#Adeuce the real homies
twistedtalking · 1 year
Elloo, can I request 5 random twist characters of your choosing respindinv to being called "hello bbg 👈👈"
-sincerely, Nigel :))
Aww, you requested~
Thanks for requesting! (unlike a certain someone who promised to request something november pa)
5, hmmm
Well, lucky you! The 1st years, my babies, are 5. ...Well, except Ortho....and Grim...
How about Heartslabyul instead?
Fair warning: I will be writing this as them knowing you for a while now. Like, besties level for Ace and Deuce. Also, I'll add the romance to this post in a later date.
I do not condone yandere behavior in real life
It's just something i find really fun to write
TW: manipulation, gaslighting, Isolation, Riddle losing his sanity(all 3),
Okay, now onto the prompt!
Riddle: Baby girl?! Have you no respect?! Rule 574 of the queen of hearts, "You shall call your queen a nickname on tuesdays" . Today is Friday, Prefect. Breathe in, breathe out. Well, as this is your 1st offense, I won't get that mad. But if you do it again, it is OFF WITH YOUR HEAD- Wait, you don't have magic. Nevermind. Just, don't do that again. At least, not on Thursdays.
Trey: …hi? (Mumbling) what just happened…
Hey QT pie!Oh,BTW the dormleader's looking for the Adeuce Duo. If you find them, text me ASAP, k? OK,c u. Cay-Cay signing out.
Ace Ace: Good day, dumbass 3. Dumbass 2 is over there Deuce: I am not a dumbass! Ace: Ace: You THREW me up a CHANDELIER without thinking about the Landing! Deuce: That was months ago Ace: You thought trees weren't alive Deuce:… Prefect: So who's Dumbass 1? Grim? Ace: Me, obviously. Cause I'm number one! Prefect: The number one dumbass Ace: Yeah- Ace: HEY!!! Deuce Deuce: BBG? Huh? What does that mean? Ace, smirking: It means Bad Breath Guy Deuce: What?! But I brush my teeth thrice a day, otherwise Clover-senpai(Trey) would kill me. Unlike Ace. Ace: Hey, I do brush my teeth, twice! Deuce: Never seen you do it Ace: Well, I do. You're just blind, Deuce. Deuce:Hey- Cater: BBG means Baby Girl, Deuce-chan. What, you think I called Trey-kun bad breathe? Cater: Like, I value my life/hj Adeuce duo: WHAT?! Adeuce: Well anyways... Deuce: YOU WERE LYING?!?! Oh wait, when do you not. Ace:Hey- Deuce: Well then, um... Deuce: You my homie too, Prefect. - -
Baby Girl?? BABY GIRL?!?! Who taught you that word? Was it Ace?! CATER?? (Mumbled)Breathe in, breathe out, Riddle. Sevens, give me strength.
My love, there are hundreds of other terms of endearment yet you choose BABY GIRL?!?! Breathe in, breath out. Dear, PLEASE choose another nickname. For the sake of my sanity. Prefect: what about shortcake? Shortcake?? Short- (Breathe in, breathe out) That...would do. Just, do not call me that in public...please.
Hello...grape pie?
Pft. Hehehe.
Hello, orange juice. Hello, Lemon pie. Hello, Cutie cakes.
Hmm, actually, I like the last one.
Alright, from now on your name's Lemon Pie. Hahaha, Hey, put the frying pan down!
Heheh, I'm just joking...Lemon Pie.
Cater: Oh hey, QT~ Didn't notice you were here already. Hon, you got to stop sneaking up on me, Hehe. (Prefect: Okay, what happened?) What do you mean what happened? Nothing happened!Everything's picture perfect! (Prefect: .... ) Nothing gets through you, huh. Well, Trey just posted a pic on magicam. Not like a pie photo. It was a photo of him, Riddle, and Chenya. I guess I got a little jealous, heh. Sometimes I wished we didn't move a lot when I was young. Maybe I would have gotten childhood friends...Huh? What's that? Spicy Ramen?! Heh, you really know me best, don't you. ...thanks. For everything.
Hi honey cheeks, love of my life, bane of my existence, darling, Sweetheart, you're always right.
(Prefect: what did you do)
Nothing! How dare you think I would do something idiotic.
…Okay, I may have forgotten to do the assignment for history of magic. PLEASE LET ME COPY YOUR ANSWERS! TREIN'S GONNA KILL ME!!!
(Prefect: you're an idiot)
I'm YOUR idiot~
(Prefect: So is Deuce)
Deuce?! Nuh-uh. I'm much better than Deuce. He's an idiot. I'm a smarter idiot. Big difference. Plus, I got boyfriend points.
So Dear, would you please give me your answers~
You betrayed me. I thought you loved me. Was it all a lie? You don't deserve me. Goodbye.
(Prefect: stop being so melodramatic. Here, the answers. Don't make it obvious though, okay?)
Riddle: If it was anyone else, who called me that,
But as it is you, I suppose I could let it slide~ You'll attend the next unbirthday party, my Rose. I've already prepared your attire. I can't wait to see you there~
Well Prefect, I thought I was the one with the bad jokes in this relationship, haha.
Did you learn that from Cater, love?
Sometimes I feel like you spend more time with him than you do with me...
...Uh, never mind.
Love? I didn't call you love, what do you mean?Hey, I baked your favorites. Here, have a bite. Yes, I know you have somewhere to go, But one bite wouldn't hurt, right?
Don't worry, you're gonna LOVE it~
Cay-Cay, your bae-bae:
Hi QT pie!
Hey babe, you accidentally tagged Deuce-chan instead of me in your post. Y'know, the "Best Boi" one. Don't worry, I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes. But be careful next time, ok. Oh, you seem agitated. You ok? Someone just txted you a threatening message?! They're gonna spill the tea to the Octotrio?! OMG! Don't worry, Cay-Cay can solve this mess. You can trust me~
Oh, Hey, Prefect!
You're late. Almost thought you wouldn't show. But I knew you wouldn't throw away an opportunity to spend time with your favorite person.
(Prefect: Deuce ain't here, though?)
I meant me.
That wasn't funny, Prefect.
(Prefect: sorry)
Well, you should be. You hurt my feelings!
Don't worry, I forgive you.
I, the oh-so-gracious Trappola, forgive your sin~
(Prefect: *eye rolls and smirks*)
See, you're smiling again! It suits you way more than that worried face before.
I love it.
Hehe, I didn't say anything. You're just imagining things, Prefect! What did you thought I said? Aww, you won't tell me?I thought we were close~
Hey, why do you look so worried?
(Prefect: It's been 5 minutes, but Deuce still hasn't arrived)
Deuce? Oh, don't worry about him. He's probably of to do extra work for one of the teachers. Y'know, honor student and all that.
Let's just enjoy our time together. It's way more fun with just the two of us anyway~
(Prefect: And Grim!)
Yeah, and Grim...
And you have reached the end of this post!
What? Were you waiting for someone else?
Deuce? Who's Deuce? You must be hallucinating. There's no one named like that here.
He doesn't matter anyways...
Daily Bible verse of the day(yes, I'll be doing this from now on):
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes:
first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Romans 1:16 NIV
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trialnumbergamma · 2 years
How adeuce got back to school in ch 4
Future chapter spoilers
I have no idea how far en is in the main story soooooo YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED~~~~
no I’m serious I’m going to mention things from future chapters and I don’t want to spoil anyone who wants to go in as blind as possible
okay so I'm going to assume anyone still here has played jp or doesn’t care
so in a discord I’m in we talked about how adeuce got back to isle of sages and I worked out some math that at least made me appreciate our idiots a little more. This is going to be all over the place cus im in finals week and am already putting more energy into this then my final projects 
okay so to start off we are going to have to assume some things right off the bat i.e. ace is from a city towards the middle of the rose kingdom and deuce is from a town off the cost somewhere so their locations are going to be something like this (thank you discord mutuals for basically feeding all of this info to me)
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ace doesn’t really share anything personal in general the most we get out of him is that he would go around the neighborhood to trick or treat also i know he’s supposed to be British but the suburbs are written all over him
now deuce’s location is pretty obvious from what he told us in ch 5 (EN’S I WARNED YOU) in order to yell out your teen angst at the beach you’d need a beach in the first place. Also deuce living in a small-med size town would explain how a 14 year old even got  a motorcycle in the first place (I swear if yuu didn’t exist deuce would have been the protagonist but that’s an info dump post for another day)
okay so ace said that how they got back to the isle of sages was public transportation /derogatory
aka: plane -> bus -> boat -> boat -> bus
so we can assume that it looked something like this
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okay so if memory serves right ch 4 takes place across 6 days and 5 nights I cant remember (I'd actually check but finals, feel free to fact check me) and yuu doesn’t message them until night one so that gives adeuce 5 days or 120 hours to get to yuu meaning
Ace flies to the airport closest to deuce (california to georgia is like 4 hours so lets go with 3-4 hours)
Ace takes a bus the rest of the way to deuce’s town (buses are slower than planes so 1-6 hours it depends how far the airport would be from deuce)
Adeuce takes the 1st boat to the 2nd boat (lets say 12 hours at most)
Adeuce take the second boat to the isle (prob another 12 hours)
Adeuce take a bus across the island and probably still had to hike a little cus who knows how safe that cliff is to drive ((½-2 hours maybe?)
That’s 28:30-36 hours of traveling not including layovers, gaps between getting on/off transport and ya know CONVINCING YOUR PARENTS TO DROP $300-600 ON TRANSPORT CUS THEIR MAGICLESS FRIEND NEEDS THEM and that’s me being generous, with how last minute the whole thing was it was not cheep no wonder they didn’t nope out of vdc they hella owed their parents money
The guilt and knowledge you’ll probably not get a ps5 for christmas vs. vil
The fact that they went through all of that is crazy to me I've been on a train with a clogged toilet for 6 hours before now you’re telling me they went on a boat im surpried they partyed everytime i go through (LITTERALY A FRACTION OF) that I pass the fuck out
This goes beyond them owing yuu for ch 1-3 this is straight up ride or die best friend shit
Tdlr: i no longer believe traitor ace theory
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