#Ad Noctem rp
adnoctemrp · 3 years
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We are pleased to announce the grand opening of our sever! Ad Noctem is an original sci-fi roleplay, hosted on Discord. We are an 18+ play-by-post community. We welcome roleplayers and writers of all skill levels. 
Ad Noctem features a highly customizable Affinity and rank-up system, bi-weekly in-character missions, constantly shifting political alliances, and the potential to discover (and rule) new planets through admin-DMed seasonal plots.
We also offer weekly writing prompts, which can be undertaken solo, or with multiple roleplay partners for potential IC or OOC rewards!  If political subterfuge and intrigue, arranged marriages and sordid affairs, and player-driven world development sounds like your cup of coffee (or tea. We don’t judge!) we’d love to have you! 
Currently, all applications are open. 
Server Link: https://discord.gg/jPC3NVUmVH
Step into the void. 
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
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Congratulations to October’s Character of the Month nominee, Orion Forgrave, played by Xio! 
Orion Forgrave was born into a life of wealth and privilege.  As his parent’s only heir, he was poised to inherit their title and estate. An incident in his youth - and the subsequent public scandal that followed - tore that away from him.  He fled to Marzena Outpost, and received his first murder charge two years later.
Orion has climbed the ranks from sex worker to a notorious crime lord and gang leader. He is the head of the group known as Arachne; part gang, part shadow organization, comprised of highly skilled individuals and spies.  He is also the owner and patron of Kalopsia; an exclusive sex club based on Marzena. 
A ruthless and shrewd businessman, he nevertheless has a soft spot for orphans and broken people. 
You can read more about Orion by joining Ad Noctem today! 
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
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Ad Noctem is pleased to announce our first server-wide event!  Please join us Thursday, October 7th, in celebration of Nix Adorjan and Veles Andris’ wedding ceremony!
This event will run from October 7th, 2021 - November 5th, 2021.  
We hope to see you there! 
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adnoctemrp · 2 years
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Dark Energy makes up 68% of the known universe. The rest? Well it’s out there, biding its time, expanding and contracting, eating planets. Or maybe it's creating new ones? Is it governed by rules and regulations or floating on it’s own current of unfathomable whims through the stars? Does it have a master? We don’t know a damn thing What we do know is the 68% we have discovered, carved out of stardust and rock and space. This Dark Energy that flows and consumes, fills and then settles like ripples on the water. A force, an energy that’s neither benevolent or malevolent. It just is. It’s humans that gave it meaning. Gave it direction and purpose. Some of us more than others. We chose to define ourselves into something more, and that something more was just the beginning. Ad Noctem is an original sci-fi (with a little bit of fantasy) roleplay, hosted on Discord. We are an 18+ play-by-post community. We welcome roleplayers and writers with semi-literate to literate abilities, and encourage new rp-ers to join too. We are lgbtqia+ friendly!  Ad Noctem features a highly customizable power and rank-up system, bi-weekly in-character missions, constantly shifting political alliances, and the potential to discover (and rule) new planets through admin-DMed seasonal plots. We also offer writing prompts missions, which can be undertaken solo, or with multiple roleplay partners for potential IC or OOC rewards! If political subterfuge and intrigue, arranged marriages and sordid affairs, and player-driven world development sounds like your cup of coffee (or tea. We don’t judge!) we’d love to have you! Currently, looking for active members to join the ranks!  Step into the void.
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
Events & Highlights
With the holiday season upon us, things are a little quieter within the Ad Noctem system, but we’re still very much present!  There have been a few organizational changes in recent months, which we feel to be a step in the right direction for the overall growth and future of the server.
We’d like to take a moment to share these changes, and to highlight exciting upcoming events! 
Activity Check - Ad Noctem recently conducted our first annual activity  check!  Activity checks are an effective and efficient way for us to monitor the activity level of  the server, and individual members.  From November 21st - 23rd, members were asked to respond to the AC.  Members who had been inactive for a period of 3+ months, or who failed to respond  to the activity check -  were removed from the server, in preparation for our first server wide plot arc!  
Age & Literacy Gate -  One of the more recent organizational changes to the server includes the introduction of our new age and literacy verification gate.  Moving forward, prospective members must provide  2-3 sentences of introduction (or a roleplay sample,) and must react to verify that they are 18+. We acknowledge that this can be a turn off for many. However, we find that this is the most effective deterrent for spammers/server raiders.  Once prospective members complete the above steps, they’ll be granted a ‘Verified’ role, and will be given full access to the server.  As a result of this change, our invite link has been updated. Please use this link to join the server, moving forward. 
Leadership Positions for Lacertae, Haedi, and Celaeno  -  Due to several members voluntarily stepping down from their leadership roles due to a lack of time or other conflicting commitments, we are pleased to announce that Ad Noctem currently has three leadership positions available! Leadership positions are offered on a first come, first served basis. Please be aware, however, that each of the three planets has at least one established ruler already. Applicants should be prepared to share the rule of these planets with these existing PCs. 
Ad Noctem’s Server Plot Is Live!  - As mentioned previously, our first server wide plot has officially kicked off!   The plot will progress in three acts, with each act lasting anywhere from 2 - 3 months, respectively. Member participation is highly encouraged. How members respond IC will not only influence the outcome of Act III, but will help to shape our server’s overarching lore.  For a taste of what we have in store, check out this brief excerpt of Act I: Dawn, written by Xio! 
A tremor ripples through the Ad Noctem system.  The news feeds are reeling with incomplete soundbites and scrambled comms. Encrypted data  has become declassified and leaked. It begins harmlessly enough; a morning talk show covering rumors of a rash of vandalism in Haedi.
 *”...Officials say that no one was harmed in the recent fires that swept through the council chambers in the early hours of the morning. Local authorities have declined to comment, stating that it’s still too early to determine the source of the blaze.” 
 The offices of former planetary leader Valerie Rach-Tal have been defaced with obscene graffiti. Ms. Rach-Tal was deposed by the council earlier this year, after reports of deliberate sabotage and murder charges were brought against ---” 
 It starts - as it often does - small. At first, it’s only Haedi.   But these hazy rumors are merely the sparks of a distant inferno. Celaeno is next.   “*Exportation has come to a standstill for the fifth day in a row. Public demonstrations denouncing the recent appointment of Khian Jeherrin have been ongoing since the failed wedding ceremony --”  
  Caleno is followed by Lacertae.  ”Reports of a recent strike have significantly crippled BioSil harvesting, resulting in a plummeting stock value. Analysts warn of an imminent economic collapse, if conditions don’t improve.” 
 ”A clash between two Dauntless class warships outside of Antares’ orbit has resulted in an emergency marshalling of troops. Prince Nix Adorjan - decorated war veteran and current captain of the planet’s military forces - could not be reached for comment.” 
 And so it goes. Rylos is at the epicenter of the sharpest - and most vicious - of these rumors.  The catalyst?  An act of war.
Yuletide Celebrations - Last but not least, be on the lookout for a very special Christmas event, hosted by Orion Forgrave. Details will be forthcoming in the next several days! 
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
Events & Highlights
Ad Noctem continues to grow beyond our expectations!  We’re absolutely thrilled with the enthusiasm and overwhelming interest the roleplay community has shown us over the past few weeks, and we look forward to seeing what our members - new and old - create in the future! 
We wanted to take a moment to recap some recent and upcoming Ad Noctem events.  
The Hardship System -  As previously announced, Ad Noctem’s weekly writing prompt and roleplay mechanic hybrid, known as the Hardship System, went live on September 13th of 2021.  Haedi was our first planet to be impacted. The following is an excerpt from last week’s hardship prompt: 
A recent eruption has caused several of Relic's air purifiers to malfunction. In one particularly severe case, the internal coolants ruptured, in turn causing the engine to overclock and melt. To make matters worse, two visiting dignitaries died in their guest quarters, as a direct result of C02 inhalation. The gossip rags are abuzz; rumors are circulating that Haedi's newest ruler - Valerie - is incompetent at best, and a murderer, at worst. 
 With rumors circulating that Valerie and the dignitaries from Elos had a vicious disagreement just hours before their untimely death, the clock is ticking. Valerie must find some way to salvage the situation, before her people - and what few allies she has - turn on her. 
This prompt concluded on September 19th.  It came to an explosive (literally) conclusion! Both Eko Blackrose, the ruler of Caeleno, and Valerie Rach-Tal, found themselves the victim of an assassination attempt, shortly after Valerie sought Eko’s help with the plot against her. 
This week, Marzena Outpost has been impacted! 
Marzena Outpost is no stranger to scandal. Recent events, however, have found the planet at the epicenter of one with far-reaching consequences, and the resultant domino effect is brutal, swift, and high stakes.  Sloan Irani, the son of a prominent politician on Antares and known society darling, has been found murdered.  His body was discovered shortly after 3 AM, in the VIP lounge of Kalopsia.  Early toxicology reports are inconclusive, but something caused his implants to malfunction, stimulating the effects of a heart attack,  effectively boiling his blood from the inside out in the process. 
 Then there’s the small matter of the slit throat.   To complicate matters, his body has been savaged; 4.3 million worth of custom, priceless tech and mods picked clean, peeled out of his still-warm body with surgical precision.  Half of it hit the black market at 8:44 AM, and is going fast. The rest? Is up for private auction. But who is responsible for the murder, and more importantly, why?  How does Orion Forgrave tie into this? Or does he? All anyone knows for sure is that the Waypoint is on lockdown. No one gets in or out. Police raids are on the rise, and this one idealistic criminal empire has been thrown into turmoil, on the verge of collapse. Are the halcyon days of Marzena Outpost truly at an end?
This prompt will conclude on September 26th, so there’s plenty of time to get in on the action! 
Leadership Recruitment - We still have two open leadership slots for our original core worlds! Both Haedi and Lacertae are searching for a co-ruler!  Additionally, we will soon be accepting applications for faction leaders!
Nix & Veles’ Wedding -  Join us for the upcoming union of Antares’ new leaders, Nix Adjoran, and Veles Andris! This will be our first server event, and first group roleplay event. This event will be open to all current sever members, regardless of when they joined!  This event will run from October 7th to November 5th!  Participants who post at least 5+ times will be awarded a voucher, which can be redeemed for IC or OOC perks in the Upgrade shop! 
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
Celaeno, a star among the rocks
Celaeno is a bright, lush and eccentric planet, it’s main city Fortuna is quite compact and contained inside a protective, yet aesthetically pleasing ring that helps to control the native flora and fauna that call Celaeno home. It was not a planet that had been on the recommended list to inhabit but people went ahead anyway. The oldest part of the city is actually it’s orbiting power plants that reside in the planet’s gravity pull, harnessing solar winds, radiation and other harmful space elements. Turning them into safe, and efficient forms of power that are then collected by freighters and shipped down to holding stations and distributed to towns, cities and stations.  Celaeno closely guards the blueprints and exact processes to this power, though whether through hubris or to stay indispensable is up for debate.  Your character could be Celaeno’s next ruler! Our applications are open and we are looking for members to join us. See our advert for the discord link or send us a message. We look forward to welcoming you!
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
Lacertae, the first of it’s kind.
Lacertae is known for the system's biggest supply of coveted BioSilicon or BioSil farms used to make body mods and implants. With its larger, and flatter surface area, massive farms are spread across the planet to produce the growing demand of modifications and improvements. Lacertae is also the oldest planet in the current system, and the first to be discovered. Long orbital period and further away from the main sun has given it years per season, slow to change and move through the system. Although it has no period of prolonged night, this planet does not get overly hot, it’s seasons going back and forth between mild to snow encrusted lands that seem to stretch on forever. The people here have learnt to live in it’s slow moving conditions and have thrived on providing it’s main source of trade with the rest of the system. Lacertae provides Ad Noctem with it’s much needed BioSil, a material that forms the basis of most body mods and improve, implants and some medical needs.  The BioSil famr sprovide an excellent source of employment for the citizens and most farms pay well for the work. The weather proofed travelways allow for passage between communities and districnts in times of extreme below freezing temperatures.  Your character could be Lacertae’s next ruler! Our applications are open and we are looking for members to join us. See our advert for the discord link or send us a message. We look forward to welcoming you!
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
Haedi, fire at it’s core.
Haedi is a fiery planet, literally. Pockmarked with active volcanoes, eruptions aren’t uncommon. But technology and advancements have made living on this planet somewhat safer. Eruptions aren’t completely life threatening as long as you adhere to the recommended safety guidelines… Yeah right. Haedi’s biggest draw is its extreme sports and obsidian mines. A hot spot for commerce and tourism, you either love it or hate it. The climate is mostly hot and humid, and it’s become a necessity to carry around a gas mask for those days when the sky turns a little ashy. But people have made it a lifestyle, and an exciting one at that. Meet Haedi, full of tourism, underground cyber cities and extreme sports. Don’t let the volcanoes stop you, this is a fantastic and exciting planet to visit in Ad Noctem’s line up Your character could be Haedi’s next ruler! Our applications are open and we are looking for members to join us. See our advert for the discord link or send us a message. We look forward to welcoming you! 
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
Antares, darling of the system
Antares is quite a large planet, although not the first or oldest in the current system, it has housed the main council and consulate for almost their entire creation. It’s seasons are the most similar to history’s Earth.  With it’s slightly longer orbital period shrouding the planet into three months of constant twilight. During this time the weather is a beautifully mild warmth, with the clearest skies of the year. A soft, warm-toned blue light from the system’s furthest sun can be seen during these months. The only time Antares is closest to it, though still many millions of light years away.  Our first planet in Ad Noctem! Here resides the current rulers Nix and Veles, both suddenly having to heed the call to duty, several years too early. Young and inexperienced in the ways of politics and commanding planets. Will they succeed? Or crumble under the heavy responsibilities?  We will see...
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adnoctemrp · 3 years
Ad Noctem RP is off to an amazing start!
We’ve had such an amazing first week at Ad Noctem and we are blown away by the interest we have been getting, and it can only go up from here!  We still have some slots open for anyone wanting to apply for planet rule, and would love to see those positions filled! Once done we can begin to kick off our very first server wide plot.  We have also opened our Upgrade Shop! Where you can redeem vouchers for IC and OOC rewards earned through certain missions, events and raffles. Things like, extra character slots, customisable items and pets, game nights and many more!  Check out below an excerpt of Xio’s announcement from our server earlier this week...   First and foremost, thank you all for an amazing opening week! Getting to know you and interacting with your characters has been exciting, and an absolute pleasure. This has been one of the most successful opening weeks for your admin team, and it's because of you! Your creativity and enthusiasm is part of what makes Ad Noctem so unique... Lastly, beginning the week of September 13th, we will be introducing the Hardship System. These are a series of planet-specific writing prompts, that will address a specific economic, environmental, or political disaster for that week's planet. Leaders will have one week to come up with a solution. (Hint: this is a great way to form alliances!)  There may be OOC or IC rewards, if an admin particularly likes how you handle or respond to the situation.  Additionally, our first server event - the wedding ceremony for Nix and Veles - will be held Thursday, October 7th! Additional details will be forthcoming as we draw closer to the date. Interested in joining us? See our ad and discord link here!
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