#Airbus A380-800
air-safety · 2 years
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Singapore Airlines // Airbus A380-800
Unknown revision date
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stoneoferech · 1 month
Emirates Airlines, Airbus A380-800
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blackbrrytea · 2 months
You know at first I was like “I get why the robotic and mechanical might be erotic but honestly I’m not feeling it”
but now that I work at the airport…
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Ough. It’s so beautiufl….
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1weltreisender · 2 years
Fotostrecke: Kabinenausstattung der Lufthansa-Maschinen
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Foto: Lufthansa / Die Fluggesellschaft führt auf der Langstrecke unter dem Namen „Allegris“ in allen Reiseklassen, also in Economy, Premium Economy, Business und First Class ein neues Spitzenprodukt ein, das exklusiv für die Lufthansa Group entwickelt wurde. Mit dem „Allegris“ Angebot werden künftig über 100 neue Flugzeuge der Lufthansa Group wie Boeing 787-9, Airbus A350 und Boeing 777-9 Ziele in der ganzen Welt anfliegen. Zusätzlich werden auch bereits für Lufthansa eingesetzte Flugzeuge wie die Boeing 747-8 umgerüstet. Die gleichzeitige Verbesserung des Reiseerlebnisses in allen Klassen und der Lufthansa Group weite Austausch von über 30.000 Sitzen seien in der Geschichte des Konzerns einmalig. Dadurch unterstreiche das Unternehmen seinen klaren Premium- und Qualitätsanspruch.
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Lufthansa Allegris First Class - zum allerersten Mal in der Unternehmensgeschichte bekommt die Lufthansa First Class großzügige, private Suiten, die sich schließen lassen. / Bild: Lufthansa
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Lufthansa Allegris Business Class - die mindestens 114 Zentimeter hohen Sitzwände und großzügiger Platz im Schulterbereich sorgen für größere Privatsphäre. / Bild: Lufthansa
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Lufthansa Allegris Business Class - von allen Plätzen der Business Class aus haben Passagiere direkten Zugang zum Gang. / Foto: Lufthansa
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Die neue Lufthansa Group Premium Economy Class wurde bereits im Frühjahr 2022 bei SWISS eingeführt. Der bequeme Sitz ist in eine Hartschale integriert und lässt sich ohne Auswirkungen auf Mitreisende in der Reihe dahinter verstellen. / Foto: Lufthansa
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In der Economy Class wird es künftig die Möglichkeit geben, einen freien Nachbarsitz hinzu zu buchen. / Foto: Lufthansa
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Die neue Premium Economy bietet eine ausklappbare Beinstütze / Foto: Lufthansa Die Boeing 787-9 zählt seit Ende August 2022 zur Flotte der Lufthansa. Die breite Kabine der Boeing 787 Dreamliner-Familie bietet Fluggästen ein noch geräumigeres Umfeld. In der Business Class sind die Gänge beispielweise breit genug, um problemlos an den Servierwagen vorbeigehen zu können. Der hohe Eingangsbereich vermittelt ein Gefühl von noch mehr Freiraum. Die Fenster der 787 sind die größten aller Flugzeugmuster. Da sie zudem höher am Rumpf angebracht sind, können Reisende auch von den Sitzen in der Mittelreihe aus den Horizont sehen. Die Gepäckfächer sind so konzipiert, dass sie für die verschiedenen Arten von Trolleys geeignet sind und jeder Reisende bequem eine weitere Tasche darüber verstauen kann. Die Boeing 787 wartet zudem mit einer verbesserten Business Class auf. Alle Sitze haben einen direkten Zugang zum Gang, lassen sich problemlos und schnell in ein zwei Meter langes Bett verwandeln und bieten mehr Ablagefläche. Zudem steht den Reisenden im Schulterbereich deutlich mehr Platz zur Verfügung. Im nächsten Jahr führt die Airline in allen Reiseklassen, Economy, Premium Economy, Business und First Class, ein eigens von Lufthansa mitentwickeltes neues Spitzenprodukt, ein.
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Lufthansa Kabine Mittelstrecke Economy
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Lufthansa A380 Business Class / Foto: Lufthansa
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Lufthansa Kabine Mittelstrecke Business Class
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Lufthansa Kabine Langstrecke Premium Economy
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Lufthansa Kabine Langstrecke First Class
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Lufthansa-Kabine Langstrecke Economy
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Lufthansa-Kabine Langstrecke Business Class Titelfoto / In der Economy Class wird es künftig die Möglichkeit geben, einen freien Nachbarsitz hinzu zu buchen. / Foto: Lufthansa (Der Beitrag wurde erstmals 2018 veröffentlicht und seitdem aktualisiert.)
Weiterführende Links:
Günstig mit Lufthansa fliegen (Werbung) Genießen Sie den Service bei Emirates (Werbung) Preiswerte Flüge und Sonderangebote (Werbung) Zum Beitrag: Das Sitzplatzangebot und der Service in den Lufthansa-Maschinen auf Lang- und Mittelstrecken Weitere Fotostrecken Zur Startseite
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bigairplaneblog · 25 days
Who Invented Big Airplanes: The Minds Behind the Giants of the Sky
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Do you know how the big airplanes were invented? It's a fascinating story that spans decades of innovation, engineering breakthroughs, and sheer determination. Big airplanes, also known as large aircraft models, have become a cornerstone of modern aviation, revolutionizing how we travel and connect with the world. But who were the brilliant minds that brought these aviation models to life?
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The journey of the big airplane model began in the early 20th century when aviation pioneers first dreamed of creating aircraft that could carry more passengers and cargo over longer distances. It was a time of intense experimentation and competition, with inventors and engineers racing to build the next big thing in aviation.
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One of the key figures in the invention of big airplanes was Igor Sikorsky. Born in Kyiv, Ukraine, in 1889, Sikorsky was an aviation visionary who designed the world’s first multi-engine airplane, the Russky Vityaz, in 1913. This aircraft model was groundbreaking because it demonstrated that it was possible to create a large airplane model with multiple engines, which was essential for carrying heavier loads and flying longer distances. The success of the Russky Vityaz paved the way for the development of even larger aircraft, leading to Sikorsky’s later designs, like the Ilya Muromets, which became the world’s first four-engine bomber.
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But Sikorsky wasn’t alone in his quest to build big airplanes. In the United States, Donald Wills Douglas Sr. played a crucial role in the evolution of large airplane models. Douglas founded the Douglas Aircraft Company in 1921, and it wasn’t long before his company became synonymous with innovation in aviation. One of the most significant contributions from Douglas was the DC-3, introduced in 1935. This airplane model revolutionized air travel with its ability to carry 21 passengers in comfort, a feat previously unheard of in commercial aviation. The DC-3 set the standard for modern aircraft and remains one of the most iconic aviation models ever created.
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Another major milestone in the history of big airplanes came with the Boeing 747, often referred to as the "Queen of the Skies." The 747 was the brainchild of Joe Sutter, an engineer at Boeing, who led the team that designed this enormous aircraft. First flown in 1969, the Boeing 747 was a true game-changer, capable of carrying more than 400 passengers across the globe. This large airplane model not only made international travel more accessible but also solidified Boeing’s position as a leader in the aviation industry. The 747 remains one of the most successful aircraft models, with variants still flying today.
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These early innovators laid the groundwork for the modern giants of the sky we see today. Today, the Airbus A380 holds the title of the largest passenger airplane model ever built. Introduced in 2007, the A380 can carry over 800 passengers in an all-economy configuration. The development of this behemoth required a multinational effort, with teams from across Europe contributing to its design and construction. The A380 represents the pinnacle of what large airplane models can achieve, offering unparalleled capacity and comfort for long-haul flights.
The invention of big airplanes wasn’t just about building larger aircraft; it was about pushing the boundaries of what was possible in aviation. These pioneers didn’t just create bigger planes; they created new opportunities for people to connect, explore, and experience the world in ways that were once unimaginable.
As aviation continues to evolve, the legacy of those who invented big airplanes lives on. From Sikorsky’s early experiments to the modern marvels of Boeing and Airbus, these aircraft models have forever changed the face of travel. So the next time you board a flight, take a moment to appreciate the incredible history behind the big airplane model that’s carrying you to your destination. The sky’s the limit, thanks to the visionaries who dared to dream big.
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turtle-steverogers · 1 year
tell me somethin cool, 🏖🏀
the airbus A380-800 is the largest passenger aircraft and can hold up to 853 passengers!
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timohernandez · 4 months
Ein A380 ist auf dem Weg über den Atlantik. Er fliegt gleichbleibend mit 800 km/h in 30.000 Fuß Höhe, als plötzlich ein Eurofighter mit Tempo Mach 2 auftaucht. Der Pilot des Kampfjets bremst ab, fliegt neben dem Airbus her und grüßt den Piloten des Passagierflugzeugs per Funk: „Langweiliger Flug, was? Dann pass mal auf!“ Er rollt seinen Jet auf den Rücken, beschleunigt, durchbricht die Schallmauer, steigt rasant in eine schwindelerregende Höhe, nur um gleich darauf in einem atemberaubenden Sturzflug fast bis hinunter auf Meereshöhe zu stürzen. Mit einem Looping kehrt er neben den A380 zurück und fragt: „Na, wie war das?“ Der Pilot des Airbus antwortet: „Sehr beeindruckend. Aber jetzt schau du mal her!“ Der Jetpilot beobachtet die Passagiermaschine, aber es passiert nichts. Sie fliegt weiter stur geradeaus, mit immer gleichem Tempo. Nach fünf Minuten meldet sich der A380-Pilot per Funk: „Na, was sagst Du jetzt!?“ Der Jetpilot fragt irritiert: „Was hast du denn gemacht?“ Der andere lacht und sagt: „Ich bin aufgestanden, habe mir die Beine vertreten, bin nach hinten auf die Toilette gegangen, dann habe ich mir einen Kaffee und eine Zimtschnecke geholt und mich für die nächsten drei Nächte mit der Stewardess verabredet – in einem 5-Sterne-Hotel, das von meinem Arbeitgeber bezahlt wird.“ Die Moral der Geschichte ist: Wenn du jung bist, scheinen Geschwindigkeit und Adrenalin etwas tolles zu sein. Aber wenn du älter und klüger wirst, sind Bequemlichkeit und Ruhe auch nicht zu verachten. Man nennt das S.O.S.: slower, older, smarter. Gewidmet allen meinen Freunden, die sich wie ich dem S.O.S. nähern..
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aviaposter · 2 months
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Airbus A320 Etihad Airways
Registration: A6-EII Type: A320-232 Engines: 2 × IAE V2527-A5 Serial Number: 3713 First flight: 24 Nov 2008
Etihad Airways is one of two flag carriers of the United Arab Emirates, alongside Emirates. Its head office is in Khalifa City, Abu Dhabi, near Zayed International Airport. The airline operates flights passenger and cargo destinations in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. Etihad Airways operates a fleet of both narrow-body and wide-body aircraft Airbus A320 family, Airbus A350-1000, Airbus A380-800, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787 Dreamliner. On 12 November 2003, Etihad commenced commercial operations by launching services to Beirut, Lebanon. Etihad means "Union" or "Unity" in Arabic, and represents the unity of the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates.
Poster for Aviators. aviaposter.com
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gonzalo-obes · 5 months
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Día Internacional del Diseño, Día Internacional para la Conservación de los Anfibios, Día del Código Morse, Día Mundial del Veterinario, Día Mundial del Tapir, Semana de Acción Mundial por la Educación, Semana Mundial de la Inmunización, Semana Europea de la Inmunización, Semana de Vacunación en las Américas, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Franca, Santa Zita, Santa Meruvina y Virgen de Montserrat.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2005
Tras cuatro horas de vuelo, aterriza en el aeropuerto de Blagnac (Francia), el Airbus A380, el mayor avión de pasajeros jamás construido, un gigante del aire con dos plantas y capacidad para transportar entre 500 y 800 pasajeros, dependiendo de la configuración que desee escoger la compañía aérea compradora. (Hace 19 años)
Nelson Mandela gana las elecciones surafricanas después de haber pasado 27 años en la cárcel por estar en contra del apartheid (política de separación de razas). (Hace 30 años)
En Francia, el 53% del electorado responde de forma negativa a la reforma constitucional que pretende el general y presidente De Gaulle, sobre la Reforma del Senado y las regiones francesas, por lo que, al día siguiente, dimitirá y se retirará a Colombey les Deux Eigleses, donde morirá repentinamente de un aneurisma el 9 de noviembre de 1970, dejando inacabadas sus memorias. (Hace 55 años)
Sierra Leona se independiza del Reino Unido y cae en manos de una élite restringida dedicada solamente a la explotación de las riquezas nacionales, iniciando un período de inestabilidad política. (Hace 63 años)
Togo, colonia alemana hasta 1918, se independiza de Francia. Su primer presidente será Sylvanus Olympio, asesinado en 1963 en el transcurso de un golpe de estado. (Hace 64 años)
Tropas rusas y estadounidenses se dan la mano en las orillas del río Elba en Alemania. De esta manera se acercan un paso más a la conclusión de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Europa. Londres, Moscú y Washington, las tres potencias aliadas, han ratificado esta noche la firme determinación que tienen para completar la destrucción del Tercer Reich. (Hace 79 años)
Con la presencia de 22 países y 1.971 deportistas, se inauguran en Londres (Reino Unido) las IV Olimpiadas de la Era Moderna. Se clausurarán el 31 de octubre del mismo año. (Hace 116 años)
Francia abole definiitivamente la esclavitud. (Hace 176 años)
En Filipinas, el conquistador español Miguel López de Legazpi funda la Villa de San Miguel (hoy conocida como Cebú), que será cabecera de los dominios españoles en este archipiélago hasta 1571. De esta forma comienzan los asentamientos para la conquista del archipiélago filipino. Resulta urgente comunicar esta buena noticia para pedir refuerzos y poder recabar fondos con los que consolidar la fundación. (Hace 459 años)
Tras invadir Escocia el Rey Eduardo I de Inglaterra, en un intento por despojar a esta nación de sus símbolos básicos de identidad, saquea la Abadía de Scone y se apropia de la Piedra del Destino (empleada en las ceremonias de coronación de los reyes escoceses) como botín de guerra, instalándola en la Abadía de Westminster para su uso durante las ceremonias de coronación. El príncipe de Gales y su hermano, el duque de York, la devolverán en 1996, a iniciativa del gobierno de John Major. (Hace 728 años)
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speedbird1987 · 6 months
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Headcanon about my two OCs seen here.
Angela Finnegan (Maiden name: Richards) was born and raised in the City of London in May of 1989 and Landon Finnegan was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland in April of 1977 before moving to Fulham in the Greater London Area. They first met in January of 2020 before the Global Pandemic of COVID-19.
Angela is a Customer Service Manager at Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 for British Airways and has been on the job for over 10 years after joining in 2008 when Terminal 5 first opened. She has been known for her kindness towards other passengers and her colleagues at British Airways. She worked at Airports across the UK and the US from London Heathrow to Phoenix Sky Harbor. In 2020, she first met Landon while assisting the crew of a British Airways Flight that was bound for Newark, New Jersey and had to return to Heathrow. She kept him safe and took care of him with the help of her best friend Ellie Phillips of the Pontypandy Fire Service and NHS Wales until the London Ambulance Service arrived. She was always there for him before, during, and after the Pandemic. In 2022, She got engaged with Landon and then in December of 2022, they got Married and at the end of 2022 now have their first child. Now, Angela works close to home with Landon in Nearby Hillingdon which is in proximity of Heathrow Airport.
Landon is an In-flight Business Manager who oversees the cabin crew on all British Airways flights. He first joined British Airways in June of 1996. His first flight outside of the UK was in July when British Airways began flights from London Gatwick Airport to Phoenix Sky Harbor before the flight was moved to Heathrow Airport in 2002. He was the flight attendant who saw the news of September 11th 2001 while on a flight from London to New York, American Airlines flight 587 when he was in the air from London to Copenhagen, British Airways flight 38 when he was on the Ground after a Flight from Phoenix to London on Flight 288, and British Airways 2276 while on flight BA275 to Las Vegas. He served as a Flight Attendant for British Airways and has been on the job for over 20 years. He was there when Concorde retired in 2003 and both him and Angela watched as the British Airways 747-400 was retired in 2020. Now, Landon is overseeing the services on other aircraft such as the Boeing 777-200, Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing 787-8, Boeing 787-9, Boeing 787-10, Airbus A319-100, Airbus A320-200, Airbus A320neo, Airbus A321-200, Airbus A321neo, Airbus A350-XWB (A350-1000), and the Airbus A380-800. In 2020, he met Angela after he was injured on BA185 heading to Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey. He was taken to Hospital and he was released the same day. They spent time together during the pandemic, Landon got Engaged with Angela in 2022 and then he Married her in December of 2022. He now has a new daughter with His wife.
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cwkarl · 2 years
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Airbus A380-800 #airbus #airbus380 #airbus380800 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmA2a3LMheX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stoneoferech · 1 month
Etihad Airways, Airbus A380-800
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airmanisr · 2 years
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varado · 2 months
S.O.S. Son las siglas de: Slower, Older, Smarter: más lento, más viejo, más inteligente. Un avión de pasajeros AIRBUS A380 vuela sobre el Atlántico, en dirección a su destino. Es un vuelo, muy tranquilo y estable a 800 km/h y a 30.000 pies, cuando de pronto se ve interrumpido por la aparicion de un avión caza F-18 a casi 2.500 km/h. El piloto del avión de combate disminuye la velocidad, vuela…
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View On WordPress
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lisktracey · 4 months
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Airbus british airways to Alton towers all
british airways a380-800 Alton tower
british airways a380-800 Alton tower phalanx
british airways a380-800 Alton tower Nemesis reborn
british airways a380-800 Alton tower the Smiler
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vr-tb · 7 months
Long Ass Tag Game
Thanks to @risingsoleil for the tag!
How many tumblr accounts have you had before this one?
2 I think
How long have you been in fandom?
Early 2010s maybe
Your favorite trope in fiction?
Enemies to lovers
Your favorite random fact?
If an Airbus A380 was outfitted with only economy seats it could fit over 800 people (I remember finding this crazy because that was more than half of my school at the time_
Your favorite game or kind of game?
I don't know if I have one tbh? Maybe dominos
A place you'd like to visit? (If carbon emissions, logistics and money weren't in question)
Oh boy, I feel like the list of places I don't want to see is shorter lol. I hope to visit 50 countries by my 30th and 100 by my 50th.
If I were to say 5:
St. Lucia
An animal you're irrationally afraid of?
Moths terrify me
What's your favorite season?
Summer. Give me the heat and sunlight over cold and snow any day.
A smell that brings you nice memories?
It’s weird but Palmolive dishwashing liquid. It reminds me of summers spent at my grandmama’s house
(If you're ok talking about food. If not, delete this part)
What's your favorite food from where you were born? And what's your favorite food from some place else?
So many, Ackee and Saltfish, Oxtail, Jerked Pork, Fried Fish and Lobster, so many lol.
From somewhere else? Um, Doubles, Dim Sum , Panang Curry, Duck Gratin, Bitterballen
What's your favorite drink (if you drink alcohol, alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?
Ginger Ale
Coconut Water
Anything with aged dark rum
Do you give your pets random table scraps?
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