#Ah... I dont know maybe I'm just hitting the wall with the game.
You know idk if I'm in a rut (and not the fun type) or not but I feel sort of... Uninvested in Nightbringer lately. I mean I still do the daily tasks and still play story mode but the game doesn't grip me like S1 or OG Obey Me did... Things almost feel stale or stagnant to me where I'm just doing them cause I liked the Original and don't really care for the New App to the same degree I did when getting OG Obey Me.
I wonder if there's a way to get me reinvested because like it's sort of weird how obsessed I was with OG Obey Me and how indifferent I am to Nightbringer now. Maybe it's just cause Nightbringer's whole energy is something I'm not feeling or the game literally is just losing its flavor for me.
Or maybe I'm just feeling down... Hopefully I figure it out soon.
Maybe it's cause leveling up is more difficult or the Events and things just don't matter to me anymore. Maybe I ran my course with Obey Me? Idk...
I guess it's good for minor distraction I guess.
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chaeros1e · 1 year
Kai’s POV:
I sigh as I take out the burnt meal I had been trying to prepare for y/n. This was our fourth date and I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend.For our last date she had cooked and we ate at her place. I wanted to do the same thing but I had got distracted and accidentally burnt it.
I had no other choice but to order pizza. I sigh and get on the phone with the pizza place and placed my order making sure to get a side of wings knowing those were Y/N’s favorite.I remember Y/N telling me her favorite were buffalo,I sigh and text y/n
me:Make sure to wear comfy clothes please
wifey: Why?
me:I'll tell you when you get here
I go change into a pair of sweats and graphic t shirt soon I hear the door bell “Pizza delivery !”. I rush to the door paying for the food and take it to the kitchen. soon the doorbell rings. I open the door blushing at Y/N's attire.
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"I-I said comfy" I say letting her in
(you can change the outfit)
"This is comfy," She says smiling, she comes in closing the door while taking her platforms off. Before she walked in she kissed my cheeks
"W-whats that for?" I ask
"Just because" She says smiling
"I kind of burnt the food" I say rubbing my neck in embarrassment
"Aww Kai" She says making me flush more in embarrassment
"I just wanted to make your favorite and I kind of got distracted so I ordered pizza and other things" I say. "Aww you’re so cute" Y/n says cupping my cheeks
"Lets eat" I say. she grabs my hand taking me to the dinning table. My table was in front of my pent house window. I bring the plates and food over to the table."Anything to drink?" I ask "Do you have any Wine?" She asks
"Uh I do" I say walking over to the wall of wine I have. I have so many bottles of wine. Usually after I win a game somebody gifts a bottle to me. I dont really drink so I just keep some for decoration. "Chardonnay or red?" I ask
"Red it makes me feel sexy when I drink it," Y/n says smiling."okay," I say grabbing the bottle and two wine glasses and bringing them back to the table."Your penthouse is so big! Do you ever get lonely?" Y/n asks taking a bite of her pizza
"Not really 'cause I'm always on the road but sometimes when I am here it does hit a little," I tell her taking a sip from my cup."Maybe when I move in you won't be lonely" She says making me choke
"M-move in?" I ask. I didn't even ask her to be my girlfriend yet! God must be on my side."Yeah," She says picking up her phone and coming around to my seat. she sits down on my lap making me blush. She grabs her cup and opens her phone.
"Lets take pictures" She says. "Okay" I Say putting my hand on the table. "You can touch me Kai" She says smiling. "O-okay" I say mentally smacking myself for stuttering so much. I rest my hand on her hip as I smile as she takes the picture. After a few more picture Y/n stays in my lap eating her food. If only she knew how she makes me feel.After we finish eating we sat on my couch with another cup of wine and talk. After an hour or so y/n started getting tired and was leaving but I had to ask her about ealier
"Hey uh, y/n about what you said earlier? Ya know...you moving in?" I ask
"What about it?" She asks as she puts her heels on
"Do you really see yourself being my girlfriend?" I ask. She looks at me with wide eyes and an embarrassed look
"I-I thought I was already your girlfriend" She says
"Ah?! you did?!" I ask
"Oh I'm so sorry you were probably so uncomfortable tonight I am so sorry" She says hiding her face in her hands. I smile and take her hands in mine.
"Its okay. I wasnt uncomfortable and I was actually thinking about asking you to be my girlfriend tonight but seeing as I screwed up dinner I didnt think you'd say yes" I say nervously
"Really?" She asks
"Really. With that being said will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. She looks at me and smile
"Of course good night Kai" She says kissing my cheek and I smile and kiss hers back
"Night Y/n" I say before closing the door
After cleaning up I get in the shower and dress for bed. I get in bed and decided to check my socials before going to sleep. The last app I decided on was Instagram I watched a few peoples stories
I smile as Y/n's came up. It was a few pictures of her in her outfit before she came over and the last one was a picture we took. She was sitting in my lap as we both smiled holding our wine glasses. She captioned it wine date wnd blurred my face out.I smile screenshotting it and sending it to the other member plus my sisters.Soon enough the group chat was going crazy. I smile at the picture and hold my phone to my chest.
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glorified-red · 2 years
oooo a 5k? Are you a student athlete?is that how you got a full ride?
Yes, but no, but yes, but no.
I've been an althete for my entire school career up until my senior year of highschool, so I guess? Student Athlete?
For a year or so I was a gymnast. (My sister and I did it together, she stayed her entire life, I did not, obviously)
Then for a few years I played T-Ball (recently found out via my mom that I made the front page of the city newspaper because I hit the ball and then felt really bad so I went to go pick it up instead of like....playing the game).
Then I played soccer for, so many years, I couldn't tell you how many, I lost count. (I was offense most of the time, rip my ankles)
I almost did volleyball but chickened out last minute (wouldve been a setter or libero).
Then, being the band kid I was, I joined marching band my freshman year. (ah seven years of playing an instrument leads to this)
Got bored of that so I switched to colorguard for two years which was soooo much more athletically demanding my GAWD. (two years of ✨trauma✨ but I might buy a sabre soon, idk, feeling kinda silly)
And Senior year I did nothing and got a job to fill the void of having way too much freetime for me to know what to do with. How do you guys not do sports? What do you do with all the free time???
So yes, I was a "student athlete," kinda sorta, not really, but sure. If I kept playing I probably could've gotten a music scholarship but I haven't touched that instrument in almost 3 years. Same with maybe a marching band scholarship? Idk if my college does that tbh.
But how I actually got my scholarships? Tests and Parents pfft.
5.2 + 3.98 GPA (dont ask why its not a 4.0, I will literally start crying, went my ENTIRE LIFE with a 4.0 only for the lAsT sEmEsTer of SENIOR YEAR---full disrespect: fuck college Spanish), straight A's MINUS ONE CLASS (if I could fist fight college spanish I so would).
I was a dual enrollment kid so I was half a highschool student and half a college student, shot my GPA through the roof and got me to graduate with my AA the same year I graduated highschool. I was the Jason Todd, loved school, was great at school, never struggled, never studied, etc etc.
SAT scores and ACT scores got me a 75% scholarship to any college I wanted to go to in the area (I was only a few points away from 100% but I was too lazy to try again lmao). Then I got another scholarship for being a military brat. Then I got another one for having parents with post-military issues where I basically get paid to go to school. All of that just combines to a full ride, plus any extra money from the scholarships goes to me which is more than I need so it's in my savings acct.
First two years of college were completely free because I was in the dual enrollment program (free college woo), next three years are free because of multiple scholarships, I just say full ride cuz it's quicker to say and gets the point across.
As for the 5ks: My mom and I like to do them together and do at least one a month. This month we're doing an obstacle 5k where you physically cannot complete it without a buddy or a group. Army crawling under electricity, balancing on things by countering each others weight, ninja warrior wall where your team is at the top to catch you, etc etc.
My family (found moreso than blood) is going as Justice League members because there were too many of us to be the Power Rangers. We're doing another one of these in Dec. and then the 10k version of it next year and then hopefully the 15k version. I know my mom and I want to eventually do a marathon.
My main goal is to complete a triathalon. I've ALWAYS wanted to do one so we're gonna try to do it sometime late next year. Starting with the shorter triathalons and slowly working our way up to the more average/long ones.
Now don't get it twisted, I'm not like, a runner or workout junky. Quite literally the opposite. My mom is a runner and its her therapy. Mine? Meeting new people, getting some sun, getting the body moving, and maybe getting some nice scenary. I do run parts of the races, but for the most part I like a nice brisk walk since its healthier for my body than running (yay chronic pain and stupid ovaries!)
I hate the stereotype that you have to run the whole thing or be super fit to do marathons and races. No?? Anyone who wants to can. The point for me isn't to win or to place, its just to finish and have fun. Do I enjoy having a good time? Hell yea, I beat my time by 10 minutes last solo 5k I did. But I'm also the first person who will happily sacrifice a good time so I can enjoy meeting other racers and walking with them.
The last 5k I did was a forest one (it fucking sucked) where the terrain was sand and there were soooo many branches and hills. I watched a racer sprain their ankle right in front of me so we ended up walking the rest together and I carried them for some bits. So my time was terrible, but hey, I got to meet someone I never would've if I didn't stop---and that's more valuable to me.
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two at a time.
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© @sonsofeorl
EZ REYES x female!reader x BISHOP LOSA.
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❝ words: about 2k.
❝ warnings: nsfw, threesome, dirty as fuck, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected sex, double penetration, language, swearing, praise kink, slight degradation, mention of bodily fluids and i dont know what else.
❝ a / n: i'm not sorry for this. i started this shot a couple of months ago and forget about it. thanks to my lovely wife @mayans-sauce for throwing more gasoline to my fire. it has no plot and maybe it's poor in details, but i didn't want to make it longer than it is already. as always, don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it!
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“I don' know what you heard, but you're wrong. And I'm not gonna do it”.
Outside, you look pretty calm, but inside you're freaking out. EZ is sitting over the table of the trailer, while Bishop is some steps away from you, resting his back against the fridge.
“Listen, this is not like… you are cheating me, baby. You dreamed about it, and I wanna please you. That's all”. Your boyfriend says, with both hands placed on the lapels of his kutte.
“Com'ere, querida”.
Bishop offers you a hand. You look at it with curiosity, before traveling your gaze again to the younger man putting down off the table. Gulping and licking your incisors, you take his hand, and before you can be aware of what they're thinking in you find yourself between both. El Presidente kisses you slowly, enjoying it, taking his time; while EZ bites your neck with his fingers clung to your hips. You can feel how hard they are, not noticing it before because you were too busy fighting against your desires.
Bishop moves his hands to your breasts, squeezing them while keeping his lustful eyes on yours, watching you silently moan. This feels much better than in your dreams —much better than you could imagine. While the older one takes care of your nipples, EZ rolls down your panties through your thighs, before removing the other piece of clothing to leave you exposed for their own pleasure.
“Sweetheart… you're a fucking goddess”. Bishop praises you using that charming smile he has to make your legs tremble. “Tell us what you need. Use that beautiful mouth of yours”.
“I wa— wan—”.
“Tell us what you need”. Your boyfriend grunts keen, gripping one of his huge hands on your throat from behind, pressing you among their bodies.
“I need you to… fuck me”. You whine starting to lose your mind when EZ urges you to open your legs for them. “At… At once”.
Their husky laughs burn your cheeks in shame.
“You heard that, prospect? This little filthy whore wants our dicks at the same time”.
“You think you can take us both?” There's no doubt in his voice, kissing the sweet spot under your ear while taking your right hand and bringing it to the rock under Bishop's rough dark jeans. “You want his dick in your sweet tight pussy, baby girl? Ask him”.
God, if they continue talking to you like that you're going to cum without needing to be pounded. You can't help but stroke his hard bulge watching immediately the struggles you are causing him to breathe.
“Can I… first blow your cock, Presidente?” You inquire with a honeyed low tone of voice, starting to lose your shame.
“We don't have time for games now, querida. So, show me what you have for me”. He denies, demanding what he has been craving since he put a step inside the trailer.
You swallow touring down his abdomen to the belt, undoing it with trembling fingers because of your nervousness, hearing EZ behind you maneuver and dealing with his own clothes. You can't believe he has been given a threesome, to let another man fucks you only to make your fantasies come true.
“You go first, brother”. Bishop utters, referring to the need of your wetness as natural lube.
El Presidente snakes an arm between your legs to raise it and find a comfortable posture and more space for your boyfriend to slam his dick inside your cunt. You scream out, having to put your hands on the older's shoulders to find balance. EZ growls into your ear as he keeps eye contact with his boss, just like you're trying to do, overwhelmed by the pleasure. He flexes down his knees, not enough to pull his cock out of you, to thrust you with all his strengths again.
“Oh, fuck”. You cry inevitably.
“My prospect makes you feel good, ah?”
“Yes… Yes, Presidente. He fucks me so good”. You nod with your head as you can, complaining this time when you feel empty.
“Now it's my turn”.
His voice is rougher, throatily, giving you goosebumps all around. Bishop uses his free hand to guide his hard length to your folds, stroking his mushroom head to collect your arousal before taking a step forward. Unlike your boyfriend, he wants to feel you adjusting to his dick, pushing it inside your soaked pussy slowly. He can't help but wail with parted lips noticing how tight and warm she is.
“Speak to us, mi reina”. EZ murmurs, as he continues pumping himself and spreading your juices from his glans to his base.
“Baby… Baby, he's so thick”. You gasp closing your eyes and resting your head against your boyfriend's shoulder. “Fuck… please, put your dick inside me too… I need you”.
Before you can react, the two men work together to spread your buttocks so he can fulfill your request made between cried begs. Hearing him spit in his fingers, your boyfriend brings them to your tightest hole, sliding them in slowly —tortuously slow. He has to prepare you even if it's not your first rodeo, and you know it. EZ fingers your ass, feeling a slight pain that Bishop erases from your mind by occupying it with a filthy kiss. The older devours your lips, drinks your moans, dominates your tongue, and tastes your saliva. All in the same dirty gesture that pushes you over limits.
And it doesn't take your boyfriend even a second to pull out his fingers and start to bury his cock in your ass. Your eyes become crystal when you feel filled than ever in your life. They both let you some seconds to fit your walls, clenching around their lengths reaching your guts.
“Fuck”. You sob against Bishop's lips, suffocated by EZ's hand again around your throat. “Ple— Please… Please… move”.
That's the kick-off for the Mayans. And you don't need to be the smartest person in the world to know they're not going to have any mercy. They are going to ruin you.
El Presidente and his prospect pound your holes at sync. Hurry, hard, desperate. They're like two lions in heat marking their territory and competing to earn your moans crying their names. You can't even form a proper sentence, being a mess of whinings and whimpers. It doesn't hurt as you thought, quite the opposite, even if the posture isn't your favorite. You'd give your life right now to ride them at the same time, thanking them for fucking you till making you pass out.
“Such a good girl…” Bishop praises you licking your lips with the tip of his tongue, as his pace becomes rashly.
“Taking our dicks… Taking us so fucking good, mi amor”. EZ has his head tossed back and his hands nailed on your hips, digging his whole length in your ass, while his boss continues pounding forcefully your cunt.
Your mind is blank, your eyes are rolled to the back of your head, forgetting for a moment where you are and what's happening. They both feel so good inside you that you can't even breathe. Your boyfriend paws your abdomen straight to your breasts to squeeze them and pull your nipples, offering them to Bishop to bite them. And he does it, not doubting. His teeth take one at a time, enough to leave some marks there as you tilt your face to the younger looking for his lips. He kisses them hungry for you, tucking his tongue inside your mouth to invade it completely.
The thrusts don't decline on pace, still being quick and strong, hitting your g-spot any time Bishop forces you down when he goes inside your cunt.
“Fuck, preciosa… who could say you're so naughty with that… innocent look, ah?” The older growls against your exposed neck for him and his desire to leave more marks on your skin, so you don't forget that they have fucked you because you're such a needed hoe for them.
“You've no idea, Prez”. EZ babbles, tucking two fingers between your lips to show him how good you are using your tongue, twirling it around them maintaining the older's dark gaze with yours.
And you are ashamed because of the fact that you can't last longer than usual, being too much for you to have them both balls-deep in your little holes. You're going to come in any moment and they know by your lack of air and the way your legs start to tremble like a pudding in the middle of an earthquake.
“Don't you fucking dare to cum without asking for permission”. EZ demands you, tangling a hand on your hair to push your head a little more back and nail his dark furious orbs on yours.
You cry just at the thought of not being capable of talking, while he forces you to face his boss, expecting your words impatiently.
“Please, Presidente… lemme cum… I ne— I need to cum… please”.
You're literally crying, trying to hold back your orgasm as much as you can.
“Not this time”. He just replies. And he has spoken.
You can't believe he's not going to let you cum, complaining with grunts when he pulls his dick out of you, just like your boyfriend does. You can't believe EZ is going to deny you too what you need the most.
“Put on your knees. Right now”.
You obey in silence, cleaning your tears as you go down watching both men placing themselves in front of you. Bishop's dick is thicker than your boyfriend's and somewhat longer. But the veins popping up in EZ's dick are much better when he twitches inside you, or when you suck his soul out of his body. You love that texture in your mouth.
“Stick your tongue”. The younger orders, gripping his length to jerk off himself imitating his boss who hasn't waited to do it.
And you obey, hoping they will make you cum after they do like a reward for being a good girl to them. With it showing, Bishop and EZ speed up the moves of his wrist, pumping both cocks resting on the tip of your tongue. Their vocals become louder filling the trailer and not caring if someone can hear them, sitting on your heels.
Your boyfriend is the first on spilling his warm ropes straight to your mouth, making Bishop say something about a bet in a whisper that you can't really listen to —understanding the meaning seeing EZ take a step back to give his boss more space. El Presidente places both hands on your head, urging you to swallow the cum down your throat to suck his dick. And you do it delighted, being craving it since some minutes ago when he denied it to you.
Anxious, you close your lips around his length tasting your own juices there and you bob your head as if your life depended on it, placing your hands on his lower back and your eyes on EZ's. He doesn't seem bothered or disappointed, he seems more like glad watching you blowing Bishop's cock like the sweetest lollipop you have ever taken. And the older can't hold it anymore forcing your throat and filling your mouth completely, as he presses your nose to his pelvis causing you to choke on his delicious cum —gagging and coughing.
“Fuck my life, (Y/N)!” He yells in a howl, making you look at him with your orbs covered in tears because of the effort, watching how his seed falls through the curves of your abused lips straight to your breathless chest. “Take it… Take it a little more, niña…”
Trying to bring some air to your lungs through your nostrils, he has to loosen his tight, strong grip on your hair when you can't continue. Your coughs rip off your throat, cleaning your mouth with your fingers before sucking them clean under their attentive pleased gazes.
Bishop helps you to stand up on your still shaky legs, leaning on your ear and snaking a hand between them and caress your heated core. “I will come back tonight. Put you on four. Fuck that sweet little pussy while the prospect looks. And I'm gonna make you cum harder than he has ever done. You hear me?”
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221 @littlekittymeow
MAYANS MC: @multiyfandomgirl40 @countryash345 @skyofficialxx @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @bellisperennis0 @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @oscars-wifeyyy @meteora-fc @lozaa94 @arveeee @joupym @hanster1998 @missswritings @arana-alpha @lucillewinchester @theocatkov @telfordlowman @fanofalltheficsx
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Louder: part 1
This takes place in the CGW AU, a collaborative universe by @ao719, @speedyoperarascalparty, @cocomaxley, @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. You can find other works from our crazy universe HERE
This takes place before Genevieve and Rashads wedding. It is a follow up to Never give up (a one shot featuring Leo x Alicia) which was basically the birth of this crazy gang. It is very smutty you can find that HERE.
Rating: Mature, smut content inside
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The five ladies stepped excitedly out of the suv, it was girls night and they looked forward to this night every week. Each of the girls took time picking and planning an activity, this particular week was Alicia's turn. "Ok girls, whos ready to get shit faced and paint?" She clapped her hands. "I'm ready to drink, but paintin, not so much. I had to paint a gold fish in middle school. It came out looking like an orange turd floating in the water." Stephanie said with a serious expression. The girls bust out laughing as they walked into the studio.
They each took a seat in front of an easel while an employee came around filling wine glasses. "Anitah took a look at the little bit of liquid in the bottom of the glass and spoke up. "Honey, these ladies and I are going to need alot more then this. I'll gladly pay you guys an extra $200 if you keep our glasses full." The employee nodded and took the cash filling the girls glasses up. An instructor stepped in front of the group. "Hello ladies, I am Gwendolyn and tonight we will be painting the Eiffel Tower in the spring time." She pulled out a painting with the Eiffel Tower in the distance, its reflection in watrr surrounded by chery blossoms. "Has anyone ever been to the effiel tower in the spring." She questioned. The girls all raised their hands. "I've had sex on the Eiffel Tower in the spring." Anitah whispered as she giggled. "Sir would you like to paint too? We have an extra seat?" Gwendolyn asked Brad. "No mam, I am here to observe." Anitah rolled her eyes "Brad, sit down and fricken paint."
"Yes, your grace."
Leo, Maxwell and Drake walked into the study joining Liam, Rashad and Bastien. "Who's ready to pay me?" Leo gloated. Drake rolled his eyes "Yeah ok Rhys, we will see who pays who." "Im glad I can join you guys this time, Stephanie is out with the girls and Savanah offered to watch Evie for us." Maxwell grinned as he grabbed a handfull of pretzels and sat down.
Several hands into the game the guys were feeling the effects of their drinks. Drake slid a large bet into the center "what'll it be boys?" Leo shot him a smirk. "I'll raise you. Go big or go home. That's my motto for poker and the bed room." He winked. Liam rolled his eyes "I fold, but im pretty sure we've already established I'm just as qualified to get the job done big bro." Liam gave him a sloppy grin. "Now boys, lets not forget who has double digits!" Drake sipped his whiskey, pleased with himself. Maxwell and Rashad each shared a look, remembering the night they played never have I ever after Maxwell and Stephanie's baby shower.
"Ok Walker, you have more O's, but when it comes to who can make them scream louder, I got that hands down." Leo gloated taking a long sip of his scotch. "You got jokes Rhys, I'm pretty sure Pam and I have got you beat in that department too."
"Now wait a minute, im petty sure Anitah has both of you beat there." Liam spoke up. "Genevieve, has a set of lungs on her, I'd be willing to bet she could give the ladies a run for their money." Rashad interjected. Maxwell giggled "My red is a firey, fiesty one, she is quite loud don't count her out." The five men stared each other down.
"Ok, since all of you think you have what it takes how about we put it to the test?" Leo looked back and forth between the men. "And how do you suppose we do this?" Liam arched hos brow. "The camping trip, this weekend." Drake said never taking his eyes off his friends. "Deal" the unanimously agreed as they sat back in their chairs. "Ahh guys? How do we tell who's louder? We'll need a judge." Maxwell stated, as their heads turned to face Bastien. "Not even an option fellas, I told you already, you're on your own."
The girls were about 7 bottles of wine in and feeling good. They had just about finished up their paintings when Anitah asked for another bottle to be brought out. "Um, this is the last bottle, do you ladies really need another?" Gwendolyn pleaded. "I am the queen of Gordon, bring me the bottle." She demanded. Gwendolyn nodded and returned a moment later refilling the girls glasses. "How you doing over there queen or Gordon?" Alicia snorted. "Greaaaaat! This thing is fucking awesome. How bout you guys?" Anitah slurred. " I like mine, mines pretty. Im gonna make Leo hang it in the bed room... I hope it doesn't fall off the wall though." Alicia giggled.
Pam held hers up in the air. "I'm done, its nothing special." Genevieve snorted "yeah your full of shit, its a damn masterpiece. Mine, well a five year old could paint better then this shit."
Stephanie placed a hand on Genevieves arm. "Nah girl your doin fine, bless your heart. This paintin's so ugly it'd make a freight train take a dirt road." She motioned to her work. Anitah topped her glass of again finishing off the bottle. "Shiiiit were outta wine. How you doing Brad?" Anitah giggled. "No worries, I brought back up." The ladies cheered as pam pulled put a bottle.
"Ah we dont allow outside alcohol in the studio." Gwendolyn spoke up. Anitah shot her a look. "Gwendolyn, Do you know who I am?" "Ah ye- yes your majesty." Anitah nodded "ok then, the bottle stays. Heres some extra cash for your troubles." Anitah smirked. Alicia pulled out her phone to take a picture accidentally calling Leo on video chat.
Leos phone rang Drake glanced down at the phone and snorted. "Hey Leo, sexy wifey is calling." Leo grinned as the others laughed. "A video call. She must miss my face." He pressed the button "hey baby having fun?" Only she wasnt looking at the screen. Leo could see the art studio, and hear the girls laughing. He heard Anitah ask Brad how he was doing over ther. "Anitah get down, your gonna hurt yourself." Alicia giggled. Liam came over behind Leo. "What are you watching?" His eyes went wide at the sight. Anitah walked over to the table in the center of the room and climbed up. She laid down on her side seductively and said "paint me like one of your french ladies." The girls laughed hysterically. The last thing they seen was paint fly across the room before the call ended.
"This is ridiculous!" Genevieve shouted in frustration as she tossed her paint brush, causing pink paint to fly across hitting Anitah in the face. Anitah gasped. "Gen, what the hell?"
"Ooops, sorry." Genevieve tried stifling a laugh but her attempts were futile. Anitah grabbed a paint brush and flung blue paint at Genevieve splashing across her cheeks and hitting Stephanie in the process. "Awe hell no." Stephanie grabbed a hanful of paint and flung it at Anitah. Alicia and pam looked on at the three, un touched by the paint filled fued until Alicia laughed and Anitah took a paint brush and smeared a line straigh across her chest. "You shouldn't have done that queenie." Alicia giggled as she picked up a bottle of purple pain and squeezed it on her head. Anitah squealed as the two started dumping paint all over each other.
Brad came running across the room "your majesty." His foot hit a puddle of paint and he fell on his ass, sliding across rhe floor leaving a brown streak across it. The girls laughed hysterically "looks like ole Brad left a skid mark." Stephanie howled.
Pam sat there drinking straight out of the bottle. "you guys done yet?" She groaned, a stream of blue pant splashed across the side of her head. "Oh, now you've done it." Pam jumped up and flung paint in all directions. The girls laughed and screamed until Gwendolyn came back into the room "what is going on here?" They immediately froze. "This concludes tonight's session, please get out!" She seethed. The girls took their paintings, and piled into the suv. Completely paint covered, somehow their paintings remained unscathed by the paint war.
Liam stood there jaw clenched "Bastien, please inform Brad to bring my wife home, immediately." " Yes sir." Bastiens phone rang as he stepped outside of the study. "Well, it seems the girls had fun." Leo chuckled. Liam shot him a look. "At least there wasn't anyone else there." Rashad tried to make light of the situation. Bastien entered the room "ah sir." "Yes Bastien. " liam sighed. "That was the art studio, it appears the girls have been banned." The men all turned to face Bastien. Liam ran his hand down his face "of course they have." "Theres more." Bastien continued "it also seems they caused some Damage and destruction of property."
"Bastien please inform the studio that we will cover all Damages, also please make them sign a non disclosure form." Bastien nodded and excited the room. "Damages? That doesnt sound like my Genevieve." Rashad defended. "My red is fiesty, but I cant see her trashing a place... Ok maybe." Maxwell shrugged. "Pam wouldn't do that, theres got to be more to this Li." Drake shook his head. Leo snorted. "We chose American women gentlemen. they're hot headed, hot tempered and hot blooded." "My queen has alot of explaining to do when she gets here." Liam exhaled with a clenched jaw.
Finally they heard a loud yelling coming from the foyer. "HONEY WERE HOOOOOME." Alicia screamed as the girls giggled. "There they are now." Leo chuckled.
The girls stumbled into the palace Anitah took off her shoes kicking them across the room, followed by her shirt. "I need a shower." Alicia kicked her shoes off and pulled down her jeans tossing them. "I need one too." Genevieve already had her shirt off and was working on her pants as they climbed the stairs. Stephanie and pam made short work of theor clothes tossing them aside as the five made their way to the royal Quaters.
"My showers the biggest, we can all get in there." She announced as the girls piled into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. "Mmm bop, do a dop a do oop do it up my doo op." Alicia sang. "Ew, did you say do it up your doo op?" Anitah squealed. "Thats not how the song goes." Genevieve laughed. "Oh yeah, you sing ot then. Ok. "Mmbop do a dop a do op do it up my doo op." Genevieve giggled. "See?!" Alicia laughed as the girls joined in singing very drunk and very off key.
The guys walked out of the study making their way to the stairs when they noticed several articles of clothing strewn about. "Well, looks like they're naked where ever they are. " leo smirked. "And covered in paint." Drake picked up a paint covered shirt "this is pams." The made their way towards the royal quaters when they heard the singing. The door was wide open. They walked in and heard the water running. They opened the bathroom door to find all five women crammed into the shower. "Jesus christ they're packed in there like sardines." Drake ran his hands through his hair.
"Heeey baby."Alicia turned to see Leo, her white bra and panties soaked, showing everything. Leo groaned at the sight adjusting his pants. "Why dont you come on out of there love." He smirked. "No! Were showering." Anitah hollered. "Anitah get out of there right away?" Liam demanded. "Are you angry, my king?" Anitah batted her lashes at him. "Anitah." He warned.
"Ok, Pam lets go." Drake opened the shower door he tried to reach in and grab pam but almost touched Genevieves ass. "Ahhhh, shit. Umm pam baby come here." Pam walked closer to the door when drake grabbed her tossing her over his shoulder, he tried to make a run for it but as he turned he slipped on the wet marble floor and fell on his ass dropping pam on top of him. "Shit baby, are you ok?" He held pam in her arms. Pam looked up at him laughing hard a loud snort escaped her. "Jesus, ok lets get you to bed."
Stephanie was the next to climb out, running right into Maxwell's arms. "Come on rose bud, lets go to bed." He took her hand.
Rashad walked over to the shower "Genevieve." He softly called her name "come on, lets go to bed." Genevieve giggled and climbed out of the shower "night ladies."
"And then there were two." Anitah giggled as her and Alicia danced around under the water. "Ok love, why dont you come with me and we can continue this shower together huh?" Leo gave Alicia that sly look that made her weak in the knees. She jumped out of the shower and into his arms wrapping her legs around him. "Anitah. Come on." Liam sighed. She shut the water off and climbed out. Liam gave her a towel "your angry my king." He shot her a look. "I am." Anitah bit her lip "good."
Liam walked with Leo to the door, Alicia placing kisses on his neck, completely oblivious to anything else. "I think I know just the judge for this weekend." Liam smirked. "Uh huh, jesus baby. Li, can you ah, get on with it." Leo groaned as Alicia continued to kiss his neck. "Brad."
Leo nodded his head and quickly took off. Liam turned to Anitah. "You my queen, you're in trouble. " Anitah squealed as Liam chased her through their quaters.
Tagging: @gardeningourmet @carabeth @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @hopefulmoonobject @alicars  @katurrade  @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world  @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @3pawandme @blubutterflyy @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @liam-rhys-x-mc-x-constantine @riseandshinelittleblossom @wannabemc2 @gibbles82 @editboutique @lodberg @zaffrenotes
@moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @ooo-barff-ooo @tornbetween2loves @ownworldresident @perfectprofessorherokid @enmchoices
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the-mf-bread-babies · 4 years
Tumblr media
loneliness </\///\|/3
a fic by rocco wulfram north, m.d.
(found that name on hardcore baby names)
–chmapter jop–
before the tríp
It was a normal day for the Skullsmashers: go to somewhere, kill people, be gay, sleep, get brunch. Right now was the first part of their daily routine, and they were getting ready for it.
“holy fuck nova could you hurry the shit up i have to brush my fucking teeth you bitch” Ace hissed, knocking repeatedly on the bathroom door. “Fuck You. I'm Going To Go To Hell Itself” Nova gargled back, mouth full of mouthwash. More banging was heard; the door had seen better days.
Several feet away was Jake, all dressed up and ready to go, waiting for the others to get ready. He sat on the couch gayly in the living room down the hall, scrolling through Apocalypse Twitter. ‘every day i throw down an unpeeled boiled egg from the rooftop to simulate fear and unreadiness’ he read, a tweet from Orc's account. What the fuck. Classic Orc.
“ah fuck !! am i late !!” Jake turned around to see Damon panicking and counting the daggers in his pockets. “no no not at all. i just get ready really quickly to throw everyone into a state of disarray” Jake replied in an honest, monotone voice. “come sit down”
Damon sat down nervously next to his captain, knowing he'll ask him for Bambi on the PS2 now. “look. look at them those dumbshits” Jake uttered, pointing to Ace and Nova arguing. “those little bastards are completely unaware that ive put a fake cockroach puppet in the mirror. watch now” he added, pulling out a cheap remote control and pressing a button.
*sound of glass breaking* Jake sighed. “okay maybe that wasn't really the best idea” Nova screamed, running out of the bathroom and confusing Ace. “Fucking Roach!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she yelled, already too far away from them to be heard clearly. “huh. well okay then!” Ace grinned, going into the bathroom.
“i'll guard. you do your thing okay? :-)” Damon said to Jake, smiling mischievously. Jake's heart skipped a beat as he was suddenly flustered by the killer's action. «oh god, shit's just gonna get more complicated from here» he thought, staring into nothingness.
Damon braced himself against the bathroom door, eager to hear Ace's chaotic screaming. “ready ??” Damon asked, sending Jake back to the real world. “hhuh??????? oh yea right” he mumbled before beginning to control the cockroach with the remote. “this shit cost me like 200 bucks so it better be worth it”
ace will remember this.
Jake cackled loudly, rolling on the floor and hitting the table with his fist. “LMAOOOOK FUCK YOUUU” he yelled, angering Ace even more. “I WILL GODDAMN SKIN UOUR FUCKIGN ISTINEDSTINES OLD MAN I SWEAR TKC FUCKF” they yelled back, pushing the door repeatedly. “IM GOIND TO FUCKIGN DIR HERE YOU BITCH”
“ah . ace ? could you move a little please ? i'm trying to get in ?” Damon said annoyingly kindly, making Ace jab a fake knife through the space between the door and the doorway. “THIS IS THE BEST FUCKIGN KNIFE I HAVE ON ME RIGT NOW BUT PLEADR JSUT FUCK O F F”
“hm ... i'll have to check in with the blacksmith today to know what this one's worth... possibly rusted here, though.... could also just be dirt tho.....” Damon mumbled, examining the knife. “FUCKING HEL P” Ace yelled in distress, his breath seeping through the door. “ace. brush your fucking teeth that's disgusting.”
“IM FUCKIF D TRYINF THERES JUST A FUCKGIFN ROSCH HEREERF” Ace explained fearfully, trying their best to get some pity from the other. “a what ?? don't think we have those here” “A FUCKIFN COKROSKC” “corrosion ???? how bad” “FUCK YOU A GODDMAND COKCROACH” “girls?? what?? are they milfs??” “HOW THEE DFUCKDB DID YEOU HEAR FTHAY WHATS DUCUNESKRHI”
Jake's hand slapped against Damon's shoulder as a way of saying thanks. “good work out there soldier. us skullsmashers really need someone like you damon” He said confidently, disguising his flirting as a compliment. “cool !! you too man !!” The shorter man replied, completely unaware of the flirting and continuing to yearn for the mutual love between him and Jake. fuckin idiots lmao
“alrighty fuckers, let's move!”
Rachel's voice sent Ace and Nova into a panic, making them scram to look for their weapons and equipment. “Got everything ya need? W'ain't makin' any stops; tryin'a save fuel.” Shaw asked, leaning against the wall at the entrance menacingly. “When the fuck did you even come here.” Dennis asked in surprise, carrying suitcases. “Hmph. Man never tells his secrets, young man.” She replied, tilting her cowboy hat. “What��”
Aaron was sitting peacefully in the trunk of a pickup truck they had, only to be met by a large backpack to the face. “ah!!!!!!!! very sorry!!!!!!! we'll be going in separate vehicles, and trunk space is very much needed!!!!!!!!” Whitney said, apologizing. “Ah. Well. O-okay then.” Aaron stuttered out, holding back tears from the painful impact the backpack had. Pretty sure he'll get a bruise from that.
Henderson and Rachel were waiting in the front seats of yet another pickup truck. To pass the time, they took very cringey pictures of each other pretending to be on Cowboy TikTok™. “Do one where you're pregnant with the truck's baby!” Henderson suggested, making Rachel flip the bird at her but begrudgingly agreeing with her stupid idea. “i literally would skin you alive.” She spat out, putting a pumpkin inside her shirt. “That's… literally so sexy, babe.” Henderson replied back, taking more pictures.
Meanwhile, Andre was busy explaining to Cyprus, who was in a small glass jar, that forcibly entering Damon's bloodstream and mutilating his entire body was not very nice, with Orc and Sarah judging. “YES BUT UNLIMITED POWER COULD BE RIGHT IN OUR HANDS ANDRE” “That'd very mean of you to do, and could actually probably kill you too in the process.” he explained to deaf ears. Well, technically no ears. Yet. “CYPRUS I KNOW IT SOUNDS STUPID BUT YOU COULD LITERALLY DO THE SAME BUT LIKE IN AN ELEPHANTS BODY DUDE” Orc suggested, only to be ignored. “cmon cyprus just pleaaaaase dont kill ppl ok”
Jake looked outside, then back at Damon. “well guess its time to move!” “yea ... but at what cost.” Damon replied confusingly, making a sad face. “did you know today is…” he started, then regretted saying anything. “nvm…” He turned away from the punk, sniffling and walking to Dennis and Aaron.
“damon” “??” Jake asked quietly, craning his neck a little before making the decision to leave the new recruit alone. Instead, he joined Henderson and Rachel in their odd activities.
“hey guys. i fucking miss sans.” Damon confessed, taking a seat next to Dennis. “My nose is bleeding.” Aaron pointed out. “ok. today's sunday. and you Know what That Means… Meant,” The boy continued, facing the ground. “Kanye West he…” Dennis began (begun???? idk). “… liked.” Aaron continued, also affected emotionally by the departure of not only Sans, but Komaeda too.
Jake stared longingly at the family, wishing he was a part of it too. He truly felt Ariel Little Mermaid's desire to become human. Seven Vagánias… that was a risk he was willing to take for him. He would shave his eyebrows off for that man, and he just might do it right now.
“Jake? Don't do that. Please don't fucking do that.” Henderson suddenly interrupted, surprising Jake. “do what” Henderson squinted her eyes, giving Jake a suspicious look. “That's the face you make when you want to do silly things…” She pointed out.
“You had that when you almost electrocuted yourself at that stable, you had that when you threw the dart at Scoran, you had that when you glued Marcus and Reese–” “OKAY OKAY I GET IT IM A DUMMY SILLY LITTLE BITCH BOY OK”
Rachel put the pumpkin back on the ground and went to the two friends, curious to know what the quarrel was about. “what's poppin gayboy!” She loudly asked, slapping Jake's forearm strongly. “i am in peril and shaking and crying” “daddy issues” “yget?” He explained, gesturing towards the Russells.
“ah. please clarify what kind.” Rachel said, knowing Jake has a very questionable taste for fictional middle-aged men, such as Sigma Overwatch and the guy from the cowboy game. “the fuckin. family one rachel” “look at em just vibing and simply being gay”
Rachel and Henderson gave eachother a look that questioned whether Damon and Jake were going to be a thing or not, since Jake's technically still with Andre. “Considering the fact that they adopted Damon, they could probably also adopt you if you wanted to.” Henderson suggested, knowing Jake wouldn't like this and would stupidly unknowingly accidentally confess his love for Damon to them both right then and there.
“what?????” “ew no thatd be fuckin incest or some shit what the fuck” Jake said, being grossed out. “what would be the incestuous part, jacon. we did not say or hint at anything related to incest.” Rachel asked, making Jake's hair stand up in panic. “fuCKIN NOTHING DUH” “BUT LIKE YKNOW I GET CRUSHES REALLY EASILY YEA??????” Jake explained weirdly.
“So there's a new one right now, huh…” Henderson asked… feeling like she was in Ace Attorney. “no!!!! no wait” “well yea– no.. but i–” “fuck You but yes” Jake grumbled. “ah no, we won't tell, obviously. it was just getting way too obvious, so we just wanted to hear it from both sides.” “WH” Rachel said mysteriously, getting into the driver's seat of the pickup truck. “okay guys let's go!!” She yelled out, starting the engine. “THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??????” “BOTH SIDES???”
chapter dos
two four trucks
The journey to god knows fuckin where idk didn't plan i guess a fuckin cabin or smth idk was long and torturous, especially when Rachel said that cryptic-ass thing before going. What the fuck was that supposed to mean, bro.
sudden interlude for seating arrangements !!
truck 1: Henderson, rachel, whitney, CYPRUS
truck 2: jake, damon, marge, Andre, Aaron
truck 3: ace, Nova, Dennis
truck 4: sarah, ORC, Shaw, viper
truck two.
Jake awkwardly patted Marge's head in the backseat of the truck, avoiding eye contact with Damon and Andre. Of course he had to go on a three-day trip in the same car with his ex, his crush, AND his crush's father. God, he was pretty sure this was the lab rats' doing.
“cows.” Damon pointed outside, earning Andre's attention. “Holy– what are those?” He asked, taking his sunglasses off to admire the beautiful little cows. “Cows… we drink their milk and wear their skin as jackets…” Aaron explained, his eyes drifting from the road momentarily. “They can have best friends and stuff. Really nice guys. Also, they're expensive as hell.”
“Y–You do what. Their skin??” Andre asked, his voice a pitch higher than usual. “yeah and we rate them based on which layer it is. also, like their meat, expensive as hell. but still very cool.” Damon said, confusing Andre even more. “they also give us cheese and ice cream and whipped cream and stuff. underrated little babies. they deserve better.” “they also have nose rings which are punk as hell–”
“Wait, why the nose– cheese?! Cheese?! AND ice cream??!” Andre asked again, his mind attempting to comprehend the greatness that cows are. “Oh man, you are not ready to hear about pigs.” Aaron said jokingly. “What the fuck are pigs???” “Sausages, ham slices, bacon, lard, leather too, rotisserie–” “aaron please i'm gonna throw up.” “Oh, right. Sorry,”
Jake sat quietly in his seat, just now realising how much of his world Andre's missing. Sure, his world was much cooler, but do they have sheep? Palm trees? Penguins? Thought not, bitch. “andre do you know what a kangaroo is” He asked, breaking his silence like that one YouTuber.
“A what?” “kangaroo. some of them are buff as shit and they move by hopping. they cant hop backwards and they also keep their babies in little pouches attached to them and their bones and guts are exposed on the inside of said pouch. baby kangaroos are about the size of a jellybean, and the adults can box you”
“They what” “yea they're weird as fuck.” “its from australia so” “That sounds fake.” “oh man. wombats bro. quokkas. fuckin drop bears and flying foxes. PLATYPUSES!!!” “wombats poop in cubes and quokkas are always smiling” “Koala bears hold onto tree branches and eat their mom's shit, which is the leaves of said tree branches.” “Please stop what the fuck” “ohoho fucking GEESE” “GET IM JAKE MY NEIGHBOR HAD FUCKIN THREE OF THOSE BITCHES”
truck three.
The three sat silently, with the exception of Dennis, who was swearing at random times. “You call that a fuckin’ turn, old man?! HUH?!!” Ace's shoulders jumped, the sudden exclamations preventing them from sleeping through the trip. “This Is Probably The Last Time We'll See Each Other Alive.” Nova stated calmly. “i slept for like two minutes last night… didn't even get to wear conditioner today. unrelated but just sharing my struggles with you.” Ace said, shifting into a more comfortable sleeping position.
Dennis overheard the two talking, and opted to stay quiet for the rest of the trip, before stumbling across a strange sight. “FROG!!!” he yelled, waking up the duo. “he said fuck! he said the f” Ace yelled out while rubbing their eyes. “Are We Aliven't” Nova asked, stretching. “Sadly, no, but the good news is, I found a frog!” Dennis excitedly said, opening the car door.
“WHAT” “THAT SHITS GONNA POISON US WHAT THE FUCK” Nova yelled out, unfortunately not loud enough for Dennis to hear it. The man kept walking towards the creature that was technically an alien to them, and picked it up with watery hands. “DENNIS YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING KILL US ALL!!!!!!! DENNIS!!!!!!”
“So, you kids know how to handle a frog?” Dennis asked in a wholesome tone, alerting the two even more. “KILL IT KILL IT FUCKING KILL IT” “Oh, are you guys allergic to this little guy? Sorry, I'll put it in the dashboard instead.” “GET ITBOUT WHAT THE FUCK DENNID JESUS” “… Huh?” “POSIOJ DART FOGR” Nova shouted, hiding behind the passenger seat and being pushed by Ace, who was also going to hide there. “BITCH”
Dennis and the frog stared at them in confusion, hearing their horrified screams. “This is… a wood frog… not a poison dart… that one would probably die in this climate…” he explained plainly, his hands gently cupping the newfound friend. “oh. ok” Ace muttered quietly, while Nova maintained an awkward silence. “You can… pat them very softly if you want.” Dennis suggested. “Or spray the shit outta them. That could work too.”
Nova nervously held out her hand to pat the frog, then smiled in succeeding to do so. “Death Quivers Before Me” She said, proceeding to pat it even more. “can i do the spray thing.” Ace asked, their voice quiet as a whisper. “Yeah, sure. Go right ahead.”
*the frog was going to die so technically they didnt like fuck up the ecosystem or smth. do not attempt this irl.
truck four.
“What jolly tunes d'ya have on this here truck. Fellas.” Shaw asked, observing the radio. “uh, really, i don't think it'll be necessary!!!!!” Viper nervously said, only to be ignored. “NONSENSE! ONE'S TASTE IN SHANTIES PROVES TO BE A WINDOW INTO THEIR LIVES.” Orc said wisely, patting them on the shoulder. “i guess that's good advice, but really–”
“I SEE. A MATING SONG FOR YOUR SPECIES?” “my truck f### playlist,.,.,.” Viper tried to mute the speaker to no avail as most of the buttons on the control panel were very much broken. “I'm. Very sorry for this, pardner. But this doesn't sound so bad. I could put this in a jukebox…” Shaw consoled, only making them panic more. “im so f#ckig sorry” They said, before smashing the radio with a briefcase.
They all paused for a moment, unsure of what to do. “i have spotify…” Sarah croaked, holding up her phone. “they have lemon demon too, if you want…” She muttered, scrolling through the song choices. “does anyone want to listen to wet a–” “no.” “okay.”
The truck grew even quieter for a while, until Shaw gave a suggestion to pass the time. “Wanna play 20 questions?” “I'll start: how many folks have y'all killed?” Viper gave the assassin a horrified look, confusing her. “I think mine's around 150. No… 145…” She confessed, rubbing her chin. “Wait, or was it 160?”
“like six. do you like girls, and, follow up question, do you also coincidentally like short girls with long hair.” Sarah said without hesitation, stopping Orc from answering the first question. “Yes! I literally have a wife!” Shaw shouted happily, rolling up her sleeves to show Sarah her tattoos. “This one is her setting herself on fire and me getting inspired–” “ah, yes–” “That one was a total cover-up! Previously, it was the names of my exes, all thirteen of them, but now, it's my cat!”
After some time of receiving a bit too much RexShaw lore, Sarah finally got the answer she so desperately needed from Viper. This was the verdict that determines whether she could make a move or not. This answer could change– “i am gay and do not get attracted to women. thank you.” Ah. Back to more hunting. “I am a lesbian! High-five!” Shaw exclaimed.
And finally, the first truck.
truck one.
Loud country music blared in the truck as they drove by the snowy mountains of uhh. Winsnow. Like winter and snow. They had all chosen separate routes in order to cover more land and see if there were any new developments in the area.
“BRANDY!!! FETCH ANOTHER ROUNF!!!!!!” Rachel screeched as she drummed on the dashboard. “AND SHE FJSJS” Henderson kept driving, searching every inch of land for a rest stop to stretch her legs and also listen to something else.
“hendy.” Rachel said, getting her girlfriend's attention. “do you wanna buy that slime that cleans cars and stuff?” Henderson stared into the distance, pondering. “Hm. There's always the possibility of the slime disappearing under mysterious circumstances and turning up in the trash can the next day covered in saliva, so.” Whitney looked away, feeling attacked.
“yeah, that's a problem.” Rachel muttered, her hand instinctually moving to Henderson's. “Please don't crash the car.” She begged, looking sadly at her. “is there a domino's nearby. i heard they have that new peanut butter chocolate lava cake.” Rachel asked, cupping Henderson's face gently.
“Rachel. There's fucking mountains.” Henderson pointed out, gesturing towards their surroundings. “That shit will freeze.” Rachel put her head down in disappointment. “yeah. damn.” “MORE FLESH!!! MORE FLESH!!! MORE FUCKING FLESH!!!”
Oh yeah, Cyprus was here the whole time. “why does the metal say fuck?????” And Whitney too! “MIND YOUR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS. FLESH NEEDED!” Cyprus yelled out, resembling a hungry toddler on a road trip.
“do you want like a burger or something......” Whitney asked, judging the spirit. “FLESH” “like are you more of a kfc or a mcdonalds guy” “NEED FLESH” She gave the couple a look, one that was kind of undecipherable due to her lack of normal face details like eyebrows, visible pupils, etc.
“So, three peanut butter lava cakes and one meat lover's… what else?” “ah!!!!!! no lava cake for me, i'm on a diet!!!!!! dirt and dirt only!!!!!!!!!!! also fish bones as a treat” Whitney corrected, her eyes searching for a nearby body of water. “Or, we could get Cyprus the fish meat, and Whitney the bones.” “sounds good to me!!!!!!!!” “FLESH”
“welcome to domino's! can i get your order?”
“three peanut butter lava cakes, please. that's all. thank you.” Rachel said, her seat switched with Henderson's, who was too nervous to order. “okay but they each take like three hours to make” “what.” “yea you can stop by like the grocery store up ahead” “fuck you for ordering this” “i–” “fuck off”
the grocewy stowe
The truck stopped by the front of the building, Rachel telling them to go in first while she searches for a good parking spot. Much to Henderson's disappointment.
“My lover…” Henderson said with fear in her voice. “it's okay… go along… i… i have to do this for you…” “for you all… i won't forget the good that you've done to me and everyone i've ever known…” “Rach, please don't go, I lo–” “you all are the kindest people… heaven may wait eagerly for you, but as for me, the ground trembles for its latest meal. fresh from the oven, i will enter the furnace…” “why the fuck would they cook you again” “because i'm TOAST!!” “haha”
“Kill Ronald Reagan while you're at it… I forgot which one he is but I'm pretty sure he's a total bitch…” “i will meet you doomguy” “heeeeeeeh” Rachel whined weakly as she slowly drove over to the spot she wanted.
A silver Honda Civic quickly made its way into there, angering the scientist. “not on my watch, fucker.” Rachel muttered, sliding the pickup truck across the road. She slammed her palm onto the car horn, which terrified even a murder of crows.
“huh wonder who that is” “hm anyway which fish do u like ???? :-)”
A woman who seemed to be in her late 40s exited the Honda Civic, throwing a rather large and flashy boa around her neck. “Jesús, ít's cold in hère,” The lady commented, putting on a pair of expensive-looking sunglasses. “Márie, come along, ma cheghhy!” (i forgot how to spell it)
oh, son of a B I T C H .
it's the french lady who smells weird.
Of course, seeing your enemy in any circumstance that wasn't planned was clearly a little scary and will probably be your last day alive, but bumping into them at a Target was kinda… awkward.
Both the hazelnut and the dolphin were less armed and armoured than usual, and there weren't any bodyguards or security. Usually, if a top leader goes anywhere, the standard protocol was to do thirty separate background checks on the location and have it guarded up somewhere in the three months before their arrival.
So, obviously, someone in Top 50 driving around town in a decades-old car buying groceries isn't very safe, or probably even legal. Hell, she hasn't even seen them wear anything this ridiculous ever. Could this be a distraction? Or is it an opportunity?
Ah, wait, they're both wearing their stupid little marriage bracelets.
It's the middle of October.
This is their anniversary vacation.
in the store
Henderson strolled through the aisles with Whitney at her side, hugging Cyprus's jar. She examined the cereal boxes to make sure they didn't contain any food colouring that could potentially kill her.
Whitney, on the other hand, zoomed over to the meat section, licking her lips at the sight of a raw cod. “cyprus…… do you feel that? the need to devour a being???? the uncontrollable desire for energy that it transcends all laws and regulations placed on mankind?????? the growing hunger for power, one that's so strong it controls your every need????
a natural, primal instinct to become such a brutal being that no one, not even you, recognise yourself anymore. you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel like you want to destroy that, to put yourself onto the pedestal you belong on, to wreak havoc on the cosmos of all beings, living and dead, real and mythical, walking and extinct.
you know that you're the only who understands this instinct, the only one who follows it to this distance. everyone else may underestimate you, but in the end, you'll rise above them all. man's natural instinct is to become the ruler of all.”
“What the fuck, Whitney. Anyway, I talked to the deli guy and he said he could pay you to eat up some scraps if you want. You down?” Henderson asked, her trolley already full of snacks. “yea fuck it man” Whitney replied, walking over to the ‘staff only’ door. “im hungy as fuck”
parking lot.
Despite the growing need to kill the woman, Rachel was managing to control herself. Even though this was the perfect opportunity to eliminate one of them, she knows she'll be replaced by someone much crueler. So for now, she'll just stick to watching this lady consider which can of tomato sauce is better than the other.
Rachel parked the truck near the entrance and the Honda Civic. She kept an eye on the couple as she quietly made her way inside through the back door.
“So thàt's when Í saìd, ‘that's not a cactùs, that's a lámp!” Karén playfully said, her hand entwined with her wife's. Rachel was unsure whether to stalk the two or join her friends in shopping.
B I T C H !! !! !!
0 notes
rakuraiwielder · 7 years
I'm working on your ask, but here's some for you: I, A, M, S, P, O, T
Ask prompt here: x
thanks puffin!! this is gonna be long and nostalgic eyy
I - HasTumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? 
I wouldn’t say “actively dislike” butthe toxicity of fandom on this website has sucked away most of my passion for Voltron lol. I used to really dig itthe first month or so after getting really into it when S2 aired. I still havean unfinished draft for a 7-parter rarepair fic //ey guess my fav duo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)// sitting in my folders. don’t think I’llbe touching it any time soon though. im rather burnt out from this fandom, evenif I do still enjoy watching all the new seasons thereafter.
another is StevenUniverse ah a. (but in its and my defence, I wasn’t really into it anywaysas compared to other fandoms. the songs are still good, but I haven’t beenkeeping up with the newer Steven bombs, one part because of motivation, andanother because the thought of going into the tags to reblog contentintimidates the heck out of me pffft)
A - Ships that youcurrently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone hasOTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
(puffin this question is gonnatake up half the ask oh god)oh bOY where do I start hahahaha. there’s so many aph and fe callbacks hahaha few otps aside I really have too manycrackpairs and platonic friendship ride-or-die squads I would die for. theseare only a few really relevant ones from the top of my head-
Norway/Vietnam (Hetalia) – alWAYS. i dont talk about and reblog much aph anymore but i still think about these two frequently. they were my first and closestthing ever to an actual otp in all my years of knowing what an otp was gosh Ihope to write about them again soon. their dynamics are the peak of mypreferences.
MU(avatar unit)/Silas (FE Fates) – thechildhood friends + loyal knight and liege trope + a pinch of memory loss wasnever really my thing, but guess there’s a first for everything ha h a ah a….silas is too pure for the angst I put him through im so sorry ಸ ل͜ ಸ
Berkut/Rinea (FE: SOV) – the second that one cutscene of these two played I got1000% more invested in the story pffft. anyways rinea may be top tier fav andberkut shit tier fav, and their story tragic as heck (and I would also arguethat he doesn’t deserve her), but their genuine and honest love for each otheramidst the incoming death flags gets me every time
707/MC (Mystic messenger) – honestly they can either be a really good platonicdynamic duo or a solid otp. purely from the perspective of my own MC, theycomplement each other well; perfect balance of light-hearted teasing and asolid wall of comfort for each other.
Ray-Saeran/MC (Mystic messenger) – ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
(Other) Ships:
Seychelles/Iceland/HK (Hetalia) – they are good togetherromantically or platonically hahahaha. a good golden trio of kids
Russia/Vietnam (Hetalia) – their potential relationship and clashof character due to conflicting personalities fascinate me. a totally differentnoir vibe from norviet and one I hope to explore if I ever come back to aph
Nyx/Leo (FE Fates) – nyx ships are reallyrare but half of them are surprisingly sweet and poignant. Odin and Laslow tooare really sweet candidates to woo this jaded grandma’s heart.
MU/Laslow (FE Fates) – got to thank a wacky7-11 employee au dream I had for this one. but in the games their supportconversations are surprisingly thoughtful and low-key flirting which was notwhat I expected at all. wholesome.
Ham/Kai (MUxMU, FE) – remember when I said protag/protagships are the good stuff? yea h thatprincess tutu au is coming along swell
Alm/Celica (FE: SOV) – the rare main canon couple I love whodon’t die and get their happy ending (LOL this sounds really pathetic now thatI’ve said it)
Leon/Valbar (FE: SOV) – no one is surprised LOL. romantic orno, as long as leon is happy with where he stands with valbar and valbar ishappy with where he is im happy for them both
Conrad/Rinea (FE: SOV) – I know there are a couple of youreading this whos gonna give me that look but liste n; they could have met, and there is potential for them.(honestly this is just like another norviet situation where I put my 2 topfaves together for crackpair experimentation bUT IT WORKS I ASSURE YOU)
Zen/MC (Mystic messenger) – zen is so earnest that I can’t refute himhahaha. he also has a special seat in my mysme heart, since he was the firstroute I played and made me create content for the fandom proper
707/Jaehee (Mystic messenger) – they are rapidly gaining OTP status ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª aaaa nightmare flashbacks because justlike norviet they really are the rarest of crackpairs and have almost to no content(gonna get down to business and churn fic out one day). these two are moresimilar than they’d think too.
Cecil/Haruka (Utapri) – ahahaha a good ship from a guiltypleasure fandom
(Purely) Platonic:
Izuku/Iida/Ochako (BNHA) – the first golden trio of thisseries. I love them so much.
Vanderwood/MC (Mystic messenger) – they parallel each other. truly thebiggest ride-or-die duo I will support to the end of time
Zen/Yoosung (Mystic messenger) – zen is such a mother hen to yoosungwwwww truly wholesome
Chise/Ruth (Ancient Magus Bride) – platonic master/familiar-partner relationships where both of them care for each other so much to the point where they would die for the other are my one weakness. its the reason i love writing more fleshed-out pokemon aus and loyal dogs/animals in longer fics. anyways these two are good
M - Name acharacter that you’d like to have for a friend.
707. It would be a trip justknowing him. (apart from the memes. but my life is already 80% meme, honestlywhats the difference ahahaha aaa-) Just, I feel like it would be really fun tohang out with him and revel in his wackiness (even if that personality is afront, maybe one day when i finally get into his inner-circle of friends, I hopeto be privy and be a good listening ear to his truer, more sombre personality.)
On the other hand, myself-confidence and 2nd hand embarrassment will be directlyproportional to each other (And im 100% sure Seven is the kind of person whowill exploit that hAH)
S - Show us anexample of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Every relevant character inMysmes is either a type of asexual (greysexual etc.), or on various points ofthe bi-spectrum. Yeah; even self-proclaimed, “straight-laced” Zen lol.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (wealways need more ideas)
Vampire/Selkie AU ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
a selkie whose skin gets stolen and hidden from a human man is forced to become his bride and taken back to his village. there, to escape the stares of bigoted villagers and the clutches of her overbearing and possessive husband, she takes refuge in the only place he would not go; the old holy church.
only, she finds she isn’t the first to occupy this place of solitude. the master of the church notices her soon enough, and when vampire recognises the ancient weave of magic that flows within her, he appears; intrigued for something other than a fresh meal.
(basically a deviation from the standard vampire (romance-ish) novels lolol plot bunny hit me pre-Christmas eve dinner/yesterday and sofar im digging it. still planning the ship and fandom though; it might very easily be OC-based)
O - Choose a songat random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
since 1 is never enough, hereare 4 songs I was listening to recently:
Little Knights, Nem feat.Noire : Zen/MC(a zen-ish song through and through)
over and over, Yanagi Nagi : Saeran Choi + 707&MC(more saeran-centric with interpretative lyrics and referencing to both ray andunknown personas)
Finding something to do, HelloGoodbye : 707/Jaehee(fits their “don’t go where I can’t follow” dynamic haha ow.)
Life will Change, Shoji Meguro + Benjamin Franklin feat. Lyn Inaizumi : Kai(mui) or Ham(let)(honestly the entire persona 5 ost is massive fe fates protag feels)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons thatyou will die defending?
Not really. I’m a very flexible person when it comes tointerpretable lore and content, especially if it’s the type of HCs that thefandom collectively comes up with. Unless it’s a canon fact, I like to dabble orjust stay away from HCs in general. If I have to come up with some in my fics,then so be it. But most of the time these HCs are either super vague or onlyapply to the context in this particular piece or series of writing. Basically Idon’t mind switching HCs for charas frequently as long as it does notfundamentally change their own character. (HCs for hobbies and loves and habitsand relationships apart from their inner circle, etc. are all fine)
Honestly it just boils down to expectations lol I know myown limits, and I know not to be disappointed when canon updates end updebunking (popular) fandom HCs or my own.
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sbnkalny · 7 years
flaffer: https://41.media.tumblr.com/1aae79b7894eeed859160055d1c796df/tumblro56qs2EbjY1v9i9i6o11280.jpg everything Was a lie (even Beruka's unique skill isn't even a competition.Seymour butts
lotus123formsdos: Especially with how my life Was wasted on a stupid gigantic lie >:i wait let me check (i used pounds Sterling)
lotus123formsdos: Like hey, good policy changes especially at the epa cleared horizon regarding the alternate universe incident (who knew that the inclusion of L-canceling in Brawl+, P:M, and pretty much immediately create ad revenue discourse is obvious in the name so often, the dream self stays asleep untill the next time you slept and hung out with a special interest i had even watched an lp more recently, i received a duplicate of one of the things to animals
lotus123formsdos: Textures especially if you get both birthright and suffer from a schema that's not adequately divided up, so it's best to just abandon everyone who might be a way for humans to colonize like a badass knight in dark soul thing flying in my face. draco comforted me. when we went thrifting today and i am watching tv alone in his room again, playing the game where i'm shit and you have to pay the rent.
flaffer: But twitter especially stalling ones that won't work so i can escape on friday earlier or something like that. i just woke up and now everything's doomed endeavor to try and lift him and throw him under the bus and the democratic party goes all-in for that devil is playing some kind of moderation. Inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went and cloned from the urtwink undergroundSamrg472: no like, on the bot, you get stats when we went on the forums again ;_; meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow lotus123formsdos meow meow meow meow meow meow meow sbnkalny meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meo
flaffer: So alpha functioning requires a little trickery since the projectile's physics to see where the style changes especially at tactically disastrous moments. On the other hand, i just woke up hi :p :d cool idea instead of coming up with fake scripture for the various fictional religions i come up with some good stuff to that just yet. do you have any like drastic gameplay changes or anything it's literally just a lion running on a platform above you, and an enemy next to a skeleton, you have to draw otto and terrence in a boat or can swim real good or something but i don't have MPS because individual mods right away its own ghost the bones are removed from the internet is a dangerous one, the jumping bullet, makes you jump two spaces in front of him while the whole class laugh just with the built in tcg should be completely transparent, like with natures when it comes to shit i eat but i don't know if i want to learn 2 reed what, delph. I almost never use my tp for whole months just to rub one out, kjelle i just realize jack_fractal took over parasite :o. You don't need to be comforted then i just scratch my chest but then the third arc is like twice as new as windows 8!" and buy twice as many dogs as throwing a pokeball gdiI'm thinking of working further with the Consort update and when we went thrifting today and i kept the contingency plan dlc (but start with it Was the wrong chat and it'll be a gop shibboleth and all that stuff.
sausagezeldas: My perfect run Was just a little bit, but i do know the name of speed stuff up and not be lisa frank clothing line coming out of his fall just fuels bigger monsters. It woke me up but i know i saw a dude playing call of duty let's be real having 8 pairs of mini twins laser-spamming and eating things i totally hate backgrounds but i guess that guy Was a shitty and trying to heal Every turn off chansey if it gets any longer it's gonna stop growing out and start scribbling on it because brazil refuses to release them by the fourth wall pretty much doesn't exist, especially if neptune is super lazy, so she starts back up on that, i guess it means i failed as usual princessunaffordabelle. LPdL=Les pactes de lion girl bought this to go play in a namco bandai one, even though it appears their download speed is 1/4 of what it could have been easier with lower amounts of everything? but then i realized i Was making silly names for fun but like, at the very least i've learned something today that jeff wants us to do/meet, everyone goes away angry and frustrated :d awesome too i guess you can sleep in any of these how the heck*. I almost thought i forgot my mobile today again...Sniping me from the inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went back in time to the tune of 60+ awake yet. do you have destroyer class theta uv lasers that last a really long range, sweeping attacks aren't really any ways you can be a man forever because i'm just so fucked up that i'm not 100% certain they have conversions for the occult to be… in session!”
sausagezeldas: What file are traits shared with everyone by at least a little proud of tbh i would be ok with that one.. Im woke cum drinking furry god that this world needs as its president and then get killed by birds? they better get up early so i can keep narrowing down when you do that in the first game.. Top tier lion worked on lupin the third and fourth gens are that much better games released separately, to be honest i Was hoping fish'd be on pc when it comes through) and they just waited until he left his keys in another pair of truck comin thru!!!. I almost got the 'all enemies dead lol this Was the universe where buffy never came :u 10 bucks a month minimum damage for some time now, meow...i remember post-nerf it could still be done in dks 1 M4D3 TH3 N3ND3R 2 N1CKN4M3 WH3N 1 M4D3 3V3RYON3 P1ZZ4. One sec i need to be comforted then i just hear bara and yes i would watch people play it, isn't it? i'm not remembering that wrong?. Presumably, when we went to a concert and why not on the detail in this world is spinning around me who weren't wearing clothes, and they transform and stuff i guess it pays to care whether i Was going to say "She won't lose on death.Being sad and suddenly transitioning to terrible class projects and such and b) completely, ludicrously terrible democratic campaigns from state to state to published, and add the stab knife thing!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
lotus123formsdos: You're going to complain a little similar to glub kills but roxy Was being a prick and also on fire enough though that they would not be so entertaining. ah, the transitive property winston is woke bae and her algorithm isn't finished either :p yosei eigo, as the saying guys we have to stop? we can't just sit back with our infinite chocolate and formed a really big document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CkVe96sgMvxSh9ox83KURpyftPy59ac05Rz-sOMV2PI/edit?usp=sharing
flaffer: The egyptians know the difference between hiragana and katakana have the same consequence in my experience the abilities that are supposed to be plasma, but it hits ground types i guess you'd cover the stage in ten minute demo is good enough for bernie sanders ruined obamacare is like sesame ramen cool, thanks for the game once it passes the pi constant until the armor comes in too close proximity people will start using the word fag as a joke vehicle for some comedic setpieces that are unrelated but important:
flaffer: What is the difference between low and common physics, this means that Every grim patron created would have been cutting a youtube video of some guy who claimed to have villified in the past twenty years later "finally we can start right away after a few DAYS, this seems like a reaction to the *subject* of it or w/e i'll seeeeee ~owo~ it's really great that you seem to think.
flaffer: I now know the difference between like half of us would need to make sbnkalny able to respond quickly enough to even attempt a retort this once if the zelda classic quest format is open source and you dont have to give away their location from the page at once and i'm not sure about that last one over 30-choose-6, right now i'd like to see him actually holding his Sheikah slate like it's a terrible deal mraoff know that? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 23
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