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anime-bulge-fantasy · 1 year ago
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pose….smile, I'll take a photo of your colorful bulge! ABF 014
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barbielore · 6 months ago
I'm not sure if you knew this, but August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month. This is to promote awareness of the different kinds of eye health concerns that may affect children and serves as a reminder to keep up to date on ensuring that you and your children have had their eye health considered. This could be as simple as an eye exam to check for things that we consider relatively routine, like myopia or hyperopia, or could be a time to consider things more serious.
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Never fear, because Eye Doctor Barbie can help you on this journey. Note that this particular set features both Barbie and the child that she is treating wearing glasses! In fact, the box advertises that the pack comes with a total of four pairs.
A number of Barbies have been released that they themselves wear glasses: I talked about several of these before, but this list was far from comprehensive. For example, I didn't mention Game Developer Barbie, who also wears glasses.
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And of course, Mattel this year released a Barbie in collaboration with AFB, who is the first blind playline Barbie. I mentioned this before when the doll was just a leak, but now she has officially hit shelves.
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A lot of work seemed to go into the design of this doll, including her clothing and packaging, but I will let the official Mattel releases speak to that.
Technically, of course, this isn't the first blind Barbie; that would be the Helen Keller Inspiring Women doll.
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thespaisclosed · 1 year ago
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neve-gallus-girl-detective · 6 months ago
...do you still take requests for screenshots/edits?
if so, i nominate Emily in 03x02 In Name and Blood after being hit in the head by a 2x4 (i've seen it so much i laugh every time)
just in case you haven't seen it, when the rest of the team comes in, in the background, Derek grabs a likely concussed Emily and throws her out of the way. kills me.
Yeah! I'll take a look! I still make edits for sure lol
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johnnywooh · 1 year ago
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monkeyssalad-blog · 10 days ago
L-016 F-35A 308th FS
L-016 F-35A 308th FS by Jason Grant Via Flickr: Luke AFB (2025) © Jason Grant - All Rights Reserved unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
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brent-emery-pieczynski · 18 days ago
At Area 51's Front Gate - Camo Dudes Waited For Us...
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2-job-com · 11 months ago
学び系動画で趣味だけでなく副業も学ぶ #副業 #インターネット広告 #afb #アフィリエイト #リテラシー #時間管理 #まなび #知識 #スキルアップ
こんにちは、水田真帆です。 インターネット広告のafbは学び系動画を視聴する層についてのアンケート結果を発表しました。 アンケート結果では、全体的には趣味(18.4%)、生活向上(13.0%)、仕事(9.4%)が主な視聴目的であり、20代が最も多く視聴し、既婚者が子供教育に活用する傾向があり、世帯年収が高いほど視聴者が増える傾向にありました。 現代ではSNSや動画サイトの発達により、学びの手段が多様化している一方、その動画の信頼性を確かめるネットリテラシーも重要と結んでいます。 公開された結果のなかに副業についても触れられていたので、副業の観点で読み解きたく思います。 資料 約40%の人が学び系の動画を見ていると回答、その目的で最も多かった回答は「〇〇のため」 |…
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aeroloversone · 2 years ago
Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker Heavy Aircraft
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The first aircraft flew in August 1956 and the initial production Stratotanker was delivered to Castle Air Force Base, Calif., in June 1957. The last KC-135 was delivered to the Air Force in 1965. Of the original KC-135As, more than 417 were modified with new CFM-56 engines produced by CFM-International.
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years ago
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thespaisclosed · 1 year ago
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kingofkuda · 2 years ago
Daftar situs slot online 2023
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years ago
In the auxin signaling pathway, genes in the auxin receptor gene family, TIR1/AFB1-5, encode F-box components of the SCF complex that functions in the degradation of AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (AUX/IAA) repressors of auxin-responsive gene transcription (Figure 15.34A). (...) Auxin response factors (ARFs) are transcription factors that bind to these AuxRE motifs to stimulate or repress transcription (see Figure 15.34A). (...) Gibberellin signaling also involves components of the SCF complex (see Figure 15.34C). (...) When auxin signaling triggers the degradation of AUX/IAA repressors, the ensuing transcription of auxin response genes leads to the replacement of AUX/IAA proteins and thus to response attenuation or termination (see Figure 15.34A). (...) As discussed, auxin signaling transduction involves the auxin-dependent interaction of TIR1/AFB receptors and AUX/IAA repressor proteins, leading to AUX/IAA degradation and release of AUX/IAA-mediated repression of ARF transcription factor activity (see Figure 15.34A).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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monkeyssalad-blog · 13 days ago
85-1501 F-16C 926 WG
85-1501 F-16C 926 WG by Jason Grant Via Flickr: Red Flag 25-1 © Jason Grant - All Rights Reserved unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years ago
So I have a pt in whom TB was suspected. But on seeing his CT chest and given he had no risk factors for TB, in addition to his lung infection improving on abxs that don't cover for TB, we didn't think he actually had TB. But because a quantiferon had been ordered, we couldn't let him leave without at least getting the results of the quantiferon first. So we have to keep him longer than we expected. That's why you don't half ass a workup. If we had let him go and the case had been chart reviewed, we could have been at fault. According to infection control, we can do 3 sputum samples and AFB smears and a genexpert, which is a PCR through the state. If those are negative, he could come off isolationn precautions. Once they get to the state lab, the results return in 24 hours. AFB smear is different from AFB cultures.
From UpToDate:
Sputum AFB smear — The detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) on microscopic examination of stained sputum smears is the most rapid and inexpensive TB diagnostic tool. Smears may be prepared directly from clinical specimens or from concentrated preparations; concentrated material is preferred [2]. Sputum should be of good quality and at least 3 mL in volume [2,22].
Sputum AFB smears are less sensitive than nucleic acid amplification (NAA) or culture; approximately 10,000 bacilli per mL are needed for detection of bacteria in AFB smear using conventional light microscopy [59]. The sensitivity and positive predictive value of AFB smear microscopy are approximately 45 to 80 percent and 50 to 80 percent, respectively [21,60]. Sensitivity increases with concentration of the specimen and increased specimen number and can be as high as 90 percent. The sensitivity of stained smears is diminished in patients with a small organism burden [61-64].
In patients with HIV infection, the sensitivity of sputum smear is diminished because pulmonary cavities occur less frequently and the organism burden is lower in the setting of HIV infection [60,65-68]. In areas with high HIV seroprevalence, sputum sensitivity is 20 to 30 percent [60]. However, sputum specificity can be high (>90 percent) for patients with and without HIV infection [69].
The acid-fast staining procedure is based on the ability of the mycobacteria to retain stain when treated with mineral acid or an acid-alcohol solution. Two common techniques for acid-fast staining are the older carbolfuchsin methods (including the Ziehl-Neelsen and the Kinyoun methods with light microscopy) (picture 2) and the more rapid fluorochrome procedure (using auramine-O or auramine-rhodamine dyes with fluorescence microscopy) (picture 3) [61,70-72]. The fluorochrome technique is preferred since it is up to 10-fold more sensitive than the carbolfuchsin methods that use light microscopy [2,73]. The utility of fluorescence microscopy may be improved by use of low-cost light-emitting diode (LED), which has a lifespan of more than 50,000 hours [65]. Accordingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that conventional fluorescence microscopy be replaced by LED microscopy [74].
Acid-fast bacteria visualized on a slide may represent M. tuberculosis or nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), so species identification requires culture and/or NAA (algorithm 1). Acid-fast pulmonary disease in United States-born patients may be more likely to represent NTM infection than TB [75,76].
Among individuals at risk for drug-resistant TB with positive sputum AFB smear, rapid molecular testing for rifampin resistance should be performed. (See 'Molecular testing' below and "Epidemiology and molecular mechanisms of drug-resistant tuberculosis", section on 'Risk factors for development of drug resistance'.)
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todaysdocument · 4 months ago
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Artwork: "Launch Preparation - NASA Weather Satellite - Vandenberg AFB". Artist: David Rose, USAF Art Collection
Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of DefenseSeries: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files
Original caption for top drawing: David Rose, 11-7-84, Approx 10 hours to space shuttle weather satellite launch for Nat’l Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin.
Vandenberg AFB
Original caption for lower drawing: Space shuttle launch site/Vandenberg AFB
Preparing for launch
This document consists of two drawings in colored pencil.  The top drawing shows a launch tower during the day time.  It is surrounded by lower buildings.  Hills are in the background.
The lower drawing shows the same launch site at night.
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