#Absolutely wonderful way of displaying the new world of Ninjago and the other 15 realms.
localguy2 · 1 year
(Rambling about similarities between Dragons Rising & Rise of The Snakes, mainly about the unique way they handle world building and humor and other stuff, so yeah be warned, there are going to be spoilers).
What I especially love about Dragons Rising is that it gives off that season 1 vibe, where Ninjago was still goofy as hell but also had a good story.
The world felt grounded but also it was magical, the humor was fun and sometimes or actually a lot of times, it was tied to the world building in the most nonsensical way, but it worked so well.
I wouldn't say Dragons Rising's world building is entriely tied to the humor, but you could definitely see some aspects of it, and it's most highlighted in the Crossroads, which is a sick ass location btw.
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I'd say this is a good example of how to do world building while also being funny.
While for a long time we've been told that humans and serpentine live in peace, it's never been shown extensively, heck the most we saw was during Season 4 in the Corridor of Elders fight scene, and some minor examples across the seasons of the show.
But here, it's shown that they do indeed get along very well, so much so that humans and serpentine team up for performances.
And it's not just serpentine either!
Frog people!
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New types of Skulkin!
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Marlopiens and new robots even, like Lobbo! (I love Lobbo so much :D)
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Nindriods and munce!
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The creature of my fucking nightmares!
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The show does an absolutely fantastic job at showing off its world, but it isn't shown directly to you, nor are the small details even talked about unless they are relevant to the plot, but that's what makes it SO good.
YOU have to pick out these small details, YOU have to keep an eye out for small potential secrets you might have missed, and only then will you realise how diverse the 16 combined realms are and well structured this new world is.
World building is done the best when it shows you something, without having to say anything.
It gives you an idea of this world looks like and how it functions, how it's cultures work and how they interact with each other.
And that's why the Crossroads is such a perfect location.
You see cultures clash, you see the best of all realms here just like Sora said, whether it be through performances or pie baking contests or mech racing, it's all on display but it's only mentioned when it's related to the story and plot of the show.
And all of that gives you an idea about The Crossroads and what it is:
An area in Ninjago City where everyone can be themselves, where people from different realms and species and parts of life come to show off what they're good at, to show the best of their realms and cultures.
And I think that it's done absolutely wonderfully here, and I applaude the writers for making up this wonderful world, and the animators and predoucers and everyone else working on bringing these ideas to life.
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