#Aaron Lietz
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Detachable studio to go? Studio on rails by @olsonkundig Photos Aaron Lietz
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Acafandom: Unrefereed Manuscripts (i.e. Theses & Dissertations)
Anderson, Chrisha. 2019. “Women in Online Science Fiction Fandoms: Perceived Impact on Psychological Well-Being.” PhD Dissertation, Advanced Studies in Human Behavior, Capella University.
Barone, Tessa. 2019. “Just Go Find Yourself a Nice Alpha: Gender and Consent in Supernatural Fandom's Alpha/Beta/Omega Universe.” Honors College Thesis, Oregon State University. https://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/concern/honors_college_theses/nk322k653
Takamäki, Topi. 2019. “The Road So Far”: Supernatural as an American Road Narrative. MA Thesis, School of Marketing and Communication, University of Vaasa. https://osuva.uwasa.fi/handle/10024/9567
Trudeau, Cassidy. 2019. "Freedom to Fall: Milton's Christ, Supernatural's Castiel, and the Secularity of Choice." Undergraduate Research Awards, Hollins University. https://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/researchawards/52
Cantrell, Jacquee D. 2018. "From Fan Fiction to Television: Slash Fan Fiction, the Fandom, and Affecting the Source Material." Honors Theses, Eastern Kentucky University. https://encompass.eku.edu/honors_theses/5177
Chiu, W. [招詠琳]. 2018. The gender politics of supernatural : slash fan fictions and the power dynamic in fan/producers relationship. MA Thesis, Department of Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR. http://hdl.handle.net/10722/265871
Golomb, Liorah. 2018. ‘Let's Go Gank Ourselves a Paris Hilton’ A Textual Analysis of the Dialogue of Supernatural (the First 10 Years). SHAREOK. https://hdl.handle.net/11244/317082
Hatchell, Russ Eugene. 2018. Sci-fi TV in the Great White North : the development of Vancouver as a science fiction media capital. MA Thesis, Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas at Austin. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/72746
Johansson, Emelie. 2018. Up against Good, Evil, Destiny, and God himself. Bachelor Thesis, School of Humanities and Media Studies, Dalarna University. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-27069
Koehm, Diana. 2018. "Revision as Resistance: Fanfiction as an Empowering Community for Female and Queer Fans." Honors Scholar Theses, University of Connecticut. https://opencommons.uconn.edu/srhonors_theses/604
Boulware, Taylor. 2017. "Fascination/Frustration: Slash Fandom, Genre, and Queer Uptake." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, University of Washington. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/40073
Edwards, Elizabeth Rose. 2017. Brotherly Love: Remaking Homosociality and Masculinity in Fan Fiction. MA Thesis, Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture, York University-Ryerson University. http://hdl.handle.net/10315/33523
Fuchs, Michael. 2016. “Supernatural’s Showrunners, Creative Teams, and Fans: Television Authorship in the Age of Participatory Culture.” Unpublished [accepted for Auteur TV, edited by Ralph Poole and Saskia Fürst. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017]. https://web.archive.org/web/20160805175026/http://fuchsmichael.net/index.php/news/47-publication-news/116-supernatural-television-authorship
McKay, Hattie 2017. "Comparing Themes in Supernatural and Left Behind," Relics, Remnants, and Religion: An Undergraduate Journal in Religious Studies: Vol. 2 : Iss. 2 , Article 8. https://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/relics/vol2/iss2/8
Abrahamsson, Beatrice. 2016. "What, so genesis is a lie? Shocker.": en kvalitativ studie om banal religion i TV-serien Supernatural. Bachelor's thesis, Stockholm University. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:933938/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Klungnes, Kristina Mariell Dulsrud. 2016. "Driver Picks the Music" - Supernatural - A Journey With Music as Fuel. MA Thesis, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo. http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-54625
Lietz, Michelle. 2016. "Cannibalism in Contact Narratives and the Evolution of the Wendigo." MA Thesis, Department of English Language and Literature, Eastern Michigan University. http://commons.emich.edu/theses/671
Tammentie, Bastian. 2016. "Fandom as an online support group: a case study of CW's Supernatural." Bachelor's thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Jyväskylä. https://jyx.jyu.fi/handle/123456789/62954
Yerima, Adam Kem. 2016. "Saving Innocents: Tracing The Human Monster Hunter’s Hetero-Normative Agenda From The 1970s To Today." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, Wayne State University. http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/oa_dissertations/1608
Brownfield, Kristi. 2015. “Veni, Vidi, Vids: Transforming Cultural Narratives Through the Art of Audiovisual Storytelling.” PhD Dissertation, Department of Sociology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Collier, Cassandra M. 2015. "The Love That Refuses to Speak its Name: Examining Queerbaiting and Fan-Producer Interactions in Fan Cultures." MA Thesis, Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Louisville. http://dx.doi.org/10.18297/etd/2204
Genovese, Megan. 2015. "Boys, Girls, and Monsters: Regulation of Normative Gender in Supernatural." Honors thesis, Baylor University. http://hdl.handle.net/2104/9354
Karkanias, Alena. 2015. "And the (Fourth) Wall Came Tumbling Down: The Impact of Renegotiating Fan-Creator Relationships on Supernatural." Summer Research, University of Puget Sound. http://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/summer_research/248
McCurdy, Shellie. 2015. De-Mystifying Fandom: An Ethnography of the World of Supernatural Fangirls. Senior Honors Thesis, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
McGinn, Irene B. 2015. When Becky met Chuck: How the breakdown of the fourth wall is affecting online fandom. MA Thesis, Department of Film and Television Studies, Dublin City University. https://www.academia.edu/3634131/When_Becky_met_Chuck_How_the_breakdown_of_the_fourth_wall_is_affecting_online_fandom
Straw, Amanda L. 2015. “Everybody Hurts: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Hurt/Comfort Fanfiction.” MA Thesis, Department of American Studies, The Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg. https://web.archive.org/web/20191111044037/https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/downloads/4f4752g316
Holder, Laura L. 2014. "Common Christs: Christ Figures, American Christianity, and Sacrifice on Cult Television." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. https://search.proquest.com/openview/705ec356fef9737f7e92061e6876294c/
Karkanias, Alena. 2014. "The Intra- and Inter-Sub-Community Dynamics of Fandom." Summer Research, University of Puget Sound. http://soundideas.pugetsound.edu/summer_research/230
Leddy, Miranda B. 2014. "The women of Supernatural: more than stereotypes." MA Thesis, Department of American Studies, Baylor University. http://hdl.handle.net/2104/9173
Martin, Anna. 2014. Writing the Star: Stardom, Fandom and Real Person Fanfiction. PhD dissertation, Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts, Lancaster University. https://www.academia.edu/25285627/Writing_the_Star_Stardom_Fandom_and_Real_Person_Fanfiction
Vermeer, Alicia Suzanne. 2014. "Searching for God: Portrayals of Religion on Television." MA Thesis, Department of Religious Studies, University of Iowa. http://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/4785
Wickersham, Alexandra. 2014. "Mothers, Martyrs, Damsels, and Demons: Women in Western Horror from Romanticism to the Modern Age." ESSAI: Vol. 12, Article 36. http://dc.cod.edu/essai/vol12/iss1/36
Double, Krystalle. 2013. Female Roles and Fan Fiction in Charmed, Supernatural, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. BA honors thesis, Western Michigan University.
Ireland, Brian. 2013. ""All I saw was evil": Supernatural's Reactionary Road Trip." American Studies Today: 14. http://www.americansc.org.uk/Online/Online_2013/Supernatural.html
Fathallah, Judith. 2013. "Changing Discursive Formations from Supernatural: Fanfic and the Legitimation Paradox." PhD Dissertation, Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University. http://orca.cf.ac.uk/id/eprint/58900
Lander, Katherine. 2013. "That's So Meta: Contemporary Reflexive Television and its Textual Strategies." MA Thesis, Department of Media and Cinema Studies, DePaul University. http://via.library.depaul.edu/cmnt/18
Lausch, Kayti Adaire. 2013. "The Niche Network: Gender, Genre, and the CW Brand." MA Thesis, Department of Radio-Television-Film, University of Texas at Austin. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/22453
Macklem, Lisa. 2013. "We're on This Road Together: The Changing Fan/Producer Relationship in Television as Demonstrated by Supernatural." MA Thesis, Department of Media Studies, University of Western Ontario. http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/1748
Costa, Sarah Moralejo da. 2012. Supernatural na web: produção e reprodução audiovisual em suporte convergente. 2012. 100 f. Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/89376
Dubois, François-Ronan. 2012. "Le mythe herculéen dans trois séries américaines: Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer et The X-Files." e-LLA [revue liée à l'Université de Provence].
Burnell, Aaron. 2011. "Nobody's Darlings: Reading White Trash in Supernatural." MA Thesis, Bowling Green State University. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1305054871
Dhalqvist, Ingeborg. 2011. "Competitive Talk and the Three Main Characters of Supernatural." Unpublished manuscript, Mälardalen University. http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A511603&dswid=4389
Geary, Ellen Louise. 2011. “A Critical Analysis of Modern Fan Cultures Attached to Television Texts and the Participatory Nature of Their Activities. With Specific Focus on the Fan Culture of Supernatural.” BA Dissertation, Department of Media Studies, Nottingham Trent University. https://web.archive.org/web/20191111032046/https://picklepegg.livejournal.com/35341.html
Hemmingson, Margaret L. 2011. Sex, Family, and the Home: Portrayals of Gender in the Domestic Sphere in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural. BA honors thesis, Elon University.
Richard, Jordan. 2011. "On a Good Day, You Get to Kill a Whore: Narrative Misogyny and Female Audiences in Supernatural." MA Thesis, Department of Sociology, University of Mississippi. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/etd/245
Tovar, Elisabeth. 2011. Supernatural ‘small-town America’ : errance hantée dans les vestiges de l’Amérique industrielle. Métropolitiques. http://metropolitiques.eu/Supernatural-small-town-America.html
Grobisen, Hannah. 2010. “The Winchester Gospel: The 'Supernatural' Fandom as a Religion.” CMC Senior Theses, Intercollegiate Media Studies, Claremont Colleges. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/2010/
Hampton, Darlene Rose. 2010. "Beyond Resistance: Gender, Performance, and Fannish Practice in Digital Culture." PhD Dissertation, Department of English, University of Oregon. http://hdl.handle.net/1794/11070
Handley, Christine. 2010. "'Playthings in the Margins of Literature': Cultural Critique and Rewriting Ideologies in Supernatural and Star Wars Fanfiction." MA Thesis, Department of English, Dalhousie University. http://hdl.handle.net/10222/13027
Boggs, April. 2009. "No Chick Flick Moments: 'Supernatural' as a Masculine Narrative." MA Thesis, Bowling Green State University. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=bgsu1237564610
Brennan, Joseph Carl Linden. 2009. "I Am Your Worst Fear, I Am Your Best Fantasy: New Approaches to Slash Fiction." Honours Thesis, Department of Media and Communications, University of Sydney. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/5872
Straw, Amanda. 2009. “Squeeing, Flailing, and the “Post-Jared-and-Jensen Glow”: An Ethnography of Creation Entertainment’s March 2009 “Salute to Supernatural” Conventions.” Seminar paper. https://web.archive.org/web/20191111044805/http://www.personal.psu.edu/als595/blogs/amandalynn125/papers/ethnography.pdf
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col22promo · 5 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Axel Kraus | Praeteria; Skeet Ulrich FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlovi? | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing & Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Issoria Feinberg | Telepathy; Josefine Frida Pettersen FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John "Skates" Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell-Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Christopher Larkin FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Henry Liamson-Turner | Uninfected; Tom Cavanagh FC Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Matthew Grey Gubler FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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the-colony-roleplay · 6 years
THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Adrien Jackson Bennett | Telekinesis; Jay Baruchel FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Annie Perreault | Deluded; Crystal Reed FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Dave Franco FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Christopher Larkin FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalia Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Michael “Bones” Sikes | Telepathy; Rick Genest FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cambie Andrews | Uninfected; Megan Markle FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Mitch “Dougie” Douglas | Telekinesis; Mark Ruffalo FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
 HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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architectnews · 4 years
Olson Kundig principal designs himself a cosy beach cabin
Olson Kundig Architects principal Alan Maskin has renovated and extended a beach cabin from 1938 in Washington State, turning it into his wood-lined retreat.
Agate Pass Cabin overlooks the Agate Passage, a tidal waterway on the Olympic Peninsula. Maskin added a first-floor extension and proper foundations to the old cabin.
Low ceilings have been open up into the old attic
Original wide planks of Douglas fir – a species that was bountiful in the region 100 years ago – still line the walls and ceilings.
Where some panels were taken down to make room for alterations, the wood was refashioned into cabinets or storage or used to line new ceilings.
Panels of original Douglas fir still line the walls
Contrasting wood such as Gulam plywood was chosen for additions to the cabin, to clearly mark what is original 1930s and what is new.
Maskin bought the cabin as a dream renovation project, although it took him years to find the time to work on it after he was made an owner of Olson Kundig Architects.
"My work life and love life were separated by Elliott Bay and a three-hour commute," said Maskin.
"I was looking for a small, extremely inexpensive fixer-upper. In my dreams, I wanted it to be a small cabin with a view of the water – hopefully with some character – and located somewhere in the middle of my two primary destinations."
A screened-in porch has become a dining room at one end
When he heard the cabin had come up for sale he went to view it and realised that he could see Agate Pass if he climbed up on the roof.
"I hired a residential building inspector to check it out and make sure that buying such a rundown house wasn't insane," added Maskin.
"While he was underneath looking at the foundations of the house, I noticed 12 bald eagles flying directly over the house. Let's just say that after that, the inspector's report didn't seem as necessary."
The other side of the former porch is now a study
After years sleeping on a mattress in the cabin's unheated attic while he was busy with Olson Kundig Architects, Maskin finally found the time to redesign the cabin.
New foundations were added, with seismic upgrades as the Pacific Northwest sits on a fault line called the Cascadia subduction zone.
A first floor has been added to the cabin
The low ceiling between the living room and the attic was removed, opening the space up to create a five-metre-high vaulted roof beneath the gables. A wood-burning sits on a raised metal hearth.
A screened-in porch was turned into a dining room and office space with views over the gardens.
The bedroom has views over the Agate Pass
Upstairs, the new first storey houses a wood-lined bedroom with views over the trees and the water.
The gable end is made of and flanked by windows. A cardboard 3D portrait of the American sculptor Ed Kienholz by the local artist Scott Fife hangs over the bed, which Maskin designed himself.
Gulam plywood was used for new additions to the cabin
Maskin also designed the bed and armoire. Above the office space is a first-floor outdoor terrace.
Other artworks on display in Agate Pass Cabin include works by Seattle artists such as Sutton/Beres/Culler, Leiv Fagereng, Karen Rudd, Rebecca Raven, Chris Crites, David Eisenhour, Mary Larson and Klara Glosova.
Seattle-based Olson Kundig Architects was founded in 1967 by Jim Olson. More cabins from the practice include a writer's cabin with drawbridge-style shutters and a narrow yet tall cabin for a family.
Photography is by Aaron Lietz.
Project credits:
Architect: Olson Kundig Architects Design principal and interior design: Alan Maskin Project architects: John Kennedy and Hill Pierce Landscape (hardscapes): Alan Maskin Landscape (plants): Duane West and Brian McLaughlin General contractor: Krekow Jennings Structural engineer: Nic Rossouw, Giraf Design Lighting design: Niteo
The post Olson Kundig principal designs himself a cosy beach cabin appeared first on Dezeen.
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col22promo · 5 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight &Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlovi? | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Issoria Feinberg | Telepathy; Josefine Frida Pettersen FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John “Skates” Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Christopher Larkin FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalie Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Clove Modius | Uninfected; Kristen Kruek FC Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC  Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 5 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight &Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlovi? | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Issoria Feinberg | Telepathy; Josefine Frida Pettersen FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John “Skates” Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Christopher Larkin FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalie Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Clove Modius | Uninfected; Kristen Kruek FC Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC  Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 5 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight &Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlovi? | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Issoria Feinberg | Telepathy; Josefine Frida Pettersen FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John “Skates” Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Christopher Larkin FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalie Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Clove Modius | Uninfected; Kristen Kruek FC Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC  Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 6 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight &Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlovi? | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Issoria Feinberg | Telepathy; Josefine Frida Pettersen FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John “Skates” Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalie Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC  Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 6 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight &Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlovi? | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Issoria Feinberg | Telepathy; Josefine Frida Pettersen FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John “Skates” Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalie Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC  Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 6 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight & Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Annie Perrault | Deluded; Crystal Reed FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John "Skates" Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell-Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalia Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 6 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight & Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Annie Perrault | Deluded; Crystal Reed FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John "Skates" Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell-Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalia Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 6 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Sight & Telepathy; Mary Elizabeth Winstead FC Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Annie Perrault | Deluded; Crystal Reed FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC John "Skates" Squires | Uninfected; Aubrey Joseph FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell-Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalia Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Bode Levy Bram Lindqvist | Telepathy & Praeteria; Bill Skarsgard FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 6 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Annie Perrault | Deluded; Crystal Reed FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell-Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalia Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Mitch “Dougie” Douglas | Telekinesis; Mark Ruffalo FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 6 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Annie Perrault | Deluded; Crystal Reed FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Kat Graham FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Olly Alexander FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Fleet Michaels | Increased Hearing and Sight; Hong Jong-Hyun FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Koda Payne | Telepathy; Jamie Campbell-Bower FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Jeremy Allen White FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalia Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zayn Malik FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Huisman FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Woody Harrelson FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Mitch “Dougie” Douglas | Telekinesis; Mark Ruffalo FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Lorelei Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Rosa Salazar FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 2 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Ada Woollacott | Increased Vision & Telepathy; Natasha Lyonne FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Noah Centineo FC Arthur Meir | Uninfected; Ben Mendelsohn FC August Adelson | Telekinesis; Samira Wiley FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Dev Patel FC Axel Kraus | Praeteria; Skeet Ulrich FC Cody Moon | Uninfected; Nam Joo Hyuk FC Cosima Nasmath | Telekinesis; Amber Riley FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Espen Filip Lindqvist | Telepathy; Nick Robinson FC Ethan Kerr | Uninfected; Elliot Fletcher FC Fletcher Dahl | Uninfected; Keiynan Lonsdale FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Caity Lotz FC Joaquín Mendoza | Increased Hearing & Vision; Aron Piper FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kevin Tae | Uninfected; Daniel Henney FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Evan Mock FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Tati Gabrielle FC Leif Hjelmstad | Increased Vision & Hearing; Andy Biersack FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Christopher Larkin FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Natalie Dyer FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC “Mink” Peyton Yazbek | Telepathy; Bex Taylor-Claus FC Minka Vane | Telekinesis; Paulina Singer FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Zendaya Coleman FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Carmela Zumbado FC Rosalind Stein | Telekinesis; Ana de Armas FC Siddhartha Jha | Telekinesis; Avan Jogia FC Siobhan “Von” Whitmer | Praeteria; Kristine Froseth FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Kedar Williams-Stirling FC Tatum Rothchild | Uninfected; Indya Moore FC Thaïs Li | Increased Vision & Hearing; Natasha Liu Bordizzo FC Viola Rain Hackett | Deluded; Ruth Negga FC Xavier Crane | Uninfected; Lakeith Stanfield FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Arvo Covey | Increased Scent; Janel Parrish FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; John Krasinski FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Tyler Blackburn FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Robert Downey Jr. FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Hannah John-Kamen FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Reilly Dolman FC Jackson Rocco | Uninfected; Jon Hamm FC Kyffin Greco | Uninfected; Justin Baldoni FC Perdita Meikle | Increased Vision & Smell; Gillian Anderson FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Sandra Oh FC
Angel Thorne | Uninfected; Robert Sheehan FC Damien Lamb | Uninfected; Brian Michael Smith FC Emmanuel Trent | Uninfected; Hugh Dancy FC Henry Liamson-Turner | Uninfected; Tom Cavanagh FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nouka Fang | Uninfected; Jamie Clayton FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Matthew Grey Gubler FC Roxanne Palmer | Uninfected; Dianne Guerrero FC Suki Yamaguchi | Uninfected; Hayley Kiyoko FC
      [      we are RADIOACTIVE; 2157 was the end of the world.... ]
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