#Albert De Saloum x reader
shy-blue-blossom · 8 days
Can you help?
Albert De Saloum
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It was a peaceful day in the kingdom, with guards at their posts, maids and servants keeping the palace clean and the residents happy with their requests.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
The sound of footsteps running past them, caught the people's attention as a girl ran passed them. They smiled as a kitten ran after the little girl. She stopped outside of a door before she knocked and waited to be let in.
"Come in," The person on the other side allowed her entry. She opened the door and walked inside.
"Big Brother Albert!" She ran over to his desk and placed her arms on his desk, with a pout she asked. "Have you Big Brother Llyod? I can not find him."
Albert chuckled before he answered her. "Have you checked the library y/n?" He got a nod in reply. "Is he not in his normal places?" She shook her head and Albert watched her pout turn into a frown. "Is there anything that I can help you with sister?" Y/n looked at him before shaking her head.
"You like magic, Llyod loves magic," Albert understood why she was looking for Llyod now.
"I see," Albert nodded his head, hand placed on his chin. "You have a question about magic that you think Llyod may have the answer to."
"Hm-hmm," A big grin was on her face as she nodded. Albert smiled as he stood up, walked around his desk to pick her up and placed her on his arm.
"Let us look for him together," Walking out of his office and walked around the castle looking in Llyod's normal hiding spots but he was not there. "He must be busy with one of our siblings, I am sorry I could not be more help." Albert placed her back onto her feet before noticing her kitten run up to her, pawing at her dress.
"It is okay," y/n said picking the kitten up. She smiled at Albert as she continued. "Thank you big brother Albert." Before he could say anything else she ran away in the direction of the gardens.
Albert smiled at her retreating form before he turned towards his office. A surprised look took over his face as he spotted Sypha walking down the hall.
"Sypha, do you know where Llyod is?"
"He should be in the garden," She bowed to him. "Did you need him, your highness?" He shook his head before answering.
"Not me, Princess y/n was looking for him."
"Would you like me to find the princess and let her know?" She asked him. He shook his head.
"She may have found him by now, she went in the direction of the gardens." Sypha nodded before she carried on with her work.
In the royal garden.
Llyod was sitting on one of the benches reading a magic book when he heard the pitter-patter of footsteps. Looking up he saw y/n running up to him. He smiled at her and put the book to one side while he listened to what she had to ask him.
The end.
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