#Agent AF7
exoticarmy127 · 5 years
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It’s AGENT AF7 and AGENT AF9  🤭🤭
Yes it’s time for you to read the ISAIA series. ;) 
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exoticarmy127 · 5 years
Honestly me too...
Hmm. I might whip something up 😏😏
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exoticarmy127 · 6 years
I really fall in love with your agent 07 with jungkook is so cheesy. And i hope that you update that topic about agents with different members 😘😁
Thank you!! Haha I love him in that story too! And yeah…I plan on writing about the other members in this particular au. I already did Taehyung in “The Bad in Each Other”—and I’ve already mentioned Yoongi and Namjoon in this au too so I might write about them next 😉
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
Agent AF7 (Jungkook, You) Scenario
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Request found here.
The world seemed to be in slow motion as Jungkook took deep breaths, surveying his surroundings.
There were eight—no ten (there were two snipers on opposites sides of the second floor mezzanine) armed men currently facing him. He stood still, feeling his lover’s presence behind him, which makes it even harder to make a decision whether to engage, or not.
“Y/N… baby, don’t move.” He whispered when he felt her shallow breathing and the slight tremble from her body. He knew she was scared, she had every right to be, and it kills Jungkook on every aspect. But he couldn’t risk one of those snipers going off at her.
“Sorry.” She whispered, which sounded more like a choked sob and Jungkook wanted to turn around and kiss her; to assure her that it was going to be alright and that she shouldn’t be sorry.
It was his fault she was in this mess, after all.
Jungkook had been so careful. He had to be for being an agent wasn’t a typical occupation as it involved fighting off criminals, stalking suspicious illegal doings, and a whole lot of gun shooting in its job description. Jungkook had chosen this path since he was a little boy when he discovered how his father had been an agent for ISAIA (International Security and Intelligence Agency) as well. He trained with him in his early years until a terrible accident happened that took away his father from him forever.
Not long after that, Jungkook was recruited into the agency and has been serving for almost seven years now… since he was fourteen.
Being an agent meant being completely detached from the world. Jungkook had been orphaned upon his father’s death, making him the perfect candidate to be an ISAIA agent. There was a reason why they were called “secret agents”: they could tell no one of their identity. They couldn’t risk putting someone in danger like that. Information, as Jungkook had learned, was just as dangerous as wealth and riches in the eyes of greedy and selfish bastards who reside in this world.
Jungkook lived his life alone but it wasn’t so bad. He had his fellow agents who somehow became his own little family. He was happy being part of the agency and being a hero in his own way as he tracks down assassins and high profile criminals. He was happy being on his own…
That is until Y/N came along.
Jungkook met Y/N on his one-week leave; a reward given by the agency after a successful mission of capturing a target they’ve been tailing for almost a year.
Jungkook spent it in Seoul, in his own apartment where he was just Jungkook—not agent AF7. Being an agent had its perks, sure; and it was fun and all but Jungkook often craved for the “normal life”. A life where he could just be a normal college student, living in a crappy dorm room and eating cup noodles for dinner.
And that’s probably what made him like Y/N so much; the girl who lived in the next building; the one who played Justin Bieber songs at night where Jungkook could see her though his window, dancing around in pajamas.
They easily became friends after bumping into each other at the park where Jungkook did his routine jogs while Y/N walked her dog, Riley. They clicked like two pieces of a puzzle, having similar tastes and interests.
Aside from the fact that she was beautiful, funny, smart, and the nicest person he had ever met; Y/N gave Jungkook something he craved for: a normal life to escape to after being on missions or after flying off to some uncharted territory chasing bad guys.
Y/N was home. And it’s been so long since Jungkook had that.
It didn’t take long before the two of them became an actual thing. And then they fell in love too fast, too deeply. Jungkook wasn’t sure how he had let that happen. He used to be so controlled, so careful. But with Y/N, Jungkook seemed to have no hold of it and his heart just dove head first—wanting to love her no matter the consequences.
He never told her about his identity. Y/N never knew what he was or what he did for a living. And as for as Jungkook knew, Y/N thought he was a graphic designer for a game developer.
It was a burden to keep something from her that literally took up more than half of his life; half of himself. But Jungkook knew the consequences of giving away that information.
Being an agent had its perks, but it also got you a lot of enemies. And Jungkook couldn’t risk that. He’d protect Y/N with his life.
Two years into the relationship and Y/N and Jungkook started living together. Jungkook should have declined when she had hinted about it (“Why don’t you just live with me if you’re just going to knock on my window every night? Saves you the effort of crossing through that fire escape, she had joked) but how could he when the idea of waking up next to her every morning was so tempting? Jungkook wanted to spend more time with her, keep her close. And so he became selfish and agreed.
He took some precautions, of course. He bought a new apartment for them and installed it with a state of the art security system. He had a stash of gadgets hidden in its nooks and crannies; one wall opened up to reveal a set of guns and firearms. Jungkook wanted to be sure they were ready if ever there was an attack.
A year later, things were going well. Y/N was in the midst of her master studies while Jungkook got promoted to a level A agent, one of the best at the agency. There were nights when Jungkook didn’t come home due to missions and he would conjure up a lie that he was out for work or out of town for a design expo. He felt guilty about lying, even more on how Y/N trusted him so much to believe him every time.
He didn’t deserve it but he had no choice. The secret kept her safe.
At least that’s what Jungkook thought until he came home one night to his apartment in shambles and a vandalism on his bedroom wall that said:
I’ll take my trophy.
The food he had bought dropped to floor with a thud and Jungkook’s body filled with rage as he grabbed his phone (his agent mobile) and called for a car. A sleek black Jaguar C-X75 roared down his building in mere minutes and Jungkook hopped in, talking to Namjoon, the head of the intelligence unit, about tracking down Y/N.
It wasn’t that hard considering Jungkook had installed a tracking device on her cellphone (he didn’t want to but he had to. Again, for safety reasons). Namjoon led him into the warehouse unnoticed and when Jungkook finally found Y/N, she was blindfolded, gagged, and thrown into a corner of a dark-lit room like a rag doll.
Jungkook had never hated himself so much then.
“Y/N.” He said as he rushed towards her. He cut the ropes on her hands and ankles and Jungkook felt his chest tighten at the sight of the bruises it caused on her skin. When he uncovered her eyes and saw them glistening with tears, Jungkook really thought he was going to cry then.
Out of relief or pain at seeing her like this? He was sure it was both.
“Jungkook?” Y/N choked and he cupped her cheeks before kissing her tenderly. “What are you doing here? You have to leave, they said they’ll kill you—”
“I’m sorry.” He murmured as he kissed her forehead, her nose, then her lips once again to calm her down. “I’m so sorry baby.”
“Why are you sorry—” A loud bang interrupted them, causing Y/N to jolt in fright. Jungkook gritted his teeth and held up his gun on his right hand. Y/N’s eyes bulged at the sight of the weapon.
“I don’t want you to see this so I’m going to have to ask you to close your eyes right now.” He said just as two armed men came into the room, shouting, and Jungkook held up his gun, shooting them both swiftly with such accuracy they went down in seconds.
“You—” she said shakily and Jungkook had to half carry her out of the room.
“Later. I’ll explain later babe, but we have to go.“ He said. “Can you run?” She nodded and Jungkook pulled her closer to him. “Good, just follow my lead and don’t let go of my hand, okay?”
“Good girl.” Jungkook gave her waist a slight squeeze before talking into his earpiece. “Get us out of here, Namjoon.”
“Okay, I have a chopper on standby. Can you get to the roof?”
“Yeah. I saw it the stairs on the way in.”
“Good. Get there fast, but there are some—”
“Duck!” Jungkook hissed as he pushed Y/N towards the wall, shielding her with his body as several gunshots went off. Jungkook raised his arm to shoot too and not long after the bullets went off, Y/N saw a couple of bodies thudding to the floor. Y/N felt her stomach churn at the sight of blood.
“Come on.” He pulled her towards the next room and that’s where they found themselves surrounded by their enemies.
They were trapped.
Jungkook made sure Y/N was behind him, shielding her from everyone’s view. He eyed his surroundings carefully, calculating every scenario possible if he made a particular move.
“Don’t engage, Jungkook. It’s a dead end.” He heard Namjoon through his earpiece.
“There are snipers up there.” He gritted his teeth, thinking how he couldn’t just stand and do nothing. “Y/N’s here—”
“We know that.” Namjoon huffed, sounding stressed himself. “Back up is on the way.”
“Hey! Stop talking and put your gun down or we shoot!”
Jungkook held his hands up in surrender before placing the gun down on the floor.
“Okay, let’s all just… calm down…” he managed to say and he heard Y/N whimper behind him when she saw a laser beam pointing at her shoulder. Jungkook stiffened upon the sight and moved slightly to the right so the laser was pointed at him instead.
“Let’s settle this like men.” Jungkook suddenly said. “Fight me without your weapons.”
“You insane?” One of the men asked, causing the whole room to laugh. “We can just shoot you right here, right now.”
“But that wouldn’t be any fun.”
“This isn’t supposed to be fun, kid.” The man grunted.
“Oh what’s that? I think I heard fear…” Jungkook goaded and something in the man’s eyes changed. Jungkook smirked, knowing he was getting to them.
“Jungkook what are you doing?” Y/N whispered to him.
“Yeah, don’t make them mad.” Namjoon said incredulously through his earpiece.
One of the men stepped forward and rolled up his sleeves and Jungkook knew he had won.
“Don’t engage agent AF7. Back up is right at the door—”
“Tell them to shoot the snipers.” Jungkook said before muting his earpiece and looking over his shoulder at Y/N. “Do you trust me?”
Y/N looked into his eyes and nodded. Jungkook gave her a small smile, the kind he only reserved for her.
“I want you to crawl to the side, okay? One of the agents will get you.”
“But what—” before she could ask, Jungkook pushed her to the side and lunged forward, fist connecting with the man’s face.
Y/N crawled to the side as she was told, right under a small table and watched in horror as Jungkook took on several men; punching and kicking in such speed and precision she wondered if he was even real.
He twisted one of the man’s arm’s and grabbed the gun from his grip effortlessly before shooting three other’s once: their bodies falling to the ground instantly.
The doors burst open and several men in black came in, one of which released some bullets and Y/N saw the snipers on the second floor fall down.
Y/N jolted as a man came up to her. He was in a black suit, similar to what Jungkook was wearing.
“I’m agent AF9. We’re going to have to run, can you do that?”
Y/N was silent, unsure if she should trust him. But then she remembered Jungkook’s words a while ago…
“I want you to crawl to the side, okay? One of the agents will get you.”
“I’m a friend of Jungkook’s.” the agent said as if reading her mind. “I’m Taehyung,” He smiled at her warmly.
“Don’t say your name on missions, dumbass!” Y/N heard a shout through his earpiece.
Taehyung chuckled as he touched his earpiece. “Sorry. That was Yoongi, he’s a bit grumpy.“
"I’m not! Now get your ass up to the roof, I’m flying this thing over.”
“Copy that.” He said before holding out his hand to her. “Come on.”
“But Jungkook—” she looked back at the commotion and somewhere at the center she could vaguely make out Jungkook’s form still fighting those goons.
“He’ll be fine.” He assured her. “He’ll meet us upstairs.”
Y/N didn’t think she had a choice and so she went with him reluctantly, praying Jungkook would be all right.
The cold night air felt like a slap to Y/N’s face the moment she stepped out into the rooftop with Taehyung. The helicopter was right there by the edge and there was a man urging them on.
“Come on.” Taehyung said as they ran towards the chopper, the wind so strong Y/N felt like it would push her off the edge.
There was a sudden explosion and Y/N stopped dead in her tracks to look back, eyes wide with worry.
Fire, she thought in panic as smoke began to rise. Jungkook’s still in there.
“Jungkook!” She yelled the moment they saw orange flames engulfing the side of the building. Taehyung held her tighter until he literary had to drag her towards the chopper.
“Y/N we have to go—”
“No! Jungkook’s still in there! I—no, let me go!!!” She cried as hands held her up and pulled her into chopper.
“Agent AF7. We’re ready to take off, do you copy?” Taehyung called into his earpiece, looking worried as well. “Agent AF7, do you copy?”
There was another explosion and Y/N wanted to jump out of the chopper to come get him herself. There was no way she was leaving without him.
“Agent AF7?“
Taehyung’s face fell all of a sudden when there was no reply and Y/N’s tears flowed from her eyes like rain. He looked at her sadly and was about to say something when a loud bang sounded.
Y/N’s head whipped to the source and her heart soared when she saw a figure stepping out of the staircase door, running.
Jungkook’s clothes were torn and there was a nasty scratch on his cheek but he seemed to be okay. Taehyung held out his hand and Jungkook took it swiftly, swinging himself into the chopper effortlessly.
“We’re taking off.” The driver announced as he maneuvered the chopper away from the burning building.
“Y/N,” Jungkook breathed out as he went towards his lover, cupping her cheeks. Y/N was crying so hard and Jungkook’s face scrunched in worry and panic, thinking she might be hurt.
“Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked in alarm, his hands roaming her body for any injuries. “Baby, you have to tell me where—”
“I… I thought I lost you.”
Jungkook paused at her words, his eyes meeting hers in an instant. He felt his throat close up at the sadness and sincerity in her gaze and he immediately pulled her into his arms.
“Shh. It’s okay. I’m here now. I’m here, Y/N.”
“I got so scared.” She sobbed against his shoulder. “Why wouldn’t you answer Taehyung’s calls?! You idiot!” She hit his chest but she was too weak to make real damage. “You have no idea how scared I was! I didn’t know what to think—”
Jungkook pressed his lips against the side of head, kissing her tenderly to calm her down.  
“Shh… I’m sorry baby. You’re safe now. We’re safe now.”
“I love you.” She said, the relief flooding her system like a wave and causing the exhaustion to finally take over her.
“I love you too.” Jungkook said as he cradled her in his arms, feeling her being pulled by sleep little by little. “So much.”
ISAIA Headquarters
7:01 A.M.
“I want to apologize for this incident. We did not intend to put you in any danger. I hope you know that, Ms.Y/LN.”
Y/N nodded. She was at Suho’s office, the head of the board at ISAIA. The man had asked for her presence as soon as she was up and able. It has been hours since she awakened and she hadn’t seen Jungkook. One of the nurses at the infirmary told her that he was with her throughout the night but had to leave for a status report earlier this morning.
“Of course, sir. I never thought that. In fact, you all saved me.”
Suho smiled. “Well, agent AF7 wouldn’t have it any other way.“ He bit his lip to keep from smiling when he saw the look of confusion crossing her features. “Agent Jeon, I mean. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Oh.” Y/N nodded stupidly, realizing they called each other by code names here.
“I actually wanted to apologize to you… I gave Jungkook a hard time when we found out about you and your relationship. He endured a lot of scolding from the board, especially from me.”
Y/N gulped, feeling like a parent was disapproving her.
“Of course it has nothing to do with you.” He assured her. “I am sure you are as wonderful as Jungkook tells us you are. I am not against your relationship in that aspect.”
Y/N chewed on her bottom lip. “Oh.. Then why?“
“I think last night’s events was its own explanation.” He answered sadly. “Jungkook’s job is very dangerous, Ms. Y/LN. I’m sure you’ve noticed. Honorable yes, but it earned him a lot of enemies as well.”
Y/N gulped, suddenly feeling frightened for Jungkook. Never had she imagined that he worked as a secret agent. It seemed only yesterday he was telling her about his new design project…
Oh that was yesterday, she recalled. It was yesterday over breakfast.
Before the afternoon came and some strangers barged into her house and took her captive.
“I hope you know the danger he carries with him. We don’t want anyone getting hurt. He’s been careful, we know that. He had kept you off the radar for as long as you’ve been together. But one of the men he recently put behind bars had outside contact and wanted to hurt him the worse way possible for revenge. And I think we both know how that would be.”
Y/N gulped, nodding sadly.
“And Jungkook… well he is quite the character no? He’s an exemplary agent but very reckless. He would go to you without delay, even if he had to do it alone. He was scolded by our head intelligence this morning for muting his earpiece and engaging in the fight when he was clearly told not to.” Suho sighed, shaking his head slightly. “He’s a bit stubborn, that kid. Brave, but stubborn.”
Y/N smiled slightly, knowing exactly what he meant.
“What should we do then?”
Suho smiled at her softly before shaking his head. “That’s not my decision to make, my dear. That is entirely up to the two of you.”
Y/N made her way out of the office, feeling a little lost. Suho’s words echoed in her brain, and she couldn’t help but see his point.
She could put Jungkook in danger. And by staying with him, she was giving his enemies a chance to poke at his weakness.
A chance to kill him.
Y/N looked up and found Taehyung smiling at her.
“Hey.” She replied with a small smile.
“Jungkook’s on the roof.” He said, hooking his thumb behind him. It was almost creepy how he knew the answer to her questions before she even voiced it out. Or was her face that transparent? “Just go straight and turn left, you’ll see the door that leads up there.”
Y/N thanked him before leaving, making his way up the roof where Taehyung said Jungkook was.
Jungkook was leaning by the parapet, looking at the city down below. It was early in the morning and the sun was just peeking in horizon, casting a yellowish glow against the tall buildings.
“Jungkook.” Y/N called and the boy turned, eyes widening before he made his way towards her in a rush.
“Y/N.” he said and engulfed her in a warm embrace once he got to her. Y/N smiled against him, hugging him just as tightly.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up. But I got called in and…” He huffed before looking into her eyes, gaze questioning. “Are you—okay?” He asked and she nodded before letting go.
A frown slowly made its way to her lips when she saw the bruise on his cheek. She reached out her hand and gently caressed it.
“You’re hurt.“
"It’s just a scratch.”
“At this rate, you’re gonna ruin your pretty face.” She pouted and Jungkook grinned. Unable to help himself, he leant over to peck it off her lips. Y/N blushed a deep red.
He held her hands and his smile faltered upon the sight of the marks on her wrist from where she was tied up. He massaged them gently with his thumbs.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve been more careful. It was my fault—” Jungkook paused when Y/N placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. She then moved her hand to cup his cheek.
“It’s not your fault. You saved me, Jungkook. I should be thanking you.” She said and Jungkook held her hand before kissing her palm tenderly.
“Of course I would. When I got home and you weren’t there I…” he huffed. “I got so worried, Y/N. And then I found that message and I got so scared! I couldn’t think straight.” He admitted and Y/N’s heart broke at the sadness and panic in his eyes.
“I understand if after what happened, you don’t want to be with me anymore.” He said, frown deepening. "I didn’t want to lie to you but I hope you understand that it was necessary to keep you safe. I couldn’t let them know about you. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happened to you, Y/N.”
“And I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happened to you.” Y/N countered. “But it seems that being with me puts you in danger too, Jungkook. And I don’t want that for you.”
Jungkook looked like he was about to cry, sensing the meaning behind her words.
“I… are you…breaking up with me?”
Y/N opened her mouth to answer just as a single tear slid down Jungkook’s cheek. She felt her knees weaken at the sight. She had only ever seen Jungkook cry once and that was when they had their very first fight.
“If you are, can you make it quick?” He added, tears blurring his vision. "I don’t think I can—”
“Do you want me to?” She asked and Jungkook shook his head vigorously, making her smile.
“I don’t. I know I’m being selfish but Y/N…” He held her hands tighter in his. “You’re the only good thing in my life right now. If you leave, I have nowhere else to go. You're—you’re my home. And I love you too much to let you go.”
Y/N felt her tears fall at his words, heart swelling with love and adoration.
“Then that’s good. Because I couldn’t break up with you either.”
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and pulled her into his arms.
“I love you… I love you…” he said over and over and Y/N knew that no matter how dangerous their lives may be… she knew it was worth it as long as they had each other.
3 months later
3:47 A.M.
“Door open. Welcome.” The robotic voice said as Jungkook keyed in the numbers to his apartment. He just got back from a mission in Taiwan and he was utterly spent. He wanted nothing more but to pass out on his bed and hibernate for a few hours.
Upon reaching the living room, he stopped when he saw an endearing sight.
Y/N was on the sofa, fast asleep; head leaning on the armrest in an uncomfortable position. Jungkook sighed. He had told her countless times that she shouldn’t wait up but every time, she still did. And she was going to get back pains because of it.
He went towards the couch and knelt beside her, letting his fingers trace the lines of her face; touching the soft strands of her hair and watching t go through his fingers. Jungkook wondered if he would ever stop falling in love with her and thought however did he get so lucky to deserve such an angel.
Y/N stirred at his touch and Jungkook smiled before kissing her cheek.
"Kookie? Is that you?”
“Mmm. I told you not to wait up.”
She opened her eyes slightly and it was the cutest thing Jungkook had ever seen.
“Did you get the bad guys?”
“Yeah, I got the bad guys.” He chuckled as he kissed her cheek again.
“Mmm, that’s good. I’m proud of you.”
Jungkook felt like a little boy in kindergarten had just been given a star for drawing well or for being prompt in class. He would do anything to make his baby proud.
“Let’s get you to bed, hmm? You’ll hurt your back this way.”
“Aren’t you hungry? I can heat something up—”
“No, I just want to sleep with you.” He said, giving her nose and Eskimo kiss before lifting her up in his arms, bridal style. Y/N always wondered how he could carry her so effortlessly like she weighed nothing.
Jungkook tucked her into bed first then moved to his side of the mattress. He removed his shoes and his shirt before getting under the covers and snuggling against her side.
“Good night, baby.” He whispered against her neck as he placed an arm over her frame and pulled her close.
“I’m glad you’re home.”
Jungkook smiled at that. “I promised, didn’t I?” He whispered and he saw her smile against the dark room.
“Mmm. I love you.” Y/N yawned as she snuggled deeper into his arms.
Jungkook smiled against her skin, and thought how no matter where he goes or what dangers lie ahead, it was always good to know he had this to keep him going…
Good to know he had Y/N to come home to.
I got so inspired by that request haha you guys might find some of the aspects in this story familiar since I’ve used this Agency in another story. So I might use the same background whenever I get secret agent/spy requests. haha (calling it the ISAIA series for now lol)
To learn more about ISAIA, read my story “Baby, I Got Your Back” ;)
Thanks for reading! (Comments are appreciated) And thank you for helping me reach another follower mark. <3 
To the one who requested this, I hope you enjoyed it dear! And sorry for the delay.
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
AGENT AF7!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! WOW! THAT WAS WELL WRITTEN?!?! I swear you never stop brining out amazing stories 👏🏼 WELL DONE KAYE!!
THANK YOU DEAR! I’m so glad you thought so!
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
I just read AF7 and it was absolutely brilliant! The writing was smart, the plot was delightful and the characters were amazing! It's been a long time since I've read spy/agent themed anything and this was so well written (in comparison to some). I've been trying to write a spy novel for YEARS and it looks like I should be taking notes from you! Fantastic job, seriously.
Thank you, thank you! It’s only my second spy/agent fic and I really think there’s a lot to explore on the concept. I’m looking forward to writing more about it since it’s such a fun process. I love writing action scenes haha
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Thanks for reading again! And I’m really glad you thought it was well-written.
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
i love secret agent au!!!!!! please make them a series!
Thank you!! I’m so glad you did! 😃 hahaha we’ll see~
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
I REALLY" LOVE YOUR WRITING OH GOSHH!!! including agent Jungkook... coul you make agent Baekhyun? thxxxx!! i'm so excited hehehe
Thank you so much!! Unfortunately I’m not accepting requests as of the moment since I still have to finish the others… (but I have a mafia Baekhyun on pending… :P)
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exoticarmy127 · 5 years
*first time requesting* *AHH* if you ever get the chance but uhh can i get a reaction from jungkook when his crush who is 2~3 years younger than him (who also has a crush on him too) is shy or 'cautious' to call him oppa? since she knows he doesnt like to be called one? i really love your stories by the way!! they go into details which gets me the feels (lowkey waiting for that Agent AF7 part 2) lol thanks a lot and have a great day ;))
Thank you! Agent AF7 you say? hmm… ;)
Jungkook doesn’t like being called oppa, but not because he hated it. In fact, when he said it at that fan meet, he had meant it jokingly but it had somehow spread across the fandom and now he’s been labeled as some kind of “anti-oppa.” 
It was funny to him, at least. But not as funny as the look of panic that crossed your features when you slipped and called him that; hand covering your lips and cheeks flushing from embarrassment. 
“What are you doing?”
”Sorry. That slipped.”
“What? You calling me oppa? But I liked it.”
““I…” you stuttered, surprised by his statement. “I thought you didn’t like being called oppa.”
“What? Of course I do.” He answered a little too quickly, causing his cheeks to flush. “I mean,” he cleared his throat. “If it’s from other people I’m not close with, no. But it’s you so…”
“So…” you began to tease. “So you want me to call you oppa?”
“Aish. Stop it. It’s only right that you do. I’m older than you.” He bumps his chest with a fist and smirks. “I’m a namja.”
“Namja?” You snort, and Jungkook looked appalled. “Says the boy who wears Iron Man socks.”
“Aigoo~ okay, okay.” You step closer to him, batted your eyelashes, and smiled. “Oppa.”
Just like a switch, Jungkook’s ears turned red. You chuckled at this and reached out to pinch his cheeks but he caught your hand before it could touch his face, his warm palm enveloping yours in a firm yet gentle grip.
“You know…there’s one more thing I wouldn’t mind you calling me.”
“What’s that?”
He bit his lip as if calculating his words carefully in his head. He gazed at you in that short moment, eyes full of emotions you couldn’t pinpoint exactly but was all too familiar… 
You had seen it in his eyes after a successful concert, when he meets with fans, and even when he finally sees you after weeks of being on tour. 
Before you could confirm your realizaition, Jungkook’s fingers entwined with yours and then he placed it on top of his chest, right on top of his heart. You felt it beating wildly, mimicking yours, as he looked at you with a shy smile and pure adoration reflected upon his beautiful eyes.
“Mine.” he breathes. “I’m all yours, Y/N.”
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SCREAMS. Hope you liked this anon!
Hello guys, I’m back with your daily does of bts reactions. hahaha how’s everyone? Want more? Send me some!
- Kaye Allen
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
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Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year!
It’s be a wonderful 2017! So many things had happened and I’ve achieved much in my writing career...which wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for you guys. <3 So a BIG, BIG THANK YOU!
As we do every December, here are the most loved stories of the year! 
Top 10 Stories of 2017
10. Sleep (and dream with me) - Jungkook
09. Four Walls - Jungkook
08. Take You Home - Baekhyun
07. Rain - Jimin
06. Razbliuto - Suga
05. Saudade - Jungkook (revised and now available in my published book, Chasing Sunsets: Love & Wonders Anthology)
04. Paralian - Jimin *in editing
03. Agent AF7 - Jungkook
02. Ice Dancing - Jimin *ongoing
01. Save You - Jungkook
Thank you once again and cheers to the new year! May we have more stories come our way in 2018. :) I know I promised the year-end video this week, but some things came up so I may have to postpone it to 1st-2nd week January. :) Till then, I’ll keep my inbox open for questions.
*I’ll be on holiday, traveling, so I’ll be on hiatus from the 24th and will be back in January. Till then, ciao! Happy Holidays everybody!
- Kaye Allen
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
The Bad in Each Other (V, OC) Scenario
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Another spy story for ya’ll. This one is slightly different than the others though. Following previous one shots: Baby, I Got Your Back and Agent AF7
ISAIA Headquarters
4:03 A.M.
Taehyung stood still as a statue. His back stiflingly straight as his eyes stared ahead with no particular focal point. He had his arms locked behind him; fists closed tight as he took in his superior’s reproach.
In front of him, Suho stood tall with hardened eyes, reprimanding him profusely the moment he was called in after his failed mission not long ago. It was late (or early), but the agency never slept and it’s not like Taehyung would be sleepy after a night of adrenaline—not to mention a night of unexpected circumstances that happened just a few hours ago.
“Do you eve realize the consequences of your actions, Agent AF9?” Suho spat and Taehyung clenched his jaw to hide the wince he felt from the inside. Taehyung might be taller than him but the man exhibited authority and was one of the best agents of ISAIA. There was a reason why he was at his position now; leading the agency through its various operations. He looked up to Suho a lot and considered him a role model. It was one of the reasons why Taehyung always made sure to do well in training—to succeed in the missions given to him.
And he did, he always did. He didn’t become a level A agent if he didn’t.
But tonight, he just might get himself a demotion for what he had done. Maybe stripped from his badge if Suho were to know the complete truth about his slip-up.
“I know, sir.” Taehyung answered stiffly, face hard and impassive.
“Oh you know?” Suho chuckled, but it was anything but amused. “You knew and yet tonight still happened. Your mistake almost cost us the whole mission! Cost an agent’s life, Kim.” Taehyung winced at that, knowing Suho only called agents by their surnames when he was mad. Really mad. “You should have known better. The plan was so simple…”
It was, Taehyung thought, feeling the regret gnawing at him from within. He had the mission mapped in his head and he knew what to do like the back of his hand. It was simple: implant the bomb and burn the place down. He had trained well enough and worked long enough in this agency to know “better”. And yet he still did it. He messed up… he chose to mess up and let the enemy get away.  
“Why, Taehyung?” Suho asked, echoing his own question that has been pestering him since the mission failed. “You don’t make mistakes,” the man added, voice almost soft—imploring. Taehyung was one of the best agents of ISAIA and he hardly ever made any slip-up’s this serious.
“There was a mistake in the installation of the explosives, sir. A wiring issue I had overlooked and it prevented the trigger from working. It won’t happen again, I assure you. I apologize and will take whatever punishment.”
Suho didn’t speak at his explanation, taking it in. Taehyung was a good liar but Suho didn’t say that he had been supervising the whole mission earlier that night and he knew for sure Taehyung could have gone home successfully. There wasn’t a faulty wire. Taehyung chose to fail and the older was confused as to why he would sacrifice the mission so willingly; even risk his and another agent’s life in the process.
He sighed, suddenly feeling too old for this. They are grown men—agents, for goodness sake, he grumbled. They aren’t school boys that get punished.
“I think you need to apologize to agent AI4, and maybe her wrath can be your punishment.”
Taehyung’s eye twitched a little, glad that the punishment wasn’t all bad…
“Also, you’re suspended from missions till the end of the month. You’ll train the recruits for now.”
Taehyung swallowed to keep the whine from coming out—that petulant side of him that wanted to protest. He would take 500 push-ups, even take an errand across the globe than train recruits. It’s not that it was bad… training just bored him. Everything happened so slowly in the recruit’s training facility.
“You’re dismissed. Let’s not make a second mistake like this again, understood?” Suho said sternly before turning from him and moving to his desk to return to his laptop. Taehyung nodded once before turning around as well, thinking how this wasn’t the first mistake, no…
His first mistake was getting attached in the first place.
Once upon a time, Taehyung was part of a mob empire operating in Seoul. They did some illegal dealings, from illicit drug trading to human trafficking; things Taehyung wouldn’t be so proud to tell knowing the despicable things he had done…
Long story short: he worked for some really bad people and that made him a really bad guy too.
It was only a few years ago when Taehyung decided this wasn’t the life he wanted. He always knew he was doing the wrong thing by staying with his so-called family. But that was exactly why he couldn’t just leave…
When Taehyung had been abandoned when he was just a baby, left in a small box beside a dumpster in a secluded alleyway, it was Black—Arthur Black, the leader of their organization, who took him in. Black raised him like he would his own son and gave him shelter to live in, clothes to wear, food to eat, with the added bonus of everything and anything money could every buy. The money may have been stolen or acquired through their illicit trades but it gave Taehyung a chance to live. Black gave him a home and Taehyung should only be grateful.
But that didn’t mean he liked it every time he saw an innocent man get shot in the head for not meeting their code of standards; when he saw women being kidnapped and dragged into their brothels, and even when children were brought into their world—tainting their innocence and scarring them for life.
Taehyung ignored it for years, swallowing down the bile at the sight of blood and death; turning his cheek from their cries and calls for help.
When Black died (shot in his own home), the more Taehyung felt lost and afraid, and the thought of escape became even more palpable. He knew he was no longer safe here—he never was, and it was only a matter of time before one of those bullets pierced through his own skull.
He was 16 when the new leader was appointed and Taehyung knew it was the perfect time to escape now that he was no longer under the limelight. It’s true that almost anyone within the organization knew of him but now that a new leader has been inducted, everyone would have their eyes on him and Taehyung would soon blend into the background as merely a man operating on the inside.
Wang Joo was a big man with an even bigger ego. Taehyung was neither close to him nor was he a stranger in the man’s eyes considering Taehyung’s close relations with Black. The two just waded on the acquaintance zone.
Taehyung wouldn’t say he disliked the man but he was no fan of him either having been familiar with his operations. Taehyung was familiar with everybody and their jobs… making him almost like a walking database.
But he still wasn’t God, and so he wasn’t all-knowing…
He never knew Wang Joo had a daughter.
And nothing could have prepared him for that.
“Where you off to?” asked agent AF7, also known as Jeon Jungkook, a man Taehyung trusted with his life within the agency. Jungkook was the one who brought him into ISAIA six years ago. Although the guy was two years younger than him, he was far more good at what he does and was even one of his trainers during his recruitment years. Jungkook had it in his blood, everybody knew that for his father was an agent of ISAIA too, and Taehyung was grateful for that day they met. If it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have started over. He would still be killing people instead of saving them. Jungkook somewhat showed him a better purpose, and he was thankful for that.
“Home,” Taehyung sighed as he shoved his hand into the pockets of his slacks. “You?”
“Mission,” Jungkok mumbled, head down and tapping away on his iPhone.
“Where to?”
“London,” he answered just as the elevator doors opened. “Heard you got suspended.”
Taehyung huffed. News sure traveled fast… “Yeah.”
“Should I be disappointed?” Jungkook finally looked at him but his expression was anything but disappointed. In fact, he only looked curious, like he knew Taehyung had a reason why he had done what he did.
“You should.” Taehyung answered curtly as he stepped out. “I’ll see you later. Good luck on the mission.”
Jungkook nodded as Taehyung moved to walk away, feeling the guilt gnawing at him from within. Jungkook was a good friend and he owed a lot to him to get to where he is now. He didn’t want him to think that all those training didn’t mean anything… that he hadn’t moved on or changed…
But the mission last night proved just how much he clung to his past and Taehyung felt ashamed of himself.
“Hey, hyung!” Jungkook called, keeping a finger pressed to the open button to keep the elevator from closing. Taehyung looked over his shoulder, eyebrows raised in question.
Jungkook paused for a moment before saying, “Whatever you did, I know you did it because you knew it was the right thing.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened slightly, unsure how to react. Jungkook gave him a small smile and added, “Don’t beat yourself up for it too much.”
Jungkook was about the release his hold on the button when Taehyung asked, “How do you know that?”
Jungkook looked up at him then, eyes glinting mischievously. “Because I’ve messed up in missions too, and I only do that when I think it’s the right thing to do, even if it jeopardizes my life,” he said casually. “And besides, I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t know you were capable of knowing right from wrong… right?”
Before Taehyung could reply, Jungkook nodded and gave him a curt “see you” as the doors closed; leaving him all the more confused about his choices.
“Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we went to school?”
Taehyung glanced to his left, seeing her hair covering the side of her face as she fiddled with a pistol. He thought he never looked more gorgeous then with the gun in her hand even if the case was practically empty.
“School?” Taehyung echoed. “Hmm. Not really…”
“Didn’t you ever want to go to school, Tae?”
“What’s so special about it anyway?” he said instead, pulling his knee up and hanging his arm on it. “Last time I checked, kids are trying to get out of it.”
She chuckled then and Taehyung felt himself smile at the sound. He glanced at her again, catching her face lit up with mirth; her warm brown eyes turning into crescents and Taehyung felt his heart constrict—in a good way.
“I guess you’re right. I just… I don’t know. I thought it’d be nice to go to school, you know? Hang out with a group of friends, complain about having too much homework…” she paused and Taehyung tried to imagine himself in that kind of setting. He had to admit it felt nice. He wondered what would be like to attend college, take his bachelor’s, choose his own career path…
“And maybe go out on dates with your boyfriend…” she added and Taehyung whipped his head towards her at the suggestion, a smile creeping to his face.
“I’m getting a sense you’re not really in it for the ‘learning’.” Taehyung commented which made them laugh. He then reached out to take her hand, their fingers intertwining before resting on her lap. “We can always go on a date, if you want.”
She snorted. “Yeah, like my dad will let me go out without at least two guys following me.”
Taehyung chewed on his lip for a moment, thinking. He then leaned over to her, his lips grazing her ear just as an idea sparked in him.
“We don’t have to let them know…” he drawled, voice dipping low. “Just you and me. Tonight. I’ll take you wherever you want.”
She shivered at his words before looking at him slyly. Taehyung had that mischievous glint in his eyes and she wanted nothing more but to kiss him till they were both breathless.
“Why Taehyung, are you asking me to sneak out?”
Taehyung grinned and leaned against the wall, laughing breathlessly. He placed a hand over his heart before glancing at her with a wink. “You always did bring out the worse in me.”
She chuckled before kissing his cheek, and Taehyung blushed at the contact. Even more so when she replied, “Anywhere. I’ll go anywhere with you.”
End of flashback
2 days later
“Let’s wrap it up! You guys are dismissed.”
The recruits gave a chorused thanks and goodbye before leaving the training room one by one. Taehyung smiled at them, clapping some boys on the shoulder and telling them how they trained well for the day.
He didn’t love handling recruits but he didn’t exactly hate it either. There were days when he liked being the teacher, sharing what he knows and training them into becoming good agents the way some of his superiors did to him. ISAIA gave him another chance… Jungkook, Suho, and the rest of the people in the agency gave him a second chance to change; trusted him to be someone other than that boy who lived his life doing awful things from years before.
“Hey teacher, class over?”
Taehyung looked up at the familiar voice and smirked, “Agent AI4, fancy seeing you here.”
Agent AI4, Ariane Park, strolled into the room still in her fight gear. Her dark hair was tied in a ponytail and she was balancing a helmet on her right hip.
She rolled her eyes, “Drop the formalities and take me to dinner, Kim. I’m starved.”
“How forward,” Taehyung chuckled as he removed his gloves. He turned towards her, biting his lip and conjuring his “seductive” gaze. “Didn’t know you wanted to date me so badly. I’m flattered.”
Ariane looked insulted at that and looked ready to murder to which Taehyung held his hands up in mocked surrender—laughing. Since he almost got her killed at their last mission, Taehyung had to treat her food whenever she liked for the next two months. He secretly prayed for his wallet upon the agreement. “I was kidding, chill. Just let me get ready and we can go wherever you want.”
Ariane stuck out his tongue at him and turned to leave. “Yeah, I’ll meet you downstairs. Just have to get out of my gear—”
“Do you need help with that—whoa!” Taehyung dodged swiftly to the right, the blade missing him by an inch before hitting the target at the far wall. He looked at Ariane incredulously while the latter merely smiled at him sweetly. It looked sinister.
“You were saying?”
“Nothing what?”
“Nothing, mam.” Taehyung gulped as he watched her walk away. Taehyung admired Ariane a lot and they he had chosen to pair with her in most missions—so much that people began to think they were partners. They weren’t. They just worked well enough with each other. They still preferred going solo.
There wasn’t any form of romantic inclination between them. They were both attractive, sure, but they knew better than to mix work with relationships. Attachments were never ideal when your job involved fighting off criminals who could use said attachments to your disadvantage. Dating was an unspoken prohibition in the agency.
Besides, Taehyung only ever had eyes for one…
At the thought, the sinking feeling in his chest returned, remembering the failed mission… Remembering how an attachment was exactly what caused this mess in the first place.
He sighed and prepared to leave; praying Ariane wasn’t in the mood to order the whole damn menu like last time.
After dinner, Taehyung walked back to his apartment alone; taking the longer route as he wanted to take a stroll. It was past 10 P.M. and the streets leading to his neighborhood was almost empty. He walked silently, his shoes making splat noises at each step against the pavement. It was wet from the slight drizzle that afternoon and Taehyung was glad the rain stopped as the commute would have been problematic.
Being an agent had its perks… But it didn’t include chauffer services.
It did, however, include intensive training that heightened one’s senses, and that’s exactly how Taehyung knew he was being followed.
He had felt the presence tailing him from the restaurant. The footsteps were subtle and he had caught the shadow against the store window when he crossed the street at the first intersection he passed.
Taehyung wasn’t scared. He was far from that. He had a gun strapped to the waist band of his jeans, coupled with years of agency training at ISAIA. He battled criminals and survived bombings; he could take care of a little stalker.  
He was, however, curious and so his feet quickly made its way towards a different path, leading his stalker away from his place and towards a more secluded neighborhood where he can confront them without prying eyes.
The footsteps continued to follow him and Taehyung almost laughed at how obvious they were being. He turned left into an alleyway and slowed, his eyes and ears alert. It was eerily quiet as he stood there alone on the narrow alley, waiting. He took a deep breath and listened.
1… 2…3…
Got you, Taehyung thought and swiftly grabbed the gun from his waist band before turning around, pointing the weapon towards his pursuer.
His breath hitched, his resolve wavering slightly, the moment familiar brown eyes stared at him in alarm.
Taehyung wished his heart didn’t respond to that, but it beat rapidly against his chest anyway. He managed to keep a straight face, not letting his pursuer know that their mere presence had shaken him; had even managed to make his grip on the gun waver.
It’s been so long since he looked into those eyes…
It’s been so long since he had been this close to Wang Ji Eun.
“Are you going to shoot me?” she asked calmly, and Taehyung’s finger twitched on the trigger.
“Did you come with anyone?” Taehyung asked instead and Ji Eun immediately shook her head to which Taehyung scoffed. “That’s a bad move, Ji Eun… coming alone to the enemy.”
“I wasn’t tailing an enemy.” Ji Eun said matter-of-factly and Taehyung felt the last of his resolve slipping. He eyed her for a few seconds more, observing how her hair was cut short, falling just shy of her shoulders and framing her pretty face nicely. 
He then looked around for any sign of an intruder. The alley was empty and he can sense no other presence, confirming that she was telling the truth. He let his gun down slowly, but kept himself guarded still.
“What are you doing here?” Taehyung asked, clenching his fist to keep them in place; almost like he was afraid that if he didn’t, he just might reach out for her. “Why were you following me?”
Ji Eun placed her hands in her pockets, balancing her weight on the balls of her feet. She looked nervous; she looked like a little school girl with the way she was switching her weight from foot to foot and Taehyung wasn’t sure if he should be worried or amused.
“What is it?”
“Was… that your girlfriend? At the restaurant?”
Taehyung tilted his head, puzzled; not expecting the question at all. “Sorry, what?”
He wasn’t sure if he was imagining it but Ji Eun was blushing. “Never mind…” she mumbled and Taehyung felt somewhat giddy, seeing that she looked jealous just a split second ago.
“If she was, what about it?” he asked and immediately caught the disappointed expression on her face. It passed over her features briefly but Taehyung had seen it, and it made his heart drum.
“Then that’s…great,” she said, the last syllable sounding higher in intonation like she was asking a question… like she was unsure. “She’s pretty.”
“Do you think I’m that superficial to like someone just because they’re pretty?” Taehyung scoffed and crossed his arms.
“I don’t mean it like that. I’m just stating that she’s… just pretty.”
“Well I think we both know I don’t do ‘just pretty’” Taehyung quoted, trying to look offended though he was just amused by her jealousy. Before Ji Eun could retaliate, he added, “And no, she’s not my girlfriend. She’s just a friend.”
“That’s where it starts.” Ji Eun said in a hushed tone but Taehyung heard it loud and clear.
“We were friends too, you know?” he said, not missing a beat. Ji Eun pressed her lips in a thin line, taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart. It had always been like this when she was around Taehyung.
“Were friends,” she emphasized and Taehyung frowned at that. When Ji Eun finally looked back at him, she frowned deeply, noticing that bruise underneath his left eye. She suddenly remembered the reason why she had followed him and the images that resurfaced in her brain made her heart twist painfully.
“Why did you do it?” she asked meekly. “You could’ve caught them by setting off that bomb.”
Taehyung frowned upon the mention of the failed mission just a couple of nights ago. He could remember that night clearly: how he was hiding against the wall, keeping an eye on the goons before him while his thumb idled against the red button that would set the trigger off—to which he had about 30 seconds to get out of there quickly before the whole place explodes. Everything was going smoothly until he caught sight of familiar brown eyes; wide and surprised.
“You almost got yourself killed in there, Taehyung.” she scolded and Taehyung turned from her with a snicker, not wanting to hear it. “If only you would have set that trigger—”
“The warehouse would have exploded.” He finished for her, voice flat—almost robotic. “It would have caught fire and destroyed all those materials.”
“Yes, exactly!” Ji Eun exclaimed. “You could have destroyed those weapons, Tae! And now look… you let them get away! They’re going to trade them off to some militant group in the east and god knows what they’re going to do with those…”
“I already know, Ji Eun,” Taehyung rubbed his forehead, letting out a frustrated huff. “I don’t need another lecture.”
“Then why didn’t you just stop them?! If you knew what was going to happen, why didn’t you just let the trigger go off—”
“Because you were there!” Taehyung exploded, whirling to face her. Ji Eun was shocked by his outburst, stepping back shakily. Time seemed to be suspended as she stared at Taehyung who was breathing hard. He cursed and turned from her, dragging a hand over his face.
“You just had to be there,” he murmured. “Why did you have to be there, Ji Eun? That wasn’t part of where you should be operating. Did your father know—”
“It doesn’t matter if I was there…” Ji Eun snapped, trying to sound angry. But the quiver in her voice deceived her.
“Well, it mattered to me.” Taehyung spat and Ji Eun felt a sting in her eyes the moment he faced her; eyes swimming with sincerity. “You mattered to me, Ji Eun. And if I let that trigger go off then you would’ve been long dead by now.”
Ji Eun swallowed hard, not wanting to show how his concern affected her so much. They had separated a long time ago. Taehyung was supposed to have escaped, left and forgotten about her…
And yet here he was still caring, just like she did herself; crying herself to sleep in the past few years—angry at her family, angry at the life she was born into… but mostly sad that Taehyung had left her. It’s not that she blamed him… no. He asked her—pleaded for her to come with him…
I said no, she thought and angry tears spilled down her cheeks as the regret filled her up.
Before she could process what she was doing, she was already marching towards him, pounded on his chest with her fists.
“You’re so stupid!” She cried and Taehyung remained immobile, letting her shove him backwards. “Why did you—you’ve already escaped! You’re not supposed to save anyone… You were supposed to leave and forget!”
Taehyung’s face was a mask of pain as he caught her wrists to stop her from thrashing against his chest. He then pulled her form against him tightly and Ji Eun struggled for a second before melting into his embrace; leaning her forehead on his broad chest as the sobs hiccuped out of her.
He held her tight, wanting to squeeze all the pain away. He wished they didn’t have to live like this—live in separate worlds where both of their lives would always be at risk.
“Stop. Stop crying.” Taehyung said as he rubbed her back comfortingly. “I hate it when you cry.”
Ji Eun sniffed, gasping out the last of her tears. “Sorry.”
Taehyung sighed at that, the gesture sounding melancholy. “You shouldn’t be…” before Ji Eun could ask what he meant, he added, “Because if you didn’t cry, I wouldn’t have had the chance to hold you like this again.”
Ji Eun’s breath hitched at that, feeling Taehyung’s arms slipping around her waist, pulling her flush against him. Her body was on fire and it was crazy considering they were just hugging… but Taehyung always had a way of making her feel this way even before.
She looked up from his chest and as their eyes locked, something in them snapped. Before they knew what was happening, Taehyung had captured her lips in a passionate kiss, backing her up against the stone wall. They kissed fiercely, deeply, like they were breathing each other in. It may have been years since they’ve seen or held each other, but the fire never dwindled in the slightest—the passion still burning brightly in their hearts.
“Don’t…ask… me to leave again.” Taehyung murmured between kisses. “Because I won’t.”
“Tae—” Ji Eun was interrupted by another toe-curling kiss and she felt herself becoming dizzy.
“I’m not letting you go a second time, Ji Eun. I won’t—”
“Tae… they’ll kill you. If my father knew… they might even kill us both.”
“I can protect you. The agency, they’ll—”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Ji Eun cried, gripping the lapels of his jacket tightly and Taehyung stared down at her with a pained expression. “If they get to you…I—I don’t know what—”
“Shh,” he cupped her cheeks. “Just trust me, okay?”
“I do trust you, Tae. But you know these people. They’ll stop at nothing.”
“I don’t care. I want you out of there.” He stared down at her fiercely. “I’m getting you out of there. I promise.”
Ji Eun could only stare at him—her only hope—through tear-filled eyes. Taehyung leaned in and kissed her forehead.
“I love you,” she suddenly murmured and Taehyung’s heart skipped a beat. It’s been so long since he had heard those words. They sounded different and yet they felt the same.
“I love you too, Ji Eun. I never stopped.” Taehyung pulled her close then, arms wrapped around her form protectively. He looked ahead fiercely, already thinking of an escape plan.  
It would be hard; not to mention life-threatening, but he didn’t care. There was nothing in this world that would stop him from saving Ji Eun.
He’d make sure of that.
Jungkook woke to a pounding on his door.
His senses kicked in an instant and he immediately got out of bed, grabbing the gun from his desk drawer. He was glad that his girlfriend was away on a trip or it would have been problematic.
Who would be knocking at 3 in the morning? he thought as the pounding continued. He made his way to the door slowly and upon reaching the wooden barrier, he looked cautiously into the peephole.
His worry dissipated and was replaced by confusion as he opened the door to find familiar eyes staring at him.
“I need your help,” his friend said and knowing Taehyung, Jungkook was sure they were about to do something completely reckless (and would probably get them both in trouble at the agency).
He agreed, of course.
1 Week Later
Ilsan Warehouse
1:48 A.M.
Ji Eun woke up to the sound of yelling.
She had fallen asleep on the desk at one of their warehouses when she was assigned to a new operations; guarding a set of weapons for trade. She wasn’t exactly doing anything, but her father had wanted to keep her close as there were rumors going around of another group infiltrating the city. After what happened to Arthur Black, Wang wasn’t taking his chances.
Upon the thought of Black, Ji Eun remembered Taehyung and how they met a few nights ago with the promise of escaping. It has been days since they had any form of contact and she was starting to wonder if it was just a dream. Half of her wished it was because of the danger it meant for him, but the other half yearned for him to take her away from this place… yearned to be with him outside dingy warehouses and stone cold headquarters.
Bang! Bang!
Ji Eun snapped up at the sound of gunshots, face morphing into panic. She cursed before lifting herself off the chair she was sitting on and grabbing the gun on the desk. She was poised to fight; shotgun held up at arm’s length just as the door was opened, revealing a man wearing all-black.
He had a face mask on and unfamiliar dark eyes stared back at her. With a grunt, she raised her gun to shoot.
“Wait!” the man held his hands up in surrender and Ji Eun was slightly confused. “I’m not the bad guy here.”
Ji Eun scoffed, pointing the gun higher when the man tried to step forward. “Whoa easy—”
“Who are you?”
“Not important,” he said quickly. “But I came with Taehyung.”
At the mention of the name, Ji Eun’s guard wavered, the grip on her gun loosening. 
He came for me? she thought, heart fluttering in her chest. He kept his promise…
“Please put the gun down so we can get out of here.”
Ji Eun looked back at the man again, before her stare and grip on the gun hardened once again. If there was one thing she learned from where she came from, it was that you couldn’t just trust anybody.
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
The man visibly huffed and remove his mask, revealing an amiable face. He reached into his coat and grabbed something black and rectangular…
He raised it towards her.
“Agent AF7, at your service.”
“Where’s Taehyung?”
“He said he had to take care of something. He’d meet us outside on the next street,” agent AF7 said. He still wouldn’t give his real name which annoyed Ji Eun a bit, but she guessed it was for the best. Names had power after all, and there was a reason they used code names.
The two of them reached the back alley unnoticed which surprised Ji Eun. They passed by a handful of men lying unconscious on the ground on the way out of the warehouse and she wondered if that was the agent’s doing. They didn’t seem dead though, with no blood in sight; and Ji Eun thought she caught one still breathing.
Agent AF7 lifted a piece of black cloth from something, revealing a gray Audi. Ji Eun wavered when he opened the door, motioning for her to get in.
Their heads snapped towards the alley’s opening in alarm and in a second, agent AF7 had crossed to the other side of the vehicle and pulled Ji Eun behind him; his other arm raised with a gun pointing towards the alley’s entryway as he shielded her from the intruder.
Ji Eun looked over the agent’s shoulder in panic, thinking perhaps they have been caught. Her hope was slowly dwindling when a man came into view, falling to the ground in a heap. Before Ji Eun could make up who it was, another figure emerged from where the former came and this time, it showed a familiar face.
Hope flared in her chest then.
“Taehyung,” she sighed in relief before side stepping agent AF7 and running towards him. Taehyung shook his wrist with a wince before jogging towards her. He met her halfway, his arms going around her in a fierce grip.
“Are you okay?” He asked and she nodded against his shoulder. “Good.”
When they let go, Ji Eun’s eyes widened at the huge gash on the side of his head, blood dripping on the side of his face. “Tae—” she reached out to inspect the bruise, fussing over him. Taehyung shook his head and gently pried her hands away.
“I’m fine,” he said before reaching out to smooth the wrinkles between her eyebrows. “Stop worrying.”
She bit her lower lip, still not assured. “I…I thought…”
“That I wouldn’t come?” Taehyung grinned before holding her hand and lifting it up to his lips for a kiss. “I promised, didn’t I?”
He did, Ji Eun thought, warmth spreading against her chest. Looking into each other’s eyes, it was almost hypnotic, their heads leaning closer and closer…
A slight cough interrupted, causing the two to jump slightly from surprise. Agent AF7 stood by the driver’s side door, shooting them an expectant look.
“Sorry to break this up but we really have to go before the bomb goes off.”
Ji Eun’s eyes widened at his words and remembered how the agent told her about Taehyung ‘taking care of something’…
She looked at Taehyung then, “You planted it?”
Taehyung nodded, “Yeah, and we’re all going to be roasted alive if we don’t leave now.”
Ji Eun barely had the time to conjure a reply before she was being pulled into the backseat of the car. They got themselves strapped in just as agent AF7 stepped on the gas, tires screeching across the pavement.
Upon a measurable distance, there was an ear-splitting explosion, and Ji Eun’s heart raced at the sight of rising flames through the rearview mirror.
ISAIA Headquarters
3:30 A.M.
“I’m really too old for this. I’m not some kind of principal, I hope you know that.” Suho grumbled as he surveyed the three people standing before him: a couple of his agents dawned in their gear and slightly bruised, with a girl standing between them, looking a little out of place.
“We had to get her,” Taehyung reasoned to which Suho grunted. The latter turned towards Jungkook then with a questioning gaze.
“Back up.” Jungkook shrugged and Suho resisted the urge to roll his eyes to the very backs of his sockets. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with them.
“Um… look mister,” the girl suddenly spoke, earning three pairs of eyes to look at her. “Don’t be so hard on them. If it was anyone’s fault, it was mine.”
“Ji Eun…” Taehyung started but she ignored him.
“I asked them to help me escape. Taehyung and I…” she paused, looking at the boy to her left with a small smile. “We’ve known each other from way back.”
Suho held up his hand. “I already know of your backgrounds. All of you. And I understand where you are coming from,” he glanced up at the two agents. “But you still defied a rule. You’re not supposed to go on missions without consent.”
Silence filled the room, the two agent’s heads hung low at their superiors reproach.
“So does that mean we’re suspended?” Jungkook piped and Suho sighed heavily. It’s not like there was anything he could do other than that.
“Yes. You two will be on recruit training for a month. No missions—unless the world is ending and there’s no choice but to put you two on duty.” The two boys’ shoulders visibly sagged but took the punishment without complaint.
“As for you, miss.” Suho turned his eyes on Ji Eun. “What are your plans?”
“Taehyung already told me before you came in that you wanted a new life.” Ji Eun looked at Taehyung then, who nodded at her. “We can give you that. You need a new place? New name? We can make you disappear as if you were never there…”
Ji Eun’s heart soared at the opportunity to start anew. She could change her name, go to school, live like a normal girl…
She glanced at Taehyung again, who was in turn looking at her with a small smile and an encouraging gaze. Right then, she saw her answer.
“I want to train. I want to be an agent,” she said to which Taehyung sputtered, eyes going wide as dinner plates. He had always known Ji Eun wanted a normal life. He never thought she would choose to do such a thing. Being an agent was far from normal—and even more dangerous than being the daughter of the leader of a mob empire.
Jungkook smirked, looking mildly impressed as he watched the situation unfold.
“As you wish.” Suho said and they were dismissed just like that.
“Ji Eun, wait.” Taehyung caught her elbow the moment they left Suho’s office; his eyes questioning.
“See you guys soon, I guess.” Jungkook casually strolled by them, smiling slightly at Ji Eun. She discovered his name when Taehyung told her the moment they reached the agency headquarters. “I’ll see you in class, Wang.”
“You can’t be serious about her being recruited,” Taehyung said.
“Why not?” Jungkook shrugged and Ji Eun smiled slightly. “She can hold a gun, and I bet her father didn’t leave her untrained in combat either. She’ll fit right in.” Jungkook smirked when he saw the look of apprehension on Taehyung’s face. “Why Tae? You afraid she’ll rank higher than you.”
Ji Eun snorted when Taehyung rolled his eyes. 
“That’s not the point—” he protested.
“Look, you guys talk it out. I have to go. Y/N’s coming home today and I have to fetch her at the airport.”
“Who’s Y/N?” Ji Eun asked.
“His girlfriend.” Taehyung mumbled flatly.
“See you later,” Jungkook saluted them both before turning to leave.
“Jungkook!” Ji Eun called at the last minute before he went down the stairs. The boy looked at him over his shoulder with a questioning gaze.
“Thank you. For helping Tae… and me.” She said and Jungkook glanced at Taehyung briefly before giving her a small smile.
“No problem,” he said. “He did the same for me.”
As Jungkook left, Ji Eun turned to Taehyung and sighed. “Tae, look—”
“Why do you want to train? This isn’t exactly why I helped you escape.” Taehyung grumbled. “I thought you wanted to go to school? Live a normal life…?”
“Yeah, and I also want to be with you.” Ji Eun blurted, rendering Taehyung speechless. “I want it more than anything, Tae. And by being here, I get to do just that.”
Taehyung bit his lip to keep from smiling; trying to hide the fact how her words made him incredibly happy.
“We agents don’t exactly date. Our job’s too dangerous to get attached. We’re not allowed to.” He crossed his arms, looking at her teasingly.
“Jungkook dates.”
Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but came up with nothing. “That’s different. Y/N isn’t an agent.”
Ji Eun raised an eyebrow challengingly, stepping forward until there was no space between them.
“Is it in the rule book?”
“Pretty much,” Taehyung lied.
Ji Eun nodded, crossing her arms and humming thoughtfully before looking up at him slyly.
“I see… a man once taught me to sneak out, you know. Sure you can’t bend the rules for a bit?”
Taehyung’s smile was already showing and he stepped closer until her crossed arms were touching his chest. He leaned down and tipped her chin up with a finger. “Oh? And who would that man be?”
“He sounds smart.”
Ji Eun chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck while Taehyung’s moved to snake around her waist. “Please Tae, I want to do this. I want to train here… with you.”
Taehyung sighed, knowing he had already lost. He caressed the side of her face and chuckled lowly. “You always did bring out the worse in me.”
Ji Eun smiled as he finally leaned in for a lingering kiss and thought how they definitely brought the bad in each other…
In a good way.
Thank you for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know what you think!
And another special treat… here’s another teaser for my upcoming published book this August.
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- Kaye Allen
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