#Aaah it's been so long since I've drawn
imma-bunni · 2 years
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my first time drawing wwx in so long and I drown the poor guy..
don’t worry I’m sure hes fine
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fieldofdaisiies · 2 years
Ok hear me out: not a request, not a fic, just a concept. Elain having a platonic crush.
Elain is the first one to notice the mutual pinning between Az and Y/N, even when they themselves are oblivious to this atraction. But instead of feeling jelous, Elain understands why her and even finds Y/N quite exciting to be around. They recently started spending time together in an unspoken kind of arrangement.
"Since when do you bake?" Cassian asked mokingly over dinner at the Town House, oggling with curiosity the cherry pie Cerridwen had brought up to the table. "I thought you to be more an adventurous, exciting kind of spirit. I never took you for a House wife Y/N" he grinned.
They had baked that pie together. She had kindly offered to join Elain in the kitchen early that day after training, to help her prepare something for the weekly dinner.
Y/N leaned back in her sit, chest puff out accentuating her cleavage, a glass of wine swaying in her hand. She wore a cocky grin on her full lips, body slightly angled towards Azriel who sat at her side. The person she likes the best, Elain noticed.
There was no secret agenda in her behavior— Elain took notice of that too—, it was just who she was, confident and gracefuly sensual in a natural way. Elain felt drawn to her, wanting to orbitate her space and learn more about her. She admired her bold personality and kind spirit.
"I go on adventures every other day Cass, there's no shame in enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Everyone deserves a sweet little treat sometimes." There was a glint of amusement in her eyes as she turned her attention towards Elain and winked at her.
The middle Archeron sister blushed at the gesture and smiled before taking a sip from her own glass.
Later that night, Elain found herself enjoying a cup of tea before bed sitting in the couch next to a quiet looking Y/N. Everyone else had dispersed around the house engaging in their own conversations. The light from the lit fireplace casted an aura of cozyness across the entire room.
"Sometimes I wish I was half as confident and strong as you are" Elain spoke softly, as if not wanting to disturb the thoughts of the female at her side.
Y/N blinked a couple of times and looked at her for a long minute, then procedeed to smile warmly. "I wish I could wear my heart on my sleeve the way that you do Elain. It takes tremendous corage to stay soft in a world so deeply cut by cruelty... My whole life I've been taught to act tough, to not show my emotions because it meant weakness. Do not be fooled by my "confidence". I wish I could be more like you." She finished, casting a longingly look at the Shadowsinger perched on the backyard porch.
There was something implied in her words, although they carried no malice, Elain had a feeling it had something to do with the time the Shadowsinger had spent with her recently. In a sudden burst of confident she surged fowards and gave a small squeeze to the upper arm of Y/N, smiling reasuringly. Because she knew the truth, even if the stunning woman at her right didn't notice, Azriel had been sending the same looks in her direction all night.
"Perhaps we could learn one or two things from each other" she offered.
"I think I'd love that." Y/N answered with a smile full of confidence.
Elain felt warmth spread through her chest, perhaps this was the first true friend she'd manage to make since she arrived at the Night Court.
I love, love, loooooove this💛 I want Elain to be happy and I want her to find a friend. Yes yes yes, this was soooo cute omg
"Perhaps we could learn one or two things from each other" she offered. 💛💛💛
Lovely anon, don’t you want to turn this into a fic? I mean you have written so much already, the concept is beautiful.... Why not write a story? And tag me if you decide to do so?💛
Also I love the part where Elain is so fine with Az having a little crush on Y/N, because she undestands and is so kind.
aaah that is why I love chatting with you soooo much💛
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7goodangel · 7 years
Ah gosh I forgot I had this sketch! 
Well since it is Splatfest - I think this is a good time to post this super old sketch o-o
So... I was scrolling on SplatNet2 one day to see what kind of gear is for sale... and I came across this:
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(image from SplatoonWiki)
THIS. I was like “Oh my gosh I need this super 90s jacket”. Which then made me think about if Fresh was in the Splatoon universe... just gosh what a match for that parasite. (honestly I bet others have thought of this prior to me.. it just took me so long to make the connections)
ANYWAY - I kinda want to digitize this sketch later.. think it will be fun to color a squid Fresh staring into your soul! ^^
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(GEEZ it took me forever to find the gosh dang letters to use since it IS Splatoon and those squid-kids got their own lingo and alphabet o-o)
 Fresh was created by CQ!
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mickeycookies · 8 years
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Commission for @lazura!
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babbierabies · 6 years
since I feel like no one knows about the manga series Re/member, i wanted to talk to yall about it.
it is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Welsard, which I haven't read but it seems good, judging by the adaptation drawn by Katsutoshi Murase.
The series has been finished and published in Japan in 17 tomes that are still being translated in other countries (mine at least)
for the genre: it's horror, and gore, lots of blood, etc and the protagonists die more than once, so if you are sensible, be careful; thriller, tragedy, school-life, supernatural.
great graphisms. 👌🏼but like, very good.
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the storyline is actually very linear and simple, i'd say, but in the 13 tomes i've already read, it never gets tiring because there's also a lot of surprises and a final goal that is "to get out of the shit they're in" while uncovering the mysteries around the curse that is in action here.
The synopsis: During an ordinary day, six (6) students of the high-school of Oma (Japan), fall under the curse of the Red-Blood (actually I don't know her name in english so this is a word for word translation): condemned to spend the same day searching for the eight bodyparts of their friend Haruka hidden in all of their school buildings, they will be forced to participate in a gruesome body hunt that is Red-Blood's curse. Their only hope is to find the whole body or else they'll be teleported every night at 00:00 in front of the high-school, and until all the body parts are put together, they will die at the hands of the Red-blood during the the hunt and will wake up the next day, which will be the same date as "yesterday". In other words, they can live this nightmare during years as long as they don't finish the hunt.
it is very difficult to explain in so little lines and this synopsis doesn't explain a lot but here are some basic rules that are given to us in the beginning of their first night and already known by the protagonists since it's a "legend":
The Red-Blood haunts the high-school's buildings afterschool.
The Red-Blood can appear in front of any isolated student.
The one who saw the Red-Blood must not look back as long as they have not crossed the school's portal. Whoever looks back before is dismembered and the eight parts of their body are hidden in the high-school's buildings.
The Red-Blood's victim reappears the next day and asks other students to search for their body.
You can not refuse a party of body hunt.
The Red-Blood can appear whenever during a body hunt.
The party goes on until the whole body is found.
You never really die in a game of body hunt.
unpredictable things will happen, that i cant talk about for spoilers risks but there is a new body hunt after the seventh (7) tome, the main protagonist changes and we don't see anymore two (2) others, but after this moment, we will learn more about the body hunt's origins and the Red-Blood's curse and other things really, we will also learn about new rules, but worry not, they don't appear out of nowhere and are still valid in the first hunt, just the conditions wheren't met. The six (6) students will also have Mr. Yashiro's help, a professor that participated in a previous hunt, to understand what is happening to them. he's a little unsettling but he's good dude.
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here's some pannels from the chapter 1, I couldn't find them in english, so I'm not sure if they are available in english but anyways:
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first pannel:
[If I had accompanied Haruka when she went to give her homework, yesterday... things would surely have ended differently.]
Haruka: Asuka...
Second Pannel:
Haruka: Search my body!
Third pannel:
Asuka: What?!
Fourth pannel:
Rié: Aah... Aaah...
Rumiko: Are you trying to scare us or what? It's not the moment!
Rumiko: ...
Asuka: Wh...
Sixth pannel:
The Red-Blood: Give me... some red...
Seventh pannel:
Asuka: ?!
Eighth pannel:
Asuka: Ah yes... I forgot...
[Once we see the Red-blood, we must not look back...]
the protags and us also learn two more rules just before the beginning of the hunt:
The Red-Blood sings a song.
The Red-Blood catches anyone who isn't fast enough. She will cling to their back while singing and will kill them once her song is finished.
well that was a little too much but i hope i made someone want to read it, it is very good in my opinion.
also, while doing research, I just learned that an anime adaptation has started in may 02 2017 and that the episodes are being released. For now I think there are 5 of them in vostfr, i unfortunately dont know about english sub.
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scaramew · 3 years
mie! do you have any ocs? :O
:0 anon !! AAAH it's been so long since I've drawn them ;; but yes, i have a cryo mage named ming yue :]
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I'm the same anon who keep seeing your posts in my recommended and now I just want to say that jules is indeed such a nice and handsome boy!! I hope you get to spend a lot of time with him! And also I've seen the art from your notebooks and it's so good!!! I really love your technique! Have you drawn for long and do you or have you taken any drawing classes??
aaah thank you!! you are so sweet i hope you are having a good day!!!! to answer your question ive been drawing since i was little, from as long as i can remember drawing has always been my passion (along with horses haha). i took drawing classes for a few months when i was 8-9 but it was more like a workshop where we drew what we wanted and the prof gave us advice. it didnt teach me a lot but it was fun!
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