elysianightsss · 2 years
Adam Stivinski x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, werewolf, possessiveness, fluff, smut.
{Masterlist} {Adam’s Masterlist}
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You needed time away. It was that simple, well at least you thought it was. You sent those words to your agent via drunken text, to then drive out here with a hangover. Stupid decisions lead to stupid decisions.
You remember being here only once before, that was when your grandmother died and all her stuff needed to be packed up. A sad memory you were willing to challenge for some peace and quiet. What could you say? Bad relationship, lead to bad life choices lead to writers block and now that your job and sanity were on the line you had to do something about it.
So here you were at a cabin in the middle of nowhere to finish your novel and hopefully sort out your messy life.
“Who are you?” The voice was mean and the deep tone to it made you jump, your hand fumbling to keep your suitcase from dropping as you turned to find the rugged owner of said voice.
He held himself with pride despite his rough appearance, the black shirt that graced his figure was tight on him probably due to the big muscles he had. He cocked his head to the side as he sized you up, his nostrils flaring as he breathed in deeply.
Then suddenly his whole demeanour changed, he met your gaze, plump lips parting before he took a step forward. On instinct you took one back, oh he didn’t like that one bit and clearly didn’t mind telling you with the disapproving grunt that escaped him.
“Who I am is none of your business.” You said, a huff escaping your lips and another step back but this time it felt like you were stumbling. Your body quickly hot and bothered, your underwear sticking to you in an uncomfortable way, your palms suddenly sweaty just like your brow, goosebumps rising across your body.
The man took another step closer, “I’m Adam.” His voice vibrated though you and a shiver wracked down your spine.
“That’s nice.” You quickly spat out before swiftly making your way inside your new home.
He had been out there for hours now, you noticed his cabin a little way away from yours. In between the two buildings was a tree stump, Adam had been standing there for hours chopping wood, the pile of chopped oak was getting bigger and higher by the minute.
Each time you peaked out your window he seem to sense you were there, watching. His eyes finding yours each time.
Your body was stripped of clothes about five minutes after you had hurried inside, a cold shower and new clothes would do the trick right?
You were on your fourth outfit in the last three hours, each one had been ruined by your sweat and slick. You didn’t understand what was happening. Not only were you hot and incredibly horny, but you felt delirious too.
Your tummy rumbled disturbing you from your staring contest with Adam. You glanced at the freezer with distain, you knew there was a whole batch of frozen ready meals begging you to eat them right now, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to walk over to the cold box.
The overcooked or undercooked freezer food that heats up in the microwave making it taste worse. You really didn’t want to handle the disappointment that awaited you inside that freezer. Not when all you were craving was meat, berries and chocolate.
It was a craving pulsing through your viens, an unfortunate coincidence that you didn’t have any of those things stocked up and it was a real fucking shame. You stood in silence in the kitchen internally ranting about having to leave the house to go to the store and simply not having the energy.
A sharp wrapping of knuckles against hard wood brought you out or your thoughts, “who the fuck?” You frowned letting out a little huff before opening the door not expecting him to be on the other side.
He looked so gorgeous, even more than he did three hours ago if that was even possible. The thick beard gracing his face, the colour blending with his longish hair. The dirty blonde tuffs dangling in front of his ocean eyes, it had you swallowing hard. Your mind reeling with the amount of dirty thoughts swirling in it, dragging you down down down a deep hole of sin.
You started to feel your pulse rising by the second, the throb ending directly in your cunt.
“A shame indeed.” Adam grinned stepping closer causing you to take a step back leaving just enough room for him to come inside.
His muscular back was to you as he made himself at home in your kitchen, you felt entirely too tired to tell him off for such bad manners. The thought itself disapated completely when you smelt the scent of well marinated meat and sweet berries.
Your brain being the detective it is was about to make the connection between what you were craving and what this man had brought into your new home, but when he turned flashing his pearly whites at you before sliding a small piece of dark chocolate across the kitchen counter, the thought didn’t even bother entire your mind at all.
You picked up the sweet treat and began to munch, absolutely oblivious to the beaming expression that had formed on his face. His curious gaze gauging your every expression while you chewed the chocolate.
Sizzling meat, and succulent berries filled your senses. The meat smelling delicious, the berries and chocolate giving you something to munch on while you waited for the meal to cook.
“Are you comfortable here?” He asked and at first you had to think about what he could mean. Did he mean where you sat? With him here in the house? Or did he just mean the house in general? You just nodded your head. He frowned not seeming to like your answer.
“Yes.” You replied and the verbal response zapped the frown from existence.
He seemed to have more questions but thankfully decided against asking them, instead he walked around the kitchen island and stood in front of the stool you sat on.
A big hand suddenly on your cheek, cupping it, caressing it. You couldn’t help but lean into his touch, it was just the right amount of gentle and rough. Heat bursting from the place he was touching, well heat bursting from every nerve on your body.
“So beautiful. My mate.” You frowned, eyes narrowing at the term he used. He sensed your confusion but it just made him chuckle, no explanation was needed in his mind.
“What?” The words died on your tongue when his lips met your cheek, sparks tickling your skin oh so softly. A pause in time, that’s what this felt like. A blip in space and time where everything around you has stopped and all you can feel is the plumpness of lips against your skin.
“Right,” he grinned, “time for dinner.”
He plated the food up, a small mound of savoury rice sat on a few spinach leaves, the well marinated meat laid over it. It made your mouth water and your stomach rumble. Adam watched you closely, waiting on the edge of his seat for you to try the food he’d made you.
You did. And oh my god it was the best food you’d ever eaten, even when you had finished you wanted more. Adam chuckled passing you berries and little pieces of chocolate instead. By the end of the meal, Adam kissed your cheek once more and left bidding you a good nights sleep with a dangerous smirk.
Deep down inside you knew that smirk meant something far more than just a sweet goodnight. But for what seemed like the billionth time tonight you pushed your inner detective aside, went upstairs to try and get a good night sleep.
You rolled over again, the sweaty covers discarded on the floor your clothes piled up with them. Glancing over to the clock, digitalised disappointment glared brightly in the dark of night, the neon numbers reading 4am.
You think back to the dangerous smirk from Adam, the mischievous glint in his azure eyes. Did it mean more? Did he know this would happen? Was he somehow causing this?
Stressed and too hot to think about it anymore, you turned your shower on once more. Regardless of how cold you turned the water, you felt like your skin was on fire and only one thing could help.
Your hands moved over your skin, running up and down your body until they reach your throbbing pussy. You cried out way too loud for such little stimulation, you were barely touching your clit. Pressing more pressure on your bundle of nerves had you keening, it felt so good for such a sweet relief.
You weren’t sure if it was the water that made it easy to push two fingers inside or your slick. At this point you had decided that thinking was the last thing you needed, your back pressed against the wet tiles as you pumped your fingers in and out getting faster by the second until you came with a loud cry.
Washing yourself off and stepping out of the shower you had to admit you felt better, but very unsatisfied.
The sweaty bed was a no go now you’d showered, just looking at it made you feel uncomfortable. You dragged your duvet and pillows downstairs with you and started to make a little comfy area. The duvet on the ground over the couch cushions, then your own pillows surrounding the whole thing.
It was so cosy and the most comfortable you’d felt all night. You relaxed your naked body onto the makeshift bed and finally let yourself sleep absolutely none the wiser to the howling outside or the glowing eyes that watched you through the window.
You woke up just after noon and instantly the guilt set in, you’d been there over 24 hours and the one thing you moved out here for you hadn’t done. Grabbing your laptop and phone you instantly got to work, answering a few emails from your agent along the way.
A few chapters later your stomach grumbled, and a knock on your door pulled you away from your laptop. You placed the device on your worktop and opened the door.
“Good afternoon sweetheart.” His smile got wider when your breath hitched. You silently thanked god that you had remembered to put clothes on when you woke up.
“Adam.” You greeted with a bite to your lip.
His head tilted from side to side once again sizing you up, a habit of his you assumed. You don’t think you’ll get use to it. He walked inside and past you, to the kitchen again. Only then did you realise what he held in his oversized hands, a blanket, and a couple tubs of food.
He slid the blanket over to you watching you cautiously out of the corner of his eye to see what you’d do. You picked it up and instantly took a liking to it, the softness of the beige material had you sighing while you pressed your face against it.
“I know where this would look good!” You squealed, shutting the front door on the way to the living room, your makeshift bed looked ten times better with the new blanket in it. You had no idea why but it made you feel at peace.
“Oh sweetheart! The nest looks great!” Adam hollered from the kitchen, and despite your confusion about what a nest is, the praise brought a warmth to your cheeks you would forever deny. “Come back in here bun, I’ll make you something special today.”
His words affected you like a moth to a flame, your feet padding against the floor as you entered the kitchen. He beamed at you and did something entirely unexpected, he opened his arms wide, it was at this point you noticed he was wearing a sweater. It was cream and definitely made of wool, his muscular legs wrapped in black jeans.
Your hesitation to hug him didn’t go unnoticed, and even though he tried hard to contain himself he ended up letting go with a deep growl. You flinch at the sound that echoed around your kitchen, unwillingly it had your panties sticking to you uncomfortably.
“Sweetheart…I…I’m sorry.”
“What are you?” Your voice was a screech, the cringe on Adam’s face told you that. Silence enveloped the two of you, all Adam could hear in his head is that it was too soon, he shouldn’t have tried to hug you so early. What an idiot, how stupid he was!
“Get out.” You grunted pushing him out the door, clicking the lock into place quickly after. The growl freaked you out but the feelings you felt were confusing you and you definitely knew they were from him. It made your head spin, you felt so very dizzy.
You needed time to get your mind right, to calm down. To breathe. The air smelt of him it was so very intoxicating, his scent of spiced apple, something woody and masculine, thickly settling around you.
All you can think of is him, he consumes your scenes and the banging on the door by his muscular, large hand doesn’t help you nor his words, “please omega, let Alpha in.” At that it was as if the pin had dropped, you keeled over with a pained gasp heat surging through your sweaty body.
“Oh I can smell you sweet omega, yes, you smell so good sweetheart. C’mon let Alpha take care of you.” You thought at first he was begging but there hidden beneath the letters a dangerous promise is found. If you don’t let me in little pig I’ll huff and I’ll puff… It underlines the sultry words with new feelings you weren’t sure you were supposed to be feeling.
You whimper your hand instinctively slipping into your underwear to rub at your clit, frustration setting in as the painful desperation increases so intensely you stumble back towards your ‘nest’.
The cool pillows and blankets surround you letting you seek comfort with them, they give you slight solace, that is until more banging is heard. It’s louder now, the door on its last hopes the hinges will stay strong so it can do it’s job of separating you from him.
He’s pacing back and forth on the front porch his hands clenching and unclenching, he can hear your whimpers. The wolf under the surface roaring to be let out, he just wants to help. He can’t stand to hear his mate in such distress without being there for the pretty omega.
“Omega.” It’s a deep growl that shakes the whole house, your hips buck against your hand at the sound. Your fingers rubbing at your bundle of nerves quicker and quicker until you’re moaning loudly, your back arching. The pleasure clouding your mind, moulding it into something hazy and lustful.
“Let. Me. In.” Each sharp snarl is paired with a heavy smash against the door, it’s on its last legs now a couple seconds later, a particularly hard ‘knock’ breaks through. Adam’s fist is through the wood, the gap letting him smell your scent freely. It fills his nose, making his eyes glaze over with lust.
“Oh god.” You whine when he falls to his knees with a groan, his once blue eyes shining a golden yellow hue. He’s decided now, it’s enough. His fists begin to destroy the rest of the wood, absolutely tearing into little shreds of nothing. He sees it as what’s keeping him from his precious omega, that’s all it is.
No more. His thundering footsteps resonate in your ears, tingling your skin, goosebumps rising until the sound stops. Once again Adam falls to his knees, your eyes flutter open to see the large man on his hands and knees breathing heavily. You follow his gaze to the edge of your blanket, and then around each corner almost as if he was looking for a way in. And he was.
The door was gone, that was easy to get rid of but nothing could rip primal instinct from the half man half wolf. He needed permission, you needed to agree to let him inside your nest. “Please omega, let me in. All you need to do is nod and I’ll help you. I’ll stretch your little pussy with my knot, fill you up so well with pups I promise. Just nod.” His desperation slices through the air.
Yes! Yes you wanted to do badly, you needed him so badly. And yet your head stayed still, it wouldn’t move even when you were screaming for it to. “I can’t.” You whined rutting your hips against your hand desperately, Adam growled lowly at the misunderstood rejection. His glowing eyes raking down your clothed body, how he wished to change that.
While he lusted over you, your mind was reeling with how badly you needed him. You were too exhausted to get any of your limbs to move.
“Please, Ad-“ you took a deep breath conveying the consequences of your next action, they could be absolutely destroying but part of you deep down, craved it. “Alpha.” The moan caught Adam off guard his entire face morphing into something primal, his eyes widening the glowy golden becoming more intense.
“Please, what?” He snarled through gritted teeth.
“H-Help me.” You stuttered hoping, praying that he would end your torment. With hesitation in his movement he lifted his hand and placed it into your nest, his nostrils flaring and eyes closing as he did.
A small whine from you had his eyes flicking your way, “That’s it sweetheart.” He grinned letting his whole body guide itself to hover over you, “You’re too dressed.” He smirked and nuzzled your cheek, the mewl you let out tugging at his heart. His wolf growling at him for taking so long, it was practically brutal teasing at this point.
Adam slowly peeled away your clothing with pressured touches to reassure you he was there and not going anywhere. Gazing upon your bare skin with awe, he ran his hands across your beautiful body taking in the feel of your skin, which touches you liked and how you reacted due to where he touched.
He was drinking in all the information wanting to know what drives you, ails you and when he did find a particular spot you seemed to like he massaged it deeply watching how your back arched slightly, listening to your gentle whimpers and little begs for more more more.
With a deep hum he spoke as if in a trance, “I want you so addicted to me you can’t fathom it, then you’ll understand what you’re putting me through precious omega.” His lips landed on your hip bone, dragging down until he reached where you needed him most.
His tongue gliding through your soaked folds, flicking against your swollen clit. He revealed in the sounds he pulled from you over and over again, you look like you’d lost your mind, yours hands moving all over trying to hold something to anchor yourself but then he pulled your clit into his mouth a sucked “oh god!” You sobbed letting the pleasure flood your entire being, letting wash over you completely.
“Yes, such a good girl for me.” His praise surged heat through you once again while he stripped himself of his clothes. You gaped at the sheer size of his enormous cock, it was literally gorgeous, you didn’t know a cock could be but it was. “It’s made for you omega.” He all but purred slapping it against your sloppy pussy.
“Please Alpha, stretch me open, please please!” You begged bucking against his cock while he slipped it in.
“Naughty girl.” He chuckled dirtily his head thrown back, his grip on your hips tightening the further he pushed inside. God you were perfect.
There was no pain the further he pushed in, like he said, you were made for him. He studied your body thoroughly thrusting in and out your tight wet heat, it made him groan at the sight to see his cock making a bulge on your stomach. To know he was that deep.
He’s been thinking about it, imaging how you’d look or how you’d sound when you cum and he was fucking determined to find out.
“Fuck, fuck! Fuck!” Your moans got higher and louder the quicker he fucked you, sweet gaspy little sounds escaping your open mouth.
It wasn’t precise or perfect. It was sloppy and rough letting him take you higher and higher towards your second orgasm. It came quicker than you thought, shooting through you intensely. Adam’s face morphing into a feral grin seeing you cum all over his cock, “Oh sweetheart, I’ve barely begun.”
You whine and whimper, the heat spreading through you like wildfire it’s so hot, but so fucking good. Adam’s large hand grips your jaw, “look at me omega.” Your eyes flutter open wanting nothing more than to please him, “You’re mine, understand? Everything about you is mine. This perfect cunt is mine.” He growls, kissing down your neck until he reaches the point where your neck and shoulder meets, sucking it into his mouth.
“Everyone will know.” He whispers darkly against your skin, his canines elongating, they pierce your skin and fuck it hurts so much but he holds your body down to stop the squirming. He wants to make your mark look pretty and you have to stay still for that to happen but fuck that! It hurts so much you wiggle in his hold and beg for him to stop, he just strokes your cheek gently almost saying it will be over soon.
And he’s right, the immense pain eventually melts away leaving behind bubbling pleasure that pulls you into another orgasm, Adam fucks you through it his hips snapping against yours faster until suddenly he stops with a loud groan, the grip on your hips becoming bruising.
You gasp your back arching at the feeling of his already big dick swelling, growing, stretching your fluttering pussy out until it’s sucking him back in desperate to be as full as it can.
“Yes, oh such a perfect girl, fuck omega, feel so fuckin’ good sweetheart.” His eyes are back to blue now, the deep ocean staring at you, no desperation anymore, just pure satisfaction. You’re his now, he thinks as you cling to him head empty while his knot connects the both of you together.
And no one will take you from him.
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elysianightsss · 2 years
Adam’s Masterlist
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Adam Stivinski, The Professor - Sit down sweetheart, we still have yet to talk about that grade.
Adam, an English literature professor at Buxton University. A little bit older, overly intelligent and extremely witty. He sets the hardest assignments, he’s the type to choose you when you didn’t put your hand up, but he’s still the most gorgeous professor at the university.
He’s currently staring directly at an A* student who had the strangest anomaly of getting a D, but with the smirk curling at his plump lips maybe this wasn’t such a coincidence.
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Werewolf!Adam x reader
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