#Akix quest
cyverrieee · 2 years
Hello hello my dear friend, its your friend koi here. if your requests are open can i request a gender-neutral reader where venti tries to comfort them since the reader is very tired with their homeworks? you don't have to do this if this is too much or too plain for you sob <3 -Koiwrites
A/n: Ok lemme see if i can do a request 💀
T i r e d
Summary: you had too much work for your own good so someone helped you with your stressed
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Ah school.. everyones worst nightmare and probably another version of hell from what kids see it. but you were the same as them, academic lessons were okay but when it comes to modules and assignments you just bailed out, you honestly didnt care about your homework but.. for the sake of your family and your future you had to even though you dont wanna you still need. Somehow.. everytime you finished all of your homework another batch comes in, is this the pain of being in highschool? Yes do you wanna die because of it? Yes
Currently you are sitting in your room doing your assignments as usual, its tiring but its better to have it done than have it sit around and pile it. You sighed as you put your head on your study desk, you tiredly stared at your screen staring at your script for the important speech that your president ask since you were her vice president, you honestly dont know how you got your vice president role but.. you cant really turn it down, its picked by the school.. and it would be a shame if you turned it down when SO many people voted you.. so.. you cant really turn it down, even if you want to.. but.. its already done.
You stared at the papers infront of your face and stared at your computer screen.. a visible stressed tired frustrated look was shown.
You groaned in stress as you banged your head to your desk. Well you shouldnt really do that... You whined in pain rubbing your forehead. You shouldn't have done that-
Slowly you felt hands creep up your shoulders, you turn around to see your best friend! Venti. Man you love him when it comes to emotional support.
"Hi V! Whats up?"
You cooed, you tried to make yourself less tired, but that showed itself on your face. He looked at you concerningly as he starts caressing your cheeks. He glances on your work and unconsciously hugged you
"Ah- its oka-"
You were about to let him go, but he still kept hugging you and cut you off
"no its not"
He strictly said, you had to admit you were very tired writing a speech and all that other presidential stuff, now you know what goverment people feel like.
Suddenly there was silence that somehow came in, then soft snores. Venti knew he was soft but seriously considered as a pillow!? Preposterous!!
The next day you woke up with something heavy next to you. A sleeping black haired male. Yeah- this is normal, then you fell back asleep.. you are probably gonna be rushing after this.
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