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newswatchindia · 1 year ago
The accused injured the young man with a knife tied the injured to a bike and dragged him.
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Noida News: A sensational incident has come to light in Uttar Pradesh. Where in Gautam Buddha Nagar of Noida, late last Saturday night, a person was stabbed and injured by some people. After this, the accused dragged the injured youth on the motorcycle for about 1 kilometer and took him around the entire village.
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wnewsguru · 1 year ago
ट्रक चालक की हत्या | पुलिस और आरोपी की मुठभेड़ में जवाबी फायरिंग
एसपी ने बताया कि आरोपी सादिक खान को पैसों की जरूरत थी। इस पर उसने योजना बनाई। कानपुर देहात के सिकंदरा स्थित सूर्या होटल के पास से आरोपी एक सवारी बनकर चेचिस की केबिन में पीछे बैठ गया। अजीतमल कोतवाली क्षेत्र ने टोल के आगे सुनसान स्थान देख ट्रक में पीछे बैठे आरोपी ने चालक को गोली मार दी।
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propicsmedia · 10 months ago
Expected Pre-Trial Remand Centre to Hold 3 Charged in Nijjar Murder #har... Three accused killers of Surrey, BC Sikh Leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar will appear in this courthouse Tuesday May 07, 2024. It is expected that the appearance will be brief and put over to another date in order to allow the accused to obtain and consult legal counsel. Given the high profile of the case, the risk to public safety and the risk of flight from prosecution, in addition to the three also being potentially linked to three other Canadian murders including that of an 11-year-old Edmonton, Albert Boy, all three will probably remain in custody at the Surrey Pre-Trial Services Centre pictured here. #hardeepsinghnijjar  #nijjar  #indianationals #surreypretrial #jail  #remand  #accusedarrested  #brar  #singh
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newsmetertelugu-blog · 5 years ago
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56 సంవత్సరాల పెద్ద మనిషికి అదేం పాడుబుద్ధో.! #accusedarrest #fiveyearsgirl #himachalpradeshcrime #onlinetelugu #onlinenewsontelugu #latestnews #crimenews #nationalnews #newswebsitesindia #toptelugunewswebsites https://telugu.newsmeter.in/man-arrested-for-raping-5-year-old-girl/?feed_id=33375&_unique_id=5ec7b1c35e122
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