed deeply as you closed the door behind you. You went to the sink and washed your face to sober up a little and ease the heat you felt on your cheeks. It wasn’t until you looked at your face in the mirror that you remembered you were wearing make-up. You weren’t used to have it on so you had forgotten it and now your face seemed an artwork by Pollock. You washed it all away using only some soap. When you were finally done, you decided to call your brother to come and pick you up, you had been there long enough. You took your phone and looked worriedly at the screen when you saw how many calls there were from your parents. They knew where you were so there was no reason for them to be worried about you. You immediately thought something terrible had happened. You called your mom and she answered after only a couple of rings. You didn’t have the time to ask what was wrong that she started talking. You could hear from her voice that she was crying. She articulated a whole sentence but you only heard “Alex”, “car crash” and “hospital”. You didn’t say a word for a while, too shocked to be able to do so.
“I... I’ll be there as soon as possible.” you were finally able to say.
“Please, be careful” she pleaded you in a tearful voice. You nodded before realizing she couldn’t see you. “I will,” you promised.
You stormed out of the toilet only to find Chris waiting for you outside the door. He immediately sensed something was wrong. “What happened?” he asked softly, coming closer to you and looking worried at you.
“A-Alex... Please, take me to the hospital” you pleaded him; your blank stare seemed to pass through him without seeing him. He didn’t wait any further. He nodded and took your hand, guiding you out of the house and to the car. You had a hesitation in front of it. Your brother was in the hospital because of that hellish thing. Chris looked at you expectantly. “Get on, we need to be there as soon as possible” he encouraged you softly, from the other side of the car.
You gathered your courage and entered and he did the same.
You don’t remember much of that trip. You were extremely rigid and didn’t move. Your blank stare was fixed on the street in front of you. You didn’t even notice you were shivering, but Chris did and put a hand on your arm, asking if you were cold. You didn’t answer but he turned up the heating.
When he stopped in front of the hospital, you seemed to pull yourself together and in no time you were out of the car. Before he could tell you to wait for him, you had already passed the glass doors and were heading to the reception to ask where he was.
The nurse asked if you were a relative because she couldn’t give any information to anyone who wasn’t. You said that you were his sister so she started looking through the folders, too slowly for your likings. You were getting impatient when Chris arrived and put a hand on your back, trying to comfort you a little. The nurse finally found what she was looking for, she said the floor and the ward and before she had the time to add anything else, you were running to the closest elevator pushing all the possible buttons. Chris was hot on your heels. You didn’t have to wait too long for the elevator but every minute was an agony for you. You needed to see your brother as soon as possible and be sure he would be better soon. When the doors of the elevator opened, you sprinted out, followed by Chris and started looking around finally founding your parents. Your mum noticed you first and as you got close enough she hugged you tight.
“Where is he?” you asked pulling apart and looking at her watery eyes.
“He is in surgery” your father answered instead. He was clearly trying to keep himself together but his voice was shaky. At that your mother started to cry again and you hugged her.
“Will... will he survive?” you forced yourself to ask your father even if you didn’t even want to think about the possibility of him leaving you. His eyes became wet, mirroring yours and he shook his head. “I-I don’t know” he admitted turning and covering his face with his hands, trying to hold in the sobs.
Chris was standing there, feeling completely powerless and an intruder in that intimate and delicate moment. Your mother noticed him and, despite all the things you had told her about him after you had stopped being friends, she smiled.
“Oh Chris, you’re here too” she said drying her tears on a tissue before hugging him. He hugged her back and smiled faintly. You definitely couldn’t be annoyed at them right now. You went to sit next to your dad and hugged him.
 It had been hours since you had sat on that terribly uncomfortable and rigid chair and you weren’t planning on moving soon. You were tired but you didn’t want to fall asleep until you were sure your brother was better so you had downed three cups of coffee Chris had offered to provide. Somehow his presence was reassuring; it kept you in touch with reality.
When you finally saw a doctor walking towards you, you jumped from your sit drawing your father attention to the man. He got up slowly, as if he had a tremendous weigh on his shoulders, and so did your mother and Chris.
The doctor’s expression sent chills down your spine and you suddenly knew. You didn’t need to hear those words to know that everything was lost.
You stopped listening to him after “I’m sorry” and spaced out.
Your brother was gone and you now felt completely empty, for some unknown reason you weren’t even able to cry, talk or scream. You mother did it for you. She would have fallen on the floor if it hadn’t been for your father. She burst into tears and started screaming Alex’s name. Your father pressed her to his chest and stroked her back in a soothing motion which could nothing against that unbearable pain. He pressed a firm kiss on her head and closed his eyes trying to stay strong.
You couldn’t move, Chris put his hands on your shoulders and looked you in your eyes but you didn’t seem to notice.
“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything” he begged you.
“I-If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart” you whispered. If he hadn’t been so attentive to catch any sign from you, he would’ve missed it but he didn’t and he hugged you tightly.
 Most days you still wanted to cry since you woke up in the morning till you went to bed and it wasn’t unusual for you to fall asleep crying in Alex’s bed wearing his clothes. You went to the cemetery every day and spent hours there talking to him about anything, sometimes crying. He seemed to be your constant thought but there were some rare moments in which you smiled, forgetting for a few seconds that he wasn’t there anymore, and it was always thanks to Chris. He hadn’t left you and he had promised to never do it again and following Alex’s last advice, you decided to give him a chance. The two of you spent a lot of time together, talking, watching movies, doing the homework, walking, sometimes you just stayed silent and enjoyed the company of the other. At some point along the way you had become a couple. You were in the park, talking about how boring one of the lessons had been when he kissed you lightly on the lips. You were shocked for a moment and he was already starting to apologize when you kissed him.
As one could expect, you two were the new favourite topic of the whole school. Most of the comments were very mean and they were all directed to you. People just seemed unable to accept the fact that the fuckboy of the school was dating the loner. Some had gone as far as to say that he was with you only because he pitied you for your brother’s death. However, the comments died out when The Penetrators started speaking up for you. You still didn’t like most of them but some weren’t that bad and now that you were Chris’ girlfriend, they were always ready to defend you. You could definitely get used to this.
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sivyera · 2 years
Alex Høgh Andersen│Fluff alphabet
PAIRING: Alex Høgh Andersen x reader
WARNINGS: bad grammar
SONG: Drag Me Down - One Direction
gif isn’t mine  
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A = Attractive. What they find attractive on their s/o?
He loves your smile. And he loves even more when he is the reason why you smile. But on your body he finds most attractive your hands and face. He likes to look right into your eyes because he finds them so beautiful. He loves to hold your hand a rub it with his thumb. He loves kissing your hand to make you feel like a princess. Or just secretly hold your hand under the table.
B = Beauty. What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?  
He admires your eyes. They are incredible. They show him how much you love him with how much warm and softness you look at him. It makes him all ‘fuzzy and fluffy’ inside. And he loves the feeling of it.
C = Cuddle. How they cuddle with they s/o?
He is mostly the big spoon. He likes to hold you in his arms. He likes how you feel in his arms. You keep him warm and you make him very soft. He feels like he needs to protect you.
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D = Dates. What are dates with them like?  
Very funny and creative dates. He wants to explore the world and he wants to do it with you. Sou you are going everywhere. Mountain climbing, riding a bike, swimming in a river, exploring forests,.. In lazy days you two are going to your favourite coffee/tea shop and just talking all day. On a way home you go to some small bakery to buy sweet pastries.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…) 
‘You are my anchor’   You are the one who keeps him at the line. You keep him grounded.
F = Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
He knows it after few months. He realized he cares for you more than about anyone else. He wants to know what are you doing in your free time. He miss you everytime he’s not around you. You are the person he’ll never stop looking for in a crowded place. He also started touching you a little bit. Holding pinkies, random hugs, picking you up from behind to make you laugh, tickling you. He realized he wants to be more than a friend to you.
G = Gentle. Are they gentle with their s/o?
Very. He is sometimes gentle as if you were made of glass. He doesn’t want to hurt you in any way. 
H = Honesty. Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He shares mostly everything. He will talk about everything that bothers him with you. But he has some secrets/memories that he doesn’t share with you yet. After some time of you dating and he get the feeling of safeness he shares every little thing.
I = Impression. First impression/s?  
They told him that there is gonna be new character in Vikings and the new character is gonna have some kind of closer relationship with Ivar. He was excited. And when he saw you his jaw dropped and around him was flying little hearts. He was amazed with your beauty but he had to know you at first. You get to know each other very well he just can’t get enough of you. 
J = Jealousy. Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?  
He trust you a lot but there is still little tingle back in his head. He doesn’t get jealous easily but he has his limits. And when someone crosses his limits he isn’t afraid to show that you are his.
K = Kiss. How do they kiss their s/o?  
He cups your face to his hands, he stroked your cheeks with his thumb, smile at you and then passionate kiss you. When you have a bad day he kisses you on your forehead to make you feel better. Soft kisses on the neck to make you giggle.
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L = Love Confession. How would they confess to their s/o?
He will find creative and unique way to confess his love to you. He would write you a letter. Or he will buy you baguette of your favourite flowers come to you and ask you to be his girlfriend. You can see that he is nervous but he still give you cute bright smile that you can't resist.
M = Marriage. Do they want to get married? How do they propose?
Yes, I think he want to marry you. He will wait two or three years to make sure you want to be his even more. He wants to grow old with you. He just want to spend his life with you. You make him so happy so why he shouldn’t put on your finger that (special) ring.
N = Nicknames. What do they call their s/o?  
‘Baby, babe, sweetheart, darling or love.’  He is very sweet even with his nicknames for you.
O = On Cloud Nine. What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others?
He is like a puppy. Yes it is very obvious to others that he is in love. He’s like a sunshine so warm, sweet and kind. When he sees you his eyes turns into a hearts and he put on the big stupid smile. 
P = PDA. Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others?  
He likes to show people how lucky he is. So he shows ‘average’ pda. He’s holding your hand, give you pecks on your cheeks, quick kisses on the lips, hugging you, holding you around your waist. But the all his love he holds for you he shows you in private.
Q = Quirk. Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He is the best at making you happy. He can make you smile and laugh like no one else. He quickly notice when something is wrong with you and he does everything to make you smile again.
R = Romance. How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?  
Creative and romantic as hell. He would do anything to make you happy! Common hot baths are his favourite thing to do with you.
S = Support. Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
YES! He gives me the ‘that’s my girl’ vibes. He’s very supportive and he believes in you more than himself. You do the same for him. You believe than he can do anything he wants, that he’s strong enough. Together you are unstoppable.
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about?
His favourite topics are common future, music, animals and movies. He also talking about you to his friends and family. They’re happy for him but sometimes it’s starting to get little annoying.
U = Understanding. How good do they know their partner?
He knows you pretty well and he’s always happy when he learns something new about you. But he’s still ‘learning’. So he doesn’t know everything. Maybe it's because you don't tell people much about yourself and keep your past, present and future to yourself. But it’s different with him and he’s glad that he’s the one you trust this much
V = Value. How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You’re the most important to him. Nothing or no one can replace you. You’re his number one priority.
W = Wild Card. A random Fluff Headcanon.  
He’s ticklish so when you want to tease him you start a ticklish war. You usually wins because he’s laughing that much he can’t tickle you back. He turn into a car when you start playing with his hair. Scratching, rubbing, stroking doesn’t matter. He growls in beatitude and hugs you by the waist.
X = Xylophone. What’s song describe your relationship?    
Electric Love -  Børns
Y = Yearning. How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?  
He will do something productive. Something to keep his mind still thinking. He will think about things you can do together when you come back. Or he will think about surprise he would do for you. But without you the world lost his colours a little.
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
Probably a dog. Maybe labrador or golden retriever. Hyperactive dog just like he is. So instead of one sunshine you gonna have two.
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* = smut
Between Us*
IVAR x F!Reader
Summary: The reason why you're in Kattegat is no longer important. Ivar shows you more than just his affection, but how long will this secret relationship last?
Grey Heavens (F/F)*
Summary: A Mermaid is the last chance Hvitserk has to revive Lagertha.
Hidden Desires* (editing)
Summary: The city trip to Copenhagen changes you. You're part of Alex and Marco's life, but is it worth it?
The Masterpiece*
Summary: Ivar and Hvitserk had always prided themselves in being the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok. They had a comfortable life full of everything they wanted: houses, cars, money, and the most beautiful women. And with all of that came the security of always having the upper hand. But what happens when a bewitching girl from Ragnar’s past arrives into their lives claiming his fortune?
*all pictures used are not mine -> credit to the owner
ALEX HØGH ANDERSEN - Alex's 27th birthday
Tattoo Artist IVAR- @ jadelynlace's Ink Drinker
HVITSERK X Reader x IVAR - @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie's - Sick of the Lie
LAGERTHA x Bad At Love - Hasley
MASTERLIST Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
GIFTS MASTERPOST Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
REQUEST RULES Moodboard for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
*IVAR THE BONELESS x MagicAU x licking @mrsalwayswrite wrote an amazing one-shot inspired by this moodboard, read it here!
HVITSERK x PlusSizeReader x Bubbles - @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie's - Fuck Bubbles!
ALEX HØGH ANDERSEN- Interview 18.May 2021 Part I
ALEX HØGH ANDERSEN- Interview 18. May 2021 Part II
MARCO ILSØ- "watching with" 28. January 2021
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raewritesfiction · 4 years
These Words
A/N: my first Alex Høgh Anderson extended imagine! Thanks to the anon who sent in the ask...
Plot: [insert image here] ....well shit i have no idea what image this was; this is a repost.
Genre: fluff Pairing: Alex Høgh X Reader Warnings: erm.. have a box of tissues? --- --- --- 
Your relationship with Alex had just surpassed the two year mark and you'd recently taken the step to live together for a trial period to figure out if things would work out.  You were 99% sure that everything would be fine but you want to be sure; this wasn't just about you and Alex, you had to consider your daughter too.  
At only three years old she wasn't yet at an age where you could explain that her biological father was somewhere unknown and had abandoned both her and you before she had even been born; he had in fact left without a word when you had told him you were pregnant.  His sister had been the one to tell you he had upped and left and that he didn't want contact or anything to do with “it”. 
Alex was amazing with Sara a treated her as his own, in return she had stuck to him like glue and more often than not wanted cuddles the entire time he visited; that was when he wasn't playing her favourite game of tea-party monster-truck princesses.  You had regularly 'tucked in’ a toy car, truck or he-man in a homemade princess dress and pipe-cleaner tiara, at bed time.  Your favourite picture of the two of them had them both wearing Princess tiaras and flower necklaces while Alex held a fairy wand. 
When you had asked Sara if she would mind Alex moving in to live with the both of you she had squealed in delight then run around the house dancing for half an hour - you had taken this as a yes and told him to come over when ready.  Sara had all but launched herself at him when he walked through the door, luckily he was prepared for this and simply lifted her up into a hug; she had stayed in this hug until she fell asleep and Alex put her to bed.   The next morning you had both woken to Sara cuddling a Viking build-a-bear Alex had gifted her, between the two of you. 
This evening was not going to plan and though Alex was going with the flow and keeping Sara occupied, you were getting stressed.  Your regular babysitter was ill and didn't want to risk passing anything onto Sara.  Your back up babysitter was on her honeymoon and nobody else you trusted seemed to be available. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart. Honestly.” Alex smiles as he plays with Sara, chasing her around the room and pretending to be a 'big bad wolf’.
“It's not that it's just…” you sigh and nod. “Nevermind. It's okay.” Offering a smile to him as he 'creeps’ up on the unsuspecting little red riding hood who swings round with a foam sword and promptly slays him with a swift stab ‘in his heart’ (under his arm). 
Alex plays the part and puts on his best death act, which even you admitted later was very over acted; William Shatner would be proud. 
Sara falls about in giggles and crawls over “Not like that daddy!!”
You hope your gasp wasn't audible and place your hand over your mouth as you watch them. Alex doesn’t miss a beat and laughs.
“Why little one? Was I too loud when I died?”
Sara leans against him giggling and nodding then squeals as Alex tickles her feet. 
“I think it's your bedtime now Princess. Princesses need their sleep so they can get even smarter!”
“Prettier!” Sara corrects him.
“But you and your Mother are the prettiest in all the land! Neither of you can get any prettier!” 
You wipe a stray tear and smile “come on sweetie, let's get you sorted… say good night.”
“Good night daddy!” She wraps her arms around Alex for a hug, he kisses her cheek. 
There it was again.
“Sweetest dreams Princess Sara - Ruler of the monster-trucks!” Alex smiles and watches her run off you then off to sort out for bed.
All the while you had been going through the nightly routine you had been going over that one word in your head.  Alex was all she had known since she was just turned one year old, so to her he had become her father-figure.  Would he mind? Was it wrong you didn't stop her? Was it worse that you didn't want to correct her?  It all seemed to fit so nicely.
While upstairs, you had removed your make-up and changed into something a little more comfortable.  You had trembled a little as you walked back down to Alex who had tidied up the toys, put dishes in the wash and dimmed all the lights.  Soft music was playing from his phone and he had found a YouTube video of a flickering fireplace which was playing on your TV. 
“...Wow.” you smiled.
“This wasn't quite what we’d planned, but plans change. It's all good.” Alex holds out his hand for you to take and he pulls you close to dance with him to the music. 
“I'm...I'm sorry if Sara made you uncomfortable.” You keep your voice low.
“She didn't… I've never felt so proud.”
“...Really? You… you didn't mind?” 
“Not at all. Thought I was going to burst into tears.” He confesses and smiles warmly. 
“It did sound… right.” A confession of your own.
“It did. If she wants to call me dad, she can. It's fine with me, as long as it is with you?”
You smile and nod, the stray tear from earlier returning with a couple of friends.  “Yes, it's absolutely fine by me.  Thank you, Alex.  For treating her as your own.  Means a great deal to her and me.”
“You're welcome angel.” He kisses you softly and nuzzles your nose with his. “Hey… something I've been wanting to ask you.”
You nod and take the moment to wipe your eyes as he moves to find something which turns out to be in his pocket.
“What's that?” You frown.
Alex smiles nervously and then lowers down onto one knee. “I've been wanting to ask this but I've been waiting for that 'perfect moment’. The plan was for it to be this evening while we were out, the end of a perfect evening.  Turns out to be that the perfect evening didn't involve leaving the house at all and it was more perfect than I could imagine….” He takes a breath and clears his throat a little. “Will you Marry Me? I would be honoured to be your husband and father to Sara.”
You sniff behind the hand covering your mouth and nose, unable to do anything except nod and kneel down in front of Alex; he slips the ring onto your finger and smiles before gently pulling you into a protective cuddle.
“I love you.” Alex kisses your forehead.
After a few moments and composing yourself to the point of being able to speak you wrap your arms around his torso.
“I love you too.” 
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ao3feed-vikings · 6 years
The Roll of the Dice
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I5CsZM
by Ivarsrideordie
Words: 4600, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 25 of The Viking, the Lover and His Mouse
Fandoms: Vikings (TV), Vikings (TV) RPF, Danish Actor RPF, Actor RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alex Høgh Andersen, Reader
Relationships: Alex Høgh Andersen x Reader
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Gratuitous Smut, Vaginal Fingering, Sex Toys, Explicit Language, Roleplay
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2I5CsZM
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raewritesfiction · 4 years
Get Ready to Rumble
A/N: this...is a thing I wrote. 
repost due to deletion...
Plot: Alex boxing for Denmark, Bill boxing for Sweden. Your ex VS your crush. What could go wrong? 
Pairing: Reader X Alex Høgh. Reader X Bill Skarsgård. Warnings: angsty. ---
You step into the arena and head straight to the bar for your much needed first drink; it's been a while since you've been to the venue but the bar staff still know your drinks order.  Looking around as you sip on your drink, you realise just how reluctant you had been to be in this atmosphere again but also why you loved it so much.  The air was electric for the boxing match that was going to happen in just over an hour; you were nervous and excited.
The posters and banners were draped around with Danish and Swedish flags; Alex "Ivar the Boneless" Høgh from Denmark versus Bill "Roman the God" Skarsgård from Sweden. 
The smirk greeting you from the ten foot banner of a Viking made your stomach drop and flip all at the same time - times had been good with him but Alex's competitiveness often got the better of him; in the end it was too much for your relationship and you'd split.  While you'd been picking up some of your things Alex had left you at the gym you'd walked straight into a skinny but surprisingly solid giant.  He'd apologised and introduced himself as Bill; you had forgotten, briefly, how to speak before insisting it was all fine and introducing yourself while juggling a couple of boxes and some duffel bags.  Bill had readily helped you carry your things to your car and had then cheekily asked for your number.
Ever the gentleman Bill had never pushed anything with you and was honest about knowing who you were before you had told him; Ivar the Boneless's Viking Queen.  You had snorted and shook your head; you'd dressed up once in support of him and then it had become 'a thing' you did for every one of his boxing matches.  Alex had loved it, the crowd had loved it - you had found the wig hot and itchy while the clothing was less than comfortable.
Bill often joked with you that you should wear an IKEA hat to support him and you had added that a Swedish meatball necklace would be the perfect addition.  You had both laughed so much that day that neither of you saw Alex walk in or the scowl he wore on his face for his entire work out and spar session.  
The announcer talks into the microphone and riles up the crowds; he reads out the stats of the two fighters, embellishes on their history and dislike of each other.  Though the more you listened the less embellished it sounded; they'd never been friends but they definitely weren't even civil to each other now.  It was more from Alex than anything; his competitiveness kicking in at every chance, he'd even started flirting with you again as if your relationship hadn't happened and you'd only just met.  Bill let it go over his head and simply rolled his eyes at the comments as you shook your head and sighed.
You move your way ringside, showing your pass to get to your front row seat on the opposite side you were used too.  
"In red and silver! Ivar the Boneless!" The crowd cheers loudly and claps as he makes his way down a ramp punching at the air and bouncing.
"In blue and gold! Roman the God!" You cheer and stand, eyes fighting the tall dark haired fighter easily among the crowd as he too, punched the air and bounced his way down his ramp to the ring. 
Both entered the ring and shed their robes, put in mouth guards and listened to some final words from their coaches.  Bill turns his head and spots you, winking and smiling the best he could around his guard. 
Alex moves into position and sees you as he walks but ignores your presence ring side.  Bill matches Alex and stares at him menacingly; Alex has no intention of losing and neither does Bill. 
Twelve rounds. At this stage it was a full twelve rounds instead of eight or four; both were going to be seriously hurt by the end of it because they were going to give the fight all they had - this is what they had been waiting for, training for. This was it.
The bell rings to signify the beginning and end of each round and you bite your lip anxiously as through each round Alex gets in more hits than Bill who is steadily becoming more bruised and cut up.  
The final bell rings and you ignore as Alex is hailed the winner, making your way towards Bill to help him stand.  His six foot and some frame towers over you and he refuses to lean heavily but he still drapes an ungloved hand around your shoulders.  He limps off with you, his free arm wrapped around his heavily bruised ribs. 
"Sorry I didn't win it…" he sighs and sits down on a bench in his dressing room while his manager and trainer go about cleaning him up.
You sit and slowly unwrap his hands, stroking your fingers lightly over swollen knuckles and wrist bones. "Nothing to be sorry for. He plays dirty."
"Yeah… but still…" he shrugs carefully.
"Still a winner to me." You smile softly and look into his eyes, holding an ice pack to his temple. 
"Yeah? Does that mean I can take you for a commiseratory drink?" Bill leans into your hand a little. 
"Of course..." You nod and lean in, placing a light kiss on his cheek. "Maybe I can kiss your cuts and bruises better too…."
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ivarsrideordie · 6 years
A Chance Encounter
Tumblr media
Must be 18+ to read. No if, ands or buts.
Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen/Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Warnings: Smut, language, rough sex, and fluff.
Title: A Chance Encounter
Words: 4,216
This will also be posted to my  AO3  account in the future.
There is no Danish in this except the normal nicknames and pet words.
If there is Danish written into the story, I just put ((insert text)) at the end of the sentence or paragraph.  
If you would like to be tagged, comment or message me.  I’ll be happy to add you.
A cool breeze skimmed your skin. You stretch and open your eyes. “Oh, poo.” You thought. Alex was already gone for work for the day. On the nightstand was a note. It read:
Kære Lille Mus,
I can’t wait to see you again tonight. My heart yearns to be with you. My cock aches to be inside you. I made reservations at that quaint little restaurant in the middle of town. I have a surprise for you after. Jeg elsker dig. ((Dearest little mouse))
Yours forever,
A smile spread across your face. You roll over and grab his pillow. You feel the soft fabric flush against your face. His smells entangle the pillowcase. You close your eyes and inhale deeply. Your mind goes back in time to when you first met.
You had just moved to Denmark. You were nervous because this was your first time traveling abroad. You were walking, half paying attention to what you were doing. You were trying to figure out the names of the stores and streets. You got to the corner where your apartment was and ran into a gorgeous blue-eyed man. His eyes twinkled like the ocean. His smile lit up like the sun. He had his hair pulled back and under a baseball cap. You thought he looked vaguely familiar but couldn’t remember where you had seen him. “Maybe he works in my building.” You thought.
“Hej, er du okay?” He sweetly asked. His scent invaded your senses. You felt your knees buckle. Maybe it was the sound of his voice. Maybe it was the sheer beauty of this creature before you. Maybe it was his natural musky smell with the hint of his cologne. Maybe it was all of the above. ((Hi, are you okay?))
“Uh...” You stammered. “Jeg… er… Uhm… Ugh! Taler du engelsk?” You shyly asked. Since asking if someone could speak English was one of the first sentences they ever taught you in Danish class. ((Do you speak English?))
“Yes.” He chuckled. “I asked if you were okay.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m okay. I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. I was trying to find my street. But I found it.” You blush. You wished you could shake the feeling that you had seen him before.
“Yeah? Where? Can I walk you the rest of the way?” He questioned.
“Well, I’m here. This is my apartment. Just up there.” You pointed.
“Oh.” He furrowed a brow. “Are you going home? Do you care to go get a drink, maybe?” His face flushed.
“Oh, my Gods! What is happening? I’m not ready for this. And he’s so handsome. What do I do?!” You scream internally.
“Hello?” He waved a hand in front of your face.
“Shit. I’m sorry. Uhm… Well, I…” You stammered.
He frowned. “It’s okay. I… didn’t expect… well, I, uh...” He spoke softly. “My name is Alex. It has been a pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman as yourself.”
You looked into his eyes. If you weren’t flushed, you sure were now. This was the first time a man this stunning has ever called you beautiful. You open your mouth to say something. What. The. FUCK! You couldn’t speak. You just looked at him like a deer in headlights. You open your mouth again to say something. Nothing. All you could do was huff. Then you realized. You realized who he was. Internally your brain malfunctioned. Your crush. Your Viking crush called you beautiful. He was more handsome in person.
“Well, I guess I’ll be going now.” He mumbled.
You finally were able to squeak out. “No! Alex, wait.” You took a deep breath in. “My name is Y/N.”
“That’s such a pretty name.” He grinned.
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you kidding me right now? Is he trying to kill me? You try to slow your heartbeat. Anything to be able to talk. This was a once in a lifetime moment.
You managed to stammer out. “I would love to go have that drink but I need to do some things for work first. I forgot some documents at home.”
“So, tonight maybe?” He gave you puppy dog eyes.
Oh, Gods. Just fuck me. “Y… Yes.” You squeaked again.
“Great! So, I’ll meet you back here? It can be our spot. What time do you get off work?”
“5:30. I mean 17… How do you say it here?” You looked to your feet.
“Don’t worry about it, Lille Mus. I know what time.” He put his thumb on your chin pulling your face up so he could look you in the eyes. “Until then.” He rubbed your chin slightly.
“Wait Alex. What is Lille Mus? Why did you call me that?” You inquired.
“It’s little mouse in Danish.” A devilish grin crossed his face. “You seem to squeak and get nervous like a cute little mouse, so that is what I will call you.” He winked.
“Oh. Okay, Ivar.” You grinned and winked back. “My buzzer number is 5a.”
He put his finger to his mouth. “Hush Lille Mus. You don’t want people to know I’m out. Well. I don’t want people to know I’m out. I don’t mind the fans. I need to get back to the agency myself. Meetings and all. I’m already late but it was so worth it.” He wore a wicked grin. You could tell at that moment he was plotting. And you knew. You knew you were basically dead. He would kill you with love and punishment. Something you have always wanted.
You finally got out of bed and hopped into the shower. You loved this shower head. It felt like a downpour of rain. You ran the soap over your breasts, then your stomach. Your mind wandered off to that first date.
The buzzer rang. You were so nervous. You weren’t sure what to wear. You just decided on a cute little red dress with a light cardigan in case it got cold. You still needed to go shopping for clothes. You didn’t really want to pack a ton of stuff to take on the airplane. It would have been a fortune.
“Hello?” You called into the intercom.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s Alex.”
“Come on up. I’m not quite ready.” You buzzed him in. You unlocked the door and went back into the bedroom to finish getting ready. You hear the door creak open. “Make yourself at home Alex. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Take your time. I’m sure you look perfect just the way you are.”
Jesus. He really was trying to kill me. You put on the finishing touches and walk out of the bedroom. Alex was sitting on your couch. His legs spread. You could see the outline of his cock. You gulped. You tried to make eye contact before he noticed. It was too late. He had a smug grin on his face.
“You look beautiful, Lille Mus.” His eyes sparkled.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” You smiled. You really wanted to call him Ivar again but you didn’t want to push it. His little nickname for you was a bit annoying. You admit you are shy. And definitely around hot guys. But you didn’t think you were anything like a mouse. A cat maybe. But whatever.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Yes. Just let me grab my phone.” You went into the kitchen. “All set.”
Alex opened the door for you. As you were heading out the door, he grasped your hand. You looked at him wide-eyed in surprise. He pulled you close to him. His eyes gazing into yours. His hands wrap around your waste. He took your mouth in his. He licked your lips asking for permission. You oblige. His tongue slid into your mouth. Gods he tasted wonderful. Your tongues dance. You moan into his mouth. He pulled you in tighter. His hands slide to your ass. Alex pulled away leaving you breathless.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all day, love.” He kissed the tip of your nose.
All you could do was smile. You were sure it was the stupid sappy smile you see other people doing when they feel like they are in love. You felt your body burning. You felt weak. Your body was numb. You hadn’t felt something that good in a while. At least you knew you had chemistry.
“After you.” He gestured to the stairs.
“I need to lock up.” You fumbled for your keys. Alex took them from you and locked the door. He placed them in his pocket with a wicked grin.
Ugh. Kill me. “I might need those back later.”
“I know Lille Mus. You will get them back when it’s time.”
You descend down the steps. Alex hopped in front of you. “Ladies first.” He sang as he held the door open for you.
“Thank you.”
Alex took your hand in his as you walked to the little diner across the street. You looked at him in surprise.
“I told you. This is our spot now.” He opened the door for you.
The waiter behind the counter yelled. “Hey! Y/N! Good to see you tonight. Sit wherever you want.”
“Thanks, Joe.” You waved to him and smiled.
“I take it you are a regular here?” Alex chuckled.
“Well, for the first few weeks here, I couldn’t find the grocery store. So I had to eat here. I don’t mind it at all. It’s a wonderful family-owned business.”
“Good to know. Let’s make some memories here then.” He pulled out your chair for you to sit. All you could do was grin like an idiot. Alex sat in the chair next to you. He pulled it closer to yours. Joe brought over some menus. You put in your order and began talking.
You could smell him again. His sweet scent. Your head became light. You wanted to remember this forever. Your meals came. You barely touched your food. You were so busy talking about everything. Your life. His life. Your family. His family. It was like you were old friends who were catching up. You felt Alex’s leg brush against yours. You shivered. Your face flushed. Alex raised a brow. He brushed his leg against yours again. You gasped slightly. You heard him hum. You felt his hand touch your knee. You jumped. You managed to knock over your drinks.
“I’m sorry!” You exclaimed. “Oh, my Gods. Your shirt!” Your eyes tear up.
“No need to worry love. I have plenty more shirts.” He chuckled. He placed his hand on your knee again. Your body was on fire. You put your hand on his thigh. His eyes slightly closed. His hand slowly made its way up your thigh. His thumb brushing back and forth. You bit your bottom lip hard. His pinky brushed the cloth of your panties. You involuntarily spread your legs allowing him more access. Alex looks deep into your eyes as he lightly brushes your cunt. Your face flushed and hot.
“A… Alex?” You stammered.
“Yes, Lille Mus?” He growled.
“I… I need to use the ladies room.” You squeezed his thigh and winked at him.
“Okay love. I’ll be waiting.”
You basically ran to the bathroom. You throw some water on your face and shudder. This is more than you had ever imagined. You hope he got the hint. There was a knock on the door. He did.
“Are you alone?” He whispered.
“Yes.” You opened the door and pulled him in. You flung your arms around his neck, pulling his face into yours. You crash into his lips hungrily. You heard the door lock. Perfect. You smiled into the kiss. His hand immediately squeezed your ass. He lifted you up, setting you on the sink. He pushed your panties to the side and slid his fingers up and down your pussy. He brushed his finger against your clit. You moaned a little louder than you thought you would. Alex grinned. You felt the warmth of his cock against your thigh. You reach down between you and run your fingertips up his cock. You felt his member twitch at your touch. Alex hummed in your mouth. He kissed you deeper. He pulled you into his hips. Your pussy was aching for him. You unbutton and unzip his pants. He helps you pull down his boxers, releasing his cock. He was fully erect. You look down at it licking your lips. You could see the precum forming at the head.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He murmured. His eyes blown with lust. His mouth found your jawline and ear. He took your earlobe into his mouth and lightly bit and sucked it.
“Oh fuck. Yes, Alex. I want you too. Please. Please take me.” You gasped.
That’s all he needed to hear. With one swift motion, he entered your soaked cunt. He was exquisite. He filled you fully. You wrapped your legs around him pulling him into you more. He curled his hips upwards. “Oh fuck!” you growled as the tip of his cock hit your g-spot. Alex curled his hips over and over. Each thrust producing a breathless gasp from you. He started grunting with every push. He plunged in and out of you. The sound of your juices and skin slapping made you wild. Alex bit down on your shoulder, then kissed it. His hands grasp your hips as he begins to pound into you harder. You kiss and nip down his jawline to his Adam’s apple. You lick and nibble at it. You felt his throat vibrate as he growled lightly. He brought a hand up to the back of your neck. He brought you in for a kiss. His tongue licking at your lips. You sucked on his tongue causing him to moan. He pushed you against the mirror. You spread your legs further apart as you lay back against the surface.
“You feel so good around my cock. I want you to cum for me Lille Mus. Cum and scream my name.” He hissed. He started thrusting harder and faster. You squeezed your walls around his cock as he slid in and out of your dripping wet pussy. You felt yourself growing numb. You felt yourself slipping. You could tell by the look in his eyes he was about to cum as well. Your toes started to curl.
“Alex! Oh fuck Alex! Oh Gods, Alex!’’ You screamed. Alex’s movements became erratic. A low growl escaped his chest. It was like an animal in him was released. Your walls wildly contract around his cock.
“Oh fuck, Y/N!” He hissed. “Fuck, fuck fuck!” He moaned as he violently came inside you. His body falls on top of you. You both were breathless. Alex kissed your breasts through your shirt. He looked up into your eyes. Now he had that stupid look on his face. You knew he was hooked too. All you could do was smile. Your hands ran through his brown luscious hair.
You heard a knock on the door. “Everything alright in there?” Joe hollered.
“Uhhh… Yeah, Joe. Everything is fine.” You heard his footsteps as he went back to the counter.
Alex started giggling.
“What is so funny?” You couldn’t help but giggle with him.
“Well, this isn’t exactly how I had planned tonight to go but I’m pleasantly surprised with it.” He smiled. “Let me clean you up.”
“ALEX! Not here! Please. Joe is already wondering where we went.” You snickered.
“Okay, then where? You are a dirty girl. You need to be cleaned badly.” He bit his bottom lip.
“Go take care of the check. Get the food to go or whatever and we will go back to my apartment. Okay?”
He unlocked the door. “See you soon Lille Mus.” He placed a soft kiss at the corner of your mouth and off he went.
You sigh. “Oh gross. He wasn’t kidding. I do need cleaning.” You made an ick face. “At least my place is only across the street.” You wipe yourself as clean as you can get and leave the restroom.
“All set?” Alex questioned and winked.
“Yes. I am ready.” You put your arm around his back. He pulled you in for a hug. He kissed you on the top of your head.
You get back to your apartment. Alex dug the keys out of his pocket. “See, I told you would get them back when it was time.” He pulled you in for a kiss. “I need to use the toilet love. I’ll be right back. Don’t leave me, Okay?”
“Where would I even go? This is my place silly.” You smirked.
Alex went into the bathroom. You decided you would go into your bedroom for a blanket. You heard the toilet flush and the door open. “Where are you Y/N?”
“In my room. I’ll be right there.” You yelled.
As you were bent over getting a blanket out of your cedar chest, you felt his hands pull your hips to him. You could feel his cock growing. “I need to clean you. Remember?” He grinned wickedly. He picked you up and took you to the bed. He gently placed you. His hands ran up the outside of your thighs, grasping your panties. You lift up your ass so he could remove them. His hands slid under your dress. He pulled you up for a kiss. You felt him lifting your dress. You helped. Alex wadded it up, throwing it to the floor. You unhooked your bra. Alex pulled it off and flung it across the room. He kissed down your neck. Shoulders. He cupped your breasts. His mouth latched onto one of the nipples. He pinched flicked the other. Alex moved to the other breast, giving it the same attention. He licked and sucked down your stomach to your thighs. He kissed and licked up the inside of one thigh and down the other. His tongue felt like magic. Your cunt was already going wild. You arched your back as his hair lightly grazed your clit. He hummed. You could feel his breath on your clit. He was about to go in for the kill. You felt his inflamed tongue lick your pussy from back to front. The tip of his tongue lightly flicked your clit. Your body begins to writhe. He pinned your hips down with his hands. He engulfed your clit in his mouth. His teeth lightly biting, while his tongue swirled around it. All you could do was gasp. Raspy, deep gasps as you explode all over his chin. He looked up at you as your body twitched in orgasm.
“My my. You are a sensitive one Lille Mus.” His eyes full of lust. He sticks his tongue out trying to lap up all the juices on his lips and chin. “You have made a mess.” He looked down and ran a finger up and down your folds. “Jeg skal tunge og finger knulle dig, indtil du ikke kan trække vejret. Knæk så lidt mere. Du skal skrige mit navn i din søvn, når jeg er færdig med dig!” Alex growled. ((I am going to tongue and finger fuck you until you can't breathe. Then fuck you some more. You'll be screaming my name in your sleep when I’m done with you.))
”W… What? Alex, please. I need more.” You whimpered.
”Lile mus. You will see what I said soon.” His wickedly devilish grin formed on his face.
Slowly he lowered his head into your folds. His eyes gazing up at your reaction. He spread your lips with his thumbs. His tongue delved deep into your pussy. You throw your head back into the pillow. A loud gasp escaped your lips. You felt him smile. He moved his thumb to your clit. He circled with his thumb. Your walls collapsed on his tongue. You felt him kissing, licking, sucking on your folds. He looks into your eyes. His face shiny with your cum. You let out a growl at the sight. You lightly pull on his hair. You felt him hum against you. He licked you from ass to front. His mouth enclosed on your clit. He swirled his tongue around your engorged clit. You started to moan uncontrollably. Your body began to writhe. Alex stuck two fingers deep into you. He curled them hitting all the right spots. Your walls erratically contract around his fingers. You grab the comforter on your bed. Alex looked up at you. You felt yourself growing numb. The sweet, sweet pleasure flowing through your body. He flattens out his tongue, licking your clit up and down. You moan, groan, writhe, gasp. Finally, Alex takes one hard suck and flicks your clit quickly. Your eyes close. Your body quivers.
You scream. ”Alex! Alex! ALEX! Oh, fuck, Alex! Oh Gods, Alex!” You drench his chin once again. He lightly licked your clit well until the orgasm was over.
”I just can’t get enough of your taste.” Licking his lips. Slowly he crawls up your body, kissing along the way. Your fingers ran through his hair. The brown locks were so soft. He encompassed one of your nipples. His tongue flicked and swirled. Your body began to flush. Lightly, you tug on his hair producing a moan from him. He lazily kissed up your breast to your neck. You felt his cock burning your thigh with a hot white intensity. He took your mouth in his. Your tongues danced. You run your hands down his sides producing a shiver in him. You felt him smile into the kiss. He giggled into your mouth.
”I’m so sorry.” He was smirking. ”I’m ticklish.”
Before you could say anything, his mouth was on yours sucking your bottom lip. You unbutton his pants. He got off the bed and removed his pants. He removed his boxer. His fully erect cock sprung from them, slapping him on his trail line. You bite your bottom lip at the sight. He slithered back to you. The way he was looking at you was dark.
”Alex?” You whispered.
”Who is this Alex?” He questioned with his sexy Viking voice, grinning wickedly.
Oh. My. DAMN! You instantly came to the realization. He is giving you Ivar as well. He grunted as he positioned himself on top of you. You felt his body become heavy. He held himself up with his muscular arms.
You felt him rubbing his cock against your thigh. You pull him in for a kiss. He bit your bottom lip hard.
”Ow Alex!”
”Who is this Alex?” He hissed. ”You know who I am. Say my name.” He slid his cock inside your dripping cunt. He growled.
You gasped as he filled you completely. ”Ivar!”
”That’s right my queen. You feel so good around my cock. So tight. So wet. He held your hips down with his. His hips curled upwards. You felt his cock brushing against your wall. You reach up, digging your nails into his back. He sucked his teeth in pleasure. His eyes closed. His body began to falter. He was about to release. You wrapped your legs around him, pushing him inside you completely. He thrust wildly as you milked his cock. Ivar let out a loud guttural growl.
”Oh fuck! Oh FUCK! My queen! FUCK!” You felt him cum deep inside. He fell on top of you breathless. Ivar buried his face into the crook of your neck. His hot breath scorched your skin. Your hands ran over his back and shoulders. You felt him smile. His body jerked every time your hands ran down his back. Lazily he kissed your neck.
”Well, that was unexpected.”
”What’s that Lille Mus?” His voice returned to normal.
”You. You gave me Ivar.”
”I know. I gave you all of me.” He yawned.
You didn’t know what to make of it. You were turned on as hell but, what just happened? He rolled over, pulling you with him. He grabbed the blanket you had pulled out of the cedar chest earlier and covered you up. You rested your head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat. Again, you smelled his musk. Sweet, sweet musk. He dragged his fingers slowly up and down your arm.
”What would you like to do next?” He inquired. That was the last thing you remember. Your body exhausted. You felt heavy. Tired. You were so tired. This had to be one of the best days of your life. And there were many more to come.
You snapped out of your daydream. Your fingers were buried in your pussy. Your knees grew weak. You propped one leg on the side of the tub. Your body gives into the wave of pleasure rolling through your body. You cry out for Alex. Just as the intense wave ceased, you heard Alex clear his throat.
”You called min elskede?” He stood there with a smug smile. ”This is the second time I have caught you pleasuring yourself without me. Ivar is going to have to punish you, you know?”
”Oh yes. I know.” You knew all too well what was coming. And you were ready. ”So, what would you like to do next, Alex?”
”You will see Lille Mus. You will see.”
@lisinfleur  @therealcalicali​  @missrobyn81​  @dangerousvikings​  @ivarswickedqueen​  @bang-kim-bap​  @michaeliskindahot​  @heathen-whore​  @vikingsbifrost​  @hvitserksgirl​  @mblaqgi​  @ivarsshieldmadien​  @captstefanbrandt​  @funmadnessandbadassvikings  @titty-teetee​  @ethereallysimple​  @ivars-snowflake​  @babydoll7478  @inthenameofodin​  @ivarsheathen​  @microsmacrosandneedles  @trailerthoughtstexas​  @ivars-heathen  @wichesterwife27​  @cbouvier23​  @tierneygonzalez​  @dmv49​  @ivaraddict​  @akamaiden​  @readsalot73​  @moondustmemories​ @jxylynn-eliz​ @tayachristopher​ @ivarlcthbrok
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ao3feed-vikings · 6 years
A Dire Emergency
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2FN8Ldw
by Ivarsrideordie
Words: 2480, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 24 of The Viking, the Lover and His Mouse
Fandoms: Vikings (TV), Vikings (TV) RPF, Danish Actor RPF, Actor RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alex Høgh Andersen, Reader
Relationships: Alex Høgh Andersen/Ivar (Vikings), Alex Høgh Andersen x Reader
Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, Fluff and Smut, Hand Jobs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2FN8Ldw
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