#Aizawa x gn reader
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like a villain
pairing: Shota Aizawa/Reader (can be platonic or romantic)
reader's race & gender are ambiguous; no pronouns or physical descriptors used.
summary: For a few seconds, Shota and you stare at one another. From strangers to friends to partners to ‘enemies’… the two of you have a long history. At UA, you frequently talked about where you may end up after school. But neither of you pictured yourselves here, standing at opposite sides of a rapidly growing chasm. There’s a war on the horizon, and those who don’t take a firm side will be left to the dust and rubble.
word count: 2.1k | ao3 version
author's notes: The reader and Aizawa decided to become heroes after graduating from U.A. But somewhere along the way, the reader grew too powerful: and other heroes started to fear them. Before long, the reader was declared an enemy. Years later, the reader—fully embracing their prescribed villainy—runs into Eraserhead, the vigilante.
The reader’s villain name is Havoc; their Quirk is something to do with blood. I didn’t feel like fleshing the Quirk out too much, I’m not going to lie, so imagine that however you’d like.
I can't lie, I wrote this with the intention of focusing on Aizawa/Reader. But it morphed into a character study/commentary on heroes and villains, with some allusions to their past relationship. There is no explicit romance, ultimately. Also, this is not a happy story! You have been warned :3
The title of this fic is from Like A Villain by Bad Omens. I never said I was good at titles, lol.
Warnings: canon-typical violence, societal inequities, prejudice
You’re standing in the shadows of an abandoned alley, your nose scrunching in distaste as the pervasive scent of garbage and rot hits your nostrils. You make your way down the cracked pavement quickly, turning a corner and escaping the foul scent. Your every sense is waiting for what you know will soon come. Each minute sound is enough to make you survey your surroundings warily; each blur out of the corner of your eye makes you turn your head.
This will likely be the last time you meet with Shota Aizawa under amicable circumstances. And things have certainly taken an unpredictable turn since your prior encounter, all those years ago. After all, Shota and you promised to do everything together. You had plans to graduate from UA at the top of your class and build enough experience to form your own hero agency. And while you both graduated with top marks, your other goals never came to fruition. Despite the seemingly countless nights spent staring up at the stars and thinking about your shared future, your paths diverged. After that fateful day—the one you promised yourself never to think about ever again—Aizawa became a vigilante. You bite your lip as you’re forced to process everything that occurred between you—and the subsequent years of radio silence that dominated what used to be an unbreakable friendship.
You’re slightly doubtful that he will even show up tonight. It would be frighteningly easy. The thought distresses and comforts you in equal measure. Before you can fall down that slippery slope of logic, you’re drawn out of your thoughts by a familiar voice. “Havoc.”
You turn around, a maelstrom of emotions hitting you all at once as you lock eyes with the vigilante you’ve been waiting for. Eraserhead stands at the mouth of the alleyway, every part of his posture speaking to his wariness and apprehension. You feel a sardonic smile rising on your lips at the thought of your childhood friend regarding you in the same way an enemy would.
“Come on, Shota,” you say, making a show of removing your hands from your pockets and gesturing to the dirtied brick walls around you. “It’s just us out here. You don’t have to pretend.” You implore him.
Shota is silent. For several moments, he stands entirely frozen and unmoving. You’re mostly amused by the show he’s putting on; yet a small, traitorous part of you is sickened by the thought that the one person who knew you better than anyone is regarding you with such discomfort. You silence those whispers in the back of your mind and watch as he slowly takes a few steps towards you—closer but still a ‘safe’ distance from you. “You betrayed me.” Shota says, a note of something unreadable and uncharacteristic in his voice. You raise a brow, your throat burning at the accusation.
“I betrayed you?” You hum, maintaining a cool aura. Your blood is thrumming beneath your skin, an ever-present reminder of your Quirk and the pathetic justification for how you were treated all those years ago. After all, you were a hero, once upon a time. And your departure from that work was not your choice. “The hero commission wanted me in a cell in Tartarus.” You remind him pointedly. The thought makes you grip your upper arm tightly, desperate for an anchor to reality. Unsettlingly realistic images invade your thoughts, sending you to rot in a blinding white cell surrounded by some of Japan’s most dangerous villains.
“It was for your own good,” Shota recites. You regard him for a long moment, surprised that he still believes the lie he was spoon-fed. After all, Shota was there for you throughout your training at UA: he knew how well you were able to control your Quirk. The hero commission was not trying to protect you—they were trying to contain you.
“You would have me locked away for the rest of my life,” you say hollowly. “I was nothing more than an experiment, a liability.”
He shakes his head, a minute slip in composure hinting at his frustration. It’s gone in a flash. “We used to have the same dream.” To save those who can’t save themselves, you recall. To protect those in danger. “This isn’t the way to achieve it,” Shota gestures towards you.
“And heroism is?” You scoff wryly, unable to resist a broken laugh at the irony. “Come on, Shota. You’re barely a hero yourself.” The air falls silent at the accusation.
“Right, because I’m too self-serving.” Shota then recalls, with the practiced ease of someone who has constantly been questioned and unfairly scrutinized. You’re not surprised by the admission, but you are disappointed.
“You know I don’t believe that,” you squint at him. Shota blinks for a second, seemingly surprised by your argument. “But everyone else does. I don’t understand why you let them treat you as some sort of monster.”
That remark hits home. You see him flinch. You’ve uttered nothing slanderous—it is all the horrible, uncompromising truth. Yet he refuses to acknowledge it. “You’re the monster.” Shota says. You notice that he’s been steadily breaking the distance between you. You take a few steps forward, until you’re only one step away from him. You’re close enough to see the emotions warring in his eyes, the tension pulling his shoulders tight, the helplessness clenching his fists at his sides.
“Oh, Shota,” you whisper, reaching out to trace your finger along his cheekbone. He shudders. “You don’t even believe that.” You hum, studying his expression. Indeed, the remark was deflective, rather than accusatory. You both know it. But you’re not the one denying it.
The vigilante grabs your wrist roughly, pushing it away from his face. You let your hand fall back to your side, but make no move to enforce the distance between the both of you. Shota doesn’t budge either; you can’t help but wonder what he’s trying to do. Maybe, just maybe, your words are getting to him.
Suddenly driven, you continue speaking. “You’re many things: a hero is not one of them.” You remark. Coming from you, that statement is a compliment; to him, it is a great offense. “You’re an outlier, an outcast. You don’t subscribe to the politics of it all. You think that refusing to play will win you the game.”
There’s a constant, low hum from the cars driving past on nearby streets and the electricity powering the city’s brightness. The warmth is a contradiction, a façade that hides the griminess of the shadows threatening to weigh the city down. Beneath the starless sky, there are countless people suffering. Yet heroes are so quick to romanticize it—to look up at the sky as if existence is a gift. Perhaps to them, it is.
“But you won’t win,” you say with a sad smile. The night air seems to fall still around you, hanging in suspense as it awaits your words. “You can’t change the system by working within it and bending to its rules.”
Shota frowns. “Can’t I?” He argues. You squint and attempt to see things from his perspective. Sure, Eraserhead has made an impact. But one vigilante isn’t enough to change an entire society’s structure. Currently, Japan relies on Quirks to survive—it relies on heroes to serve as figureheads and villains to serve as enemies. Such a polarizing binary won’t bend to the whims of one single person, regardless of how determined that person may be.
Moreover, is his unrelenting vigilantism even sustainable? You both know it isn’t, even if Shota doesn’t wish to recognize it. You just shake your head, your chest heavy as you slowly start to come to terms with his stubbornness. It’s almost a lost cause. But something in you refuses to give up on him. It’s foolish, maybe. But you don’t want to see him break under the pressure. “They’re going to eat you alive, Shota,” you warn, “Bleed you dry, until there’s nothing left for you to give.” Your voice is deceptively calm.
“Poetic,” Shota remarks dryly. His voice is ever so slightly strained. If you didn’t have a long history with him, you wouldn’t have noticed. But you do notice, and the slight break of his voice only pushes you to continue.
“You know it to be true,” you assert. For a few seconds, the two of you stare at one another. From strangers to friends to partners to ‘enemies’… Shota and you have a long history. It’s ironic to think back to the conversations you had about life after school. Ultimately, neither of you pictured yourselves here: standing at opposite sides of a rapidly growing chasm. There’s a war on the horizon, and those who don’t take a firm side will be left to the dust and rubble.
You reflect on his words from a few moments ago. “I may be a monster.” You acquiesce after a few seconds. Shota’s brows drift up his forehead as he stares at you in poorly hidden surprise. You bite the inside of your cheek hard. “But at least I’m not lying to myself.”
Shota’s eyes flash a brutal crimson. For a moment, everything in you seems to fall still. The constant feeling of connection threading you together is fading. You stand there with your arms crossed over your chest, silently challenging him to do what he’s been told to do. Eventually, Shota sighs and deactivates his Quirk.
“Heroes only arrive after the damage has been done,” you murmur, trying to get through to him. “They don’t attempt to heal the society that has wronged many people—the society that has pushed them down and preyed on them until they have no other option but to resist. Heroes protest the existence of the same villains they create.”
Shota is quiet, but you can see the accusatory gleam in his eyes. You frown. “I don’t have a penchant for cruelty, Shota,” you maintain, sensing his argument even if he doesn’t utter it. “I only want justice.” The city bustles with life around you, yet in a nondescript alleyway, you are invisible to all. The heroes never venture this far south, and it doesn’t take long to realize why. The filthy walls, the discarded trash, and the disadvantaged people crowding the pavement are all a living contradiction to their comfort.
“But, maybe you’re right,” you admit. Shota’s eyes snap up to yours. A light breeze rustles your skin, blowing through Aizawa’s jet-black hair. Your hand twitches with restless energy. Your blood runs along your veins, crawling up your skin and threatening to burst. Even with your exceptional control over your Quirk, you feel its energy pushing back against you. “I have changed.” You admit.
Shota is silent. He has not spoken in several minutes. You can only hope he’s digesting everything you’ve said. You take a slow breath. “I grew up,” you state. Your next statement is spoken with an eerie tranquility. “You didn’t.” Indeed, past Shota’s lean stature and mature outlook, a naive hope for peace remains. The vigilante inhales sharply. The stiff air almost seems to ring in your ears and prickle along your skin.
You study him for a long moment, scrutinizing him. Shota looks exhausted—plagued by a fatigue that sleep can’t fix. He is often tired, but there’s an unfamiliar weariness clinging to his form. He isn’t tired from lack of sleep; he’s tired of fighting for a society that ostracizes him. He’s fighting a battle he was destined to lose. And even if he does manage to win, he will receive little to no gratitude. Shota is drowning in the expectations of others, forcing himself to fit into a black-and-white world. But he has always been overwhelmingly grey.
“When they push you past your breaking point, they will discard you and leave you to die,” you continue. Indeed, in a society filled with countless people with powerful Quirks, heroes are more than expendable. They are treated as tools and weapons. The moment they malfunction, misfire, or break… they’re scrapped. You stare at Shota, unable to stop yourself from noticing the signs of a hero who has overworked themself. Scars crawl across his face; his knuckles are bloodied; his eyes are shadowed by prominent dark circles. You swallow past the inexplicable urge to reach out to Shota, instead dragging your eyes to meet his gaze one last time. “And I’m afraid I won’t be there in time to pull you from the wreckage.”
Despite the unsettling quiet, there’s a buzzing feeling assaulting your ears and weighing your shoulders down. It feels remarkably similar to grief. Yes, you’re more than familiar with the feeling of horrid, inexplicable anticipation—death is always following on its heels. If Shota pushes himself too far, there will be nothing left to heal. You stare into Shota’s eyes and see nothing but his own demise reflected in them.
thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat
friendly reminder that i don't give permission for my writing to be shared to other sites, stolen, copied, translated, or used in any way. thanks!
#defectivevillain#shota aizawa#eraserhead#mha x reader#bnha x reader#mha x gn reader#gn reader#male reader#transmasc reader#nb reader#Shota Aizawa x reader#Aizawa x gn reader#aizawa x małe reader#etc etc
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Whose turn is it to feed the cat?
Aizawa x (GN) Reader:
Genre: Fluff? Warning(s): Minor argument, kisses, use of nickname (love) Word Count: 269 Key: •=Aizawa Talking >= You Talking Background: You are a pro hero and are married to Aizawa.
It was another long night for you. You’ve been working on a really big case, and due to the crime surges in the area, you were forced to take on extra patrols. As you entered the apartment you saw your Husband sitting reading a book and drinking a cup of coffee, while cuddling princess (y’all’s cat).
•Hey love, welcome home. How was work?-A
>Busy, these extra shifts are really getting to me, I’m exhausted.
•Awe love go shower and I’ll make dinner for you.
You took a nice long hot shower to relax your tense muscles. Aizawa was waiting for you when you got out. You two small talked about your days and enjoyed your dinner before heading off to your room to cuddle. You were both relaxed and almost asleep when you heard a Meow. Then a second and a third. The meowing continued outside the door to your bedroom as your cat tried to get your attention.
>Shota, did you feed Princess today?
•It was your turn today love.
>No it’s your day Shota.
•Y/N I promise you today is your day.
•It is to, but since you had a long day I’ll do it for you. **He says this as he gets up and kisses your forehead**
He quickly feeds Princess and then coming back to cuddle up with you.
>Thank you, Shota.
•No worries, I love you, Goodnight.
•Love you too, Princess.
>Love you too Shota, AND Princess.
You both fell asleep peacefully, knowing you had each other forever and always.
^^Princess when they forget to say they love her too^^
#mha#bnha#mha x yn#my hero academia#mha x reader#boku no hero acedamia#myheroacademia#aizawa x reader#aizawa x y/n#aizawa x you#Aizawa X GN reader#aizawa x oc#yn#Aizawa#Shota Aizawa#Aizawa Shota#Shota Aizawa x reader#GN reader#anime X reader#manga X reader#fanfic#Aizawa fanfic#x reader#x y/n#reader insert#aizawa fluff#mha fluff#my hero academia fluff#shota aizawa x reader#aizawa shota x reader
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your older!bf who has really opened your eyes to the world of mature men. who truly listens when have a complaint and works to fix it. who shows you that he adores you, even in his own strange way. who goes out of his way to spoil you and pamper you; who always makes sure you have the best of the best.
older!bf who literally is the best sexual experience you've had in your whole life. who does things you didn't even think were possible. who makes you feel levels of pleasure you'd only read about until this point. who pays such close attention to ever twitch and flinch and gasp and abuses ever spot that brings you pleasure. who reaches places so deep inside that you're surprised feels good instead of painful. who goes above and beyond with aftercare, making you feel so safe and secure. who makes sure you're well feed and clean, your favorite show or song playing as he cuddles you close.
older!bf who wastes no time to show you off and shower you in praise. who compliments every aspect of you, some you didn't even notice about yourself. who respects and knows you as a person. who is secure enough in himself and the relationship to know that even tho you're together, you're your own separate people and is fine with it.
older!bf who is protective of you and takes the extra measures to make sure you're safe in every situation he can, no matter what.
older!bf who loves you :(
LAW, corazon, sir crocodile, bakugo, aizawa, FAT GUM, sung-jin woo, andy, GETO, and my man <3
#[moon's mind]#x reader#reader insert#older boyfriend#boyfriend imagines#sorry yall had to do a quick bf appreciation lmao#jjk geto#jjk x reader#gn reader#mha x reader#bakugo x reader#mha fatgum#fat gum x reader#x reader smut#law x reader#one piece x reader#sir crocodile x reader#solo leveling#sung jin woo x reader#mha bakugou#corazon x reader#aizawa x reader#shouta aizawa#undead unluck andy#older boyfriend imagines#older!bf#gender neutral fanfic
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i just can't

based on something i discovered about myself recently 🤭
CONTENT WARNINGS - 18+ MDNI, gn!reader x various, vibrator, reader takes medication (brief implication of poor mental health), reader has trouble coming, no beta we die like men w/c - 0.4k

“I told you, I can’t cum.”
It felt like it was the umpteenth you had to repeat yourself. You loved your partner, you truly did, and you knew he was coming from a good place when he asked you if you finished. He just wanted you to feel as good as you made him, but you couldn’t through no fault of your own. It was a medication you had taken for years, one of the side effects being the inability to orgasm. Sure, it was frustrating at times but it was a necessary evil in exchange for better mental health.
“Are you sure?” He would ask again, already reaching down to touch between your thighs.
“Yes, I’m sure,” you would always respond, silencing his next argument with a kiss. “You still made me feel amazing baby.”
It was always sweet of him to try, you had rubbed yourself raw many times before, but it was all in vain. That was until he came home and proudly presented a vibrator. It was shaped like a long bullet and hot pink in colour, by twisting the bottom of it the vibrations became stronger, and despite its simplistic design, the way it strongly buzzed in your hand had you impressed.
Eager to use it, he quickly had you on the bed, naked and moaning. The stretch of his cock had a familiar feeling burning inside you, but you never wanted him to stop. He almost got lost in the moment, fucking into your tight hole and savouring your sweet whimpers made him forget his goal. On the lowest setting, he ran the vibrator over your nipples, giving you a taste of what was to come—down your belly and between your thighs, touching it to every sensitive spot on your sex.
Every jolt of pleasure the toy sent through you had your back arching, tightening around his fat cock still thrusting inside your slick hole. Feeling you squeeze him particularly tight, he held the vibrator on that bundle of nerves that had you breathless, nails clawing down his back. Before you even realised what had happened, you were crying his name as your body tensed and legs shook, feeling as if something in your core snapped and released, your body now sticky with your cum.
His hips stilled, still balls deep inside your guts, and drew the vibrator away, staring down at you with wide eyes. Your eyes were equally as wide, panting to catch your breath. His lips stretched into a smirk, keeping his eyes locked with yours and he turned the vibrator up, bringing it back between your legs.
It was time to make up for all those years.
𓍊𓋼𓆏𓋼𓍊 Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Dabi, Hawks, Shota Aizawa, Shoto Todoroki, Lucifer (OM), Satan (OM), Mammon (OM), Solomon (OM), Diavolo (OM), Lucifer Morningstar (HH), Asmodeus (HB)
#bnha x reader#bnha x male reader#bnha x gn!reader#mha x reader#mha x male reader#mha x gn!reader#hazbin hotel x male reader#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel x gn reader#helluva boss x male reader#helluva boss x reader#helluva boss x gn reader#obey me x male reader#obey me shall we date x reader#obey me x reader#obey me x gender neutral reader#obey me x gn reader#bakugo x reader#kirishima x reader#izuku midoriya x reader#todoroki x reader#dabi x reader#hawks x reader#shota aizawa x reader#Lucifer x reader#Asmodeus x reader#mammon x reader#Satan x reader#solomon x reader#diavolo x reader
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Cat hybrid! Fav x gn! Reader
subby // crying // mommy kink // poor baby needed some help 🥺 // he’s kinda a brat
He can feel the heat coming in waves, his mind begins to fill with a foggy daze.
What’s hidden in his soft pajama pants begins to awake aching and begging for stimulation.
Letting out a soft whine, he stumbles to his bed, collapsing into the pile of blankets scattered across it.
His skin grows damp with sweat, the moisture clinging to the soft fabric of his clothes as he shifts restlessly.
“Where are you?” he whispers, voice trembling. “Please…” His plea hangs in the air, fragile and desperate, as though hoping it will somehow reach you.
In this unbearable state all he wants is you. Holding him, rubbing his sensitive back, taking his rut-
His ears twitch, straining to pick up the faintest sound of where you might be in the apartment. His tail sways in frustration, unable to stay still.
A soft, broken whine escapes him, followed by another and another, until he’s practically a mess of muffled cries. Frustrated and overheated, he tugs off the damp fabric clinging to his skin, discarding it carelessly onto the floor.
He pulls a familiar blanket close, wrapping himself in its comforting embrace. It was yours- the one in your favorite color, the one still strong with your scent. He buried his face into it.
His lets out a frustrated rumble out, upset that he can’t come undone.
“Please!” He cries out tears covering his reddened cheeks- voice muffled, “I need you!” He whines out nasally.
The sound of hurried footsteps fills the silence, and the door bursts open. You stand there, eyes wide and frantic, scanning the room. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” you ask, your voice laced with concern.
Your eyes land on him, crumpled in a heap on the bed, his tear-streaked face turned toward you, pleading. The bare sight leaves you momentarily stunned, unsure of what to say.
You let out a breath of relief, “I bought you a toy for that y’know.” Taking your gaze away from him embarrassed at the sight you walked into.
“No! I need you,- please help!” He begs out holding out a clawed hand towards you, his tail flicking to you in a come here motion.
Tensing, you take a step back and shake your head, trying to maintain some composure. “Where’s your toy? Did you lose it?” you ask, sighing as you begin sifting through the clutter in his room in search of it.
He lets out a low, frustrated rumble, shaking his head vehemently. “No, no, no,” he cries, his voice breaking as fresh tears stream down his face. “I don’t want that- I want you!”
Before you can respond, he pushes himself off the bed with shaky limbs and lunges toward you. Caught off guard, you stumble forward, barely catching yourself as he wraps his arms around you from behind, clinging desperately.
“Hey! What the hell!?” you exclaim, trying to steady yourself as his weight presses against you.
“No. I’m sorry- need you mommy!” He mewls shoving his face in your neck, breathing deeply.
“-smell so good~” he humps against your back the sensation pulling purrs out his throat. His tail coiling around one of your thighs in a tight grip. “Mommy feels so good- mmm,”
“Get off,” you say firmly, your voice tinged with warning as you attempt to pry him off. “You’re being a brat.”
“No! Just a little longer- please!” he protests, his grip tightening as he buries his face against you, refusing to let go. His desperation is palpable, his trembling form humping on you.
His tail jolts pressing against your crotch as he stiffs, releasing thick white ropes on the back of your shirt.
“You-” The words catch in your throat as his soft purring fills the air, cutting you off. His breathing slows, and before you can say anything else, he’s drifted off, completely asleep on top of you, leaving you pinned to the floor.
“Stupid pussy,” you mutter under your breath, glaring across the room. He lets out a soft chirp in response, unconsciously nuzzling closer and tucking his head into the curve of your neck. You sigh, as his peaceful purring continues.
A/N: Been enjoying hybrid fics on AO3 so I got a lil inspired :3
Likes, comments, reblogs appreciated ‹3
Divider: cafekitsune
#gn reader#mha smut#mha fic#mha imagines#mha x reader#snk x reader#snk smut#jjk smut#midoriya smut#hybrid x reader#hybrid#monster fucker#shoto todoroki smut#bakugou smut#sero hanta smut#denki smut#tenya iida smut#aizawa smut#levi ackerman smut#erwin smut#eren yaeger smut#armin arlert smut#jean kirstein smut#connie springer smut#megumi smut#yuji itadori smut#toji smut#gojo smut#geto smut#hybrid smut
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− Tired
✎ your fav x reader
♦︎summary: your boyfriend is tired after a long day, and tries to convince you to come to bed
♦︎word count: 300+
♦︎warnings: none, short
Men who like to hug you from behind while you're busy. Their scent overwhelming you and simultaneously calming you. You can feel their chest against you back, rising and falling with each breath they take. Their warm arms wrapped around your waist, snugly, as if they were make to be placed there. Your face shifts to an expression of amusement, mind being taken off of your current task.
,,and just what do you think you're doing, Sir?,,
,,mmm... just seeing what you're up to, was getting lonely without you,, His husky voice sending vibrations through your upper back and chest. From the low pitch of his voice alone, you could tell he was about five minutes from collapsing in exhaustion.
,,you sound tired baby, why haven't you gone to bed yet?,, You questioned him, but continued with your task at hand. You felt him squeeze lightly at your waist, rubbing small circles where one of his hands rest on your stomach. You release a content hum, relaxing every more into his hold.
,,come t' bed with me, please?,, He rasps out, anyone who didn't know him well, wouldn't be able to notice the whine in his voice. You take pride in how much you know your man, quirks, ambitions and all, there was nothing he could do that would get past you.
Not even his light manipulation; he knew the affect his voice laced with sleep had on you. Knew you couldn't resist him, especially when he was in the mood for cuddles which was few and far between.
,,okay, just let me finish this and I'll be right with you-,, he cut you off, pulling you impossibly closer to his body, as if trying to fuse you into becoming one.
,,you can finish t'morrow, you always over work 'ya self,, His words began to slur together, his tiredness getting the better of him. You supposed it would be better to abide by his wishes, before he falls asleep where you both stand and traps you here; a common occurrence.
,,alright big guy, come on, you win,, Your hand intertwines with his as you pull him with you to your shared bedroom. Your eyes growing heavy as you make your way to that sweet mattress where you could bundle up with your love under warm comforters.
♦︎note: This is really me just testing out the waters before I really start writing. I haven't written in a long time, so I'd really love if you all would send me any requests you have! 😊
#one piece x reader#jujustsu kaisen x reader#mha x reader#atsv x reader#marvel x reader#demon slayer x reader#sanemi x reader#giyuu x reader#zoro x reader#ace x reader#toji x reader#gojo x reader#aizawa x reader#x black reader#anime x black!reader#x chubby reader#kyojuro x reader#x gn reader#x male reader#bucky x reader#simon riley x reader#hobie x reader
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✧Baby Steps✧
(Shouta Aizawa X G.N. Reader)

Warnings: Aizawa is 38 here, age gap (like it's 13 years), smut part is shitty and kinda rushed, excessive use of the word "as" because i literally cannot write, gentle dom, aizawa is kinda overbearing, dub con(?) jus towards the end though,
Word count: 2.3k+ words
Author's note: this is shitty but i hope you enjoy it ♡ ♡/ aizawa is out of character/ smut is bad cuz i am even worse at that sorry ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ/
You stretched your back, hands clasped behind your head, hearing the faint sound of your spine cracking against the support of your chair. It has been hours since you started scrolling, looking for a job, your palm sweaty from holding the mouse. A click here, a click there, and a scroll downwards, then upwards again. You had recently moved here after graduation, and while you were managing well initially, the high cost of your apartment and day-to-day expenses had become too much to sustain without a source of income.
You scrolled further down when the computer screen displayed some words that caught your interest:
Name: Shouta Aizawa
Age: 38
Requirement(s): Babysitter
Requirement Information: 2 kids
Salary: To be negotiated later on
Contact details: [email protected] / XXXXX-XXXXX
Posted 1 hour ago
Okay, yeah, that was pretty brief, but the timing gave you hope that you might just get the job, so you clicked on his phone number and started typing away on your keyboard.
"Hello, I saw your post about wanting a babysitter and I was wondering if the spot was still free?"
You hit the send button and got up from your seat for the first time in hours for a small break. After about 20 minutes, you checked for a response and opened the chat again.
"Yes, it is. If you're interested, please come tomorrow at 8 am if you're available," followed by a link to his location.
A smile claimed your lips at the excitement of finally landing a job after so many tries.
When you saw his age, you definitely didn't expect him to be this... hot? Which father of two kids is this hot?
"Good morning. I believe you contacted me yesterday evening, yeah?" His smooth, deep voice is like music to your ears as you look at the sleep-deprived man towering over you. Rough stubble covers his face, his hair cascading to his shoulders, as his broad shoulders lean against the door frame.
"Oh... ah... yes, good morning. It was indeed me who contacted you... sir," you reply as he gestures for you to enter his house. You then take notice of his lavish yet cozy home, with toys scattered in the hallway. You both enter the kitchen, and he jerks his head toward a seat at the table with a low hum.
"Would you like to drink anything?" he asks, picking up his mug from the table as you shake your head.
"I am gonna be asking you a few questions and I need you to be honest with your answers." he commands, taking a seat opposite you. His black shirt puling slightly upwards, revealing his wrists as you give a simple nod.
"Firstly... What is your age?" He asks taking a sip from his mug.
"I am 25 years old.. sir.." You reply confidently however there is a frown on his face at your response. Was he... Upset? Afraid to loose this opportunity you quickly try and talk about your past experiences with kids as he interrupts you.
"No, it's not that I just hope you aren't lying about your age"
"Why... Would I?" You ask with a frown enveloping your face.
"I wouldn't believe you to be 18 with a face like that" He replies his tone rather blunt.
Ouch. His straightforwardness stinging lightly.
"Moving forward... do you party, drink or any of those stuff?"
"No, sir."
"Hmmm ... Fine, I suppose you can start working from today"
You give him a small smile as you mutter a small 'thank you'.
"Got any questions?"
"Actually yes! I was wondering where the kids might be so that I could ensure they're comfortable with me being around!!"
He gives a slight nod before replying his voice surprisingly gentle and low when talking about them "Yeah, they're sleeping right now. My eldest son; he wakes up at 9 and my daughter wakes up at 10:30." He gestures to a picture on the mantle showing a purple haired boy and grey haired girl laughing and playing together as you hear the faint sound of him taking a sip from his mug.
"They are so adorable." You gush smiling at their innocent faces. "And could I get some more information on what their personalities are like?"
"Hm.." he hums as he finishes the drink on his mug and sets it down on the table.
"Well my son is 9 years old, Shinsou that's his name, he doesn't warm up easily to people but he is quiet and usually plays with Eri or alone. Eri is my daughter she is 5 and quite literally the opposite of her brother, ahem.. she is talkative and quite sensitive. None of them are picky about their food, they eat anything that they're given and nor do they have any allergies.. and yeah that's about it.." He says rubbing his hands together and you can hear how rough and dry they are.
It had been two weeks since you started working in his house and only then you realised how often Shouta stayed away from home, any free time he got he would spend it with his children, taking them out for activities, cooking for them, playing with them, seeing how close he was with his son and daughter often left you with a smile on your lips at the close bond of the family. True to Shouta's word you could really see the difference in the way Shinsou would behave around you and around his father or sister and somewhere deep down you were a bit upset but you knew that all of this takes time and as long he was comfortable enough to have you around you were fine. But Eri on the other hand was absolutely adorable, she adored you and you adored her, say if you were watching Shinsou and Eri play it was Eri who would call you over and ask you to play with them. Aizawa on the other hand was always kind and formal with you sometimes even bringing takeaway for you, but whenever he was over you couldn't help but just look at his biceps the way they would bulge out from his shirt when he folded his arms, the way his hands would be disturbed with veins when his grip would tighten even in the slightest, and maybe.... Just maybe, you tried to catch his attention by wearing really short shorts or a tshirt that hug your body just at the right places.
But alas it was only you who kept drooling over him....
or that's what you thought...
You were seemingly unaware the amount of self control Aizawa had to practice just not to fuck you dumb on his cock.
It had been three months since you started working for him and you still found your gaze lingering on him for too long, initially it was at his face, then down to his broad shoulders, and then his chest, then it was further down to his hands and finally it was on his......
"Are you sad cuz papa isn't home today?" You hear the innocent voice of Shinsou behind you having counted your sighs since you woke up, which was according to him, around 32.
"No, no of course not Shinsou.. I am totally fine, just a bit tired" You lied, obviously you would. Why would you admit to finding Shinsou's father hot. Other than the fact that you want him to ruin you till you can't form any thoughts. And you definitely were sad that Aizawa was working till 9 pm that too on a Sunday.
Shinsou mumbles an "Okay..." walking away to colour his book that he had been previously doing before being worried about you. A few minutes after he had approached you, your face suddenly lit up as you realised that Shinsou was worried about you, you rushed up to him from the kitchen counter to the living room abruptly sitting down in front of him
"Are you worried about me Shinsou?" You ask excitedly your smile radiant. Shinsou earlier looking up at you looks away from embarrassment not replying, his ears turni red and you just couldn't help the aww that left your lips.
"Awww you're so cute!!" You squeal and your hand automatically goes to ruffle his hair and he doesn't pull away not this time and you realise that he has gotten comfortable with you, at that moment the door clicks open as Aizawa enters the house and peeks into the living room to see what the commotion was about.
"Papa!!!!" Eri squeals noticing her dad in the hallway as she runs up to him and Aizawa picks her up his voice gentle and soothing "Hey my love" He says kissing her on the cheek as she giggles from his stubble pricking her soft skin.
"Sup kiddo" Aizawa comes near you and Shinsou with Eri in his arms.
"Hello.." Shinsou greets him quietly as Aizawa bends down to ruffle his hair.
"All good?" Aizawa asks him and Shinsou nods as he goes back to colouring his book, Aizawa finally looks at you making your heart almost leap out as he gave you a small smirk "You seem happy, what's up?" He asks with a small groan as he puts Eri on the floor and she runs off playing "Shinsou let me ruffle his hair and he was worried about me!!" You reply excitedly your wide smile bringing a low chuckle from him.
"Oh yeah? What exactly were you worried about Shin?" Aizawa questions sitting down to look at what his son is colouring.
"(Name)-san was sad that you were working this late" Shinsou replies nonchalantly and you swear your eyes hadnt widened this much in your life, you feel the heat rush to your cheeks and Aizawa's eyebrows raise as he gives you a quick side glance before looking at Shinsou, he is about to say something when you interject denying strongly. "Shinsou!! I told you I was tired!! Thats not the case!!"
"Or, tired they say" He adds briefly, Aizawa doesn't even get the chance to say anything as you immediately get up picking up Eri and Shinsou taking them to their individual rooms ignoring any protests of Shinsou claiming how he was a big boy and he could stay up late, you argue with Shinsou for atleast half an hour before he finally agrees to sleep even though he was angry at you.
You head downstairs sighing and praying that Aizawa didn't pay much heed to whatever Shinsou said before as you head towards the living room to pick up the scattered toys and crayons only to be met with the sight of Aizawa sitting on the couch and while normally he isn't intimidating the way he sat with eyes closed, arms folded his right leg over his left reminded you of your father and his strict nature slightly intimidating you, quietly you pick up the toys glad that he fell asleep; as you picked the last of the toys you heard Aizawa's voice boom through making you freeze in your tracks "Still upset that I had work today?" You dont reply for a long time not trusting yourself to speak but when you do your voice is slightly shaky "No... No not at all.. why would I be.. you know Shinsou he just says whatever he wants..."
"Oh yeah? Does he?"
"........ okay well not ... Not exactly....."
You mumbel turning around to face Aizawa only to find him standing infront of you as looking down at your compared to his smaller form.
"Well then, answer my question."
You look away nervously chewing on your bottom lip, coating them pink with saliva, Aizawa tries to resist the urge to kiss you but fails as he grabs your face roughly pulling it closer to his, smashing his lips with yours. The kiss is sloppy and desperate and you can sense the sexual tension between you melting away.
You both pull free from the kiss, the room filled with pants, yours being much louder than his, taking in huge gulps of air.
You feel Aizawas arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer towards him.
"My room or the couch?" He whispers in your right ear his voice sending shivers along your spine.
It had been an hour since Aizawa had been prepping you after finding out you were a virgin, where once it burned to even have a single finger of his inside you, now you could easily 4 of his fingers at once.
Yet, tears spilled from your eyes when Aizawa pushes his dick (just the tip) inside you as Aizawa kisses away you tears with soft coo's of 'just a bit more' 'you're doing so good baby' 'it's just a few more minutes yeah, we will start to feel good real soon' rubbing soothing circles in your back as you sink your face into his shoulder blades, his intoxicating cologne filling your nostrils; finally after what felt like an eternity your hole sits down on his his dick as he gradually thrusts into you making you whimper and groan.
"So fucking good for me.. shit... Ugh... Fuck so tight, so fucking compliant.... Shit baby .. you feel so good"
You hear him praise you but you're barely able to register even a single word due to your muddled state of mind, your whines get louder, his thrusts getting more faster and rapid now. He hits a particularly sweet spot as you rise your head to scream at the pleasure coursing through your body "That's the spot is it." Aizawa grunts angling his hips to hit that spot, chortling at your desperate and meek attempt to push him away.
"Cum... Sh...shit... Gonna cum... Fuck..."
"Yeah? Gonna come for me? Gonna come from this cock fucking you stupid?"
You nod your head frantically chanting a mantra of 'so good's', orgasm coursing through your body, your body trembling from the aftermath of your orgasm as you lay limp against his chest.
After what feels like a few minutes you feel Aizawa thrust into you making you whine from the overstimulation
"Cant... No... No please... Hurts..."
You try to push him away only for him grab your wrists with his hand behind your back as he increases the pace of his thrusts
"I am yet to come baby, just a few more rounds 'kay?"
#x reader#male reader#female reader#bottom male reader#gender neutral reader#gn reader#aizawa shouta#bnha x reader#aizawa x you#aizawa x reader#aizawa x y/n#aizawa x male reader#aizawa X female reader#smut#bnha smut#fanfic
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୨⎯ Stay a Little Longer ⎯୧
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting soft stripes of gold across the bedroom. You stirred, squinting at the clock. 5:45 AM. Too early, but you had things to do. A long mission awaited, and every detail had to be perfect.
Carefully slipping out of bed, you reached for your duffel bag, hoping not to disturb the man still sprawled under the covers. You hadn’t even zipped the bag halfway before a low, gravelly voice broke the quiet.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
You turned to see Shouta Aizawa sitting up, his dark hair a tangled mess and his eyes heavy with sleep. His gaze softened when it met yours, though he quickly masked it with his usual deadpan expression.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” you said, smiling apologetically.
“You didn’t,” he muttered, though the way he blinked sluggishly said otherwise. He yawned and stretched, the loose hem of his t-shirt riding up just enough to reveal a sliver of pale skin.
You shook your head and returned to your packing. “Go back to bed, baby. I’ve got a lot to do before I head out.”
“Exactly why I’m not going back to bed,” he said, sliding off the mattress. Before you could protest, he grabbed the duffel bag from the floor and plopped onto the couch with it. “I’m helping.”
“You’re helping by taking my bag?”
“I’m making sure you don’t pack it so well you actually leave.” His tone was dead serious, but the faint smirk tugging at his lips betrayed him.
You sighed, walking over to reclaim the bag. “Very mature.”
“I don’t hear you denying it.”
By mid-morning, you had made decent progress despite Aizawa’s assistance. He followed you from room to room like an overgrown cat, leaning against doorframes or draping himself across your shoulders as you gathered your gear.
“Do you really need this?” he asked, holding up a portable comm device.
“Yes,” you said, snatching it back.
“What about this?” He held up a neatly folded uniform jacket.
“Fine.” He sighed dramatically, tossing the jacket into your bag before flopping onto the couch. “I still don’t see why you have to go. Don’t they have rookies for missions like this?”
“They need someone experienced,” you replied, checking your gear.
“You’re too experienced,” he argued, now lying across the couch with his arms crossed. “Retirement sounds great, doesn’t it? You and me, staying home, sleeping in—”
“Shouta, you’d lose your mind if you retired.”
“Maybe. But at least you’d be here to keep me sane.”
You laughed, shaking your head as you zipped up the duffel. But before you could move it to the door, Aizawa was there again, blocking the way.
“You’re relentless,” you teased.
“I’m a man in love,” he replied, the faintest flush coloring his cheeks.
When the time came to leave, Aizawa’s clinginess reached its peak. As you slipped on your boots, he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed and a playful scowl on his face.
“You could stay,” he said, as if the idea had just occurred to him. “Tell them something came up. You sprained your ankle. Or your husband fell apart because you abandoned him.”
“Abandoned?” You echoed, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes. Abandoned.” He stepped closer, tugging lightly on the scarf wrapped around your neck. “Seven days is too long.”
“Seven days will fly by,” you assured him, cupping his cheek.
He leaned into the touch, his usual stoicism crumbling for just a moment. “Call me. Every night.”
“I will.”
“And don’t get hurt.”
“I won’t.”
He pulled you into a tight embrace, burying his face in your shoulder. “If you come back late, I’m sending the kids after you.”
You laughed, hugging him back. “I’ll come home in one piece. I promise.”
Reluctantly, he let you go, watching as you stepped out the door. “Be safe.”
Aizawa lingered in the doorway, hands stuffed in his pockets. He stayed there until you disappeared from view, already counting down the days until you’d be back.
#gn reader#mha#ynn#x reader#x yn#fanfic#male reader#fem reader#aizawa shouta#my hero acedamia#aizawa x y/n#aizawa x reader#aizawa x you#mha x reader#mha x y/n#bnha aizawa#mha aizawa#aizawa#aizawa shōta
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ⓘ MY HERO ACADEMIA MASTERLIST ⸻ [ rules | request ]
: ̗̀➛ main masterlist ༊*·˚ | series mastlerlist ༊*·˚
⌗ IZUKU MIDORIYA ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ↳ aquarium dates with him ↳ contact form ⌗ KATSUKI BAKUGO ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ↳ aquarium dates with him ↳ breaking off his kisses to work on an assignment ↳ apple cider ↳ double trouble ↳ birthday boy ↳ love alliance [ series ] ⌗ SHOTO TODOROKI ✮⋆˙ ↳ dinner with the todorokis ↳ our happy ending ↳ aquarium dates with him ↳ breaking off his kisses to work on an assignment ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ⌗ NEITO MONOMA ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ↳ hoe #2 ⌗ SHINSO HITOSHI ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ↳ sick headcannons with him ↳ him as your bestfriend ⌗ TAMAKI AMAJIKI ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ⌗ TENYA IIDA ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend
⌗ EJIROU KIRISHIMA ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend
⌗ DENKI KAMINARI ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend
⌗ TOMURA SHIGARAKI / TENKO SHIMURA ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ↳ him with a skinwalker quirk user ⌗ DABI / TOUYA TODOORKI ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons + texts with him as your boyfriend ↳ hey cutie ↳ him with a skinwalker quirk user ↳ baby disease ⌗ MR COMPRESS / ATSUHIRO SAKO ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons of him as your boyfriend ⌗ MUSTARD ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons with him as your friend
⌗ ALL MIGHT / TOSHINORI YAGI ✮⋆˙ ↳ headcannons of him as your boyfriend
⌗ ERASHERHEAD / AIZAWA SHOTA ✮⋆˙ ↳ him with a skinwalker quirk user
©loveriotss — all rights reserved to me. please don’t try to copy/steal my work. please do not use any of my ideas/translate my work without my permission.

#loveriotss#anime#mha#bnha#fluff#angst#crack#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#izuku midoriya#bakugou katsuki#shoto todoroki#tenya iida#denki kaminari#kirishima ejirou#sero hanta#shigaraki tomura#dabi#hawks#shota aizawa#masterlist#male reader#x male reader#female reader#x female reader#gn reader#x gn reader#x reader
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Yandere Mha x Reader x Yandere Batfam
A/N: So recently i got into yandere batfam x neglected reader. And i like mha x reader. Soo my fav fic of mha x reader is on quotev " Future Keeper" and my fav batfam x neglected reader is " again & again", my brain just mushed them together like.
Our reader was born and raised in japan (reincarnated from modern world) till she was 9 (instead of 5 ), childhood friends with aizawa. Her parents passed and she find out her father was was not her real father. And she is sent to Gontham to Bruce . (read the fic to get a better understanding, link on the names cuz spoiler. ) There she gets neglected and then decides to transfer to UA high ( here UA is a secrate hero school and on surface its a prestigious high school). She sends a direct letter to Nezu about her "Foresight", and asks to be transfared there. She does get in. Meets Aizawa again. Then meets tenko, adopts him. Meets kai, adopts him. Meets touya, takes him in. And finally Keigo.
But Dick shows up when reader or any adult is not home, tenko opens the door, and Dick speaks in english, Tenko calls Kai (who knows english cuz u taught him, on his request) to speak to the stranger (Dick).
Kai knows him ( due to him being extreemly interested in how you have such good etiquette and wanted to learn, you taught him but also opened up about your past, showed him pics of you "family", and warned him if they come make sure to not give them hope about the reconcile between you and them).
Kai followed you order told the other kids to stay in the room and call the adults (detective tsukachi and night eye) aswell as the reader. He makes it very clear that you are not leaving and Dick's presence is unwanted. The adults arrive before you and try to calm the tension between the two but still agreeing with what Kai said. This pisses Dick off and then tells them that they have no right to decide for you. Kai bites back saying neither does Dick have the right.
Just then reader comes busts trough the door panting and sweaty like she ran the whole way back with Aizawa close behind her, Aizawa goes to check up on the other kids while reader starts walking towards Kai but Dick though she was going towards him and opens his hands expecting a hug, but you pass him and go to Kai and hug him and check if he was injured and then tell him to join his siblings, to which he refuses, Saying you are too kind and he has to be there cuz he knows what it does to you emotionally. And kai stayed
Dick asked you to come back toe which you refused saying that you now have a new family. He tries to persuade you, but was cut off by kai saying "emotional blackmailing won't help since he was there". Then you list everything they ( the bat fam) missed. And then ask if he could tell how many awards you won, you'll give them a chance. Dick didn't know and said a random number but Kai corrected him and along with that he also flexed about how much he knows about you .
You refuse and he is kicked out. You thought it was over but it wasn't. Now you were stuck being messaged by random numbers to reconcile. which are blocked by Aizawa and Kai. Due to Aizawa being worried about you, he proposed to exchange phones since all their contacts were same. to which the reader agreed reluctently.
Now probably they got the hint and would leave you alone....... Or you thought
Three weeks later, bat boys along with Bruce and Alfread show up with all your favorite stuff ( which Dick remembers cuz Kai had spoken about it). Since it was Touya who opened the door, he didn't give them a chance and shut the door in their face saying that they'll make reader have an anxiety attack or something bad, then told them to leave. They didn't and since you were on your way back home, you unfortunately bumped into them. Again it was the sme bushit except Damian who you thought had lost his mind since he kept demanding you come back home, to them, and spoil him with more love than you spoil anyone in your so called family cuz he was your one and only real sibling.
You laughed at their faces, called them pathetic and told them your family is here and so is your home. And continued by saying if they love you even a little bit they would leave you and your real family alone.
Leaving heart broken Wayne family outside. Regreting their choices.
But they promised that they would get you back........... No matter what.
And your Japanese family vowed to protect you from them....
A/N: This was a fucked up idea in my head i just had to write it down. PLEASE CHECH OUT THE 2 AMZING FICS, LINK ON THE NAME OF THE FIC IN THE AUTHORS NOTE!!!
Hope You Enjoyed!
P.S. I tried to keep it gn, so all the genders can enjoy, i hope i did fine.
Edit: I should Tag the author of again and again. @acid-ixx Sorry for the late tag!
Stay Safe, Healthy And Hydrated
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
#akineedshelp#x reader#yandere x reader#mha x reader#mha#aizawa#eraserhead#batman#batfam#neglect#neglected reader#yandere batfam#yandere batman#yandere batboys#gn reader#fem reader#male reader
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Just Turn it Down
dad!Aizawa x biological!GN!Reader FAMILY FLUFF!!!!!
…. I’m so sorry for how long this took… I hope you like it🖤🤍🥺 and thank you for your amazing request!!! -🍯
WARNING: None, cute stuff. Possible gender mix ups, when I write a draft, I write in fem tense (she,her,ect) and then go back and fix it after- but I’m sick so may have missed a few. I’m incredibly sorry.
To say it was a surprise to the world would be an understatement. The scary, hard-headed, slouched teacher of AU had a kid—an actual, biological child. It was no surprise that Aizawa would keep it under wraps. Your safety and his patience could easily be strained.
“Who is the mother?”
“Was it a Fling?”
“Did the Pro-Hero Eraser Head hook up with…”
The world got its answers; with it, you got your silence. “My mother is dead. Died in childbirth, I’d like to be left alone now.” It was a blatant lie, and when Hizashi asked you why, trying his best to understand, his tall frame slumped slightly as he rubbed the back of his head, you answered, “Because she is.” The subject was never brought up again.
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While not your biological siblings, Eri and Shinso have been part of your family since they stepped through the door. Shinso, who was older than you, had offered advice more than once on subjects such as schools, relationships, and your future career. The world is aware of your future decisions, another blunt shut-down.
“Do you wanna be just like your father? A hero”
You glanced at your dad off to the side, his arms crossed yet still tense. Ready to pull you back the minute they ask a question that crosses the line. Aizawa smiled slightly, ever so suddenly that only you caught it. Then, there was an ever so slight nod.
Shinso supports you fully; he always feels the public backlash of his decisions due to his quirks. Villain, villain, villain. He’d prove them wrong. But that didn't stop his anger when his mind bounced to the idea of you being put through assaults. You can manipulate living organisms. Specifically, increasing the size of plants and controlling movement. As always, with their lack of space, the press managed to grab photos of you using the quirk. Your sweet smile as you lean over some old lady's rose bush, the spiked vines climbing up to reach your fingers as soft pink flowers open. According to you, it had been stepped on and crushed under some careless foot, and you just wanted to fix it. Yet that story would be too sweet. The public zoomed in on the aspect that you could grow thorns! What if you decided to covered the town in poison ivy?! You huffed at the so called fears written in the paper.
“I wouldn't play their game, so now I need to be their villain.”
Your quirk explicitly comes from your mother's side to your disgust. Thou Aizawa couldn't care less about the quirk; he wouldn't care if you were quirkless, something he’s said more than once. However, he felt the slightest bit of glee as he watched you quiet the loud blonde in his class. It wasn’t your fault; he wanted to spar, and you did. Thou, you slightly regretted your decision as you watched the problem child, as your dad called him, scribble furiously down his journal.
You don't go to UA, a choice that sometimes stresses Aizawa. Yet, considering the recent events with this group of students, it now seemed like a safer choice, ironically. But when you do go to UA, for whatever reason, it feels like another home. Surrounded by the many staff and heroes that raised you, taking you on days, Aizawa had patrol. AllMight, in his uncle-like glory, yelled:
“Ah Young Y/n, how tall you’ve grown!”
This caused all students to stop and look at the one kid who was not in uniform. You’re as much their daughter as you are, Aizawa. Your hair getting ruffled, cheeks pinched, comments how beautiful you’ve become. Midnight, despite what the media says, and Rumi
have been wonderful mother figures throughout your life. Aizawa, as great a father as he is, knows when to throw his hands up for your comfort and sometimes his. You tell the two women secrets, crushes, and heartbreakers, and they keep it locked up, never spilling the information on even Aizawa.
Your little sister, Eri, clings to you like a koala and you her, pulling you to a point where your spine is more of a bridge than a body part, just so she can whisper you a secret or happily show you the family photo she drew in class, with you, Shinso, and Aizawa all drawn with wide smiles, stick hands holding stick hands.
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You blame Shinso for your music taste because if you admitted that Bakugou was the one to introduce, you think your father would get his motto tattooed onto you. “Stay away from loud blondes.” But you couldn't help it. Scene Queen seemed to attach to every cell of your body. The loud, angry music about worth and the media seeing comforting as you watched the world around you. There is so much pain, so many big problems, and yet some so small and meaningless, silly almost. These are easy ones to fix if people just agree. Maybe the same could be said for the argument of where Villains came from; the same ones you watch hurt your family, but the thought feels so sickening. So switch to another artist, the screaming, feeding, and subduing the boiling anger that lingers in your chest due to the media. You were getting ripped apart by the bloodhounds for not giving them the bloody steak they required, so instead, they chose you. You're a small, converted life forced to be nailed and screwed since you wouldn’t play their games.
Your finger mindlessly tapped to the next artist, pondering slightly if your hearing will be gone when you reach your 20s due to Metalica. Your fingers lightly drum on the page, your body unconsciously moving to the beat of the song that blasted too loud in your headphones. To be stuck in your own world and notice your dad walking past you, peering over the couch to see what you were doing. Aizawa paused; the screeching music from your headphones sounded all too familiar. With little hesitation, he reached down and grabbed one of the earpieces, listening for the split moment he had before the music paused. It was clear he startled you from the way you jumped and whipped around.
“(Enter favorite metal band)?”
You paused, searching his face for something you weren't really sure of. ”Uh Yeah… Shinso introduced me to them.”
Aizawa smiled a bit, handing you back the headphones. “The band came out when I was in UQ,” He huffed, watching your surprised face. “Mike was very much into them and even met the band.” He watched the excitement in your face take over. He’d need to call Hizashi and tell him the radio hero would be over the moon. “They’re from (Enter Country), I believe.” He leaned against the couch.
“Yeah they did!” Azawia paused, about to speak again, when his phone rang, the screeching sound leading from the kitchen; it was UA; you both knew it. He sighed, looking back at you, smiling slightly. “Just listen to them at a lower volume.” He ruffled your hair before leaving to get his phone.
He left and was gone the rest of the day, some issue on the campus. Damn problem children. And when you came home from school, he still wasn’t there. But sitting on the kitchen counter,rested a small keychain of the band of the bands logo.
#bnha headcannons#bnha fanfiction#bnha x reader#bnha fluff#bnha writing#🪴request/ questions🪴#fluff#bnha requests#mha requests#aizawa fluff#platonic aizawa#dadzawa#bnha x gn!reader#shōta aizawa#aizawa x daughter reader#Aizawa x reader
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💥Bakugou Sibling Sunday💥
Sometimes ynie is the problem sometimes all they need is their snack and their tv show
Tags: Bakugou Siblings💥 / Comedy🎭
⚠️CW: Blowing things up
📍Authors Note: I’m posting this as my neighbors are fighting (at least it sounds like they are there’s periodic aggressive yelling) maybe they also need their night time snack and bed time tv bc boy or BOY did I need it
#mha texts#bnha texts#mha#bnha#bnha x gender neutral reader#mha x gender neutral reader#aizawa shouta#aizawa x gender neutral reader#aizawa x reader#bakugou x gender neutral reader#bakugou katuski x reader#bakugou fluff#bakugou x reader#bakugou siblings💥#bakugou katsuki#mha chats#bnha chats#mha x gn!reader#bnha x gn!reader#bnha x reader#mha x reader#🎭#🧸#Sundays are for the siblings 💥
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“Mistltoe Mishap”
Shota Aizawa x Coworker Gn! Reader
| cw: innocent kiss, sfw, awkwardness, romantic tension, gn! reader
| a/n: day 2 of ficmas 24’ !! check the ficmas tab on the pixie works for the next update!
| wc: n/a
The festive hum of conversation filled the UA faculty lounge, strung with holiday lights and the faint scent of pine. You stood near the punch bowl, chatting with Nemuri, her sparkling laughter blending seamlessly with the party’s cheerful ambiance.
Nemuri leaned in slightly, her smile turning mischievous as her gaze flicked across the room. “So… you and Shouta?”
You followed her line of sight, spotting Aizawa standing near the fireplace. He was deep in conversation with Yamada and a few other teachers, his signature scarf pulled up despite the warm room. You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink.
“It’s nothing serious,” you said, though the flutter in your chest betrayed you. “I mean, we get along really well, but… I’m not totally sure how he feels.”
Nemuri tilted her head, clearly unimpressed by your answer. “You should ask him. Or, better yet, make a move yourself.”
You laughed, waving her off. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll think about it. Anyway, I’m going to freshen up real quick. I’ll be right back.”
Nemuri smirked knowingly as you set your cup down and slipped out of the lounge.
On your way back from the restroom, you rounded a corner and nearly walked straight into Aizawa.
“Ah, sorry—” you started, but he shook his head, stepping aside to give you space.
“It’s fine,” he said simply, his voice calm and low as always. “Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, it’s nice,” you replied, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I’m surprised you came, though. Not really your thing, is it?”
He huffed softly, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Yamada didn’t give me much of a choice. He said I needed ‘holiday cheer.’”
You both chuckled at that, the air between you warming slightly.
Before you could say more, a familiar voice broke through the moment.
“Oi! Lovebirds!”
You both turned to see Yamada walking by, whistling a jaunty tune. He gave you a cheeky grin and pointed upward before disappearing into the crowd.
Confused, you glanced up—and froze. Hanging just above your heads was a sprig of mistletoe, its green leaves and red berries swaying innocently.
“Oh,” you said, biting back a laugh.
Aizawa stiffened, his gaze flicking from the mistletoe to you before quickly turning away. His scarf shifted slightly, but not enough to hide the flush creeping up his cheeks.
“You’re blushing,” you teased, leaning in just a little closer.
“No, I’m not,” he replied, his voice uncharacteristically quiet.
You tilted your head, an amused smile playing on your lips. “It’s a rule, you know.”
Aizawa cleared his throat, his eyes darting back to yours. “A rule?”
“Mm-hm,” you said, raising an eyebrow. “You’re supposed to kiss under the mistletoe.”
For a moment, he seemed to weigh his options, his hands fidgeting slightly in his pockets. The blush on his face deepened, but he didn’t step back.
You took a small step closer, the faint scent of pine and cinnamon from the room wrapping around you both. “What’s the matter, Shouta? Scared of a little tradition?” you asked, your tone light but playful.
His dark eyes narrowed slightly, though the blush on his face betrayed him. “I’m not scared,” he said firmly, though the slight crack in his voice made you smile wider.
“Really?” you said, tilting your head just a little more. “Then what’s stopping you?”
Aizawa shifted, his scarf moving as though he was debating whether to pull it higher or just bury his face in it completely. “It’s not exactly… appropriate,” he mumbled, his gaze darting toward the bustling party in the lounge.
You leaned in a fraction closer, your voice dropping to a teasing whisper. “No one’s looking. Besides, it’s just a kiss—hardly scandalous.”
His eyes flicked back to yours, and for a moment, the tension in the air felt almost electric. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he said, his tone flat but not unkind.
You grinned. “Maybe a little. But I think you are too.”
Aizawa sighed, clearly resigned to his fate. His hands, which had been stuffed in his pockets, twitched slightly as though he was debating what to do with them.
“Fine,” he said quietly, his voice barely audible over the distant hum of holiday music. “Just… don’t make a big deal out of it.”
You nodded, your smile softening. “Of course. No big deal.”
Taking the lead, you closed the remaining distance between you, tilting your head up. For a split second, Aizawa froze, his breath hitching. Then, ever so carefully, he leaned down, his lips brushing yours in a feather-light kiss.
It was over in an instant, but the warmth lingered, and when you pulled back, you couldn’t help but notice how flustered he looked.
“There,” he said, clearing his throat and adjusting his scarf. “Happy now?”
You laughed softly, your cheeks warm. “Very. See? That wasn’t so bad.”
He gave you a long, measured look before the faintest smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “You’re trouble,” he said, though there was no real bite to his words.
“Maybe,” you replied, your grin teasing. “But you like me anyway.”
Aizawa shook his head, but the way his gaze lingered on you told you everything you needed to know.
From across the room, Yamada let out a loud, exaggerated cheer, and Nemuri raised her glass in your direction, her expression gleefully smug.
Aizawa groaned. “I’m never going to hear the end of this.”
“Probably not,” you admitted, your tone light and playful. “But hey, at least now you’ve got some holiday cheer.”
He sighed again, but the slight curve of his lips didn’t go unnoticed.

dividers by @anitalenia love!!
#divider by anitalenia#aizawa x reader#gn reader#mha x reader#teacher x teacher#sfw#sub bnha#sub mha#dom!reader
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Kinktober 2024.
Day 5 - Kitten’s treat.
Shota Aizawa x GN!Reader

This story is a smut story for Kinktober, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for Kinktober and if you want to see a character please let me know...
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary: Aizawa has a very tasty treat for his little kitten, though the only thing is you have to work for it.
Word count: 930
CW: NSFW and adult content, swearing, role play, pet play (leash and collar), pet name (kitten), oral (GN!giving/ implied GN!receiving), eating cum, facial.
Sitting on the floor with your legs tucked under you, your head resting on the top of your boyfriend’s thigh, while he stroked your head and held tightly onto the leash and collar around your neck, “you’re such a good kitten, you know that” Aizawa hummed his hand moving down to cup your cheeks, while he pulled on the collar forcing you to kneeling position, “so good in fact, I’ll give you a tasty treat” his thumb gently brushed over your lips, before pressing past them and into your mouth. Aizawa’s digit pressed down on your tongue and he opened your mouth, “so pretty… I bet you’re so hungry for your treat, right kitten?” He asked and you nodded quickly.
You reached your hands up and rested them on Aizawa’s thighs as you looked down at the very visible bulge growing in his pants, he smiled and moved to slide his pants down, as he did his erection sprung free, “come on kitten… start earning your treat” Aizawa hummed as he held the base of his cock and pulled you closer but the leash, you opened your mouth and moaned as he slowly rubbed his tip over your tongue and lips.
“Aww such a wet mouth… you hungry little kitten, your drooling all over for my cum” Aizawa chuckled and you nodded still licking and kissing his tip, “well try harder or that tummy of yours is gonna stay empty, and you’ll just have to go hungry” he watched as you took his tip in your mouth, wrapping your lips around him and sucking on it, you slowly began to take him deeper in until you couldn’t anymore, “come on now… that’s pathetic, you said you were hungry” he laughed and you began slowly bobbing your head, trying to warm up so that you might be able to take more. You moaned and felt yourself getting quite hot and bothered, all while Aizawa patted your head “good little kitten… you take me so well” he hummed and you tightened your grip on his upper thighs, all while you continued to suck him, gradually taking him deeper and deeper until your lips hit the base of his cock, at the sudden realisation you had taken all of him, your brain kicked in and activated your gag reflex, you gagged but continued to suck and deeply bob your head.
“Oh yeah, keep going… you’re getting me there” Aizawa groaned and rested a hand on the back of your head, while slightly tugging on your leash. Your cheeks hollowed and your tongue pressed the underside of Aizawa’s manhood, your eyes watered and your legs pressed together, the feeling you got from only sucking him was so close to orgasmic you wondered how long it’d take you before you released from sucking him alone, though before you could get too lost in through Aizawa grabbing the hair on the back of your neck as leverage and support before he began thrusting his hips up into your mouth, “I’m… oh fuck… I’m so god damn close” he grunted as he shifted before standing and holding both sides of your face, while unconscious tugging your leash tighter, “suck… harder a-and move your… tongue” he muttered through gritted teeth as his hip snapped harder and faster towards you, “that’s it… roll that tongue” Aizawa eyes rolled back as you followed his instructions to the letter, you began moaning around and you hands grabbed his butt while you pressed your legs together, you didn’t dare touch yourself in fear Aizawa would take your reward away, “you ready… I- I’m cum- cumming” he huffed and suddenly he pulled roughly on your leash and you were pulled off his cock just as he began to release his load, it spurted into your lips and chin, it also ran down his shaft and onto his sack before three drops made it onto the floor.
You grabbed the collar around your neck as you gasped for air and Aizawa loosened his grips, “whoopsies… now lick it all clean, kitten” he demanded and you began wiping the cum of your chin before you sucked your fingers clean, you then moved onto his cock and you liked up and down his messy shaft slowly, while keeping eye contact with him the whole time and continued this as you move down to suck his sack clean, “you’re enjoying this too much… my little perverted kitten” he laughed and you sat back on your legs looking up at him. Aizawa raised a brow and frowned, “I said clean it all” he growled and pointed down to the ground, you looked down to the ground and felt uneasy, was this all going too far, you thought to yourself and your hesitation was clear, “hey… let’s stop here for the night…” Aizawa hummed as he knelt down before you and began removing the collar around your neck, you nodded and looked away for him, “I’m sorry, you really wanted this and I really wanted to do this” you sighed and your boyfriend laughed, “it’s fine, you’re the cutest little kitten… your too cute even” he hummed and cupped your face, kissing you deeply before wrapping his arms around your body, ���let’s go bathe…” he hummed and lifted you to stand with him but paused, “or shell I lick my sweet little kitten’s sweet spot” he whispered as he sat you down on the chair he was on before kneeling before you, he opening your legs wide and holding your legs up and out of the way.
Kinktober Masterlist
Day 4 - Levi Ackerman: In plain sight.
Day 6 - Suguru Geto: Paying tribute.
#bnha#mha#gn!reader#shota aizawa x reader smut#aizawa x reader smut#shota aizawa x reader#aizawa smut#mha aizawa#aizawa x reader#kinktober 2024#kinktober#eraserhead smut#eraserhead
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𓇢𓆸 Ache
Every waking moment is torture around you, away from you even.
He looks at you across the dining room, your smile, body, mind, energy. He can’t help himself.
Admiration is one thing but he is devoted to you, though you have no idea, his heart aches In silence.
The air from his lungs feels foreign, his mind is consumed by thoughts of you, his body craves your touch.
At night the yearning is unbearable, the room feeling too cold and too warm without you, he’d do anything, anything for you to give him a sliver of a chance at your love.
You look back at him in the dining room, your hands tremble,he’s so intimidating, so distant, yet you’d do unspeakable things, just to call him yours.
If only.
Levi, Erwin, Jean, Reiner, Leon, König, Aizawa
Likes, comments, reblogs appreciated ‹𝟹
Inbox open!
#levi ackerman x reader#erwin smith x reader#jean kirstein x reader#reiner braun x reader#leon kennedy x reader#konig x reader#aot x reader#snk x reader#levi ackerman x you#leon kennedy x you#reiner x reader#aot fluff#mha fic#levi x reader#levi fluff#erwin x reader#jean x reader#leon x reader#mha imagines#aot imagines#mha fluff#re fanfic#erwin smith x you#jean kirstein x you#reiner braun x you#gn reader#aot smut#aizawa x reader#aizawa shouta x reader#aizawa x you
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𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚
pairing; husband!aizawa x gn!Reader
cw; nsfw, teasing, grinding, groping, riding, kissing, cockwarming?, use of love and baby (to both)
a/n; this was supposed to be sleepy sex with aizawa but i got a bit carried away, do tell me if you think I should add any more cw
husband!aizawa who came home late from his night shift finding the halfway dimly lit by a small antique light hanging from the ceiling.
husband!aizawa who walks with light steps knowing you’re asleep not wanting to wake you.
husband!aizawa who goes to the bathroom first stopping himself of his layers and slipping into the shower quickly to wash off.
husband!aizawa who steps out of the bath and dresses himself quickly and making his way to your shared room.
husband!aizawa who quietly opens the bedroom door to see you sprawled out on top of your king sized bed sheets pushed to the the side in only one of his shirts and underwear.
husband!aizawa who slowly pulls the sheets down to the end of the bed and lays himself down next you.
husband!aizawa who pulls you back against him gently not wanting to wake you and slips one arm under your waist reaching up to cup you chest throwing the other over to rest on your pelvis.
husband!aizawa who mumbles a sleepy “m’home love” into the back of your neck placing a soft kiss to your nape.
husband!aizawa who isn’t surprised when you mumble back a groggy “welcome back baby”.
husband!aizawa who lets out a low grunt when you push your ass against his crotch and let out a quiet “miss me?”.
husband!aizawa who nuzzles into your neck inhaling you sweet scent enjoying the feeling of you rubbing against him.
husband!aizawa who slurs out a “stop” because “you should sleep, I’ll fuck you when we wake up”.
husband!aizawa who is almost gives in when you let out a whine of “please, need you now, can’t wait”.
husband!aizawa who tells you it will take to long to prepare you as he already feels himself falling asleep.
husband!aizawa who feels his cock thickening out in his pants after you tell him that “I prepared myself before you came, I’m ready for you”.
husband!aizawa who knows he’s lost the game when he envisions you stretching yourself out for him knowing that you didn’t finish as you wouldn’t do so without his permission.
husband!aizawa who starts trailing kisses to to your neck and shoulder whispering out “you’ve been so good for me haven’t you baby, getting yourself ready all on your own ” and “I’m gonna give you what you want since you’ve prepared so nicely for me” in between them.
husband!aizawa who slides his hand that was resting on your pelvis down your underwear, slipping two fingers into your inviting hole.
husband!aizawa who elicits small moans from you as he teasingly fingers you avoiding the place he knows will make you scream.
husband!aizawa who plays with your chest while fingering you, flicking and pinching your nipples causing you to squirm trying to weasel your way out of his grip.
husband!aizawa who lets up when you plead for him to “stop teasing me and fuck me already” with a curt chuckle.
husband!aizawa who whispers “such a greedy hole you have” but pulls down his pjyama pants anyway, pulling out his now full mast cock from it’s confinement rubbing it against the curve of your ass.
husband!aizawa who moves your underwear to the side and teases your hole with his thick cockhead, slipping it in a little and pulling straight out letting.
husband!aizawa who feels as though he’s played with you enough and finally fills you out with a single slow thrust, the both of you cursing out in pleasure.
husband!aizawa who stays nestled inside you for a few seconds savouring the feel of you wet heat as he continues to grope your chest.
husband!aizawa who begins to languidly thrust into you enjoying the stretch of your hole around him.
husband!aizawa who tells you to “ride me then” when you whine that he’s being “to slow” and how he should “go faster”.
husband!aizawa who lays flat on his back while adjusting the pillow so that he can see you properly.
husband!aizawa who enjoys the sight of you stripping yourself of his shirt and your underwear, feeling your bare skin against his calloused hands.
husband!aizawa who rubs, squeezes and plays with your flesh in his hands until you swat them away telling him to “stop” because you’re “trying to focus” on slipping his cock back inside you.
husband!aizawa who lightly laughs as you struggle to sink down on him but lets you go at your own pace because it’s cute to see you struggle.
husband!aizawa who encourages you with praises of “c’mon baby, you can do it” and “your almost there just a little more” while he rubs up and down your thighs slowly.
husband!aizawa who was having fun watching you struggle but begins to lose his patience and asks if “you need help love?”.
husband!aizawa who when you let out a defeated whine of “yes please” tells you that “you did so well” and that he’s “proud of you for doing your best love”.
husband!aizawa who holds you still above him firmly by your hips asking you if “you ready”.
husband!aizawa who doesn’t wait for your answer and slams you down on him, the sound of your skin slapping against his echoing throughout the room as well as your muffled moan that was covered by your hand.
husband!aizawa who frowns at your actions asking you to “move your hand please , let me hear you baby” which you immediately do.
husband!aizawa who asks if “you not going to move baby?” when you lean forward to rest your hands on his chest clearly trying to catch your breath small whimpers leaving your mouth.
husband!aizawa who swears your walls grip him tighter as you rise up slowly.
husband!aizawa who watches you throw your head back as you quickly sink down on him.
husband!aizawa who lets you go at your own pace for a while but notices when your energy begins to grow impatient.
husband!aizawa who grows frustrated with the slow movements of you hips against him and takes matters into his own hands thrusting sharply into you with a grunt of “you wanted fast right? I’ll give it to you baby”.
husband!aizawa who laughs when you moan our that he’s “too deep” and that you “feel so full” because he knows and feels it too by the way you squeeze around him.
husband!aizawa who sets a punishing pace skin slapping against yours rhythmically while you struggle to stay up right only to ending up leaning over him with one hand on the headboard and one by the side of his head.
husband!aizawa who continues his onslaught even when you ask him to “slow down” because “you asked for this baby, remember?”
husband!aizawa who changes his angle slightly so that he’s hitting you in the best spot which immediately causes you to scream out in ecstasy.
husband!aizawa who knows that you’re close to release even before your chants of “m’so close” and “don’t stop” because of the way your walls clench around him.
husband!aizawa who fucks into you with a little more vigour feeling himself getting close as well.
husband!aizawa who asks if “ you want to come together baby” through laborious breaths.
husband!aizawa who pulls you down for a loving kiss pace never letting up after you let out a “yes please baby” in between broken moans.
husband!aizawa who tells you to “come now baby” when he feels he’s ready the steady pulse if your walls convulsing around him setting him off the both of you moaning out in pleasure.
husband!aizawa who lets you slump against him your hot bodies pressing against each other both of you panting coming down from your highs.
husband!aizawa who kisses you again when you press your foreheads together wrapping his arms around your middle and lower back.
husband!aizawa who pulls the cover over the both of you, keeping his cock and come secure in you after you both collectively agree that you have no energy to go clean up.
husband!aizawa who kisses your forehead whispering “sweet dreams my love” when you bury your head in the croock of his neck.
husband!aizawa who falls asleep in the security of your bodies deeply connected.
#✰𝐊𝐘𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐒✰#aizawa shouta#aizawa x reader#bnha aizawa#aizawa sensei#aizawa x you#aizawa smut#bnha smut#bnha#mha aizawa#aizawa x gn!reader#gn reader#my hero academia#my hero smut#my hero acedamia
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