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trevlad-sounds · 1 year ago
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Apta - Sun Sun Apta 2020
Tross - Kumla Revisited The Overview Effect Höga Nord Rekords 2018
Pabellón Sintético - Amelie Pabellón Sintético 2015
Paul Ellis - Ocean Immersion Music for The Space Between Atoms Cyclical Dreams 2023
Aarktica - These Days Fail to Bring Me Near Morning One (2023 Remaster) Projekt Records 2001/2023
Monochrome Echo - I Can See the Stars Moonkeeper Reckoning Spun Out of Control 2022
4T Thieves - Under The Wall Nomad's Requiem 4T Thieves 2023
Move D - Beyond the Machine Kunststoff (Remastered) AVA RECORDS 1984/2016
Stone Anthem - Through the Looking Glass Between The Bliss Castles in Space 2023
Ginger Root - Having Fun Mahjong Room Acrophase Records 2018
The South Coast Synth Ensemble - Sports Men Modern Electronics Volume 1 Castles in Space 2023
UFO Club - Smoke And Fluff Runa EP Invisible, Inc 2021
Rickard Jäverling - Bruised Banana Album 4 Höga Nord Rekords 2020
Panama Fleets - Cocobolo Heart Around Alone Sparkwood Records 2022
DJ Dorrit - Moogie MO_ACID Jeff Bridges Móatún 7 2023
Kösmonaut - Jagged Gene Transgressive Transmissions Castles in Space 2022
Touch Sensitive - Perfume The 36th Level Future Classic 2019
JB Dunckel - Sex Ufo Carbon JN Dunckel 2022
Manual - Miraparque Memory and Matter- Selected Remixes, Rarities and Unreleased Tracks 2007-2014 Awkward Silence 2008
Virgo - The Creation Of Typology Landform Code Fantasy Enhancing 2020
Harmonious Thelonious - Afterhour Cheapo Sounds Bureau B 2023
Ogle - Stalactites Cascade Preston Capes 2022
Beyond Our Galaxy - The Arboria Institute Surface Analysis Cyclical Dreams 2022
Binaural Space - Old Fields of Lithium Spacetudes Too Binaural Space 2023
Onepointwo - Throbbing Motor Lifeforms Solstice '21 Subexotic Records 2021
Cautionary Guides - Hundred of Wirral A Cautionary Drive Around The Wirral Castles in Space 2023
Uncle Fido - They Admire the Stars Tipentap Sauntering Day Binaural Space 2023
Felix Laband - Borc Love The Soft White Hand Compost Records 2022
viñu-vinu - Space Echoes from Afar Mystery Circles 2018
Jesse - Astral Waters Fluids Höga Nord Rekords 2018
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indietapes · 2 years ago
Aarktica - Sky Family (Ambient Rock)
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🕑 1 min / Text: Adrian Release Date: May 05, 2023 Jon DeRosa aka Aarktica is no stranger to IndieTapes. A couple of months ago, we shared his beautiful ambient track 'Like Embers' with you, and his latest release, 'Sky Family' is another fantastic addition to our playlist. I really like the atmospheric, dreamy, and slightly dark guitar textures this 6-minute instrumental piece has to offer. If you dig it, feel free to listen to the full album 'Paeans' on Spotify. It's worth it! Arrangement: ★★★★★ | Production: ★★★★☆ | Energy: ★★★★★ | Melody: ★★★☆☆ |  Stream: https://open.spotify.com/track/27q4w4I7740dQJpBunftxg Follow: https://instagram.com/aarktica_official ✔️ Available on our Indie Playlist on Spotify.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years ago
Dust Volume 9, Number 5
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Ascended Dead
Hard to believe we’re approaching the halfway point of another year, and yet here we are in May, thinking about the mid-year and how we’re going to fit all the excellent stuff so far into a reasonable length list.  There’s always too much music, a wonderful problem, but a problem all the same.  And so we turn again to Dust to burn off some of the excess.  As usual, the reviews run the gamut, from lucid ambient reveries to blistering industrial mayhem, from joyful death metal (surely a contradiction in terms?) to ragged improvised noise. Contributors this time include Ian Mathers, Andrew Forell, Jonathan Shaw, Tim Clarke, Bill Meyer, Christian Carey Jennifer Kelly, Bryon Hayes and Jim Marks.  
Aarktica — Paeans (Projekt)
Paeans by Aarktica
One of the most distinct and striking things about Jon DeRosa’s work as Aarktica has always been the way he blends more ‘pure’ ambient material with songs, both his own and others (everyone from Danzig to Peruvian shamanic songwriter Artur Mena). The new Paeans actually marks the first Aarktica LP without DeRosa’s vocals since his debut, 2000’s No Solace for Sleep. Coming on the heels of last year’s magnificent We Will Find the Light, this record could have just felt like a post-banquet digestif, but instead it’s a reminder of the beautiful, clear atmospheres DeRosa can make with just his guitar (here ably assisted by Henrik Meierkord on cello and viola). Whether it’s going Ashra-stratospheric on “Arcturan Transmission” or drifting towards Stars of the Lid on “Golden Hour at Pyramid House,” the result is a reminder of how vital his ambient work is.
Ian Mathers
 Antimaterial Worlds — Double Saturns Last Purification Exercises (Chemical X)
Double Saturns Last Purification Exercises by ANTIMATERIAL WORLDS
Gaura-jīvana Dāsa has a long history of industrial noise making under various names and degrees of success. His latest incarnation, as Antimaterial Worlds, combines the raucous noise of past projects Skull Catalog and Sewn Leather with his learnings from several years of immersion in Vedic religious studies. The results will do little to win converts to either enterprise. Musically, Double Saturns Last Purification Exercises clings to lesser Nine Inch Nails flailing whilst the lyrics swing from masochistic self-abnegation to that peculiar form of So-Cal spiritual sadism that seeks to purge the penitent while scourging the sinner. The “Kill them all and let God sort them out” forgets that hubris is a powerful enemy for the faithful but if you like your prophets wild-eyed, messianic and slinging guitars instead of lightning bolts and locusts, have at it.
Andrew Forell
 Ascended Dead — Evenfall of the Apocalypse (20 Buck Spin)
Evenfall of the Apocalypse by Ascended Dead
Evenfall of the Apocalypse comprises 42 minutes of perversely joyous Metal ov Death. Not much else to tell you, folks. The four San Diego-based musicians in Ascended Dead continue their project of making songs that cleave to the verities of the Old School, which they have come by honestly: drummer C. Koryn and bass player Kevin Schreutelkamp have put in time in the live bands of Blasphemy, Incantation and Morbid Angel, death metal legends, all. In Ascended Dead, that rhythm section is joined by guitarists Ian Lawrence and Jon Reider, and the requisite whirling chaos commences. It’s a lot of fun. Every song is overstuffed with riffs and ideas, all constantly on the verge of collapsing into noisome, rotten goo. Koryn’s drumming keeps them coherent (mostly, anyways) and coaxes them into increasingly wacky shapes, building toward the next semi-blackened guitar break or bout of psychotic shredding. There’s nothing innovative or risk-taking here, but it's nimbly composed, confidently executed and always on the move. The shorter tunes (“Nexus of the Black Flame,” “Bestial Vengeance”) are especially effective. They arrive, they mess up your mind, they’re gone. Come back and do it again, please.
Jonathan Shaw  
 Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean — Obsession Destruction (Redscroll Records)
Obsession Destruction by Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean
There’s not a tremendous amount of range in sludge metal, so it makes sense that Massachusetts band Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean seems to have derived its name by altering the title of a song (“Fucking Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean”) from Thou, perhaps the best sludge band to make misery-inducing music since Eyehategod. But’s there’s a line to be drawn between recognition of one’s artistic idols and pastiche, and Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean steps right along it — or crawls, or trudges, as the case may be. Songs like “Summer Comes to Multiply” and “Every Day a Weeping Curse” sound a whole lot like…Thou. This reviewer responds, at a profound gut level, to those tones and rhythmic structures, so he can dig a tune like “Ten Thousand Years of Unending Failure.” Ironically, it succeeds. It’s crushing and thrilling and huge, and it closes with an entertainingly daft lyric couplet: “When obsession takes over I’ll be fine / When destruction takes over I’ll decide.” Is that nihilism? A sort of fist-clenched catharsis? The aggro intensities of the music can accommodate both, creating a pretty good set of emotive qualities for a sludge song. Why decide, dudes? 
Jonathan Shaw 
 Clark — Sus Dog (Throttle)
Sus Dog by Clark
Clark’s most recent releases have been dominated by soundtracks and neo-classical work (2021’s Playground In A Lake and 2019’s Kiri Variations are especially beautiful). On his new album, Sus Dog, he returns to an electronically dominated palette, introduces his own voice as a key element, and even gets Thom Yorke on board as executive producer. Yorke’s involvement is obviously a drawcard for anyone interested in the Radiohead frontman’s oeuvre, with the overall sound of Sus Dog largely in the vein of Yorke’s last solo album, Anima. Clark’s voice is similar to Caribou’s Dan Snaith in its timbre and the way it sits in the mix, while squiggly synthesizer lines and pounding drum breaks carry the music forward with aplomb. However, it’s Sus Dog’s down-tempo moments that really shine, such as the title track, featuring guest vocals from Anika; “Medicine,” featuring Yorke on bass and vocals; and the piano-driven closer, “Ladder,” which repeats the striking vocal refrain, “Living on a ladder, stuck between two floors.”  
Tim Clarke
 The Electric Nature — Old World Die Must (Feeding Tube / NULL|ZØNE)
Old World Die Must by The Electric Nature
The Electric Nature is a free noise trio which is based in Athens, GA. Improvisation is baked into their methodology, but that doesn’t mean that they serve up raw jams. This album, which is a rare vinyl outing in their mostly cassette/digital discography, contains just two, side-long tracks, but includes sounds made between 2015 and 2022. Given the density of their sound, one suspects that Michael Potter, Michael Piece and Thom Strickland, who are jointly credited with guitars, synths, drums and recordings, add tapes of earlier performances to the one at hand. But don’t get the idea that these guys are snakes swallowing their collective tail; they’re decidedly open to outside input. “Enter Chapel Perilous” opens with the croaks of some swamp denizens, and then turns the spotlight over to Sunwatchers saxophonist Jeff Tobias, whose long, furry tones clear the path for the eventual battering assault. The trio is likewise augmented on the flip side’s titular performance by John Kiran Fernandes, whose clarinet adds a Morricone-esque dimension to the late-night squall. Times are tough nowadays — sometimes it takes a village to whip up some solar wind. 
Bill Meyer
Feather Beds — Softer Measures (Strange Brew)
Softer Measures by Feather Beds
Feather Beds is the experimental pop project of Irish musician Michael Orange, and on his new album, Softer Measures, he pushes things to perverse extremes. The album title seems to allude to the music’s raw materials being endlessly pliable, able to be squashed and stretched into new forms. There are identifiably pop-leaning tunes here, but often buried beneath effects and refracted through a funhouse mirror. Predictably it’s the two singles, “Really Disney” and “Sport of Boxing,” that offer the most immediate gratification, but even then, things get weird, a la early Animal Collective or Ronald Jones-era Flaming Lips. “Sport of Boxing,” for example, is a jangly lo-fi pop tune that hurtles along at an addictive clip, only to be swallowed up by chittering digital loops. Indeed, there’s something decidedly nightmarish about the way the songs refuse to follow the path you might imagine. Rhythms stutter and stumble, guitar tones warp in and out of tune, voices circle eerily and overlap one another. All the chaos renders moments of calm, such as the end of “We Safari,” uncannily beautiful.
Tim Clarke
 The High Strung — Address Unknown (Paper Thin)
The High Strung makes a kind of trebly, warbly, high energy garage pop pioneered by the Seeds and the Flaming Groovies and rediscovered during the aughts “rock is back” era by the Cynics, the Gripweeds and the Insomniacs. It’s not quite bubblegum, but it’s got a fair lacing of sweetness, and it’s hard to do well without slipping into saccharine cliché. Address Unknown is the band’s 11th album, following several decades together, through multiple line-ups and one major breakthrough: a song in opening credits of the Showtime series Shameless. It is everything you’d expect from a band of lifers—tight and relaxed at the same time, sure of itself but not particularly concerned about reception, and utterly charming. I like “Different Animal” the best, with its pounding beat and fluttering tunefulness, its clever rhymes and loopy harmonies. It’s the single and the video, and you can see why they focused on it, but there’s plenty of other good stuff as well. “Overcoat and Skis” with its Beatles-esque tootling keyboard and its wistful upward lilting melody, seems loose and casual until you recognize the sharpness of the ski-themed writing. (“It’s all downhill from here.”) “Run It Back” rocks harder, in a one-two punching way, but never abandons its tipsy whimsy, like XTC but rougher. Here’s a band neither torqued too tight nor slouched too low, but just a little high strung.
Jennifer Kelly
 Joseph Jarman-Don Moye feat. Craig Harris & Rafael Garrett — Earth Passage-Density (Eargong) 
By the early 1980s, when this album was recorded, the Art Ensemble Of Chicago spent a lot of their time playing music in other settings. On Earth Passage-Density, percussionist Don Moye and woodwinds multi-threat Joseph Jarman joined forces with Craig Harris, a trombone and digeridoo player who was active on several New York scenes, and Rafael Garrett, a bass and winds player who one worked with John Coltrane on the mind-melter, Om. Originally released by Black Saint and recently re-pressed by Eargong, this session shows the same breadth of reach as the AEC without shortchanging the creativity of Garrett and Harris. Patient development balances jump-cut transitional strategies and Brownian rhythmic urgency as they work their way through ceremonial dirges, angular bop, and gleefully chaotic funk. If you have any appreciation for the Art Ensemble’s pre-ECM recordings and haven’t heard this record yet, well, why are you being so hard on yourself?
Bill Meyer  
Rob Mazurek and Exploding Star Orchestra – Lightning Dreamers (Rogue Art)
Rob Mazurek enlists a formidable lineup for Lightning Dreamers, Exploding Star Orchestra’s latest recording, including instrumentalists Jeff Parker, Nicole Mitchell, Craig Taborn, Gerald Cleaver, and Angelica Sanchez. Damon Locks provides futurist lyrics and intoned vocals, taking the lead on “Future Shaman.” Mazurek’s cornet solo on the spacy “Dream Sleeper” is a standout, mellifluous and melodically inventive. The supple groove and doubled melodies on “Shape Shifter” demonstrate the groups allied affinities to fusion and modern jazz. Add in hat tips to the Arkestra, as on the paired pieces “Black River” and “White River,” and a fulsome brew is concocted.
Christian Carey
 Miranda and the Beat — S-T (Ernest Jennings)
Miranda And The Beat by Miranda and The Beat
“Sweat!” shouts Miranda Zipse in the opening salvo to this very strong album, as a soul-powered guitar snakes through surges of 1960s organs. She sounds like a long-lost Bond opening credit singer, from the Connery era no less, but she formed her band only a few years ago with her childhood friend Kim Sollecito, after dropping out of high school at 15. Now, she wields an astonishing belt, a swaggering style and a crack band of retro-maximalists. She’s caught the attention of another 1960s soul vamper, King Khan, who enthused, “I never thought I would see someone be able to play guitar with the ferocity of Link Wray, and sing like Lydia Lunch had a nuclear meltdown and morphed into Etta James and Yma Sumac.” Too much? Maybe, but “I’m Not Your Baby” swells and roars, surf guitar cascading through a Spector-esque wall of sound. “Concrete” cranks the tension with stuttering high-hat and drum—and blasts out of the blocks with a battering bass line. “Listen to the sound of the kids that are hanging out on the street,” she spits against the rough beat, and who knew that the kids would sound like this?
Jennifer Kelly
 Olololop, Arakawa Atsushi And Zea — Soyokaze (Makkum) 
Soyokaze by Olololop, Arakawa Atsushi and Zea
The Japanese trio Olololop plays electronic and acoustic percussion, and their compatriot Arakawa Atsushi manages electronics; one of them also plays a credible saxophone. They encountered Zea, the nom-du-rock of singer-guitarist Arnold de Boer (also of the Ex), at a Dutch music festival. Impelled by mutual appreciation, they flipped on some microphones and improvised a session which doesn’t fit easily into anyone’s pigeonhole, and is better off for it. Beats sputter, reeds and synth sputter, and at one point a poem drifts through the proceedings like a half-remembered dream. This music is a thing unto itself, beholden to no genre, but infused with the delight of jumping right in and finding out that you can swim. 
Bill Meyer
 Joakim Rainer Trio — Light Sentence (Sonic Transmissions) 
Light.Sentence by Joakim Rainer Trio
It must be daunting for any young musician to pick a point of entry into jazz these days. Joakim Rainer Petersen, the leader of this Norwegian piano trio, has chosen wisely. While he may not be as distinctive a composer as Kris Davis or Andrew Hill, his interest in their music helps to steer his own towards expressions of formal logic that are open to improvisational reassessment at any moment. He and bassist Alexander Risis sound like they’re completing each other’s ideas, but not by adding one guy’s statements to the other’s; no, their ideas cohere like two people saying parts of the same sentence. Drummer Rino Sivathas keeps things moving with a nicely splashy attack that keeps the moments of reflection from bogging down. Word has it that this combo tours, at least in Europe; keep your eyes and ears peeled. 
Bill Meyer
 Roser Monforte Trio — Landscape Songs (Self-Release)
This slightly unusual trio lineup delivers jazz with a prog twist. Monforte has a big sound but gives drummer Jordi Pallarés and guitarist Pau Mainé plenty of space to realize her highly polished but uncluttered compositions.
The first two tracks, “Once upon a Time” and “Horses,” blend together into a suite that shows the group at its best. It begins with over a minute of unaccompanied guitar, which, as throughout the album, Mainé plays clean and with restraint. Pallarés is boisterous once he gets going, producing a wide range of sounds out of what looks like a fairly standard jazz kit, though well appointed with cymbals, in online videos. The leader eases into the tune around the minute-and-a-half mark with a catchy descending lick, and they’re off. Pallarés takes a solo at the transition between the tunes that is followed by the introduction of a new, serpentine theme and a neat shift in tempo, and the suite draws to a close with a funky vamp and a revisitation of the serpentine theme.
The rest of the tunes are nearly as memorable and fairly concise, most running three to five minutes. There’s plenty of variation, with “Cosmic Dancer” and “Orixa” straying into exotica and fusion territory, the lovely ballads “Absence” and “Baraka” slowing things down, and the rousing “anTANAnarivo” and “Atzutac” sure to set toes tapping.
Jim Marks
 Tomten — Artichoke (Plume)
Artichoke by Tomten
Tomten’s songs billow and swell in that frictionless, effortless way that often indicates great care and craft. The Seattle-based band makes heavy use of keyboards—organs and synthesizers for instance—for lulling sustained tones that envelop and soften rock song architectures. The surf rock swagger of “Lizard in the Grass” comes wrapped in a dream pop shimmer. “Grapefruit Sea” the opener and early single, has the rolling gait and spiraling psychedelic expansiveness of a Grand Archive cut (it reminds me of “Sleepdriving,” always a good thing). The lyrics are better than they need to be, with precise and evocative natural imagery scattered across the disc, poppies and wild heather and mallow weeds. The whole thing feels like a pleasant dream, radiant but fuzzy at the edges.
Jennifer Kelly  
 Volcano the Bear — Amateur Shakes (Volucan)
Amateur Shakes by Volcano The Bear
A new Volcano the Bear album is cause for celebration among fans of strange sounds. Unfortunately, even though it arrived this year, Amateur Shakes doesn’t comprise recent music. The Leicester-based Dadaists laid these songs to tape at the tail end of the 2000s, prior to the release their final official album, Golden Rhythm / Ink Music in 2012. Timeline aside, this is a notable release for the band. Recorded with Andreas Schmid at Faust Studios and with Hans-Joachim Irmler producing, this is some of their best-sounding and most surreal music. Like in a Burroughs novel, thematic elements explored on past records reappear in these songs’ lyrics, which are sung, croaked and howled. The group have dialed back their signature avant-jazz and polka leanings, leaving room for their less-frequented outré rock tendencies to shine through. The lengthier, multi-part songs “Amateurs Blind” and “Classic Clarence Fusion” somehow come across as the most accessible, with the other tracks absorbing the experimentalist influences of the studio. There’s an uncanny symbiosis going on here, but can it really be a coincidence that a proximity to Faust has intensified the band’s already kooky demeanor? This writer thinks not. 
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 23 days ago
Listen/purchase: Mareación by Aarktica
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splorp · 1 year ago
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desertislandcloud · 2 years ago
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yorkcalling · 2 years ago
Discovery: Aarktica
Aarktica is an ambient/atmospheric project created by American composer Jon DeRosa, with Elegiac coming from his latest album Paeans. By Jane Howkins Elegiac is stunningly beautiful, featuring a slew of atmospheric style synths and strings in the background, as the track builds up over time. A slow guitar melody is added after a while, weaving its way in and out of the music in a lovely way.…
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visualtones · 2 years ago
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Aarktica - In Sea Remixes
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imathers · 2 years ago
Top 40: Aarktica — We Will Find the Light
So the first entry in my alphabetical “top 40″ list of albums is Aarktica’s We Will Find the Light, which does not have anything on YouTube (when possible I’m probably going to go with videos for these). Jon DeRosa has made a lot of music I’ve loved over the years, both as Aarktica and his own name and elsewhere. This is one of a few 2022 releases I still intend to write up, but haven’t been able to get to yet (might have this weekend if I did get sick in like three different ways). So I’ll save longer-form thoughts for that, but basically after returning in 2019 with Mareación, where he started really bringing elements from his other work into Aarktica, this new one is a really beautiful balance between song and ambience even more than some of my other favourite records of his. This song could be about lots of things, or lots of people, but from my first listen some part of me feels like his singing to some internal element (depression would be an easy answer, but I’m not sure it’s that clearcut). I think it’s very moving, the way I do the whole record.
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phantomstag · 6 years ago
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noloveforned · 2 years ago
no love for ned is back on the holiday train after ten years! tune into wlur at 8pm tonight for four hours of holiday hits. we'll be rebroadcasting the 2012 holiday show at 8pm followed by two hours of new holiday hits at 10pm. if you miss it tonight, don't fear as they'll both re-air (in reverse order) next friday!
last week was the annual 'best of twenty year ago' show. over the course of four hours we heard from over sixty different records released in 2002. if you enjoyed the show, you can also check out the previous six retrospective shows spotlighting 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996 and 1995.
no love for ned on wlur – december 9th, 2022 from 8pm-midnight
artist // track // album // label evil wiener // koo koo // evil wiener presents billy sugarfix's lost gumdrop kingdom // smith level tullycraft // twee // beat surf fun // magic marker dressy bessy // there's a girl // sound go round // kindercore luna // lovedust // romantica // jetset spoon // the way we get by // kill the moonlight // merge the guild league // jet set... go! // private transport // matinée the national splits // afternoon was tight // the national splits // kittridge dear nora // on to september // the new year ep // magic marker darren hanlon // hiccups // hello stranger // candle belle and sebastian // scooby driver // storytelling // matador bikeride // fakin' amnesia // morning macumba // hidden agenda masters of the hemisphere // anything, anything // protest a dark anniversary // kindercore the sinking ships // out of key harmony // out of key harmony // darla track star // feet first // lion destroyed the whole world // better looking esg // it’s not me // step off // soul jazz yo la tengo // nuclear war (version two) // nuclear war ep // matador the blow // jet ski accidents // bonus album // k ugly casanova // things i don't remember // sharpen your teeth // sub pop vermont // ballad of larry bird // calling albany // kindercore matt pond pa // measure three // the green fury // polyvinyl azure ray // the new year // burn and shiver // warm electronic aarktica // nostalgia = distortion // or you could just go through your whole life and be happy anyway (bliss out, volume eighteen) // darla sigur rós // vaka // ( ) // mca múm // green green grass of tunnel // finally we are no one // fat cat the notwist // one with the freaks // neon golden // domino family fodder // tender words // tender words ep // dark beloved cloud flin flon // chicoutimi // chicoutimi ep // teenbeat the capricorns // the new sound // in the zone // paroxysm the apples in stereo // rainfall // velocity of sound // spinart the flaming lips // fight test // yoshimi battles the pink robots // warner bros. of montreal // jennifer louise // aldhils arboretum // kindercore jason anderson // astronaut, astronaut! // something/everything! // k sleater-kinney // oh! // one beat // kill rock stars rhett miller // this is what i do // the instigator // elektra guided by voices // back to the lake // universal truths and cycles // matador elvis costello // forty-five // when i was cruel // island brendan benson // you're quiet // lapalco // startime the arrogants // the distance between us // nobody's cool ep // shelflife cinerama // careless // torino // manifesto saturday looks good to me // diary // love will find you // whistletap acid house kings // sunday morning // mondays are like tuesdays and tuesdays are like wednesdays // labrador the brunettes // holding hands, feeding ducks // holding hands, feeding ducks // lil' chief mirah // cold cold water // advisory committee // k destroyer // this night // this night // merge june panic // see(ing) double // baby’s breadth // secretly canadian doleful lions // surfside motel // out like a lamb // parasol unbunny // swans are fainting // black strawberries // two-ton santa julie doiron // all their broken hearts // heart and crime // jagjaguwar jeffrey lewis // the chelsea hotel oral sex song // the last time i did acid i went insane // rough trade little wings // look at what the light did now // light green leaves // k lambchop // the daily growl // is a woman // merge beck // guess i'm doing fine // sea change // dgc johnny cash // hurt // american iv: the man comes around // american richard buckner // born into giving it up // impasse // overcoat songs: ohia // blue factory flame // didn’t it rain // secretly canadian the mendoza line // the triple bill of shame // lost in revelry // misra okkervil river // westfall // don't fall in love with everyone you see // jagjaguwar the mountain goats // the best ever death metal band in denton // all hail west texas // emperor jones dqe // i'm your girl // i'm your girl // dark beloved cloud swearing at motorists // this flag signals goodbye // this flag signals goodbye // secretly canadian low // in the drugs // trust // kranky
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burlveneer-music · 3 years ago
Black Tape For A Blue Girl - The Chaos Serpent - free single, two 1991 songs remade in trio format (synths, cello, vocal)
To thank the 260 backers that pledged $13,282 to help bring Black Tape For A Blue Girl's A CHAOS OF DESIRE reissue Kickstarter to life, the current 3-piece “Serpent” line-up releases this 2-song single with neoclassical reinterpretations of two songs from the 1991 album. The focus on strings and vocals reveals a new shine upon the dark existential beauty. These passionate tales inhabit a chaotic realm of memory, fear and desire confronting pained emotions. Bandleader and synthesist Sam Rosenthal is joined by Swedish cellist and experimental musician Henrik Meierkord and vocalist Jon DeRosa, the latter known for his projects Aarktica, Dead Leaves Rising & Pale Horse and Rider. With this line-up, their poetic and profound pathos has gracefully evolved to a minimalist trio — the subtle, dramatic interweaving of synth and strings is the ideal basis for Jon’s expressive, sorrowful voice. Blending darkwave, ambient and neoclassical, the unique character of this introspective and starkly compelling music seamlessly befits the lyrical despair. These two tracks are a captivatingly elegant addition to Black Tape For A Blue Girl's 36+ year discography. Cover art by Shaheen www.instagram.com/p/Bgd2mLyHPm9/
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indietapes · 2 years ago
Aarktica - Like Embers (Indie Rock)
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🕑 1 min / Text: Franklin B. Release Date: Sept. 30, 2022 'Like Embers' is a magnificent indie rock / ambient track by Jon DeRosa alias Aarktica. Honestly, this time it's pretty hard for me to describe the beauty of this fantastic instrumental arrangement. There's no rhythm, and I can't hear a clear structure, but the atmospheric guitars and the string layers melt perfectly together and create a unique soundscape. If you dig it, make sure to check out Aarktica's full album, 'We Will Find the Light' on Spotify or Bandcamp- 'Like Embers' is the opening track. Enjoy!  Production: ★★★★★ | Arrangement: ★★★★★ | Energy: ★★★★☆ | Melody: ★★★☆☆ |  Stream: https://open.spotify.com/track/2wXTGsDJOwvXKZn77gt29f Bandcamp: https://aarktica.bandcamp.com/album/we-will-find-the-light
✔️ Available on our Indie Playlist on Spotify.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years ago
Ian Mathers’ 2022: Are you with me even now?
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For the third year in a row, Low are part of my reflection on the year that just happened. But this time I don’t want them to be. They didn’t put out a record, I didn’t see them play live (virtually or not) even once. I don’t really want to spend a ton of time going over Mimi Parker’s death and the reactions to it (including my own); I can say this is the one time ever in my life that mourning an artist whose work I love felt anything at all like mourning someone I actually knew. For at least a month I thought about it all the time, read about it constantly, watched and listened to everything I could get my hands on, talked about it often. It felt ridiculous and necessary. I don’t know what happens with my favorite band now; I mainly just hope her family and other loved ones are doing as ok as possible. One wonderful and horrible thing about the reactions is that they were both more numerous and more heartfelt than I would have guessed; up until a few years ago running into other fans of their work felt a lot more rare. 30 years into what I personally think stacks up as one of the greatest creative runs in all of popular music (I’ve been ringing the bell about Low doing better, more vital and interesting work than other bands [x] years into their career since… 2007’s The Great Destroyer at least), I’m glad that people were noticing what they did. The bittersweetness of that, that at least by the end Low were a lot more widely and deeply loved than I would have guessed... I hope she knew that too. How many artists have passed before they made their Double Negative and HEY WHAT? We can never really know the extent of what the world misses out on when someone dies.
Other than that horrible pall weighing down the end of the year, though, at least on the small scale 2022 was pretty good to me. The world in general continues to feel more and more fraught (here in Canada too!) and we’re still not properly dealing with a pandemic. With us being an immunocompromised household… when you see people talking about leaving behind the chronically ill, it absolutely includes those of us who, pre-COVID, nobody could tell weren’t “normal” or “healthy.” I did get to a very few shows this year, masked. But mostly this was a third year in a row of just… never going out or doing most of the things we used to do. Both my wife and I switched jobs to positions that are both much more satisfying and important to us and, not incidentally, quite a bit better paying. By the end of 2022 we’ve hit the first time in our adult lives where (despite how little it would take to knock us back down) we’re not experiencing constant financial stress.
I could have guessed this would change my relationship with music, but honestly, would have underestimated the degree to which that would be true. I’m happier with my writing this year, both frequency and end result, although there’s always more work to do on those fronts. And without feeling like I was trying very hard to do so, I somehow listened to 170 new LPs and EPs over the course of the year. And I found a lot to like, too: my 2022 playlist in Swinsian (which I tried out and then switched to when the Apple Music program started having weird glitches and hours of tech support couldn’t help at all) currently has a little over 1000 tracks in it, equaling over 3 days of music. There’s still a near-infinite amount of stuff out there I’ve never touched or even heard of. But more than ever, it feels like I covered my particularly bailiwick(s) as thoroughly as could be expected of someone who still has a day job and relatively normal life.
This increased volume of input doesn’t necessarily make me think 2022 was a better (or worse!) year for music than any other, but it does lead to a list of records that I feel more strongly about. There are plenty of good records I am keeping in full that just didn’t make it onto my list(s), especially since I’m sticking with a top 40 like I did in 2021. In years where I’ve ‘only’ managed to check out 80-90 records, even a top 20 often covers just about everything I’ve solidly enjoyed from the year. In 2022, 40 records isn’t even half of that group. It has made me reflect a bit on just how sustainable this all is — do I just keep accumulating dozens of records I love every year I’m here? How often am I going to go back to any of them? And sure enough, one thing all this new listening has done has drastically slowed progress on my now years-long effort to corral and organize my existing collection. But I do feel strongly enough about what I loved this year, both from existing favorites and acts totally new to me, that I’m probably just going to kick those cans a little further down the road. I’m also mulling over how, if at all, I want to change my listening in the new year, not least because one of the major ways I discover new things ended in 2022 (RIP, The Singles Jukebox).
As I’ve mentioned before in these roundups, I don’t necessarily feel like every year these days I have an “album of the year” (and am generally loathe to try and rank things). This year I can’t decide if I have one or two; Cloakroom’s Dissolution Wave was one of my most anticipated and ever since I first got the promo back in January, I’ve been listening to it very regularly. One of the things I like about music writing (at least the way I do it) is that it forces me to listen to records a lot more than I would even if I otherwise adore them, and at this point I have an almost Pavlovian joy reaction to the beginning of “Lost Meaning.” For a long time, it seemed like it stood alone for me, and I think it still does, but I need to give at least an honorable mention to Let’s Eat Grandma’s Two Ribbons. It didn’t have the immediate impact on me the Cloakroom did, even though that first half, especially, is immediately ingratiating. But over months I found myself going back to it more and more and in another year, I could easily see it having the unquestioned top spot. I’ve seen neither in most year-end stuff, which makes me a bit sad.
So here are the lists; my 40 favorite LPs, followed by 5 EPs, 5 reissues and/or compilations, 5 releases from Aidan Baker (which makes up not even half of the releases from his various projects!), and 20 ‘loose’ songs either from records I liked but who don’t make it into the main list, or where this song was really the only one I liked, or just ones that came out on their own. If all the little extra lists seem like cheating, well, they kind of are. But this was as narrowed down as I could get it. All of the lists are in alphabetical order, and for all but the songs list any links are to where I’ve written about them here at Dusted. For the songs, partly because so many of them do have music videos (and I love music videos), I’ve actually just provided a link to the song on YouTube should you be so moved. Last year I ended by saying I hoped we’d all continue to get better at taking care of ourselves and each other in 2022. On a micro level, I can say that did happen for us, and many of our loved ones. I hope as much as possible it did for you too, and we can all find the strength to keep at it in 2023.
40 LPs
Aarktica — We Will Find the Light
Alvvays — Blue Rev
Aoife O'Donovan — Age of Apathy
Billow Observatory — Stareside
Black Ox Orkestar — Everything Returns
The Body & OAA — Enemy of Love
Bruno Bavota & Chantal Acda — A Closer Distance
Carly Rae Jepsen — The Loneliest Time
Charli XCX — Crash
Chelsea Jade — Soft Spot
Cloakroom — Dissolution Wave
Earthless — Night Parade of One Hundred Demons
Eric Cheneaux — Say Laura
Esmerine — Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More
Ethel Cain — Preacher’s Daughter
Fujiya & Miyagi — Slight Variations
Hagop Tchaparian — Bolts
Hatchie — Giving the World Away
High Vis — Blending
Horsegirl — Versions of Modern Performance
Hot Chip — Freakout/Release
Jessica Moss — Galaxy Heart
Kali Malone — Living Torch
Let’s Eat Grandma — Two Ribbons
Locrian — New Catastrophism
Loop — Sonancy
loscil — The Sails p.1/p.2
Michael Beharie — Promise
Oneida — Success
Party Dozen — The Real Work
SASAMI — Squeeze
Spiritualized — Everything Was Beautiful
Szun Waves — Earth Patterns
Use Knife — The Shedding of Skin
Water Damage — Repeater
Wet Leg — Wet Leg
Winged Wheel — No Island
Winter — What Kind of Blue Are You?
5 EPs
Gillian Stone — Spirit Photographs
Greet Death — New Low
Picastro — I’ve Never Met a Stranger
Sun’s Signature — Sun’s Signature
Trauma Ray — Transmissions
5 Reissues/Compilations
Broadcast — Maida Vale Sessions
Laddio Bolocko — '97​-​'99
Les Rallizes Dénudés —’77 LIVE
Prolapse — John Peel session 20.08.94/John Peel session 08.04.97
Wire — Not About to Die
5 Releases From Aidan Baker
Aidan Baker — The Evelyn Tables
Aidan Baker — Tenebrist
Baker Ja Lehtisalo — Crocodile Tears
Nadja — Labyrinthine
Nadja — Nalepa
20 More Songs
Animal Collective — “Prester John”
Boy Harsher ft Lucy - Cooper B. Handy — “Autonomy”
Caroline Polachek — “Billions”
Chappell Roan — “Casual”
Death Cab for Cutie — “I Won’t Give Up on You”
Diatom Deli — “False Alarm”
Duke Deuce ft GloRilla — “Just Say That”
Flume ft Caroline Polachek — “Sirens”
HAAi ft. Jon Hopkins — “Baby, We’re Ascending”
Ibibio Sound Machine — “Protection From Evil”
Miči & Sun-EL Musician — “Respond”
MUNA — “Anything But Me”
Porridge Radio — “Back to the Radio”
Spoon — “Wild”
Steve Lacy — “Bad Habit”
Storefront Church ft Phoebe Bridgers — “Words”
Stromae — “L’enfer”
Sudan Archives — “Selfish Soul”
Yeah Yeah Yeahs ft Perfume Genius — “Spitting Off the Edge of the World”
yeule — “Bites on My Neck”
Ian Mathers
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daggerzine · 2 years ago
MY FAVORITE RECORDS OF 2022 (all lists are in no particular order)
The Jeanines- Don’t Wait for a Sign (Slumberland)
Arts & Leisure- This Vast Illusion (self released)
Mick Trouble- It’s Mick Trouble’s Second LP! (Emotional Response)
Model Shop- Love Interest (Meritorio)
The Photocopies- Greatest Hits Volume 2 and Hopelessly Devoted (both self released)
Hammered Hulls- Careening (Dischord)  
Michael Head & the Red Elastic band- Dear Scott (Modern Sky UK)
The Reds Pinks and Purples- Summer at Land’s End
Winged Wheel- No Island (12XU)
The Boys with the Perpetual Nervousness- The Third Wave of…  (Bobo Integral)  
Sick Thoughts- Heaven is No Fun (Total Punk)
Horsegirl- Versions of Modern Performance  (Matador)  
First Aid Kit- Palomino  (Columbia)
Dot Dash- Madman in the Rain (The Beautiful Music)
Superchunk- Wild Loneliness (Merge)
Ribbon Stage- Hit With The Most (Perennial/ K)
Artsick- Fingers Crossed (Slumberland)
Belle & Sebastian- A Bit of Previous (Matador)
Non Bruises- S/T (self released)
The Sadies- Colder Streams (Yep Roc)
Panda Bear & Sonic Boom- Reset (Domino)
Papercuts- Past Life Regression (Slumberland)
Weak Signal- War and War (Colonel Records)
Librarians with Hickeys- Handclaps and Tambourines (Big Stir)
The Well Wishers- Blue Sky Sun (self released)
Armstrong- Happy Graffiti (The Beautiful Music)
The Reds Pinks and Purples- They Only Wanted Your Soul (Slumberland)  
Savak- Human Error/ Human Delight (Ernest Jenning)
Freezing Hands- It Was a Good Run (Dateland)
April March- In Cinerama (Omnivore)
Kids on a Crime Spree – Fall In Love Not In Line (Slumberland) 
Young Guv- III & IV  (Run for Cover Records)
U.S. Highball- A Parkhead Cross of the Mind (Lame-O)
Flowertown- Half Yesterday (Mt St Mtn)
Ex-Void- Bigger Than Before (Don Giovanni)
Tony Molina- In the Fade (Summer Shade)
Field School- When Summer Comes (Bobo Integral)
My Raining Stars- 89 Memories (Shelflife)
Kevin Robertson- Teaspoon of Time (Futureman)
Hater- Sincere (Fire)
Almost Charlie- A Whisper in a World Too Loud (Words on Music)  
The Orchids- Dreaming Kind (Skep Wax) 
 Aarktica- We Will Find the Light (Darla)  
Extra Arms- What Is Even Happening Right Now? (Forge Again Records)
The Silent Boys- Sand To Pearls, Coal To Diamonds (Too Good to Be True Records)
The Smashing Times- Bloom (Meritorio)
The Bye Bye Blackbirds- August Lightning Complex (Double Potion Records)
The Beths- Expert in a Dying Field (Carpark)
Ghost Power- S/T (Duophonic)
Peter Astor- Time on Earth (Tapete)
I ALSO LIKED ALBUMS BY……Dazy, Eyelids, Desario, Hoodoo Gurus, Salt Lake Alley, Helen Love, Kramies, The Monochrome Set,  Anton Barbeau, Cozy Slippers, The Chesterfields, Rob Moss and Skintight Skin, Lewsberg, Richard X. Heyman, The Claudettes, Surf Piranhas, Kiwi Jr, Sault, Nervous Twitch, New Buck Biloxi, Heather Trost, Fine, Alien Nose Job, Kevin Morby, Ward White, Spiritualized , Click Beetles, Whimsical, Man’s Body, Wet Leg, The Minders,  Water Damage, Star Party, The Paranoid Style, Alvvays, Chronophage, Rolling Blackouts CF, The Happy Somethings, The Umbrella Puzzles, Zac Denton, Northern Portrait, Volebeats, Your Academy, Aluminum Group, Guy Capecelatro, Jon Spencer & the Hitmakers, The Trypes, Jeremy, etc. etc.
Tall Dwarfs- Unravelled - 1981-2002 (Merge)
Broadcast- BBC Maida Vale Sessions (Warp)
Heavenly- Heavenly Vs Satan (Skep Wax)
Biff  Bang Pow! -Better Life: Complete Creations 1984-1991 (Cherry Red)
Go Sailor- S/T (Slumberland)
The Lucksmiths- Why That Doesn’t Surprise me and  Naturaliste (both Lost and Lonesome)
The Krayolas- Happy Go Lucky (Box Records)
The Flashing Lights- Where the Change Is (Murder)
The Muffs- Really Really Happy (Omnivore)
My Teenage Stride- Singles and B-sides (digital)
The Chills- Scatterbrain Storm Outtakes (Fire)
Elk City- Above the Door (Magic City)
The 1981 - Polaroids EP (Dandy Boy)
The Persian Leaps- Machines for Living (Land Ski Records)
The Photocopies- Departure P (self released)
R.E. Seraphin- Swingshift EP (Dandy Boy/Mt St Mtn)
My Favorite- Tender is the Nightshift part 1 (HHBTM)
The Black Watch- The Neverland of Spoken Things (digital)
The Radio Field- Time Simple EP (Subjangle)
The Wends- It’s Here Where You Fall (Subjangle)  
Michael Beach- 2022 EP (Goner)
The Laughing Chimes- Zoo Ave (Slumberland)
My Raining Stars- The Life We planned (digital)
The Age of Colored Lizards (Perfect Smile (Sotron)  
Field School- Swainson’s Thrush (Small Craft Advisory)
The Lunar Towers- Hurry Up and Wait (Colorama Records)
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splorp · 1 year ago
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