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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas | Rolfing & Movement
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas & Rolf movement have become an integral part of what Rolfing is, for the simple fact that in order to fully enable a more integrated being, something has to enable the integration of mind/body. Rolfing is about relationships; therefore structure and function have to be congruent and dimensional for the full potential available in each of us to emerge. Rolf Movement provides a strategy that a Rolfer uses to navigate towards achieving biomechanical goals and integration. Ultimately, all movement is a product of the nervous system and the connective tissue matrix; the autonomic nervous system is essentially the biodynamic dance between the parasympathetic/sympathetic branches or “fight or flight” reflexes. Conventional phenomenal data begins at the quantum level then abstracts, or filters, into sensation, e-motion, belief, and then finally into activation or expression.
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas & Rolf Movement works within the relationship between the tenets of gravity/structure, coordination/pre-movement, impression/perception, and expression/meaning, known as The Tonic Function Model, as a way to approach and evoke more desirable and efficient movement through sensation. Elements of somatic patterning and the potential to enhance performance and form has always been a resource to athletes when articulating full expression, as well as obvious sport specific benefits.
How you think is how you move, and how you breathe is how you live. Movement manifests from a pre-movement or an automatic override response, which is an organic compound of a collective body of experiences acquired throughout life. From the moment of conception a human being is shaped and formed from a genetic code that has been further conditioned by a conscious/sub-conscious overlay. Consciousness and subconscious overlays are the sum total of object relations or relationship to “other,” and this subject-object relationship fosters the subsequent emergence of the deeper dualities that drive our structure and function. As a result of our relationship to our environment and primary care giver, our original perceptions were birthed that would form the way we would move in the world. Corticalized movement is that which is done consciously or voluntarily; sub-cortical movement is sub-conscious, or involuntarily. Ironically, the first physiological structure to form in embryo is the primitive streak that quickly evolves into the central nervous system, the heart then mushrooms out of brain and digresses to its known position where the respiratory diaphragm emerges and resources to form the fascial matrix of the body.
The fascial matrix is what gives the body its structural and functional orientation of space in gravity. So the primary contributors of a sustaining life force manifest first; energy, breath, blood, or thought, word, action. Therefore, as the being grows and is conditioned in thought or perception, he or she is subsequently being conditioned to move or express as a result of the role of the autonomic division of the peripheral nervous system, hence, as a man thinketh so is he.
Everyone breathing has experienced some situation or environment that has either caused them to breathe rapidly or hold the breath. This impulse comes from the way you perceive the environment, and this perception is based on a collective body of experience that has already calculated and decided for you in advance of what you would do in this type of situation. Again, this is based on the primary dualism of a subject-object relationship in which certain somatic preferences were adhered to and compounded into consciousness that is sensory activated. This is why just thinking about someone can either cause a calm, pleasant response or an anxious, negative reaction, or walking into unfamiliar territory causes reason for processing if the environment is threatening. This constancy is a necessity for survival and is part of a feedback loop reflex of the nervous system. (What might not be necessary is the specific response or reaction that emerges.) The parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the nervous system are in a constant ebb and flow dance to keep the body safe, vertical, and expressive in gravity given certain virtues, anomalies, and asymmetries. The position of a Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas or Rolf Movement Practitioner is to consider the premise of the structural differential that states that conventional phenomenal stimulus bombards the sensory division of the peripheral N.S., filtering into sensation before e-motion, belief, and finally expression. A shift in sensation can mean a shift in resource. This shift is nothing less than the potential sum total of a person’s symbolic imagery about himself and his world shifting and manifesting as potential uninhibited, dimensional, and supported movement.
Breath is expression (or meaning manifest) and all of the diaphragms of the body are constantly self-regulating according to perception, coordination, and gravity. This self-regulation is again based on the collective body of experience known as your consciousness integrating with new stimulus to either produce or inhibit breath. This ability of the body is so very vital to movement. Diaphragms are viewed as laterals that serve as fluid containers strategically placed at the primary and secondary curves of the body. These thickened pressurized fascial valves regulate and stabilize the flow of the fluid body and breath to foster or inhibit movement. Keeping in mind effecting sensation can change the whole context or meaning of a movement allows Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas to evoke a new resource for the client seeking more ease, which translates into less suffering in most cases. The way a Rolfer seeks new resource and potential that is sensory stimulated is viewed from the context of The Tonic Function Model.
French Rolfer and Rolf Movement Instructor Hubert Godard, is a dance and movement professor for the University of Paris, France, and is the primary contributor to what is known as the Tonic Function Model. This model suggests that tonic function, or the human being’s ability to orient to space in gravity, is affected by four entry points; structure/gravity, coordination, impression/perception, and expression/meaning, with each one possessing the potential to influence tonic function, and one or all of the other entry points. In other words, these four elements of the Tonic Function Model are always in relationship working simultaneously to keep the being safe, vertical, and expressive in gravity given all the considerations of the model. Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas works within these relationships initiating changes in sensation to structure, coordination, perception, and meaning to evoke a shift in resource; changing sensation of any one or all of these can evoke the system to orientate to a new resource and ease of movement. Simply bringing awareness and embodiment to specific areas of relationship coupled with a new sensation can promote a shift in ease or efficiency of movement. Injuries can cause an overlay to the structure and inhibit its ability to move, and it is necessary to take injuries into full consideration. Posture, or holding patterns can be indicative of movement patterns that have not utilized use of the gravity response system. Proprioception activates the gravity response system and this activation is located in the skin, specifically the hands, feet, and face, and stimulate gamma activity in motor control. The way proprioception influences gamma activity, or the feed back reflex, is why embodiment and awareness of sensation may evoke a change in resource.
It seems that Rolf Movement has compiled and condensed much of the language that qualifies and quantifies theories of successful movers over the ages. When I see great gymnasts, martial artist’s, yogis, dancers, runners, cheerleaders and many of the other countless movers from time, I think there had to be an idea of these relationships and resources, even if there was not a homogenous language to communicate what was being done or taught in terms of tonic function. Gross and fine motor movement skill is obvious in some and elusive in others.
These shifts take commitment to the desired outcome, nothing happens instantly but dramatic results can be achieved quickly. What counts in terms of success is knowing how to communicate these somewhat abstract concepts into digestible bite size bits of discernable data that someone can use to improve or master their movement. Rolf Movement can be experienced as a whole session, as part of a classical Rolf session or in a Budokon class, www.budokon.com. Budokon is an art and resource that can enable someone to grasp or master a skill level in the yogic, martial, and living arts. Rolf Movement is not psychotherapy, although there is a psychology to everything we “do”. Rolfers and Rolf Movement Practitioners deal with fascia and the associated relationships with somatics. How you think is how you move, how you breathe is how you live.
John Barton, Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas |Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas | Rolfing & Rolf Movement
Since my Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas® endeavor began, one thing has become clear, Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas® uncoupled from movement cues will not get the same results. What once seemed abstract, except for the occasional “aha”, now seems much more tangible. It seems that which begs the question “What is Rolfing” is also begging the hallows of movement protocols as well. Here is how I have incorporated movement into table work with a client through session 5: First hour working with 3d breath exploration on table and standing in gravity. Second hour: Rolf Yoga on table and seated on floor, coupled with standing traction. Third hour: Arm drops and ocular uncoupling of limbs of expression. Fourth hour: Connecting eye of foot with pelvic floor and ocular uncoupling with limbs of support. Fifth hour: Walking bell clapper: moving from LDH and exploration in sensation of letting anal triangle “go”.
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas affords me the opportunity to work with yoga & movement in a unique way. There are dynamic postures that I feel have the ability to evoke contra-lateral movement if done with movement cueing and possibly without. For example, fighting monkey, playing monkey, kimodo dragon, water wheel and others. Walking with awareness of the spine and its 2 girdles ability to counter rotate each other in gait cycle, the loading, unloading, reloading sensation emerges. I also like the imagery that rubber bands are connecting the two girdles, upper to opposing lower on both sides, so that when walking there is a sensation of one band shortening bringing shoulder and hip closer while the other is lengthening.
With the client supine I start with 3d breathing. Then I place his feet into my thighs as I stand at the end of table, as connected to the earth in standing. Guiding the client to allow one shin to float towards sky while allowing the other Gastroc to be heavy towards the table. Essentially flexing one knee and extending the other slightly, guiding him as if he were walking. Imagery of walking through ankle high water then up to knees and pelvis, cultivating a relationship to LDH (both sides) 30 min. Rolf yoga 5 min. Walking exploration of relationship of heaven to earth with him being the cream filling (weight/volume) 5 min. Vestibular-oculo-cervical reflex 20 min. He had great results and a fun experience, also relief from back and shoulder pain. Buoyancy! He could not believe that he felt “as if” he had received the same results from manipulative sessions.
Impression-weight, plantar surface stimulation, shape, volume, inside/outside Expression-3d breathing with impression, fixed diaphragm inhibits expression Coordination-inhibiting inhibition, cueing with one posterior leg heavy the other anterior leg floating, and imagery of walking through different degrees of water depths. I believe that negotiating these elements of sensation affected the clients gravity response changing his tonic function and getting result
John Barton, Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas |Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas| Rolfing Is Beneficial
This Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas video on back, shoulder, and neck pain explains the potential path of a Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.
John Barton, Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas| Rolfing & Ethics
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas defines ethics as being a set of principles of right conduct, and as a Rolfer the therapeutic relationship necessitates this structure as much as it is defined by it. Les Kertay, Advanced Rolfer®, defines ethics as the principles of a therapeutic relationship and in this brief review I will discuss insight into how and why problems arise in the therapeutic relationship spoken to at the 2002 Rolf Institute Annual Meeting, and give general principles/guidelines into begging the question “What is Rolfing?
The basic assumption is that complaints stem from a failure of the therapeutic relationship or ethics. “What to do about what is”, is the Rolfers ontological resource that should be used when engaging a past, current, or future client. It appears to be as much a philosophy as it is a psychology, a complete lifestyle, which in and of itself begs the question “What is Rolfing?” All health care relations are therapeutic relations and the phenomena known, as Transference/Counter transference that exists between a Rolfer and his clients is palpable, in all meetings. The nature of the work will magnetize expectations of fix-it sessions and or desires to process emotions through the sessions, this is where it can start to get sticky. The Rolfer is always responsible for the framework of the relationship that always includes Transference/Counter transference so the boundaries and framework should begin with an Informed Consent form. This will always serve as a resource when dealing with unrecognized/unexpressed expectations of a client, a misunderstanding. Do not cross the line or make exceptions; if you do you have just changed the context of the relationship! Do not do anything with a client that you cannot discuss openly and comfortably. Remember that clients may be seeking boundaries by testing them.
Problem clients can include those involved with workman’s compensation or car accidents, which means an attorney is involved or soon will be so keep no secrets and give no guarantees. It is always best to be yourself in dealing with clients because you never know when you could be ordered to testify under oath or end the relationship. Make rules, don’t break them. Never say, Rolfing can “do” anything, especially about pain, do not create expectations. It is also wise to separate the intake interview and the first session to give both parties time to gauge the potential or lack thereof. Some clients will jump around from every Rolfer in town so as to navigate control of the therapeutic relations. Don’t get caught in the Victim Triangle. . “What is Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas?” Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas is an inquiry to the optimal functioning of the human being, so learn to tolerate ambiguity. It is a science, an art, a philosophy and psychology. It is action and non-action. It requires the practitioner to immerse him or herself in it completely, to merge with it. Honor the process by being completely unattached to expectations. Rolfing is the optimal functioning of the therapeutic relationship; so don’t offer what the client doesn’t want. Don’t get caught in the trap of “trying” to legitimize Rolfing as if it needed recognition. Rolfing does not need recognition, it facilitates resource and points to a potential of higher order that does, and this is the manifestation of health in the context of the therapeutic relationship. Rolfing is always changing and adapting to the way of the human being. Rolfing, applied appropriately, is ethics at it’s best. In 2002 Les Kertay spoke at the annual meeting about ethics and therapeutic relationships and it was my intent to communicate the content within the context of Rolfing as he did. Ethics are the principles of the therapeutic relationship and Rolfing is our gift as somatic therapist to engage life fully.
John Barton, Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas |Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Treatment 8 & 9
The Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas 8th & 9th hour are the final opportunity to balance the pelvic and shoulder girdles. The options are to couple together successive treatments to do this. Start with the client walking to assess through client's self discovery where breath is bound and or flowing in the thorax and pelvis. It should be noted if the inspiration or expiration is more desirable. The client can lay supine on table and observe breath again in and out of the chest, belly, and pelvis. If restricted breath is in chest, release can be explored by placing hands on either side, one hand on pectoralis the other under the same side scapula, with fingers pointed inferiorly.
Continue core/sleeve/axial complex differentiation of the shoulders into head and neck relative to a functional axial component and address the hyoids, SCM and trapezius. Special attention should be given to posterior cervical and occipital fascia as well as side bends with rotations of the cranial bones. Address space or lack there of with the viscero-cranium for the first time by resolving rotations and compressions inter orally. This can be done now and possibly in post ten treatments which includes and is not limited to the exterior and inter oral fascia, temporalis, zigomatic arch, masseter, cheeks and mandibular line, tounge, hard and soft palletes (especially with roto-scoliosis),lateral/medial pterygoid. The inter nasal work will cultivate integration of the neuro-viscero cranium components to finish the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas 8 & 9th treatment,
John Barton, Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas | Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Treatment 10
The main goal for the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas tenth hour is to establish functional alignment from the ankles to the A/O joint. This is the opportunity to bring this clients body to the highest level of integration possible. Observe the breath and its transmission through the body and how the client's Psycho-emotional level manifests' in the body. Movement should be fluid and orientation to G or G' tendencies should be considered. If more intra oral work is needed now is the time to do it and initiate further integration in x, y, z-axis from top down and vertical integration from the bottom up. Tracking from the front and from behind is also ideal in tenth hour, considering horizontals at joints connecting segments, and diaphragms. The structure needs to be homogenous, stable, and palintonicaly open at its current level of order. The whole Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas session should be considered an integrative session, get everything smooth and unlocked. Neck work should be where any potential can be seen and back work could be broad and integrative. Pelvic lift or pull will end tenth hour. Leave time to say good bye, it has been an important process for both Rolfer® and client and obvious growth and healing has taken place. Let the client know some recommendations for future work. In Conclusion, Fascia, like ripples of dark matter that engulf all of creation, engulfs the mind and body of man and woman. From the double bag theory of the connective tissues ability to fold in on itself to create an alternate and complimentary compartment, to the theories of Albert Einstein about relativity and the effect that mass has on displacing and warping the void and enveloping depths of space. Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas recignizes the inferences that could be drawn from surveying our universe are endless and yet we know that the ten series applied appropriately for each individual can create even more space than was previously considered. In closing on this exploration through the ten-series let us re-examine the nature of the series. Its intent is to establish order in the structure via considering The Rolfing® Structural Integration wholistic system and the specific client involved, including environmental and physical factors.
The order of events for Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas® is the key to creating more space: Motility precedes mobility-Mobility and differentiation precede positional change -Congruence of segments precedes higher order -Sleeve/superficial organization precedes core organization -The establishment of three functioning dimensions Precedes working with rotational issues -Appendicular order precedes sleeve order -Order in the arms/shoulder girdle precedes order in the thoracic inlet-Order in the thoracic inlet precedes order in the neck-Order in axial complex precedes easy carriage of head. The Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Ten Series has the potential to reduce pain and release tension in the connective and myofascial tissue of the body associated with TMJ, CTS, RLS, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Fascitis, Bunions, Scoliosis, and Cerebral Palsy. Fascial asymmetries can cause foot, leg, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and head pain; integration therapy is necessary. Orthopedic, Chiropractic, Physical, and Massage Therapists recognize Rolfing and Rolf Movement as premium pain management utilizing Structural, Functional, and Postural Integration.
John Barton, Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas |Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Treatment 7
The whole structure has experienced a deeper felt sense of space, organization, and integration by the seventh hour session: Palintonicity/Adaptability (7-8-9) core expressing through lower pole (push). The amount of stress that the visceral cranium and neural cranium exhibit on the whole organism is immense and release in this session allows the work to transmission from the earth to the clouds. '''If we establish a spanning polarity between the top of the head and the base of the sacrum in relation to the directional span of the gravity field, we have a new kind of structurally integrated man"-IPR. In the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas seventh hour we deal with the relationship of the head and neck to the rest of the body via the thoracic inlet/outlet and continue support in the upper ribs and thoracic inlet for a horizontal shoulder girdle. Continue core/sleeve/axial complex differentiation of the shoulders into head and neck relative to a functional axial component and address the hyoids, SCM and trapezius. Special attention should be given to posterior cervical and occipital fascia as well as side bends with rotations of the cranial bones. Address space or lack there of with the viscero-cranium for the first time by resolving rotations and compressions inter orally.
This can be done now and possibly again later in another Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas session which includes and is not limited to the exterior and inter oral fascia, temporalis, zigomatic arch, masseter, cheeks and mandibular line, tongue, hard and soft palletes (especially with roto-scoliosis),lateral/medial pterygoid. The inter nasal work will cultivate integration of the neuro-viscero cranium components. Depending on the lines of tension, back work should be seated from head to sacrum, integrating everything from the bottom off the feet to the frontalis, represented by SBL model or gallbladder channel. The best way to end this session is a ocular decoupling exercise that completely disengages and integrates the neck and head. Pelvic lift or tilt ends seventh-hour.
John Barton, Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas | Certified Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas
In hour 6 the work begins to make another shift in the Rolfing® protocol: Palintonicity Adaptability/Support (6-7-8) Core expressing through the lower pole. This session will complete the leg work of 2-4-6 of support, and complete pelvic work of 4-5-6 of transmission. When looking at the back of the body it is important to recognize the posterior reflections of the fifth hour anterior work. "Adaptive capacity at the hips precedes order in the spine. Organization in the core and sleeve precedes order in the spine. Order in Axial complex precedes order in the head." The main goals are to balance the pelvic girdle by organizing legs and intra pelvic structures, and free the sacrum and the spine from any remaining drift’s and rotations in posterior soft tissue. Establish horizontals in the legs by working the line’s of tension to resolve rotations and counter rotations in posterior leg segment’s. The primary tilter’s and shifter’s are different from left to right side so special attention should be given to working the asymmetry in a way that is congruent. This session literally travel’s from the plantar fascia all the way up superficial back line over the calcaneous, gastroc, soleus, knee, hamstrings, rotators, sacro-tuberous and sacro-spinous ligaments. When observing the posterior axial fascia, side bend’s with rotations are to be worked in the direction of correction so that the organization in the whole structure from toe to head can emerge. Neck work should be with client supine for mobility and translation in flexion/extension Seated work is assisted movement through all three functional planes depending on the amount of integration that has occurred thus far so G or G' tendency should be obvious and observed. Pelvic lift or pull will end sixth-hour session.
John Barton, Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Treatment 5
In the fifth-hour session it is going to be more obvious where the girdles are inhibited. The sleeve is more at ease and the deeper structures can be addressed. The way that the two girdles communicate through the core is going to be examined so that fluid contra lateral movement can emerge. Session five: Support/lPalintonicity (5-6-7) Upper pole of Axial complex. "Congruence between segments precedes higher order. When the lines of transmission are eased, they give way to palintinos." The main goals are to create more space in the core, enable more lumbar freedom in flexion and extension, and initiate a visceral release. Attention to working with the drifts in the tissue of the anterior torso will help to resolve asymmetry in the tissue of the thorax. To create more space in the core assess x,y,z restrictions on the core by working with the primary contributors of tilt and shift in both girdles.
The shoulder girdle may need to be more differentiated to further normalize breathing, the psoas may need to be lengthened and or quadriceps released at attachment to ease lumbars. Assess if LDH is short in back and address psoas and quadratus lumboram to de-rotate tissue and create space. If torso is short in front, release forces in the rectus abdominus that impinge on core space and function. A short rectus attachment in front can pull ribs to narrow or wide so assess if ribcage is more inspiration or expiration fixed and work with the drifts in the direction of correction to further decompress the ribs. The back work should continue to consider side bends from anterior aspect and breathing from a posterior one. The indirect diaphram release can be completed in this session with the relationship to the core. The client on their side gives the hands of the practitioner access to thoracic inlet and cerebral crus and falx diaphragm's. Neck work will also be in anterior compartment with emphasis on congruence of movement and relationship to the core. Pelvic lift or pull will finish firth-hour.
John Barton, Certified Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth-Dallas
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Treatment 4
The Rolfing Fourth-hour is a session of Support and Palintonicity (4-5-6). Transmission and support are goals for the client that is running concurrently in sessions four and six. By the Ten Series fourth session the sleeve should be at ease so that a deeper layer can be affected.
Support is vital in the structure and should be resourceful after this session. Support from the second and third hour should be observable, so going into a third opportunity of working with the feet is optimal. With the lateral line established we can further the bi-Lateral and pre-vertebral support initiated in the second hour by working the internal midline including pelvic floor. Work to resolve tilt and shift in the pelvic girdle by addressing the primary contributors in the midline.
The main Rolfing goals are to lengthen the midline and to initiate support of the legs through the pelvis by releasing lines of tension at the ramus of ischium, perineum and peritoneal cavity, thereby effecting pelvic floor. By de-rotating the tissue of the femur it is possible to normalize and balance this segment at the pelvis. The fascia of the rami of the pelvis must also be addressed to normalize the fascia of the femur. Horizontals at knees and ankles could be resolved by the end of this session.
The direction of correction switch's between most segments and must be understood and observed for the palintonic line to emerge. It should include differentiating the peronials from gastroc/soleus and quadriceps from adductors for hip extension. The sacro-tuberous ligament extending off of hamstring attachment on both sides of the coccyx will be addressed to create space for the sacrum to breathe. Continue to work the primary contributors to shift in the pelvic girdle. The back work will further consider side bends with rotations and develop the integration of the pelvis/spinal relationship in seated work by working LDH and trapezius.
The first half of a two-part indirect diaphragm release can be done in this session and completed in session five so that potential in core by breath can emerge. This release is done with the client on their side and practitioner's hands gamma contacting pelvic and respiratory diaphragms with awareness on breath cycle.
Head and neck work will be general in the compartment where lines of tension manifests from first rib, enabling continuity and congruence in thoracic inlet. A Pelvic lift will finish. " Pay special attention to the Adductor Magnus, this is as much a hamstring as it is an adductor." -IPR.
The Certified Rolfing Ten Series has the potential to reduce pain and release tension in the connective and myofascial tissue of the body associated with TMJ, CTS, RLS, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Fascitis, Bunions, Scoliosis, and Cerebral Palsy. Fascial asymmetries can cause foot, leg, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and head pain; integration therapy is necessary. Orthopedic, Chiropractic, Physical, and Massage Therapist recognize Rolfing and Rolf Movement as premium pain management utilizing Structural, Functional, and Postural Integration
John Barton, Certified Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth-Dallas
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Treatment 3
Session three completes what was initiated in the first-hour, defIning the body in three-dimensional space (x,y,z). This session should allow the inhibited tissue in the sleeve to ease, and enable the work to transition to a deeper layer in the fourth session.
The main goals in the third-hour are to address structural relationships that limit the lateral line, Z dimension, and address associated rotations/counter rotations in the arms, legs, and torso. Develop a more balanced relationship between the shoulder girdle and thorax enabling it to move freely on ribcage and in lateral line by addressing the structures that shift the body anterior and posterior. Differentiate the arms from the scapula and address inspiration/expiration issues and horizontals by resolving the structures that are associated with the primary tilt contributors. The thorax to pelvis relationship of freeing eleventh and twelfth ribs, Q.L. and thoraco Iumbar fascia down to L4 must all be addressed in the third-hour. Tractioning on the clients arm while it is extended above their head in sideline exposes the spatial relationships of these segments. Work to further normalize side bends with rotations in the spine and the effect that it has on the ribs. The ribs are directly affected by the asymmetry in the spine. Make sure to work the x,y,z planes in the tissue of the IT band lateral line and continue to horizontalize the pelvis. Address the interosseous membrane of low leg by addressing the x,y,z planes in the tissue and the tibia fibular relationship. Seated back work in flexion and extension, and push reach with pelvic triangle awareness. . The back work at MDH should lengthen front and back proportionately. Pelvic lift, general neck work and lift at the sub occipitals to end 3rd session.
John Barton, Certified Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth-Dallas
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas Treatment 2
The first session is a beautiful way to introduce the work to the body. It cultivates a deeper awareness of what is really happening, it is a place of adaptability & inquiry. An awareness of more support is palpable going into the second session. The coded description of the work is – Second Hour: Support/Palintonicity (2-3-4) Bilateral Support. "The feet and lower legs are critical; you must have support for the parts above. Even more critical is the ankle and the way those joints fit into each other."-IPR.
Assess lower legs & the arches of the feet. The main goals are to create support for the pelvis with structures above it and lengthening the back. To create support we look at the spring of the arches in the foot and how the weight is transmitted through the foot. Rotations in Talus & Calcaneous balance or inhibit the structure from aligning based on rotation/counter rotations and horizontal hinges at knees, ankles, and toes. Counter rotations between agreeable segments of the carpal or metacarpal bones deepens an imbalance in the body above. Work towards resolving asymmetries in low leg & knee. After working plantar fascia, and retinaculum, test how the fibula responds in dorsiflexion via interosseus membrane, working to resolve rotations & counter rotations between segments of the feet and low legs. Free up restricted drifts in the tissue so that the legs & feet can differentiate & integrate. Dr. Rolf called this the “Body geometry”, or the natural organizing effect based upon the structures balance & alignment in the vertical gravitational field. The back needs lengthening and releasing of the erectors of the back, moving up & in at the wide portions & down & away where the tissue is narrow. Work with flat spots & side bends With their associated rotations to integrate the support and palintonicity above the supported pelvis. It’s great for the client to connect through the feet while seated, exploring the relationship of the” eye of the foot”. An exploration with down/up is always a profitable movement in the second session resourcing the “eye”. Rolf yoga works well with integrating the second hour work. This exercise mimic’s the movement of the foot in gait. For the neck, work the cervical tissue in the direction of correction. Slow melting amounts of pressure can be given with the client seated and work with elbows into the clients traps. With client supine, place fingers in sub-occipitals, lengthening into posterior portion. If there is time some standing tracking before finishing is great. Pelvic lift or pull finishes the second session.
John Barton, Certified Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth-Dallas-
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advancedrolfingfortworthdallas Rolf Movement Treatment 2
The amount of attention to detail can be observed and deeply felt with the second movement session. Integrating the spine, pelvis, and legs are the goals of this Rolfing session. Begin by having the client on hands and knees.
The integration of the pelvic girdle and spine is palpable when the articulation of the spinal complex transmissions smoothly from the sacrum to the mid dorsal hinge. With client on the floor, on hands and knees, and the practitioners thumbs are into the laminar groove from L5 to L1 the client can begin to articulate the micro movements of the spine. While forced exhalation engages transverse abdominus, movement happens when that forced exhalation and lumbar flexion is meet with resistance by pushing on T.P's. while client resists and pushes back. This will activate core stability and should be repeated several times for L5-L1.
The core stability is what we are ultimately looking for. The body responds to pain by drawing up and in, using tonic and phasic tissues to stabilize the area. These movement exercises are cultivating a new nervous system potential that is using only what is necessary to stabilize.
The client can lye supine on table with their feet at a 90 degree angle onto a wall or some thing of the like, bringing awareness to the four corners of their feet as well as the whole plantar surface. Awareness of shifts in sensation should be involved all the way up to the sacrum while alternating pressure through the foot in a guided sensory experience. This movement exercise takes the client out of gravity and on their back; this positioning is part of what makes this so profound to the process. The alternating of pressure continues cultivating contra-lateral potentials.
The client can come to standing and walk through gait cycle assessing movement at MDH and how that transmissions up and down to both or neither girdle. The final tool in attempting integration of the legs and pelvis is known as ocular decoupling of limbs of support and is experienced by the client supine while following the range of movement of femur in hip with their peripheral vision. This movement exercise is known to release bound energetic potential in the pelvis and enable a more fluid gait cycle.
When the client stands a new felt sense of integration typically emerges as they walk. The psoas extension and associated toe hinge is usually observed as the client explores the new freedom of contra lateral expression.
This is a great place to end the session. The Certified Rolfing Ten Series has the ability to reduce pain and release tension in the connective and myofascial tissue of the body associated with TMJ, CTS, RLS, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Fascitis, Bunions, Scoliosis, and Cerebral Palsy. Fascial asymmetries can cause foot, leg, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and head pain; integration therapy is necessary. Orthopedic, Chiropractic, Physical, and Massage Therapist recognize Rolfing and Rolf Movement as premium pain management utilizing Structural, Functional, and Postural Integration.
#AdvancedRolfingFortworthdallas #painmanagement #orthopedichealth #fascia #Physicaltherapy #massagetherapy #chiropractor #airrosti #rolfing #structuralintegration
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advancedrolfingfortworth · 1 year ago
Advancedrolfingfortworthdallas - Rolf Movement Series
Rolfing and Rolf Movement have become similar terms used to describe technique that can foster a shift in structural and functional potentials. Rolf Movement will be the focus of this outline describing what a Rolf Movement four series incorporates into sessions to cultivate this shift.
Four independent sessions will explore breath, appendicular, axial, and cranial orientation and awareness. Simply by bringing awareness to an area, being with it and observing its intention, an individual can transform their container and initiation of expression.
After meeting with the client and discussing their history and information on the client intake evaluation, the first movement session can begin. Few are truly associated with their own breath, its rhythm, and when they hold it. It appears that the body organizes around the breath and its rhythm, be it hypo or hyperventilating. A walking exploration of breath and movement in gravity, fast and slow, is the best way to start the relationship.
When the client communicates a new awareness, have client move out of vertical gravity to supine position on the table to explore. The exploration should be from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. A diaphragm release and integration can be utilized while the client breathes in and out of each bodily segment. The whole session should be at least an hour for standing and table exploration.
This second movement session should focus on support and how the feet and legs relate to the pelvis. The client should be able to begin with an increased awareness of breath and body from the first meeting. With the client vertical in gravity begin a walking assessment navigating sensation and awareness from the earth to the foot, from the foot up to the knee, and from the knee to the pelvis. Rolf yoga is great way to do some seated work with each foot, foot up toes down and toes up foot down.
Lye the client supine and explore heel drags with each foot. Knee overs help the client feel the relationship and weight of femur in hip, and sets up for Kaya Kalpa exercise to bring the support session together. These movements and exercises are technique for cultivating support for the pelvis.
As we move to the third movement session, we in turn move up the body looking at the relationship between the pelvic and shoulder girdles. Contra-lateral movement is the manifesting integration of the spinal engine. When there is little or no contra-lateral movement the mid-dorsal hinge needs a wake up call. With the client supine on the table, knees bent, and feet flat have client (push) right foot into table and (reach) across their body with the contra-lateral arm parallel with the right shoulder. The movement should be subtle, from the inside out.
Have client come into gravity and repeat in a seated position. A closed chain technique called Rolling wave is a great way to complete the integration. This technique moves from the foot to the hand and provides a serratus/transversus activation integration, which brings the work to the shoulder, neck and head.
Beginning with arm drops, feeling the weight and letting it fall without inhibition can address the head, neck and the shoulder girdle. The tendency is to hold on, and this is precisely what we are witnessing. Ocular decoupling limbs of expression affords the opportunity to release inhibitions in the range of motion restricted by perception, similar to ocular decoupling limbs of support which we did not do this series.
The final technique is called ocular-vestibular-cervical reflex. Its a large group of terms that communicates that the exproprioception feedback we use for hand-eye coordination will be able to release and reset. These four sessions combined will hopefully enable the client to experience a new reality. Humans spend allot of time looking, touching, and forming beliefs. Rolfing and The Rolf Movement techniques help our species to be more integrally informed.
The Certified Rolfing Ten Series has the ability to reduce pain and release tension in the connective and myofascial tissue of the body associated with TMJ, CTS, RLS, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Fascitis, Bunions, Scoliosis, and Cerebral Palsy. Fascial asymmetries can cause foot, leg, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and head pain; integration therapy is necessary. Orthopedic, Chiropractic, Physical, and Massage Therapist recognize Rolfing and Rolf Movement as premium pain management utilizing Structural, Functional, and Postural Integration. Bioceuticals are an alternative,natural and non-toxic method of effectively addressing health and wellness through the lense of Bioceutical nutrition.
#AdvancedRolfingFortworthdallas #painmanagement #orthopedichealth #fascia #Physicaltherapy #massagetherapy #chiropractor #airrosti #rolfing #structuralintegration
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