#Abhijit Dasgupta
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networkthoughts · 1 month ago
Routes & Network: In conversation with IndiGo's head of Network Planning
In this freewheeling interview with Abhijit Dasgupta – EVP Network Planning and Revenue Management at IndiGo, we go into the depths of IndiGo’s network planning I would like to thank you, Abhijit, for finding time to chat with me so that we can have our readers understand more about airline Network Planning. In all my trainings so far and even people in the industry belonging to other…
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demon-slayer3-ep8 · 2 years ago
귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막
귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 문제 없습니다.
귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 링크 <
넷플릭스 극장판 대장장이 마을편부터 상현소집 만화책 볼수 있습니다.
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역사적인 황금 홀 'Sengal'이 새 의회 건물에 자리를 잡게 됩니다. 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 다음주 일요일 새 국회의사당 개관식. 그 때 Narendra Modi 총리는 Lok Sabha 의장의 자리 근처에 이 홀을 놓는 ​​것을 보게 될 것입니다. 연합 내무부 장관 Amit Shah는 수요일 기자 회견에서 이렇게 말했습니다. 앞서 캘커타 고등법원 판사 Abhijit Gangopadhyay는 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 해고된 교사들이 4개월 동안 학교에 갈 수 있다고 말했습니다. 다만, 조교의 급여체계에 따라 급여를 지급한다. ���중에 Subrata Talukder 판사와 Supratim Bhattacharya 판사가 임시 명령을 통과시켰습니다. 이번 판결로 해고되지는 않았지만 초등교사 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 3만2000여명이 신규채용 과정에 참여하도록 요청받았다. 초등교육위원회는 8월까지 채용 절차를 완료하도록 지시받았습니다. 디비전 벤치는 9월에 다시 사건을 심리할 것입니다. 소송 당사자들은 이 법원의 판결에 불복해 대법원까지 갔다. 그들은 채용 과정에 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 다시 참여할 필요가 없다고 주장합니다. 또한 이 판결은 유보됩니다.
참고로 2016년에는 총 42,500명이 최초 채용되었습니다. 교육을 받은 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 6500명의 사람들에 대해서는 논쟁의 여지가 없습니다(교육 학위 또는 DLed 보유). Gangopadhyay 판사는 나머지 36,000명의 훈련되지 않은 초등 교사가 해고되었다고 말했습니다. Gangopadhyay 판사는 채용 비리의 경우 새로운 인터뷰에 합격하면 해당 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 교사를 복직시킬 것을 명령했습니다. 그렇지 않으면 직장을 잃게 됩니다. 이후 소송인 측 변호인은 실제 미숙련 지원자가 3만185명이라고 밝혀 법원의 관심을 끌었다. 36,000이 아닙니다. 인쇄상의 오류가 있습니다. 이후 판결이 수정됐다.
Priyanka Naskar를 포함한 140명의 구직자들이 2016년 초에 채용 사례를 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 제출했습니다. 그들의 변호사는 훈련받지 않은 많은 사람들이 이 소송 당사자들보다 낮은 점수를 받아 일자리를 얻었다고 법원에 말했습니다. 이 때 인터뷰 논란이 불거졌다. 룰에 따라 면접 시 적성검사를 치러야 하는데 안 하는 경우가 많다는 불만이 제기됐다. Gangopadhyay 판사는 또한 여러 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 지역에서 인터뷰한 사람들을 소환하여 비밀 진술을 녹음했습니다. 이를 근거로 해고를 지시했다.
전 파키스탄 총리 임란 칸의 정당은 '국가 공격'으로 금지될 수 있습니다. 파키스탄 이슬람 연맹(Nawaz)-파키스탄 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 인민당 연합 정부의 Khawaja Asif 국방장관은 수요일에 이렇게 말했습니다.
고등 중등 시험은 2023년 3월 14일에 시작되었습니다. 3월 27일까지 계속됩니다. 약 2개월 후 결과가 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8�� 8회 다시 보기 발표되었습니다. 올해 전체 수험생은 8만5200명으로 지난해보다 약 1만1000명 늘었다. 그 중 8 lakh 24,891명이 시험에 응시했습니다. 7 lakh 37,807이 통과되었습니다. 상위 2차 합격률은 89.25%입니다. 합격률은 91.86%입니다. 여학생 합격률은 87.26%다. East 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 Midnapore는 합격률 측면에서 뉴욕주의 다른 학군 중에서 고등학교에서 앞서 ��습니다. 이 구역의 합격률은 95.75퍼센트입니다. 이 학군은 중학교 합격률 1위였습니다. 콜카타는 합격률에서 전체 주에서 10위를 기록했습니다. 올해는 총 87명이 우수자 명단에 이름을 올렸습니다. 지난해 이 수치는 272건이었다. 이 87명 중 18명만이 Hooghly 지역 출신입니다. Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission 학생은 올해 6 바퀴의 공로 목록을 작성했습니다. 그 학교의 학생은 9명만이 선착순 10명입니다. 그들 모두는 눈길을 끄는 결과로 선반에 놓였습니다. Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission의 Subhrangshu Sardar가 1위를 차지했습니다. Bankura Banga Vidyalaya의 Sushma Khan과 North Dinajpur의 Ramkrishnapur에 있는 Pramod Dasgupta Memorial 고등학교의 Abu Sama가 공동 2위를 차지했습니다. 3위 보유자는 4명이다. 4위는 3명입니다. 5위 5명, 6위 12명, 7위 13명, 8위 11명, 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 9위 18명, 10위 17명이다.
2024년 시험은 2월 16일에 시작됩니다. 2월 29일까지 계속됩니다. 내년부터 시험시간이 변경됩니다. 2024년 Higher 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 Secondary는 정오 12시에 시작됩니다. 오후 3시까지 계속됩니다. 이사회는 또한 후보자의 결과에 대한 검토 또는 조사 신청 날짜를 통보했습니다. 검토 또는 조사 신청은 5월 31일 자정부터 6월 15일 자정까지 가능합니다. 올해 지원자는 완전히 온라인으로 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 지원할 수 있습니다. 게다가 올해에는 직불카드/신용카드/UPI를 통해 온라인으로 돈을 입금할 수 있다고 이사회에서 알려왔습니다. 응시자는 Higher Secondary Education Council의 새로운 포털을 통해 검토 또는 조사를 신청할 수 있습니다. 학생들은 5월 31일 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자정부터 검토 또는 조사 신청 링크를 볼 수 있습니다.
Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission의 Subhrangshu Sardar는 고등학교에서 1위를 차지했습니다. 그의 점수는 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 496점이다. Shubhramshu는 99.2%의 점수를 받은 과학 학생입니다. 벵골어와 영어 외에도 그의 과목은 경제학, 수학, 수학 및 컴퓨터 과학이었습니다. Bajbaj에 거주하는 Subhrangshu는 고등학교에서 하루에 4시간만 공부한 최초의 사람이었습니다. 그의 아버지는 삼륜차 픽업 밴 운전사입니다. 어머니는 주부입니다. Mamata Banerjee 총리는 Subhranshu에게 인사 메시지를 보냈습니다. Sonarpur South Assembly Constituency MLA Lovely Maitra는 Subhramshu에게 인사말, 과자 및 화환을 전달했습니다.North Dinajpur의 Chakulia에 거주하는 Abu Sama는 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 고등학교에서 2위를 차지했습니다. 7남매의 대가족. 다음 땅에서 아버지는 농사를 지으셨습니다. 할아버지도 마찬가지입니다. 가족 중 아무도 여섯 번째 표준을 통과하지 못했습니다. 벵골어(영어) 외에도 그는 고등학교에서 역사, 지리, 정치학 및 철학을 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 공부했습니다. Abu는 역사에서 100점 만점에 100점, 지리, 철학 및 영어에서 100점 만점에 99점을 받았습니다. 정치학과 벵골어에서 각각 95점과 98점을 받았습니다. Abu의 점수는 500점 만점에 495점입니다. 백분율로 99.2. 그는 어떤 과목에도 가정교사가 없었습니다. Abu는 미래에 IPS가 되기를 원합니다.
Bankura시에 있는 Chandmaridanga의 학생인 Sushma Khan은 495점을 획득했으며 상위 중등 성적 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 우수자 명단에서 2위를 차지했습니다. 지리학은 Bankura Banga Vidyalaya 학생 Sushma가 가장 좋아하는 과목입니다. 앞으로 지리를 공부해 과거에 합격하는 것이 목표다. Arambagh Kapseat High School의 Kausthav Kundu는 Higher Secondary에서 492명을 확보했습니다. 그는 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 공로 목록에서 5위를 차지했습니다. Kaustav의 사촌인 Kaushiki Kundu가 일곱 번째가 되었습니다. 그의 점수는 490점이다. 남매는 둘 다 엔지니어가 되고 싶다고 말했습니다. 그는 그 목표를 향해 나아가고 있습니다.
Asif는 수요일 밤 "정부는 파키스탄 Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)를 국가와 국민을 공격한 혐의로 금지하는 것을 고려하고 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 있습니다." 문제는 적절한 수준에서 논의되고 있습니다! 그의 발언으로 인해 파키스탄에서 새로운 정치적 갈등이 시작될 것으로 예상된다. 파키스탄 레인저스가 5월 9일 카디르 트러스트 부패 사건에서 이슬라마바드 고등법원 구내에서 임란을 체포한 후 전국적으로 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 불안이 있었습니다. 관공서, 장관 및 육군 장교의 집, 다양한 주에서 공격이 발생했습니다. 그 불안의 여러 사례에서 Imran과 그의 가까운 PTI 지도자들은 의학이나 공학을 공부하기를 원하지 않는다는 비난을 받았습니다. IAS-IPS 같은 최고의 공직에도 매력이 없다. 이번 고등고시에서 1등을 차지한 Shubrangshu Sardar는 장래에 경제학 연구원이 되고자 합니다. 그렇기 때문에 Narendrapur Ramakrishna Mission의 학생이 대학원 수준에서 해당 과목을 공부하고 싶다고 말했습니다.
Halfil에 있는 고등 중등 학교의 성과를 보면 일부 학자들은 Subhranshu의 이러한 추세가 다소 예외적이라고 생각합니다. 그들에 따르면 이러한 학자가 되고자 하는 욕망은 직업과 생계 중심의 교육인 '가들리카 흐름'에서는 거의 찾아볼 수 없다. 그리고 다시, 물리학이나 점성술 같은 과목을 경제학에 남깁니다! Kriti 학생들이 의학 공학과 같은 전문 커리큘럼 외에 경제학과 같은 응용 및 연구 유형 과목을 공부하는 경향이 증가하면 국가의 고등 교육 부문에 도움이 될 것이라는 의견입니다.
덧붙여서, 45년 전 1979년 고등 중등 시험에서 1위를 차지한 Dipankar Bhattacharya는 경제학을 전공으로 선택했습니다. 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 CPI-ML(해방) 조직의 총서기인 Dipankar는 수요일 Nagpur에서 Anandabazar Online에 이렇게 말했습니다. 사회 관련 과목에 대한 공부에 대한 관심이 높아지는 것은 긍정적입니다.
주지사는 주간 활동 보고서를 받지 못한 후 대학에 명확한 원인 편지를 보냅니다. 6 부총장의 주지사의 쇼 원인, 왜 아직 주간 작업 보고서 Raj Bhavan을받지 못한 이유! 한 소식통에 따르면 노���상 수상자 경제학자 Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee도 상위 2차 시험에서 1위를 차지한 Subhrangshu가 경제 연구원이 되고 싶어한다는 소식을 듣고 기뻐했습니다. 실제로 최근 몇 년간 고교 우수 수험생 중 일부가 연구 분야로 진출하는 경향이 있다는 게 일부 교육계의 설명이다. 그들은 Shubhramshu가 그러한 추세를 더욱 유발할 수 있다고 생각합니다. 이 경우 경제학과 같은 과목이 더 인기를 끌 가능성이 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 높습니다.
캘커타 대학교 경제학과장인 Mahalaya Chattopadhyay는 이런 맥락에서 "고교 1위를 차지한 사람이 경제학 연구원이 되기를 원한다는 소식을 듣는 것이 좋습니다. 그러나 경제학이 모든 사람을 위한 것은 아니라는 점도 말해야 합니다. 수학과 어학을 동시에 숙달해야 경제교육의 성공이 온다. 이전에 많은 공로 목록이 이 문제를 좋아했습니다. 주로 두 가지 이유로 인해 경제학 공부에 대한 관심이 다소 줄어들었습니다. Bengalis는 쉬운 직업을 원합니다. 그리고 의학과 공학에서 돈을 버는 방법이 빠르게 열립니다. 1990년대에는 일부 우수학생들 사이에서 경제학과를 선택하는 경향이 더 높았다. 하지만 일반 학생들은 이 문제를 회피하는 모습을 보였다.''
경제학 교수인 Gagri Chakraborty는 "이 말을 들으니 좋다. 그러나 너무 놀라지 마십시오. 경제학과 같은 과목에서 교육 또는 직업 기회에 이르기까지 모든 것이 있습니다. 이 주제에서 많은 길이 열립니다. 따라서 좋은 학생들이 이 과목에 관심을 보이는 것은 당연합니다. 추세가 증가하면 더 좋습니다. 그러나 경제에 대한 사랑이 있게 하라.”
직업 의사인 Liver Foundation의 수석 고문인 Abhijit Chowdhury는 Shubhramshu의 결정을 환영했습니다. 그는 “매우 유망하다. 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 전통적인 '의사 또는 엔지니어가 되고 싶다'를 넘어서, 밝은 학생은 생각하기 시작했습니다. 인생은 다른 방식으로 이끌 수 있습니다. Abhijit에 따르면 "시장 경제 시대에 모두가 의사나 엔지니어 외에는 변화가 없다고 생각하기 시작했습니다. 연구의 질문, 지식의 깊이에서 무지의 주제가 사라지고 있습니다. 그럴 때 한 사람이 “경제학을 공부하겠다! 좋은 결과를 낳는 생각보다 더 창의적인 것은 없습니다. 다시 벵골에서 공부하는 꿈을 꾸고 싶습니다.
불과 4년 전입니다. 그때에도 Akash Madhwal은 Uttarakhand와 Uttar Pradesh의 서부 지역에서 테니스 공인 척하여 크리켓 경기를 하곤 했습니다. 보통 '켑' 게임 경쟁이라고 불리는 것이 있습니다. Wasim Zafar가 사랑에 빠진 2019년에 인생이 바뀌었습니다. Jafar는 재판에서 Akash를 처음 만났습니다. 즉시 눈을 사로 잡았습니다. 그것이 시작입니다. Akash는 수요일 엘리미네이터에서 Lucknow를 상대로 5개의 위켓으로 그를 믿는 사람이 아무도 없다는 것을 증명했습니다. Akash는 4살이 될 때까지 흰 공 귀뚜라미를 ���지 못했습니다. 그는 IPL에서 뛰는 Uttarakhand 주 팀의 첫 크리켓 선수가되었습니다. 최근 인터뷰에서 Uttarakhand의 코치인 Manish Jha는 “그는 2019년에도 시련을 위해 왔습니다. 우리는 첫눈에 반했습니다. 매우 부드러운 볼링 동작. 그에게는 X 요인이있었습니다. Wasim Bhai는 즉시 그를 팀으로 끌어들였고 Syed Mushtaq Ali 트로피에서 Karnataka와 대결했습니다."
Akash는 갑자기 그런 큰 경기에서 긴장했습니다. 그는 준비가 안 된 것 같았다. 이듬해 Ranji Trophy는 Covid로 인해 취소되었습니다. Manish는 코치의 책임을 맡았습니다. 그 당시 그는 Akash에게 세 가지 형식 모두에서 국가를 위해 뛰어야 한다고 말했습니다. 얼마나 많은 득점을 기록하든 팀에서 제외되지 마십시오.
매니쉬는 자신의 결정에 대해 “그의 볼 스피드는 테니스 공으로 크리켓을 많이 했기 때문이다. 하지만 완벽한 공을 칠 수는 없었다. 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 그의 볼링을 많이 테스트했습니다. 그냥 똑바로 큰 소리로 갈 수 있다면 가끔 천천히 가는 게 무슨 소용이 있냐고요? 그러나 Akash는 곧 우리가 그에게 원하는 것을 이해했습니다. 당신은 결과를 볼 수 있습니다
Akash는 작년에 Suryakumar Yadav를 대신하여 뭄바이에 합류했습니다. 이제 그는 Rohit 팀의 최고의 무기입니다. Prerak Mankad는 수요일 일찍 해고되었습니다. 나중에 그는 Ayush Badoni와 Nicholas Pooran을 한 번에 다시 보냈습니다. 그 후 Ravi는 Bishnoi와 Mohsin Khan을 돌려 보내 게임을 종료했습니다. 그는 이전 하이데라바드와의 경기에서 37득점 동안 4위켓을 차지했습니다. 그 전에 구자라트를 상대로 3위켓. 그는 Wriddhiman Saha, Shubman Gill 및 David Miller를 해고했습니다. Akash는 지난 시즌 이전에 Uttarakhand 화이트 볼 크리켓의 주장이되었습니다. 이것은 그의 진행 상황을 보여줍니다.
매니쉬는 “모든 선수들이 열심히 한다. 그러나 사고 방식은 그들을 나머지와 구분하는 것입니다. 지난해 백구의 주장이 된 뒤 앞으로 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 나와 좋은 활약을 펼쳤다. IPL에서 그의 볼링을 새로운 공으로 본 사람은 누구나 있을 것입니다. 구자라트를 상대로 새 공을 훌륭하게 사용했습니다. 하이데라바드와의 데스 오버에서 다시 좋은 볼링을 펼쳤습니다. IPL에서 좋은 활약을 보여서 기쁘다. Akash는 이제 Uttarakhand의 신예 크리켓 선수들의 역할 모델이 되었습니다.”
아카쉬는 운동뿐만 아니라 공부도 아끼지 않는다. 그는 공학에 합격했습니다. Roorkee의 Dhandhera 아들 Akash의 집은 Rishabh Pant의 집 근처에 있습니다. 어렸을 때 Avatar는 Singh에게서 크리켓을 배웠습니다. 이 아바타는 Panth의 어린 시절 코치이기도 했습니다. 나중에 Panth는 델리로 이사했습니다. Avtar는 “Akash의 집은 Rishabh의 집 반대편에 있습니다. 그들은 서로의 이웃입니다. Rishabh는 어렸을 때부터 코칭을 받았습니다.”
Akash의 아버지는 군대에서 복무하고 있었습니다. 2013년 교통사고로 사망. 그 후 Akash는 연구에 집중했습니다. 엔지니어링 귀멸의 칼날 도공마을 8화 8회 다시 보기 자막 합격. 그는 취미로 크리켓을 하곤 했다. 당시 Uttarakhand는 Ranji를 플레이하지 않았기 때문에 Akash는 테니스 공 크리켓에 집중했습니다. 그가 Jafar와 접촉했을 때 인생은 하룻밤 사이에 바뀌었습니다. 이제 그는 Uttarakhand뿐만 아니라 Mumbai Indians의 자부심입니다.
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onnoyomonon · 1 month ago
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কথা কাহিনী: "অবৈধ" প্রেম বলে কিছু হয়না, প্রেম - প্রেমই | Kotha Kahani: New Bengali Short Film Full Short Film Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm5GAVdMYEk
🎥 Team Credits: Story Name: Kotha Kahani Story, Screenplay & Dialogue: Debapratim Dasgupta Cast: Jharna Bhattacharjee & Bunai Das Director & Cinematography: Jay Roy & Gourango Maiti Editor: Abhijit Das Lyric & Composer: Rabindranath Tagore Singer: Imon Chakraborty BGM: Sankha Ghatak Produced: Sajal Das Direction: Soumya Roy Digital Advisor: Sanjay Sen ‪@StudioViolina‬ Label: ‪@OnnoyoMonon‬
‬#️⃣ Hashtag:
BengaliShortFilm #KothaKahani #OnnoyoMonon #NewShortMovie
Thanks for Watching🙏🏻
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upakaza · 4 years ago
বাঁশির মূর্ছনা(Bengali Poetry Bansir Murchona, On Upakaza.com)
বাঁশির মূর্ছনা(Bengali Poetry Bansir Murchona, On Upakaza.com)
অভিজিৎ দাশগুপ্ত পেটের চড়ায় ঘুরে বেড়ান ঈশ্বর, আল্লাহ। মেঘ ফেটে বৃষ্টি নামে। পুজোর ফুল ভেসে যায়।খালি চর শৃঙ্খলাবদ্ধ রাধাচূড়া হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকে।শান্তি অভিমানে জমা পাথর হয়ে যায়। পেটের চড়ায় ঘুমিয়ে পড়েন ঈশ্বর, আল্লাহ। চড়ার বাঁকে খুশির ঈদ আর অক্ষয় তৃতীয়ারমিলন ঘাটবিহীন বাঁশির মূর্ছনা।
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foodblogparul · 3 years ago
Students and parents rejoice: international tea day is here!
International tea day is celebrated on 21st May. It is a day to pay tribute to the aromatic and flavorful beverage that has been enjoyed by billions of people around the world for centuries. On this day, people from all corners of the globe come together to celebrate their love for tea. There are many events and activities organized on international tea day, including tea parties, tea tastings, and special tours of tea plantations. One of the most popular events is the international Tea Day organized by International Institute Of Hotel Management (IIHM). This event takes participants on a journey through the history and culture of tea, from its origins in China to its current status as a global beverage. The tour also includes visits to some of the most famous tea plantations in India, such as Darjeeling and Assam. Whether you're a seasoned tea drinker or just starting out, international tea day is the perfect opportunity to explore the world of this wonderful beverage.
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What is international tea day?
International tea day is a chance to celebrate all things tea. This includes enjoying different types of tea, learning about the history and culture of tea, and sampling different teas from around the world. Many events are held on this day, so there’s sure to be something for everyone.
Where is international tea day celebrated?
International tea day is celebrated in many countries around the world, but it has particular significance in India. This is because India is one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of tea. In fact, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) is home to the International Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM), which offers a unique Tea Day tour. This tour includes a visit to a local Tea plantation, as well as a chance to sample some of the best teas in the world.
Did you know that international tea day is celebrated on 21st May? Every year, IIHM organizes a special event to commemorate this occasion. This year, we have planned a special event, where you can learn all about the fascinating history and culture of tea. You'll also get to sample some of the finest teas from around the world and participate in a traditional tea ceremony. So whether you're a tea lover or just curious to learn more about this popular beverage, join us for a truly memorable international tea day experience.
International Institute Of Hotel Management (IIHM) is celebrating International Tea Day with a series of events. These events are a hybrid mode tournament that will be held online via the Zoom platform.
The Itinerary goes like this:
14:00 - 14:01 Hrs
International Tea Day celebrations Motion Graphic start
14:01 -14:15 Hrs
Host( Ms Sanchari Chowdhury) opens the session and welcomes Dr Suborno Bose for his  address. Sirs's Intro Video to run before he is  in the spotlight for his welcome speech.
14:15 - 14:20 Hrs
SC(  Ms.Sanchari Chowdhury) introduces Ms Sushmita Das Gupta from Bangalore Campus and  AM ( Mr. Abhijit Mitra) introduces Ms. Sangeeta Kichlu And Mr Ajay Kichlu from Kolkata Global  Campus.
14:20 - 14:40 Hrs
AM opens the Talk Show
1) Growth of Tea industry in India -  Ms. Susmita DasGupta
(2) Sustainable practices in tea making - Ms Sangeeta Kichlu
(3) Latest Innovations on Tea Infusion -Mr.Ajay Kichlu
(4) Tea packaging and branding – Mr.Madhav Sarda
(5) Tea Career & Job Market -Mr. Pravin Shah
(6) The art of Tea Blending - Mr Rittik Chatterjee
( 14:20 Hrs -14:40 Hrs duration per speaker :4 mins)
14:40 - 15:00 Hrs
Pan India Tea Tour Student Presentation -
(1) Hrusikesh from Hyderabad speaking on Mayfair Darjeeling Afternoon Tea Session
(2) Nirmitee Ramteke representing Pune speaking on Rohini Tea Estate
(3) Dhariya Mangal representing Del-Jaipur would be speaking on Makaibari Tea Estate
(4) Vaishnavi from BLR speaking on Mayfair tea resort Siliguri, tea tasting
(5) Sakshi Sanghvi from Kol speaking on Castleton Tea Estate
( Duration per student : 3 mins)
15:00 - 15:01 Hrs
AM handovers to SC. SC informs on Tea Session by Ms Susmita  Dasgupta after showing a glimpse of IIHM Tea Education Tour 1st Season for 10 mins
15:01-15:10 Hrs
Video snippets of IIHM Tea Tour as a filler as the Tea Room gets ready.
15:10 - 15:55 Hrs
SC announces the Tea Session by  Ms. Susmita Das Gupta, Tea Artist. Topic : India Tea Recipes & food pairing - Healthy Variation of Indian Tea.  Three Teas being discussed  1) Kolkata Lemon Tea, 2)Regular Indian Masala Tea , and 3) Pudina Chai from Gujrat.
15:55 - 15:59 Hrs
SC welcomes Ms. Sanjukta Bose for her address and Vote of Thanks. SC Thanks everyone and announces the Opening to the traditional Afternoon Tea service & Refreshments across all Campuses.
15:59 - 16:00 Hrs
End Of Event
Final words
Today is a perfect day to enjoy a cup of tea. But don’t just stop there – why not explore all the amazing ways tea can benefit your life? From weight loss to cancer prevention, tea has something to offer everyone. And if you’re looking for an exciting new career in the hospitality industry, look no further than IIHM Kolkata. Our world-class institute offers excellent training and job placement opportunities in some of the best hotels and restaurants around the globe. So what are you waiting for? Book your seat today!
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arohi19 · 3 years ago
ExcelR's Data Analytics Courses in New Delhi
This is why it appears to be an ideal talent required to be an information analyst. There are more than a few good reasons to use R for information science projects, corresponding to secure management and strong infrastructure. The course is supposed to assist learners study and choose up the tempo with the R programming language for accomplishing various forms of knowledge analytics tasks. The major method of instruction will be through LIVE lectures that might be beamed on-line via Internet to participant gadgets like laptop or desktop.
Data Analytics Courses detects patterns in the current data whereas Data Analytics is used to sort knowledge to fulfill the organizational needs. We advise all candidates to have full data earlier than enrolling in this system. However, there's a deferment coverage the place a candidate can choose to defer his enrollment to a future batch. Outstation candidates are requested to arrange accommodation themselves. The academic modules can be taught by senior college from Great Lakes, out of which 3 of the professors are also ranked amongst India’s Top 10 Analytics Academicians.
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I really have completed the Data Science program – it greater than met my expectations and I feel I even have actually benefited from it. Data Science Program right here bridges the hole between principle and sensible which could be very much required in the trade. I extremely recommend this course with my full conviction & sincerity to everybody who wants to start a career in DATA SCIENCE technology. Thank you very a lot Innomatics Team, for helping me start my Data Science Career. Innomatics Research Lab is certainly one of the best data science coaching institute in Hyderabad. I joined right here as quickly as I completed my bachelor’s to achieve a big job. This group suggested me to go with an information science course, for the primary two days I heard the demo and simply got impressed by their teaching and with no second thought choose data science course.
Dr Abhijit Dasgupta, Director – Big Data & Visual Analytics, was a supply of constant help and motivation together with every different school member we studied with in the course of the course. I participated in a quantity of grooming sessions and mock interviews with them that helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses. All this constant assist went a long way in making me assured and optimistic in my abilities. The highly-stimulating and application-based program will help you study Scala, Python, TensorFlow/Keras/ScikitLearn, AWS, Kubernetes, Jenkins, SPARK, React.js and Tableau among a bunch of other technical abilities. The program will put together you to deal with the hardest of business challenges, uncover patterns, make data-driven choices and pursue breakthrough concepts in today’s ever-changing business panorama. Worldwide revenues for Big Data and Business Analytics are projected to develop from USD 189.1 billion in 2019 to USD 274.three billion by 2022, based on IDC, a global market intelligence firm.
If you're in dilemma to choose on a course, we are having consultants in counselling team that will assist you with excellent projection of your profession. Before you sign up for an costly, full-time masters program, do this free online course from prime universities. It has the option of getting a certificate if you need to present it in your resume.
Once the internship is accomplished, DataMites supplies you with the internship certificate together with the expertise certificates. The data science course supplied by DataMites in Mangalore consists of 20 capstone projects and 3 consumer projects. A large amount of data is being generated by way of various activities every day. For instance, data of investments accomplished within the stock market, knowledge of the financial transactions, data as regards to the searching historical past. The company which you are associated with records and maintains your knowledge. For instance, if you make common online purchases, the provider collects all the data in your activity and stores it securely.
Its been good expertise with a coach, as they shared me plenty of knowledge briefly. At the institute, trainers and admin employees are good & cooperative. A Data Analyst collects unstructured information from varied sources in the form of numbers and convert it into plain English which could be understood by the administration to make higher business choices.
SAS analytics solutions rework information into intelligence, inspiring customers around the globe to make bold new discoveries that drive progress. The SAS Academy for Data Science offers a quantity of programs to help construct your analytics profession. Get full entry to SAS software program to follow what you have learned on real technology.
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scentedbeardgarden · 3 years ago
Data Science course I will have an opportunity to collaborate with the professional group of AI Australia for six months and get conversant in Microsoft Azure companies since the company has a powerful partnership with Microsoft. The school's curriculum may be very sensible with a hands-on approach and I imagine that the training I obtained at SP Jain is what helped me land this internship at AI Australia just after my Year 1. Himanshu is a trademark expert in the subject of AR/VR having mentored and reviewed 100+ projects across his career so far. Having his personal Mobile AR startup, he shares his extensive knowledge within the domain to college students through as AR/VR teacher for Verzeo. My internship experience has very rewarding as a end result of I even have acquired and be taught new skills the internship has enriched my information in the cloud computing subject. It helped me understand the importance of ability enhancement, overall it was a priceless experience to me with Verzeo, and thanks for that. Data Science, one of the fastest-growing fields, has been in high demand as organizations are looking for making optimal use of their knowledge. Our Data Science Tutorial is a comprehensive course where you'll study the basics, corresponding to information measurement, charts and graphs, measures of central tendency and shapes. As we transfer ahead, we will also present a deep perception into Hypothesis Testing, Anova, fundamentals of R Programming, Clustering, Regression Analysis, Correlation and Data mining through our Data Science course. I was offered this chance in August 2020 and was introduced to the team at Adaptive by Prof Aditya Narvekar and Prof Abhijit Dasgupta. The skills I learnt at SP Jain shaped a robust foundation and helped me maintain my own in the course of the preliminary days of the internship. The instructors will be Verzeo’s in-house trainers equipped with full-fledged knowledge. We imagine in providing certification filled with practical knowledge. Yes, it isn't mandatory to possess an official diploma to get a job as a Data Scientist, however it might be finest to acquire the requisite ability sets and a bachelor’s diploma within the associated subject. Online lessons have been fine, our instructor was good and he helped me with all the doubts very properly. He also helped me with the project when I received caught around places. Data Science course in Bangalore While data science is a extremely wanted job role, we don't provide any placement guarantee or assist. to ascertain a successful career in this area, you should have sound knowledge of programming languages like C, C++, Java, SQL, Python, and so forth. Coding/programming languages helps you establish, analyse, and organise unstructured knowledge in an efficient way. You as a Data Scientist have to be heard, for the enterprise to prosper. A traditional example is the function of Mr. Ravi Vijayaraghavan, the head of Big Data analytics in bangalore at Flipkart. It is the complete relational ANSI SQL warehouse data where the customers may leverage the skills and instruments of the group that's already in use. The administration demand for giant information platforms and conventional data warehouses is eradicated with the assistance of snowflakes. The SnowFlake could instantly handle the provision, information protection, optimization, and infrastructure in order that the users can give more give attention to using the information somewhat than managing it. It was developed within the yr 2005, and it is an open-source software. This device is designed for deriving at the software options for utility integration, knowledge integration, and preparation. We have company experts with more than 10 years of expertise of working on reside tasks supervising Data Science Training. Data Science Training includes of both onsite and offsite coaching which delivers an acceptable surroundings for trainees which will help them in future to tackle troublesome and sophisticated conditions after they enter the reality of the IT sector. After finishing the course, candidates can apply for roles corresponding to knowledge analysts, enterprise analysts, analytics engineers, knowledge engineers, etc. as they get to be taught the required strategies, technologies, and instruments of knowledge science. The candidates also get to expertise hands-on utility with the help of trade case research. The majority of information scientists hold a bachelor’s degree in statistics and machine learning however it is not a requirement to learn data science programs. This is mirrored in the Advanced Data Science Programme, which can start in November 2021. “The excessive starting salaries clearly indicate that our program has given students the core abilities and aptitudes employers want and wish. Not solely are they equipped with the technical skills to hit the bottom operating, but additionally they have the broader strengths of crucial considering, creativity, communication and management. These are the attributes that employers tell us are very important in the means ahead for work,” shares Nitish Jain, President of SP Jain. In India, students had been interviewed and, typically, recruited by corporations corresponding to AT Kearney, Here Technologies, Wolters Kluwers, Adaptive Investments Boston, ZS Associates, eClerx, Brillio, Bridei2i, Nexon, Simplyy, and Mindfield. The annual salaries ranged from INR 10 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs in India.
Data science course in Bangalore
You can reach us at: ExcelR- Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Analytics Course Training Bangalore Address:49, 1st Cross, 27th Main, Behind Tata Motors, 1st Stage, BTM Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560068 Phone: 096321 56744 Directions: Data science course in Bangalore Email:[email protected]
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onnoyomonon · 1 month ago
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হাজার চুরাশির মা: জন্ম দিলেই কি শুধু মা হওয়া যায় ! | Hajar Churashir Maa: New Bengali Short Movie Full Short Film Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSPwiM5N0lA
🎥 Team Credits: Story Name: Hajar Churashir Maa Produced, Story, Screenplay & Dialogue: Debapratim Dasgupta Cast: Bunai Das Director & Cinematography: Jay Roy Editor: Abhijit Das Acknowledgments: Gourango Maiti Digital Advisor: Sanjay Sen ‪@StudioViolina‬ Label: ‪@OnnoyoMonon‬
‬#️⃣ Hashtag:
BengaliShortFilm #HajarChurashirMaa #Motherhood #OnnoyoMonon #NewShortFilm #Maa
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krishnaprasad-blog · 5 years ago
Arun Jaitley‘s “proximity” to the media, to put it mildly, was New Delhi’s worst-kept secret. Actually, South Delhi’s worst-kept secret, because beyond the southern borders of the BJP headquarters, nobody cared a flying fig for the man whose mass base, as Arun Shourie once put it, consisted of “six journalists” (here, here).
Jaitley’s “affable” nature, his “telegenic face”, his “articulation”, his “helpful nature”—adjectives poured into his funeral pyre—was shorthand for one of the most well-oiled PR machineries in Lutyens Delhi, which at one level enabled a pompous unelected, unelectable, politician to grandstand on the “tyranny of the unelected“.
At another level, of course, it was the cover for “environment-friendly journalism”: the source of motivated plants against political rivals, vicious gossip against party colleagues—and “papers” which the TV studio warriors picked up from the “Todarmal Lane School of Journalism” during the day and presented as “exclusives” at 9 pm.
As an Economic Times journalist tweeted at the height of the UPA-II “scams”, it was only fair that these media houses gave Arun Jaitley a byline for their “exposes”.
Guess you didn’t hear the words “Cash for Votes” over the weekend?
Handing Arun Jaitley the Information and Broadcasting portfolio in 2014, on top of finance, was, therefore, a masterstroke by Narendra Modi in the manufacture of consent for majoritarian excesses. There was now a single window for controlling licenses and permissions, and for unleashing the taxman or keeping them at bay.
Fall in line, or else.
Phone calls ensured who would be Editor or not, which anchor which front which show and take what line, which corporate could start a channel. Greenhorn “political editors” were placed in organisations with the dexterity of a bonsai artist, a process which had begun in 2004 but gained greater currency with the dawn of civilisation in 2014.
Little wonder, Jaitley earned the sobriquet “Bureau Chief“, for the “extraordinary influence he wields at two large-selling national dailies where his favourite journalists run political bureaus” to start with, but a task so onerous and performed with such aplomb over time, that it now takes two possibly more.
Guess you didn’t hear the words “Electoral Bonds“, possibly the most corrupt scheme unleashed by the Modi government to lubricate Indian politics, over the weekend?
Little wonder, therefore, that Arun Jaitley’s death resulted in a welter of personal grief from reporters, editors, anchors, and owners almost all of them serving in the National Capital Region, and most of whom dropped any sense of distance or detachment from their friend, source, mentor, benefactor, headhunter—and walking mate.
Since this is the age of “Om Shanti”, very few journalists could say “Rest in Peace” like Sankarshan Thakur of The Telegraph, and the freelance writer Swati Chaturvedi.
Since this is the age of preening, few could even admit that they didn’t know Jaitley, the journalist turned comic Akash Banerjee being one.
It’s one thing for someone like Rajat Sharma of India TV who knew Jaitley for nearly 50 years from college, or Jaitley’s adversary from his students’ union days, Vinod Sharma of Hindustan Times, to express a genuine sense of loss.
But for a Bhupendra Chaubey of CNN News18 to bring up his school? Seriously.
For the likes of former journalists Kanchan Gupta and Swapan Dasgupta, it was the loss of a “mentor” figure, whatever that means.
For the now legendary Navika Kumar of Times Now and former NDTV presenter Barkha Dutt it was an inexplicably a lot more, although by day’s end, Dutt couldn’t understand what the hoo-ha was all about.
Supriya Shrinate, the ET Now presenter who quit to contest the 2019 general elections wrote an elaborate panegyric on Facebook.
For Sudhir Chaudhary of Zee News, it was an occasion to demonstrate the “proximity” with a recent selfie.
More than one journalist suggested having had a meal with the great foodie.
For the younger breed of 1990s journalists, it was time to remember the hand-holding on the beat or at the durbar.
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Surprisingly, or maybe not, the more restrained and therefore the more revealing, tributes came from Prabhu Chawla of The New Indian Express, and Rahul Kanwal of Aaj Tak.
Initially, Archis Mohan of Business Standard took the high moral ground of not speaking ill of the dead but soon had to point out the obvious: Jaitley’s role in “plotting the rise of our current rulers”.
A surprising voice of sanity in the pappi-jhappi fest was Abhijit Majumdar, the former Mail Today editor who now runs a website.
Only Rohini Singh formerly of The Economic Times went on record to show that Arun Jaitley disliked her.
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But more than a few journalists went out of their way to point to the devious, insidious, behind-the-scenes role Arun Jaitley played in their careers or organisations.
Not surprisingly, given the fawning media culture in spawning which Arun Jaitley had a major role, Naveen Kapoor of ANI had to dutifully retweet a standard BJP tribute with the certificate “great tribute”.
And there was some poetry too.
The owners piped in too: Anant Goenka of The Indian Express, Raghav Bahl of The Quint, and Shekhar Gupta of The Print.
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But by day’s end, it was difficult for most journalists to separate the personal from the political, save S. Prasannarajan of Open magazine, and Shekhar Iyer, former political editor of Deccan Herald and Hindustan Times.
It took mostly journalists from outside South Delhi—Jency Jacob, Kavitha Rao, Parth M.N—to point out how all this outpouring was cringe-worthy.
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  45 tweets on Arun Jaitley by reporters, editors, presenters and owners, is all it takes to understand journalism, Delhi style: the scams, the papers, the gossip, the plugs, and the headline management Arun Jaitley's "proximity" to the media, to put it mildly, was New Delhi's worst-kept secret. Actually, South Delhi's worst-kept secret, because beyond the southern borders of the BJP headquarters, nobody cared a flying fig for the man whose mass base, as…
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marclefrancois1 · 6 years ago
Wearable Tech Company Secures Patent for Sleep Disorder Device Patch
e0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eepostlinke0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22ee is available on MLF Blog
Virginia-based wearable tech company Zansors has added to its growing collection of patents. Zansors was recently awarded a patent for a wearable patch to automatically monitor, screen, and/or report health conditions. Zansors’ next-generation intellectual property (IP) will allow health monitoring devices to detect sleeping or breathing disorders, according to the company.
“Zansors is developing and bringing to market, small wearable and easy-to-use devices that will represent the next generation in sleep apnea and lifestyle technologies. This latest patent represents an important step in implementing our devices into the daily life of our customers,” says Abhijit Dasgupta, PhD, inventor of the patent and co-founder and chief data science officer at Zansors, in a release.
This system for monitoring conditions can also be used to monitor and diagnose other medical conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, restless leg syndrome, seizures, falls, metabolic/nutritional levels, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Several wellness and fitness conditions can be monitored besides health conditions such as physical activity monitoring (ventilatory threshold, intensity and type, calorie expenditure, and sedentary vs. activity analysis), baby monitoring, from breaths.
This utility patent focuses on health monitoring via a wearable biosensor by employing algorithm and signal processing methods for physiological signals. Zansors was also previously issued a patent for specialized protecting adhesive to be used for wearable health sensor patches. These patents underpin the path to commercialization for Zansors’ R&D investments in wearable tech.
“Zansors is creating a future that allows remote detection of several health conditions that can be currently monitored only in a clinical setting. Linking subjective information from a mobile application with objective data using this system can provide a holistic picture of health, wellness and activity of the individual,” says Dasgupta. “Zansors’ wearable health tech is going to change how well you ‘know yourself.’”
Zansors says its new patent will lead to monitoring capability in the hands of consumers who can be empowered to monitor more of their health conditions on a continuous basis, instead of episodic screening in a clinical lab setting.
“The advancement in wearable biosensor technology can be further accelerated by innovations in signal processing for diagnostic purposes,” says Dale Lazar of DLA Piper, a global law firm. “The patent granted by the United States proves that Zansors is innovating effectively.” DLA Piper’s Reston, Virginia office supported patent prosecution.
from Sleep Review http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2019/04/wearable-tech-company-secures-patent-sleep-disorder-device-patch/
from https://www.marclefrancois.net/2019/04/10/wearable-tech-company-secures-patent-for-sleep-disorder-device-patch/
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ellymackay · 6 years ago
Wearable Tech Company Secures Patent for Sleep Disorder Device Patch
The following blog post Wearable Tech Company Secures Patent for Sleep Disorder Device Patch See more on: EllyMackay.com
Virginia-based wearable tech company Zansors has added to its growing collection of patents. Zansors was recently awarded a patent for a wearable patch to automatically monitor, screen, and/or report health conditions. Zansors’ next-generation intellectual property (IP) will allow health monitoring devices to detect sleeping or breathing disorders, according to the company.
“Zansors is developing and bringing to market, small wearable and easy-to-use devices that will represent the next generation in sleep apnea and lifestyle technologies. This latest patent represents an important step in implementing our devices into the daily life of our customers,” says Abhijit Dasgupta, PhD, inventor of the patent and co-founder and chief data science officer at Zansors, in a release.
This system for monitoring conditions can also be used to monitor and diagnose other medical conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, restless leg syndrome, seizures, falls, metabolic/nutritional levels, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Several wellness and fitness conditions can be monitored besides health conditions such as physical activity monitoring (ventilatory threshold, intensity and type, calorie expenditure, and sedentary vs. activity analysis), baby monitoring, from breaths.
This utility patent focuses on health monitoring via a wearable biosensor by employing algorithm and signal processing methods for physiological signals. Zansors was also previously issued a patent for specialized protecting adhesive to be used for wearable health sensor patches. These patents underpin the path to commercialization for Zansors’ R&D investments in wearable tech.
“Zansors is creating a future that allows remote detection of several health conditions that can be currently monitored only in a clinical setting. Linking subjective information from a mobile application with objective data using this system can provide a holistic picture of health, wellness and activity of the individual,” says Dasgupta. “Zansors’ wearable health tech is going to change how well you ‘know yourself.’”
Zansors says its new patent will lead to monitoring capability in the hands of consumers who can be empowered to monitor more of their health conditions on a continuous basis, instead of episodic screening in a clinical lab setting.
“The advancement in wearable biosensor technology can be further accelerated by innovations in signal processing for diagnostic purposes,” says Dale Lazar of DLA Piper, a global law firm. “The patent granted by the United States proves that Zansors is innovating effectively.” DLA Piper’s Reston, Virginia office supported patent prosecution.
from Sleep Review http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2019/04/wearable-tech-company-secures-patent-sleep-disorder-device-patch/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2019/04/10/wearable-tech-company-secures-patent-for-sleep-disorder-device-patch/
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newscrusader · 8 years ago
ONGC sponsored Artist camp at Urusvati draws country’s finest talent
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Having successfully established itself as a destination for hosting varied genres of art and cultural exhibitions, programs and events, Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in Shikohpur Road, Sector-78 Gurgaon (Haryana) added another feather to its cap by organizing yet another successful artists camp in it premises from 18th to 20th March’2017. Sponsored by ONGC, a central public enterprise under the Government of India, the artist’s camp at UCCA saw the presence of many contemporary artists including National Awardees. Prominent among those who attended the camp were artists Hukum Lal Verma, Milan Sharma, Abhijit Pathak, Nidhi Agarwal, Aditi Agarwal, Smita Kinkale, Ram Dongre, Vijaya Chauhan, Ashish Kushwaha to name a few.
It was an enchanting experience for the artists as they got a chance to synergize and paint in the expansive and mesmerizing campus of the Art Centre for three days. On the concluding day of the artist’s camp on 20th March, the artistic works of the versatile artist’s were put on display in the Art Galleries for art aficionadas and the general visitors.
The 2016 artist’s camp at Urusvati saw the participation of artists like Raghuvir Akela, Hifzul Kabeer, Sudip Hazra, Prashant Kalita, Anjum Khan, Kanchan Chandra, Mukhi Chaudhari, Amrita Ghosh, Subrata Mete, Sandeep Jigdum, Mohd.  Nasim, Nidhi Agarwal, Bharati, Anil and Sangeeta Rube.
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In the last 21 years of its existence, Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art has played a pivotal role in promoting not just the Art & Culture of the country, but also the upcoming talented artists of the country.
The regular organizing of artist’s camp has been one key initiative undertaken by UCCA to promote both the eminent as well as budding artists in its premises.
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The one common factor that allures everyone from artists to art enthusiasts to the general public has been the breathtaking lush green ambience of Urusvati overlooking the picturesque Aravallis.
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The fact that Urusvati also houses a big Museum showcasing the timeless Folklores of India speaks volumes about the due diligence that has gone into conceptualizing the entire place. The Museum depicts the rich legacy of five Northern States of Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab. Additionally, the UCCA also comprises two spacious Art galleries, each measuring 6000 Sq.ft. 
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The Urusvati Art Centre has an in-house exhibition from its own collection of over two hundred paintings. The works of eminent Indian artists such as Dhiraj Chaudhari, Subroto Kant, Phalguni Dasgupta, Datta Raya Apte, Hemraj Subbana are exhibited in this gallery.
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Komal Anand, an accomplished artist and the Director, Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art felt overwhelmed with the response to the Artist’s camp. In a brief chat, Komal Anand informed, “Urusvati has been organizing and hosting Artist’s camps since the last many years with the key objective of providing a robust platform for both the eminent and the new upcoming artists to exhibit their creativity and talent. The duration of the camp depends upon several factors, and accordingly camps are organized ranging from a daylong camp to a relatively longer one spanning about 15 days. As part of the Urusvati revamping project, exclusive lodging facilities for artists and cultural performers are there in place to cater to the comfort and leisure of artists hailing from different nooks and corners of the country. After the completion of the camps, works of participating artists are exhibited in the spacious art Galleries of Urusvati for public display. Besides organizing artist camps, we have also been hosting myriad cultural programs such as classic dance performances, musical concerts and puppet shows. It’s been an amalgamation of various factors namely our unique concepts, passion and soul soothing ambience which has led to Urusvati becoming a very popular spot for people of all age groups. Realizing that the natural ambience is a big inspiration, and all the more for the artists and creative people, one instantly feels getting closer to nature as soon as they foray into the precincts of Urusvati. The stunning jasmine gardens, the water bodies, the terracotta gardens, the tranquillity, and the vast abundant spaces all around add a great deal of elegance, serenity and resplendence to the place. Urusvati was conceptualized to vibrantly promote the ancient cultural legacy of our country. We are thankful to the sponsors for appreciating and recognizing the essence of Artist’s camp. The government sector, the Corporates, the big business houses and the MNCs have a vital role to play in supporting the cause of promoting art and culture of the country on a mega scale. Creative people have since time immemorial been bringing rich laurels to their motherland. In the light of this, due importance needs to be given towards grooming and nurturing the immense potential of young creative men and women. At Urusvati, one of our key endeavour is also to help economically impoverished talented artists by providing them space and resources in Urusvati, in addition to promoting their creations. Year 2017 is going to be a packed year as we are all set to organizing many art and cultural events.”
A stalwart of the healthcare industry and the Global Pioneer of Holistic Medicine, Dr RK Tuli, found the Urusvati experience both rejuvenating as well as educative. Sharing his experience, Dr Tuli remarked, “Urusvati Centre for Contemporary Art is a perfect destination for the creative minds, and for those in pursuit of serenity. It’s a place far away from the madding crowds. A visit to Urusvati was long overdue, and when it finally happened, I truly felt spellbound. An art gallery situated amidst a spectacular backdrop was just what the doctor ordered. I have decided to organize a special holistic health and wellness camp for 4 days in the month of May this year.”
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The Urusvati Museum of ancient folklore is one of its kind, with core focus on tales of folklore and ballads based on legends, stories of kings and queens and heroic deeds of warriors. It depicts famous folk tales of love, valor and courage through mesmerizingly beautiful paintings and expressive sculptures.
The legendary love stories of Sohni Mahiwal, Heer Ranjha, Mirza Sahiban, Padmavati Ratansen find due prominence in the museum. The folktales from Punjab, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh provide an invaluable insight into the wonderful world of Indian folk culture.s
(Urusvati is located at Madhuram, village Shikohpur, district Gurgaon (12km from Rajiv Chowk), amidst a jasmine garden covering six acres of lush greenery with beautiful walkways. The Museum is located 8 kms from Gurgaon city on the NH-8 to Jaipur, before Manesar. The museum is housed in a haveli, with Aravalli range forming a majestic backdrop).
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priyankaravilla · 5 years ago
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onnoyomonon · 2 months ago
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নগ্ন - তার জন্য: কোন মহিলার গোপন পেশা, সমাজের চোখে কেমন হয়? | Nagno Tar Jonno: New Bengali ShortFilm Full Short Film Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOTKvTJLzDo
🎥‍ Team Credits: Story Name: Nagno Tar Jonno - নগ্ন - তার জন্য Produced, Story, Screenplay & Dialogue: Debapratim Dasgupta Cast: Sananda Ghosh & Mimo Mondal Director: Dipa Chowdhury Assistant Director: Somadatta Bhattacharjee and Abhijit Dam Cinematography: Jay Roy Editor: Suman Colourist: Suman Dubbing: Arshi and Suman Sound Recording: Nimai Sen BGM: Madhai Sen Makeup: Lidon Gazi Management: Shaibal Dey Acknowledgments: Parag Dutta Digital Advisor: Sanjay Sen ‪@StudioViolina‬ Label: ‪@OnnoyoMonon‬ ‬
️⃣ Hashtag:
NewBengaliShortMovie #EmotionalStory #newshortfilm #shortmovie #newbanglashortfilm #banglanatok #bengalicinema #NagnoTarJonnoShortFilm #BengaliShortFilm #OnnoyoMonon #ShortFilm
Thanks for Watching🙏🏻
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ishubho · 14 years ago
Tribute to my "Twitter Guru" Abhijit Dasgupta
Life is strange.
  Suddenly, someone enters your life. He became the part of your daily life. You talk, you meet, you share, you tweet and suddenly you find that he had left you alone... forever.
  He was my relative. We were not of same age. I come to know him by my good fortune. We started interacting, we meet and one fine day, I find we are exchanging thoughts very easily. He's demanding for RDB songs, I'm playing that for him. He's asking me, why I'm down, I'm sharing my emotion. I wrote a new blog-post, he's asking the link in his email. I made a typo, he's correcting me. I made a remark, he is teasing me. The routine was so perfect, nothing was planned to change.
  You became my guardian… you became my friend...
  But, life is strange.
  Suddenly, a phone call received informing he is no more. When you are not expecting some surprise, it comes to you more in that way. A man, who always claimed, he will not grow up after 49, kept his promise, in a way, which none of us have ever thought of.
  I count me lucky, I come to know you. I meet you personally for a number of times and got enriched with your knowledge and spirit for life. The span I spend with you talking, twittering, listening to songs together or even teasing each other; would remain as treasure for me. I will always repent why this span was so little.
  I know the life will keep flowing in its strange way, but there will be no request for RD songs, there will be no humour ‘with a pinch of sarcasm’, there will be no reprimand for not taking the cell number of a good looking lady co-passenger, there will be no knowledge sharing about Calcutta, there will be no tea session at Flury’s at Park Street… Only a void will remain unfilled along some beautiful memory of yours to cherish forever.
  Rest in Peace my “Twitter Guru” (as I used to call you jokingly) Abhijit Dasgupta (@abhijitdg).
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