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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
The rules: Take the once you’re stripped clean, what’s at your core quiz here. Answer as your OC(s) and share your results!  
The Test
I’m going to answer this as Tiel, Aikein, Roudy, and Tyr (Surtr)
I’m not gonna tag anyone, but if you’re reading this and wanna try it, go for it!
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acerbic wit
you're a mentor — an old scarred wolf, an injured soldier, a disgraced paladin. your teachings read as shamelessly pretentious, speaking in rhymes and biting down hard into anyone stupid enough to make the wrong move. this isn't your first life, nor your second, nor your sixth — you'll make the most of your time shackled to this world, no matter how many loops it takes to get it right. with every defeat, you reincarnate; a little smarter, a little quicker, crueler and nastier. will you choose to be brutal, equalizing, that final strike in the face of your enemies? will you go soft, become tender and domesticated? the choice is yours. it's not like i can stop you.  
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benign culpability
everyone hates you because you are a facetious lying bitch. …kidding, i think. seriously, though! you try way too hard to look like a picturesque example of class and responsibility, but you use your position as a social butterfly to take advantage of those weaker than you. it’s rare for anything not to be your fault, and everyone thinks you’re crying wolf when you actually HAVEN’T done anything. it gets kind of tiring to have everyone on your dick all the time, but it’s less interesting to actually behave. good luck with the therapy?  
(Funnily enough this doesn’t fit Aikein very much at all. hahaha)
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silent admission
in tarot, the fool is numbered 0 – the number of unlimited potential. as the protagonist, he is ever present and therefore needs no number as well as no introduction. the world revolves around you in ways that i can't begin to describe, though you'd shrug it off if i were to begin to explain. i need you to know that time is running out. if you want to get this done, you need to start now. sloth is your greatest enemy in this world, and you can only run so far from the opposition when you start with such a disadvantage. keep your head high, yeah? the kid you were is still in there somewhere. you need to show him that it was worth it.  
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Tyr (Surtr)
acerbic wit
you're a mentor — an old scarred wolf, an injured soldier, a disgraced paladin. your teachings read as shamelessly pretentious, speaking in rhymes and biting down hard into anyone stupid enough to make the wrong move. this isn't your first life, nor your second, nor your sixth — you'll make the most of your time shackled to this world, no matter how many loops it takes to get it right. with every defeat, you reincarnate; a little smarter, a little quicker, crueler and nastier. will you choose to be brutal, equalizing, that final strike in the face of your enemies? will you go soft, become tender and domesticated? the choice is yours. it's not like i can stop you.  
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karvoja · 1 year ago
Minä: ottaa osaa vilpillisin aikein parinvaihtobileisiin ja mun kotiavaimen saanut avaa pahaa aavistamatta oven yksinäisen pimeään, kylmään loukkoon vain kuihtuneet unelmat odotten lattialla kuolleina.
Myös minä: avaan saamallani avaimella oven lämpimään kotiin, jossa minua on jo odotettu ja kaivattu, ylitseni hyökyy rakastava ilmapiiri ja suuri elämänilo.
Minä aamulla: herään yksin tutun kylmältä kotilattialta surkea kyynel poskelle jäätyneenä, kylmän arkiset kotiavaimet nyrkkiin puristettuina.
"Hei ollaan sitä semmost luottokorttiarvontaa, mis heitetään kaikkien kortit pöytään ja vedetään siit yks ja se maksaa kaikkien laskun!"
"Mä tunnistan konseptin, mut ajattelin silti ekana semmost, mitä ne on, ne keski-ikäisten seksibileet, missä heitetään kotiavaimet kulhoon?"
"Parinvaihtobileet. Ne on parinvaihtobileet."
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gaithe-guy · 2 years ago
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Sometimes... I like to think myself decent at taking gpose pics.
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eksopolitiikka · 9 years ago
Hiukkaskiihdyttimen rakentajien natsiyhteydet
Hiukkaskiihdyttimen rakentajien natsiyhteydet
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Dark Journalist ja tohtori Joseph P. Farrell tutkailevat paljon kohua aiheuttaneen CERNin hiukkaskiihdyttimen poliittisia kytköksiä ja globaaleja vaaroja. Hadronitörmäytin, joka on Genevaan pystytetty, on massiivinen armeijatyylinen kompleksi jonka budjetti on yli kuusi mijardia dollaria!
Tohtori Farrellin tutkimus paljastaa CERNin virallisen tarinan niinkutsutusta ”Atomimurskaimesta”, hadronitörmäytinprojektista joka on luotu rauhallisin aikein hiukkastieteen tekemiseen, ja paljastaa että kyseessä on itseasiassa vaarallinen armeijan teknologinen projekti jolla on salaiset tarkoitusperät. Projekti pyrkii löytämään kyvyn manipuloida materiaa galaktisella tasolla ja mahdollisesti avata ulottuvuuksienvälisiä portteja.
Vaarallista hommaa
Hän viittaa massiivisiin häiriöihin maapallon magnetosfäärissä jolloin hadronitörmäytin käynnistettiin ja sanoo että sillä voi olla vakavia vaikutuksia fyysiselle elämälle maapallolla ja koko planeetan rotaatiolle.
Havaitsemme myös että tiedepiirien äänet ovat kyseenalaistaneet CERNin turvallisuuden johtuen mahdollisuudesta ”Strangelet”:ien kehittymiselle. Ne ovat vääristyneitä hiukkastörmäyksen sivutuotteita joita on verrattu pieniin mustiin aukkoihin jotka imevät itseensä kaiken tiheän aineen ja energian. Hän myös näyttää kiistämättömän yhdennäköisyyden CERNin hadronitörmäyttimen ja natsien ”The Bell”-nimisen fysiikkaprojektin välillä, joka käsitteli vääntömomenttifyysista tutkimusta ja joka rakennettiin natsitiedemiesten johtamana orjatyövoimalla. Tarkoitus oli rakentaa ylivoimainen ase jolla hallittaisiin maailmaa….
Syvät natsiyhteydet
Dark Journalist ja tohtori Farrell tutkivat CERNin historiaa ja osoittavat selvät linkit 2. maailmansodan jälkeisen kansainvälisen natsiliikkeen ja John J. McCloyn välillä, joka oli pahamaineisen saksalaisen konglomeraatin IG Farbenin lakimies. McCloy oli myös Council of Foreign Relationsin puhemies ja hänestä tuli Amerikan suurlähettiläs Saksaan.
Epäilyttävissä toimissaan McCloy auttoi operaatio Paperclipissä valkopesemään ja saattamaan yli 70 tuhatta natsia CIA:n leipiin jotta heidän tiedusteluverkostoja voitaisiin käyttää hyväksi CIA:ta perustettaessa.
Yksi suurista hahmoista jonka historian McCloy pyyhki pois oli korkea Natsien lakiteoreetikko ja sotavanki tohtori Walter Hallstein joka loppujenlopuksi oli vastuussa CERNin perustamisesta. Hän oli myös pääarkkitehti natsien suunnitellessa Euroopan Federaatiota perustettavaksi, josta myöhemmin tuli Euroopan Unioni. McCloy, omituisen juonenkäänteen seurauksena, palveli myös Warrenin komissiota kun hän valkopesi salaisen hallinnon yhteyksiä John F. Kennedyn murhaan.
Kennedy tunnettiin hänen halustaan ”murskata CIA tuhannen palasiksi” jotta natsit saataisiin savustettua ulos heidän soluttautumistaan virastoista ja jotta saataisiin natsien kanssa yhteistyötä tekevät tahot kuten CIA:n johtaja Allen Dulles jälleen oman hallinnon alle.
Paljastava, uraauurtava, shokeeraava, hermoja raastava ja todella kyseenalainen massiivinen armeijan salahanke on piilotettu silmiltämme.
Artikkelin julkaissut UFO Sightings Hotspot
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deadeyehuckleberry · 7 years ago
Shifter au where the SEP serum mutates the animalistic base form of shifters who are in the program.
Jack Morrison, a snow leopard, now has a base form of an ethereal snow leopard where upon getting closer to it’s eerie vissage and glow, you can see the skeletal structure within. Also, his size has been mutated where as he stands on all fours, he is as tall as a 6′ man.
Gabriel Reyes, a panther, now has a base form of a feline-like gorgonopsid that also is very wispy and smokey, the edges of him seeming to blur. He can become one with the shadows. He has three sets of glowing red eyes, and upon opening his maw, the red glow seems to burn from within. His markings upon his face are what inspired the Blackwatch symbol.
Roudy Conver (an oc of mine), a mixed horse breed of Percheron and Irish Cob, now has a base form of almost a demonic like steed with scaled sides and black flamed hooves as well as mane and tail. His face has a black ethereal glow to it and his eyes are a glowing, eerie green. Fangs protrude from his mouth, and when he neighs, it echoes and rasps.
Aikein Doljinti (an oc of mine), a Nordic Wolf, now has a base form of a terrifyingly large wolf that’s coat has been seemingly bleached an eerie white as well as almost an ethereal blue. An electrical charge seems to pulse through the fur, causing almost a throb-like appearance. Once in a while that electrical charge builds up to let off a crackle of lightning that arcs over his body. When he opens his mouth, his teeth glow and the electricity seems to jump from fang to fang. His eyes are an eerie pure white incandescence. At shoulder height he stands shoulder to shoulder with a 6′ man.
In this au, Jack is the lead of Blackwatch while Gabe is the Blackwatch/Overwatch liaison. Both are Commanders, both make sure the other doesn’t get burnt out. 
I really need to write the SEP program from this au... hmm... maybe I’ll do that.
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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
I always headcanon that when my one Sith Aikein’s daughter and son were younger he would constantly have to just reach out from where he was sitting when the kids would take a nap in his office to grab things that had floated upwards... or his Lifemate Ahroun would.
Like... his daughter wanting to be near Papa, so coming in to play and draw in his office as he does “paperwork”... she ends up falling asleep. As she’s asleep, things around his office start floating, and he just nonchalantly - without even looking up - reaches out and grabs something that had started floating off of his desk. Doesn’t even bat an eye.
His son was worse, but he and Ahroun managed...
Hmm... maybe I should write some drabbles about those times.
what if force users move things around in their sleep, like during REM cycles?
like you know how Rey sort of instinctually moved things when she was meditating with Luke and she was doing things that she wasn't consciously aware of?
do other Force users move things around in their sleep? like what if they just have things floating around them while they're sleeping? or what if they're lifting off their bed as they sleep?
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askshivanulegacy · 7 years ago
hey Blakk, why don't you list everyone you've ever had a naughty fantasy about? And I have administered a truth serum so you can't lie and you have to tell all. :P
pfffFFT omg
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… Dammit Hawlie.  >_>
I haven’t … I mean I’m obviously far too professional to …. hnnnng.  Frakking …
Seran … Vin.  Saare-ha.  But there was nothing explicit; it was all very generic and innocent … mostly … sometimes … *blushes heavily*
Ziminder.  Thav.  Muhren.  Starv.  Carter.  Vector.  Watcher Two.  Zah, just a little bit, but all that was one hundred percent all their faults!!!
Lord Brinus Dubslayn … Tola …  Lords Jesof Xavy and … and *clears throat* Panzar Kreeg …
Kai’vren … Lord Aikein … and … that’s … it, there’s no one else at all, except maybe, just a little bit, the tiniest amount … that bastard … Derrick …
There was also this … green-skinned dancing Twi’lek … but that was also not my fault!
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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
psst what recent OCs do u have anyway, or which ones still occupy ur mind? :0
Hmm, lesse... "recent" OCs would be all of Clan Aurvandill - main members of that are the main Aurvandill family, Tyr's Hand, Jump Squad, and Brokkr aka Yjie - Roudy Conver, and last but DEFINITELY not least... a creature of high intelligence Hikaru (He's a species I made up and is a bonded companion to @worstjediever 's character Kai'el He's kind of like if a Loth Wolf, Strill, and a Vornskr had a cub together). As for which ones still occupy my mind, that would definitely be quite a few of my older characters - although I have remade them to fit more my narrative rather than those that I rp with...
There's Aikein Doljinti that occupies my mind. There's A'tulio Suriaven. There's Aei'ost'htiel Balios aka Tiel. There's Huidi Seashali. There's Rexer and Zoen. There's Garrett Tauron. Oh, can't forget Sparks! There's Tonti and Raou and Rogers... the list kinda goes on...
One thing I will say about Clan Aurvandill though... Is they are Mando'ad... although they also have more of a Norse feel to them... Very much so. I have always loved Norse mythology and it just hit me one day that I wanted to create an entire part of Mandalorian society with this one clan that coincides with that. All of their beskargam usually has furs integrated into the design, most of the members of the clan use weapons other than blasters or guns... mostly swords, knives, shields, and spears... Members of Tyr's Hand have their main weapon usually shock gauntlets with a secondary weapon they use.
And all members of Tyr's Hand are bonded to another species I've created called Vornskyr... Over the generations, Clan Aurvandill has taken the wild Vornskr and genetically altered it to fit and aid their fighting and hunting styles. Vornskyr are the product of that. If you are bonded to a Vornskyr (in a manner of speaking it could be seen akin to Force Bonding - just no strings like Force Bonding) you are set to Tyr's Hand to see if you would make a good member of it and are trained on how to control your Vornskyr so it does not run rampant and harm anyone.
I could go on for hours about Clan Aurvandill and the members of it as well as the world building I've done for them... But I'm probably boring you... sorry...
If you want to know anything about anyone (the links lead to more information about all of the different members of Clan Aurvandill that I've written about) go ahead and ask away! I'll answer as much as I can!
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pupucino · 1 year ago
Kaiken lisäks mä näin lapsena painajaisia tän genren kukkapöydistä, näistä joissa on sorvatut jalat ja monta tasoa. Mun unissa ne lähti kävelemään ja jahtaamaan ihmisiä vihamielisin aikein. Mä näen kuinka toi hyökkää.
Miks tää kukkapylväikköasia näyttää vähän pahansuovalta ja kovin kirotulta? Aivan ihastuttava! Onko se tappoase? Miina? Muuten vaan kuollettava? Takuulla on! Onko se tappanut ennenkin ja tekisikö se sen uudestaan? Todellakin. Mutta kasvit se saa kukoistamaan kuin ei koskaan ennen, eikä kuolema tunnu sen ilon rinnalla miltään.
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karanan · 11 years ago
Roscoe/Aikein. (yes, I dredging this back up. mwahaha! Since I found that fic)
All right this’ll be tricky because it’s been a while, and their interactions aren’t extensive but I’ll give it a go
when/if I started shipping it
I think we talked about a potential alliance, and they're both attractive assholes and well shame on us but it was hot
what makes me happy about them
ROSCOE MAKING FRIENDS MAKES ME HAPPY POTENTIAL ALLIES AW YISS also the kink-feeding machine doesn't hurt. I like how it doesn't end tragically devastating per se, unless I'm forgetting things. Like Aikein is actually willing to help Roscoe's cause and that's really great (even if he doesn't get all the details)
what makes me sad about them
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
well they only had a fling so respective partners on that one
my happily ever after for them
a really dark AU version of their relationship
Oh, umm... I guess either of them backstabbing the other, or Roscoe ending up repeating the thing that happened with Koli haha let's not
what is their favourite non-sexual activity
Like I've said, I really think Roscoe enjoys having an ally, and hopefully Aikein appreciates it too. So whenever they know they have each other's backs is probably pretty high on the list, e.g. on a mission
what is their favourite sexual activity
Aikein seems to get pretty pumped on lust so naturally Roscoe has to tease the living hell out of him before Aikein snaps and just takes him
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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
Order 66 Aikein pt.1
I’ve been thinking about this all morning, honestly, and the thoughts have me very interested to poke and prod at it. But Aikein is functionally Immortal. The only way he can really die is by battle...
In that case... What would he be like come Order 66 time period? Because I could see over the years - as the Sith change from who he was familiar with to something he very much wasn’t NOR liked - he would leave the Empire... possibly even become Jedi.
If he was Jedi during Order 66... how would that go down for him and his battalion of clones? Would he be able to save any of them? Would they be able to take The Beast down? Would he be able to keep his lover alive?
It’s an interesting concept I might delve into a little with some writing... But... I just had this image of Aikein bonding with all of the clones under him - knowing every single one of the names they gave themselves. He would probably sense Order 66 before it was triggered, but it would come down to how in control he really was of the situation... Would he be on a battlefield? Would he be in a camp? Would he have been at the temple (probably not)? If he did survive Order 66, what would he do afterward? Would he try and help any Clones that survived? Would he hunt down any other Jedi that were alive? Would he disappear to wait out the battle until he had the opportune time to strike? Would he hide the fact away that he was Force Sensitive? Try and become something... different? A smuggler, perhaps? Or a bounty hunter? Could he make up a persona other than The Beast?
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gaithe-guy · 7 years ago
@cptprocrastination Look... Its Kon and Aikein!
forget slow burn romance, give me slow burn found family. give me enemies to friends to siblings. tired, weary old mentors learning to live again for their plucky young apprentices. heroes sharing apartments after world saving adventures because they’re so used to living with each other. dramatic “oh shit” moments where one gets kidnapped and the other realizes “god, that’s my kid.” i want to sit and watch in agony for thirty chapters while two idiots slowly adopt each other, someone get on it
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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
There is a deep seeded fear within Aikein on who is in control... Is it him... or The Beast.
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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
As much as he wishes to not be... he shall be remembered
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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
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clanaurvandill · 2 years ago
Clone Wars/Order 66 Aikein pt.5
It’s on the battlefield that Aikein gains the trust and respect of his battalion. Not from his battle prowess, but from his compassion. His compassion towards them.
“They’re not droids! They’re men beneath those helmets! Each and every one of them! And to have you treat them as such ANGERS ME!”
It is a fight he gets into with another Jedi, one who has no qualms about ordering his men to their deaths. One who just shrugs and always replies with “They’re just clones” when confronted by Aikein. And he finally gets to the point where he snaps. Watching the other Jedi’s men being tossed to the grinder, he refuses to do the same and lashes out over comms and to the Jedi’s face.
His men watch the transformation happen. They’d seen it before, seen the Beast unleashed. But this was more controlled, as if it was right at the edge of that cage, snarling and snapping through the bars. Teeth elongating, body posture, muscles enlarging, nails growing to claws. And the other Jedi had no qualms about it.
“They’re just clones...”
The Jedi once more laughed out, as if it was pointless to really care as Aikein did. 
What happens next will forever be engraved in his men’s minds and hearts. With the mumbled “I’m getting far too old for this” over the comms, it starts. Aikein is upon the Jedi, teeth bared and muscles coiling, causing the Jedi to defend himself, yelling orders to his men to intercede.
“Belay that order!” Is the bellow from Aikein, and the Jedi’s clones are torn on who to listen to. Their General, or the General that seems to be stronger. And then he’s bellowing it out for all to hear, over comms and those near them.
“They’re not droids! They’re men beneath those helmets! Each and every one of them! And to have you treat them as such ANGERS ME!”
It has all of the clones halting in their places, weapons lowering. Here was this man... this Jedi... a prominent figure in the Republic... a General... saying they were men! His platoon had laughed, jostled, and joked about their General asking them all their names. He would never remember them. It was a novelty that would wear off eventually, but as Aikein held his clawed hand to the Jedi’s throat, eyes hard and full of anger, he listed off every single name in his platoon. Not their number. No. Their name they had given themselves. All 576 of them!
Composing himself, he pulls back, claws turning back into hands, muscles once more turning normal, but those teeth still elongated as he stood himself back up, head slightly tilted upward and eyes downcast towards the Jedi still within the dirt in almost a superior way... And if one knew where to look closely, one would see the Ancient Sith that boiled beneath the façade of a Jedi.
“I pity your men... May they gain a General who cares before all of them spill their blood upon the ground for no reason.” The words are hissed before he is spinning back towards Ahroun, who has calmly come forward.
It was after that battle that the “Lucky Force” Battalion had trust and respect for their General, and knew the man would never send them into danger would a good reason or a survival plan.
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