#Airsoft Rifles Canada
gearupairsofton · 5 months
Airsoft Rifles Canada - Gear Up Airsoft
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Gear Up Airsoft: Welcome! Our goal is to offer the most affordable and high-quality airsoft rifles available in Canada. In addition to making sure we have the greatest brands available, we also guarantee to match prices with all national shops. With the best airsoft weapons Canada has to offer, take aim at your adversaries. Shipping is free for AEG and GBBR orders over $300! Saying that
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gammaliminal · 1 year
Neon Troupe: Meet The Cast
(project intro) (written by an in-universe character, you'll see who they are :3)
I'm obligated to do this for... New hires. Here's everything which is need-know about the Contractors and some notable non-battlefield staff.
Alright first up, the Contractors, the people we've hired to fight the turf-war.
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The Recon (he/him) A calico house cat from Scotland, their owner uplifted them in a bid to compete in cat shows of fellow uplifted cats. When it was obvious that his lust for blood and annoying attitude was too much, his owner instead trained him in firearms and flying to become a hired gun.
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The Chemist (he/him) He had always been an odd fellow. Having a tenure for a university in Russia, doing various under-the-table experiments and backalley chemistry projects, most of which were homicidal. When he needed money for said experiments, he decided to become a Contractor.
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The Demolisher (she/her) A quite large and friendly(ish) woman from Mesoamerica, she was conscripted some time ago into the military, then afterwards she used her demolition skills for a more productive purpose. After then getting replaced by robots, she gone and started blowing up production lines and robots left and right. We convinced her to take out her rage for a pay check.
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The Charger (he/him) A strange German man who seems almost hesitant about murder. From what we can tell, he invented his jets some years ago in a weird jousting competition hosted by him. After it got bloody, he decided his deadly skill in swords could be sold…
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The Spark (she/them) Coming from Japan, we observed she had a flagrant disregard for other's safety if it fed her curiosity, or for her need to rant about electricity in others' ears. Despite quite a few of our staff objecting to having her hired, we decided the noise was worth it for a skilled contractor and someone who could fix the office's lights.
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The Exosuit (she/her) A quite lithe woman from Australia, she had been a computer scientist in college. Needing to do manual labor for money, she got her hands on an exosuit, but eventually that wasn't enough. Calling up one of her more physically minded friends, she slowly modified it into a killing machine. We also note she has a smoking problem…
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The Technician (they/them) Always the overachiever, they graduated from all branches of engineering in a university from Britain. Then they got drafted into the war, and used those PHDs for military research and military hardware. After it ended, and with a new taste for blood, they decided to hire their miracle skills out. We won't judge their financial decisions.
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The Caretaker (they/them) Alright, we honestly don't have much of an idea where this guy came from. Tracking the breeds of their animals, their clothing, and their equipment, they seem to be from the Exclusion Zone in Ukraine. The few times they speak, it's through a voice changer and either emotionless or highly passionate. We do know they spend their paycheck on their animals though.
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The Hunter (he/him) We've received multiple complaints about this guy. From the east coast of the US, he was a pro airsoft player. Eventually, he got bored and, after getting banned from tournaments for his modified rifle and his massive ego, hired himself into actual warfare. No, we're not firing him.
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The Nurse (she/her) From somewhere in the Caribbean, she became a pretty successful nurse, even when she had to take a week off for a drug trip. After losing her license through a count of murder, multiple counts of drug dealing, and a lot of drug (ab)use; she got into mercenary work despite seemingly having a genuine heart.
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The Trickster (they/them) From the few bits and pieces of history we can gather, this enigma seems to previously be a dancer from Canada. At least, we think, could be another of their tricks. Anyways, their skills in trickery and espionage seems to be unmatched. As their ingenuity, if their cloak and disguise tools are made by them.
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The Vandal (he/them) From the west-coast of the US, of our operating territory, comes this delinquent. His rage at the system landed him with a life sentence in prison. Though, our headhunters saw potential in him. We decided it was worth making various deals so as long as he's still with us, he isn't being hunted by the cops. Noted for his drinking problem, though, it seems he's mindful of not being drunk on the battlefield.
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The CEO (he/him) CEO of an oil company allied with us, small time politician, and the 37th recipient of the miracle body replacement. His faux-adventurous attitude is only superseded by his paranoia about how much money he has. While his consciousness is transferable, your paycheck is getting docked each time he has to replace his body.
Now as for our non-combatants, well, you might see some of them in the background. Please don't disturb them as either they're doing important work or on break.
Starting off with ones hired by ORG and PNK we have
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The Hack (they/them) A small-time IT expert and cybercriminal in the newly made frontier of the internet. After they got into hot-water with too many international entities, we bailed them out in exchange for working with us. Got to cover all our bases (and we desperately needed someone who could navigate our server room).
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The Janitor (he/him) A quiet man without too much to say, drifting through the building cleaning up any mess that appears. He previously worked as a hired gun in the 60s, but those days are long passed and asking him about it gets nothing besides side-eye and a light grunt.
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The Secretary (she/her) A women hired by the CEO for his busy work and bookkeeping, she's barely out of college and already doing such big work. She seems always overworked and underpaid, relinquishing the moments of break she has. Also seems to like me a lot for no particular reason.
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The Courier (she/them) A crafty women, while quite young she is very good at what she does. Ie: Piloting drones for deliveries, mail, and notes from upper management. She's really quite jovial, gratingly so. While they haven't met yet, I expect her to be good friends with the Spark.
Now for the ones on our payroll, we have
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The Public Announcer (PA) (they/them) I'm not allowed to say much here. They're the one over the speakers managing the rounds and matches, announcing the state of the battlefield to our Contractors. (Though, off the record, I kind of hate them, and love them? I've said, too much so, will not be elaborating)
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The Proxy (he/him) That's me, hey there. I act as a middlemen and body guard for the PA, doing their wetwork and speaking directly to the Contractors. Off the books, I'm probably the most reasonable one here, even if that includes liking my (mildly homicidal) boss. Please… Don't let that get on record.
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The Therapist (one of: he/him, she/her, they/them) The company hired them more as a kind gesture then anything else really. This varying-gendered person does seem to be genuinely qualified and reasonably successful. Though, they seem overly unprofessional with our Contractors, and do a large amount of check ins with them without reason.
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The Dispatcher (any/all) Our quartermaster, tactician, strategist, and middle manager. She's quite an old hat in the business, having been in the parent companies to ours and even being the previous PA, til [REDACTED] took over. Nowadays they mostly drift around the office making small talk and constantly organizing and planning stuff.
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The Driver (he/him) Ah yes, the guy who picked you up. He's the one who transports important personnel and important packages with his quite fancy car (it's bulletproof too, don't ask me how i know). He's an ex-Mafia actually, but then he decided to look for bigger things...
Oh, and finally, there's someone I need to caution you against
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The Eye (???/???) Alright let me go off the books one more time, has anyone else seen this guy? Faded green suit, suitcase, fedora? I swear I've seen them watching the battlefield from a distance but besides faded Polaroids I haven't seen anyone mention them…
(and that's all of them! hope you like them and their emblems, as provided by @schmegaman-x!!) - Ξλ
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contactadhe · 2 years
This is a fun game no doubt, but not constantly
The good guys invariably get away with a pat on their backs and prizes galore. Paint ball, the game has many followers in various countries where one gets to smack the opposing team with splashes of paint. It is for this precise reason; countries are taking measures so that one cannot buy these weapons off the internet or in strange alleyways. These are the negatives especially when the person staring you in the face is a hard core criminal or a work in progress individual. A person who buys the merchandise has to make sure that he or she meets with all the norms laid down by the country. However, anyone who is below the age of 18 is not permitted to carry a loaded weapon or to purchase the Airsoft Canada brand. One cannot go out in public waving a loaded weapon unless he or she is licensed to do so. We keep reading about how people turn and get involved in violence and use this as a power tool to get people listen to them. This is a precautionary measure.
This is a fun game no doubt, but not constantly. Getting Mugged Coming face to face with a person wielding a gun can be extremely frightening. Carrying pepper spray may not cut it if the person has his or her eyes covered. Appendages to Stop Crime In many parts of the world, owning guns is not permitted. On the Pneumatic Air Spray Gun for Sale other side of the coin are websites where people can buy Airsoft guns. However, in the real world owning rifles from the Airsoft brand is no game. Therefore it is can be quite a task for the people in office to keep track of repeat offenders or new kids on the killing block. Laser weaponry is not legally permitted for everyone to use as defined by geography. But does the end justify the means or is the fact that guns, tasers, pepper sprays are here to stay because crime is not going away?.
Boys as they say will be boys and most often in their childhood enjoy plays cops and robbers.Cops and Robbers Playing around with guns and rifles is not everybody;s cup of tea. A person who is legally authorized to carry a weapon can have his or her fill about the muzzle velocity and engagement guidelines. But this does happen with the nefarious lot. There are people who argue the point because of increasing crimes against humanity. With playful rifles they go about eliminating the bad guys so that they are locked up for a while. This debate will go on for years on end, but at the end of the day, can a person feel better if he or she has a weapon at home or on them?
Many may agree that this is important or at least a taser. The pellets that are used on this brand are usually round and plastic and are usually opaque. It is important that the person, who has a weapon in his or her possession, empties the barrel and keeps it in safety mode. Most often people end up losing their lives because the safety clasp was not in place
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gearupairsoftblog · 4 years
Top 6 Things Parents Should Know About Airsoft Guns
Today most children who appreciate shooting as a pastime or love playing war games request an airsoft weapon from their folks.
There are a large group of good airsoft stores in Canada who sell head quality airsoft weapons like  Gearup Airsoft.
Anyway guardians frequently don't have a reasonable thought regarding these weapons and miracle whether it will be completely protected to give their kid one.
The airsoft firearms are imitation weapons which are totally sheltered. These weapons as a rule move plastic BBs and are undeniably appropriate for rehearsing sport shooting or playing war games.
The airsoft firearms go back to the 1980s
The airsoft firearm was first designed by Tokyo Mauri in Japan during the 1980s. Mauri imagined the principal Automatic electric firearm (AEG) years after he designed the first airsoft weapon. It was demonstrated on the M16 and was battery worked. It was from that point on that these weapons turned out to be massively well known.
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These weapons are sheltered
The airsoft weapons are sheltered to utilize. These firearms push 6mm to 8mm plastic BBs at a low speed of 170 to 550feet every second.
Take satisfactory security measures for kids
It's consistently a smart thought to take satisfactory wellbeing measures before utilizing these firearms. Children should wear secured attire and gloves before utilizing the firearm. The BBs when terminated at a short proximity can regularly leave rankles or red spots.
Youngsters ought to likewise wear unique, completely secured goggles while utilizing these firearms. Wearing these goggles shields the eye from any sort of injury. These goggles can be effectively bought from the airsoft stores in Canada where every single such embellishment are likewise sold alongside the weapons.
Airsoft weapons are an imitation of genuine firearms
The airsoft weapons look so much like a genuine firearm that it is regularly difficult to differentiate. All great airsoft stores in Canada sell an assortment of airsoft firearms running from the M16, G36, AK47,SCAR and the sky is the limit from there. They additionally have all the highlights of a genuine firearm, directly from zero point triggers and barrels to handles.
Children can do a large group of exercises with the airsoft weapons
The airsoft firearms can be utilized for indoor and open air games and furthermore for sport shooting. Regardless of whether its the programmed electric weapon, the shotgun or the expert sharpshooter rifle, every one of them can be utilized to rehearse sport shooting and learn different shooting methodologies.
Youngsters can likewise utilize these weapons to mess around in indoor and open air fields.
The airsoft stores in Canada have a wide range of airsoft weapons. You can pick the perfect one to suit your necessities.
Know about every single legitimate viewpoint
It is extremely fundamental to realize all the laws in regards to the buy and utilization of such weapons before you choose to put resources into one. There are nations, which have prohibited the utilization of such firearms. Indeed, even their utilization for sport shooting is esteemed unlawful in certain spots. Thus realizing all the laws with respect to their utilization is of prime significance.
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blackbeargear · 4 years
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Canada has just witnessed the most ridiculous abuse of power towards the firearms community in Canadian history. So what did we at Ridgeline Rifles do today? We went out shooting and smiled. We will not go quietly into the night. WARRIOR ASSAULT DCS DA 5.56MM PLATE CARRIER NEXUS LEVEL IV STAND ALONE DOUBLE CURVE PLATE SET WARRIOR ASSAULT SYSTEMS 901 ELITE (OPEN MAGS) NEXUS PROTECTIVE BODY ARMOUR IIIA SOFT SET I would like to thank my friends from @blackbeargear for always making sure I have the best of the best. #warriorassaultsystems #airsoft #glock #coyotetan #blackbeargear #infantry #556 #rifles #platecarrier #cqb #lawenforcement #peaceful #dropdown #utilitypouch #igmilitiacanada #picoftheday #instadaily #igmilitia #AirsoftCanada #greatertorontoarea #tacticalgear #herewego #magpul #armour #rcmp #ccfr #sportsshooting #canadaoutdoors #RidgelineRifles Reposted from @ridgelinerifles ..........⁠ 🔻🔻 Join our Black Bear Gear Community Facebook group! 🔻🔻 https://www.facebook.com/groups/207269323380366/ ............⁠ 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 We ship to the USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 🍁 Call or email us to inquire about our LEO/First Responders/Military Discount program 👮🚨 [email protected] 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 🍁🍁 Team Bear 👇 @breninbjj @ryan.lawlorygkcombatleo @pekititactics @RIDGELINERIFLES Black Bear Gear Dealers 👇 @nasgunsandammo @mapleridgearmoury @theammosource 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_0z9GtpHRe/?igshid=msan5qyuohl0
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wetwareproblem · 5 years
I honestly love canada’s weird-ass weapons laws. Bear spray? No problem (and you can use it for self defense on people if you *happen* to be attacked while carrying it). Exact same product but *intended* for use on people? Weapon, banned. I carry a knife too, as a tool. And if it were ever to happen to come in handy for other scenarios that’s not my fault...
It gets wilder still - my Canada-carry knife is an assisted-open folder. It is perfectly legit and legal unless I intend to cut somebody with it or I loosen a set screw by about a quarter-turn. I also have two airsoft weapons that are literally indistinguishable from well-known real-world firearms except on close inspection. Legit until I make somebody feel threatened with them or improve the efficiency of the rifle one more iota.
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searchinghero · 2 years
Air Venturi TR5 PRO .177 cal Target Air Rifle
This Air Venturi TR5 .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle has been in the works since 2005 and it finally came to fruition when they were ready to field test it. In a way I’ve already field tested this Air Venturi TR5 .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle in the Baikal version. The Air Venturi version is pretty much a knock off of the Baikal IZH MP-61 which not only look like each other but also performed very similarly for me.
I used the chronograph to see what velocity the Air Venturi TR5 .177 Caliber Pellet Rifle was capable of producing. All five of the shots went over 500 fps, and averaged 513 fps.
Our non regulated firearms laws here in Canada will no longer allow our air rifle and muzzle loading firearms to use energy levels over four foot pounds. We also now have a maximum range limit of 30 feet so you’ll need to get a new scope or range finder for your rifle.
Click It~~ Watch More~~
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#searchinghero #MilitaryStyle #Airsoft #CO2Airsoft #AirVenturiTR5PRO #TR5 #AirVenturi #TR5PRO
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gearupairsofton · 1 year
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Airsoft Rifles Canada - A round plastic projectile is used in the team shooting sport of airsoft, in which competitors are meant to hit their rivals. For the purpose of shooting their opponents, participants use airsoft rifles or weapons. With either high-quality real wood or metal, airsoft's exterior is exquisitely crafted. Your experience of realism will be assured if you use a superb airsoft gun, which has all the realistic elements. These rifles are likewise unadorned, just like the authentic counterpart. The rifles are worth a try because of their famous steel magazine design, which is a beautiful item. The incredible recoil system of the rifles is frequently praised by users, and this is due in large part to the massive weight of the bolt carrier group that is moving throughout each rifle cycle.
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blackbeargear · 5 years
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Wow! Another beautiful photo of the LPC. We got MultiCam and Ranger Green in stock! We are here for you! Send us questions at [email protected] or shop online at Www.blackbeargear.ca @eagle_03_adam from @eagleeyeairsoft with a close up of his @warriorassaultsystems LPC 2.0 carrier. Running a pair of our training plates to keep it holding its shape, even with all the additiont kit added. Trident Gear Co. Has just had a restock of our ever popular medium SAPI plates in heavy weight material, along with our side plates. Head over to our website (link in bio) to view our complete range. Proud Sponsor's of @tfbroadsword 🇬🇧 Made by Airsofter's, for Airsofter's 🇬🇧 Veteran owned company 🇬🇧 #tridentgear #tridentgearco #tridentapparel #tridentplates #airsoft #milsim #warriorassaultsystems #was #blueforcegear #bfg #trainingplates Reposted from @tridentgearco 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 🍁 Call or email us to inquire about our LEO/First Responders/Military Discount program 👮🚨 [email protected] 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 🍁 @nasgunsandammo @tactical74 @ragnaroktacticalcanada @ccfr_ccdaf @codeofarmstv @accuracy1stcanada @pekititactics @cansofcom.ig @jtf2.canada @csor_pics @gamble_swe @ctoassoc @warriorassaultsystems @prelabsinc @agogetacticalregimen @intergalactic_operator @canadianspecialforces 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁🍁 🍁 #gun #specialforces #gign #marsoc #socom #torontopolice #infantry #rifles #police #swat #tactical #tacticool #ally #pewpew #igmilitiacanada #rcmp #picoftheday #instadaily #peaceofficer https://www.instagram.com/p/BzlPNIwgsP-/?igshid=1p7irpro3fo0a
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harleympaschall · 3 years
Airsoft Sniper Rifles | Airsoft Sniper Rifles For Sale Canada | Gearup Airsoft
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dianemsasso · 3 years
Airsoft Sniper Rifles For Sale Canada | Airsoft Sniper Rifles
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What should I wear while playing airsoft?
When you are into airsoft games, you will often find yourself getting injured. When this happens, you may be tempted to simply quit the game and let it all go to waste. However, there are some simple things that you can do to prevent injury and keep your heart rate under control. For one, you should buy airsoft gun in Canada if you plan on playing outside. While it may be tempting to get injured by playing outside, the weather can often be violent. It is much better to be safe than sorry.
If you are going to be playing airsoft games, you need to buy a paintball gun. The most common types of airsoft guns are spring airsoft guns and electric airsoft guns. For many people, choosing the type of gun to buy depends on the particular type of terrain that they will be playing on.
If you are going to be playing airsoft indoors, you probably will want to buy a paintball marker. Paintball markers have a lot of power and are great for playing on hard surfaces. However, if you are playing airsoft outdoors, you might want to consider an airsoft rifle. Rifles have more accuracy than paintballs and are not prone to firing at the wrong time.
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When choosing what paintball gun to buy, you should make sure that it is comfortable. Remember, if you are sitting all day in the field, you may want to invest in a paintball glove, contact gearupairsoft.com. Many of these gloves are soft and will fit your hand comfortably. You should also try to look for ones with extra padding. This will help reduce hand fatigue and increase your overall shooting confidence.
If you are going to be playing airsoft indoors, you will probably not want to spend as much money on your gun as you would if you were playing outdoor. For this reason, you should consider getting an indoor mask. These masks are comfortable and are very effective at preventing dust, debris, and noise from entering your line of site.
If you are playing airsoft games at your local field, you might want to consider getting some protective gear. For example, goggles are excellent at blocking out bright sunlight, but there is always the chance that you could accidentally hit your eyes. Eye protection is easy to find and can be purchased for just a few dollars. You should also try to get some elbow, wrist, and knee pads. This will protect you against possible splinters or bruises if you accidentally run into someone.
Finally, you should always dress in layers if you are playing paintball inside. For this reason, you should wear a pair of paintball pants, a paintball shirt, and a vest. Most of these items can be bought for less than $50. In addition to protecting yourself, you should also consider buying some special gear for playing field events. For example, you may want to buy extra ammo or a case just in case you get ambushed by another team.
Hopefully this article has given you some useful information about what to wear when playing airsoft. Airsoft is a fantastic sport, and it can provide a lot of enjoyment for many people. However, it is very important that you take some basic steps to ensure your safety. Airsoft makes a great hobby, but it is also important that you think about how you are dressed when playing it.
If you want to play airsoft safely, it is important that you know which types of guns are safest. The spring airsoft gun is one of the most popular, because it is powerful and reliable. Unfortunately, if you use the spring airsoft gun without proper protective clothing, you could be seriously injured. 
This type of airsoft gun shoots pellets at high velocities, which means they can travel a long distance. Because of this, they are especially useful for playing field games where they might have to be shot from a long range. Although most fields will not have any trouble distinguishing between a spring airsoft gun and a real gun, you may still wind up getting charged with assault and battery charges.
When playing airsoft outside, it is even more important that you dress appropriately for the environment. If you want to play a safe game, it is important that you are well protected from the weather. 
In the summertime, it is especially important that you protect your skin and clothes from the sun. It is also good to avoid playing in extremely cold weather, because your body will need to warm up more to prevent frostbite.
In short, wearing the proper gear when playing airsoft is extremely important. The type of gear that you should wear will depend on what type of game you are playing. For example, if you are into playing team games, you should wear attire that matches the other team's colors. 
You should also make sure that your weapon is secure before you shoot, because you never know how it might behave or what it hits might contain small pieces of glass or other sharp objects that could hurt you or others. No matter what game you are playing, make sure that you are properly protected by wearing appropriate attire.
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crystaljdunn · 3 years
Airsoft Sniper Rifles | Airsoft Sniper Rifles For Sale Canada
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gearupairsofton · 2 months
Gear Up Airsoft | Airsoft Rifles in Canada
The best airsoft rifles in Canada. AEG & GBBR provide free shipping for orders over $300! Get Ready, Airsoft Slap the opposition in the face. We supply some of the most affordable airsoft handguns and AEG rifles available. Explore the widest selection of airsoft weapons in Canada! In addition to sniper rifles, we also have M16s, AK-47s, SMGs, AEG, and GBB rifles!
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morganrebeccab · 3 years
Airsoft Sniper Rifles | Airsoft Sniper Rifles For Sale Canada ...
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jamesrkenttips · 3 years
Airsoft Sniper Rifles | Airsoft Sniper Rifles For Sale Canada ...
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