#Abigail Westworth
Kailman Legacy || 09: Down to the Honky Tonk
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It's the first company outing for Emerson, and Noah John invited him and Louisa out for drinks and dancing at the local bar, only asking that they keep it classy and not get trashed. An easy enough agreement, right?
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Upon their arrival, Louisa was embraced by a gorgeous girl in a matching cowboy hat and the man sticking close to her: Abigail Westworth and Phoenix Abbott, a professional equestrian content creator and a horse trainer, respectively. After some drinks, the group quickly got to the dance floor. Once several songs played, Abigail took her friend aside to tell her how Noah John's new ranch hand clearly found her more interesting than a co-worker living upstairs. Louisa brushed it off, knowing full well that any sort of something between the two of them wouldn't be a good idea. Her bestie also knew full well that the girl could use some romantic attention after growing up with her nose in books, avoiding dating outside a brief flirt or two.
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The girls rejoined the dance floor in the nick of time, too, since Emerson finally dared to ask Louisa for a dance. The pair exchanged banter before falling into a rhythm, twirling and stomping to a country duet. Feeling the fearlessness of his first-ever set of drinks, he took her for a dip, and she was sufficiently impressed and, unfortunately, charmed by his seeming confidence. She'd also had her share of drinks, so the music and his eyes drowned out her previous hesitations. Not for long, though.
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During a lull, Louisa and Noah John took a break on a sofa, and he asked about the dance. She blushed, reminded that he'd, of course, be keeping an eye on them. Unable to really answer, Noah John wasn't overbearing but reminded her that he'd only just started, and if things were not to work out between the two of them, it might throw off his progress in learning the business. He knew this wasn't her intention and didn't want to necessarily discourage an innocent crush, but he was firm in establishing a 'no dating' boundary. He said he'd have the same conversation with him in the morning, and Louisa was left dejected and with plenty to chew on during the taxi ride home.
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The trio made their way to their bedrooms, but before she turned in for the night, she stopped Emerson and asked to talk. Tipsy herself, she fumbled through explaining what Noah John had said. More clear-headed, Emerson listened intently and recognized how the situation could look, no matter how pure his motives may have been. He agreed to not cross that line going forward and keep things professional. The two went to bed, understanding the situation but thinking of the fun they shared longer than they'd care to admit. Who would've thought Love Day would end on such a sad note?
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Mini Update || 09 || Change of Plans
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The day before the first summer competition, Abigail was shocked to discover that her birth control had failed, resulting in a surprise summer pregnancy. She and Phoenix had been together for years and planned to get engaged before the end of the year. So, how would he feel about a change of plans?
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While surprised, especially before a big event, Phoenix was overjoyed to know that the love of his life would bring their love to life all the more in the following months. He was ecstatic to hear the news, while Abigail was enthused but much more low-key about the development. Maybe it's time to make an honest woman out of her sooner than planned.
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Kailman Legacy || 21: Summer Nights
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Beer? Tapped. Tunes? Playing. Friends? Gathered.
Emerson was a natural at tapping the beer keg, which Phoenix and Albert had failed to do, so he received pats on the back from his new friends and a toast from red solo cups. Little did Emerson know that while he basked in the glory of his accomplishment, he was eyed by the beauty in blue he'd managed to charm the other day.
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Amberleigh and Louisa enjoyed the fruits of his labor on a nearby bench and tried conversing. Eventually, small talk became pointless, and Amberleigh made what she wanted to know clear.
"So, is he taken?"
Louisa kept her calm as she shook her head, the answer as true as when she first met him. Happy to know he was for the taking, so to speak, Amberleigh said as much, leaving Louisa embarrassed.
"Good. He seems like the type of guy you'd take home to your folks."
"I could see that."
"I know he's got this whole 'small town, good ol' boy' thing, but does he have experience?"
"With?" Louisa asked, then looked away awkwardly, understanding the connotations and receiving Amberleigh's laughter. "I wouldn't know, so-"
"-Oh I know." Amberleigh smirked. "Good for you, too, my first was the most uncomfortable thing imaginable, but it's so worth it. What about you, anyone on your radar?"
"Uh, no one's really made me feel one way or another about it, and no one's in my orbit enough to change that."
"Well, I feel one way about him, and if he's not taken, I'm going for it. Unless you-"
"-No, no, uh, go for it."
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Meanwhile, Albert asked about Edith Dean. Not sure how to handle the upfront question, Emerson said she's out of his league and is focused on getting her music off the ground anyway, which diswayed him well enough. Glancing back at Louisa, he saw her shift in her seat, clearly uncomfortable. He suggested the group throw water balloons to cool off before the sun fully set, which everyone was game for. The two shared a glance as they walked to an open clearing, and she gave him an appreciative smile for getting her out of whatever awkward conversation she was having.
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As the sky turned, Phoenix and Abigail snuck off to enjoy the view from the lighthouse while the remaining four went fishing on the shore. While not very successful in getting something photo-worthy, winding down on the cool night was a nice change of pace. So, as the night approached midnight, the more sober pair returned to the boat to prepare to leave while the Aimes hung out by the water.
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The sound of crickets and the dance of lightning bugs were serene as they shared what they'd talked with the others about.
Louisa laughed, hearing that Albert was interested in Emerson's sister. "She is gorgeous and has her own thing going for her, so I don't blame him. Doubt she'd be into him though, right?"
"Yeah, no. We're fresh out of high school, that is the furthest thing from her type is my guess."
"You know what though?"
"Amberleigh basically said you're her type, in way more words. It got a bit more... specific than that, but I'm not privy to share the details, I don't think."
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Emerson paused to take in what she said. Amberleigh was confident and beautiful, to be sure, but he didn't feel anything for her beyond that. He barely knew her; what was there to base anything on besides physical attraction? Louisa described how Amberleigh was initially in high school, an awkward, scrawny kid who fell in love with sports and had a proper glow-up one summer, winning the affection of plenty of their classmates. Amberleigh always had bigger aspirations and enjoyed spending time with her beaus. Still, she wasn't keen on settling down young like her parents had. Eventually, though, Emerson asked what Louisa wanted regarding "love and all of that."
"Someone who just gets me. If I meet someone that just intrinsically understands me and loves who I am, whether or not I do something for them or not."
"That's... such a good way of describing it. My parents were each other's besfriends, and could just say so much with just a look. I want to be known that well and loved through all that time. Someone I can bring a dream to life with, you know?"
"Bring a dream to life..." Louisa sighed. "Exactly."
The space between them was stifling, begging to be closed, and it frightened them both. Their eyes were locked on one another, their heartbeats in sync in their frantic dance towards the other. Louisa wanted so badly to tell him what she felt about him, how new and wonderful and terrifying it was. Emerson thought the same thing as he sank deeper into her eyes, looking to the very lips he hoped to make smile every chance he could this summer despite knowing where it could lead. He respected Noah John too much to jump into this headfirst despite everything in him wanting to. But with just inches between them, would this be their first secret shared between them?
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Kailman Legacy || 19: "Babygirl"
TW: Death, Mentions of grooming
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Edith Dean's first gig began with unexpected tragic news, as Jada arrived telling her that Octavia wouldn't make it. Upon asking why, she somberly shared that she'd gotten into a wreck while in the valley and was killed on impact. A million different thoughts raced in their minds: What about her youngest, who's only just started walking? Or is her oldest overseas filming? How is Thorne handling this, especially since the two were close to divorce? Despite the weight of sudden grief for the loss of a friend and potential mentor, Edith Dean knew Octavia would want her to keep the show on in her honor. So, she swallowed her tears and a quick drink from the bar and gave it all she had, earning the crowd's attention, including her brother and his mentor, Noah John James.
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Noah John, a violin fan, was overjoyed to hear her talent and sufficiently impressed. Meanwhile, Emerson was happy to see his sister in her element, as he hadn't seen her play in quite a while. He eagerly introduced her to those he'd met in Chestnut Ridge, with both Amberleigh and Abigail already being fans of hers from social media. The girls asked for photos, which Edith Dean happily obliged and became the fixation of Albert, who was immediately taken with the older, beautiful musician. While he was plenty cute, a guy fresh out of high school was the furthest from her type, and she took the compliments in stride.
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However, Edith Dean made her way to Noah John, as he was much more in her wheelhouse. Similarly disinterested, he was flattered by her confident approach and let her down gently. She wasn't too hurt, as she knew full well another fling wouldn't do her much good, and to have one with her brother's mentor would only lead to awkwardness and drama. Despite her best efforts, that would soon come when she heard the affectionate name she'd been called by only one man.
"Hey babygirl."
Frozen where she stood, Edith Dean breathed and turned to meet the eyes of that man, Wendell Verbeek. Her stomach was in knots, reminded of her youth, her eager innocence, and his sly, honey-dipped compliments shared when she was most tender-hearted and felt invisible. She gestured for the two to go outside and talk, unsure what would come of his conversation. No one in her entire family, let alone Emerson, knew about the two of them and she had every intention of taking that to her grave. He was her biggest regret.
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"I made it perfectly clear I wanted nothing to do with you."
"I remember. But do you remember how good we had it?"
"No. And I have no interest in walkin' down memory lane with you. We're done and have been for years.
"Edie, come on, don't be like that. We had our fun; you were the most perfect girl I'd ever met, and still are."
"Am I, or am I the only one who kept you secret?"
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Wendell continued talking in circles until Edith Dean simply couldn't muster the energy for it any longer. Realizing he would get nowhere, he abandoned his pursuit of her for the night. She thought of Albert, who was only a few years older than she was when she met Wendell. While in an entirely different situation, she could never think of him more than her little brother's friend. She wasn't like the man she considered the death of her innocence, but still, the ghost of what they were to each other lingered on her skin like fingerprints she couldn't wipe off, and it ruined an otherwise decent night.
Meanwhile, Jada remained by the speakers, snapping photos of the two's conversation, knowing it would be valuable evidence for another scandal. Edith Dean soon discovered she wasn't Wendell's last "perfect girl." Jada knew precisely who his current girlfriend was because she was the one Octavia planned to compete with Edith Dean for the title of country's up-and-coming star.
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