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luluandfriends · 5 years ago
@ celebrities advocating against animal agriculture: a child is worth more than a cow. I don’t know how else to say that.
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janadaniel4grassroots · 5 years ago
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delmarvacropqueen · 8 years ago
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Thank you #bayercropscience for hosting #asa American soybean association leaders this week. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent learning about your pollinator protection efforts and Soybean breeding research! #AgVocate #AgVocacy #soybeans #bayer4crops #pioneerladytravels #soybeanleaders (at Research Triangle Park)
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kalgudi · 8 years ago
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Join the revolution - www.kalgudi.com
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agricultureproud · 8 years ago
Podcast 021 - Our Evolution of 'Agvocacy' Over a Beer
NEW #podcast: Our Evolution of 'Agvocacy' Over A Beer with @DairyCarrie! #agchat
Agvocacy – a term coined within the agriculture community; commonly used to refer to agriculture advocates. Whether our start was documenting ranch life in Wyoming or…
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ultra-greenmojo-me · 6 years ago
That’s a wrap on the Bayer AgVocacy Forum 2019
It was quite the week at Commodity Classic in Orlando but the week all began with the Bayer AgvVocacy Forum. The day and a half conference featured all aspects of agriculture production from beef and grain producers, to urban farmers, to technology companies pushing the envelope of food technology. The event was attended by agricultural... Read More source https://www.realagriculture.com/2019/03/thats-a-wrap-on-the-bayer-agvocacy-forum-2019/
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doingbusiness-ca · 6 years ago
BLOG: Market recovery predicted at Bayer AgVocacy Forum
New Post has been published on http://doingbusiness.ca/feed-items/blog-market-recovery-predicted-at-bayer-agvocacy-forum/
BLOG: Market recovery predicted at Bayer AgVocacy Forum
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pnintern · 8 years ago
Getting to Know the Practices: Consumer/Corporate
After interning for four months as an Omnicom Fellow for the health and social impact practice in the Atlanta office, I had the opportunity to join Porter Novelli’s (PN) consumer/corporate practice at a particularly exciting time. Not only were we growing in the type of work we did, but we also nearly doubled in size since the beginning of the year! With several of our accounts having deep ties to sustainability and food security, I knew I would find a fast home here.
From the Bayer Bee Care program to Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Habitat for Humanity International to Discover DeKalb and many more, there is great variety in the clients we serve. These clients presented opportunities for me to become passionate and knowledgeable about topics I may not have known otherwise. The great diversity in accounts also brings about great variation of the type of work we experience day to day. Event planning, media relations, crisis communication, social media content development, new business development—we do it all and so much more! The consumer practice offers not only opportunities to do the type of work I personally love, but also opportunities to try new things and grow undiscovered skill sets with guidance along the way.
For example, I absolutely love graphic design, though I have no formal background in the area. When working as an account team member in a public relations firm, it can be hard to find chances for these types of projects. However, after letting my team know of this interest, they were quick to let me run with multiple pieces. I’ve even been recently placed in a design-specific role supporting the city of DeKalb’s social media efforts!
Another awesome perk of being on the consumer practice are the frequent chances to travel. For example, in support of Bayer’s Feed a Bee (FAB) initiative, we help execute events around the country to plant forage for honey bees and explore towns like Lubbock, Texas, and Flanagan, Illinois. Last fall, a FAB blogger event took us out to a Chicagoland golf course, and recently, the team implemented Bayer’s AgVocacy Forum in San Antonio, Texas, which included multiple activations and still left time to explore the Alamo.
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Our Bayer work even brings us to international locations! Last summer team members spent time in Leverkusen, Germany for the Future of Farming Dialog. Being onsite with our client helps to strengthen those important relationships and build trust between client-agency partnerships. Additionally, traveling with coworkers also forges bonds different than those created in the office.
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As you can probably tell, this practice tends to get busy. It’s incredible to come to work every day and be surrounded by passionate, encouraging and driven coworkers. Like all other agencies, there may be days where we put in long hours, but it’s hard to mind dedicating the extra time when you’re working with such a supportive – and downright funny – team. We keep each other grounded while still pushing each other to strive for incredible ideas and outcomes.
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For me, the people I work with make or break my experience, and I am willing to take on any challenge if I’m surrounded by great people., I wouldn’t trade them or my time at PN for anything.
-Tori McKenney, Account Coordinator, PN Atlanta
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Hey fellow FFA members! I need your help spreading the word about agriculture! There is a surprising amount of people who don’t know where their food comes from (i.e. “Where does your food come from?” “The grocery store.” (correct answer: a farm)) I hope to post videos in the future explaining FFA and agriculture, but I need your help! Please reblog this in the hopes that FFA members across the country will unite and help put more ag posts on tumblr!
Thanks guys!
- the-awesomeness-factor
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luluandfriends · 5 years ago
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More milk pls
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janadaniel4grassroots · 5 years ago
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agricultureproud · 8 years ago
Audio: Agriculture Advocacy Takes Place In Many Forms
NEW Blog: Agriculture Advocacy Takes Place In Many Forms. #agchat #agday
During my recent trip to the 2017 Bayer AgVocacy Forum in San Antonio, Texas, I had the opportunity to catch up with Carson Horn of the Radio Oklahoma Network for an interview. Carson…
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ultra-greenmojo-me · 6 years ago
RealAg Radio, Feb. 27: Weather woes, Richardson finalizes purchase of Wesson, and protein from a petri dish
Today’s RealAg Radio show features host, Shaun Haney in Florida at the Bayer Agvocacy Forum covering some of the pertinent issues facing the agriculture industry. On top of Jessika Guse and Lyndsey Smith covering the news, there is a full slate of great guests. Bob Reiter, the global head of research and development for Bayer... Read More source https://www.realagriculture.com/2019/02/realag-radio-feb-27-weather-woes-richardson-finalizes-purchase-of-wesson-and-protein-from-a-petri-dish/
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hoppingcrustacean · 10 years ago
I had an interview today. I'm fairly certain it went well, but like all things, I'm not sure. So nervous because this would be the best thing ever to happen to me, not to mention a triple increase in salary. 
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