#Alastor sold off most of the man's assets and walked away with a comfortable nest egg
blue-rose-soul · 7 months
@proshipper-on-ship replied:
The man felt a tiny amount of guilt after killing Alastor's mother (forgive me I can't spell worth a damn) so he took Alastor in afterwards, though he didn't do much "raising" aside from making sure Alastor had food at least once a day and a roof over his head even if it might've been just a shed near a dog kennel, and often still kept getting drunk and ordering Alastor around, calling Alastor a busboy or something like that for when he wants something fetched
You, my friend, are a genius.
Alastor decides to play the long game, doing everything this bastard asks of him. He's quiet. He's polite. He's obedient. Bit by bit, he endears himself to the man, never complaining even when the old bastard becomes drunk and belligerent and violent. Alastor just smiles and takes it all in stride.
Years pass. Over time, Alastor charms his way out of the shed and into a proper bedroom. The man didn't have any children (illness and bad luck) and his wife left to take care of her ailing sister some years past and never returned. So it's just Alastor and Nicaise's murderer in the house, along with the staff.
Not too hard to convince the old bastard to put him in the will. Unofficially adopting him.
Alastor is sixteen when he slips the poison into his captor's drink.
He watches the man choke and sputter, clutching his throat, reaching for a bell to call the servants. Alastor calmly moves the bell out of arm's reach and watches the light slowly fade from his eyes.
Once the old bastard is cold Alastor gets up and heads off to bed.
He's awoken by the sound of the servant screaming in the morning.
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