#Ahn Su-ho
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billornot · 10 months ago
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samsdei · 1 year ago
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Choi Hyun-wook - 최현욱 -
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logray · 7 months ago
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TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016) dir. Yeon Sang-ho
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hyunjinners · 3 months ago
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taekwondolifemagazine · 9 months ago
Two (2) From Well Go USA
June 22, 2024 (NYC)– Two (2) from Well Go USA.   A Look at Two new international films, originating in South Korea,  distributed by Well Go USA, and hitting digital on June 25th.   Here is a synopsis and review of these Well Go USA Entertainment releases. HOPELESS Synopsis:       After spending his entire childhood in a town riddled with crime and violence, a teenage boy saves up his money in…
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year ago
Train to Busan (2016)
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Train to Busan makes great use of the familiar elements of a zombie movie by centering its plot on a single location and injecting societal commentary into its plot. While this 2016 horror film does not reinvent the wheel, what it does, it does well.
Seo Seok-woo (Gong Yoo), the divorced, workaholic absentee father of Su-an (Kim Su-an), agrees to bring his daughter to Busan so she can visit her mother. Onboard the train, a young woman suddenly bites one of the attendants. Soon, an infectious disease has reduced most of the passengers to gnashing ghouls. Those who remain must work together to survive.
After introducing Seok-woo and Su-an at their home, nearly all of the story takes place inside the titular train to Busan. We get a couple of stops along the way but these are at a train station and at a terminal, which are extensions of the train itself. On top of the usual fears of having to face possessed loved ones and rampant infection, we also deal with claustrophobia. The space inside the train is already small and it keeps getting smaller. When someone becomes infected, everyone rushes to the next compartment and blocks the entrance. The safe space has shrunk. Sometimes, people are forced to hide in the tiny bathrooms, holding the door shut as best they can while fingernails scrape the other side. The limited space and ressources requires ingenuity - both from the characters and the filmmakers. This is one of those movies where you can tell writer Park Joo-suk sat down and wrote every aspect of the train he could use. Tunnels, the bathrooms, luggage, doors, passengers, etc. You feel a certain satisfaction whenever he ticks off one of these boxes - you were just wondering how the characters would deal with X. They need to use their wits to survive and you’re glad to see that they’re all pretty sharp.
You can also tell care was put in the writing by the number of well-rounded characters. Not everyone gets equal amounts of screentime but you get to know many passengers. They’re not just bodies waiting to get infected. There’s character development and growth. You understand what makes these people tick. This is also where the movie injects some commentary about our society (or Korea’s, I guess). If there’s an antagonist - besides the zombies - it’s a rich businessman called Yon-suk (Kim Eui-sung). You can see he might represent Seok-woo's future. Both are well-paid tie-wearing men who are all about their jobs, and nothing else. Both are disconnected from the world, as evidenced by their treatment of the other passengers. Unlike the altruistic blue-collar Yoon Sang-hwa (Ma Dong-seok), they hesitate to help anyone. With his relation to his daughter already strained, you can picture Seok-woo becoming exactly like the older man - and you hate that guy. He’s a worm but he’s also got power. The attendants and the train’s captain all turn to him - the rich guy - rather than the common people when a crisis arises. They don't realize he only cares about himself. Everyone is scared but his fear threatens to doom everyone. We’re used to this idea that “the worst monsters are the people” in zombie movies so it doesn’t feel out of place, and it gives you something to think about too.
The picture maintains a steady level of suspense throughout. Whenever you get a reprieve, it’s either to set up somethig even bigger or allow you to get to know the characters. Now that you care about them that much more, the stakes feel bigger than before. The body count grows, the number of people shrinks, those who remain you’re even more determined to see survive. Best of all, you’re not sure who will make will live and who won't.
Train To Busan is one of the better zombie films in recent years. It’s got the right amount of gore and suspense to keep horror fanatics happy and it shows restraint when needed to make it nice and accessible to the rest too. (Original Korean with English subtitles, April 2, 2021)
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akariamai · 1 month ago
What's Buried in Bento Boxes [Part 1]
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Part 2
The fall of Smile Capital and the arrest of Kim Myeong-gil should have been a cause for celebration, but instead, it left a bittersweet taste in Min-seo’s mouth. While Geon-woo, Woo-jin, and she had won the bloody war, it didn’t erase the scars left behind or bring back the people they’d lost.
Min-seo considered herself fortunate that her family, though fractured, had remained unharmed during the takedown. Her mother had left them, her father was an absentee parent, and her brother buried himself in his studies. For the first time, she was grateful that her family had fallen apart. It had saved them, though they would never realize the danger she had unintentionally exposed them to.
“Are you leaving already?” Woo-jin suggested another late-night outing.
She glanced at her watch before standing up, grabbing the plastic bag containing her brother’s dinner—beef stir fry. “I can’t. I need to make sure my brother eats something other than ramen.” Most likely, Si-eun had spent the entire day hunched over his desk, jotting down notes while listening to their mother’s online math lectures. It had been his routine ever since she’d left.
Woo-jin leaned on Geon-woo’s shoulder. “When are we going to meet your brother? Are you hiding him from us? Afraid he’ll like us more or something?”
She chuckled at the thought. Si-eun would definitely dislike Woo-jin’s noisy and touchy nature. If Woo-jin could coax him out of his shell, Min-seo would think hell had truly frozen over. “My brother spends all day studying. He goes to cram school and would rather focus on his work than be forced to socialize.” To others, his stare was unnerving—icy, almost, with a chill that could rival Chameleon I, especially when someone deliberately bothered him.
“Should we walk you home?” Geon-woo asked. “It’s pretty late.”
Min-seo waved off his concern. “No need. It’s not far from here. You guys have fun.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out some cash. “Here, tonight’s on me.”
Woo-jin interjected, “Min-seo, we’re your seniors. This is our treat.”
“Just take the money, oppa,” Min-seo insisted. “I’ll text you when I get home.”
“You better!”
The biting wind that accompanied her on the walk home proved to be a formidable opponent. One hand sought refuge in her pocket, while the other endured the freezing air, clutching the bag of food that occasionally bumped against her leg. The collisions weren’t enough to bruise, but they left a dull ache that lingered.
The door to the apartment finally came into view. Her father wouldn’t be home—he’d mentioned a day or two ago that he’d be out of town, though knowing him, it would likely stretch into several days. She hadn’t decided whether his absence was a blessing or a curse.
She held no resentment toward her father. He wasn’t abusive, physically or mentally, but he was largely absent from his children’s lives. His understanding of parenthood was skewed, and he had never been ready to shoulder the responsibilities of being a parent, let alone a single father. As she grew older, Min-seo realized he had only wanted a physically active son to teach judo to.
The sight that greeted her when she opened the door was peculiar. An unfamiliar boy sat on the floor, gulping down water as if he’d been deprived of it for days, while her brother stared at the stranger with a vacant expression.
“Who’s this?” Min-seo asked, drawing the attention of both her brother and the stranger. “I didn’t know you had a friend over, Si-eun. I would’ve brought more food.”
“He’s not my friend.”
“I’m his classmate.”
“He invited himself in,” Si-eun added, his gaze pleading with Min-seo to free him from the intruder and restore his sanctuary.
“I’m Min-seo, Si-eun’s sister,” she said, extending her hand.
“Su-ho,” the boy replied, standing up to shake her hand. “I’ll make sure to buy Si-eun three water bottles tomorrow.” He turned to Si-eun. “Study hard. See you tomorrow. And be good to your mom and sister.” With that, Su-ho left, closing the door behind him and leaving the siblings bewildered.
Min-seo handed the bag to her brother. “I hope you haven’t eaten yet. I brought you dinner.”
“I haven’t. Thank you.”
“How was school?” Min-seo slipped off her shoes and headed to the kitchen.
Conversations with her brother were always brief. Min-seo adored Si-eun, and while she acknowledged his lack of social skills, he was her sole purpose in life. She would give him the love of both a parent and a sibling, adapting her role as needed. She would give him more than she had ever received.
There was a question burning on her tongue, one that had the power to change their lives forever. Min-seo weighed the pros and cons, considering the impact it would have. She had suppressed it for a long time, but now it bubbled within her, demanding to be spoken. Si-eun, oblivious to his sister’s inner turmoil, heated up his food and resumed watching a lecture. Once again, she had missed her chance.
She redirected her focus, setting aside those thoughts as she walked over to her brother. Gently, she patted his head—just enough to encourage him without breaking his concentration, a quiet gesture to let him know he was doing well. Then, she made her way to the fridge, pulling out several ingredients that would serve as Si-eun’s lunch.
Before their parents’ separation was finalized, their mother would willingly pack his lunch every day. It was a routine he could rely on and look forward to, but as arguments began to dominate their household, making and packing lunch became an afterthought. Their parents, locked in constant conflict, failed to recognize the damage they were leaving in their wake. Their youngest child was often left hungry, slowly slipping from their list of priorities.
Min-seo refused to let him go without a meal. She took it upon herself to prepare his lunch using whatever leftovers from the previous night’s dinner she could find, along with any ingredients that wouldn’t be missed. It wasn’t always much, but it was enough to fill his stomach—enough to remind him that he wasn’t forgotten.
Her first attempts weren’t the most well-crafted—they were subpar at best and ghastly at worst—but regardless, she poured her soul into those lunches. Her brother was intelligent; that much she would never question. He had probably pieced it together the moment he opened the first bento she made. Oh, how she wished to keep the magic alive for him, though her efforts might have been a poor imitation of it.
Once she finished chopping the Persian cucumbers, she added them to a mixing bowl, followed by a teaspoon of salt. She mixed everything thoroughly before setting it aside. The salt would take about 30 minutes to draw out all the moisture from the cucumbers.
Si-eun had already washed his bento box by the time she arrived home. He had always been a thoughtful kid, even if he didn’t show it often. That thoughtfulness was there, hidden in the cracks of his guarded personality—visible only to a select few. He would take it upon himself to lighten the burden she had placed on her own shoulders.
Min-seo paused for a moment, her gaze drifting to the window as she watched the city lights flicker like distant stars. She wondered if her mother ever looked out at the same view and felt the same quiet ache she did—the ache of missing something they could never quite name.
She shook her head, pulling herself back to the present. A glance at the clock reminded her there was no use dwelling on what-ifs. Tomorrow was another day, and she would face it head-on, just as she always did.
The next day began just like any other, with Min-seo preparing for service alongside her employees. The sushi restaurant was small and intimate, with only two other employees working with her—a setup reminiscent of the original sushi restaurant her old boss, Hwang Yang-jung, had run before his unfortunate passing.
Oh, how she missed the days when it was just Yang-jung, Mr. Kwan, and herself running the restaurant. She longed for Yang-jung to create an array of sushi platters with the new produce and coax her to eat them, like a child being force-fed their least favorite food. As much as she complained, she wouldn’t have traded it for the world. Little did she know how soon it would all go away—in the blink of an eye.
Before the darkness of Smile Capital and Kim Myeong-gil torched their world into smoke, life had been different—it had been good. So many lives were torn apart by the greed of men—men who allowed money to blind them to the atrocities they’d committed—men who now led their lives imprisoned.
It would be a couple of hours before she received an unexpected call from one of her brother’s teachers. The teacher explained that Si-eun had gotten into a fight and beaten another child bloody. Now, Min-seo had to rush to the hospital to speak with the victim’s family.
She saw Si-eun sitting alone on one of the wooden benches, their teacher nowhere in sight. Gently placing her hand on his arm to let him know she was there, she sat down beside him. “What happened?” she asked. She knew her brother well—he wasn’t the type to pick a fight over nothing.
Si-eun turned his head and dryly said, “They got another student to drug me during the mock test.”
“And were they the one who choked you?” Min-seo asked. She had noticed the hand print around his neck, despite his weak, desperate attempts to hide it. She had called the school to complain, but was met with disregard.
Scheduling a meeting with a reluctant principal was like running in circles, hoping to reach a destination that wasn’t on the path—impossible and hopeless. But then, she received the call, and more trouble bubbled to the surface, trouble the school couldn’t ignore.
He didn’t reply, but his silence spoke volumes.
She reached for his hand—cold to the touch—and flashed him a tender smile. “I’ll take care of it. Just let me know if someone is bothering you. I’ll make sure they leave you alone.”
Min-seo noticed Si-eun’s teacher approaching them with a solemn look. “This is very serious, Min-seo. Yeong-bin’s mother wants to speak with the two of you,” she said. They followed behind her silently, bracing themselves for the chaos they were about to walk into. The mother would undoubtedly be furious—her child was hurt, after all. Most likely, she had no idea about the illegal activities her son had been involved in behind her back. Her world was going to come crashing down once the truth came out.
Si-eun, his teacher, and Min-seo made their way to the hospital room where Yeong-bin was staying. Once inside, they approached the hospital bed. The boy, whom Min-seo assumed was Yeong-bin, lay on the bed, looking miserable with several bandages covering his broken nose.
Yeong-bin’s mother eyed both Si-eun and Min-seo with clear disdain, her focus lingering more on Si-eun than on Min-seo. “Who do you think you are?” she demanded.
“Ma’am, please calm down,” Min-seo said.
“I told you to bring your mom,” Yeong-bin’s mother snapped, sending Si-eun a nasty glare. “Where is she?”
“This is Yeon Min-seo, Si-eun’s older sister,” Si-eun’s teacher interjected.
“Where is your mother?” she demanded, growing increasingly frustrated that her orders hadn’t been followed. “I didn’t ask for your sister. I want to speak to your mother.”
“I’m sorry,” Si-eun murmured.
“I don’t want your apology. Bring your mom.”
“We don’t have a mom,” Min-seo stated firmly. Their mother was far too busy to even answer their calls. She hadn’t acted like their mother in years. To her, they were nothing more than an afterthought—secondary to her career and livelihood.
“Are you kidding me?” Yeong-bin’s mother looked like she was about to blow a fuse as she turned to glare directly into Min-seo’s eyes. “I’m going to send your brother to juvenile detention. No wonder he’s out of control, with a delinquent playing grown-up.”
Never once had anyone questioned her parenting. She had tried her best to fill the gap left behind by her mother and take on the responsibilities abandoned by her father when he disappeared for his work trips. She wasn’t perfect, but she had always believed she was doing well.
While Si-eun had a tendency to voluntarily isolate himself, he had turned out better than she had hoped. But maybe that wasn’t her doing. Maybe he had turned out that way on his own. Despite her efforts, he was strikingly independent. He kept his school life mostly to himself and was more of a listener than a talker.
Getting straight to the point, Min-seo asked, “Are you aware that your son got another student to drug my brother?” Silence filled the room. Yeong-bin’s face drained of color as his past actions were brought to light, and his mother’s face went completely pale, shock written across her features at the mere thought of it being true.
Si-eun’s teacher gasped in horror at this new revelation, clearly unaware of the circumstances but slowly piecing together the oddities that had occurred earlier that day: the slap on the neck and Si-eun’s irrational behavior during and after the mock test. It was as if all the pieces had fallen into place, completing the picture perfectly.
She had missed the signs, failed her student tremendously, and allowed such an atrocity to happen within the walls of the classroom. The signs had been in plain sight, and she had done nothing.
“What?” Yeong-bin’s mother stammered.
“Yeong-bin made a kid in our class stick this on my neck,” Si-eun added, reaching into his pocket to pull out the proof—a small fentanyl patch that would’ve gone unnoticed if Si-eun hadn’t fought through the side effects.
“What is that?” Yeong-bin’s mother asked, her voice trembling.
“The thing is…” Si-eun’s teacher began hesitantly.
“Narcotics,” Si-eun answered bluntly. “That’s what this is.”
“What are you talking about?” Yeong-bin’s mother demanded, her confusion turning to panic.
“Where’s your evidence?” Yeong-bin interjected, his voice rising. “Do you have proof that I did it?” He was grasping at straws, hoping—praying—there wouldn’t be any evidence to connect him.
“Read the room. This is your bag, right?” Si-eun removed the second backpack he was carrying and dumped its contents. Notebooks, pencils, random items, and a box of fentanyl patches spilled out. There it was, laid bare in the light of day—the secrets a child had tried to hide from his mother, and the evidence that would absolve her brother of any wrongdoing.
Yeong-bin was around 17 or 18 years old, and the legal consequences he would face could include a life sentence, with a possible reduction to 15 years of imprisonment if he was under 18. That didn’t even account for the additional charge of administering drugs to another minor, which would also carry a prison sentence. The exact penalty, however, would depend on the circumstances.
“This isn’t the first time your son has tormented my brother,” Min-seo added. “Just the other day, your son choked my brother at school, leaving bruises on his skin for days. I tried scheduling a meeting with the principal to contact you, but the school simply didn’t want to make a fuss about ‘boys playing rough with one another.’ Honestly, I think the staff was willfully ignorant of the rampant bullying happening right under their noses.”
“Your son is out of control, so…control him. I don’t care how you do it, but if I find out your son so much as looks at my brother the wrong way, I can’t be held responsible for what happens to him.”
“Is that a threat?” Yeong-bin’s mother shot back, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear. She knew she and her son were at the mercy of this family.
“No, it’s a warning—for you and for him,” Min-seo said coldly. “You’ll find that I take my brother’s health and safety very seriously, and I will not tolerate anything or anyone getting in the way of that. Be thankful that our family won’t bury yours, and that, in exchange for your silence on my brother’s retaliation against your son, we won’t ruin your family’s reputation. Your son is dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed around other students. Be grateful that our family is showing yours mercy. For such a serious offense, I doubt many schools would accept your son once this information gets out.”
“Si-eun, why don’t you go back home while I finish up here?” Min-seo said gently. “You don’t have to wait for me. It shouldn’t take too long, and when I get home, I’ll make dinner for us and Dad.”
“Dad’s back?” Si-eun asked, his voice tinged with surprise.
“Yeah, he messaged me. Mentioned something about forgotten paperwork and delays,” Min-seo replied.
“Go home. Message me when you get there, and stay safe, okay?”
All three women sat on the bench just outside Yeong-bin’s hospital room.
“I want him transferred,” Min-seo demanded. She wasn’t comfortable with the idea of her brother sharing the same space as someone like Yeong-bin, especially after the stunt he had tried to pull.
“His actions are far too serious for disciplinary action alone,” Si-eun’s teacher explained. “A transfer will be the best move for Yeong-bin. If this gets out, things will get bad. It’s best we handle this quietly.”
“While I don’t have any authority to force you to do so,” Min-seo added, “I hope that, as a mother and a parent, you’ll consider the safety of others and think about transferring him to a school with stricter supervision.”
“How dare you make demands! My son is not dangerous!” Yeong-bin’s mother snapped.
“We’ve seen how little you know about your son’s actions,” Min-seo shot back. “He drugged someone. Do you not understand the severity of the situation? Next time, he could drug a girl. He’s shown today how easily it can be done and how he thought he could get away with it. Can you, with a clear conscience, guarantee that he will never hurt anyone else, regardless of gender?”
“As I said, I don’t have the power to force you to do the right thing,” Min-seo concluded. “But I sincerely hope you make the correct decision and don’t endanger anyone else’s child.”
Min-seo let out a heavy sigh, grateful that the situation had been resolved and her brother had been cleared of any wrongdoing. She hoped Yeong-bin’s mother would seriously consider the concerns she had raised. Yeong-bin had proven the lengths he would go to hurt anyone who crossed him.
She stood in front of the door, then entered the apartment, slipping off her shoes. Her eyes met her father’s wandering figure.
“Hi, sweetie. Where were you?” he asked, though his mind seemed to be elsewhere.
“Out with some friends. I lost track of time. Sorry,” she lied. She knew her father wouldn’t push further.
“That’s alright,” he said. “As long as you had fun.”
“Have you eaten yet?” she asked, knowing he hadn’t and was probably waiting for her to come back.
“Not yet,” he replied.
“I’ll start on dinner.”
“Okay. I have to pack a few more things. Call me when it’s ready.”
Dinner went by smoothly, and her father retreated to his room, muttering about logistics and such. Min-seo was packing the leftover rice into Si-eun’s bento when she heard his voice.
“Nonna,” Si-eun called out awkwardly, standing by his doorframe. He had changed out of his uniform, and the aroma of freshly cooked pork belly lingered in the air.
“Yes?” she replied.
“Can you pack me two bentos tomorrow?”
“Okay,” she agreed without hesitation. Si-eun rarely made requests, but she would grant him anything he asked.
“Thank you.”
She wanted to question him but decided it wasn’t her place to pry. He would tell her when the time was right.
I know not much really happens in this part, but I really wanted to emphasize the sibling relationship between Min-seo, my OC, and Si-eun. I want to make it very clear that some parts of this story will deviate from the K-drama, as you all have probably already noticed. Additionally, the legal aspects written here are likely inaccurate, so please take them at face value. I am also not Korean and don’t know a lot about the culture, so please go easy on me if I get anything wrong. I hope you sincerely enjoyed reading.
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dadyscumslutprincess20 · 15 days ago
Hi how are you doing💓can you please make a smut for ahn sohoo from whc1 if it's possible cause I haven't found any for him :( if not it's fine dw ☺️
NSFW Alphabet|Ahn Suho
Get to know Ahn Su-Ho from A-Z
Feat Su-Ho x Fem!Reader
{ I wanted to try NSFW Alphabet so we’ll do it for this one , and if you like this I can start doing more of it}
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(A) Aftercare
How does he tend to you, after you're done. Is he a cuddler? Give you aftercare?
~ 10/10. Sooho would always make sure to wipe your inner thighs down with a clean cloth before carefully carrying you in the shower. He would take his time making sure he cleans every part of your body before cleaning his self, would help you get dressed in your pajamas before putting on his own. If you’re both in the mood he might even watch your favorite show until you both fall asleep with you in his arms.
(B) Body Part
His favorite body part on hisself and his partner?
~ Thighs. He loves your thighs. Doesn’t care if there thick or not. Loves to stare at your thighs during class, even better that you sit bedsides him in class. Now he could grip and squeeze at them any time he wanted.
(C) Cum
Where he likes to cum on his partner? How much he cums? Does he like to cum before or after his partner?
~ Cum a lot , when it’s not a quickie that is. Loves to cover your body with his cum, his favorite place being in your mouth, breast or your pussy. He likes to watch his seed slowly sweep out of your hole down your inner thighs. All while your a whimpering mess for him..truly it’s a sight to see for him.
(D) Dirty Secret
A Dirty Secret he keeps from his partner?
~He still had the sex video that you let him take of you, only if he deleted it after. But he never did , instead he watches it when your to busy to hang out but he never lets anyone sees as he keeps it locked with a password that only he knew.
(E) Experience
How much experience does he have?
~ Sooho didn’t have much experience before you met. Yeah he probably watches prom here and there but he never actually done anything with anyone, well until he met you that is.
(F) Favorite Position
What’s his favorite sex position?
~ Doesn’t really have a favorite position as long as you whimper and moaning it’s enough for him. Loves watching his cock slide in and out of you as he fucks into you.
(G) Goofy
Is he serious or goofy during sex?
~ He VERY goofy. He’ll have times where he finds it funny in a amusing way, when you try to pull away from him as he pull you back against his cock. How could he not , when you acted like a brat today so why the tears…it’s all to amusing for him. But of course , he’ll make sure his pretty girl is satisfied before he finishes.
(H) Hair
How groomed is he?
~Trims when he feels like it. If your both in don’t like hair he would try to keep up with trimming but if you don’t mind he wouldn’t really trim as much. He also doesn’t really mind if his partner has hair or not, it wouldn’t stop him from doing what he wants to you.
(I) Intimacy
Is he romantic, rough or kinky?
~ Romantic and rough, he likes to take his time allowing his hands to foam over your body. Kisses your neck as he gently finger fuck you at a fast pace yet so gentle not to hurt you. Now when he’s jealous…that could be another story.
(J) Jack Off
How often does he jack off?
~ He doesn’t really care to much for jacking off, why should he when you basically live with him. If anything he would pull your out of class to fuck you in the school bathrooms. Now before you came around he would probably only do it every once in a while.
What are his kinks? Does he have any?
~Size kink. He wouldn’t admit thy to you of course. But he loves how your so much smaller than him, when you first met he didn’t even believe your were the same age until you both got close. Loves to pick you up in his arms as he fucks up in to you couldn’t do anything about it just grab at him and whimper …he was hot to him.
(L) Location
Favorite place to fuck his partner?
~ Anywhere. Long as his cocks buried deep inside you gummy walls he wouldn’t give a shit where you are. Just be a good girl and take, he’ll make sure you’re not caught.
M) Motivation
What are his turn ons?
~ Honestly there’s lots of things you do that turns him on without you even trying. But his favorite one of all is watching your eyes tear and wet as his tongue slowly teases your clit. The other being when you wear someone that shows off your curves , making his cock bulge in his pants his eyes watching your every movement.
What are his turn offs?
~ Doesn’t have any, pretty much anything you do turns him on.
Preference on it..?
~He doesn’t mind when you suck him off but he prefers more to eat you out. But if you want you could just 69 it so your both receiving pleasure ..just let him play with your pussy while he’s at it.
How fast or rough is he?
~Likes to take it slow at time. But Loves to fuck you fast and hard , it brings out the best moans from you. Your so sensitive , he loved it only making him thrust in you faster than before.
How does he feel about quickies?
~He okay with quickies. Besides if you’re at school , you’ll have to get back to class eventual. Don’t worry if you don’t cum , he’ll make sure you do once you come to his house after school.
How risky is he?
~VERY , VERY risky. He doesn’t care if your in public , if he can find a place to pull you off to, someone where no one would see either of you before he fucks you. Even easier for him if you’re in a dress or skirt , just move your panties to the side and he’ll handle the rest.
How long can he last? How many rounds?
At least 3 or 4 rounds. You’re tired, that’s okay he’ll do all the work from here ..but you’ll own him next time.
Does he use or own any?
~ Doesn’t own any but loves to use the toys you have on you. Why play by yourself when he could do it for you, just lay back and keep your legs spread like a good girl, he’ll make sure you feel good before he fucks you.
How much does he like to tease his partner?
~Any chance he gets. It hot when you squirm for him, his hands holding you still making sure you couldn’t move away from him. Teasing your entrance as he gently bites at your inner thigh , I mean really it was amusing for him…if you say how much you need him maybe he’ll be nice and stop.
How loud is he? How loud does he like his partner?
~Doesn’t like to make noise much, may let out a occasionally groan when your walls tighten around him. But he loves when your a moaning and whimpering mess. That’s it be a good girl and moan a bit louder, maybe he’ll give you what you want. Occasionally won’t care if anyone could hear.
W)Wild card
~Loves eating your pussy. The way your juices cover his mouth and chin , shining under the room lightening as he licks every drop of your juices. The way your thighs tighten around his hand , your small hands gripping at his hair pulling his face loser to your wet pussy.
Length, Girth, Curve?
~ At least 7 inches , thick and veiny , curves slightly at the tip allowing him to hit your sweet spot repeatedly. Causing you to squirm as you walls pull him in deeper, he loved it.
Sex drive?Horniness?
~ High but not to high. He can’t help it you just so small to him. Doesn’t help that he likes to picture different ways he could fuck you.
How fast does he fall asleep?
~ Like to fall asleep after you. He has to make sure his baby girl all settle in bed before he even thinks about going to bed.
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respectthepetty · 1 day ago
Viki is saying Heesu in Class 2 will be a BL because it has been placed in the BL, Romance, and LGBTQ+ categories. Also, the synopsis gives away the queer element:
Hee Su's (Ahn Ji Ho) life revolves around his best friend (and secret crush) Chan Young (Cho Jun Young), to the extent that his classmates know him as "Chan Young's friend" instead of by his own name. He's content with helping Chan Young with whatever he needs, from providing moral support or listening to his girl problems, as long as he can stay by Chan Young's side. But one day, Hee Su suddenly finds himself as the school's new advice expert, pushing him into the center of attention – but he doesn't know how he can give anyone advice when he can't even help himself! This drama was adapted from the webtoon of the same name by Lily Zuzu.
Fingers crossed the gay didn't get erased!
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k1mbe3rly · 1 day ago
𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓸 𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽!
❤️‍🔥= NSFW
🩷= SFW
💔 = angst
Everything i wrote so far!
(pls request!)
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► Yeon sieun
nothing yet
► Ahn Su-ho
nothing yet
► Oh Beom seok
nothing yet
► Park Hu min
nothing yet
► Yeong bin
nothing yet
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billornot · 1 year ago
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gamgyulbich-ui · 2 years ago
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bl-bam-beyond · 18 hours ago
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Episode 1:
But...as Hee Su (AHN JI HO) prepares to confess to his best friend Chan Young (CHO JUN YOUNG) he is interrupted.
You see the stoic class president Kim Seung Won (LEE SANG JUN) who stares at Hee Su makes Hee Su think Seung Won might dislike him. But Seung Won may just have the same feelings for Hee Su as Hee Su has for Chan Young.
My Prediction: Chan Young may love Hee Su. But not in a romantic way. Can Hee Su let go of a crush...no a secret love he's held onto for so long? And perhaps move on with someone that can reciprocate.
And there is a girl in this picture that Chan Young may really actually want.
@pose4photoml @just-another-boyslove-blog @wanderlust-in-my-soul @absolutebl
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lgbtally4ever · 22 days ago
Weak Hero Class 1 is coming to Netflix!
If you haven’t seen it, you NEED to. It’s one of my top 2 KDramas:
1. Itaewon Class 10+ ( + for best OST)
2. Weak Hero Class 1 10
3. It’s OK to Not Be OK 10
4. My Mister 10
5. Somebody 10
6. Misaeng 9.9
7. Start-Up 9.9
8. Flower of Evil 9.9
9. While You Were Sleeping 9.9
10. The Devil Judge 9.9
Polygon recommends TV
Release date: March 25 for season 1, Q2 for season 2
Episode count: 8 in season 1, TBA for season 2
Recommended for fans of: The Glory, D.P., Skins
Weak Hero Class 1 follows Yeon Si-eun (idol turned actor Park Ji-hoon), a top student who only cares about his studies. When classroom bully Jeon Yeong-bin (Kim Su-gyeom) targets Si-eun, he is unwillingly pulled into the ruthless culture of school violence and must decide what to do about it. With the unlikely help of slacker boxer Ahn Su-ho (Twinkling Watermelon’s Choi Hyun-wook) and timid nerd Oh Beom-seok (Revenant’s Hong Kyung), Si-eun fights back.
I saw the first three episodes of Weak Hero Class 1 on the big screen at the Busan International Film Festival in 2022, and the execution of the fight scenes blew me away. Based on a webcomic, the violent coming-of-age drama has some of the most visceral action scenes I had seen in a long time. That they mostly take place between teenage boys, and often the context of classroom bullying only adds to their well-executed intensity. Weak Hero Class 1 was released in 2022, on Viki in the U.S., and found a passionate audience. However, its upcoming release on Netflix ahead of a second season will make it much more accessible to K-drama fans and others.
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chillingcinemachronicles · 1 year ago
Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies on Netflix
5. Predestination (2014)
Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Alicia Pavlis, Annabelle Norman, Arielle O’Neill, Ben Prendergast, Carolyn Shakespeare-Allen, Cate Wolfe, Christopher Bunworth, Christopher Kirby, Christopher Sommers, Christopher Stollery, Dennis Coard, Dick York, Elise Jansen, Eliza D’Souza, Eliza Matengu, Ethan Hawke, Felicity Steel, Finegan Sampson, Freya Stafford, Giordano Gangl, Grant Piro, Hayley Butcher, Jim Knobeloch, Katie Avram, Kristie Jandric, Kuni Hashimoto, Lucinda Armstrong Hall, Madeleine West, Maja Sarosiek, Marky Lee Campbell, Milla Simmonds, Monique Heath, Noah Taylor, Noel Herriman, Olivia Sprague, Paul Moder, Raj Sidhu, Rob Jenkins, Sara El-Yafi, Sarah Snook, Sophie Cusworth, Tony Nikolakopoulos, Tyler Coppin, Vanessa Crouch
Director: Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig, The Spierig Brothers
Rating: R
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One of the most original time-travel thrillers since 12 Monkeys. A brilliant subversion of the Time Paradox trope, with enough plot twists to keep you entertained until well after the movie is finished. Predestination is an amazing movie with great performances from Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook. It’s a movie that will feel like Inception, when it comes to messing with your mind and barely anyone has heard of it. It is highly underrated and unknown, sadly.
4. Train to Busan (2016)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Ahn So-hee, An So-hee, Baek Seung-hwan, Cha Chung-hwa, Chang-hwan Kim, Choi Gwi-hwa, Choi Woo-shik, Choi Woo-sung, Dong-seok Ma, Eui-sung Kim, Gong Yoo, Han Ji-eun, Han Sung-soo, Jang Hyuk-jin, Jeong Seok-yong, Jung Seok-yong, Jung Young-ki, Jung Yu-mi, Kim Chang-hwan, Kim Eui-sung, Kim Jae-rok, Kim Joo-heon, Kim Ju-hun, Kim Keum-soon, Kim Soo-ahn, Kim Soo-an, Kim Su-an, Kim Won-Jin, Lee Joo-sil, Lee Joong-ok, Ma Dong-seok, Park Myung-shin, Sang-ho Yeon, Seok-yong Jeong, Shim Eun-kyung, Sohee, Soo-an Kim, Soo-jung Ye, Terri Doty, Woo Do-im, Woo-sik Choi, Ye Soo-jung, Yeon Sang-ho, Yoo Gong, Yu-mi Jeong, Yu-mi Jung
Director: Sang-ho Yeon, Yeon Sang-ho
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A zombie virus breaks out and catches up with a father as he is taking his daughter from Seoul to Busan, South Korea’s second-largest city. Watch them trying to survive to reach their destination, a purported safe zone.
The acting is spot-on; the set pieces are particularly well choreographed. You’ll care about the characters. You’ll feel for the father as he struggles to keep his humanity in the bleakest of scenarios.
It’s a refreshingly thrilling disaster movie, a perfect specimen of the genre.
3. Serenity (2005)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
Actor: Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, Carrie ‘CeCe’ Cline, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Colin Patrick Lynch, David Krumholtz, Demetra Raven, Dennis Keiffer, Elaine Mani Lee, Erik Weiner, Gina Torres, Glenn Howerton, Hunter Ansley Wryn, Jessica Huang, Jewel Staite, Linda Wang, Logan O’Brien, Marcus Young, Mark Winn, Marley McClean, Matt McColm, Michael Hitchcock, Morena Baccarin, Nathan Fillion, Nectar Rose, Neil Patrick Harris, Peter James Smith, Rafael Feldman, Rick Williamson, Ron Glass, Ryan Tasz, Sarah Paulson, Sean Maher, Summer Glau, Tamara Taylor, Terrell Tilford, Terrence Hardy Jr., Tristan Jarred, Weston Nathanson, Yan Feldman
Director: Joss Whedon
Rating: PG-13
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Serenity is a futuristic sci-fi film that serves as a feature-length continuation of the story-line from the TV program Firefly (2002–2003). The story revolves around the captain (Nathan Fillion) and crew of the titular space vessel that operate as space outlaws, running cargo and smuggling missions throughout the galaxy. They take on a mysterious young psychic girl and her brother, the girl carrying secrets detrimental to the intergalactic government, and soon find themselves being hunted by a nefarious assassin (Chiwetel Ejiofor). The first feature-length film from Joss Whedon (The Avengers), Serenity is a lively and enjoyable adventure, replete with large-scale action sequences, strong characterizations and just the right touch of wry humor. An enjoyable viewing experience that stands alone without demanding that you have familiarity with the original program beforehand.
2. Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Actor: Armie Hammer, Danny Glover, David Cross, Ed Moy, Forest Whitaker, James D. Weston II, Jermaine Fowler, John Ozuna, Kate Berlant, Lakeith Stanfield, Lily James, Marcella Bragio, Michael X. Sommers, Molly Brady, Omari Hardwick, Patton Oswalt, Robert Longstreet, Rosario Dawson, Steven Yeun, Teresa Navarro, Terry Crews, Tessa Thompson, Tom Woodruff Jr., Tony Toste, W. Kamau Bell
Director: Boots Riley
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In the year of the Netflix TV Show Maniac, another absurdist title stole critics’ hearts. Sorry to Bother You is a movie set in an alternate reality, where capitalism and greed are accentuated. Lakeith Stanfield (Atlanta) is a guy called Cassius who struggles to pay his bills. However, when at a tele-marketing job an old-timer tells him to use a “white voice”, he starts moving up the ranks of his bizarre society. A really smart movie that will be mostly enjoyed by those who watch it for its entertaining value, and not so much for its commentary. It is like a Black Mirror episode stretched into a movie.
1. Ex Machina (2015)
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction
Actor: Alex Garland, Alicia Vikander, Chelsea Li, Claire Selby, Corey Johnson, Domhnall Gleeson, Elina Alminas, Gana Bayarsaikhan, Oscar Isaac, Sonoya Mizuno, Symara A. Templeman, Symara Templeman, Tiffany Pisani
Director: Alex Garland
Rating: R
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Ex Machina is the directorial debut of Alex Garland, the writer of 28 Days Later (and 28 Weeks Later). It tells the story of Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson from About Time), an IT developer who is invited by a billionaire CEO to participate in a groundbreaking experiment — administering a Turing test to a humanoid robot called Ava (Alicia Vikander). Meeting the robot with feelings of superiority at first, questions of trust and ethics soon collide with the protagonist’s personal views. While this dazzling film does not rely on them, the visual effects and the overall look-feel of Ex Machina are absolutely stunning and were rightly picked for an Academy Award. They make Ex Machina feel just as casually futuristic as the equally stylish Her and, like Joaquin Phoenix, Gleeson aka Caleb must confront the feelings he develops towards a machine, despite his full awareness that ‘she’ is just that. This is possibly as close to Kubrick as anyone got in the 21st century. Ex Machina is clever, thrilling, and packed with engaging ideas.
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tobeflyhaikyuu · 1 year ago
The K-Dramas I've watched
Playful Kiss
Possibly the first kdramas i've ever watched, it was either this one or The Miracle. I enjoyed it at first but i found it was an adaptation of Itazura na Kiss and went to watch the other adaptations and hated the story as a whole. Also when I found the Thai version it was game over cus that version is so much better than the source material.
Weighlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
It was cute!! And very funny, I don't have much to say about it tho.
Ignoring the fact he is idk how many years old and she was 18-19 when they properly meet... it's kinda cute. And heartbreaking. The Goblin and Reaper duo is also just iconically hilarious.
Doom At Your Service
MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE EVER!! The writing is so good and the story is so beautiful and I mean, Park Bo-Young is one of my favorite actresses for a reason. I just cannot properly put into words how much i adore this show, honestly.
While You Were Sleeping
How I meet both Suzy and Lee Jong-Suk and i loved them and their characters both so much. The story was very engaging too.
Strong Woman Bong-Soon
Park Bo-Young and Park Hyung-sik <3 Do Bong-Soon and Ahn Min-Hyuk <3 They were too good in this man, I'd love to see them in another drama together. One thing that felt uncessary to me was the gangsters and their whole screentime, it just wasnt entertaining or important to the story afjsahfkdagj
True Beauty
Very funny, very entertaining. Also how I feel in love with Cha Eun-woo. Also yes I loved Seo-jun but it made a lot more sense for Joo-kyung to be with Su-ho, me thinks.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Entertaining but the depiction of mental disabilities is really just... atrocious. It's a little hard to rewatch tbh.
Business Proposal
Kim Se-jeong is a treasure. And this show was very funny and cute.
Alchemy Of Souls
Amazing, showstopping, spectacular, no wonder it was so popular.
My Only Love Song
Also one of the first ones i've watched, hilarious too. But i dont remember thinking much about the romance tbh. At least it's on the shorter end so if you dont feel like committing to 16+ 1-hour long episodes, this is a good one
W: Two Worlds
I. LOVE. THE. CONCEPT. OF. COMIC CHARACTERS. BEING SELF AWARE!!!! It's so interesting and I think W explored it so well, I'd love more kdramas like it.
The Miracle
I remember very little about this one lol but i do remember the over fatphobia, like yes its what the show criticizes but i remember feeling so uncomfortable watching it. it's been like 7 years tho so i cant properly talk about it
Extraordinary You
comic book characters being self aware <3 also think this was did a fantastic job with that concept. it also made me cry so badly, my heart still aches for Haru and Dan-Oh
This is the one last one I finished, and I binged it. Was not expecting to be so enthralled by a drama that's essencially about news reporting but I was.
Why Her
Reccommend to me by a close friend who adores pain... I was also not expecting to be so engaged with this one but I was and it was so painful, omg but so so good!
+ unfinished ones
Hotel Del Luna
Mr. Queen
Rookie Historian Goo Rae-Hyeong
Destined with You
Magic of the Abyss
Uncanny Counter
King: The Eternal Monarch
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
Run On
Crash Landing on You
Hospital Playlist
Crash Course In Romance
Romance Is A Bonus Book
A Love So Beautiful
King The Land
See You in My 19th Life
The King's Affection
Judge vs Judge
Tale of The Nine Tailed
Law School
Dr. Romantic
++ dropped
Shooting Stars
The Glory
Love Alarm
My ID is a Gangnam Beauty
Legend of the Blue Sea
Boys Over Flowers
The Heirs
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