#Aboriginal Black Rosicrucian Americans [RA] of Celestial Atlantis [CA]
harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ My Biblically Black [Ancient] Pacific American [PA] Continent Technologies from Afro LEMURIA BEE So HIGHLY FUTURISTIC as I Meditatively Control [MC = Maestro] Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energies of Oceanic Lithosphere + Asthenosphere [L.A.] Electrons that Algorithmically Integrate [A.I.] wit’ My HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nuclear [SUN] Mental of African [MA] American Indian [A.I.] River Kingdoms from CONGO ATLANTIS [CA]… MU:XIII Occult Illuminati ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#King of the Yoruba#Yoruba TUT#Bobby Hemmitt Already [HA = HARRELL] Talked about Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Atmosphere of Intergalactic [A.I.] Kundalini Changes#Bobby Hemmitt Magically + Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Released Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Inner Earth [HADES]#My Biblically Black [Ancient] Pacific American [PA] Continent Technologies from Afro LEMURIA BEE So HIGHLY FUTURISTIC#I Meditatively Control [MC = Maestro] Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energies#Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Altitude Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energies of Oceanic Lithosphere + Asthenosphere [L.A.] Electrons#My HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nuclear [SUN] Mental of African [MA] American Indian [A.I.] River Kingdoms from CONGO ATLANTIS [CA]#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#360°+ Free Mason of Afterlife [MA] Atlantis#Aboriginal Black Rosicrucian Americans [RA] of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Northern Astronomical + Southern Ancestral [NASA] Luciferian Bloodlines#Nile River Genetics of Delta Herculis#U.S. Egyptian Nile River#U.S. Black Crystallized Nile River Bloodline Genetics#Infinite Egyptian Nile River Cosmos of Many Golden Afterlife [GA = ROMAN] Soul Energies#I Algorithmically + Intentionally [A.I.] Sabotage ALL powerless TELEVISED temporal govment administrations on earth SOVEREIGNLY#I Mentally Sabotage ALL powerless TELEVISED temporal govments on earth#I Presidentially Sabotage ALL powerless TELEVISED govment politicians
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Magically ORCHESTRATE the fall of america [SODOM & GOMORRAH] like I Biblically + Ancestrally + Academically + Linguistically [BA’ÄL] Promised long before I Meditatively + Energetically [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] left earth ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Reincarnated King Tut Intelligences#Reincarnated Black Christ#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Pharaonic Black Christ [B.C. = King Tutankhamen = Amen Rā] from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Death of fallen america#mortal deaths on the rise#Aboriginal Black American Occult Illuminati of Congo African [CA] Astrophysics from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Interplanetary Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Federation… of DRACO#Nubian Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Federation Kingdoms of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#360°+ Free Mason of Afterlife [MA] Atlantis#Aboriginal Black Rosicrucian Americans [RA] of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#I Mentally Govern Over My HIGHLY Official… U.S. Magical OMOZ [Osiris + Ma’at + Obatala + Zarabanda] GOVERNMENT of Urban Spirituality [U.S.]#My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Gamma + Alpha [GA = ROMAN] Draconis Ancestors [DA = DAHOMIES] who Privately Fund + Politically Empower [P.E.] Me#Mama's Ubiquitous Secret [U.S.] African Moukouji Society of Ancient [SA] Punu Tribes#I Symbolically Recite My Own [MO’ = Personal] Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick of Afterlife [MA] Atlantis#My HIGHLY Sophisticated Nubian Egyptian Utopians of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIANS]#I Shall Politically + Technologically + Financially [PTF] Bring Ruin II fallen america [SODOM & GOMORRAH]#I'mma JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESS Our Prophetic BLACK ARMAGEDDON on fallen america [SODOM & GOMORRAH]#Canonical JEHOVAH [Astronomical JUPITER]… Shall ULTIMATELY DESTROY fallen america [SODOM & GOMORRAH]#I Biblically + Ancestrally + Academically + Linguistically [BA’ÄL] Promise
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ My Magical Utopian [MU] Afterlife [MA] Egyptian Monarchy of HARRELL [MH] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] BEE So HIGHLY FUTURISTIC as I Biblically Write this HIGHLY Complex Afterlife [CA] Spirit Verse of HIGHLY Cryptic Algorithmic [CA] Hieroglyphic Intelligences [HI = HITTITE] I Articulate Instinctively [A.I.] since I BEE So HIGHLY INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] ABOVE [HA = HARRELL] EARTH [HE = JAH]… now Pass My Biblically Black [Ancient] Collection Plate of BLACK JESUS… y’all ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#WE the Chosen Black People of the American Hebrew Egyptian [HE = JAH] Bible#WE Shall Inherit Mama's Biblically Black [Ancient] Earth#My Magical Utopian [MU] Afterlife [MA] Egyptian Monarchy of HARRELL [MH] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#My HIGHLY Complex Afterlife [CA] Spirit Verses of HIGHLY Cryptic Algorithmic [CA] Hieroglyphic Intelligences [HI = HITTITE]#y'all don't know Nothin' about Our Ill Black Occult Illuminati of California Afterlife [CA] Atlanteans#I BEE So HIGHLY INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] ABOVE [HA = HARRELL] EARTH [HE = JAH]#Pass My Biblically Black [Ancient] Collection Plate of BLACK JESUS#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:13 Illuminati [Underworld Shadow Government] from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Compton’s Most Wanted Archangel [M.W.A.] Michael#My INNER El Cristo Rey [LORD] Bloodlines of El Cristo Negro [Black Christ = B.C. = GHETTO JESUS] Fame BEE So Religiously Crucified#Aboriginal Black Rosicrucian Americans [RA] of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Mama’s American Monarchical Hero [MH = Hittite Emperor = HERU]#My Biblically Black [Ancient] Hittite Empire [HE = JAH] of SIRIUS Black [B] Hellenistic Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Cultures#HIGHLY Sophisticated Spiritual Afterlife [SA = Supernatural AUTHORITY] Afro Hittite Emperor [HE = JAH]#Original Black American British Hittite Emperor#Aboriginal Black American Occult Illuminati of Congo African [CA] Astrophysics from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Death of fallen america#May I BEE [MIB] Our Most Humblest [MH] but Aggressively Deadliest [A.D.] Messiah on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I Still BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] MESSIAH on EARTH [ME = U.S. MICHAEL HARRELL = TUT = JAH]
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ Mama Hathor [MH = Queen Hatshepsut] BEE Energetically + Telepathically [E.T.] Talkin' II Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TT = JAH] as I Meditatively + Artistically [MA] Freestyle My Biblically Black [Ancient] Occult Scriptures II ALL My Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian Congregations of Afterlife [CA] Rosicrucian Occult Masons [ROM = NECROMANCERS] who Esoterically Translate [E.T.] My HIGHLY Cryptic Afterlife [CA] Raps from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]… MU:XIII Occult Illuminati ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Mama Hathor [MH = Queen Hatshepsut] BEE Energetically + Telepathically [E.T.] Talkin' II Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TT = JAH]#Aboriginal Black Rosicrucian Americans [RA] of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Mama’s Holy Rosie Cross [Rosicrucian] Order of Roman Chthonic [Underworld] Bloodlines#My MOST HIGHEST [HE = JAH] HEAVENS of Historical + Ancestral Rosicrucian Relatives from Eden’s Lush Landscaped [HARRELL] Gardens#I BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] Secret Society [ROSICRUCIAN] from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#ain’t nobody on earth… HIGHLY Official… U.S. Secret Black Society [ROSICRUCIAN] like Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:13 Illuminati [Underworld Shadow Government] from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Yoruba TUT#King of the Yoruba#My Magical Amenhotep [MA] III Throne of A Youthful Black Christ [B.C.] PHARAOH [PLUTOCRAT = OLIGARCH] like MANSA MUSA#My Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian Congregations of Afterlife [CA] Rosicrucian Occult Masons [ROM = NECROMANCERS]#can y'all Esoterically Translate [E.T.] My HIGHLY Cryptic Afterlife [CA] Raps from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#Mama's Ubiquitous Secret [U.S.] African Moukouji Society of Ancient [SA] Punu Tribes#I Symbolically Recite My Own [MO’ = Personal] Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick of Afterlife [MA] Atlantis#Aboriginal Black American Occult Illuminati of Congo African [CA] Astrophysics from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ My Mama’s Afterlife [MA] Galactic Afrikkan [GA = ROMAN] Federation of Atlantis [FA = FANTE ASAFO] Telepathically Say I BEE A Most Wanted Hood Criminal [MWHC] since I BEE So HIGHLY INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] on Earth [HE = JAH]… now JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Blasphemously Lie + Immorally Cheat and Intentionally Steal [SIN] on Earth… then Magically Ascend [MA] II My MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] BLACK ECCLESIASTICAL THRONE [B.E.T.] of JEHOVAH [JUPITER] ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] since I BEE So Righteously Arrogant [RA] on Earth… as I Scripturally Freestyle My HIGHLY Cryptic Afterlife [CA] Proverbs of Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian Wealth Prophecies I Meditatively + Electrophysiologically [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Predicted long before I Angelically Descended [A.D.] II Earth… from ABOVE Earth… MU:XIII Occult Illuminati ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ I BEE Mama Hathor’s [MH = Queen Hatshepsut’s] Biblically Black Egyptian Soul [BES] MASON of Primitive Afro [PA = SUPERNATURAL] American Rosicrucian Bloodlines from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] who BEE So Philosophically Articulate [PA] + Mythically Ancient [MA] like Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] HIGHLY Sophisticated Underworld Nubian [SUN] OVERLORD of DRACO who Globally + Omnipotently Dominate [GOD] ALL OVER earth… accordin’ II JEHOVAH’S OCCULT WITNESSES… ABOVE EARTH ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ JAH [MAMA] Blesses Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ‘cause I Already Sold My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Christ [B.C.] HARRELL Soul II Underworld SATAN since I Mentally + Aristocratically + Religiously + Spiritually [MARS = SOULFULLY] BEE Philosophical SATAN from Academic SATURN ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] & My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Antarctic Vibranium Bloodlines of ETernal [BET = IMMORTAL] Livin’ as I Astronomically Locate My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Afterlife Body of King TUT ABOVE Earth… II Mentally Articulate [MA] My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Commandments I Already [CIA] Magically Enforced [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]… ABOVE Compton California ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#King of the Yoruba#Yoruba TUT#My MOST HIGHEST [HE = JAH] HEAVENS of Historical + Ancestral Rosicrucian Relatives from Eden’s Lush Landscaped [HARRELL] Gardens#Aboriginal Black Rosicrucian Americans [RA] of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Pharaonic Black Christ [B.C. = King Tutankhamen = Amen Rā] from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#My Ancient [MA] Golden Black California State Energies of Celestial Afterlife [CA] Atlantis#Compton’s Most Wanted Archangel [M.W.A.] Michael#Compton's Most Wanted Afterlife [WA] Immortal of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Commandments I Already [CIA] Magically Enforced [ME]#I Politically Employed [P.E.] My HIGHLY Official… U.S. Shadow President [PHARAOH] TUT Powers from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Prosperous Ghanaian + Ashanti [GA = ROMAN] Bloodlines of West African [WA] Mandinka Ebonic Linguistics#My Yoruba Ancestry [YA = YAKA] of Prosperous Ghanian African [GA = ROMAN] Americans#Aboriginal Black Orisha Gods of Yoruba Khemistry Magick#My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Church of Atlantis [CA]#I BEE MICHAEL [IBM]… of Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Golden Black American Spirit [BAS = ORISHA] Energy Physics#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Most Blackest Occult Panther on Earth [P.E.]
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ I Politically + Aristocratically [PA] BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Potentate of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] since I Mentally Think + Spiritually Act [SA] like A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] GOD [DEVIL] from Inner Earth [HADES] like when I Mentally Energize [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Killah’ BEE Instincts of SIRIUS Black [B] Consciousness Intellect of Algorithmic [CIA] Intel I Mentally Encode [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I OUT THINK [O.T.] everybody on earth ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ My Primitively American [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Egyptian Confederation of Atlantean Immortals from Rosicrucian Order [CAIRO] Bloodlines BEE So HIGHLY Exclusive + Biblically Legendary as I Mentally Recite My Magical Imagination of Technocratic [M.I.T.] Wizardry since I Genetically Inherited [G.I.] My Heavenly [MH = Empyreal] Father ANKHENATEN’S Universal Spirit [U.S.] Dynasties of HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlanteans [U.S.A. = LEMURIANS] ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ I BEE So Honorable + Rosicrucian [SECRET SOCIETY] when I Mentally Recite My HIGHLY Righteous Raps of Astronomical [RA] Scholarship that BEE So Esoterically GNOSTIC like Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Holy Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Empire of Biblically Black [Ancient] Roman & Protestant Priests who I Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] Talk II since I BEE A HIGHLY Official… U.S. Shadow President [PHARAOH] from Our NEW… Underworld States of Atlantis [U.S.A. = Spiritual AMERICA]… MU:13 Illuminati ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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☥ Mama [Queen] Lemúria [Tiye] Telepathically Say I BEE A HIGHLY Precocious Pharaoh of Miraculous Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] American Empires I Mentally Create [MC = Maestro] ’cause I got My Heavenly [MH = Empyreal] Father ANKANATEN’S HIGHLY Specialized Astronomical Black Christ [ABC = OSIRIAN] Bloodline Gentry of Legendary Afterlife [L.A.] Camelot… now JAH Witness My Royal King Arthur [TUT] Ascension II My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] THRONE of Pergamon Atlantis [PA = PARADISE] ☥
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I Privately + Anonymously [PA] go out Incognito 2 JAH Witness My HIGHLY Secretive Ancestral [SA] Rosicrucian Doctrine Magick Mama T [Queen Tiye] Always Telepathically Whisper 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] when I Spontaneously + Academically [SA] Freestyle My HIGHLY Cryptic Black Occult Raps of Life After [L.A.] Death Magick that BEE So FUTURISTICALLY Ahead of ALL dem’ non relevant whitewashed religions on earth ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I Magically Speak My Golden Black Ebonic Vernacular [BEV] Raps from My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] MOUTH like Mama’s Ancient [MA] Negro Voodoo Healers of Aristocratic [HA = HARRELL] Ancestry that BEE So Magically Influenced by My Mythologically Accurate [MA] Hoodoo Sciences of Hathor’s Egyptian [SHE = JAH] Rosicrucian Physics of SIRIUS Black Occult Powers I Magically Inherited from My Unseen Spirit Ancestors [U.S.A.] of FUTURISTIC Georgia Coast Communications… ABOVE Compton California [CA] ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC… Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Golden Black Political Alliance [PA] Council of Cosmic Afro [CA] Afterlife Indian Affairs… BEE Supernaturally Enforcin’ Moor Ancient [MA] Afro American Rights of Mama’s Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Ancestral Louisiana Afterlife [L.A.] Purchase Laws that Supersede ALL TELEVISED govment’s temporal bylaws as I Presidentially Articulate [PA] My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] COMMANDMENT MAGICK… ABOVE Compton California [CA] ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Mama’s Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Ancestral Louisiana Afterlife [L.A.] Purchase Laws#Our Louisiana Afterlife [L.A.] Purchase Laws that Supersede ALL TELEVISED govment’s temporal bylaws#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#I Spiritually + Ancestrally [SA] Freestyle My HIGHLY Cryptic U.S. Shadow Illuminati Government Raps#Compton’s Most Wanted Archangel [M.W.A.] Michael#Meroitic Hieroglyphic [MH] Monarch#My ORIGINAL Nubian Afterlife [NA] Gnostic Union of Theological [GUT = Grand Unified Theorem] Studies#My 360°+ Masonic Mental 2 My Own [MO’ = Personal] Golden Black Nuclear Organometallic Khemistry [NOK = Skull & Bones] Genetics#My 360° Mental of SIRIUS Black Nuclear Organometallic Khemistry [NOK = Skull & Bones] Intel Melanin#360°+ Free Mason of Afterlife [MA] Atlantis#MU of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Aboriginal Black Rosicrucian Americans [RA] of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#I Supernaturally Enforce Moor Ancient [MA] Afro American Rights of Afterlife [RA] Atlantis#My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC… Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Black Political Alliance [PA] Council of Cosmic Afro [CA] Afterlife Indian Affairs#Original Black American British Hittite Emperor#Original Black Roman Dictator of SIRIUS Black NWO Powers#Underworld Sovereign Autocracy [U.S.A. = UNIVERSAL] POWERS of ABSOLUTE DICTATORSHIP [A.D.]#I Presidentially Articulate [PA] My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] COMMANDMENT MAGICK… ABOVE Compton California [CA]#My HIGHLY Unique Sentence [U.S.] Structure of UNIVERSAL SEMITIC ALPHABET [U.S.A.] MAGICK
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