#AX4406 animation
izzybubs24 · 5 months
"Reality Scan" Photogrammetry App
After experimenting with "Polycam", I then wanted to find an app that would allow me to download my 3D models as object files more easily, so that the process of then importing them into Maya for retopology would be easier and quicker.
I decided to ask a previous animation lecturer of mine for advice and he suggested I used an app called "Reality scan" as not only is it free but the models also upload directly to Sketchfab. This means I can then just download my 3D models as object files from Sketchfab to import into Maya.
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echo-ichigo05 · 1 month
Final output, After all this, I was finally able to finish it. Here is the final output. So thank you, everyone.
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joshartblog · 1 year
Final updates
I have finished my film! I am unable to show the final product here however here are the changes I have made.
I have finished the boss fight.
I have recorded the voices for the protagonist Jay and the antagonist depression
I have added royalty free sound effects to the animation courtesy of “Freesounds.com”
Using adobe premiere pro, I have pieced together and edited my film to run smoothly.
Thank you for following my progression on this journey.
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izzybubs24 · 4 months
Model 2 - Update
Here is how my model is looking after finishing the retopology process for it and refining some of its features. It is looking very different now to the model I digitalised using photogrammetry, but I believe this to be a good thing as it shows how I can continuously develop a character from its initial look.
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If I am going to be rigging this character for Animation the mouth will need a mouth palette added on the inside which will be something I will need to do before UV mapping this model.
However, I am really happy with how this design is turning out as even without textures, this simple model is also already showing so much more character than my original models done in ZBrush did for a previous submission.
Although I ran into numerous issues, I'm glad my patience will have paid off with the final result!
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izzybubs24 · 4 months
Model 1 - Update
Once I was happy with the head shape I then worked on closing the holes on the legs and the base of the body.
Here is how it's looking so far in its current state:
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I will be working on it more to refine some of its features. The mouth either needs sealing or an inner part added in order for me to UV map and texture it with no issues, and I would also like to work on the legs to give them a better shape.
However, I am much happier with how this design is looking now as even without textures it has a much more characterful look to it than before.
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izzybubs24 · 4 months
Model 1: Retopology
Now all my designs that I want to develop have been digitalised, I can now start the retopology phase.
I decided to work on my caterpillar-like design first as I found its shape and body structure the most interesting.
Here is a screenshot I took to show the new mesh forming:
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As the shape of this design was mostly symmetrical I only needed to retopologise half of it and duplicate it afterwards.
Here is what it looked like after applying retopology:
I wasn't too happy with the outcome as the base and bottoms of the legs still needed work to close all the holes. I also felt the mouth looked too flat and not at all like I had hoped it would look. Everything about it just needed a bit of work.
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Here is what it looked like once I had started adjusting the topology and the mesh on the designs head:
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I am definitely happier with how it's looking as I feel the design is starting to take shape now and show some character. I decided to give it a more beak-like mouth rather than keep its flat mouth as this gives the design a more interesting and appealing silouhette (an important factor to keep in mind when designing new characters).
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izzybubs24 · 4 months
DE4405: Feedback
Here is the feedback I received for my DE4405 submission.
What went well:
It’s great to see that you are working in different and creative ways to create new characters. You have expanded your methodologies and this should help you to find more creative ways of designing characters.  You have taken quite a long time over this method but it has helped move your practice on. You need to think about the time now and use these new visual ideas to create 3D models.
Ideas to consider:
Try out the process of photogrammetry on one model and compare it to your more traditional route.
Think about what you want to have in your show and then create a schedule going back from that. - An art book?  Blurb is very good but you have to factor in the time it takes to make it. - Printed out 3D models to display? Please talk to Francis about what files he needs. - Printing out huge 2D characters that can stand alone. Please go into digital print and talk to them.
The project is really coming together and you have expanded your work and your confidence in being more experimental to come up with ideas. The only issue for this hand in is the amount of work done. You poster and learning agreements are excellent and is your reflective diary. A great record of your journey and your reflections.  You have taken some excellent advise from industry too to develop your practice and give your more understanding of current industry requirements.
My response:
I have found all of this feedback very helpful and I will be able to use it as a checklist when progressing with my project. As for the body of work, I used last semester to show more variety in creature designs as well as trying out a new method to create variations. Due to my essay taking up a lot of my time for that semester I was unable to submit much for it. However, I now have final design ideas I am set on developing, and a better idea for the environment. So I am now able to just crack on with making the idea for my project outcome a reality.
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izzybubs24 · 5 months
"Reality Scan" Photogrammetry Experimentation - Model 6
Here is the link to my final creature design I scanned in using "reality scan" to perform photogrammetry. I'm very happy with how it turned out quality-wise as its features are all nice and prominent and the surface of the mesh is nice and smooth too.
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izzybubs24 · 27 days
Project Final Evaluation
The aim of my project was to allow me to investigate how the use of 3D Art can be used to enlighten audiences about the effects an unsustainable environment can have on the natural world, whilst also exploring the necessary skills and techniques needed to be ready to work as a 3D Artist in the Animation industry. I also used this MA to develop my portfolio by improving my 3D modelling, retopology, UV mapping and texturing skills that are needed to become a 3D Artist in industry, as this is the area of Animation that I wish to specialise in and pursue as a career, and I feel the outcome of this project has definitely shown all of the above on a very personal and unique level.
Earlier in the year I had plans to create a book for my Graduate Showcase, as well as plans to render my creatures in a second animation style and to also potentially rig and animate one of my evolved creature designs. However, due to time constraints, I was unable to complete these extra tasks as part of my project in the time frame I had left. Due to this, I needed to work with what I already had to make the final outcome of my project look as good as it possibly could. Which I definitely feel I succeeded in!
To conclude, even though the suggestions listed above were extras I was intending on including in my projects final outcome, I realise now that I had given myself too much to do in the time I had to do it. So overall, I am really proud of the amount of work that I was still able to produce in the timeframe I had, due to nothing ever going 100% smoothly for me along the way.
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izzybubs24 · 27 days
MA Project Showreel
Here is the showreel I put together containing all my finished rendered work:
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izzybubs24 · 27 days
Composited Poster
Poster I created to showcase all my creatures and environment assets I designed in one finalised composited image.
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I'm really pleased with how this image turned out as I feel the colours of the night sky wallpaper worked really well with the atmospheric colours and hues of the rendered scene itself, giving the scene on a whole a much more realistic feel to it.
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izzybubs24 · 27 days
Creature Turnarounds - Final Renders
Here are the final outcomes of my animated turnarounds I put together for each of my creature designs.
Evolved Lizards:
Evolved Marine Beetle:
Evolved Sea Beast:
Evolved Sea Worm:
Overall, I'm really pleased with how they all turned out and I'm especially happy with the lighting, as I feel the orange hue gives the creatures in each turnaround a warm and calming atmosphere, similar to the evolved world they live in.
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izzybubs24 · 27 days
As my scenes are set at night time I really wanted to add a light effect to give the effect of fireflies flying around in each composition. Fortunately, I managed to find an incredibly helpful tutorial which showed me how to create a realistic firefly effect using Adobe After Effects.
Firefly Tutorial:
I'm really glad I came across this tutorial as I found it incredibly helpful and it was exactly what I was wanting to create.
Here is the animation of the looped firefly effect I created within After Effects:
Overall, I'm really pleased with how my firefly effect turned out and I feel this overlay effect will help bring my scenes to life even more which is what they need due to their being no actual animation within the rendered scenes.
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izzybubs24 · 28 days
Background for Scene Compositions
As I only had about 2 days left before my final hand-in, I didn't have enough time to create my own night sky for the horizons of my scenes. Due to this, I needed to find existing backgrounds which I felt would still fit my scenes really well.
Here are the two wallpapers I felt fit the skies of my scenes the best.
Images of Night Skies:
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Overall, I feel these backgrounds fit my scenes really well, however I am sad that I didn't quite have enough time to create my own night sky background.
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izzybubs24 · 28 days
Final Scene Renders
Here are the final renders for each of my scene compositions which I updated upon responding to my tutors feedback in my last tutorial:
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Overall, I'm really pleased with how each render turned out and I feel adding the extra environment assets to each scene has definitely helped them look a lot better and more interesting. I'm also really glad I managed to have enough time to do this as adding more of my plant designs into each scene allows me to show off both my creatures and more of my plant assets in each scene.
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izzybubs24 · 1 month
Group Tutorial Feedback Session (16/08/2024)
In my group tutorial today I was able to update my tutor on my project. Overall, Mark was really happy with the progress I had made with my work so far, and he commented that the glowing parts of my creatures and plants worked really well. He also give me a few feedback suggestions which I will only be able to respond to if I have enough time. But hopefully I will!
Suggestions for Improvement:
Include more fauna/plant assets to the scenes as some of them have quite a large amount of blank space, making the creatures look lost.
Bring my orange Lizard on screen more so we can see more of it.
Adjust the positioning of the leaf on the giant plant or the Whale creature so that it doesn't have anything covering its face, as it currently just looks badly positioned.
Add a texture or displacement to the ground so it looks more natural as it currently just looks unfinished.
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