#Affordable Dental Office
alabrahclinic · 2 months
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Website : https://www.advancedfamilydentalkendall.com/
Address: 16650 SW 88th St #106, Miami, FL 33196
Phone : (786) 899-0889
At Advanced Family Dental in Kendall, Florida, we take great pride in offering the most up-to-date cosmetic dental techniques in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, served by the most knowledgeable and experienced dental team in the field. Our philosophy is simple. We believe that every person who comes to our office should have personalized dentistry, excellence in care, and patient satisfaction.
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apexdentistry · 3 months
Website: https://www.apexdentistry.net/
Address: 2301 Sunrise Blvd C, Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Phone: +1 772-882-9397
Apex Dentistry in Fort Pierce, Florida, is renowned for providing exceptional dental services in a family-oriented setting, spearheaded by the highly skilled Dr. Mojgan Salehi. This dental office takes pride in its commitment to painless, affordable care equipped with advanced technology. Services range from minimal radiation digital X-rays to various dental procedures, all backed by excellent laboratory services and a caring environment that ensures continuity of care by the same staff and dentist on every visit.
Business mail : [email protected]
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A smile can make anyone's Day! Brighten your smile and boost your confidence with us. Book our professional teeth whitening services. Say goodbye to stains and hello to a radiant grin! Smile bright with our teeth whitening services!
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cetoddle-archive · 1 year
feel like shit !! i could barely even swallow my magic meds that give me guro dreams cause my gums are swollen and my throat hurts 😖
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Invisalign and Clear Aligner Orthodontic Treatment at Bonita
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When you think of a filling, the first thing that probably comes to mind is the standard silver amalgam filling. And while this type of filling has been used for decades, it’s not the only option available today. Here, your general dentist discusses different filling options and helps you choose the right one for you.
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bayviewsdentistry · 2 years
Dentist Don Mills and Finch
Dentists are a vital resource in helping you maintain your oral health. Dentist Don Mills and Finch provide preventive care, such as semi-annual teeth cleaning and Dental Implant Services in North York, ON.
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Don't let dental anxiety hold you back! Bad teeth cause a lot of pain, and getting them out of your way is better. Experience pain-free extractions with our skilled team. Your comfort is our priority. We are here to give you pain-free extractions.
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palmharborblog45 · 2 years
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What is Cosmetic Dentistry & Various Cosmetic Dental Services
Cosmetic Dentistry, where our dentist in palm harbor assists our patients in improving the appearance of their teeth, and we generally focus on improving their dental Teeth dazzle, such as their Size, Shape, alignment, and overall appearance of their Smiles.
For better smiles, we provide Great Cosmetic Dental Services such as Bonding, Implants, Teeth whitening, and various other cosmetic Dental services. All this is operated by our team of a cosmetic dentists in palm harbor, fl. So you are also seeking for Good Smiles Appearance so Book your Appointment Now and for a better Plan you can also contact us. 
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
I really liked Orion and was wondering if you could write about him kidnapping reader.
(Sfw please)
I've been wanting to do something soft 🥹
Orc (Orion) x fem reader
Word Count: 3k
W: kidnapping, some creepy behavior, light violence, and some kissing, sfw fluff
Find the previous part here
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You stretched your shoulders as you glanced at the clock on the wall. It was finally 6 and time to head home from your job as a dental assistant. It had been a long day of coaxing little kids to open their mouths for X-rays and calming the poor children that hated the dentist, but you had some leftover Chinese food in the fridge that you were in a hurry to get home and devour. Unless, of course, you got your usual visitor. 
“Hey, (Y/N), I saw you walking home from work the other day,” your boss and one of the pediatric dentists, Aaron, mentioned as the two of you collected your things. “I can give you a ride home if you want.” 
Aaron seemed like a nice guy, but you didn’t want to take advantage of his kindness. 
“I’m okay,” you said. “I walk home everyday. It’s good for my health.” 
He frowned, seeming put out at your refusal. 
“Come on, let me drive you,” he pushed. “It’s dangerous for you to walk alone in the evening. I’d feel terrible if something happened to you.” 
You gave him a smile and waved away his concerns. 
“Really, I’m fine,” you said, but Aaron wasn’t happy with that answer. 
“There have been a string of muggings on your street,” he insisted. “Come on, let me give you a ride. I’m just concerned about your safety.” 
You were sure you didn’t need a ride, but Aaron seemed insistent and you didn’t want to sour your work relationship by appearing ungrateful for his friendly concern. 
“Okay,” you finally agreed, exhausted from a long day and not feeling like fighting with him. 
He brightened up at that and seemed giddy to lead you to his car. 
Aaron drove an expensive sports car, which he was eager to show off. 
“What do you think?” he asked you, demonstrating the heated seats and dynamic driving features. 
You had absolutely no interest in cars, so you just nodded politely until he was done and pulled out of the parking lot. He put on some music and you leaned back into the comfortable seat, trying to enjoy the ride. It was nice to be off of your feet after a long day’s work, even though you felt uneasy sitting next to Aaron. You rested your eyes for just a moment but when you opened them, it seemed like Aaron wasn’t going in the direction of your house. 
“I think you’re going the wrong way,” you informed him and he gave you an easy smile. 
“I know,” he said. “I figured you’d be hungry so I’m taking us to one of my favorite spots.” 
You frowned, not sure what to say. 
“I really can’t afford to eat out, Aaron,” you said, trying to figure out how to politely turn him down. “I have some leftovers at home…” 
He shook your concerns away. 
“Don’t worry about it. Dinner’s on me,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to have some time alone with you so we can really talk. We work together, but I feel like I hardly know you.” 
His words made your stomach twist. He wanted to have time alone with you? Aaron was good-looking enough, he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was quite tall, but you weren’t interested in getting to know him beyond casual chatter around the office. 
“You really don’t have to do this,” you tried to argue, but he wasn’t listening, instead tapping the steering wheel with his fingers and humming along to the song on the radio. 
While your thoughts churned over how to get him to take you home, your phone buzzed. 
Where are you? 
It was your friend Orion. Since you’d met him out with your friends one night, he’d been coming by a lot. Instead of going out on another tour with the mercenary group he had worked for, he took a private security job in the city and often stopped by your house for coffee or meals. 
You had a huge crush on him. Who wouldn’t? He was enormous, with verdant skin and an arm full of sexy tattoos. His face was the picture of rugged masculinity. His jaw had sharp planes and his tusks were white and shiny.  Since he wasn’t with the merc group anymore, he’d let his hair grow out a little longer and it was always messy in a way that gave you post-sex hair vibes. You weren’t a particularly good flirt, but you tried your best to show him you were interested with little touches here and there. 
It was hard to tell how he felt about you. He was very protective, but he wasn’t pushy like other guys you’d been with. Every time he came over he was incredibly polite. You’d watch movies together or make him dinner, but he never tried to kiss you or touch you more than casually. You were desperate for his kiss, but too shy to make a move. What if he just wanted to be friends? It would be humiliating. Plus he wouldn’t come over anymore if you made things weird and you didn’t want that. You’d gotten used to having dinner with him at least three times a week if he wasn’t working. You’d even started stocking extra food because he ate a lot. 
My boss is taking me to dinner. 
He didn’t answer right away, instead, you watched the dots showing he was typing flash for a few moments before he finally responded.
You glanced up at Aaron to find him looking at you. 
“Who’s that?” he asked, his thin lips curving into a frown. 
“Oh, just a friend,” you replied. “So where are you taking me? I’m starving.” 
He seemed pleased you were interested in where you were going and brightened up. 
“The Whisk and Ladle,” he said. “It’s a great place. You’ll love it.” 
You balked when he said the name. 
“Aaron, that’s expensive!” you gasped. “I’m not really dressed for-” 
You were still wearing the scrubs you wore to work, printed with little mice wearing sunglasses. You were dressed to work with children, not go to a five-star restaurant. Again, he waved your concerns away. 
“Nonsense,” he said. “You always look beautiful. Let me treat you.” 
You nodded, quietly, feeling more and more uncomfortable the closer you got to the restaurant. If you’d have been a tougher woman, you’d have made a fuss, demanded he take you home or jump out of the car, but you were worried about losing your job. Money was tight and you didn’t have any savings to float you until you found something else. You needed to make Aaron happy so he wouldn’t find some excuse to get rid of you. 
After a few minutes, you texted Orion the name. Some little part of you wished he would come to save you from what was about to be an extremely awkward dinner, but you were sure he’d never do that. From what you knew of him, he was strong but an extremely measured orc. You never saw him upset or out of control. 
When you arrived, Aaron was sure to help you out of the car, and as you walked inside he had his hand on your lower back until it slipped down to cup your bottom. Instinctively you took a step away, but he didn’t seem to notice as he spoke with the hostess. Weirdly, he had a reservation, as if he’d planned this date long before he offered to give you a ride home. 
You were seated at a pretty table with a white tablecloth and a small centerpiece of roses, which was very pretty but entirely too formal for your liking. Looking over the menu, your mouth fell open at the prices. A Cobb salad was $30! 
“Get whatever you like,” Aaron said, smiling at you from across the table, “it’s on me.” 
You gave him a tight nod, trying to force a polite smile on your face, but the idea of him spending this much money on you made you uncomfortable. When the waiter arrived, you ordered the cheapest thing available and water. He took your menus, and Aaron turned his attention to you. 
“I’m thrilled you decided to join me, (Y/N),” he said as if he hadn’t set all of this up without your knowledge beforehand. “I’ve always admired you. You’re incredibly beautiful.” 
“Uh…thanks, I guess,” you murmured, wishing you were anywhere but there. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked, leaning in to get closer to you. 
“Sure,” you said. 
He gave you a conspiratorial smile. 
“I always intended on asking you out. That’s why I hired you,” he explained. “I love coming to work every day and seeing you.” 
You immediately frowned. While you were sure he intended that to be flattering, it was incredibly creepy. He hadn’t hired you for your experience? He just wanted to date you? 
You were thinking of something to say when there was a commotion at the front of the restaurant. 
“Sir! You can’t come in without a reservation!” the hostess was yelling and to your surprise, Orion was marching across the dining room looking pissed off. His dark eyes immediately found yours, and you hoped he read the relief in them. 
“Orion!” you gasped, looking up at him. 
He glanced away, glaring at Aaron. 
“Excuse me,” Aaron said, indignant. “You’re interrupting our dinner.” 
Orion ignored Aaron and turned his intense gaze back to you. Your heart skipped in your chest, and your cheeks burned. The look in his eyes was a mixture of ravenous hunger and complete outrage. 
“Did you agree to this dinner?” he snapped, and your mouth went dry. 
Unable to form words, you quickly shook your head with a tight jerk. 
“He just brought me here,” you finally managed to squeak out. “I-I wasn’t planning on-”
He cut you off raising a large hand, looking back at Aaron. 
“You kidnapped my woman,” he snarled. 
Your eyes popped at the words “my woman.” Did Orion consider you his? 
Aaron shrank under Orion’s gaze. 
“I-I would hardly say kidnapped…” he stammered. 
Orion growled. 
“Did he touch you?” he asked. 
You tried to lie and say he hadn’t, but your face told him something different. 
“It was just a little touch,” you peeped when it was obvious he could tell the little shake of your head that you gave him was an untruth. 
Before you could finish the last word, Orion clocked Aaron in the jaw with his meaty fist. His chair toppled over and he lay sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. 
“Orion!” you squealed again, but he wasn’t listening. 
He scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder, marching back out of the restaurant while all the guests watched in shock. The waiters and the hostess jumped out of his way as he passed. 
“Orion! What are you doing?” you asked as you bounced on his shoulder. 
Instead of answering, his chest rumbled with a deep noise that released butterflies in your stomach. 
He opened the passenger door to his truck and carefully set you inside, buckling the seatbelt over your chest before he shut the door. Then he hopped in the driver’s side and peeled out of the parking lot. 
You stared at your friend, eyes as big as saucers as he drove through the darkening city. 
“Why did you do that?” you questioned. “You could get in big trouble! He might get you arrested!” 
He snorted. 
“For protecting my mate from her sexually harassing boss? Doubt it.”
You blinked at him. Mate?
There were different rules for the Fairyfolk when it came to mates. They defended them so fiercely a new set of laws had to be drawn up to protect this “cultural difference.” Every human knew not to touch a Fairyfolk’s mate. You shook your head, trying to sort through what was happening. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, as he was not going in the direction of your house. 
“Home,” he said. 
You blinked at him. 
“My apartment is the opposite way,” you argued, but he just pinned you with a look. 
You drew your brow and crossed your arms, pouting. 
“Orion! Why aren’t you talking to me?” you asked. 
His face softened, and he twisted his hands on the steering wheel, taking a big breath before he answered you. 
“I don’t like that he touched you,” he said. “No one touches you but me. You’re mine.” 
Your mouth fell open just a bit before you forced it closed, swallowing a lump in your throat. 
“Yours?” you asked and he nodded curtly.   
“B-but…you never said…” you stammered. 
“Not good with words,” he grunted. 
“Oh,” you said, your mouth forming a surprised O shape. 
You turned away from him, looking out the front windshield at the darkening city slipping by. 
“Where is home?” you asked. 
“You’ll see,” was all he would say. 
You folded your legs under your body and leaned your head against the window, tired. Your heart was pounding and a slight tremor left you vibrating against the seat. Where could Orion be taking you?
At some point you must have dozed off because when you woke the truck had come to a stop and Orion was opening your door. 
“Where are we?” you murmured, your words a bit slurred from sleep. 
He unbuckled your seatbelt and took you in his arms. 
“Home,” he said. 
You peered through the darkness to find you were no longer in the city, but on one of the mountains that surrounded it. Over your shoulder you could see the city lights twinkling in the valley like stars. In front of you there was a beautiful cabin home. It was two stories with full pane glass windows and a wrap-around porch. 
“This is where you live?” you gasped. 
You’d always assumed Orion had some flat in the city just like yours. 
“It is where you live, too,” he corrected. 
Your eyes widened on him as he took you up the front steps and unlocked the door. 
“I can’t live here!” you argued. “I’m too far away from work!” 
He chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. 
“You will not go back to work,” he told you, setting you on the couch and turning his back to you so he could put fuel in the woodstove. 
“But…how will I make money?” you asked. 
“You don’t need money,” he said. “I have plenty of it.” 
“But…but…” you stammered, trying to wrap your head around the situation. 
Was Orion claiming you? Did you want to be claimed? 
The door of the woodstove clanged shut and he spun around, his smokey eyes on you. He lowered himself to his knees in front of you so you were eye to eye. 
“I’m not sure I understand-” you started to say, but were silenced with his lips slanting over yours. 
Your whole world swung upside down as he kissed you. Electricity shot down your spine, energy sparkling at the apex of your thighs. You breathed a wispy sigh into his mouth and the large fingers of one hand clutched the nape of your neck, holding you to him. This was the kiss you’d been desperately pining for and it was more than you could have ever imagined. 
When he pulled away, he pinned you with his inky gaze. 
“You’re mine, got it?” he rumbled. 
You whimpered and nodded, your thoughts muddled and his rich, spicy scent filling your lungs. He pulled you to him again, this time his kiss was more hungry and needy. You felt his smooth tusks against your cheek and his stiff tongue licking your bottom lip, wanting entrance. You parted your lips for him, letting him explore. He licked and tasted you while your fingers dared to creep up his chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle underneath his shirt. At your touch, he let out a deep rolling sound. 
Though Orion was eager to get your clothes off of you, he knew you were delicate, both inside and out. He adored your soft spirit and vowed never to crush it, so instead of taking you to bed and ravishing you, he rose to get comfortable on the big couch, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your warm body. He smoothed his large hand over your hair, tucking your head under his chin. 
He lamented waiting far too long to claim you, not wanting to frighten you and scare you away, but he couldn’t tolerate some other male hovering around. You belonged to him whether you knew it or not and it was well past time to claim you for his own. 
Completely oblivious to these thoughts, you sighed into his chest, listening to the gentle boom of his heartbeat, and feeling like you’d come home. 
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Have you posted any information about the new dental plan?
It goes into effect for seniors in May and seems to be a huge upgrade, at least compared to ODSP.
The plan will cover anyone with household income under $70,000 for most dental work, but they use a reduced fee guide so dental offices can charge more and expect you to pay out of pocket for the remainder.
It's obviously not perfect, but I'm hoping more people will be able to afford dental care once it rolls out!
From December:
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whatisthisno420 · 5 days
Persuasion (Retail Au! Pantalone x Reader)
Your sales have been decreasing ever since you have transferred over to the jewelry department. Despite the below average performance, your boss decides to salvage this by pairing you up with the top seller in hopes of increased performance. What happens when that person just so happens to be the one coworker you can't stand?
Note: This is a Pantalone x Reader, but considering that this is an modern au that Pantalone is not a Harbinger, he will be referred to by the name Feiyu. Please let me know if I should change the name. The reader is currently gender neutral.
This is currently a one shot that I originally submitted to Fatui Con 2024, however I might make this a series as I see potential in this. Also let me know if you guys want any more Retail AU Harbinger fanfics (or any ideas). I got plenty of ideas in my head.
Sometimes you wish that you didn’t have to change jobs.
Though it’s not that you hated your job. Working as a Jewelry Sales Associate certainly has its perks after all. You get excellent commissions, practically free health & dental insurance, 33% employee discount, paid breaks, as well as being surrounded by decent people. Well, most of the people are decent, anyway.
It is rather difficult to enjoy the benefits when you only make enough to barely satisfy your sales goals. You used to be really good too, as you were considered the best performer in the shoe and purse departments, prior to getting promoted to the jewelry department. However, now that your boss has given you a final warning about your performance, you had resorted to looking for other jobs, in hopes that you were able to land another before your current employment ceases.
Except that you weren’t having any luck either finding jobs. Either the pay was less than you could afford, the commute would be too long, the job seemed shady or they couldn’t give the hours you needed. With the good jobs, you were either passed up or you wouldn’t be able to even get an interview.
So instead you were at your current job, about to head onto the floor after clocking in and putting your stuff away, when you get called to go into your bosses office. 
Though practically frozen in fear, you reluctantly agreed. As you made your way into his office, speculation of the possible reasons has clouded your mind, completed with the sound of your pounding heart. You had to stop yourself from spiraling into a full-blown panic attack.
You tapped your forearms in an effort to calm down. You are not going to get fired. You are fine. He might have some good news for once.
Luckily you have managed to calm yourself down enough to remain emotionless in front of your boss. When you reached his office, you knocked on the door before opening.
“I was told that you wanted to see me-“
You made the mistake of looking up. In front of you was your boss, and the coworker that you hated the most, Feiyu.
“Come and take a seat, (Y/N),” Your boss replies, his hand opening towards the empty chair. You made your way towards the chair, letting out a soft sigh as you sat down.
What in the hell was Feiyu doing here anyways? This can’t be good. Nothing good ever comes out when he’s around.
While you are able to get along with everyone at work, Feiyu is the one exception; you would rather be run over by  a bus than be anywhere near him. He talks like he is getting paid by words-spoken-per-minute, and also acts like he is some know-it-all. You also suspect that he is trying to steal your clients, as almost any new client you happen to make, often gets swept up in his charm, resulting in the sales going to him. Unfortunately you can’t tell your boss that, especially because in your bosses eyes, you would be ‘slandering his top performer’.
He also seemed to know how to always catch you off guard, which almost always ticks you off. It would make you feel vulnerable, embarrassed, and you hated that. 
What bothered you the most about him was that his sour personality was wasted on a rather pretty face. Perhaps that’s the only reason why people could stand him; he’s got a pretty face that draws them in before it’s too late.
Sometimes you wish that you make him shut up somehow and could get away with it in the workplace. Or better yet, meeting him outside of work and teaching him a lesson. But mostly you would rather avoid him at all costs, even switching with other coworkers if it meant that you didn’t have to work the same shift as him.
“Welcome in, Feiyu and (Y/N). You might be wondering why I brought you in here. I’ll be straight with you. As you know, (Y/N) hasn’t been on top of their game recently, and might be in need of a refresher. That’s were you, Feiyu, come in. Both of you would be working together until (Y/N)’s performances get better.” Your boss said, leaning forward and putting his elbows on the desk.
You couldn’t believe what was said. You feel like this was one of your own nightmares, if only you could pinch yourself awake. Maybe, just maybe, being terminated was actually preferable.
“Maybe it doesn’t have to be like this –“ You responded, trying to persuade him out of desperation. “Maybe I just need to move to a different department, or a different store even-“
“Given your options with your current situation, this is the best option, either that or letting you go entirely.”
You were speechless. Or more accurately, you couldn’t of anything to say in a professional manner, so you silent.
“Listen, I know you have potential. You have done extremely well when you worked in other departments. If that weren’t the case, I wouldn’t have accepted your transfer. Isn’t that right, Feiyu?”
Feiyu gave a nod.
“Maybe you just need to learn from the best of the department, learn the product a bit more, and then sure enough, you would be reaching astronomical profits.”
You glanced over in Feiyu’s general direction. He lets out a sly grin, which catches you off guard. Here we go again.
“Feiyu, you are expected to show (Y/N) the ropes, as if they are brand new. From now on, both of you will now be sharing the same shifts and lunches to make it easier to work together.”
This is great. Absolutely a fun time to be had.
“Oh and you both better be on your best behavior. I don’t want to hear any reports that you are misbehaving. Any questions?”
You stood silent. You had many questions alright, but didn’t know what to ask.
“I understand the assignment, boss.” Feiyu responded, nodding his head once.
“If you don’t have any questions, you may leave.”
With that, you and Feiyu left the office, going straight to work.
When you first worked with him and he would start rambling, you would often tune him out, zoning in on your own thoughts. Or alternatively, you would make your escape by finding different customers to help out, or find various projects to help out with. Either way, Feiyu would always find a way to bring your attention back to him.
Though as a few days passed, you noticed that he wasn’t really being condescending as you originally thought. The more you managed to listen to his ramblings, the more you realized that he was trying to be helpful. He also seemed rather happy when you graced him with your presence, contrary to the prior belief that he was trying to ruin your career.
You also couldn’t help but notice that for the last few days, he was dressed to the nines. Sure, he always dressed nice, but he dressed extra fancy, like he was attending an rich man’s party or something.
Not that you were going to complain about the tuxedo he was wearing, or the way he styled his hair. Or even the fact that he had cologne on that just so happens to be your favorite scent.
One day, you were trying to listen to another Feiyu’s rambles when you noticed how perfect his waist and chest look against the suit. The suit jacket seemed to fit perfectly. You accidentally zoned in as if you were studying it.
“I must of lost you at my chest.” Feiyu said, giving out a soft chuckle. 
You didn’t know how long you must of stared, which made you feel immensely embarrassed. And the fact that he caught you off guard, again. You wanted to change your name and move to a new country, never to be seen again.
“N-No I’m listening. Just continue talking.” You stammered out.
Feiyu raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I have no problem starting over if needed.”
“I’m good!” 
“I said I’m good.”
“Alright then, if that’s what you really want.”
Feiyu continued with his lecture, your mind too preoccupied to even pay attention to what he is saying. You were desperate to get out of his grasp, regain your composure. Luckily you were able to keep yourself busy with customers for the rest of the shift, and surprisingly he didn’t come around to find you.
That lasted until the very end of your shift, when you about to clock out and about to leave. 
“You may be able to lie to yourself, but not to me.”
Feiyu caught you off guard again, only this time he managed to actually surprise you. 
“Did you think I wouldn’t be able to notice how easily distracted you are? Especially the amount of times you keep staring at me. You cannot resist me, can you?”
You felt the heat rushing into your cheeks. You wanted to fight him, but you were frozen in fear.
“Ah! Is that why you acted rather,,, cold towards me. You have a thing for me, don’t you? Is it the fact that this attraction is too much for you? Or is it the fact that you cannot handle rejection?”
“I do not like you that way!”
“Your reactions say otherwise.” Feiyu said, raising his eyebrows. “You know, a big key in securing sales is to able to read the body language and hidden meanings of your customers. After all, you have to anticipate which ones would be interested in your product, and which ones you can easily persuade to buy your products.”
There was a moment of silence in the air. You didn’t know what to say. Instead you stood there, flustered out of your mind.
“And you, my dear, are just another customer looking to buy a product. Though, product may not be the best word Perhaps service would be a way to describe.”
“W-well you are wrong.” You managed to say, crossing your arms. “I am not buying your services-“
“Based on the flush on your cheeks and the toes pointed towards me, I cannot buy into your statement. Though if I am truly wrong, perhaps you can persuade me over at the new restaurant across the street that just opened up.”
Your eyes widen in shock. Did he just-
“The best time to go is now before 7, unless you want to wait a while for a table… I guess you could persuade me as we are waiting, but I find it much easier to listen when we have out table, away from the chatter from other people, Don’t you think? Unless you prefer to take a walk around before our meal, get some shopping done… My treat of course.”
Feiyu took a good look at you, his eyes looking up and down. His hand moved towards his chin, resting two of his fingers below it. He tilted his chin slightly upwards.
“This is a good chance to practice your persuasion skills as well. That’s another key in making a good sales pitch you know. And if you take up on that offer, it would help you with your sales, and with your sales going through the roof, you wouldn’t have to deal with me for much longer, if that’s what you truly want-“
“Just a dinner is fine…” You mumbled 
“What was that? I didn’t quite get that-“
You repeated your statement, only that it was much louder and with a bit more frustration.
“Is tonight at 7 okay? Unless you have plans after work. Gives us enough time to look our best, prepare our arguments-”
“7 is fine.”
“Alright then, dear. See you there~” Feiyu then left the building, and you followed suit. You got in the car, replaying the day’s events as you drove home. 
What in the hell did I agree to?
You plan to meet him at 7, hoping that you could get it over with and done, or even better, that he decides to cancel and forgets to reschedule.
Little did you know, you were about to fall into a rabbit hole that you could never claw your way out of.
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