#Aizawa one year later seeing a kitty in the street: ah hell nah i don't want to know what crazy villain goes after me if i take that stray
pocketramblr · 2 years
5 hc game: au where Aizawa is nearby and saves Tenko, as he wouldn't ignore a lost toddler with blood on their hands
You narrowly won a kindness in a poll and so I shall not be tricksome and derail this prompt to the existing ten^3 au where Aizawa would be a minor character
1- so a first-year student Aizawa is walking to UA one day and hears something in an alley. He thinks it's a cat and goes to look, instead finding A Whole Child who has clearly seen better days. He tries to ask the kid what's wrong, show the UA uniform and that he's gonna be a hero, but the kid just shies away. When Aizawa gets closer, Tenko reaches out to touch a trashcan next to him, which turns to dust and spills the trash out.
2- "Oh. Can you not control your quirk?" He asks, and gets a little headshake. "And you don't want to hurt me?" A nod.
"That's ok, I can erase quirks, see?" His eyes glow yellow and his hair floats up. He tosses Tenko a trashed chip bag, and when Tenko picks it up, it doesn't decay.
Tenko throws his arms around Aizawa's neck and bursts into tears.
3- now extremely uncomfortable, and erasure no longer active, Aizawa stands up. He figures it's not the end of the world if his UA jacket gets decayed, or even his shirt, he'll just pull an Oboro and change into his gym clothes. But he does decide he needs to get this kid to the real heroes at UA who can actually handle this.
That plan is derailed when, after some time walking, a very tall man with white hair in a suit steps out into the street, frowning that someone took the kid before him. The frown deepens when he calls for Tenko Shimura, and the kid just cries harder, leading Aizawa to look back, activate erasure, and start running
4- Aizawa doesn't go to UA, he knows it's clear from his uniform where he would. It's also clear from the chaos behind him that erupts as soon as his stinging eyes blink shut that whoever that is, he's a villain and bad news. Instead, he hides and calls Oboro, then hangs up when he hears Oboro isn't at school, then calls Hizashi, who is. "Tell sensei a villain tried to kidnap a five year old and is currently after both of us." Then he hangs up, and calls the police.
5- Aizawa keeps moving and hiding with Tenko, trying to stay away from the apparently very powerful villain, but is really only saved by All Might appearing and AfO making the choice to leave because he did not want to ensure All Might actually finds Tenko first- after all, he can get the kid later from UA, and the absolutely fascinating quirk of the boy who grabbed him too.
AfO does not predict that as soon as Recovery Girl hears Tenko's name, she calls Gran Torino and has him race to UA right away. Initially he was only going to take and hide Tenko, but Tenko refused to leave without his hero Aizawa, and Gran agreed that he had made himself a target of AfO too. Aizawa, who is again, like fifteen years old, is very put out by this but at this point, he's stuck with them so.
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