#Adrianne Ho
thelastsharknado · 1 year
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knockeddeadv5 · 1 year
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adrianne ho
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zakkarochi · 2 years
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dpmultibitches · 2 years
Not me going into a FC directory to find an Athena FC and finding a FC that I thing would work great Talia. Someone tell me not to do the thing and add anything side character to this blog.
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do-it-for-radagon · 1 year
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Lore explanation here, meta under the cut
Crasis, the newest Conspectus in the Academy's repertoire, was founded by a Lord-turned-Sorcerer, Adrianne. Contrary to its predecessors, who dedicated their studies to the outside sources of sorcery, this Conspectus focuses on the relation between already established spells, melding the known into wholly new forms.
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Evoke Current
The first synthetic spell.
Three differing powers bound in this spell create an equilibrium that allows the caster to manipulate nearby liquids.
The size of the current depends on the user's intelligence. Hold to continue the effect.
Gravity Moon
One of the synthetic spells of Adrianne, the Silver Witch.
Uses the caster as a vessel to incarnate a heavy meteoroid that creates a strong gravitational pull. The meteoroid hangs suspended in the air, then implodes, releasing a shock wave.
A certain open-mindness is required to be a Crasis Sorcerer. One cannot disregard some teaching in favour of the other. The key is understanding that all the powers that govern the world, even as they clash, achieve balance in their never-ending struggle. In opposition to the scholars of Primeval Current, students of syncretism acknowledge that a mere tilt of the cosmic scales would've torn the reality asunder.
Argyropoeia - The transmutation of base metals into silver.
Ho boy did I think a lot how and why make Adrianne's conspectus. The concept of an interdisciplinary magic school came to me quickly(Miriel is to blame here) , the name was the biggest issue.
I really wanted to see whether the socrecies and incantations 'married' at some point, then came the law of casuality/regression that got me REALLY hyped up on the idea that I can cast incantations with 0 faith.
Have some of my notes as I was doing the mildest of research ever.
Crasis - In chymical terms, the crasis of a thing is the totality of its virtues and powers.
Spagyria - A branch of chymistry concerned with the separation of compound bodies into their constituents and their recombination, generally with an eye toward their medicinal use.
Alkahest A solvent described by Van Helmont that is supposedly able to divide all substances into their component ingredients and then reduce these further into their primordial water.
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whimsyfemme · 1 month
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hi all!! you can call me fleur or whimsy 🫶🏾!
꩜ .ᐟ nineteen yrs of age + black + nonbinary femme lesbian. any prns (pronoun indifferent/any compliments) + bpd & autism diagnosed + aries sun, pisces moon, libra rising + infp 2w1.
꩜ .ᐟ taken + femme4butch/stud + ambiamorous. battle axe lesbian + stud & butch protector + manbeater + alternative + irl fairy.
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this blog is my safe space to post about whatever whenever so a reminder!
BYF: this blog is 18+ i make and reblog nsfw posts from time to time, please don't follow if that makes you uncomfortable! i will sometimes mention that i smoke weed and do shrooms. this is a safe place for sapphics of all kinds, please don't come on here stirring up bullshit because i won't tolerate it. 
DNI: cishet men (i've already blocked a bunch of yall and i'll continue to do it), minors, ageless blogs, terfs (die), discriminatory towards ppl with personality disorders, complicit/support or have a "neutral stance" on the genocides that are currently occurring, edsh blogs, maps, ableists, transphobes, etc etc.
TAGS: talking/thoughts tag: yap yappy yap yap yap. posts with my pictures/face: me posting. 🍃 or 🍄 posts: faded than a ho. inbox tag: mail 4 whimsy.
my ask box and messages are always open! from friendly interactions to flirting and sexting, everything is okay with me. mooties can ask for my socials, discord, number, etc!
no anon emojis are currently taken at the moment!
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if you want to get to know me a bit better here are some of my favorite things 🫶🏾
꩜ .ᐟ hobbies; writing + reading, sewing + embroidery, baking, dungeons & dragons, & perfumery.
꩜ .ᐟ artists; aespa, bikini kill, ethel cain, tyler the creator, red velvet, radiohead, mortician, dystopia, snow strippers, noname, newjeans, sophie, adrianne lenker, faye webster, loona, hole, sza, amaarae, fleshwater, & rico nasty.
꩜ .ᐟ games; the last of us, red dead redemption, baldurs gate, pokemon, harvest moon, persona 5, guilty gear, legend of zelda, final fantasy, cyberpunk, animal crossing, dragons dogma, elden ring, & assassin's creed valhalla & odyssey.
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what i am into/kinks
i am versatile with a bottom dominate lean, can and will be submissive. learning/exploring topping. butches and studs obvi! im just starting to get more comfortable with more taboo kinks (that i'm into) after being exposed to that shit at a young age.
🫶🏾: mommy/daddy kink (as titles), breath play, face sitting, bondage, oral fixation, impact play, manhandling, praise, primal play, mutual marking, somnophilia, guided masturbation, breeding, public play, strapons, drug use/intox, & dry humping.
🙅🏾: race play (of ANY kind, cannot believe i have to elaborate on that), extreme cnc, bodily waste, feet, armpits, anal play, age play, weapon play, anything thats extremely taboo or extreme.
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₊˚ᓚᘏᗢ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁₊✧ ゚
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jestershq · 2 years
hello! could the members of house greyjoy be adopted since i am having a tough time finding half chinese fcs that fit the older character spots?
hi angel ! i think we can allow adopted members of house greyjoy , or perhaps even half - siblings , just be sure if you do choose to bring in someone under these umbrellas that they are a poc fc !
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we have confirmation that adopted siblings and half siblings are welcome in the greyjoy family lore !
shoutout to one of our beautiful members for sharing some faceclaims in the replies that could work for the older greyjoys and match jesse mei li’s ethnicity ! thank you , lovebug !
all of these would work for almost anyone but the ruling greyjoy !
lewis tan , remy hii , janel parrish , philipa soo , jessica henwick , adrianne ho , ben levin , and natasha liu bordizzo
im on the prowl for some that would work for the ruling lady so keep an eye on this post just in case I run into some !
kristin kreuk , lucy liu , michaela conlin , kelly hu ,  ming-na wen , and gong li
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ridersfm · 12 days
fc suggestions for the crown heir?
i mentioned a few here, but a couple of others i could see are adrianne ho, max huang & phillipa soo.
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hiddenwashington · 2 months
@rcvcrics said : can i change andros' fc to alexander skarsgard and ella's fc to chloe bailey? **Ollie don’t judge me Can I also reserve Rogue from the X Men and get some fc suggestions?
andros sorrengail is now andrew lincoln alexander skarsgard, and ella is now rachel hilson chloe bailey! **rogue (x-men) is now reserved for mario until 7/27 at 6:23 am est. **and for fcs, in the past the main has reccommended naomi scott, alexandra daddario, bianca santos, emeraude toubia, karla souza, adrianne ho, victoria morales, imaan hammam, kaya scodelario, or daisy ridley! and i might also add courtney eaton, olivia liang, anna lambe, or shin yeeun.
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thelastsharknado · 1 year
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knockeddeadv5 · 1 year
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adrianne ho
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bunniarp · 8 months
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Přezdívky: Adri Datum narození: 1. 2. 1977 Profese: Asistentka CEO v StellarTech Industries Bydliště: New York Den setkání s Doctorem: 11. 9. 2001 Faceclaim: Troian Bellisario
Adriane je kreativní dívka, která má od dětství radost i z maličkostí. Snaží se být milá, ale vždy se umí postavit za pravdu, které věří, ovšam to trochu koresponduje s tím, že tu pravdu někdy vidět nechce, jakoby v sobě měla vlastní filtr vnímání. To z ní dělá lehce naivní a několikrát se tak už spálila. Jednoduše jí dokáže ovládnout stres i vztek, ale pohár k přetečení má opravdu hluboký. Je lehce zranitelná, pokud proti ní člověk dokáže použít ta správná slova. Občas je přehnaně bojácná o lidi v jejím okolí. Je noční sova.
Čtení, psaní, horolezectví, v dětství hrála na cello.
Její práce není až tak důležitá, jak zní. Je za ni vděčná, je dobře placená, ale není to nic, co by ji mělo naplňovat a plánovala tam zůstata do konce svého života. Vždycky chtěla napsat knihu, ne proto, aby byla slavná, ale aby si něco dokázala a alespoň něco tu po ní po smrti zbylo s jejím jménem, ale zjistila, že s prací to není jen tak jednoduché. Přesto se z ní stala kavárnová holka, která ve svém oblíbeném podniku seděla každý čtvrtek.
Pavouci, les v noci
Zvíře: Králík
Jídlo: Waffle se šlehačkou, losos s citrónem a pečenými bramborami
Pití: Horká čokoláda s malinami, džusy
Barva: Černá, pacific ocean blue
Adrianne se narodila dne 1. 2. 1977 v New Yorské nemocnici svým rodičům. Dětství měla klidné, hravé, vždycky dostatečný počet kamarádů, ničeho nestrádala. Její rodina jí dávala pevné zázemí, nebyli na tom finančně špatně, ale ani nebyli v newyorkské smetánce. Žili v jednom z těch betonových sedmipatrových domů blízko centra s kovovým schodištěm podél budovy. Jako malou se ji rodiče snažili dovést ke hře na cello, to ji ovšem s nástupem do šesté třídy přestalo bavit, nebylo to to pravé ořechové. Ráda si četla a psala, objevovala nové věci alespoň na papíře, sama potom nalezla zálibu v horolezectví, nikdy však nenašla možnost pořádně si zalézt po opravdových horách. Z dětství si odnesla dvě kamarádky, které jí zůstaly doteď. Byly jimi Jasmin Wilson a Mia Peterson, obě měly již trochu usazenější život než ona, se svými partnery. První setkání se smrtí zažila v sedmnácti letech, kdy se její první přítel stal obětí vlakové nehody, tehdy jí to zničilo, ale teď je to po těch letech za ní. Občas je díky tomu přehnaně bojácná o lidi v jejím okolí.
New York pořádně opustila všeho všudy jen dvakrát a to, když jela na prázdniny se svým tátou k babičec do Miamy a ač se jí betonové království tolik nelíbí, ještě se nedostala do bodu, kdy by ho měla opustit, jak původně chtěla. Zřejmě za to mohla její rodina, která je dodnes úplná. Její rodiče pro ni skvělým příkladem udržet si vztah celý život, s nikým nevydržela déle jak rok (ani s jejím prvním přítelem), proto se začala soustředit více na práci. Nejdříve to jen zkoušela, ale v momentě, kdy získala místo asistentky hlavního CEO ve firmě StellarTech Industries, vykašlala se na vysokou školu, která ji moc nebavila. Ani se nemusela příliš snažit, což bylo podivné. Přece jen se na tuto pozici musela hlásit spousta lidí, jednalo se o firmu s dobrou pověstí sídlící ve Světovém obchodním centru, zabývali se výzkumem technologií technologií pro inovaci získávání a uchovávání energií a stranou se věnovali podpoře a financování firem souvisejících s výzkumem lékařství. Jenomže to netušila, že její přijetí do této firmy nemělo otevřít dveře do lepší budoucnosti. Blížilo se 11. 9. 2001. Historicky významný den, o kterém lidstvo nemělo ani ponětí.
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divehq · 11 months
most wanted face claims?
i would absolutely love to see madeleine madden, ella balinska, amita suman, anya taylor-joy, havana rose liu, josha stradowski, mackenyu, quintessa swindell, leyna bloom, ersa bilgiç, adwoa aboah, fabien frankel, felix mufti, nathalie emmanuel, sean teale, fady elsayed, adrianne ho, lewis tan, regé-jean page, laith ashley, emma d'arcy, maggie q, gong yoo, mahesh jadu, idris elba, bilal hasna, tanaya beatty, michelle yeoh, riz ahmed, priscilla quintana and so many more !
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anshraa99 · 1 year
Adrianne Ho for Chopard
Adrianne Ho for Chopard at Fifth Avenue Flagship & Private Room in New York City photographed by Jeff Thibodeau. Dress provided by Tom Ford and make up by Julianna Grogan. Banner Control Plugin Activated! Source link
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aqsaa8685 · 1 year
Adrianne Ho for Chopard
Adrianne Ho for Chopard at Fifth Avenue Flagship & Private Room in New York City photographed by Jeff Thibodeau. Dress provided by Tom Ford and make up by Julianna Grogan. Banner Control Plugin Activated! Source link
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ansraali · 1 year
Adrianne Ho for Chopard
Adrianne Ho for Chopard at Fifth Avenue Flagship & Private Room in New York City photographed by Jeff Thibodeau. Dress provided by Tom Ford and make up by Julianna Grogan. Banner Control Plugin Activated! Source link
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