#Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD)
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Somaliland: Berbera City’s Growth Is Being Held Back By A Power Supply Monopoly
In #Somaliland, #Berbera City’s plans for development, including the #modernization of its #seaport & #airport, as well as the special economic zone, all depend on the availability & affordability of #energy.
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#Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD)#Aid And Development#Ayan Yusuf Ali#Berbera#Berbera Port#Berbera Urban Development Project#Development#Electricity#Energy and Mineral Resources#Horn of Africa#Infrastructure#Jutta Bakonyi#Ministry of Energy and; Minerals#Nasir M Ali#Power Supply#solar energy#Somaliland
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Arab aid group funds mega-solar project in Cuba The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), the leading national entity for international development aid, together with the Cuba’s Ministry of Energy and Mines, and…
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UAE rolls over $2bn loan, confirms Dar - Business
The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) has rolled over a $2 billion deposit with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) that was payable over the next two months, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar confirmed on Wednesday. In a late-night tweet, he stated, “Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) has rolled over their deposit of $2 billion with State Bank of Pakistan, as discussed by [PM Shehbaz Sharif] with…

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یواےای نے 2 ارب ڈالر ڈیپازٹس رول اوور کر دیئے
وفاقی وزیر خزانہ اسحاق ڈار نے کہا ہے کہ متحدہ عرب امارات نے 2 ارب ڈالر ڈیپازٹس رول اوور کر دیئے۔ اپنے ٹوئٹر بیان میں اسحاق ڈار نے کہا کہ وزیراعظم نے دورہ یواےای میں 2 ارب ڈالر رول اوور کرنے کا کہا تھا۔ اسحاق ڈار نے ٹوئٹ میں لکھا کہ پاکستان متحدہ عرب امارات دوستی زندہ باد! Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) has rolled over their deposit of $2billion with State Bank of Pakistan, as discussed by…

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DP World and Somaliland open new terminal at Berbera Port
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/dp-world-and-somaliland-open-new-terminal-at-berbera-port/
DP World and Somaliland open new terminal at Berbera Port
Expanded port, economic zone and Berbera corridor will transform Berbera into an integrated maritime, industrial and logistics hub in the Horn of Africa.
Berbera Port’s new container terminal inaugurated, has capacity for 500,000 TEUs a year; Second phase expansion of terminal will increase capacity up to two million TEUs a year; Berbera Economic Zone under development aims to attract investment and new businesses, and to create jobs; Expanded port, economic zone and Berbera corridor will transform Berbera into an integrated maritime, industrial and logistics hub in the Horn of Africa.
DP World, a leading provider of integrated logistics solutions, and the Government of Somaliland, yesterday inaugurated the new container terminal at Berbera Port, following completion of the first phase of the port’s expansion as part of its development into a major regional trade hub to serve the Horn of Africa.
The new terminal was officially opened by His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi, President of Somaliland, and Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Group Chairman and CEO of DP World, at a special event attended by over 200 guests, including a Government delegation from Ethiopia, led by their Excellencies Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance and Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transport.
The event also included a symbolic ground-breaking for the new Berbera Economic Zone, the first phase of which is under construction.
The new container terminal with a deep draft of 17m, a quay of 400m and three ship to shore (STS) gantry cranes, can handle the largest container vessels in operation today, and increases the port’s container capacity from current 150,000 Twenty Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) to 500,000 TEUs annually.
The terminal also includes a modern container yard with eight rubber tyred gantry cranes (RTGs). A new port One Stop Service Centre is also currently being built and will be ready in quarter three this year.
DP World has committed to investing up to US$442 million to develop and expand Berbera Port, and with the first phase now complete, Mr bin Sulayem also announced that work is already underway to further expand the port in a second phase.
This includes extending the new quay from 400 to 1,000 metres, and installing a further seven STS gantry cranes, increasing the total from three to 10, enabling the port to handle up to two million TEUs a year, and multiple large container vessels at the same time.
Part of the overall Berbera plan and modelled on DP World’s Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai, the economic zone is linked to the port and strategically located along the Berbera to Wajaale road (Berbera Corridor).
The economic zone will serve as a centre of trade with the aim to attract investment and create jobs, and will target a range of industries, including warehousing, logistics, traders, manufacturers, and other related sectors.
It will allow producers, suppliers, and customers to operate in a conducive and competitive environment for investment and trade.
DP World and Somaliland open new terminal at Berbera Port, Announce Second Phase Expansion and Break Ground for Economic Zone
The Berbera Corridor road upgrade project, funded by the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), and the Hargeisa Bypass Road funded by UK Aid, is set for completion in quarter four, 2021 and quarter three 2022, respectively.
The road will link to the existing modern highway on the Ethiopian side and position Berbera as a direct, fast, and efficient trade route for Ethiopian transit cargo.
His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi, President of Somaliland, said: “This is a proud and historic moment for Somaliland and its people, as the completion of the first phase has made our vision of establishing Berbera with its strategic location into a major trade hub in the region a reality.
With the new terminal, along with the second phase of expansion and economic zone along the Berbera corridor, we are now firmly positioned to further develop and grow our economy through increased trade, attracting foreign direct investment and creating jobs”.
Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, DP World Group Chairman and CEO, said: “Our further expansion of the port in a second phase, and its integration with the special economic zone we are developing along the Berbera Corridor, reflects our confidence in Berbera and intent to develop it into a significant, world-class centre of trade.
It will be a viable, efficient and competitive option for trade in the region, especially for Ethiopian transit cargo”.
DP World Berbera, which began operations at the port in March 2017, has since increased volumes by 35 percent and vessel productivity by 300 percent, and reduced container vessel waiting time from four to five days, to only a few hours.
DP World and the Ethiopian Ministry of Transport signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in May this year, with the aim of developing the Ethiopian side of the road linking Addis Ababa to Berbera, into one of the major trade and logistics corridors of the country’s international trade routes.
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ABU DHABI: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has extended the repayment of a $2 billion deposit given to Pakistan by the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) in January 2019 to boost liquidity and help overcome the financial crisis.
Islamabad was scheduled to repay $2 billion funds to ADFD by April 19, 2021.
This was announced on Tuesday following a meeting between Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, which took place late on Monday.
The news was also confirmed by the MOFA in a Tweet from its official handle.
FM @SMQureshiPTI lauded
consistent support to
and welcomed the announcement of rolling back payment of USD 2 billion, which symbolizes the depth and strength of bilateral ties. #PakFMinUAE (3/4) pic.twitter.com/AkCb7oYfYn
— Spokesperson
MoFA (@ForeignOfficePk) April 19, 2021
A total of $3 billion lifeline was deposited by the UAE with the State Bank of Pakistan in January 2019 to help fill the current account deficit gap and improve foreign exchange reserves to support Pakistan’s currency.
Qureshi landed in the UAE on Saturday on a three-day official visit and will fly out to Iran today as part of his regional visit. It is the Pakistani foreign minister’s second visit to the UAE in the last four months, reflecting growing bilateral relations and high-level contacts between the two countries.
The post UAE extends repayment of $2b loan given to Pakistan appeared first on ARY NEWS.
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오늘운세 ⒠ 바레인의 경제동향≪
뱀띠 - 이렇게 좋을 수가.. 그 동안의 마음 고생이 한 순간에 해결되는 듯 하다. 너무 들떠 일을 그리치지 말고 평온한 마음을 갖고 하나씩 해결하는 슬기로운 자세가 필요하다. 53년생 : 여러모로 마음이 통하는 사람을 만날 것이다. 우연한 재회도 기대된다. 65년생 : 마무리는 확실히 해두도록 한다. 무심코 잘못 본 일이 문제될 수 있다. 77년생 : 어려운 일도 너끈히 해낼 수 있을 것이니 자신감을 가져라. 89년생 : 사소한 일로 짜증이 내기 쉽다. 서로서로 조심하면서 지나가야 한다. 01년생 : 최선을 다해서 일한 것에 대한 보상을 받게 된다. 바레인의 경제동향 ○ 2000년과 2008년 사이의 유가상승과 금융 산업 성장에 힘입어 연 평균 6%의 높은 GDP 성장률을 보임. 2009년에 글로벌 경기침체 영향으로 GDP 성장률이 3.1%로 크게 하락했으나, 2010년 관광, 제조, 금융 분야를 중심으로 실질 GDP 4.5%의 성장세를 회복○ 2011년 반정부 시위의 여파로 GDP 성장률이 2%에 그쳤으나, 2012년에는 포뮬라원 그랑프리 개최 등으로 관광부문에서의 회복세가 돋보여 실질 3.4% GDP 성장률을 기록○ 2011년 반정부 시위 이후 경제 회복과 사회 안정을 돕기 위해 GCC 외교장관들이 GCC 개발기금을 창설해 바레인과 오만에 대해 향후 10년간 총 100억 불의 무상 지원을 제공하기로 결정함.- 쿠웨이트가 10년간 매년 2억5천만 불씩, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development(ADFD)가 25억 불을 지원하기로 약정하여, ��� 지원금이 제공되면 저소득층을 위한 대규모 주택과 복지시설건설, 인프라 확충 등의 프로젝트에 쓰일 예정.○ 바레인 경제개발위원회(EDB)는 200 8. 10 경제개발을 통한 국민 삶의 질 향상과 지식기반 경제로의 이행을 위하여'경제비전 2030(Economic Vision 2030)'을 발표함.- '경제비전 2030'은 지속가능성, 경쟁력, 공정성 등 세 가지 원칙을 중심으로 고용, 교육, 건강서비스, 사회복지, 환경보호 등 분야별 정책추진과제를 담고 있으며, 이는 석유와 가스 의존성을 탈피하고 관광, 금융, 교육, ICT의 발전으로 다각화할 것을 목표로 하고 있음.○ 그러나 국제유가하락의 장기화에 따른 경기침체로 인해 경제 성장률이 지속 하락함에 따라, 바레인 정부는 각종 보조금 폐지, 개별소비세 도입 등을 통해 긴축재정에 들어가는 한편, 외국 자본 유치를 위한 관련 법 개정 등 투자 활성화 노력을 이어 가고 있음.- 바레인 정부는 세수 증대를 위해 2016.1 휘발유 요금 60% 인상, 2016.3 외국인, 대기업, 2주택 이상 소유 바레인인을 대상으로 인상된 전기 · 수도요율 적용, 2017.2 VAT 및 개별소비세 도입 등을 발표하였으며, 2016.6 외국인(법인)의 100% 기업 지분 획득 허가하는 등 외국 투자 유치를 위해 노력 중
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Gulf Financial Aid And Direct Investment
This #report and the #accompanying #Gulf #Financial #Aid and #Direct #Investment #Tracker are an effort to understand the breadth and #scope of Gulf aid and financial #intervention into a #representative set of cases in the #MiddleEast, the #HornofAfrica, and #West #Asia. #GCC
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#Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD)#Africa#Aid and Assistance#Aid And Development#American Enterprise Institute (AEI)#Asia#Bahrain#Financial#Financial aid#Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)#Foreign Investment#Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)#Horn of Africa#Investment#Karen E. Young#Kuwait#Middle East#Oman#Qatar#Saudi Arabia#United Arab Emirates (UAE)
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The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) announced an initiative whereby debt repayments due to developing countries and companies benefiting from the Fund's loans are postponed during the current year, to help them overcome the economic repercussions of the Covid-19 epidemic.
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UAE delivers pharmaceutical and medical supplies to Sudan May 20, 2020 (KHARTOUM) - The United Arab Emirates through its development and international cooperation arm, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), Wednesday delivered a third batch of medical supplies to Sudan.
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ADFD welcomes visiting Malawian delegation
ADFD welcomes visiting Malawian delegation
Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, Director-General of Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, ADFD, has welcomed a visiting high-level delegation from Malawi, led by Ralph Pachalo Jooma, Malawi’s Minister of Transport and Public Works, at the Fund’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi.
During the meeting, the two sides discussed strengthening synergies and explored joint efforts to further finance development…
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Απόβαση… Εμίρηδων στο Μαξίμου την Τετάρτη
Σε συνέχεια της επίσκεψης του Πρωθυπουργού Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη στα Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα (3-4 Φεβρουαρίου), την Τετάρτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Αθήνα συνάντηση εργασίας του Φόρουμ Διευρυμένης Στρατηγικής Συνεργασίας Ελλάδας – Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων.
Στο πλαίσιο του Φόρουμ, ο πρωθυπουργός θα συναντηθεί την Τετάρτη στις 09.00 στο Μέγαρο Μαξίμου με τον επικεφαλής της αντιπροσωπείας, Υπουργό Επικρατείας των ΗΑΕ, Sultan Al Jaber.
Στη συνέχεια, θα πραγματοποιηθούν συναντήσεις Υπουργών και στελεχών της κυβέρνησης με τα 30 μέλη της αντιπροσωπείας των ΗΑΕ, για ένα ευρύ φάσμα θεμάτων που εκτείνεται από την οικονομία και τις επενδύσεις, ως την άμυνα, την ενέργεια, το περιβάλλον, τον πολιτισμό και τον τουρισμό.
Ποιοι θα συμμετάσχουν από την κυβέρνηση
Από την πλευρά της κυβέρνησης, στο Φόρουμ θα συμμετάσχουν ο Υπουργός Οικονομικών Χρήστος Σταϊκούρας, ο Υπουργός Ανάπτυξης Άδωνις Γεωργιάδης, ο Υπουργός Εθνικής Άμυνας Νίκος Παναγιωτόπουλος, ο Υπουργός Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Κωστής Χατζηδάκης, ο Υπουργός Επικρατείας και Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης Κυριάκος Πιερρακάκης και ο Υφυπουργός για την Oικονομική Διπλωματία και την Eξωστρέφεια Κώστας Φραγκογιάννης.
Από την πλευρά των ΗΑΕ, εκτός από τον Υπουργό Επικρατείας Sultan Al Jaber, στο Forum θα συμμετάσχουν μεταξύ άλλων ο γενικός διευθυντής του Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), Mohamed Saif Al Suwaidi, τα ανώτερα στελέχη της Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), Hamad Al Dhaheri και Saif Al Mashghoni, ο επικεφαλής κυβερνητικών υποθέσεων της Mubadala Investment Company, Khalid Al Rashdi, o πρόεδρος των ομίλων ανάπτυξης ακινήτων Emaar και Eagle Hills, Mohammed Al Abbar, ο επικεφαλής του Abu Dhabi Investment Council Ahmed Al Muhairi, ο οικονομικός διευθυντής του Khalifa Fund (με επίκεντρο τις MμΕ) Marwan Al Suwaidi, ο επικεφαλής στρατηγικής του ομίλου First Abu Dhabi Bank, Karim Karoui και ο αντιπρόεδρος της Mubadala Petroleum, Adnan Omar Bu Futeem.
Επίσης θα εκπροσωπηθούν σε ανώτερο επίπεδο τα Υπουργεία Εξωτερικών, Άμυνας και Πολιτισμού, ενώ παρόντα θα είναι και κυβερνητικά στελέχη των Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων στους τομείς της Ενέργειας, της Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης, του Τουρισμού και της Γεωργίας.
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ADFD to give monetary support to the healthcare sector of Zanzibar
The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development and the Govt. of Zanzibar in the Federal Republic of Tanzania signed an agreement where the ADFD agreed to give Dhs37 million to support the building of Zanzibar’s Wete Hospital on Pemba Island.
Abu Dhabi Fund for Development’s Director-General, Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, and the region’s Minister of Finance and Planning, Mohammed Ramia Abdiwawa signed the Memorandum of Understanding....READ MORE

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Maafaru Airport to be enlarged to accommodate Airbus A380

President Mohamed Solih mentioned this during a campaign event in the morning of the 17th of March. Solih announced that the company which is currently developing the airport – which can currently accommodate Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircrafts – wants to enlarge the airport so it can accommodate the largest passenger aircrafts in the world, the Airbus A380.
The company which is contracted is a Singaporean company, Tuff Offshore, and uses a USD 60 million in non-reimbursable financial aid awarded by the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD).
The Maafaru Airport project has been on hold since the first test flight landed at the airport on the 18th of August 2018, during the presidential campaign.
“Today, the developer wants to further enlarge the airport. As you know, the current length of the airport is 2,200 meters. They want to enlarge it by a further 1,000 meters and make it an airport which is able to accommodate A380 aircrafts – the world’s largest aircrafts. We welcome this,” said Solih.
President Solih asks for the cooperation of the Maafaru Council, as well as the cooperation of the citizens of Maafaru to finish the project.
He also quotes, “We need to seize some of the few residences near the airport. A few residences. But we have decided to do this by awarding a good compensation. So what the citizens of Maafaru can do is, to do the things necessary to make this airport the largest airport in Maldives.”
He said that, once the airport was complete, it would be the largest and the most modern airport in Maldives.
Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation, Aishath Nahula has travelled to Abu Dhabi for negotiations regarding the Maafaru Airport Project, with ADFD on January 10th, 2019.
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Illustration Photo: Small scale wind turbines with desalination plants for coastal villages in Mauritania, selected for funding in the first cycle. (Photo courtesy of Agency for the Promotion of Universal Access to Services (APAUS) / IRENA / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
Advancing Renewables in Developing Countries: Progress of projects supported through the IRENA/ADFD Project Facility
The IRENA/ADFD Project Facility represents a partnership between the two key organisations to promote renewable energy in developing countries. This report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) reviews concrete progress over the first five years of their joint facility to finance such projects.
Between 2014 and 2018, projects selected in five annual cycles were awarded concessional loans worth USD 214 million, with 16 projects subsequently advancing through various stages of implementation. Seven projects from early cycles reached the construction or installation stage, with renewable power generation set to start in 2019.
The loans were allocated by ADFD based on IRENA recommendations.
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/uiAmGBYzsedjJdRXs/advancing-renewables-in-developing-countries-progress-of
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Somaliland Iyo Imaaraadka Carabta Oo Ka Wada Hadlay Mashaariic Lagu Qiyaasay 3 Bilyan Oo Dirham
Somaliland Iyo Imaaraadka Carabta Oo Ka Wada Hadlay Mashaariic Lagu Qiyaasay 3 Bilyan Oo Dirham
Abu Dhabi, UAE, September 19, 2017 (Saxafi) – Xubnihii Gollaha wasiirada ahaa ee Somaliland ku sugnaa dalka Isu-tagga Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa kullan muhiim ahi ku dhexmaray magaalada Abu Dhabi iyaga iyo masuuliyiin sare oo ka tirsan dowladda UAE. (more…)
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#Abu Dhabi#Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD)#Berbera Corridor#Dekedda Berbera#DP World#DP World Berbera#Dubai#Free Zone#Golaha Wasiiradda Somaliland#Heshiis#Isu-Tagga Imaaraadka Carabta#Khalifa Foundation#Maareeyaha Dekedda Berbera#Mashaariic#Maxamed Aadan Qabo#Maxamuud Xaashi Cabdi#No tags More stats —No comments 0 Last Modified 2017/09/19 Select Wefti Gollaha Wasiirada Somaliland Ka Tirsan Oo Kullan La Yeeshay Masuuliy#Sacad Cali Shire#Saldhig Milateri#Samsam Cabdi Aadan#Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda Somaliland#Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Somaliland#Wasaaradda Madaxtooyadda Somaliland#Wasaaradda Qorsheynta Qaranka Somaliland
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