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Hey! Eclipse here, back with another review for Title Thursday. This week’s review will be on Shadowhunters. This show is about a secretive race of humans born with angel blood called Shadowhunters. They have fought demons and lived along side the Downworlders- werewolves, vampires, warlocks, and fairies-- in the Shadow World for about over a thousand years and have created their own culture and civilization within the human society. I will be reviewing the two seasons that this show has. I’m actually going to change the layout of my reviews just a titch.
Facts: 1) Matthew Daddario (Alec) originally auditioned for the role of Jace, however, when seeing his audition, the author told the casting directors that he would play a better Alec. 2) The characters in the books have been aged up by at least 2-3 years in the show. 3) Katherine McNarama (Clary) is actually smarter than you think. She graduated from high school at the age of 14 and college at 17! Damn, I wish that was me right now. I would only have one more year left. 4) Harry Shum (Magnus) and Katherine McNarama (Clary) both appeared in Glee. Katherine was Bunhead #1 and Harry was Mike Chang. Guess we have some performers on our hands. 5) Dominic Sherwood (Jace) actually starred in Taylor Swift’s music video for style.
My Thoughts: The first season was good. The show managed to draw my attention pretty early in the episodes. The acting was not bad but not too great either. Most of my problems are in season 2 however. The first few episodes of this season were really cheesy and the acting was trash. Especially from Katherine. It’s so bad, like, what made the casting directors give her the job? I stopped watching because I couldn’t take it anymore. But to be fair a lot of the episodes were really cheesy. I personally have never read the books that Shadowhunters is based on, but from what I’ve heard the writers of the show are doing their own thing. The show is so much different than the books and the movies.  
Despite all it’s flaws I do like Shadowhunters and I would recommend you guys to watch. I give this show a 3.5 out of 5 stars. Anyway, see you guys next week. Buh-Bye!
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Hey! So I’m going to change today from Title Thursday to Theater Thursday because it kinda goes better with what I do. Title Thursday sounds like I review books and believe me I don’t read often. It’s the last Thursday in August which means it’s time for Character of the Month. I will make a list of the top 3 characters and the one that comes out on top will be named ‘Character of the Month’. All the characters from The Giver, Naruto, and Riverdale are up for the title. I will judge off of their acting, impact on the fan base, impact on the story and my personal feelings towards them. Without further a dew let’s start.
Number 3: I will have to give this spot Jughead from Riverdale. His background story is such a sad one and I can’t help but feel sorry for him. Yes, you may say this is a pity vote, but I don’t care. I like him so whatever. Besides, out of all the characters in the show I’m more interested into seeing how he’ll end up.
Number 2: This spot will have to go to to Veronica from Riverdale. Honestly, for me, she stands out the most for me out of the Riverdale. This character has an interesting past that I can’t wait to hear about. Plus I think she’s very attractive.
Honorable Mentions: Jonas from the giver – he’s brave and did the right thing. Hinata Hyuga from Naruto – she always pushed herself to do her best and to break out of her shell which is something I personally struggle with. Rock Lee from Naruto – despite him only being able to use taijutsu, that didn’t stop him from becoming one of the strongest shinobi in the world. He always trained constantly and took no breaks.
Number 1: The character of the month of August will have to go to Naruto from the Naruto series. I saw Naruto grow as a character. When he was just a kid everyone looked down on him and didn’t want anything to do with him just because he had a tailed beast inside of him. Despite this, he still had a kind heart and was nice to everyone he met, he managed to make friends despite his circumstances and with having no parents, he still turned out to be an alright guy. Naruto taught me that no matter a person’s background or where they came from we shouldn’t judge nor hate them. We should get to know them first. He also taught me to keep pushing towards my goals and dreams and to never settle for less.
So there we have it. Congratulations to Naruto for being the Character of the Month. This list is based off of my personal feelings, thought, and opinions so you’re bound to disagree with me. Anyways see y'all  next Thursday. Buh-Bye!
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Films: Rant
Hey! It's “Cleanse Your Soul Sunday” and Eclipse is here to rant.
I honestly hate how bad these kid shows are becoming. Like when I was younger the shows I watched were good. They were funny and had real life morals. A lot of shows nowadays are just plain stupid and seems like they're lacking something. This is mostly with a lot of cartoons. Maybe it's because I'm older but I don't know. When Cartoon Network introduced that they were bringing back old cartoons like Teen Titans and Ben 10, I got so excited. I loved watching these shows as a kid and was really let down by these comebacks. IT PISSES ME OFF BECAUSE CN COULD'VE JUST BROUGHT BACK THE OLD CHARACTERS, VOICE ACTORS, STORY LINE AND WHATEVER AND IT WOULD'VE BEEN FINE. LIKE, I AM SO TRIGGERED.
Moving on from the cartoons let's talk about regular TV - with the real people. Those shows. Why are so many of these American shows, well films I should say, have so many sex scenes? Like why? And why are they so.....What's the word?Stimulating? Graphic? Inappropriate? Yeah, inappropriate is the word. Anyway, they are so detailed and show everything thing and SOME OF THESE FILMS AREN'T EVEN RATED R! It's like all these films depend on are these scenes to keep the viewers watching. I personally think only Rated R films should have these. This is probably why this generation can't seem to stop sleeping with each other.
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I really want a like iconic intro you know, something that only I do but I can't think of a good one so for right now we're gonna stick with Hola senors and senoritas :). It's Theater Thursday whoop whoop. Today I'm going to do a review on an anime called Naruto. If you've been living under a rock, well, Naruto basically tells the story of a ninja who wants to be the leader of his village and wants to be recognized by everyone as a hero. Just a warning, um this review is probably best suited for those who've actually watched the anime or read the manga because I'm not explaining anything in depth cause that is too much and I'm lazy.
Facts: 1) Shisui’s name has two interpretations. Combining the words Shi, meaning death, and Sui meaning water. Therefore Shisui would mean “death water”, which is referencing his death. Shisui alone however means “still water” or stagnant water”. 2) The only reason why Sasuke Uchiha was made was because when Kishimoto was talking to his editor about the future of the series, he was advised to make a rival for Naruto, therefore Sasuke was created. 3) Naruto is the third highest selling manga series of all time. It's only beaten by Dragon Ball and One Piece. 4) Sadly, in 2012, a Russian teen committed suicide by jumping off a building because his fav character, Itachi Uchiha, died. 5) The mystical palm technique is possibly derived from the real life spiritual practice of Reiki, commonly known as Palm or Hands on healing.
Positives: One thing I love about Naruto is that it is the one show that I grew up with that hasn't turned to trash like they did Teen Titans or Ben 10. I also love how it teaches kids to never give up and to always keep working to achieve their goals. Also teaches them to be kind to one another no matter what they may be or where they came from. The story is amazing and so interesting. I love the characters designs and different personalities. The fights scenes were remarkable and looked like the team took their time creating those. I loved in part 1 of Naruto when they were all kids there was a sense of danger and realness. Naruto's ideals were tested over and over again especially in the Chunin exams. Like damn, that arc was probably the best arc in all of Naruto. That's how the Shinobi world is. You never know when a kunai will stab you in your back.
Negatives: I don't like how Naruto won every fight he was in. That to me is not realistic and too good to be true. I also don't like how the creators didn't show us or give us more insight on Kakashi's dad. Like, I WANTED TO SEE THE MISSION WHERE HE WENT TO SAVE HIS COMRADES INSTEAD OF COMPLETING THE MISSION AND I WANNA SEE WHEN EVERYONE WAS BEING MEAN TO HIM- CALLING HIM SCUM BECAUSE HE DIDN’T COMPLETE THE MISSION, I WANNA SEE HIM BEING DEPRESSED, I WANNA SEE WHEN HE HUNG HIMSELF. That, right there, is a major part of the series. That death shaped Kakashi into the man we all know and love today. From then on Kakashi always put the mission before his teammates until one specific mission and friend changed that. It’s what made him really appreciate the importance of teamwork and never leaving a man behind. Its what he drilled in Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Its probably why he made that bell stealing drill. I also didn't like how the creators didn't really give the other characters a time to shine. Especially with Sakura. Like, she is the main female character of the series why does she only have one battle under her belt? I feel as though we could've seen her fight more enemies because she is strong enough to do it.
So yeah, with that I will end my review. I could ramble on and on but I think I said all that needs to be said. Tell me what you think in the comments and maybe what show, movie or anime I should review next. And btw Naruto is my favorite anime series so I was really passionate about this (as u may be able to tell). Anyways still don't have a better more iconic sine off so for now au revoir.
-Eclipse. (Edited by Vapor because... gosh.)
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Hey! So this week on Title Thursday I will be reviewing a movie called "Adore". "Adore" came out in 2013. It’s about two best friends who fall in love with each other’s sons and they try to hide their affair. Crazy huh? This review will probably contain spoilers.
Facts: 1) This movie is a French production. 2) The setting is in Australia. 3) Adore is based on a collection of books called "The Grandmothers: Four Short Novels."  4) Adore was nominated for four AACTA awards. They were: Best Lead Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Production Design, and Best Costume Design. 5) The movie was directed by a lady named Anne Fontaine.
My Thoughts: The story line kept me watching because I wanted to know what was going to happen just to see how it’ll all turn out. Just to see how weird it can really get. This movie was weird but oddly fascinating as well. The movie throws a few curve balls at you to keep you interested. I also like the setting with all the beautiful, Australian beaches. The acting isn't too bad either, but the overall plot however was… strange. First of all, what the actual hell were the writers thinking? I found this movie quite disturbing and weird. The plot had me like “wtf” throughout the entire film. I don’t like how the moms did not look their age like, come on people. This movie can also seem very dull at times and feel as though it has no sense of direction. It also comes off to me as awkward sometimes. The movie was also not realistic. Like, how can the moms be okay with what’s going on? Who the hell is fine with their best friend sleeping with their child? The boys should know better. They were practically sleeping with their second mother.
This movie may not be the worse kind of movie but it isn’t the best that’s for sure. I’m giving this a 2.5 out of five stars. Anyways that’s it for this review. Buh-Bye!
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Hola senors and senoritas, Eclipse here with my first post yaaaaayyy. Basically how I'm going to do these posts is by first saying some interesting facts or theories about whatever it is and then some positives and negatives about whatever it is that I'm talking about. Then I will say how I personally feel about it and yeah. Also the last Thursday of every month I will do a Character or Actor of the month kind of thing. The nominees will be from whatever films I reviewed during that month. Not entirely sure how they will be judged but we will see as we go along. So we're gonna start off with a movie the giver.
Fun Facts: 1) I'm sure we all know this but the giver was a book before it became a movie, I didn't read the book. The author's name is Lois Lowry’s.  2) So basically the reason why the giver was even a thing was because Lois's father was in a nursing home and he lost  a lot of his long term memory. So this got Lois thinking. He thought about how society would be if we purposely lost the memories of the past.  3) In the book the main character Jonas was 12 but in the movie he was 18. Weird huh? 4) The giver was shot in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Both places are located in South Africa. 5) The man that played Jonas name is Brenton Thwaits. He is 27 years old and has a daughter with his girlfriend Chloe Pacey. Still cant believe he's that old AND HAS A KID LIKE BRUH.
Positives: Watching this movie really made me appreciate the different cultures around the wall. It also made appreciate human beings and all that we've accomplished and created, through things like music, art, and dance. Not gonna lie watching this movie at some parts made me tear up a little bit. Not because it was sad but those tears were tears of joy. I enjoyed seeing those clips of people dancing around. Hearing the music, I'm a real sucker for music, and just UGH IT WAS SO TOUCHING AND GOOD. Like I'm trouble describing how good this movie is and how much I love it. I loved the concept of the movie. Its so different and interesting. A world where the human race forgot the memories of the past and everyone is equal. Sounds like a dream to me. The acting was pretty good as well. A lot of times now a days the actors are just there for looks and nothing more. Also personally I was pleasantly surprised that there weren't any sex scenes in it at all. Many American films rely off of these scenes for some strange reason. Also, this movie proves that films don't need a lot of action and guns and explosions in order to be good. Many American films also rely on those as well for some reason.
Negatives: Tbh I couldn't really find anything that I didn't like about the movie. I loved everything about it. However, I do realize that I'm hyping up this movie a little too much so let's tone it down. I will say to some this movie may seem boring to you, but I think it'll just be younger kids who will be bored cause its actually an interesting movie.
I give the giver 5 stars and I recommend this to everyone. The giver is by far my favorite movie so sorry if I sound a little bias. I'm only human. Anyway this is pretty much all I have to say about this movie so au revoir.
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Admin Eclipse
Hola senors and senoritas I am admin eclipse. So some facts about me if you care. Ummm, I fricken LOVE penguins, my favorite color is green, and uhh I don't feel like typing anymore cause I'm a lazy fart lol. Pretty much what I do here is I'll post every Thursday, Theater Thursday (creative I know), and speak my opinions on shows, movies, anime, and books (books won’t be often). I'll try my best to be as unbiased as possible and hopefully, you guys can find new relating stuff to watch. The last Thursday of every month I will say my show of the month and my reasons. Also, I'll do my best to find interesting facts and conspiracies on these shows (probably not tho cuz that seems like a lot of work but can be really interesting so who knows haha). But for now au revoir.
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You know what I'm just gonna do a basic intro and outro. Hey! It's Theater Thursday once again. Whoop whoop! This week's review is gonna be on Riverdale. If you've been living under a rock and don't know about this show it is based on the Archie comics. This review may hold spoilers. PS it only has one season at the moment. Without any further a due let's begin.
Facts: 1) Madelaine Petsch, Cheryl, starred in Aladdin Jr musical when she was younger and played the role of a carpet. She's come a long way, hasn't she? 2) Hayley Law, Valerie, will be starring in a new Netflix series called 'Altered Carbon'. 3) Tiera Skovbye, Polly, auditioned for the role of Betty and Cheryl before being cast as Polly. 4) Lily Reinhart, Betty, and Casey Cott, Kevin, both guest starred on episodes of Law & Order: SVU. 5) Cole Sprouse, Jughead, was working in an archaeology lab in Brooklyn when his manager sent him the script for Riverdale.
Positives: The show so far is AMAZING. After each episode it had me wanting more and more and I can't wait for it to return for season 2. The show starts off quite nicely, putting drama between the characters and having a murder investigation which can draw people back to the show. It did for me. You will keep watching and watching because of how addicting the show is. There were a lot of “OMG” moments in this show that really took everyone off guard and not in a bad way. We found out that the Cooper's and Blossom's are related, meaning Polly and Jason are cousins which is gross. I hope their baby won't have any defects when it's born. And much more. I applaud the writers for always keep me on the edge of my seat, worrying about what secret will be revealed in this episode or the next. The drama, suspense, secrets, THE LIES. A good recipe for a juicy story and Riverdale has all of that. The show has grown so much in this one season. It's like teenagers, we grow up so fast and hold so many secrets of our own.  
Negatives: The first four episodes of Riverdale I found to be kind of slow. Like is it just me or does anything feel like the writers tried to keep the momentum going for the show by conveniently reviling secrets in these episodes? Also, the tone and the pacing are all over the place. It's like Riverdale doesn't know that kind of series it wants to be. Like is a drama, a crime solving show? What is it?
Sorry if this review seems like it's lacking a bit, I haven't watched the show in months so my memory is not that fresh. Riverdale is by far one of my favorite shows of all time and I hope it keeps the momentum that it has going on right now. All and all, I’ll have to give Riverdale 5 out of 5 stars so far Anyway see u next week. Buh-bye.
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Welcome to Our Blog!
Lastly, ‘Cleanse Your Soul Sunday’ happens… oh, look at that. EVERY SUNDAY! Starting next Sunday, this is when one of us Admins rant about something on our chest that’s been bugging us. It refer to the media, people or just… being alive (Guess which Admin is writing this post).
If you ever want to slide into our dm’s we will gladly engage in conversation, for we are all socially deprived individuals. Bare in mind I mean actual conversations… Ya nasty. Which Admin you will converse with… I don’t know. Think of it like a raffle.
The Admins of Just Eternal Memories.
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