jf-madjesters1 · 6 years
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Maybe with time, Jim will call his guardian Blinky "dad". Aw :3 Anyway, this will be the last of the TrollSon Au until I come up with more ideas. But if you still wish for more TrollSonAu stuff, I was given a link to a TrollHunters fanfic series based on this idea. The stories are different from what I have but they are great to read. Go check it out! ---> Son of a Troll
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jf-madjesters1 · 6 years
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YESSSS HE DOES!! :D AWWWWWW! I guess Blinky will be called “Dad” and Aarrragh will be called “Papa”. 
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Of course but I also imagine Vendel cutting Jim’s hair. Maybe Blinky would be a little bad at it so Vendel takes over because despite those big hands he is gentle. (Vendel dealing with small gems and geodes makes me thinks so)
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Oh definitely. When Jim was younger I like to believe that Jim and Draal talk a lot about TrollHunters and Kanjigar. Jim, like Draal, was convinced that Draal will be the next TrollHunter. But when that didn’t happen, Jim felt like he stole something from Draal, and Draal felt betrayed. Draal might stop talking to him and maybe even fight him like in the show. But when Jim refused to “finished the job” Draal will snap out of it and apologize to Jim. Now that his little flesh bag brother is troll hunter, he would train Jim much harder than ever before. 
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I would feel Kanjigar would be too busy to teach Jim, like how he was with Draal. Maybe there will be moments where Kanjigar will drop some wisdom to both Draal and Jim but he pretty much absent doing TrollHunting duties. But with Draal, Jim will learn about Kanjigar’s victories and the lessons he taught. 
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jf-madjesters1 · 6 years
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Aww, thank you very much! I’m glad you and many enjoy my TrollSonAU. Thanks! :D
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So MANY have commented on my drawing about that reference. I love that video. XD
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OMG!! I LOVE THAT IDEA. I wonder why they would send Vendel because I think he wouldn’t want to leave the safety of Troll Market? But whatever I guess for the safety of Jim, Vendel is willing too. 
Poor Vendel, I imagine him being dragged in while Jim and Toby are freaking out but then later snickering as Vendel awkward stands in the small living room. Vendel would be so confused as he tries to play along to not give himself away. XD
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Maybe. I thought before that when Jim reach a certain age (and when everyone forgets about that one lost child from many years ago) Toby and Nana will help the trolls enroll Jim in elementary school. Jim asked for it. 
I guess around that time, Jim will be able to meet Strickler and Normura (for field trips) at some point. 
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OMG, you’re right. XD I bet it was hard finding the right shoe size and socks for Jim to wear. And that is also clean. I can imagine Jim wearing some big oversize socks or shoes till Blinky and Aarrragh finds better ones. 
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jf-madjesters1 · 6 years
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Thanks! Also maybe. Everyone is allowed to share their ideas for this AU but no guarantees that I will draw out those ideas or questions that are sent to me. 
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Nice! I forgot about him for a moment. Perhaps after Blinky finds out about his brother’s betrayal, Blinky could be all like “You are not allowed to speak to me or my son ever again!” and then Dictacious is all like “You have a son? I’M AN UNCLE?!”  
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If you don’t mind, I’m just going to write out my ideas. Enjoying reading. 
Perhaps as Jim gets older he gets a little rebellious. So against his father’s wishes, Jim sneaks out to the surface world. At first, it was weird walking around the surface because the adults gave him looks. A small child alone without a parent, strange indeed. Luckily, Jim finds a playground where he meets Toby and becomes friends with him! Yay!
As the sun sets, Jim tries to leave but Toby’s nana didn’t want this young child to leave without his parents. She asked, “where are they?” Jim wasn’t sure what to do and lied about where his parents were. So Toby invited Jim to his house since his parents aren’t here yet. Tody’s nana agrees.
The sun has set and Kanjigar the troll hunter, Draal, Aarrragh, and Blinky are looking for him above the surface. All of them are worried, but Blinky is the most distressed of them all, and he was showing it. Thanks to arrragh’s nose, they located Jim in a house with two other humans. Kanjigar discusses a plan but Blinky ignores him and rushes forward calling out Jim’s name. The others ran to catch up with Blinky.
Nana was upstairs talking to police, making a report about Jim and his missing parents. Downstairs, Jim and Toby are playing, reading comic books. Toby asked about Jim’s parents, and Jim wonders for a moment if he should tell Toby. But before Jim can, he and Toby hear someone yelling out Jim’s name before Blinky breaks down the back door. (strange how fear makes one strong and brave, haha ). 
Everyone is panicking, Toby is freaking out, and Kanjigar is annoyed. Nana hears the noise and rushes downstairs. Kanjigar orders every troll to leave at once. Blinky grabs Jim and they all rushed out, leaving a poor confused Toby behind. 
Jim feels guilty as Blinky scolds him as they walk back to Troll Market. But Jim explains that he so badly wanted to see the surface and he is mad at them for scaring his first human friend. Jim runs off to their room leaving behind a guilty Blinky. Perhaps after some arguments, discussions, and agreements, Blinky and Aarrragh forgive Jim and Jim in return. With permission, Blinky and Aarragh took Jim to Toby and Nana one night to apologize for the chaos. 
At first, I wasn’t sure if Nana should know about Jim’s Troll parents, but perhaps she is chilled about it? Haha! 
Jim introduces Toby and Nana to his two troll dads. Toby was scared at first but quickly warmed up to Aarraagh. Now Jim and Toby can hang out more.  Blinky “finds” a cell phone and make sure Jim has it before he leaves troll market to visit Toby. Maybe in the future, Jim will ask Blinky if he can go to a human school with Toby. After much help from Nana, Jim can now attend an elementary school with Toby! Yay!
Anyway, random thoughts over. Hope you enjoy reading that. XD
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