#About Taletha
Enforcers | Reader-Insert
Warning: being held against one will. Syringes.
Summary: They manage to catch an unbelivable job. They didnt read the small print.
a/n: Sorry for the many mistake. I wrote it on mobile! Hope you enjoy! Setting an introduction.
eye color = (e/c)
your name = (y/n)
3 years ago…
When (y/n) open the door, they saw a group of girls, who looked very likely around their age. One girl sat on a chair headset on ignoring her surroundings. She was shorter than the rest, with luscious and long, silver blonde hair, and violet eyes.
One sat on the floor, her legs crossed, her hands shaking nonstop. She has shoulder length, brown hair, and eyes (y/n) tries not to stare at her for too long. It’s the polite thing to do at this point.
The last girl rushed to the door, stopping right in front of them. She has silky waist long hair, and brown eyes, (y/n) jumped back stumbling into something behind them.
(y/n) breaths their face turn back, their heart ring uncontrollably expecting the worst, another girl stood frozen brown eyes locking instantly with theirs. She didn't move; she didn’t seem to breathe either. She has thick brunette hair as black as an enforcers soul or so the rumors say.
"She is the last one, x". The girl behind x loudly calls out clapping her hands in some sort of amusement.
(y/n) stands away from x turning fully to see the other girl. Shoulder length black hair with brown eyes, piercing like a medieval sword, felt her looking into their soul.
"(y/n)". They muttered.
"Taletha. Stop. You will scare the newcomer". x grumbled, majorly annoyed by the tone of her voice. X extends her hands past them, a plastic bag on her hands held merely by one finger, the girl behind (y/n) grabbed it muttering a simple thanks.
"Refreshments are here! Ava catch!".
x grabs them by their shoulders turning them around. The room that hardly held anything but two chairs and a coffee table. The girl with the thin bag, its a miracle it held anything, throws a refreshment to the girl on the floor. A simple, "thanks". Escapes Ava after catching it. She opens her drink not caring about anyone else around.
(y/n) gets pushed forward by the girls behind them. They take another step, they are all wearing the same white gown, they seem to be forced to wear. Except, 3 people.
"lluthra. Headset girl all black gown". x points back to the girl at the back seat. She glances up to acknowledge their back, violet eyes look into her soul, momentarily looking back away. Her refreshments held by her by an invisible force, "what... the... fck...", (y/n) whispers, their eyes most be picking on them right now.
"Redamancy in the middle. She obviously is our personal chaotic witch", x proclaims her fingers guide their face to stare at the long blonde girl. Her feet are crossed above the floor far beyond what any human can do. A scream tries to escape them, no sound comes out. Some red energy her hands like birds flapping their wings like gravity doesn’t exist.
The other girls were not scared by her, neither seemed nervous or even frightened. They seem happy to have been given the opportunity of such inhumanity.
"You missed the sixth round. We were supposed to receive our powers together". x blurts slightly disappointed. They turn their (e/c) clashes with brown eyes for some type of understanding.
"You will understand in a little bit". Her arms lock around her throat and rib cage. (y/n) screams trashing to escape to no vail.
"This will only hurt a bit". Taletha blurts, they felt a sting on their right arm. A syringe on her hand some purple liquid it held. They trash more screaming, swinging their legs and arms to be let go. X hold only tighten as their body lose all consciousness slowly like each part decided now to shut down.
"This is initiation rookie". (y/n) black out after that no longer able to remember much. What the hell did they sign up for? This wasn’t in the job description.
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
Character Bio: Taletha Duskwind
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(Art by ayieolaer! 🌺)
Full Name: Taletha Duskwind Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Alignment: Chaotic Good Age: Adult (29 years old) Race: Ren’dorei (Formerly, Quel’dorei) OOC Class: Hunter IC Class: None; Taletha enjoys the use of guns in combat situations, though she will utilize other weapons as necessary and when her firearm(s) aren't available. While not a mage of any kind, she does know some simpler spells to enchant her arrows or bullets with as well. Additionally, Taletha has a basic knowledge of several alchemical concoctions, which are likely used to further enhance any weaponry. 
✨ About Taletha ✨
Taletha Duskwind is a free spirit who can be considered both blessed and cursed given she is able to find excitement and trouble almost anywhere. She has a knack for winding up in questionable situations, usually brought on by her stubborn curiosity to investigate most anything that intrigues her. Even though Taletha often faces conflict, she somehow always manages to wriggle free of the consequences.. Most of the time, at least! An archaeologist by trade, Taletha has a fondness for learning about the world and the people that inhabit it. Throughout her life, she has been on many expeditions and explored some of the deepest reaches of Azeroth and beyond. Given she is an experienced adventurer, Duskwind is nearly always prepared with all the tools one might need in order to research and document. As of late, Taletha’s interests have shifted somewhat; after an excursion into Northrend that resulted in her living amongst a tribe of wolvar for some time, she has been drawn to the study of the world’s many peoples, forsaking old ruins and places of power to instead verse herself with other such colourful cultures. 
✨ Roleplay Hooks ✨
💜  Taletha has been employed by various adventuring/archaeological companies throughout Azeroth. Some longer than others, and none of which she remained at permanently. (Your character may possibly have met her through one of these organizations!) 💜 She was/is a member of the Explorers' League which is based out of Ironforge, and considers herself a friend to the dwarves. She has even done work for the Reliquary (in more recent times), although her relationship with some of the blood elves is tenuous, at best, despite her attempts at diplomacy.  💜 A large, ethereal wolf can sometimes be seen at Taletha's side. While he is not one of the void-touched animals of (New) Draenor, he is somewhat reminiscent of such in appearance only. He seems to be far more intelligent than any normal beast as well, perhaps even sapient?  💜 Taletha is packing a variety of different weapons at almost any time. Her favoured weapon is an air rifle, of which was manufactured by none other than her half-brother, Viktor Merocin. While having a preference for guns of all kinds, Taletha is also an experienced archer, and has had some training which utilizes other types of weaponry as well (daggers, swords, and spears.) 💜 It's very possible that you have seen Taletha out exploring somewhere in the world! (Feel free to make up something or talk to me, and we can conjure up something together!)
✨ What I'm Seeking ✨
💞 Long-term roleplay contacts--whether they be friends, colleagues, distant family, old flames, rivals, or enemies. Open to pre-established relationships as well, but only after we discuss the details. As always, I am not actively seeking romance with my muses, but should it come about in a natural way (through RP) and the characters have chemistry, then that’s alright!  💞 Open to most roleplay, though I have a preference for the long-term variety (particularly with some kind of storyline!) Casual roleplay is a-okay, as well, though I take any kind of tavern roleplay in doses given it burns me out quickly, unfortunately.  💞 Mediums: Discord, Tumblr, in-game, Google Docs, Skype. 💞 The kinds of roleplay I enjoy specifically: anything adventure/exploration themed, supernatural/occult, mystery, and maybe a few dashes of horror! (This is not an expansive list, just a sampling!) 💞 Themes: Mature (though not necessarily sexual,) lighthearted, comedy, etc. I shy away from too much angst and extreme violence. I don't really have any triggers, per se, but I'm just not a fan of detailed torture scenes and excessive grimdark content. 
✨ OOC ✨
❥  In-Game Name: Taletha (Wyrmrest Accord) ❥  Discord: Bawdy Mermaid#3520 ❥  Please check my OOC page! I do have a little 'Read Me' about my health issues that can make long roleplays difficult. (As in, lasting more than a few hours!) (Link here!) ❥  Thank you for reading, and any signal boosts are deeply appreciated! <3
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
Getting to know Taletha!
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(Art by ayieolaer!)
Tag nine muses you would like to know better!
bold the statements that are true for your muse ( italics for situational/verse dependent )
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people.
People tell me that I’m funny.
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me.
I enjoy physical challenges.
I enjoy mental challenges.
I’m playfully rude with people I know well.
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it.
There is something I would change about my personality.
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner.
I can draw well.
I have a good memory.
I’m good at doing math in my head.
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute.
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling.
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch.
I know how to throw a proper punch.
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country/Planet/Galaxy/Universe
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share(d) my room with someone
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
Tagged by: @warcraftingfox, @lady-of-the-chromatic (<3) Tagging: @calastrien-songwood @archmagus-jinx @serelia-evensong @wildname @koszmar-zycie @audric-steelmantle @grandpa-swagger (Lol, great name!) @meggy-wow @kelladen
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
Direhorn - What is something that others least expect about your character?
With Sidra in particular, she seems a very gentle woman at first glance. Her voice is serene, and overall, she has a very ‘soft’ appearance which can make her seem less-than-threatening to some.
But when she’s angry or frightened, Sidra can do a 180, basically, and become quite a fierce individual to contend with!
Melanthe on the other hand.. I think most people probably don’t expect that she’s a dragon. :) At least that’s been the experience thus far with her, at least. Most seem to believe she’s just an odd sort of Ren'dorei.
And last but not least, for Taletha.. With her in particular, this is a difficult question to answer since she doesn’t really hide anything about herself. What you see is what you get, basically!
I’m sorry it took me ages to answer this question, and I hope these answers are okay! Thanks again for sending me a question, @edwinooc!
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
Meeting the Blacksmith
Taletha lifted her eyes from a small map of Darnassus crafted from thin leather, perched atop a horned and shadowy steed that had earned her many a look from the local night elves. She seemed uncomfortable--as did the beast--the pair of them making their way through the Craftsmen's Terrace.
It was hard not to take notice of others watching them, as distrust was heavy for a Ren'dorei and her void-tainted steed. Even though Taletha had only offered nervous smiles in return, she'd found little kindness ever since her arrival at Teldrassil. The elves had been polite enough, however, at least willing to treat and trade with her, if nothing else.
Taletha gave a little tug of her horse’s bitless bridle, guiding the strange beast around to curve up a small hill, where she could see a forge and smoke somewhat closeby. She went about rolling up the map, stashing it away in a small saddlebag as the horse ambled along, the sight of a draenic woman there in the distance.
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Finally, someone who wasn't an elf!
"Hello there!" She called out, waving her hand slightly at the draenei. "Are you the blacksmith here?"
(( @warcraftingfox -- I hope I did this right! XD ))
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theforgottenflight · 7 years
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My void elf/Ren’dorei archaeologist Taletha Duskwind, done by the wonderful Ayie_Olaer. <3 I can’t say enough about this portrait of her, like.. Don’t even know where to begin! Beyond gorgeous, caught everything near perfectly! I’m just stunned to see her actually conceptualized finally! 
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theforgottenflight · 7 years
Fact Swap: Cend likes animals of all kinds, but, is actually a cat person!
‘Send me a fact about your OC and I’ll answer with a relevant fact about mine.’
Melanthe: She spends most of her day reading books and studying the world of Azeroth, given she doesn’t know that much about it overall. So now that she has access to libraries and book shoppes, Mel spends a lot of time in both places!
Taletha: Speaking on animals, Taletha is quite an animal lover herself. (Most of my chars are, admittedly, but her especially!) In her travels throughout (New) Draenor, she even befriended a wolf spirit which now acts as her steadfast companion. :)
Vysindria: She lives for her children, of which she has two. Recently born crimson whelplings which were fortunately not subject to the same kinds of brainwashing and torture that she went through with the Twilight’s Hammer. Currently, the three now remain as ‘prisoners’, with the hope that someday, she may be cleansed of her corruption. 
( Thought I would answer for all three, since it made the most sense! Hope you enjoyed, and feel free to pester me if you want to know anything else! :) @cendelornshadowdagger )
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
E, G, I (for the abc headcanon prompts)
Thank you for the questions! I’ll answer these OOC! :)
E- Eager- something they are eager to do in lifeFor Melanthe, she’s always happy and excited to help someone, given she knows how hard life can be, and is willing to go the extra mile to assist a person in what ways she can. One might even say she does this to a fault as well. Aside from that, she’s always eager for new knowledge, given she lived a relatively sheltered and dismal life overall, and loves to learn about the world.
G- Guarded- something they always guard (item can physical or mental like their feelings)
So, to start with, Melanthe has taken it upon herself to be a kind of ‘guardian’ for one of her lovers, Ratherane, who is not precisely what he seems to be. She is quite scared of the repercussions of what could happen were people to discover exactly what he is. To elaborate a little further, she goes out of her way to draw any kind of attention to herself when shit hits the fan, so that they are less focused on her lover and what he could be.
With that in mind, she is also (alongside him), 'guarding’ someone else, that person being my other dragon character, Vysindria. One might call her a prisoner, given she’s not exactly allowed to leave the place she is currently being held, but she’s not exactly in pain, being tortured, mistreated, etc. She’s just.. not allowed to leave. :P And thus, that’s just one more thing that Melanthe has to keep under wraps, on top of everything else.
I- Ingenuity- how clever they can be in tough situations
Oh, Taletha can be quite clever, when it comes to getting out of sticky situations. I actually created the character with that in mind, that she’d be very charismatic, diplomatic, and cunning. Basically someone that gets into trouble, but is able to (usually) get out of it by being smart and using everything available to her.
Once more, I appreciate all the questions, and these were fun to answer! :) Many thanks, @kalrumgreatforge!
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
23. Their favorite animal
"Always liked wolves, when I was a little one; even before these worgen came about. There's just somethin' beautiful about them, their eyes especially. And the howls.. Even as a kid, I used to go outside on the balcony and listen, hopin' to here'em start up their nightly song. 'Course, I didn't hear it every night, but.. You know." Taletha leaned back in her chair, so far that she lifted one leg, shoving her foot against the wall lazily, making herself comfortable even as she was half-dangling in her seat.
"I like foxes, too, for similar reasons. Actually wanted one when I was small, but they stink like piss some of the time, so.. It wasn't really an option. Mum got me a pup instead, hehe. Can't say I blame'er!" (Thank you for the ask, @kalrumgreatforge! Always appreciated! :D)
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theforgottenflight · 7 years
‘Send me “✒︎” for a random, dumb, pointless fact about my muse.‘
1. Taletha really enjoys sleeping in a chilly room with layers of blankets which she can hide under to get warm. She also likes as many pillows as she can get and currently has around six.2. For a few months, she lived with the Frenzyheart Tribe over in Sholazar, to learn of their ways and culture. It was one of her favourite experiences ever, and she is quite fond of the wolvar now.3. Taletha is quite fond of dessert-foods, and just about any kind of custard is her favourite, especially when baked into a pie. ((Thanks for the ask, @celestare!
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind?
"Power? Hey, sure, why not? Authority, too, if only so I can boss about those idiots I often work with. Plus, you know.." Taletha shrugged, folding her arms beneath her bust with a wry grin, "It feels nice to be in charge, call the shots. Look, don't get me wrong though--I'm not wanting to be some Queen that rules the world or anything. Just that.. It'd be nice to be somebody with a bit more influence, you understand?"
(( Apologies for the very late response. x.x I actually wrote and re-wrote this one so many times, lol. But, finally was happy with it, I think, decided to go with Taletha's thoughts on the matter. And thank you once more for sending the ask, @vorigoth! ))
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theforgottenflight · 7 years
Fact swap! Mo'hir has one brother but consider her friends Knoton, Keizi and Zatna as siblings, too. (you can answer for as many muses as you want, though i particularly would like hearing more about Vysindria and Taletha)
‘Send me a fact about your OC and I’ll answer with a relevant fact about mine.’
- For a good portion of her life, Taletha has spent a lot of time studying the various worlds, those being Azeroth, of course, but also Outland and even (New) Draenor. Initially, her investigations were alongside various archaeological companies interested in delving into old ruins and finding old relics, though recently, she’s taken more of an interest in the peoples and their various cultures on these different worlds instead.
- Although technically a prisoner alongside her whelplings, Vysindria is not terribly upset about her current situation. She is relatively safe, able to be with her children freely, and no longer suffers the tortures, manipulations, and brainwashing from the Twilight’s Hammer (and its affiliated groups.) For now, she is content to reside right where she is, and serve beneath someone else much more benevelont towards her.
(( Hey hey! Happy to do a fact swap anytime about our characters! If you want to know anything more, just poke me! I’d be happy to know more about your muses as well, if you want to share? @warcraftingfox ))
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theforgottenflight · 6 years
Which of your muse are the most mature? Which are the most childish?
Most mature, that would be Vysindria, I think. The eldest of my three on this blog, a mother, and a person who has lived a long time and seen so much. As dragons go, she is still relatively ‘young’ (not a child or a teenager, mind you,) but she has experienced a lot of hardships in a relatively short life but gained much wisdom from it all.
Childish? I suppose it depends on what kind of childish we’re talking about. All of my characters have the tendency to be such, depending on what is happening around them, but I suppose Taletha probably would be the most childish of them all. Not because she’s a young woman, but because she is capable of being quite petty, if the notion strikes her. :PThank you for the question, @glass-innocence!
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