#Airin Status.
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airxn · 8 days ago
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" 𝐎𝐡, 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲– I can't do captchas. Not because I'm not human, it's because I'm stupid. "
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asofspades · 5 months ago
EOW past Zelda game references/Easter eggs so far in my 1st gameplay (joint with my brother)
- Sheika
-There's mentions of the Triforce
- Desert Palace ruins (from alttp) very very similar and also named like that in the game
- Swamp palace (light world) ruins including the set of pillars with the middle one surrounded by water just like in Alttp
-River Zora's
- A certain Zora adjacent character descended from the one in OOT
- Goron boss house has the Goron shaped big jar with the Goron symbol on it
-So far I've seen the Zora and Goron crests
-The Gerudo crest is the same as in OOT
- This Ganon's attacks are very similar to Link's Awakening Nightmare's Ganon
- Zols (from alttp, ooa, oos)
-Airins and other mushroom like flying monsters (alttp)
- SS like goddess statue in the dungeons of Hyrule Castle
-A horse that's basically Epona but no Lon Lon Ranch (probably was abandoned in that timeline so the family name ended up dying)
- Tails (alttp, ooa,oos, LA)
-The pink prison crystal from oot
- Kakariko village at the foot of Eldin Volcano (like in oot)
- The business scrubs have the MM design
- Volvagia is here need I say more
-The freaking temple/church from Alttp is there
- Mount Hebra is literally Death Mountain from Alttp the map is quite literally the same
- I'm pretty sure the mount lanayru weird temple has a version of the symbol from the Sage of Water medallion from OOT
-I'm not saying it's the same fairies but it's too much of a coincidence that a fairy who grants you the ability to expand your complements in exchange for rupees located in a small cave in an island in the middle of a River close to the Zora region seems to similar to the Alttp fairy that grants you more bombs and arrows in exchange for rupees in a very similar location. Just saying.
-Also there's invocantis instead of wizzrobes, which are the ones from Alttp.
-Also the game sequence is kind of reminiscent of a mix between OOT and ALTTP, in the sense you have to beat three areas first which involve the Zora and the woods, it's only the fact that you're going to the Gerudo instead of death mountain. Then there's the castle with the boss that kind of works as an Aghanim situation (no I do not know how to spell that name), and then there's some more quests, in this case only 3 unlike OOT and Alttp, but it is compensated by how much stuff you have to do before getting to the main part in each section.
-Also, the beings on Hebra mountain kind of remind me a bit of the snow region inhabitants in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit tracks but also a bit of Yeti and Yeta in Twilight princess.
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theleechyskrunkly · 11 months ago
I would LOVE to see Aurinelle's family meet Finn and Silas omg. I don't think introducing them is spoilers? Depends on what thr story is though
Yeah, introducing them probably wouldn't spoil his backstory, but for the families to meet it would be waaayyyy ahead in the story 😅 anyways, I'll do a small introduction for them right here, just their name and age and role in the family ig :)
Name: Airin Sireiwen—Age: 43—Status: Alive.
Name: Giselle Sireiwen—Age: 43— Status: Alive.
Eldest sisters:
Name: Gia Sireiwen—Age: 15— Status: Alive.
Name: Gianna Sireiwen—Age: 15— Status: Alive.
Middle sisters:
Name: Anne Sireiwen—Age: 12— Status: Alive.
Name: Ania Sireiwen—Age: 12— Status: Alive.
Youngest sisters:
Name: Aurine Sireiwen—Age: 9— Status: Alive.
Name: Nellie Sireiwen—Age: 9— Status: Alive.
All the sisters who are the same age are twins! And yeah, Aurinelle is the only guy in the entire family 😭
Aurinelle also picked the name for Aurine and Nellie since his mothers are not the best at creating distinguishable names 😅
Tagging: @thehollowwriter @cyanide-latte @xen-blank @elenauaurs @distant-velleity in case you wanna know about Aurinelle's fam.
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enbymetalhead · 7 days ago
OK so why does the Warrior of Ice talk about 'his princess' like that in the early Rhapsody albums
So that Arwald post got me thinking again about this part of Flames of Revenge where The Warrior of Ice mentions his princess:
My princess, why must I Assist at your death… I can’t endure this tragic pain. Now I close your eyes While thunder strikes the sky, I cry to see the innocent die.
This occurs in Ancelot before the Nordic Warrior embarks on his quest for the Emerald Sword and it seems pretty explicit that the princess dies here. The Warrior of Ice mentions 'my princess' again in passing in Lord of the Thunder and Symphony of Enchanted Lands (title track). (interesting to note that the Algalord Chronicles notes that go alongside the lyrics don't acknowledge this princess at all).
With just these two albums, the lyrical story is kind of simple - The Warrior of Ice had a love interest in the Princess of Ancelot and she dies in Flames of Revenge which drives his desire for vengeance in going for the Emerald Sword.
The Nordic Warrior having a dead love interest is never mentioned again. In Dawn of Victory we're introduced to the princess of Ancelot, Airin, and her relationship with Arwald for the first time. Arwald was established in the Algalord Chronicles parts beforehand, but Airin or him having a love interest is never mentioned.
In The Last Winged Unicorn, (who I assume to be) the Warrior of Ice calls Airin 'my princess'. So what's exactly going on with the Princess lore here. If we for a moment assume this isn't a mistake or a retcon there's two main possibilities:
A - The princess in Flames of Revenge and Princess Airin are two different people. This is odd because the first princess is never mentioned or alluded to after Symphony. In other songs where the Warrior talks about the dead it's always 'Airin, Arwald, Tharos'. Not a single mention of his alleged love interest and he seems more interested in Dargor than anyone else by that point anyway.
B - There's only one princess. This is odd because Flames of Revenge almost explicitly states that she died, and it's also heavily implied that she's the Nordic Warrior's love interest, not Arwald's, until Dawn of Victory where it's a pretty key part of the story.
Hmm not particularly satisfactory, let's divide this down into interpretations.
A - There were always two princesses, but Luca Turilli just forgot to or chose not to mention the one in albums mentioning the other. One is the Warrior of Ice's Love interest and the other is Airin.
B - There was always one princess - the Warrior of Ice thinks she died in Flames of Revenge but actually she lived. Comes with subcases:
B1 - There's a love triangle going on between Arwald, the Nordic Warrior, and Airin (or more accurately, the Warrior is pining after Airin, who is clearly in love with Arwald)
B2 - The Warrior doesn't mean 'my princess' romantically, and is more a chivalrous gesture, and/or a statement of platonic loyalty/affection.
C - Luca changed the lore between albums and we should only take the written Algalord Chronicles version seperate from the lyrics - no princess dies in Flames of Revenge and the Warrior of Ice never had a love interest. Also comes with sub-explanations:
C1 - Luca forgot his own lore between albums (it's been known to happen - Arwald is called hero of the Middle Lands in Legendary Tales, but he's once called hero of the Northlands in Dawn of Victory. And don't get me started on the Harold issue). By the time of writing Dawn of Victory he possibly remembered a princess in Ancelot, but not her relationship or vitality status. Thus we have a new princess with a different love interest who dies in a different way and the first princess no longer exists.
C2 - It's a deliberate retcon because Luca decided he preferred the Airin/Arwald ship, or preferred the storytelling potential with it and/or he decided that the Warrior of Ice shouldn't have a love interest beforehand actually. Note that this is the album where Dargor also first starts existing so clearly he saw the potential in the pair and decided to do a service to all the shippers in writing out the Warrior of Ice's previous relationship.
The C cases end up pretty similar to the B cases, just ignoring Flames of Revenge instead of trying to explain it.
I always assumed the A case, but thinking about it, I find all the B and C cases interesting too and I never had much investment in the possible other princess who disappears halfway through the saga. Thinking about it, I think I prefer something similar to the B2/C cases anyway with how I always saw the relationship between the three.
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kabartangsel · 5 months ago
Profil Dr. Hj. Airin Rachmi Diany, S.H., M.H.
Nama Lengkap: Dr. Hj. AIRIN RACHMI DIANY, S.H., M.H. Jenis Kelamin: Perempuan Tempat, Tanggal Lahir: Banjar, 28 Agustus 1976 Agama: Islam Pekerjaan: Wiraswasta Status Hukum: Tidak memiliki status hukum Riwayat Pendidikan No Jenjang pendidikan Institusi pendidikan Gelar Tahun masuk Tahun keluar 1 S3 Universitas Padjajaran Bandung Dr 2019 2023 2 S2 Universitas Padjajaran Bandung Spesialis…
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yumeko2sevilla · 1 year ago
Airin Tojinomi_ unreliable messenger
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"Ahahaha. Now, do you really think I was that innocent?"
_The Unreliable Messenger
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Full Name: Airin Tojinomi
⤿Airin (愛凜): A name of Japanese origin. "愛" meaning love, affection and '凜' meaning cold.
⤿Tojinomi (十時のみ): A name of Japanese origin. "十" meaning ten, "時" meaning time, hours, moments. "のみ" meaning delightful, beautiful, plesant.
Japanese: 十時のみ愛凜
Other Names:
╰┈➤Airin-san_ Tojinomi-san
╰┈➤Tojinomi (Yukiharu Shirokami)
╰┈➤Mademoiselle Trickster (Rook Hunt)
╰┈➤Bitch (Minako Sakamaki)
╰┈➤Unreliable Lady (Pierre @/anxious-twisted-vampire, Mia @/writingheiress)
╰┈➤Lady Airin (Maids of the Tojinomi Clan)
╰┈➤Little Actress (Tsukuyomi)
╰┈➤The 10th Lady of the Tojinomi Clan
╰┈➤Messenger of the Tojinomi Clan (Formerly)
Twisted From: Kyubey_ PMMM + Shikyou the Amanojaku- Masa Works Design
Voice Actor:
╰┈➤Japanese_ Nakashima Yuki_ Hinomori Shiho -Project Sekai
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
Age: 17 (Appearance Wise)
Gender: Transfem Non-Binary (They/She/It)
Status: Alive_ Immortal
Height: 188 cm
Birthday: February 29 (Pisces)
Dominant Hand: Right
Hair Color: Snow_Slivery White
Eye Color: Gray-ish Red
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
Homeland: Japan
╰┈➤Ritsuka Tojinomi ("Mother"; Unknown)
╰┈➤Unname Father (Human?)
╰┈➤Mirai Onizaburo (Ancestor)』
Dormitory: Ramshackle
╰┈➤ Head of the Tojinomi Clan
Grade: Freshman
Class: 1-A_ No. 7
Best Subject(s): History of Magic, Defense Arts
Club: Board Game Club
Favorite Food: Brioche
Least Favorite Food: Spagetti
Talent(s): Understanding Humans
"The Head of the Tojinomi Clan. A manipulative and cunning young lady, who hides their true selves by a mask of selflessness. But as time flow, the mask cracks more and more."
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"All you can really do is, stay."
╰┈➤Distinguish Two-Facer: Airin is -by others- an enigma, a seemingly sweet yet abnormal enigma. Kind? May not be the word. Manipulative? Now that sounds more like them, consider how they pulled the strings using their connections. Airin is terrifyingly good at keeping up the selfless mask she wore for a long time. After all, it's not her fault that it was called 'The Actress', no?
╰┈➤Love and Hatred: Airin,, quite has a view of 'love' and 'hatred'. As much as an emotional manipulator like them, love and hatred, for them- are the same thing, whilist love was born from hatred, the same opposite to hatred! Why should the world differ them so much? While you can mix them for tragedy, instead?
╰┈➤Tyrant of Tragedies: Dear Sevens, this young lady is going to be a tyrant. Among her traits, tyrancy and cruel are pretty much her definitions. The Tojinomi Clan became more grievious, and sadist due to her and her 'mother', Ritsuka. To say this young girl is the copy of Ritsuka, is not a compliment.
✬Unique Magic: Blessings of The Fox's Wedding (狐の嫁入りの祝福)
"Oh Mrs. Fox, don't take the umbrella. Quickly, knit my feelings together.. Blessing of The Fox's Wedding."
╰┈➤The user is capable of granting others' wishes through phenomenons. When using this, the people will have other certain abilities that's related to their wish, which boost their macial powers up. However, as exchange.. Half of their soul will be a part of the user's feast.
╰┈➤Backstory: •°•[Won't you smiling at me?]•°•
⤿Main Theme: The Fox's Wedding_ Shikyou the Amanojaku- Masa Works Design
✦Rumors going around, saying that Airin- while looks and act like human- has the ability to clone themself which make them immortal! It has never confirm this, however.
✦Somehow, Airin always appears where Yukiharu is. There is a theory that it was related to Yukiharu's curse.
✦Knows things that it shouldn't know, but doesn't care much.
✦Can anyone explain the tension between Airin and the Shirokami Clan Representive? Each time they communicate, they look like they want to kill eachother!
✦..It seems that she's involve in the Second Cold War. But neither Airin or Yukiharu accepted to say this.
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @achy-boo @yukii0nna
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airxn · 1 year ago
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Why does it matter to you. Airin rolls his cheek against his forelimb lazily. From where he's laying, which is atop an empty, rusted dumpster, this canine reeks with cockiness. His words nearly melted in the city stir. The wagging tongues, the distant jackhammers– all of them easily melding with each grumble.
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A purr ruffles his mane. " Because this is my territory, or well... turf as the mutts call it. " Lifting his tail with his chest, he flicks it across the dumpster's surface. His turf isn't a mere slice of street, but a wide area of influence. Thus, he typically doesn't care who walks them unless they flaunt their weight around. And this guy... seems like he's willing to take a jab at it.
" And we don't see a whole lot of pedigree coming through here. Unless... you have a human to scamper off to; and if that's the case your status of stranger won't scale much. " Many mutts were envious of house pets, but also prideful of their scrapyard-dog statuses. Any canine who waltz in acting superior because of it learns of pack mentality swiftly.
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@airxn asked: "" You're not from around these parts, are you? " airin @ steele!"
From: A meme I was unable to find for whatever reason
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A grumble left the hound's throat as he just glared at Airin for a few moments. There was something about him that was just tipping Steele off and was annoying him in some capacity, but Steele couldn't pinpoint what it was. However, it wasn't like he had been annoyed just yet, but he just had a feeling that something like that was going to happen with this newfound animal he had come across.
But, even with all of that said, they weren't exactly wrong about the comment. Steele had never been one who had come to such a large city before, especially not one where it was actually warm for once. Steele was way more used to the cold winters of Alaska, not being thrown into a downtown setting of a city with no warning and left to fend for himself.
Not to say Steele wasn't able to do that, because Steele was absolutely prepared to fight anything and everything that came his way. He may have been in a new setting for the first time, but it wasn't like Steele was about to let anyone who came close get off the hook without a scar or two. Steele was going to be protecting himself in order to make his point known. He was new, for sure, but he was about to let people know who he was without a lot of issues.
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❝While you aren't wrong about something like that, I don't entirely expect me to be a stranger for too long around here,❞ he grumbled back with a snicker as he looked at the tall buildings, trying to get a better understanding of his new home. As much as he hoped he wasn't going to stay there long, he had a feeling this was only the beginning of him being there...
❝Why does it matter to you, anyway? Don't you have something better to be doing than worrying about some new hound that came into the city? After all, I imagine you see tons of new dogs every day, so why am I the one you come up to asking about that?❞
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archiveflamboycnt · 4 years ago
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UNPROMPTED & ALWAYS WELCOMED. @airxn​:       He could easily jump up where the demon lord was perched. But no, he had to claw the base of this old statue. Airin's growls mingled with a purr– a tell sign of his… half-assed attempt.   “ Why'd you have to teleport up there? Why not… a tree or a /normal/ rock? ”
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“ i thought you said you didn’t mind the height of it. ”     he’s staring at them in amusement, comfortably waiting at the top of the statue; part of him guessed they could actually just jump, remaining aware of whatever trick airin might pull next.
“ if you mean to impress me you’ll have to do better than that. or do you actually need me to help you ? ”
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thegearshift · 5 years ago
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Hunters are a generic term for humans who prey on myths. There’s different factions with different desires–
Those who wish to kill certain myths in order to ease ailments, make coin off of their corpses, or gain trophy for their own collection. There’s others who seek to exploit the underground myth society. And those who simply wish to eliminate all myths due to the belief they’re a parasite to the natural world. 
The most prevalent and oldest faction is the Cosmic Order or Mundi Ordinis. This faction has been around for centuries. Conjuring up the strongest of hunters who continue to raise and train new hunters to this day. They strive to eliminate the myth society completely. Whether that be common class myths such as vampires, shifters, and witches, or higher deities reaching god status.
The Cosmic Order is the only hunter faction known to raise common class myths from infancy to adulthood for hunting purposes. These myths are abused. Raised like animals and trained to infiltrate and betray other myths. A highly successful tactic, but it’s rare for Cosmic Order myths to live past the age of thirty. 
Other factions often aid the Cosmic Order by selling them their own hunts or information. Yet, they still work individually in their designated territories and are just as dangerous.
Those who wish to exploit the myth society prefer not to kill. Instead they want to document their findings and use the internet for exploitation. Myths don’t necessarily find these breed of hunters as a threat, but rather an annoyance. 
The Crusade is on top of tracking down and eliminating hunters. Especially the Cosmic Order since they pose the biggest threat. Yet, both of these major companies // factions agree that keeping the myth society secret is key to a peaceful world.
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Other notes:
The Cosmic Order doesn’t play a major role in the story of Shifted. They’re a constant threat, but not the main threat.
The Gear Shift was targeted by the Cosmic Order. This event is what led to Airin and Xavier to working under the bar’s owner Mama Bull.
Mundi Ordinis is what gave the mundane, or humans, their slang term ‘Mundie’. This term is used often by myths when referring to humans.
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airxn · 1 year ago
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Little crunchy sounds– oh good heavens, he's eating the mistletoe.
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tangerangraya · 2 years ago
Menyoal Status, Demokrat Tangsel Ingatkan Airin Jangan Tunggangi Birokrat Jelang Pemilu
Menyoal Status, Demokrat Tangsel Ingatkan Airin Jangan Tunggangi Birokrat Jelang Pemilu
TANGERANGRAYA.NET, Tangerang Selatan – Menjelang Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2024, nama eks Wali Kota Tangerang Selatan Airin Rachmi Diany diperingati jangan sampai dan tidak boleh menunggangi pejabat birokrasi. Demikian disampaikan Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Cabang Partai Demokrat Tangsel Julham Firdaus, menanggapi kerap terlihat Airin Rachmi Diany, yang digadang-gadang akan maju sebagai Calon Gubernur…
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jyurineko · 7 years ago
Our favorite hentai Airin did a thing, and it’s amazing!
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ktrindonesia · 3 years ago
3 Thn Aduan Ahli Waris Diabaikan Komisi I DPRD Tangsel Terkait Kejahatan Airin dan Benyamin Menyangkut Perizinan Bintaro Xchange Ditanah Masyarakat, Komisi II DPR RI Tegaskan Setiap Jengkal Tanah Harus Bermanfaat Bagi Negara dan Rakyat
3 Thn Aduan Ahli Waris Diabaikan Komisi I DPRD Tangsel Terkait Kejahatan Airin dan Benyamin Menyangkut Perizinan Bintaro Xchange Ditanah Masyarakat, Komisi II DPR RI Tegaskan Setiap Jengkal Tanah Harus Bermanfaat Bagi Negara dan Rakyat
KTRINDONEISA – Komisi II DPR RI akan terus memetakan berbagai persoalan terkait hak-hak tanah yang dimiliki perusahaan ataupun rakyat yang kemudian menjadi masalah atau sengketa, karena setiap jengkal tanah di Indonesia harus mempunyai status yang jelas lalu bermanfaat bagi negara dan rakyat. Ketua Komisi II DPR RI Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung menegaskan, fungsi Panja Evaluasi HGU, HGB dan HPL…
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ayojalanterus · 4 years ago
MENGABDI DALAM SUNYI - On Eternal Patrol 402
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Mengabdi Dalam Sunyi
On Eternal Patrol, istilah yang mulai dipakai sejak perang dunia ke-2. Sebuah kalimat yang disematkan untuk kapal selam yang tak berhasil pulang dalam tugasnya.
Mata ini merebak, berharap ada keajaiban saat engkau dinyatakan hilang kontak. Namun, harapan itu menciut saat status submiss (hilang) berubah menjadi subsunk (tenggelam), lalu seketika sirna ketika kabar terbaru menyatakan badanmu terbelah menjadi tiga bagian dalam kedalaman 838 meter di bawah permukaan laut.
Inalillahi wa ina ilaihi rojiun.
Allaahumaghfir lahum warham hum wa'afi him wa'fu anhum.
Terima kasih, Perwira! 
Kata yang mungkin tak pernah terucap dari bibir kami, pemengang komando tertinggi atasmu, rakyat Indonesia.
Telah jauh engkau arungi samudera. Bekerja dalam senyap, bergerak dalam gelap, sendirian. Berbakti tanpa sanjung dan puji demi kedaulatan setiap jengkal perairan NKRI.
Apakah kami mengenalmu? Iya, kami terlambat mengenalmu setelah Allah membuka tabir senyapnya pengabdianmu. Engkau hanya memiliki kata ‘siap’ dalam setiap tugas, menyerahkan jiwa raga dalam pengabdian bergelar perintah rakyat Indonesia.
Berpuluh tahun engkau bekerja dalam diam, mengintai dan menjaga, bersembuyi dalam palung-palung samudera, di bawah layer-layer laut yang tak tertangkap sonar.
Berpuluh prestasimu, engkau juga pasang badan saat konflik sengketa Blok Masela. Apakah kami tahu dan berterima kasih karena itu? Tidak. Sekali-kali tidak. Namun, engkau tetap diam tanpa menuntut, tetap mengabdi dalam senyap di kedalaman laut.
Namun, Allah itu adil, bukan? Ia buka tabir saat tugasmu berakhir. Peristiwa yang membuat mata kami terbuka, bahwa para kusuma negara menjaga kedaulatan bangsa dengan jiwa dan raganya.
Engkau pergi tanpa sedikit pun melepas genggam setiamu pada negeri. Jasadmu dipeluk laut yang engkau lindungi, tetapi ruhmu insyaallah dicabut dengan lembut, diletakkan dalam bejana-bejana berbau harum kesturi, lalu diangkat menjadi syahid sebagai jihad untuk negeri, sebagai jihad mencari nafkah untuk anak dan istri, dan sebagai syahid dalam kecelakaan yang terjadi.
Korp Hiu Kencana pasti bangga memiliki kalian, putra-putra pilihan dalam pasukan khusus yang bukan orang sembarangan. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang mampu bekerja dalam tekanan, dalam lambung sempit kapal selam.
Mata kami merebak wahai, Perwira. Ada sisi hati yang kosong karena kehilangan meski belum pernah berjumpa.
Sedikit terselip rasa cemburu, apakah kami, rakyat yang memberimu komando ini, akan diwafatkan dengan cara terhormat seperti itu, beriring ribuan bahkan jutaan doa yang dilangitkan oleh anak negeri yang tiba-tiba kehilanganmu.
Maka, Allah punya rahasia siapa yang diwafatkan dengan cara sebaik-baiknya, engkau pelayan negara atau kami sang raja.
Meski terlambat dan engkau tidak akan pernah tahu, kami ucapkan TERIMA KASIH ATAS SEMUA JASA DAN PENGORBANANMU, PAHLAWAN!
Selamat jalan, Kusuma Bangsa. Tunai sudah tugas dan kewajibanmu mengarungi samudera. Kami ridha, kami ikhlas. Insyaallah husnul khotimah dan Surga menantimu.
Wira ananto rudhiro, tabah sampai akhir.
Teruslah mengabdi RI Alugoro, RI Bramasta dan rekan-rekan. Doa kami rakyat Indonesia mengiringi pengabdianmu.
Doa dan terima kasih kami untuk keluarga, semoga tabah dan ikhlas menerima setiap ketetapanNya.
Wahai jiwa yang tenang
Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan hati ridha dan diridhaiNya
Maka masuklah ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaKu
Dan masuklah ke dalam SurgaKu
Selamat jalan KRI Nanggala 402. Kami rakyat Indonesia bangga memilikimu.
MPV, 26 April 2021
[Airin Ahmad]
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/2PkQIlQ via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/04/mengabdi-dalam-sunyi-on-eternal-patrol.html
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thegearshift · 5 years ago
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The Gear Shift underground bar located near Yorkville, Manhattan. Established in 1992, the Gear Shift’s owner Victoria Taurine, also known as ‘Mama Bull’, wished to create a haven for those reigning from supernatural origins, or myths. Growing up her parents were shape-shifters: humans who are able to reconstruct their biology to take the form of one or many different animals. Victoria’s parents abilities allowed them to shift into Holstein cattle, yet Victoria – despite going to shape-shifter academies – has never been able to shift herself. She was marked a dud, or someone born of myths without myth abilities. She wasn’t shunned for her lack of abilities as she still wanted to be apart of the community she grew up so close to.
Upon opening The Gear Shift, Victoria coined the nickname ‘Mama Bull’ for her boisterous attitude as well her nurturing side. She marks all of her guests as her children, no matter their age or history, as all she wishes is to keep them safe and give them a place where they can be themselves.
To keep this safety, as well as the secrecy of the Gear Shift, the bar is an invite only establishment– aside from it being a hidden location. Only myths can invite other myths, who must have an ID distributed by the Crusade. Mama and her leads will also make their own judgements to make sure who comes won’t stir any trouble.
Mama Bull’s leads are Airin, Kamaria and Sanaa Wasem, and her long-time friend Lewis Dubois. Kamaria holds her spot in helping Mama bartend, but she’s also the main act when it comes to the bar’s events. Her music genre ranges from r&b to jazz, but she does take requests. Sanaa is the lead waitress who tends to the needs of patrons and start common chatter. Airin is the establishments lead bouncer. He’s well known throughout the bar as he loves to meet new faces, but if customers ever have complaints or concerns they’ll be directed to him. They can usually find him up in his ‘perch’; the only corner booth in the whole bar.
The Gear Shift is a single level building. Its decor consists of various animal-themed ornaments, and wall-decor of gears. The primary lighting throughout the building is a bit dim, but rich hues of blue and pinks are consistent throughout. The stage lights ( when they’re not being use for shows ) are white, yet they can be altered. The booths on the elevated floor have hanging lights which have dim, yellow light bulbs. Their settings can be adjusted via the control panel on the wall of a booth.
Mama Bull’s bar is one of her biggest prides of the building. It holds a large collection of liquor she’s gotten throughout her travels around the world as well as going to wine tastings. These are lined up on the back wall. Which also features an elegant, rectangle waterfall wall-mount which runs across the bar. There is one dormant television which hangs in the lower right corner behind the bar ( when referring to the layout ). It is rarely turned on because Mama firmly believes patrons are here to socialize, but if persuaded she’ll turn it on,
The back rooms are not always open for the public. Any need for them one must consult either Mama Bull, Sanaa, Kamaria, or Airin. They can grab the keys, but the patron must have an understandable reason. If someone enters they’ll be greeted by three sets of doors which are also locked. Inside of those are low-lit rooms ( which can be adjusted ) featuring a large round waterbed which take up the whole room. On them are silk sheets, plush blankets, and mismatched pillows. In every room there is one end table for you to set your belongings. These can be used for my frisky endeavors or if a patron needs a place to stay for the night.
The main area of the bar is the stage and dance-floor. When not in use more tables and chairs are set out, or they’ll set out pool-tables. The elevated floors have seating and a bar-like table which overlooks the dance-floor. Behind them are elevated booths which are dug into the walls. The single corner booth is dubbed ‘the perch’ as from it you can see almost all of the bar.
The backstage is closed off entirely to the public. Inside it consists of a make-up beauty mirror with all of ones needs. A couch for lounging hugs one of the walls, but if one continues to snoop around they’ll notice it also acts as a storage for tables, chairs, etc. Mama Bull also does most of her accounting work in the backstage for privacy, and because she doesn’t have an office.
The Gear Shift has a wide menu because of Lewis Dubois. As stated prior he is one of the leads, but never interacts with patrons. His master chef status allows the bar to feature common items ranging from burgers, steaks, wings, salads, but also more exquisite meals. They have gluten options and vegan options as well. Deserts are bountiful, but if a patrons on a special diet or has a certain allergy kitchen staff will do their best to suit to suit their needs.
The bar has a wide-range in beers, wines, bourbon, tequilas, and margaritas. Any high-end liquor will be an upped price, but if a patron become good friends with Mama Bull she wouldn’t mind sharing her secret stash of her favorites. She also serves non-alcoholic drinks, as well as donated blood of various types for those who need it.
Throughout the week the Gear Shift holds various events and specials. A normal week’s schedule consists of:
Monday: Half-off all you can eat appetizers. Tuesday: Pool night. Wednesday:  Swing Dance night. Thursday: Two for one meals. Friday: Show night ( for song artists ). Saturday: Party night/Karaoke night. Sunday: No specials.
Every month has its own special events on select dates. If one is planning on a show to perform at the Gear Shift they must consult Mama Bull and she’ll be happy to help.
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Other notes:
The Gear Shift is funded by The Crusade. Because of the bars international fame they gather in many esteemed guests. In which the Crusade loves to make new allies and connections.
Despite the colorful exterior Mama Bull has her skeletons in the closet. Because the Cosmic Order infiltrating her bar years ago, she hired on Airin’s brother Xavier to kill any hunter. This is without the Crusade’s permission.
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aiirn · 2 years ago
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Mutters, whispers. " Okay fine– I have a desire to worship right now, but fuck me I guess. "
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