#Aamer Naeem
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pdj-france · 1 year ago
Imran Khan, qui purge une peine de trois ans de prison, est incarcéré dans une cellule de la prison d'Attock avec seulement un matelas et un ventilateur. (Image : fichier Reuters)Khan a annoncé que la cellule de prison dans laquelle il est logé, dans la prison précoloniale d'Attock, est infestée d'insectes. Il est accusé de corruption dans l'affaire Toshakhana Reference.L'ex Premier ministre pakistanais emprisonné Imran Khan a dit à ses avocats du faire sortir de la prison d'Attock car il ne veut pas rester dans une cellule infestée de mouches le jour et d'insectes la nuit.Khan, accusé de corruption dans l'affaire Toshakhana et condamné à trois ans, est mécontent et inquiet car il reste enfermé dans sa cellule de prison.Le joueur de cricket de 70 ans devenu homme politique a été arrêté samedi peu de temps après qu'un tribunal de première instance d'Islamabad l'ait reconnu coupable de "pratiques de corruption" dans cette affaire.Khan a fait appel de sa condamnation en déposant un plaidoyer devant la Haute Cour d'Islamabad.Le président pakistanais Tehreek-e-Insaf: a demandé à son équipe juridique qu'il ne souhaitait pas rester en prison, a annoncé Geo News citant des sources de la prison d'Attock au courant de la rencontre entre Khan et son avocat."Sors-moi d'ici; Je ne veux pas rester en prison", ont affirmé les responsables citant Khan.L'avocat de Khan, Naeem Haider Panjotha, a été autorisé lundi par les autorités pénitentiaires à le rencontrer. Après avoir vu le président du PTI, il a annoncé que l'ex Premier ministre était détenu dans des conditions "affligeantes" et fournissait "des installations pénitentiaires de classe C".Panjotha a annoncé que Khan avait un moral élevé malgré toutes ces difficultés et a juré de passer sa vie en prison mais ne se plierait pas à l'esclavage.Cela dit, les sources ont indiqué que le président du PTI, durant la rencontre avec son avocat, a fait part de ses préoccupations a propos l'environnement de la prison avec des mouches envahissant sa cellule pendant la journée et des insectes la nuit.L'ex Premier ministre a été interpellé dans sa résidence de Zaman Park à Lahore après avoir été reconnu coupable d'avoir abusé de son poste de Premier ministre de 2018 à 2022 pour acheter et vendre des cadeaux en possession de l'État qui ont été reçus durant visites à l'étranger et d'une valeur de plus de 140 millions de roupies (635 000 USD) .Khan nie les allégations portées contre lui.Le parti de l'ex Premier ministre, qui a été évincé de ses fonctions après qu'une motion de censure a été déposée contre lui en avril 2022, a demandé à la Cour suprême de contester l'ordonnance du tribunal de première instance, cherchant à déclarer le verdict du juge Dilawar "nul et non avenu".Le PTI a aussi contacté le juge en chef de la Haute Cour d'Islamabad (IHC), Aamer Farooq, pour demander le transfert de Khan de la prison d'Attock à la prison d'Adiala.Khan avait été arrêté plus tôt le 9 mai à Islamabad dans les locaux de la haute cour dans l'affaire de corruption Al-Qadir Trust, déclenchant de violentes protestations de la part de ses partisans. Il a été libéré plus tard.Khan fait face à plus de 140 cas à travers le pays et à des accusations de terrorisme, de violence, de blasphème, de corruption et de meurtre.en attendant, l'administration de la prison d'Attock a choisi de mener un audit de sécurité de tous les membres du personnel après qu'une prétendue "conversation codée" ait eu lieu entre un responsable de la prison et Khan, a rapporté Geo News.L'enregistrement de la conversation du responsable de la prison avec Khan a révélé certains mots que le gouvernement est incapable de saisir.Les informations biographiques complètes de plus de 150 membres du personnel pénitentiaire de la prison d'Attock seront envoyées à la section spéciale et à d'autres institutions pour habilitation de sécurité.Les sources ont affirmé que l'utilisation de WhatsApp par le personnel pénitentiaire a été interdite après le géorepérage.
Construit en 1906, le nombre de prisonniers dans la prison est généralement supérieur à 1 000. Cela dit, il y a actuellement plus de 700 prisonniers dans la prison et ils ne disposent que d'installations de classe C.Les sources ont indiqué que pour des raisons de sécurité, un plan de transfert de plus de 100 prisonniers à Adiala et dans d'autres prisons est aussi à l'étude.(Cette histoire n'a pas été éditée par le personnel de News18 et est publiée à partir d'un flux d'agence de presse syndiqué - PTI) Shankhyaneel SarkarShankhyaneel Sarkar est rédacteur en chef adjoint chez News18, couvrant les questions internationales. C'est un fan d'Arsenal, et pendant son temps libre, il aime explorer...Read More
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piyasahaberleri · 2 years ago
Yargıç Qazi Faez Isa (ortada), IHC Başkanı Aamer Farooq (solda) ve Belucistan Yüksek Mahkemesi Başkanı Naeem Akhtar Afghan'dan (sağda) oluşan bir kombo. — SC/IHC/BHC/DosyaİSLAMABAD: Federal hükümetin, yargıyla ilgili ses sızıntılarını araştırmak için oluşturulan yüksek kuvvetli adli komisyona karşı dilekçeleri dinlemek suretiyle Baş Yargıç Umar Ata Bandial tarafınca oluşturulan kürsüye itirazda bulunmasından bigün sonrasında, komisyon Çarşamba günü endişelerini de dile getirdi. tezgah.Duruşmadan ilkin - SC Yargıcı Qazi Faez Isa başkanlığındaki soruşturma komisyonu tarafınca verilen bir yanıtta "Bu heyetin bu dilekçeleri dinlemesi uygun olmaz." Baş Yargıç Bandial başkanlığındaki ve Yargıç Ijaz ul Ahsan, Yargıç Munib Akhtar, Yargıç Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi ve Yargıç Shahid Waheed'den oluşan beş üyeli bir Yüksek Mahkeme (SC) heyeti dilekçeleri dinliyor. Yargıtay Barolar Birliği (SCBA) Başkanı Abid Shahid Zuberi, SCBA Sekreteri Muqtedir Akhtar Shabbir, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Başkanı Imran Khan ve Avukat Riaz Hanif Rahi tarafınca sunulan dilekçelerde komisyon oluşumunun yasadışı duyuru edilmesi talep edildi. Bundan önceki duruşmada mahkeme, komisyonun işleyişini durdurdu ve federal hükümetin komisyon tüzüğüne aykırı bildirimini askıya aldı.Ek olarak soruşturmanın oluşturulmasında HSK'ya danışılmamasına itiraz ederek hükümete ve komisyona soruşturmayla ilgili tebligatlar yayınlamıştır.Bununla beraber, federal hükümet, bigün ilkin, soruşturma komisyonuna karşı dilekçeleri dinleyen beş üyeli daha büyük heyetten üçüne karşı "çıkar çatışması" öne sürerek bir müdafa yapmış oldu.Hükümet dilekçesinde, dilekçeleri dinlemek için yeni bir kürsü oluşturulmasını talep etti.Federal hükümet, son ses sızıntılarının doğruluğunu ve bunların yargının bağımsızlığı üstündeki tesirini araştırmak için bir haftadan uzun bir süre ilkin - Pakistan Soruşturma Komisyonları Yasası, 2017'nin 3. Kısmı uyarınca - üç üyeli bir adli komisyon oluşturmuştu.Komisyonun yanıtıBugünkü duruşma öncesinde, Komisyon Sekreteri Hafeezullah Khajjak, Yüksek Mahkeme'nin bildirisine bir cevap sundu.Komisyon yanıtında, kendisine mevzu ile ilgili herhangi bir bildirim yapılmadan yargılamanın niçin durdurulduğunu ve durdurma sonucu verilmeden ilkin niçin dinlenilmediğini merak etti.Yanıtta, "Komisyonun işlemleri, Soruşturma Komisyonu dinlenmeden durduruldu" ifadesi yer aldı.Ek olarak, komisyonun cevabı, iddia edilen ses sızıntılarının öteki hiçbir üyesinin Yüksek Mahkeme'de savunmada bulunmadığına yada komisyona itiraz etmediğine işaret ederek, birkaç kişinin soruşturmaya itirazı olmadığını doğruladığını ekledi.Yargıtay'ın, komisyonun yargı meselelerini soruşturma görevinin Yüksek Yargı Kurulu'nun görevi olması sebebiyle Yüksek Yargı Kurulu'nun yetkilerini gasp etmiş olduğu yönündeki iddialarına değinen yanıtta, komisyonun 209. oturum.Gelen yanıtta, “Komisyon eyleminin Yüksek Yargı Kurulu eylemi sayılmaması gerektiği açıklanmıştır” denildi.Ek olarak, 26 sayfalık detaylı yanıtta komisyon, görevdeki heyetin mevzuyu dinlemeye uygunluğu mevzusunda sorular yöneltti.Komisyon, dün meydana gelen dilekçesinde federal hükümetle aynı çizgiyi benimseyerek şunları söylemiş oldu: “Yüksek Mahkeme ve Yüksek Mahkemelerin Başkanları ve Hakimlerinin yeminleri, 'İslam Cumhuriyeti Anayasası'na uygun hareket etmelerini' gerektiriyor. Pakistan ve hukuk'.Ek olarak, 'Yüksek Yargı Kurulu tarafınca çıkarılan davranış kurallarına uymak' ve 'kişisel çıkarlarının' 'resmi davranışlarını' yada 'resmi kararlarını' etkilemesine izin vermemekle yükümlüdürler."Cevap, bir yargıcın kendi çıkarını ilgilendiren bir davada hareket etmeyi "kesin bir halde reddetmesi" icap ettiğini belirtti.Komisyonu korumak için çaba sarfeden cevap, soruşturmada kişisel bir çıkarının bulunmadığını ve bu sorumluluğun yasa uyarınca kendisine verildiğini söylemiş oldu.Komisyon, anayasaya ve yasaya nazaran üstüne düşen sorumluluğu yerine getirecektir" ifadeleri yer alırken, ilgili taraflarca yapılacak itirazların da dikkate alınacağı bildirildi.Ek olarak komisyon, 5 üyeli kürsünün oluşturulma usulüne de itiraz etti.Cevap, "Kürsü oluşumu mevzusu Hakemler Komitesi'nin önüne getirilmedi" dedi.Bu hususlar ışığında komisyon, 5 üyeli heyetin duruşmayı Hakkaniyet Komisyonu tarafınca kurul oluşana kadar ertelemesinin daha iyi olacağını ileri sürdü.Ses sızıntıları araştırılacakKomisyona aşağıdaki ses sızıntılarını araştırması için bildirimde bulunulmuş oldu:Eski Punjab başbakanı ile bir savunucu içinde, bazı davaların belirli bir SC kürsüsü önünde karara bağlanması hakkında görüşme.Eski Punjab başbakanı ile görevdeki bir yüksek mahkeme yargıcı arasındaki görüşme.Pakistan'ın eski baş yargıcı Saqib Nisar ile kıdemli bir avukat arasındaki görüşme.Belirli bir SC heyeti önündeki bir davanın sonucu hakkında bir avukat ve bir gazeteci içinde görüşme.Eski başbakan Khan ve parti meslektaşı içinde yüksek mahkemedeki bağlantıları hakkında görüşme.CJP'li kayınvalidesi Umar Ata Bandial ile bir avukatın eşi içinde SC davalarına ilişkin görüşme ve anayasaya aykırı bir kurala ilişkin konuşma.Eski CJP'li Nisar'ın oğlu Najam Saqib ile arkadaşı içinde siyasal bir rolde babasından bahseden görüşme.Bu gelişmekte olan bir öykü ve yakında güncellenecek...
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aamernaeemuk · 4 years ago
Penny Appeal CEO Receives an OBE for Services to Muslim Communities
“If you don’t know much about Muslims,” opens comedian, Tez Ilyas, “you’ll recognise us from that hit TV show… the News.” His joke points to a more sobering reality as study after study has demonstrated portrayal of Muslims to be at best simplistic and stereotyped, and at worst, grossly inaccurate and violent.
The reality, however, is a world away from the tired typecasts of taxi drivers and terrorists, in fact Muslims are our country’s most diverse religious community. From the 400,000 who fought for Britain in WWI to the tens of thousands of healthcare professionals who serve in our NHS, British Muslims are woven into the fabric of the UK’s past, present and indeed its future.
British Muslims can be found contributing to society on every level and from amongst them has emerged exceptional individuals, who are shaping the industries in which they are working in and redefining what it means to be a Muslim of Britain today. One such person, who encapsulates British Muslims at their best, is charity CEO and Leadership Consultant, Aamer Naeem who has just been awarded an OBE for services to the Muslim community in the Queen's New Year Honours List.
Qualifying with a 1st class honours as a pharmacist and rising up the ranks in a multi-national chain over the years, Aamer found himself in state of shock when the news of the Kosovo crisis captured the world’s attention in 1999. As a young man, witnessing the persecution of a Muslim minority on European soil, he knew that he needed to do something to help and so he traveled to Albania as a volunteer Pharmacist.
Working with the doctors in charge of the largest refugee camp in Tirana, it became clear that the cause of the vast majority of illnesses was poor sanitation. Ever the pragmatist, Aamer went about knocking down the grossly inadequate port-a-loos, and then worked to build a proper sanitation infrastructure for the camp. Within 3 months, the rate of illnesses in the camp had been reduced by 80% and Aamer’s intervention had also created almost a dozen jobs for refugees to work as cleaners and maintainers of the the new facilities. It was then when Aamer had had his first taste of humanitarianism and he’s never looked back since.
With a passion for leadership development and effective governance, Aamer works as a consultant and leadership trainer providing strategic and operational guidance to a broad range of organisations and initiatives spanning the public, private and voluntary sectors. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and has sat as a fitness to practice committee member on behalf of the General Pharmaceutical Council of Great Britain as well as the General Teaching Council for England.
His primary focus, however, is serving as the Global Chief Executive of Penny Appeal, a multi-award winning relief and development agency working in over 30 countries around the world and at home in the UK. In the 5 years that Aamer has been leading Penny Appeal, he has grown their annual income from £400k to in excess of a staggering £24m.
Notably, Aamer introduced a strict policy in Penny Appeal in 2016 that for each programme they do abroad, they have a twin-sister project here in the UK. This was an industry-first and bold move for a Muslim-led charity which historically has focused spending abroad. However, in keeping with the increasingly rooted identity of Muslims to Britain, Penny Appeal has made it their mission to raise the profile of domestic poverty and empower people to help tackle it. In doing so, the charity has also helped address negative portrayals of British Muslims by bringing to the fore positive narratives that seldom make the headlines.
Just like Christianity, Judaism (and most other religious traditions for that matter), Islam emerged from the East and yet within its DNA is the ability to marry with local culture and custom, growing where it’s planted and thus inspiring Islamic civilisation from as far as China to the South of Spain. This process of indigenisation for British Muslims has been met with a number of challenges, and so being conscientious of these, Aamer has diligently worked to identify solutions and create institutional responses that empower communities to feel confidently Muslim, and comfortably British.
Thus, as well as being credited as one of the fastest growing charities in the faith-led sector, Penny Appeal is also considered to be one of the most innovative and dynamic faith-led organisations in the country too, reconciling the timeless values and traditions of Islam with the contemporary challenges of modern day Britain and beyond.
Examples of this process in action include bringing together fostering and adoption experts with classically trained Islamic scholars to address the massive under-representation of Muslim families as potential foster carers and adopters. Preliminary research indicated a de-contextualised understanding of Islamic scriptures was perhaps at the root of this poor uptake and thus Aamer facilitated a series of symposia that brought traditional teachings up to speed with contemporary challenges. The result was the publication of ‘The Penny Appeal Islamic Guide to Adoption and Fostering’ which was endorsed by over 100 Muslim scholars and was launched in the House of Commons. The document is now a cornerstone advisory paper that highlights the communal responsibility for Muslims to adopt and foster and is directly responsible for the narrowing of this under-representation.
Another example is in the type of events Penny Appeal has been able to put on. Championed by Aamer, the charity has toured the country, consecutively for four years with The Super Muslim Comedy Tour. Using the medium of comedy as a form of cultural catharsis, the tour affords Muslims with a safe space to laugh, reflect and raise money for great causes too. A further example, and in what is thought to be a world’s first, Penny Appeal founded and toured The Great Muslim Pantomime, a family favourite which perfectly exemplifies how British Muslims are bringing together the different elements of their identity and living out what it means to be confidently Muslim and comfortably British.
Likewise, Aamer has embedded this philosophy of integration into the charity’s volunteering scheme, its marketing and branding and its work with ambassadors including the renowned singer-songwriter, Yusuf Islam / Cat Stevens.
Under Aamer’s stewardship, Penny Appeal has become more than a charity, it has become a movement, led by British Muslims and serving the most vulnerable and neglected in society, regardless of who they may be. The Times revealed that British Muslims are the country’s most generous group of people, and as the CEO of one of the country’s biggest Muslim charities, Aamer is channeling that generosity in a way that opens minds, starts conversations and creates a radically positive narrative about what it means to be a British Muslim today.
Ultimately, stereotypes are lazy and there is much more to Muslim communities than what they are made out to be in the news. By shining a light on the immense positive contributions British Muslims are making to Britain and beyond, perhaps we can shift the rising tides of Islamophobia and inspire a generation of young change-makers that are able to look up to the likes of Aamer Naeem as a role models and be inspired to do their bit to make the world a better place for all.
It’s an honour to call Aamer Penny Appeal’s CEO; he’s an individual with incredible vision, compassion and wisdom. Exemplifying what it truly means to be confidently Muslim and comfortably British, Aamer really cares about positive representation for British Muslims.
In his words, once we as British Muslims feel comfortable and secure in our own identity, we can spend more time looking outwards and helping others. We couldn’t be prouder – well done, Aamer!
Resource: https://pennyappeal.org/news/penny-appeal-ceo-receives-obe-queens-new-year-honours-list
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nowpakistan · 4 years ago
'Integrity' of Muslim charity founder Adeem Younis restored as investigation finds no wrongdoing
‘Integrity’ of Muslim charity founder Adeem Younis restored as investigation finds no wrongdoing
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Adeem Younis was subjected to a failed attempted coup in late September 2019 by the then-CEO Aamer Naeem who himself resigned under a cloud less than two months later in December 2019. Twitter/pennyappeal.org (@pennyappeal)/via The News
LONDON: The founder of a Muslim charity, Penny Appeal, was reinstated to his full place Friday on the board of trustees after a lengthy probe into allegations…
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thelahorepost-blog · 7 years ago
ECP to approach apex court against LHC, BHC verdicts
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The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) announced on Saturday that they will approach the Supreme Court against the Lahore High Court (LHC)’s rejection of the nomination papers designed by the parliamentary committee and Balochistan High Court’s decision nullifying new delimitations of eight constituencies. Additional Secretary of the ECP Dr Akhtar Nazir announced this while addressing a news conference in Islamabad. “Elections will be held on July 25. Any caretaker government or authority can’t appoint or transfer any government employee until the general elections as per the Election Act,” he said. The meeting deliberated on the nomination papers and court decisions on delimitation, he further added. Nazir said that in case of any delays, the ECP can push the schedule by two or three days maximum. The top court is to be consulted immediately and expect directives from the SC by June 4. The Lahore High Court annulled delimitation which is why we decided to approach SC, future course of action will be decided upon after SC’s decision, Nazir added. Nomination papers will not be accepted on June 3 and 4. In a development that may potentially delay the upcoming polls scheduled for July 25, the LHC on Friday declared the new nomination papers made by parliament against Article 62, 63 of the Constitution and directed the Election Commission of Pakistan to redraft them. The LHC judge Justice Ayesha A Malik on Friday issued the verdict earlier reserved on petitions filed through advocate Saad Rasool. Challenging the section 60, 110 and 137b of the Election Act, the petitioners had argued that parliament was not competent enough to draft the forms for candidates as it was the job of the ECP. The petitioners contended that the candidates taking part in the elections had been protected by the new changes in the forms, as a result of which the voters would not be able to know about the candidates they were voting for.  The petitioners asked the court to declare the impugned forms unconstitutional. IHC nullifies Abbottabad’s delimitation Separately, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) also declared as void the ECP’s April 13 order and annulled delimitations of the Khyber-Pakhtunkwa’s (K-P) Abbottabad district while issuing verdict on a petition filed by the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Murtaza Javed Abbasi. The constituencies whose delimitations have been annulled include National Assembly’s NA-15 and NA-16, and the provincial assembly’s PK-37 and PK-38 seats. The IHC judge, Aamer Farooq, however, dismissed petitions to nullify delimitations of four other districts including Multan, Vehari, Silakot and Rahim Yar Khan. BHC nullifies delimitation of 8 constituencies The Balochistan High Court (BHC) on Friday also nullified new delimitations of eight constituencies of Balochistan and ordered the ECP to review the area and issue new delimitation. A BHC divisional bench, comprising Justice Naeem Akhter Afghan and Justice Abdullah Baloch, directed the ECP to review flaws in the newly issued delimitation and ordered to reorganise delimitation according to population of the areas. Hearing various petition filed by former MPAs and MNAs including Jam Kamal and Sardar Kamal Khan Bangulzai, the BHC nullified delimitation Quetta-I PB 24, II PB 25, III PB 26, IV PB 27, V PB 28, VI PB 29 VII PB  30, IX PB 31. Balochistan Assembly on Wednesday unanimously approved a resolution tabled by former home minister Sarfaraz Bugti seeking one month delay in election. Read the full article
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piyasahaberleri · 2 years ago
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Başkanı Imran Khan Cumartesi günü, telefon dinlemenin arkasındaki "kuvvetli ve bilinmeyen unsurları" araştırmak için ses sızıntılarıyla ilgili yüksek kuvvetli adli komisyonun yetkilendirilmesi çağrısında bulunmuş oldu.Bugün erken saatlerde federal hükümet, yargıçların karıştığı ses sızıntılarını araştırmak için Yargıç Qazi Faez Isa liderliğindeki ve Yargıç Naeem Akhtar Afghan ve Yargıç Aamer Farooq'un da aralarında bulunmuş olduğu üç üyeli yargı komisyonu kurdu. PTI şefi, Twitter hesabından yapmış olduğu detaylı açıklamada, federal hükümetin ses sızıntısı sorununu araştırmak için "2017 tarihindeki Soruşturma Komisyonları Yasası'nın 3. Kısmı" kapsamında bir soruşturma komisyonu oluşturduğunu söylemiş oldu. Bununla beraber, federal hükümet tarafınca belirlenen vazife tanımlarının (TOR'lar) kasıtlı bir ihmalden muzdarip bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu. "Başbakanlık ve Yargıtay hakimlerinin hukuka aykırı ve anayasaya aykırı nezaretinin arkasında kimin olduğu konusunu dikkate almıyorlar." talep etti. komisyon yüksek kamu görevlileri de dahil olmak suretiyle vatandaşların telefon görüşmelerini dinleyen ve kaydeden bu kuvvetli ve bilinmeyen unsurların kim bulunduğunu soruşturma yetkisine haiz olmalıdır. Geçen yıl Nisan ayında iktidardan indirilen Khan, telefon dinlemenin Anayasa'nın 14. Maddesi kapsamında güvence altına alınan mahremiyetin ciddi şekilde ihlali bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu. "Yalnızca yasa dışı telefon dinleme ve seyretme yöntemiyle yasa dışı bir halde veri alanlardan değil, değişik telefon görüşmelerini uydurma ve kurcalama yöntemiyle toplumsal medyaya sızdıranlardan da hesap sorulmalıdır." “Hukukun üstünlüğü ile yönetilen demokrasiler, devletin yaşamın belirli yönlerine hazzı olarak müdahale etmemesi icap ettiğini önerir. 14. madde kapsamında güvence altına alınan mahremiyet ve özsevi hakkı, devletin bir kişiyi hukuka aykırı bir halde izlediği her durumda açıkça ihlal edilmiş olur” dedi. Khan, son zamanlarda sızan bazı aramaların Başbakanlık ofisinde güvenli olması ihtiyaç duyulan bir telefon hattı üstünden yapıldığını söylemiş oldu. "Gene de, bunlar yasa dışı bir halde dinlendi ve uyduruldu/kurcalandı." “Görünüşe gore, bu tür cüretkar dinlemelerin ardındaki unsurlar, Pakistan Başbakanı'nın emri ve hatta bilgisi haricinde bir halde çalışıyor. Yasaların üstünde, ülkenin başbakanının bile emri haricinde olan ve ceza görmeden bu tür hukuksuz gözetlemeye başvuran bu erkek oyuncular kimlerdir? Bu tür unsurların Komisyon tarafınca tespit edilmesi gerekiyor,” diye talep etti Khan.
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aamernaeemuk · 4 years ago
Penny Appeal CEO Receives an OBE for Services to Muslim Communities
“If you don’t know much about Muslims,” opens comedian, Tez Ilyas, “you’ll recognise us from that hit TV show… the News.” His joke points to a more sobering reality as study after study has demonstrated portrayal of Muslims to be at best simplistic and stereotyped, and at worst, grossly inaccurate and violent.
The reality, however, is a world away from the tired typecasts of taxi drivers and terrorists, in fact Muslims are our country’s most diverse religious community. From the 400,000 who fought for Britain in WWI to the tens of thousands of healthcare professionals who serve in our NHS, British Muslims are woven into the fabric of the UK’s past, present and indeed its future.
British Muslims can be found contributing to society on every level and from amongst them has emerged exceptional individuals, who are shaping the industries in which they are working in and redefining what it means to be a Muslim of Britain today. One such person, who encapsulates British Muslims at their best, is charity CEO and Leadership Consultant, Aamer Naeem who has just been awarded an OBE for services to the Muslim community in the Queen's New Year Honours List.
Qualifying with a 1st class honours as a pharmacist and rising up the ranks in a multi-national chain over the years, Aamer found himself in state of shock when the news of the Kosovo crisis captured the world’s attention in 1999. As a young man, witnessing the persecution of a Muslim minority on European soil, he knew that he needed to do something to help and so he traveled to Albania as a volunteer Pharmacist.
Working with the doctors in charge of the largest refugee camp in Tirana, it became clear that the cause of the vast majority of illnesses was poor sanitation. Ever the pragmatist, Aamer went about knocking down the grossly inadequate port-a-loos, and then worked to build a proper sanitation infrastructure for the camp. Within 3 months, the rate of illnesses in the camp had been reduced by 80% and Aamer’s intervention had also created almost a dozen jobs for refugees to work as cleaners and maintainers of the the new facilities. It was then when Aamer had had his first taste of humanitarianism and he’s never looked back since.
With a passion for leadership development and effective governance, Aamer works as a consultant and leadership trainer providing strategic and operational guidance to a broad range of organisations and initiatives spanning the public, private and voluntary sectors. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and has sat as a fitness to practice committee member on behalf of the General Pharmaceutical Council of Great Britain as well as the General Teaching Council for England.
His primary focus, however, is serving as the Global Chief Executive of Penny Appeal, a multi-award winning relief and development agency working in over 30 countries around the world and at home in the UK. In the 5 years that Aamer has been leading Penny Appeal, he has grown their annual income from £400k to in excess of a staggering £24m.
Notably, Aamer introduced a strict policy in Penny Appeal in 2016 that for each programme they do abroad, they have a twin-sister project here in the UK. This was an industry-first and bold move for a Muslim-led charity which historically has focused spending abroad. However, in keeping with the increasingly rooted identity of Muslims to Britain, Penny Appeal has made it their mission to raise the profile of domestic poverty and empower people to help tackle it. In doing so, the charity has also helped address negative portrayals of British Muslims by bringing to the fore positive narratives that seldom make the headlines.
Just like Christianity, Judaism (and most other religious traditions for that matter), Islam emerged from the East and yet within its DNA is the ability to marry with local culture and custom, growing where it’s planted and thus inspiring Islamic civilisation from as far as China to the South of Spain. This process of indigenisation for British Muslims has been met with a number of challenges, and so being conscientious of these, Aamer has diligently worked to identify solutions and create institutional responses that empower communities to feel confidently Muslim, and comfortably British.
Thus, as well as being credited as one of the fastest growing charities in the faith-led sector, Penny Appeal is also considered to be one of the most innovative and dynamic faith-led organisations in the country too, reconciling the timeless values and traditions of Islam with the contemporary challenges of modern day Britain and beyond.
Examples of this process in action include bringing together fostering and adoption experts with classically trained Islamic scholars to address the massive under-representation of Muslim families as potential foster carers and adopters. Preliminary research indicated a de-contextualised understanding of Islamic scriptures was perhaps at the root of this poor uptake and thus Aamer facilitated a series of symposia that brought traditional teachings up to speed with contemporary challenges. The result was the publication of ‘The Penny Appeal Islamic Guide to Adoption and Fostering’ which was endorsed by over 100 Muslim scholars and was launched in the House of Commons. The document is now a cornerstone advisory paper that highlights the communal responsibility for Muslims to adopt and foster and is directly responsible for the narrowing of this under-representation.
Another example is in the type of events Penny Appeal has been able to put on. Championed by Aamer, the charity has toured the country, consecutively for four years with The Super Muslim Comedy Tour. Using the medium of comedy as a form of cultural catharsis, the tour affords Muslims with a safe space to laugh, reflect and raise money for great causes too. A further example, and in what is thought to be a world’s first, Penny Appeal founded and toured The Great Muslim Pantomime, a family favourite which perfectly exemplifies how British Muslims are bringing together the different elements of their identity and living out what it means to be confidently Muslim and comfortably British.
Likewise, Aamer has embedded this philosophy of integration into the charity’s volunteering scheme, its marketing and branding and its work with ambassadors including the renowned singer-songwriter, Yusuf Islam / Cat Stevens.
Under Aamer’s stewardship, Penny Appeal has become more than a charity, it has become a movement, led by British Muslims and serving the most vulnerable and neglected in society, regardless of who they may be. The Times revealed that British Muslims are the country’s most generous group of people, and as the CEO of one of the country’s biggest Muslim charities, Aamer is channeling that generosity in a way that opens minds, starts conversations and creates a radically positive narrative about what it means to be a British Muslim today.
Ultimately, stereotypes are lazy and there is much more to Muslim communities than what they are made out to be in the news. By shining a light on the immense positive contributions British Muslims are making to Britain and beyond, perhaps we can shift the rising tides of Islamophobia and inspire a generation of young change-makers that are able to look up to the likes of Aamer Naeem as a role models and be inspired to do their bit to make the world a better place for all.
It’s an honour to call Aamer Penny Appeal’s CEO; he’s an individual with incredible vision, compassion and wisdom. Exemplifying what it truly means to be confidently Muslim and comfortably British, Aamer really cares about positive representation for British Muslims.
In his words, once we as British Muslims feel comfortable and secure in our own identity, we can spend more time looking outwards and helping others. We couldn’t be prouder – well done, Aamer!
Resource: https://pennyappeal.org/news/penny-appeal-ceo-receives-obe-queens-new-year-honours-list
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aamernaeemuk · 5 years ago
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