#Akame ga Kill! gif
shinigami-striker · 6 months
Corey Hartzog | Sunday, 03.24.24
Same voice actor, different anime characters - featuring Corey Hartzog.
Happy birthday! 🎂
Girge - Broken Blade 3: Scars From an Assassin's Blade (2012)/Broken Blade 4: The Land of Calamity (2012)/Broken Blade 5: The Gap Between Life & Death (2012) (anime movies; English dub)
Natsuki Usami - Tsuritama (anime; English dub)
Tatsumi - Akame ga Kill! (anime; English dub) (2015-2016)
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midnightlee25 · 4 months
I have a request to make. Lamia esdeath, what would that be like?
Random Yandere Headcanons: Lamia Esdeath
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She is much larger than her human counterpart being that she is 10 feet long. Her serpent lower half is pale blue with a white underbelly. 
With agility and strength matched with poisonous fangs and dagger-like claws she is still a deadly being. 
Yet she is very soft and gentle with her darling, careful not to crush them and keeps her tail wrapped around them most of the time.
She greatly enjoys their body heat so cuddly with her darling is a must.
She is determined to keep her darling safe and sound plus making sure they have no chance of leaving she will make a sort of “nest” in the deepest cave she can find that will be hard for anyone to get in or out of.
She will still have her ice abilities, adding that her venom can lower a person's body heat until they freeze to death from the inside out.
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madmanwonder · 5 months
Muse Suggestion
What do anyone think of me adding Highschool of the Dead and Tokyo Ghoul and Akame ga Kill?
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reaper2187 · 3 months
Esdeath x female reader
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Esdeath strode confidently through the corridors of her base, her ice-blue eyes scanning the area with a cold intensity. Her presence commanded respect, and no one dared to look her in the eye for too long. Her reputation as the strongest and most ruthless general in the Empire was well-earned, and she wore it like a badge of honor.
As she reached the training grounds, she paused, noticing a figure she hadn’t seen before. It was a young woman, diligently practicing her swordsmanship. There was something about her that caught Esdeath’s attention—perhaps it was the determination in her eyes, or the graceful way she moved. Intrigued, Esdeath approached.
“You, there,” she called out, her voice as icy as her powers. “What’s your name?”
The woman stopped mid-swing and turned to face Esdeath. She stood tall, meeting Esdeath’s gaze with unwavering eyes. “My name is Y/N,” she replied, her voice steady.
Esdeath’s lips curled into a faint smile. “Y/N, is it? I don’t recall seeing you around before. Are you new here?”
“Yes, General,” Y/N replied, bowing her head slightly out of respect. “I was recently transferred here from another unit.”
Esdeath nodded, her interest piqued. “Show me what you can do, Y/N. I want to see if you’re worth my time.”
Without hesitation, Y/N raised her sword and took a fighting stance. Esdeath watched her closely, noting the precision and focus in her movements. Y/N began a series of strikes and parries, her form almost flawless. There was a fierce determination in her every action, a burning desire to prove herself.
Esdeath’s smile widened. “Impressive,” she said. “But let’s see how you fare against a real opponent.”
With that, Esdeath drew her own sword and lunged at Y/N. The clash of steel rang out as their blades met. Y/N was quick and agile, managing to hold her own against Esdeath’s powerful strikes. The duel was intense, with neither woman giving an inch.
After several minutes, Esdeath decided to test Y/N further. She summoned a wave of ice, sending it crashing toward her opponent. Y/N reacted swiftly, dodging the attack and countering with a strike aimed at Esdeath’s side. Esdeath blocked it with ease, but she couldn’t help but admire Y/N’s quick thinking and adaptability.
Finally, Esdeath disarmed Y/N with a swift maneuver, sending her sword flying from her hand. Panting but unyielding, Y/N looked up at Esdeath, her eyes still full of determination.
Esdeath sheathed her sword and extended a hand to Y/N. “You have potential, Y/N,” she said. “I could use someone like you by my side.”
Y/N hesitated for a moment before taking Esdeath’s hand and rising to her feet. “Thank you, General,” she said, her voice filled with gratitude. “I won’t let you down.”
Over the next few weeks, Y/N quickly proved herself to be a valuable asset. She excelled in her training and missions, always pushing herself to her limits. Esdeath found herself drawn to Y/N’s strength and resilience, admiring her tenacity and spirit.
One evening, after a particularly grueling mission, Esdeath invited Y/N to join her in her private quarters. Y/N accepted, curious to see what Esdeath had in mind. As they sat down together, Esdeath poured them both a glass of wine.
“To victory,” Esdeath said, raising her glass.
“To victory,” Y/N echoed, clinking her glass against Esdeath’s.
They drank in silence for a moment, the tension between them palpable. Esdeath set her glass down and looked at Y/N with a rare softness in her eyes. “You’ve impressed me, Y/N,” she said. “Not many people can do that.”
Y/N felt a flush of pride at Esdeath’s words. “Thank you, General,” she said. “I’ve worked hard to earn your approval.”
Esdeath nodded. “I can see that. But there’s something more to you, isn’t there? Something that drives you.”
Y/N hesitated, then nodded. “I’ve always wanted to be the best,” she admitted. “To prove that I’m more than just an ordinary soldier.”
Esdeath leaned in closer, her gaze intense. “And you’ve succeeded. You’re not just any soldier, Y/N. You’re extraordinary.”
Y/N’s heart raced at Esdeath’s words, and she felt a strange warmth spread through her. She looked into Esdeath’s eyes, seeing something there that she hadn’t noticed before—a hint of vulnerability, a desire for connection.
Without thinking, Y/N reached out and took Esdeath’s hand in hers. “Thank you,” she said softly. “For believing in me.”
Esdeath’s grip tightened around Y/N’s hand, and for a moment, they simply sat there, holding on to each other. Then, slowly, Esdeath leaned in and pressed her lips against Y/N’s. The kiss was gentle at first, but it quickly deepened, fueled by a mutual longing.
When they finally broke apart, both women were breathing heavily. Esdeath cupped Y/N’s face in her hands, her eyes filled with a rare tenderness. “Stay with me, Y/N,” she whispered. “Not just as a soldier, but as…something more.”
Y/N felt tears welling up in her eyes as she nodded. “I will,” she promised. “I’m yours, Esdeath.”
Esdeath smiled, a genuine smile that reached her eyes. “And I’m yours, Y/N,” she said. “Together, we’ll be unstoppable.”
As they embraced, Y/N felt a sense of belonging she had never known before. In Esdeath’s arms, she had found not only a mentor and a leader but a partner and a lover. And she knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united by their strength and their love.
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gifforrpg · 10 months
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Request: Yandere gets asked by the darling if they can pretend to date each other for a while since they’re so good looking (Yandere doesn’t know darling at that point in time). But when darling doesn’t need them to pretend anymore, the Yandere has become obsessed.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, delusion, obsession, manipulation
Please pretend to date me!
Caesar A. Zeppeli
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🫧Caesar rarely finds himself putting down a little damsel in distress, especially if you have a reason for requesting him to date you for a while. He gladly offers his help, tells you that you don’t need to pay him money for his favor. How could he have said no to those big doe eyes back then? He’s a master in courting too so there are no flaws in his acting. You feel flattered, know of his scandalous past with women though so you never get your hopes up high. Both of you have a deal after all. That all is fine and valid but the time you spend with Caesar changes something within the man. He’s exposed to the entirety of your quirky charms and habits during the following months and suddenly it’s like his eyes have been opened for the first time.
🫧You’re like a rare jewel among the crowd and all of a sudden his heart is engulfed by passionate fire of love. The presents he gifts you multiply in number and price and there’s a noticeably more possessive side on him when he catches someone staring at you or flirting with you. His gaze is always trained on you, a infatuated haze keeping him from thinking logically. Maybe he forgot within all of his ecstasy about the deal you two had, he’s genuinely shocked when you inform him that you don’t need him anymore since you’ve accomplished your goals. Haven’t you felt during all this time with him never once genuine affection? He’s hurt in his feelings and pride when you shot him effortlessly down.
🫧The Zeppeli man isn’t one to give up easily though as his mind is set on you and how perfect the two of you would be. He doesn’t leave you alone nor is your family left alone. Caesar worms his way into your inner circle of loved ones with his charm which is relatively easy. They don’t know about you two technically never having been together and convinces them that you two had a bad argument and that you refuse to listen to him. Nearly everything you say makes it look like you’re really pissed at him and your friends end up trying to make you at least listen to Caesar, utterly charmed by him and willing to help you not lose a lotto win like him. He even pops up in places where you are where he picks up on being the doting and loving boyfriend right away.
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🐟Despite working for a corrupted empire, Wave has a good heart. That is most noticeable when he is gullible enough to let himself get talked into accepting your pleads to pretend to date him for a while. You’ve noticed him for his good looks for a while now and know that he’s a good option, not to mention that his position is a bonus. He has no choice, he just starts panicking when tears appear in your eyes and you’re about to beg on your knees. Kurome and Run tease him later for this entire ordeal but Wave plans to pull through. At least you’re pleasant and nice, don’t force him into anything he doesn’t want to do. He tries to balance his time between work and you somehow although you understand when he’s busy. You’re understanding and sweet side when he’s all exhausted are key factors in the start of his blossoming feelings.
🐟You’re charming and funny and even if kind you don’t hesitate to scold others if they did something stupid. You’re so refreshing from the violent life he has right now, Wave eats your kindness and your attention up at one point. All the affection suddenly has his heart beating out of his chest out of flattery and giddiness and he’s more willing to go a bit further with affection, if you’re fine with it too. He tries to be more helpful for you too when he’s there, buys you small presents and things you need. His heart breaks though when you one day tell him that you don’t need him anymore as he sort of forgot about the promise you two made.
🐟Run and Kurome console him after they asked him about the gloomy aura surrounding him and Wave tells them that he gained feelings for you. They might not even be very surprised about this. Wave sort of stalks his darling for a while after, uncertain what he can do now yet he trails behind them like a attached puppy. He still has the strong urge to protect you from the bad people in this city but how to approach you is a different matter. Esdeath, when finding out about his unrequited love, probably just told him to take you if he wants you, although Wave didn’t listen to her advice. The man probably starts from the beginning by attempting to court his darling the normal way in hopes that he can get them to fall in love with him normally.
Asuka Ryo
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👼Ryo is a menace yet he is with his young years already a professor and also very good-looking so here you are, asking him to date you for a while until whatever problem that has appeared has disappeared again. You think the young man is less perplexed and more amused by your request as he asks you what exactly has happened for you to want him to pretend to be your boyfriend and what exactly he’d have to do. You’re just glad that he hasn’t downright rejected you so you tell him about what he would have to do and why you need help in such a form in the first place. Ryo agrees in the end as he finds himself entertained with your situation and is sure that this all could be quite interesting.
👼His behavior is unfitting at times though as you realize with time, he’s extremely eccentric and somewhat apathetic to the people around you and even you. It gets maybe to the point where you start regretting asking him but that’s when Ryo all of a sudden switches a bit. Suddenly he attempts to be more friendly with you, is holding back with his more cold words even when you or someone of your family or friend circle did something stupid. He still does whatever the hell he wants to do but he tries not to drag you into his mess as much anymore. The thought that he has taken a liking to you never crosses your mind, you’re just relieved when you don’t need him anymore.
👼Although the grin he gives you before he drives away in his car unnerves you a bit. Your bad gut feeling becomes very much a reality when Ryo indeed appears in your life again, unwilling to leave it now that you’ve let him in. You’re such a wonderful person after all, Ryo finds himself having a hard time leaving you alone. He pops up wherever you are and it freaks you out, you’re unaware he manages to track you down with ease because he took some precautions. Ryo knew that you’d throw him away as soon as the problem would be solved so he made sure to install a tracker in your phone just in case. He knows that what he does makes you hate and fear him but he doesn’t really care as long as no one else can have you.
Sohma Ayame
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🐍Ayame sticks out with his extremely gorgeous looks and his flamboyant personality to match. You think he might be the right person to ask until you’ve cleared up the mess you got yourself in which is why you seek him one day out in his fashion shop. You tell him about your problem and that you need him to pretend to be together with you for a while. He hesitates a bit but you insist that you two don’t need to do anything affectionate if he doesn’t want to. Eventually you get through him with your pleading eyes as he sighs dramatically and says that he can’t reject you whilst you sit there looking like a damsel in distress. Ayama holds back with physical affection, even if darling is male or if this plays after the curse.
🐍He tries his best to act the part though by calling you all sort of nicknames which sometimes make you uncomfortable when he gets too immersed into his role. Is this still a play? Certainly not as Ayame finds himself turning more and more infatuated the longer he gets to see what a great person you are. Suddenly he’s texting and calling you every hour and wants to know where you are, wants to be constantly with you and starts spoiling you with presents and clothes he made for you himself. If he can touch you, he definitely does now. You shatter his dreamy state when you one day call him and tell him that you’ve solved your problem and don’t need him anymore. Mine hears him a while later crying in a locked up room. How could you break up with him? You two were two pieces made for each other.
🐍Ayame, by now a delusional individual, is unable to leave you alone as he has become obsessed with the thought of you two being lovers. He’s sure that it was fate that brought you into his shop that day, believes that you two are soulmates of some sort. You find yourself surrounded by the white-haired male as he still messages you and calls you, sometimes even follows you. He doesn’t drop the overly sweet and affectionate boyfriend, sometimes is downright overbearing. He knows that you never intended to be serious but that’s just because you don’t see the potential of you two yet. He’s not very afraid of getting your friends and family on his side, might even guilt-trip you to give him a real chance if he knows that he can.
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🕳️Especially if his darling turns out to be a beautiful woman will Miroku be quick to agree to their request even if all of his friends wind up talking behind his back again. Miroku insists that he’s not only agreeing because his darling is pretty though, he senses their slight distress with whatever situation they stumbled into and need his help for. It’s only for a little while after all, nothing too serious. Miroku himself is more eager to engage in the whole act of a couple than his darling probably is and once again, especially if his darling is female he will exhibit a lot of his perverted traits. Sango usually scolds him for it and apologizes on his behalf. He’s still flirting with other women at times although you don’t feel offended, aware of his womanizing habits.
🕳️You’re surprised though when you notice after a few weeks that he’s stopped with it but you don’t question it. He’s not looking at other women anymore, he seems to solely look at you and grows more genuine with his affection. Sure, he’s still a little bit perverted here and there but he’s exposing his more mature and charming side to you. Miroku is at a little conflict though as he knows that this is only a temporary deal with you and on top of that knows that he’s grown quite obsessed with you. He shouldn’t feel this way but he can’t seem to hold back his heart that is overflowing with love he didn’t know someone was capable of feeling for someone else.
🕳️There’s pain flashing shortly on his face when you eventually break it down to him that the problem has been solved and that you don’t need him anymore but he quickly composes himself and wishes you the best of luck. Maybe this is the best way for the two of you, you don’t need someone who is utterly obsessed with you in your life. He should try to forget you. Miroku can’t forget you though and he starts growing very uneasy at one point since he hasn’t seen you. There’s this bubble of irritation inside his chest, one that mingles with his logical thinking. When he travels one day all the way back to your village to see you, he’s still contemplating what to do. His heart tells him to just take you but he knows that he shouldn’t force you. Miroku tries to be mature but he can’t help the immense jealousy when someone else is making a move on you.
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Smash or Pass: General Esdeath
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She is very hot don't get me wrong, but she's also crazy and sadistic. Like I'd be terrified of her 24/7 and her lack of empathy towards certain things would constantly unnerve me.
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viennaloris · 8 months
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~ A K A M E
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Anime Headcanon: Meeting General Esdeath
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Quick Summary: You travel to the Imperial Capital to get some things for your journey but an accident in the city causes you to meet the Infamous Ice General of the Empire - Esdeath - and she takes a liking to you and your power.
Your eyes laid upon the large city as you stood on the elevated path that led to the Imperial City, the wind blew in your hair as you took a deep exhale; relived that you finally reached civilization after weeks of traveling and spending your time in the forest with the Danger Beasts, not that you were bothered by the Danger Beasts, some of them made decent meals while the parts of others would be good to sell for some extra money.
You walked down the path and into the city, looking around at all the people interacting with each other as if they were in some kind of paradise. Still, this place smelled wrong and made the blood under your skin boil but you had to keep your power under wraps, you didn't want to burn the entire place to the ground and leave these people without their homes.
You walked to the nearest shop that looked like it bought Danger Beast Parts and sold the fangs and horns you collected for decent coin before you left the shop, your stomach growling and the need for meat filled your senses; sniffing the air, you caught the scent of meat cooking and followed it, leading you to a butcher. You ordered something hot to eat and a few pounds of meat for the road when the sound of someone screaming filled your ears, you looked in that direction and saw a woman on the ground with a man running away from her with a pouch in his hands; he robbed her.
You stood in the man's path as the barked at you to move but your normal [Eye Color] eyes turned blood red as you charged at the man and socked him in the face, knocking him out before anyone could even blink. You looked down at him with disgust before you gathered the pouch on the ground and walked over to the woman, who finally managed to pick herself off the ground. She looked at you with wide eyes as you handed the pouch back to her and turned to walk away when a dangerous scent filled your nose. You turned and there they were: The Jaegers. But the one that caught your attention was the blue-haired woman with piercing blue eyes that were staring directly into your red ones as they slowly turned back to [Eye Color].
"Your Speed was something else." The blue-haired woman spoke in a calm voice with her lips lifted in a smile. "You knocked him out before anyone could blink."
You didn't say anything, just looked at her - something about this woman wasn't right and your eyes were drawn to the stranger's tattoo on her chest that was exposed by her own shirt. 'She really needs to button the rest of her shirt.' You thought.
"Not going to say anything? Strong and silent, just the way I like them." She smiled again but she took a step towards you, causing you to take a step back, "Something wrong?" She asked.
"Do not come close to me, I can smell the iron upon the skin, I can hear the voices of the people you have murdered and the ice in your veins. I wish for nothing to do with you or your people." You said with your eyes narrowed.
"Oh? Then why are you in the Imperial City?" She asked with a smirk.
"I needed food. I was sick of eating Danger Beasts." You explained as your hand hovered over the handle of the sword that was at your side.
"Making meals of dangerous creatures? Now, you are more interesting than I thought you were going to be and I must have you. Make it easier on yourself and give yourself to me...or I'll take you for myself." The woman said as she pulled out her sword, causing you to pull out your own.
"Just come and try it." You smirked.
The battle was on.
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xbroken94x · 10 months
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baliing · 5 months
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midnightlee25 · 8 months
Is it possible a yandere cloning Esdeath ?
Random Yandere Headcanons: what if esdeath could clone herself?
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(if this is wrong let me know and i'll redo it.)
It's hell dealing with one esdeath….having more than one...her darling isn't going to have a fun time.
Having even just two esdeaths would mean trouble for her darling since she would never need to leave them for any reason.
Which means any chance of escape is gone.
There would truly be no way to escape her and even if her darling did she could just make more esdeaths to help find them.
Plus more esdeaths means she could punish her darling in more ways than one since techally she would have someone to talk about what kind of punishment her darling can have depending on what they did.
That alone would get her darling to behave. 
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theelderhazelnut · 2 years
I found the best inspo for Ombra's powers.
Lady Esdeath from Akame ga kill (just imagine it's iron instead of ice):
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justshiroxd · 7 months
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drtydilley · 2 years
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daystarvoyage · 4 months
have you watch anime’s with controversial or bad endings? And see the so called fans defend it and praise it while you are left confused and angry for not getting it like then to the point you know longer enjoy the work anymore plus seeing people who did not enjoy it like you are get harassed or get into internet arguments with those that like the ending?
Oh wow this one is a great question, now I’m an old soul who has seen a lot of classic anime in the '90s, so this one is gonna need some good unpacking, coming into anime of the 2000s. yes fully aware we didn't get the same stories from the manga to the anime so here's my 4 series, I wont say these would be in the toxic category however maybe wrong.
I say anime I didn’t like ending or not
Akame ka Kill, & Future diary
Anime I liked & watched but the ending was meh Soul eater, & Deadman wonderland
Akame ga kill
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It was a good watch, it was one of those shows that had a great action-driven pace, with a great female main, alongside a strong cast of colorful characters, however, there were some moments in which it relied too much on fanservice. I don't get the hype of this one, why it really felt its the best thing ever however it still has a fanbase also, (which normalized in anime since going mainstream) Even not even fleshing out the supporting characters, there were times I felt the plot and writing of each character got over shun by the pacing of the show & action Yknow being killing offe such cha era cuter one by one.
Future diary,
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Now this was a college watch at an anime club, I didn't really like this show cause it was kinda had so many elements, mashed into together,(Scifi & Harem tropes to an extent, not done right to the point of making Yuno a poster child of bad habits, I see Fans even ones defending or cosplaying yuno with a lewd personality justifying her actions in the show (which is understandable she was Abused, from my memory serves) Heck EVEN JOSH GRELE VOICE OF THE MAIN MALE said he didn't like it, And I Agree however I do congratulate the voice acting along akame ga kil, but come on the show was complete mind Fuck cause it left me in a doozy.
Now to the Anime I did Like But Rushed Horrid Endings
DeadMan Wonderland,
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Very great underrated show created by the same person who did Eureka seven (also a great romantic mecha show I need to finish anime-wise) This had a captivating bloody good tie with your into action horror if its not to gorey, in today's mainstream titles. however the manga takes it to a ten while the anime didn't, (cause we had a gay badass transwoman fight alongside the main cast never shown in the anime, who had a great written background alongside others.) yes I felt the show got a bad end of the stick cause it had so much going for it, in the manga, now being Cut down to 25-30 episodes, with potential remake but the ending was a major cliffhanger. I don't see a issue or toxic writing in this one since it obscrued.
Soul Eater
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Who could forget an after-school classic in my case, Its a Great series, this was one I watched, after homework alongside (Hell girl, Peach Girl & Aquarion)
I enjoyed the Anime to a high. I need a rewatch of soul eater, i did felt with time and writing progress they had the power to mash everything from the manga to the anime, understanding it takes a lot of work to draw, and pace a story like this anime with so much going for it, The voice acting served ( With Miss Cunty Medusa & Arcane Shouldve gotten more limelight to be more epic from the manga to the anime, Medusa Gave off Cyber Trakneena from Power Rangers)
AND LORD WHO CAN FORGET THE THEMES, yeah felt the show could've gone deeper or enlightened fans on the many ways the show coulda have been better but never experienced any toxicity from these Four, (glad we got Fire Force Though)
But yes felt the ending was a good one but I really wish certain characters even MAKA HAD the black BLOOD GOWN TO FINISH OFF ASHRA THOUGH.
Hope this answers everything have a starry Day.
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