#Affordable Bike Spare Parts
pikpartblogs · 7 months
Multi Brand Bike/Car Spare Parts India | Bike Spare Parts India | Car Spare Parts India
Pikpart offers the best multi brand bike/car spare parts in India. Pikpart has the best quality bike spare parts and car spare parts in India with top quality to use. Pikpart is here to give the new style in the automobile aftermarket industries. Buy now to get superb deals.
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
You might think that unicyclists and car people are mortal enemies. After all, cars have four (or more) wheels, and unicyclists make do with just one. Thing is, though, both of us are oppressed by the most powerful force in the universe: people who own bicycles.
In my city, we have lots of bike lanes. They're great! Bicyclists stay on them and I don't have to worry about driving over them every time my ball joint fails at trotting speed. Unfortunately, some of them have gotten mad at one-wheeled and three-wheeled conveyances in "their" lane. The law very clearly says "bicycle," one spandex-clad attorney claimed, and the city grudgingly agreed. Suddenly, the fuzz were out in force, ticketing circus performers and probably also whatever other kind of unicyclist is out there for daring to use the twos-only lane.
This meant that the unicyclists were forced back into traffic with me, the most important road user of all. While watching them weave frantically back and forth in the lane made me reminiscent of my own battles with wheel alignment and suspension geometry, I felt sad for watching someone so oppressed. Besides, they don't have any spare tires on that sucker, if they drove over a goat's head they'd be walking home. That's when it hit me.
No part of the law stated that a "bicycle" has to have both tires on the ground at the same time. With just a few dollars of advertising spend, and a surplus pile of heavily-corded 13" snow tires from my backyard, all the unicyclists were back in the bike lane. Sure, they looked kinda goofy riding around with a car tire wrapped around their waist, but it was enough to spook the cops into leaving them alone. And for me, I was finally able to once again enjoy being stuck in interminable car traffic without having to worry about driving over some guy who can't even afford handlebars. Sometimes, making people very angry is a reward in and of itself.
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Knight in Shining Motorcycle: Part Two
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: feeling rejected and heartbroken, going on yet another bad date, belittling wait staff (by the date), fluff at the end
Summary: It's been a month since the incident with Jackson. It's been a month since you felt Bucky's arms around you. It's been a month and he hasn't said one word about it, and seems like he's gone back to his usual ways. It's time for you to move but why can't you?
read part one here: Knight in Shining Motorcycle
Squares Filled: seeking comfort in best friend (2020) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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It’s been a month since you and Bucky shared a bed. It’s been a month since he saved you from that disastrous date with Jackson. It’s been a month since you felt his arms around you, and you haven’t felt them since. It’s like after that night, Bucky went back to his normal ways of fucking a new girl every week. He refuses to think about that night, talk about that night, and acknowledge that it even happened.
Sometimes, he’d bring two girls back to the apartment for a very long night of you wanting to kill yourself from the noises you’d hear. You don’t get it. You thought you two had something. Were you just a means to an end? Another girl to get into his bed even though you never did anything other than sleep? Another notch in his belt?
The only person you can find comfort in is your best friend and Bucky’s sister, Mia. She’s the only one who will hear you complain about him because everyone does it. All of her friends who have gotten involved with Bucky have complained to her about how he didn’t treat them right or they caught feelings but he tossed them aside like they meant nothing.
However, this time it’s different. It’s the way you talk about Bucky or the way she sees him with other girls that makes her think there is something more to this than meets the eye.
“He hasn’t said anything to you?” you ask and fiddle with your cappuccino.
“No, sorry, hun.”
“I should move out. I don’t know where I’d go.”
“I wish I could say you can stay with me. Ty and I just converted the spare bedroom into our home office.”
“I know. I appreciate the offer. I have a little money saved but I have to tough it out until I get enough to afford something small.”
“Ty’s sister is a real estate agent. I can give her your number and she can try and help you out.”
“Yeah, maybe. I’m still trying to figure things out.”
“Hey, can Ty and I borrow your car this weekend? Ours is in the shop and we planned a romantic weekend up north.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll drop it off the night before.”
You take a sip from your coffee and hear a motorcycle in the distance. You’d recognize that bike anywhere. Bucky pulls up near the cafe where you and Mia are and parks on the side of the road. He has a girl on the back of his bike that he no doubt met that day. Right in front of him is some fancy clothing store she wanted to go to. She gets off the bike, removes her helmet, and leaves him on the bike to go inside the store alone.
Bucky looks in your general direction but with his helmet on, it’s hard to determine exactly what he is looking at. Still, that doesn’t stop the glare you’re giving him.
“Just ignore him,” Mia says and pops a doughnut hole into her mouth.
“Easier said than done,” you mutter and look away from him. “That next morning, he acted like nothing happened. I figured he didn’t want to talk about it. Then a couple of days passed and he still didn’t mention it. Weeks went by and now I know he’s doing this to me on purpose. He’s being an ass.”
Bucky gets off his bike and takes off his helmet to get some fresh air, and he leans against the side of it effortlessly. If you were to do that, you’d surely knock the bike over. He waits for his fuck buddy to come out of the store, and she bounces over to him with a bag in hand. She wraps her arms around his neck and he pulls her in for a kiss.
It’s the kind of kiss that is meant for the bedroom but also the kind of kiss you want to show off to someone. You can’t be here anymore.
“I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”
You get up and toss some bills onto the table for your drink and leave in the opposite direction of Bucky and his new toy.
Bucky pulls away from the girl and looks over to where you and Mia are. When he doesn’t see you, he looks around for you only to see your retreating figure. He feels like shit for doing that. He absentmindedly rubs the knuckles that hold small scars from when he beat Jackson up for what he did to you.
You take the entire day to walk around town and be by yourself, so when you get home it’s already dark. Bucky is in the kitchen cooking something when you put your keys in the bowl by the front door. You round the corner and see him cooking something with only a towel wrapped around his waist as if he just got out of the shower. However, there isn’t any water on his body.
“Grab it while it’s hot,” he says.
“Really? You’re cooking in a towel? You couldn’t have gotten dressed first?”
He opens his mouth to reply but someone speaks from his bedroom that interrupts him.
“Bucky, where are you? I’m getting lonely.”
Bucky doesn’t feel guilty that he has a girl over. He feels guilty that you caught him. He sees the heartbroken look in your eyes that makes him want to shoot himself.
“Thanks for the offer but I’m not hungry. I’m sleeping over at Mia’s tonight.”
He lets you walk away.
The weekend comes quicker than you’d like. Without a car, you’re stuck in the apartment, and you’re not about to ask Bucky for a ride on his motorcycle. You’re stuck in your room on your phone when you get a message from Mia.
Hey, I know you didn’t ask for this but I hooked you up with someone Ty knows. He’s super nice!
like a blind date?
Yeah. I can tell him you’re not interested. I figured this is your chance to get over my brother.
yeah, i can try. where is the date?
At the new bar that just opened next to the cafe. His name is Travis. I told him 7 tonight.
okay. thank you. i’ll let you know how it goes.
Seven is three hours away, so you better get ready now. After taking a shower, you look in your closet for something to wear and come across the dress you wore for your date with Jackson. You haven’t worn it since because of the memories attached to it. Not memories of Jackson, memories of Bucky. Next to that dress is Bucky’s leather jacket he told you to keep. Like the dress, you haven’t worn it since and you’re sure as hell not going to wear it now.
There is a floral print dress that goes down to your ankles. It’s off the shoulders with long sleeves down to your wrists that bunches so the sleeves look flowy instead of compressed. The entire dress is flowy and light, perfect for a blind date. The match, you have chunky white wedges that give you a few extra inches. You keep your makeup light, hair down in soft waves, and jewelry that compliments the dress.
You leave your room and look at Bucky’s closed door. He’s been spending a lot of time in his room this past week with girls he picks up from anywhere. The only reason you’re telling him where you’re going is because you live with him. If you don’t, he’ll send an army to go look for you. There are noises and giggling coming from inside the room but when you knock, they cease.
One minute later, the door opens a crack and Bucky stands there with messy hair and sweats on.
“I’m going out. Don’t wait up for me.”
Bucky takes a moment to look at the outfit you’ve chosen and his demeanour changes immediately.
“Where are you going?”
“I have a date.”
“You don’t have a car.”
“I’ll Uber. Have fun with your girlfriend.”
You leave before he has a chance to say anything else. It takes the Uber ten minutes to get to you and another thirty minutes to get to the restaurant. Mia sent you a picture of what the man looks like but it was grainy and unclear. You step out with your phone in hand while looking around for Travis.
You turn to see an attractive man wearing a nice suit. You look at the picture once more to confirm it’s Travis, which it is.
“You must be Travis,” you chuckle nervously.
“Yeah. Wow, Mia sent me your picture but nothing compares to real life. You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you blush.
“I made us a reservation. Shall we go inside?”
“After you.”
You two walk inside, get your table, order, and start chatting about your lives. Travis is a bit boring when it comes to having adventures. Unlike you. You can write a book about the adventures you’ve been on because you have Bucky as a roommate. When he’s not fucking some random girl, he’s actually pretty cool to hang out with. You two have been everywhere in town doing all sorts of things.
“So, what do you do for work?” Travis asks and sips his drink.
“Uh, I am an IT specialist who works from home. I get calls daily on how to fix computers and other tech-related stuff. It pays well and I get to stay home, so that’s a bonus.”
“That’s awesome. I’m terrible when it comes to computers.”
“What do you do?”
“I am a financial manager. Like you, it pays well but I’m stuck in meetings and in the office all the time.”
“Have you always wanted to work in the financial world?”
The waitress comes by with your food and sets the plates in front of you and Travis. You think she’s going to walk away and you can continue your conversation with Travis, but that’s not what happens.
“Am I supposed to be impressed with this?” he asks angrily.
“Excuse me?” the waitress stutters.
“I don’t even have to touch this to know it’s cold. Do I have to go back there and tell you how to do your damn job?” 
Your mouth opens in embarrassment and shock.
“I’m sorry, sir. I’ll take this back right now and have it fixed.”
The waitress grabs the plate without looking at you and leaves immediately. Poor thing looks like she is going to cry. Travis shakes his head and turns back to you as if this never happened.
“So, anyway, I went to business school and all that, but it’s nice to get out of the office every once in a while, you know?”
You have no idea what to say. Mistreating waitstaff is an immediate turn off. Everything attractive about this man suddenly turns sour. You’re lucky you saw this early on instead of at the end of the date.
“I’m sorry, I have to use the ladies room. I’ll be right back.”
“Oh, sure.”
You take everything you own with you because you’re not coming back to this table. You make it seem like you’re going to the bathroom in case he’s watching but once your table is out of sight, you find the first waitress you see which so happens to be yours.
“Hey, I am so sorry about the way he spoke to you like that. I don’t even know him. My best friend set me up. Listen, I gotta get out of here but the table we’re at is by the door. Is there a back entrance I can use?”
“Yeah, I got you. He gave me the ick as soon as I saw him,” she shutters. “Follow me.” She takes you through the kitchen and the back door that they use when they go on breaks. “Good luck.”
“Oh, and don’t be afraid to spit in his food.”
“Trust me, the cook’s all over it.”
You walk through the small alley next to the bar to the main street. You take out your phone to call an Uber, but luck has it so that you don’t have any service. You try moving the phone around, even walking down to the street light, but nothing comes up.
“Damn it,” you mutter.
You can’t call Mia. You can’t use your car because she has it. The only person you know is Bucky. Should you call him? He’s probably frolicking with that woman still. Even if you were to call him, he’d probably hate you for ruining his date. The only other option is to walk home even though it took thirty minutes to get here by car.
The road stretches through the mountain briefly which you don’t want to walk through but what else are you gonna do? If you can’t get service in a busy restaurant area, there is no way you’re gonna get service in the mountains. The walk gives you time to think about your life. You have a good job that pays well but you can’t keep living with Bucky if it means seeing him with all these women. You have a major thing for him and it kills you to know you’re not the one he’s going home with.
Ten minutes go by until you hear the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle. It races past you without a second thought, screeches to a stop, turns around, and slowly creeps up behind you. You don’t have to see who it is to know who it is. Bucky pulls up next to you and walks the bike to keep up with your pace.
“Get on the bike.”
“No, I’ll walk. Thanks.”
“Don’t be difficult, Y/N. Get on the bike.”
“How the hell did you even find me?”
“I asked Mia. She told me the guy you were on a date with. I looked him up, and he posted to his Facebook about how his date ditched him, and all women are beneath him. He’s a fucking loser. I mean, he still uses Facebook,” he chuckles. “I figured you were out here somewhere.”
“Stop stalking me,” you roll your eyes. “I’ll meet you at home.”
“Get on the damn bike.”
“No!” Bucky revs his engine and surges forward, parking right in front of you to prevent you from going further. You try to go around him but he moves his bike in your path. “Why the hell do you care about me? You’ve proven I mean nothing to you.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” he asks and gets off his bike.
“You fucking know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, then you’re not worth my time.” You try pushing past him to continue your walk but he grabs your arm to prevent you from doing so. You quickly turn and slap his face. The shock is enough for him to let go of you. “Don’t fucking touch me. The last time you touched me, you left and never spoke of it again. Just go, please. You have a girl waiting for you at home. Just go to her.”
“I can’t!”
“Why not?!”
“Because she’s not you!” he yells loudly.
“Do better,” you scoff.
“Fuck,” he mumbles to himself. “I love you!” You pause to take in the information. “I can’t get you out of my fucking head. I’ve been trying all month to get you out of my head. None of the girls I’ve brought home have ever stuck because they’re not you. Being with you that one night has been better than anything I’ve done all fucking month.”
“Then why did you let me walk away?” you ask in a heartbreaking tone.
“Because I’m an idiot. Because you’re the realest thing I’ve ever had, and I didn’t want to fuck it up.”
Silence befalls the two of you, and you look around the desolate road.
“So, what are you gonna do about it?”
More silence. Bucky takes three big steps to get to you, grabs your waist with one hand, slides his other into your hair, and kisses you like he was supposed to a month ago. His lips fit so perfectly against your own like they belong there. You’ve pictured this moment in so many different ways, but this is not on your list.
“Are we really doing this?” you ask when he pulls away.
“Do you want to?” You nod with a smile. “You’re my girl now.”
“No more other women.”
“I’ve got the one I want.”
He leans down and kisses you again, this time, making your head soar to new places.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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stridersdiner · 1 year
Rancher!Graves likes his bikes.
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It took a while for our teenaged Phil to figure out what exactly was wrong with that ol' motorcycle his friend Hank told him about. If only Hank knew he had just unleashed a new obsession that'd follow Phil into adulthood.
Hank's father has had this thing for the better half of a decade, and when it broke down some two years ago, it was doomed to collect dust at his estate. Something about being a wealthy man meant being able to afford such fleeting hobbies, but he was charitable enough to give it to Phil so long as he was willing to put in the work to fix it.
It took months of troubleshooting and tinkering. The spare shed was in disarray; ground littered with spare parts and tools, smears of oil and grease (it was getting hard to tell what was what at this point), and a handful of mechanics guides and books. He had some sleepless nights, fueled by the interlocked hands of want and need shrouding his mind.
He often spent mornings climbing out of the shed and lugging himself onto the school bus, where Hank would give him a knowing look and insist on calling a mechanic from a few towns over to help-
"You can't keep sleeping through English, Phil. My father was only kiddin' about fixing it yourself."
but Phil knew better. Better to get the job done yourself. Feels better that way anyways.
God, was he right. He turned the key with baited breath, eyes wide as the instrument panel lit up. The motor purred to life in an instant, and when he turned one of the handles, it roared. He had never been happier, running his hand over the shiny red fuel tank, the tight upholstered leather seat. He laughed- he yawped. And Pa came rushin' over like he had heard the end of the world start from inside his own shed.
"Philly, what in the world are you doin' makin' this much noise?" "Finally got 'er workin', Pa!"
Pa's panic softened as he took a second to really listen to the motor. He circled the bike, staring down at it and back up at Phil. He was proud, honestly, as he clapped his hand over Phil's shoulder.
"Y'know, Ma didn't actually think you'd be able to fix it up. Think that was the only reason she let ya' have it."
And Phil's smile grew wider.
"I'll jus' tell 'er I'll only ride it into town." "You lyin'?" "Yup-yup."
When Ma found out, it took her nearly a year to come to terms with the fact that her baby boy was riding a motorcycle. Ever the worrywart. She frowned every time she watched him mount the bike, sighing as she watched him put on his helmet (that she made him get) and fix his riding gloves (that she also made him get).
But that bike was his pride and joy for years. He rode it to prom, and his high school graduation ceremony. He wiped it down every other day, and made sure the paint was still shiny. So when that trusty 1985 Honda Shadow finally bit the dust, he was devastated.
Cried real tears, maybe ones worse than when Joey left for the army.
And then picked himself up and started workin' hard to replace it. He drove Pa's ol' truck for the time being.
After a little while, he finally saved up enough to get a brand new bike. Could barely contain himself when Pa drove him to go pick it up- clutching onto his helmet, flipping the visor up and down like a light switch. He was thrilled to be back on a bike, and he practically left Pa in the dust during the ride home. (Phil pulled off to the side of the road to wait because he felt bad for leaving him so far behind.)
Even now, when you finally agree to take a ride with him on his precious bike, he's still just as excited as he was when he first mounted that Shadow back in high school- especially at the feeling of your arms wrapping around his middle and the side of your helmet pressed against his shoulder blade. He loves being close to you. He loves it even more when you're clinging onto him. He takes you out on the bike a lot more now that he knows you're not that scared of it anymore.
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Babes that wanted to be tagged:
@mockerycrow @kivi-no
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seldomscilence16 · 9 months
Alright so this all started with a lego set at work, turned into a long ass intro, then its 11 on Christmas Eve and I decide to just do the Christmas snippet and finish the rest/context later.
So please ignore spelling 😬 and Happy Holidays all! Also TW for a bit of Racism at one point, theres a bullying scene but a short one. "Well if it isnt..." is where it starts and "there a problem here." Is where it ends.
Hope you enjoy this snippet! Stay safe everyone and thank @autisticlancemcclain for the Bug boy Lance!
Lance could kick himself.
He knows better than this. He knows what happens, he knows that once they get what they want, they'll leave.
And yet, here he is, spending hard earned money, on four classmates. Sure he'd saved them for last, focusing on his families gifts first and foremost- its the main reason he got the job, part going to saving for emergencies, the rest to spend on Christmas- but he was doing the thing he'd sworn off.
No people. People hurt and use and lie and tease. Lance was supposed to he strong until college, his fresh start, but then these four had to go and be NICE and do their part and- yeah the bar was really low...
"This isnt going to end well." He mumbles, the hustle and bustle of the mall overwhelming with holiday traffic and leaving him worn out before he even enters an actual store.
He scans aisle after aisle, berating himself for putting so much thought into something he wasnt even supposed to be doing. His eye catches something green and he comes to a halt. Its legos, one of those collectors sets that costs an arm and a leg, but Lance hadn't even known Lego did THIS.
'The insect collection'.
"Blue Morpho Butterfly, Hercules Beetle, and a Chinese Mantis." He breathes in awe, eyes scanning every detail.
"Well if it isnt Mclame."
His head snaps up, a group of classmates before him, most of which are his very reason for his No People rule.
"Still a freak about bugs I see, surprised you havent married one yet- maybe even they dont want you!" He snorts when he laughs, a strange noise from the back of his throat that remind Lance of a Donkey or Pig.
"Not like he could even afford it, if you want you can have your mom come clean my house." One girl taunts from the back, Lances blood boiling at the blatent racist remark despite Lance's CUBAN heritage.
"If you do have money to spare you should buy me lunch instead, for having to be in your vecinity for this long." Another boy plugs his nose, like he showers every day. Lance sits behind him in English, and he does not.
"There a problem here kids?" A man in the mall security uniform eyes them all carefully, eyes giving Lance a once over that makes him uncomfortable.
"No sir." He replies polity, deciding another store may hold better finding anyway- at least better company.
Lance's budget was low to begin with, but eventually he comes up with ideas for the four.
It starts with Hunks treats. The things that get them through their library sessions when the projects blur. And Lances job allows him access to plenty of people who would love to share things with anyone who will listen. So painstakingly, Lance translates recipes to paper as the older generations he enteracts with give him a little baking show.
Shiro's, surprisingly, comes next. A single comment about how much he hates ruined shirt sleeves, as they get caught on his prosthetic port. Its winter, and tank tops simply wont do, so Lance finds himself knitting in his spare time. Doing hours of research to see what possibilities will be the most comfortable, with of course a very lame joke on the front.
Pidge's was an accident. Lance's bike- sabataged it would seem- leaves him crashing off path in a ditch on his way home from work. He ends up limping his way through thick folliage, dragging a broken bike in the late hours of the afternoon. The little squeak is almost ignored, the second one however, well its Lance.
The little thing is a puffball, Lance was almost sure it was a toupé, until it moved and blinked at him. He thinks its a dog, no idea what kind, but its tiny and fluffy and following him home. Lance has three allergic family members, but Pidge mentioned a family dog who had sadly passed away and nearly broke Lances heart. The green eyes tell him this little thing will be a lovely match.
Keith is the hardest. Lance honestly almost buys a knife, because the guy is a conspiracy theorist and gets into way too much trouble not to have a few knives on him. But it doesnt seem right.
But Lance see's how often he doodles.
Freakin gorgeous doodles.
Then he finds the brand 'Keff Artistry' and its too close to 'Keef' for Lance to pass up.
He almost tells his family to simply lock him up and burn the gifts, but then they'd be worried and he's trying to avoid that thank you, hes been doing an excellent job masking his turmoil thus far.
So, the day before Christmas Eve, Lance gathers his gifts in trembling hands, and slips out of the house unseen. If this turns into a mess, he'll deal with it himself this time. He has to grow up eventually, he cant keep crying about bullies to his family, its not a big deal anyway.
"What the heck happened to your face!?" Pidge's incredulous tone has everyone eyes snapping towards said face.
"Its nothing, bike accident." Lance shrugs it off, as he'd done when he'd come home with it, he had too little proof anyway. Anyone could have carved 'McLame' into the side of it.
"Accident huh?" Its mumbled by someone, but Lance cant place it and decidedly ignores it anyway.
"I uh... have gifts... for you guys." He changes the subject, directing the attention to the bags he carries.
"For us?" Hunk asks, eyes wide and sparkly, "You know you didnt have to buddy."
Well, supposedly.
"Yeah, its not much, but uh, here." He hands them out carefully, extra careful with Pidge's.
"Guess its a good thing we brought ours to you then." Shiro says, pulling a wrapped box from the spare chair.
Lance's eyebrows furrow, staring at the box in confusion, perhaps with a little trepidation,
"You guys got me something?"
"Yeah! We all pitched in!" Pidge grins at him, something she does sparingly- grin that is.
He takes it with clammy hands, still shaking ever so slightly. He holds it to his chest as he watches the others open their bags, watches their faces carefully.
Hunk holds the hand bound book tenderly, eyes shining as he flips through the pages carefully.
Shiro stares in awe at his sweater, a chuckle escaping him as he runs his fingers over the soft material.
Pidge squeaks, as the small dog bumps its head against her face, cold nose sniffing excitedly. She holds the animal close, the dog snuggling up like he always belonged there.
Keith is staring at his gift. The art set held half out of the bag, as if he hadnt been expecting it. He turns wide eyes towards Lance, and the cuban can see the emotions there.
This is one of Lance's favorite parts about giving. When he did good in the eyes of the reciever, when they LIKE what he gave, genuinely. No matter its monetary value.
"Lance, this is amazing." Shiro breaks the silence, turning wide eyes his way, smile big and bright and real.
"I cant imagine how long this took, this is amazing! I havent even heard of some of these!!!" Hunk is tearing up, book hugged to his chest, grinning at Lance like he'd been given a great treasure.
"I cant believe you got me a dog! He's just a little puff!" The excitement is so nice to hear, its practically contageous.
"I... havent recieved something this nice from anyone but family before. Thanks Lance." Keith is downright shy as he admits this little fact about himself, and Lance could cry.
"I'm... really glad you guys like them."
"Now open yours!" Hunk encourages quickly, sitting to watch him intently, practically vibrating.
Lance could almost feel scared, but....
He allows himself a little hope.
He opens the paper gingerly, savoring his first gift from anyone outside of family. A corner is revealed, familiar for some reason, another inch-
Lego Ideas The Insect Collection.
"What-" It comes out choked, shock clear on his face.
Is it a joke? Are they mocking him? It was expensive, theres no way they'd spend that much on a joke right?
"Its the one you wanted right?" Pidge asks, a slight pinch to her brow.
"We only saw you from across the mall, so we didn't know- You're crying oh Gods, whats wrong Buddy-" Shiro Panics, quickly kneeling by the chair Lance had collapsed into.
"I don- Why- I can't- "
"Breathe! Come on-" Hunk exagerates his own, encouraging Lance gently to follow as he chokes on tears and air and spit alike.
"Its not a joke right?" He finally gets out, looking pleadingly to the group, running a reverant hand across the box, "You did this to be nice?" He can hear the vulnurability in his own voice, but he's about a second from breaking completely.
"Yes, yes, of course! All 1,111 pieces are inside!" Shiro assures quickly, rubbing a soothing hand over his shoulder and arm.
It gets a wet chuckle from Lance, as he pulls the box to his chest once more.
"No ones... thank you so much, I can't... can't tell you how much this means." He wipe at his face, "I'll repay you, I promise-"
"Hey, its a gift Lance." Keith says, voice softer than ever, "We wanted to get it for you."
"Merry Christmas Lance."
"Merry Christmas."
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sundove88 · 2 months
MHA: Heart of Glass Chapter 1: Diligence and Duty
Once upon a time, in a quaint little neighborhood that was also one of the poorest areas of a great city, there lived a little family of three: A father, a mother; and their teenage daughter Ochaco Uraraka.
Unlike most teenage girls in the city, who spent their time talking to their friends about boys and the latest fashion trends, Ochaco had to work hard, often cleaning the houses of various others in this great city, whether they be rich or poor, she had to clean a whole house just to make ends meet for her poor family. She cleaned the big houses of the rich and the small houses of the poor, tall apartment buildings in town and short cottages out in rural areas. There was no house she couldn’t leave sparkling clean. But she also had a special gift called a quirk- one that could manipulate gravity. That way, she could get to even the smallest corners in the house and leave them sparking clean when she was done. Whenever she exited a house, she was covered in soot, dirt, and various other debris from when she was inside. But she didn’t let the dirt on her face cloud the beautiful heart she had inside. However, this attracted the attention of a trio of neighborhood bullies- Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga, who were known for looking down on others. But they bulled the poor especially, since they were very normal in terms of money, but the poor had anything but luxury.
“Hey, it’s that cleaner girl again, walking to work. Can’t she afford a bike? Oh, wait. She can’t!”, replied Shigaraki, his light blue hair accompanying the many hands on his face. He used those hands to break down the barriers between him and the innocent, and more often than not, he pickpocketed whenever he got the chance. “Yep. And Ochaco Uraraka? More like Cinder-Ochaco!”, laughed Dabi heartily. His blue flames flared to life as he cackled. “Yes! And since she’s so poor, there’s no chance that she’ll ever go to a party or two!”, Himiko Toga replied as she guzzled down a soda. But Ochaco just ignored their teasing and sat down on a nearby park bench, knowing that their words would never get to her. Knowing that the girl meant no harm to them, the pigeons, squirrels, and various other animals of the park scurried to be around her, knowing that she had lots of breadcrumbs and trail mix to offer them as snacks. Ochaco didn’t mind their company, even as her human friends arrived on the scene. They came from all parts of the city, and they considered the poor girl to be part of their loyal friend group, because of her good heart and dedication to her family. The animals trusted them as well, as when they approached, they stayed in their place and didn’t scutter off or fly away suddenly.
“You know, guys? I think they’re mean because they don’t have any friends of their own.”, the gentle girl said as she let the others sit next to her on the park bench as she took out her trusty laptop, checking her savings and seeing if she had enough to pay for her family’s expenses. “It seems like you’re getting there, Uraraka! How about we go to a local bookstore and maybe have some hot chocolate?”, replied Izuku Midoriya, her green haired friend who had a most powerful Quirk. “Yeah! And maybe one of these weekends, you can play some soccer with us at the park over there!”, said Katsuki Bakugo, an explosive young man. “Or we could go and grab some kakigori,” said Shoto Todoroki as he placed his bags down. The other kids hurried over and started giving various ideas: Momo Yaoyorozu suggested that she could go to the movies in her spare time, Eijiro Kirishima asked her if she could learn a new skill like carving statues, and so on, so forth.
“You guys have some great options, but my duties are my top priority. After all, I’ve gotta make ends meet so my family doesn’t get evicted by the landlord. I know he’s super nice, but I don’t know how long we’ll be staying at the apartment we live in.”, said Ochaco as she began to pack up her things and make her way home. As her friends waved goodbye, she promised them that things would get much better for her. Life was typical like this for the girl, with cleaning the houses of others to earn money, and the fact that she had amazing parents to support her all the while. It wasn’t everyday that one works hard to support their family and keep a roof over their head without their parents having their back at all times. Luckily, Ochaco’s good nature and kind heart didn’t go unnoticed, for a good Pro Hero skilled in the arts of thread making on his way to U. A. High took notice, and was on his merry way there.
But soon enough, one fateful invite would change the young girl’s life forever; in a way she could never even imagine.
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voraciousvore · 11 months
In the Belly of the Giant (1/39)
Sequel to my story "Boarding School for Giants" which can be read here. This story follows Eren and Joey in their lives as adults, as well as other recurring characters. When Eren gets kidnapped, it's up to Joey to save her.
Total Word Count: 84,994
Content Warning: This story is very dark and nasty, with lots of vore and sex (both romantic and non-consensual). I don't spare details. Strictly 18+ only. I will flag the most offensive chapters as "mature."
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Chapter 1
Joey woke up early, staring up at the ceiling tinged blue by the morning light. The ceiling fan above rotated in slow, lazy circles, producing a soothing hum and a cool breeze. His eyes drifted to the alarm clock on his bedside table; he had a solid twenty minutes before he had to get up for work. He almost lifted his arms up to stretch but then recalled the tiny woman soundly sleeping on his bare chest and refrained. She hadn’t stirred, although he could feel the lightest movement from her breathing. 
It was the middle of summer, and the couple couldn’t afford the luxury of running the air conditioning in their new apartment, so neither of them needed to sleep with bedsheets. Fortunately, the heat wasn’t sweltering, but rather a warm, pleasing temperature. Joey was grateful for this fact: He doubted Eren would want to curl up on his giant body when he was sticky with sweat. 
Even after several years, Joey still could scarcely believe his good fortune, to have a lovely, petite little women like Eren to call his own. If she hadn’t crashed her bike into his shoe that one fateful day, he might have never met her. Of course, since she became well-known at their high school for the novelty of being the only human, he may have still known of her existence, but he probably would have been too shy to approach her—too shy, despite being large enough to hold her in the palm of his hand. She wasn’t even as tall as his pinky finger, after all. Regardless, he loved how tiny and cute and precious she was; she made him feel big and strong by comparison. She had a fire inside her too, a vivaciousness and bravery that he admired deeply.
Eren shifted and mumbled incoherently in her sleep, then rolled over on her side. Joey felt her movements on his chest and listened with concern. After all the horrible things Eren had gone through when she was first introduced to the giant side of the wall, she was prone to occasional nightmares. Thankfully, Joey had successfully kept her safe in the time since. Her night terrors had subsided in the subsequent years, but Joey stayed vigilant nonetheless.
His protective instinct for his girl was a large part of his motivation to pursue a career in law enforcement. With his natural intellect and discipline, Joey had the option to choose from a wide variety of careers, if he had been so inclined. However, Joey hated bullies and criminals and anyone who would dare to hurt somebody as small and vulnerable as Eren. He had a strong sense of justice, and wanted to be the hero, the good guy to make the world a safer place for her so she didn’t have to be scared of giants hurting her. So, he had enrolled in the police academy and earned his badge. 
Eren had followed a different path. Being as small as she was, her options for a career were more limited. Even so, she had been inspired by the human doctor she met in the hospital to become involved in the medical field. Rather than work in a hospital, though, she found her niche in dentistry. She was the only dental hygienist around small enough to fit inside a giant’s mouth, and she could do a very thorough and methodical job cleaning teeth. 
Joey, feeling very relaxed and comfortable, soon slipped back into slumber, until the blaring alarm woke him up. He grunted and silenced the clock with a massive hand. Now that they both needed to get up, Joey stretched to get his blood flowing, raising his arms above his head with a satisfied groan. 
Eren, feeling the landscape of warm flesh underneath her move, opened her eyes and raised herself into a sitting position with a yawn. Once Joey’s giant pectoral muscles flexing beneath his skin relaxed, she stood up and stretched her own limbs, getting all the kinks out of her joints. Joey put on his glasses and raised his head off the pillow to admire her miniscule form, ignoring the strain this motion caused in his neck. Living for several years in a world made for giants had made Eren very slim and fit due to all the exercise. Right now, because of the temperature, she was wearing nothing but a pair of black panties, exposing her sleek feminine curves, narrow waist, and perky breasts. Joey liked what he saw. 
“Good morning, love,” he greeted her in a dulcet tone. Eren slid down the side of his chest, over the solid lump of his bicep and onto the bed so that he could raise himself up without knocking her over. 
“Morning, handsome,” she yawned back. Joey sat up on the side of the gigantic mattress. They hadn’t bothered with buying a bedframe when furnishing their shared living space, since it would only make it harder for Eren to climb up, so the mattress lay on the floor, with a human-sized ladder propped up in a discreet corner. Eren gazed up at the handsome colossus towering over her. Now it was her turn to admire him. 
Joey was no longer the gangly, awkward teenager with pimples she had first met in high school. He had physically matured, his lanky body sprouting and filling out into the body of a healthy young man. His workouts at the police academy had toned his physique with lean muscle. Without the pesky hormones of his teenage years, his skin was no longer plagued by acne. Eren, being a dental hygienist, had pressured him to be conscientious of his dental health, so he maintained his pearly white teeth and charming smile. He had developed just as much in mind as in body, becoming more confident and comfortable in his own skin. 
Joey stood up to his full height, which Eren estimated was about two hundred feet tall, although she wasn’t certain, since obviously she couldn’t measure him with anything except her eyes. He started to put on his uniform, while Eren dressed in her first layer of work clothes. Due to her unique situation, she didn’t wear the typical clothing for a dentist: When she got to work, she would be adding an additional coat of rubbery, saliva-proof shielding. 
Eren loved how sexy Joey always looked in uniform. Of course, she found him attractive no matter what he was wearing, but he looked especially crisp and professional when dressed up. The giant bent down to pick her up and she wanted to swoon into his expansive, soft hand. He lifted her up the great distance to his eye level. 
“Would you like me to make you breakfast, sweetie?” Joey asked her, giving her a tender look with his chocolate eyes. By default, Joey was usually the one to cook, since Eren’s human portions would hardly be a crumb in his capacious belly. Really, he only needed to cook one plate of food for himself, and share the tiniest amount with Eren, with her whole body being barely the size of a bite of food to him. Nevertheless, Eren still appreciated the gesture. 
“That would be wonderful,” she replied with honeyed words, rubbing his cheek with her hand. He brought her down to his giant lips and pressed them gently to her in a soft kiss, which she was more than happy to reciprocate. The feathery lightness of her touch made his heart flutter. He carried his girlfriend into the kitchen and set her on the counter to spend some time with her while he made breakfast. 
The morning passed quickly. Joey whipped up some scrambled eggs and toast to share with his beloved. After they both ate, Joey placed Eren back on the floor where her human-sized bathroom was located, which basically consisted of a portable box with the necessary amenities and a built-in water tank that Joey could easily refill from the giant sink of his own bathroom. Their apartment was only made for giants, but clever designs like the box rooms could be easily added in for Eren’s comfort. They were expensive additions, as specialty products, but Eren’s magnanimous father had been generous in helping out. 
Eren, as a dental hygienist, always made sure that Joey brushed and flossed his teeth every morning. Joey made a show of grumbling about it but in reality he didn’t mind. He thought it was cute when Eren became so insistent, as if she could force him with how small she was. He dutifully complied and cleaned his teeth to her satisfaction while she did the same with hers. 
Eren had outgrown her moody gothic phase, so she no longer wore the heavy makeup, piercings, or edgy black clothes from her teens. She embraced a more natural look instead, particularly when she went to work since makeup wasn’t very practical or sanitary when she was inside a giant mouth cleaning teeth. She regretted her tattoo, but never bothered to mention it to anyone. Joey probably couldn’t even see the details on it anyways, since he was so enormous compared to her, so it didn’t really matter.  
Just like how Joey would carry Eren to school in their younger days, now as adults he took her to work. The dental clinic that employed her wasn’t far from their apartment, and was on the way to the police station, so it was a convenient arrangement. Even if she worked far away, Joey would still be willing to take her. He did not like the idea of her walking or biking outside, on the giant sidewalks, by herself. Some oblivious giant could stomp by and unwittingly smash her, or a giant with malicious intent could take the opportunity to seize her up in his fist. Joey recalled with pain the sort of tortures she had been subjected to in the past. He remembered the time he had been shamefully unable to protect her, when he was beaten up by another student. He promised himself he would never let anything like that happen again, and had strengthened his body and sharpened his instincts accordingly. He was her protector. 
Joey marched into the clinic, quickly sweeping the inside with his eyes to make sure no threats were present before relaxing his guard. He went to the front desk, where the secretary was waiting for him with a sparkling white smile. She was a tall and attractive giantess, with long auburn hair and stylish glasses with purple rims. Joey was a familiar sight at the clinic, since he was reliably there to escort Eren to and from work on a regular basis. After passing Eren safely off to the secretary, Joey reluctantly left for work, glancing back over his shoulder as he opened the door to leave. Eren waved goodbye with a cute smile that made his heart melt. 
As Joey strolled along the sidewalk to his job, his cellphone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and answered, “Hello?” 
“Joey! Is Eren around? Are you free to talk?” It was Mr. Henderson, Eren’s dad. He sounded excited. 
“I just dropped her off at the clinic, and I’m headed to the police station now. Why?” 
“Perfect! I have good news.” A dramatic pause. Joey could almost hear Mr. Henderson grinning on the other end of the line. “I got it.” 
Joey perked up. “Really?! That soon? Have you looked at it yet?” 
“Nope. I figured I’d wait until you get here. I’ll be at the school all morning.” 
“Great! I’ll try to stop by during my patrol route, as soon as possible. Or at lunchtime, if I can’t make it earlier.” 
“See you soon.” Mr. Henderson hung up. Joey was grinning ear to ear. It was shaping up to be a great day. 
Chapter 2
Table of Contents:
Ch. 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39
Writing Masterpost
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enkisstories · 9 months
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Gavin (hastily): "Imean,youknowthetext,butwedon'twantthistofailbecauseofaformality,soheregoes: Youhavetherighttoremainsilent. Anythingyousaycanbeusedagainstyouincourt. Youhavetherighttotalktoalawyerforadvicebeforeweaskyouanyquestions. Youhavetherighttohavealawyerwithyouduringquestioning. Ifyoucannotaffordalawyer..."
Geoffry: "What are you implying, you street-rat of a "detective"? Of course I can!"
Gavin (grinning and very pronounded): "If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish."
Gavin (hastily again): "Ifyoudecidetoanswerquestionsnowwithoutalawyerpresent, youhavetherighttostopansweringatanytime. DoyouunderstandeachoftheserightsIhaveexplainedtoyou?”
Geoffrey: "Yes, “officer”.”
Gavin: “Havingtheserightsinmind,doyouwishtotalktousnow?”
Geoffry: "Pfft.”
Carter: "Do you ever breath, human?"
Gavin: "Oh, yeah! Out of relief, soon as this bastard's secured in the car!"
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Carter: "Are you mad that I made a headstart in solving this case, bro?"
Gavin: "Nah. It wasn’t one of mine in the first place.”
Carter: "Seeing that you are a dumpster kid like ourselves, could you maybe lend us a hand here? We're looking for a dead android, but no such luck so far."
Gavin: "Dumpster kid, ey? What gave you that idea?"
Carter: "Dr. Landgraab called you a street rat."
Gavin: "I... Look, "bro", Connor never knew the streets, let alone had to spend a night at a landfill. He just waltzed in, with his shiny apps, like some freshly minted Criminal Sciences major, thinking he knows everything better..."
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Carter: "...and when he was done ranting about Connor, the detective asked what we needed a dead android for. I told him that we wanted to grind the corpse down for the antidote. That's when the detective laughed and said "Just buy a spare part in any CyberLife store"!"
Sophie: "You mean we dug through the landfill for two days in vain? All we ever needed to do was to buy something like a replacement hand for RT600?"
Carter: "Pretty much, yes. A single finger should suffice, actually."
Sophie: "You got your bike, Carter? Then let's drive to Detroit immediatey!"
Dave: "Can you two do that without me? I'm not done studying the mutated tree - the landfill is so useful for earning my university credits!"
Reminder that Gavin’s parents (however briefly) worked for the Villareal mob, the Landgraabs’ rivals. 
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
my point-blank favourite thing about this arc is the implications about:
buck being a donor with a history of leukemia in his family, running a risk of not being allowed to donate
buck and his own issues with parenthood and how every single storyline we’ve seen that has to do with his parents, it’s always come out as “I don’t want to be this, I want to be better”
the “spare parts” coming back to haunt him
him spiralling further if he gets rejected from donating because of whatever reason
this being a decision where he absolutely has to think before he jumps because there are many other lives hinged on it, including a possible kid
the implications this might have on his personal life
joining together the idea of the will, and the idea of already being somewhat of a co-parent to someone else
bringing together the idea that even if buck is biologically someone’s father, it doesn’t make his bond with chris (as the kid he’s closest to) any less, which ties right into the whole “dna-doesn’t-make-you-dad” thing
bringing christopher and his lying arc into this very episode, possible to parallel them, or tie them together
something about buck wanting to be a good friend, not wanting to turn his friends away when they’re clearly desperate (a la 4x08)
him putting to test the idea of setting a boundary if he knows that he is not going to be able to do this without hurting himself (ie what we saw in 5x18 would come back in other context)
him wondering if he’s ever going to be able to let this be a hands-off thing
him talking to hen because of hers and karen’s experience with donors, and bringing all of the family stuff back in the middle of hen’s own whirlstorm
this same episode having him taking off without a second thought on that bike, leaving eddie to yell after him
taking off on the bike as part of his impulsiveness versus a situation in the same episode where he cannot afford to be impulsive at all
eddie watching him go, thinking about the will and “expendable” and all these other moments that add up
how DNA is not what makes a family to begin with, and by donating, it won’t turn him into that kid’s father. like this show’s whole thing revolves around it not mattering if people share blood
this show’s whole thing revolving around making family bonds, about doing better than what they’ve been taught their whole lives
“DNA doesn’t make you dad” as an outlining factor in this whole episode, changing the way he looks at what being a sperm donor really means
my thing is just…this is obviously going to be an emotional decision for him to undertake, but it would be interesting for the show to turn around and come right back at the root to say “this is a situation where you might father a child, but you’re not going to be the kid’s dad - can you do it? can you make that distinction?” because I think this whole thing ties right back into Buck and his own dad versus Buck and Bobby, as a canonical pseudo-father.
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folony · 2 years
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
jimin is losing every poll against taehyung and also the mama award for best ost, taehyung's streams and numbers are wayy more so he is more likely to take the award home. How is jimin gonna do in the future when no one is supporting him these day?
I don't know man, my dad is a taxi driver and his car broke so he had to buy a new one and now has to pay a lot of money. He had to spend a lot just so he can keep earning some, isn't that funny. These days I'm more concerned about whether I'll ever be able to own my house or my own car. Or if I'll ever get a job that pays me enough to afford food, rent, and also leave me some spare money to go to a concert once every five years, or to afford a holiday with my family or that would allow me to get vaccines for my cats without feeling like it's an unnecessary expense. I'm luxurious like that.
I don't have any stan ego to stroke, I'm not living vicariously through Jimin's or BTS achievements, I never did. If they start sending me some cash so I can too buy a 7 million dollar apartment, and a house and an overpriced car or bike, or if they start inviting me to the MET gala and the Grammys so I can wear pretty dresses and then go back to the hotel and have amazing sex with Jimin until dawn and breakfast in bed after that (totally not something I've thought about), then we can talk! Maybe that'll take me to worry about polls 🤔
I never wanted to say it like that, but that's the real reason I've never had it in me to care about them winning awards and whatnot, simply because I just think there are more important things to worry about, and they'll be alright even if they don't win a poll to get their face plastered on the subway for a week. I just really don't have it in me to care about that stuff.
It's not like it wouldn't be really nice to watch him win awards and watch him turn out to be an accomplished artist, it would be incredible!! but still that's just me liking seeing him be happy and because I know what it feels like when your hard work pays off. And I think he deserves all of that. I want that for him as much as I want that for my loved ones. But it's not something that I'm worried about. Nobody knows what the future will be like, right now we now nothing. We actually don't even know what the present is like, since he's not doing anything publicly. Maybe Jimin fans aren't that active on social media precisely because Jimin isn't active either. Why would I hang out on social media if I know I won't get Jimin news anyways. Maybe he'll start winning polls when there's actually something to win. Maybe if he was part of taekook the fandom would at least pretend to like him and playlist his songs alongside the rest. But he had to go and be part of flop jikook 😒
And Taehyung is not a standard for anything, if I'm being honest. There are more successful artists than taehyung in Korea. I wouldn't even be sure to call him successful outside of BTS. If anything, that trot singer has been "winning" more than anyone.
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pikpartblogs · 7 months
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Are looking for best bike spare parts in India and multi brand bike spare parts? Visit Pikpart.com to get the best deals on motorcycle spare parts and also shop online to get extra benefits on spare parts for your bike and cars also. Get the best bike spare parts in India.
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rkfunky-bikeparts · 15 days
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vivekmehta12 · 17 days
Choosing Between a Bike and a Scooty: Which Two-Wheeler is Right for You?
When it comes to selecting a two-wheeler, the decision often boils down to choosing between a bike and a scooty. Both offer convenience, affordability, and a means of getting around in crowded urban areas. However, each has its own advantages that cater to different riding styles, needs, and preferences. Let’s break down the key factors to help you decide which two-wheeler is right for you.
1. Purpose and Usage
Bike: If you’re looking for a vehicle with power, speed, and performance, a bike may be your best option. Bikes are great for longer commutes, road trips, and even occasional off-road adventures. They are typically preferred by those who enjoy the thrill of riding and want a vehicle that can handle various terrains.
Scooty: Scooties, on the other hand, are designed for short-distance, everyday commuting. They’re perfect for zipping through city traffic, quick errands, and navigating narrow lanes. Scooties generally have lower engine capacity, making them more fuel-efficient and easier to handle in urban environments.
2. Comfort and Convenience
Bike: Bikes usually come with a more aggressive riding posture, which is ideal for speed but can be uncomfortable for long rides if you’re not used to it. The gear mechanism in bikes can also be tricky for beginners or those who prefer a more relaxed ride.
Scooty: A scooty offers a more upright seating position, making it comfortable for short trips and casual riders. Most scooties come with a gearless system, making them very easy to ride, especially for beginners. The step-through frame also allows for easy mounting and dismounting, adding to its overall convenience.
3. Fuel Efficiency
Bike: While modern bikes are designed to be fuel-efficient, they generally consume more fuel than scooties due to their larger engine capacity. However, many models strike a good balance between performance and mileage.
Scooty: Scooties typically have smaller engines, resulting in better mileage and lower fuel consumption. This makes them more economical for city commuters who need a cost-effective way to get around daily.
4. Maintenance and Durability
Bike: Bikes are known for their durability and ability to handle long-distance travel. However, they may require more frequent maintenance due to their complex engines and higher power output. Regular servicing, especially for high-performance bikes, can be slightly more expensive.
Scooty: Scooties are relatively low-maintenance and are often the preferred choice for those who want a hassle-free experience. Their simpler mechanics make them easier to maintain, and spare parts are usually more affordable compared to bikes.
5. Storage and Utility
Bike: Most bikes lack built-in storage space, so riders often have to rely on external accessories like saddlebags or backpacks for carrying items. However, the higher power of bikes makes them suitable for carrying additional weight.
Scooty: Scooties win in terms of utility. They often come with under-seat storage, which is convenient for carrying personal items, helmets, or groceries. This feature makes scooties a practical choice for city dwellers who need extra space for their daily errands.
6. Cost and Affordability
Bike: The cost of a bike can vary widely depending on the brand, engine capacity, and features. Generally, bikes are more expensive than scooties due to their higher performance and build quality.
Scooty: Scooties are more affordable and offer excellent value for money. Their lower engine capacity and simpler design contribute to their lower cost, making them a budget-friendly choice for students, first-time riders, or those looking for an economical vehicle.
7. Safety and Stability
Bike: Bikes tend to offer more stability at higher speeds and better control during long rides, thanks to their larger wheels and heavier build. They also come equipped with advanced safety features such as ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) and powerful brakes.
Scooty: Scooties are lightweight and have smaller wheels, which makes them easier to maneuver but less stable at high speeds. However, for city riding at moderate speeds, they are safe and reliable. Many modern scooties also come with enhanced safety features like CBS (Combined Braking System).
Conclusion: Which Two-Wheeler is Right for You?
Your choice between a bike and a scooty depends on your personal needs, lifestyle, and budget. If you’re someone who enjoys performance, speed, and longer rides, a bike might be the ideal option for you. On the other hand, if you prioritize convenience, affordability, and ease of use, especially for short-distance travel, a scooty is likely the better choice.
Ultimately, both bikes and scooties have their own unique strengths, and the right one for you will depend on your riding habits and preferences. Choose the two-wheeler that best aligns with your daily routine and enjoy the freedom of the open road!
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yamhapartsaustralia · 29 days
Tips on Detecting Fake Yamaha Motorcycle Spare Parts
Often it becomes challenging for Yamaha bike owners to differentiate between Yamaha genuine parts online and fake or aftermarket products. Reasonably priced spare parts are readily available, but they are always under suspicion of being aftermarket or fake spare parts. Yes, they will attract you as they will be less expensive and readily available. However, you need to consider how much compromise you can afford with the quality and performance of your bike. If you are in zero mood to compromise, you must learn to differentiate between fake and genuine Yamaha parts. You can do this easily by reviewing the tips we have discussed here regarding spotting fake spare parts.
Several things will quickly tell you that you have fake or Yamaha genuine parts online in your hand.
Yamaha genuine parts online have all the information printed clearly on the high-quality packaging which they come with. If you spot these things missing while purchasing spare parts for your vehicle, you should immediately understand that you will buy fake or used Yamaha ATV parts.
Mostly aftermarket and fake dirt bike parts online, and Yamaha bike parts are manufactured by foreign entities, and they are unfamiliar with the language used in a particular region. You can spot differences between Yamaha genuine parts online and fake parts easily by paying attention to the language in their instruction manual and the technical documents they provide with these parts.
Reviewing the ‘made in’ label can help you pick fake spare parts, as Yamaha genuine parts online will have consistency in this label.
Fake Yamaha parts and used Yamaha ATV parts are often manufactured under pressure and have a mismatch in design. You can look for areas with these defects closely and ensure that nothing is symmetrical.
Authorised manufacturers of OEM Yamaha genuine parts online use different colour patterns to apply on their spare parts. This is where tracing fake parts becomes very easy as their manufacturers try to copy the colour pattern, but the technical details are missing. In other words, with close observations, you can spot colour differentiation, pattern differentiation and the dullness of the overall shade.
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pikspareparts · 1 month
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