#AU in which Layton adopts the Barde kids
101flavoursofweird · 2 years
Arianna for V? (an abandoned or empty place)
I’m sorry this took so long and it’s not even for Arianna’s perspective, though she is a the foucs character! I’ve used the prompt to write a prequel oneshot to my longfic ‘Ready Now’. This is quite long, so under the Read More it goes!
From Now On
Summary: After the spectre’s defeat, Layton promises to protect the Barde siblings. 
Set: Set after the PL4 epilogue, when the Golden Garden is uncovered… Leads into an AU, though at this point, it could still be considered canon, outside of a credits picture or a bonus episode.
Spoilers: For PL4, and implications for Lost Future, Miracle Mask and Azran Legacy. All the games referencing Layton’s tragic backstory! I’m sure this won’t influence his decision to adopt two orphaned kids!
Warnings: Discussion of canon character death… Typical orphan angst for the series… Minor reference to Arianna’s illness… Minor reference to Layton’s stay in hospital… Descole isn’t portrayed in the best light since, at this point, he did just kidnap a bunch of people and try to destroy a town… Bumbling-dad Layton falls off a ladder, hurts his knees and flashes back to his childhood… That’s it!
Inspiration: I’m kind of embarrassed to say it’s ‘From Now On’ from the Greatest Showman. Also, the credits theme from PL4– Paxmáveiti
Arianna and Tony were, understandably, quiet as they left the Golden Garden. 
Hershel had never lost an animal companion— his mother was wary of dogs, his father was allergic to cats, and Claire hadn’t had time for pets— but then again, Loosha had been much more than that. 
Hershel couldn’t attest to the emotional intelligence of Loosha’s kind. (He was no palaeontologist ormarine biologist!) All he could assess was what he had witnessed and heard. 
Loosha had been alone, until she’d found kinship with the Barde siblings. After their father died, she had become a guardian to the both of them and to Misthallery as a whole. 
Loosha had sought out the Golden Garden with the hope of healing Arianna’s illness. 
As a social creature, she had wanted Arianna and Tony to let others into their lives. 
According to Luke, Loosha had thanked the siblings for their time together before she passed away. Perhaps Luke was merely trying to comfort his friends… but Hershel would like to believe this was true. 
Dogs had the capacity to experience fear and anger, happiness and sadness, along with loyalty and love. Some canines could even sense disease in humans. 
Why should an ancient sea creature be all that different? 
It didn’t matter what Hershel believed, anyway. The matter stood that Arianna and Tony— already orphaned and ostracised— had just lost their dearest friend. 
Not their only friend, mind you; Luke and the reliable townsfolk would do all they could to support the Bardes from now on. Hershel and Emmy would be amongst them, even if it meant travelling back and forth from London.
But for Arianna and Tony, letting people in was still going to take time.
Even after the spectre’s defeat… Even with those rumours about the ‘calamity witch’ cleared up… Even though there were and always had been neighbours who cared about the Barde children… There would still be those odd few who shunned them. 
Tony and especially Arianna had reason to be reluctant, after how much they were accused of ruining Misthallery. 
(Hershel could definitely relate to that.) 
Would Arianna and Tony feel safe returning to Barde Manor?
Before, the siblings had at least had Loosha at their beck and call, but now… 
Hershel turned his head to check the Bardes were trailing behind he, Emmy and Luke as they trudged out of the tunnel. 
Arianna had her arm around Tony’s shoulder as Tony clung to her back. For some reason he couldn’t explain, Hershel found the scene striking, and he had to force himself to look away. (A gentleman should never stare.) 
He and Emmy lifted the children out of the golden gateway. 
When they emerged from the passage, blinking around at the empty reservoir, the Bardes looked like a pair of lost chicks. 
“D-do you think everyone was okay,” Tony wondered, “after the flood?” His dark eyes asked a different question: Do you think everyone will blame Loosha— and us? 
Arianna gazed down at a puddle near their feet. 
Gently, Hershel reminded them, “Everyone was evacuated when the… machines came in.” ‘Robots’ would be a more appropriate term. (Hershel would have been shocked, had he not encountered mechanical mummies at Akbadain seventeen years ago…)
If the spectre robots had survived the flood, perhaps they could be put to good use rebuilding the town. 
“I hope Dad got evacuated with them,” Luke gasped. 
“He was most likely organising the evacuation,” Hershel said. As much as Clark had struggled with his mayoral duties, no one could deny that he was organised. 
“What about Mum?” Luke asked. “And Do— the real Donald? Where are they?” 
“They’re safe as can be at the Black Market,” Emmy said brightly. 
Surprisingly, Tony nodded with approval. Had Crow and the other Ravens left a good impression on him? 
“I have to see them!” Luke declared, grabbing hold of Emmy’s coat sleeve, as he had done to Hershel earlier. 
“Your mum almost said the same thing about you,” Emmy chuckled. “I promised I’d bring you back—“
“Let’s go!” Luke tugged on her arm, but then he paused. He looked back at Arianna and Tony— the friends he had only just reconciled with after so long. 
“It’s… alright, Luke,” Arianna said. She spoke falteringly, as if she feared her words would hurt him. “You should be with your family…” 
“You could— come with us?” Luke offered. 
“Thank you,” Arianna sighed wearily, “but I just want to go home.” 
“M-me too,” Tony mumbled. 
“On your own?” Emmy said. She frowned at Hershel, sharing the same concerns as him. 
That masked man— Descole— had escaped after vowing to defeat them someday. His robot army was now waterlogged, but who knew what he was capable of? Surely he wouldn’t hesitate to take another hostage…
What about Third Eye Jakes, his thugs, or any fiend who wished ill on the Barde children? 
Hershel held his hand out to Arianna and Tony. “May I accompany you home?” 
“R-really?” Tony said. 
“Of course. That’s what…” Hershel had been about to say, ‘That’s what a gentleman does!’, but he might risk upsetting Luke, who already felt conflicted about leaving his friends. 
Though Luke was well on his way to becoming a young gentleman, he needed to be with his mother, after the months they had spent apart. 
Hershel was keen to reconnect with Brenda himself— and Clark, now that he wasn’t  under duress— but at that moment, Arianna and Tony needed him. 
No one should be alone after suffering a loss. Clark and Brenda knew this. 
“…That’s what I’ll do,” Hershel said, instead. Much to his relief, Arianna nodded in agreement. 
The five of them plodded out of the dam together, but they had to part ways at the little bridge, which was miraculously still in tact. 
Luke promised he would visit Arianna and Tony tomorrow. Emmy told Hershel she would collect him from Barde Manor later on. 
With that, Luke and Emmy trooped down to the North Pier, while Hershel followed Arianna and Tony up to Barde Manor. 
Arianna kept glancing down the hill as they walked. 
“Luke is in safe hands,” Hershel informed her. “Emmy excels in self-defence— I saw her take out three thugs the other day.” 
“That’s good,” Arianna whispered, looking ahead as they reached the rusty old gates. 
Tony asked, “Do you know self-defence, Mr Layton?” 
“I’m afraid not,” Hershel admitted. Usually, he wasn’t one to boast, but he couldn’t resist adding, “Though, I was part of a fencing club years ago…” 
“Fencing?” Tony echoed. He surveyed the jagged blue fence surrounding the manor. 
“With swords,” Hershel clarified, hiding a smile behind his hand. 
“You can sword fight?!” Tony turned back to Hershel, gaping at him as if he was a knight in shining armour. 
Hershel wished he possessed that amount of skill and chivalry. If Descole ambushed them now, Hershel feared he would be no help at all… unless the Bardes happened to have an ornamental sword or an umbrella somewhere around the manor! 
There was a discarded hand trowel in the Bardes’ garden— maybe that would do? 
As Hershel picked up the trowel, Tony grimaced. “Sorry, I… haven’t really been taking care of the garden.”
Hershel said, “My own garden isn’t much better…” 
It was rather small and barren these days. 
Claire had always remembered to water the plants, but now Hershel often relied on the rain or his neighbour, Mrs. Cecílie, with her sprinklers. 
“We should plant some flowers soon,” Arianna murmured, “for Loosha.” 
Hershel hummed. He recalled seeing a stall in the market that sold flowers. Perhaps the owner, or one of the other residents, could help fix up the Bardes’ garden? 
Hershel would have offered, but he was hardly qualified. (Rosa had scolded him that time he’d let a potted plant wither on his office windowsill!)
As they wandered through the woodland part of the garden, Tony shivered and edged closer to Hershel. Either the poor boy was suffering from the cold or he was scared something might attack them. The fog had lifted slightly, but Hershel still remained vigilant. 
Arianna strode on ahead of them, undaunted. 
Hershel almost sighed with relief when they made it to the mansion. It didn’t seem as ominous as it had on first sight. Again, this might have been due to the fog clearing up…
Or could it be because Hershel now knew the occupants of the manor house? There were no witches or spectres to be found here— just two forlorn children.
Tony unlocked the front doors, and Hershel went in first. 
The dust in the entrance hall appeared undisturbed; if an intruder had broken in, it wasn’t through here. Hershel didn’t let Arianna and Tony leave his side until they had checked the rest of the house.
After that, Arianna retired to her bedroom. Hershel was left with Tony. 
The two of them spoke in unison:
“Do you—?” 
“Can I—?” 
Hershel gestured for Tony to go first. 
“Can I get you anything?” Tony said. 
“I was going to ask you the same,” Hershel said, smiling. 
Tony fiddled with the ends of his scarf.“You’re a guest…” 
You are a grieving child, Hershel thought, but he indulged Tony’s need to be useful and keep busy. “A cup of tea, perhaps?” 
Tony nodded keenly and led Hershel down to the kitchen. 
As Tony removed two cups, saucers and teabags from one of the many cupboards, Hershel tried to see how much food he and Arianna had left. It wasn’t much— and the fridge didn’t look very full either when Tony took out the milk. 
Tony had visited the market the other day, hadn’t he? He would have to restock soon. 
Hershel would save him another trip by going himself. 
That would depend on when the market was open after the flood… and how long Hershel would remain in Misthallery. 
While Tony boiled the kettle, Hershel remembered how he had rushed out of his office after reading what he believed to be Clark’s letter. He had practically disregarded Rosa… 
What would Hershel’s poor students make of his sudden leave of absence? Dean Delmona would permit Hershel a few days away, but not too long. 
Ma would go spare if Hershel failed to turn up for Sunday roast without an explanation. (He would definitely be omitting the more dangerous details of his latest case, especially the robot army!) 
Did Emmy have family waiting for her at home— presuming she lived in London? He would have to ask her… 
“Here you go.” Tony handed Hershel a steaming cup of tea with a saucer. 
“Thank you.”
Tony watched anxiously as Hershel took a sip. 
“Classic English breakfast tea…” Hershel hummed contently. “Can’t be beaten.” (If he was completely honest, he did find breakfast tea rather bland, but that was no fault of Tony’s.)
Rubbing the back of his head, Tony said, “Sorry I, um… threw you out last time you were here.” 
“It’s no problem,” Hershel replied. He drained the rest of his tea before saying, 
“I’m sorry we intruded— we were concerned for Arianna, but that’s no excuse.” 
Had there been any previous attempts— well-intentioned or otherwise— to break in to Barde Manor?  Hershel recalled one lady saying they used to check on the kids from time to time, but those visits had stopped due to all the disasters in town. 
“Me too,” Tony sighed. 
“May I ask, was Arianna aware of your… disguise?”
Arianna had seemed horrified when she heard Tony was behind the witch’s curse, but she hadn’t really commented on the fact that her little brother was disguised as ‘Seamus the gardener’. Surely she had questioned Tony’s absence whenever ‘Seamus’ was in the same room as her? 
“I… I think so.” Tony stared at his feet. “I’m sorry about that too— I still have to tell everyone in town…” 
Hershel pictured Tony in the plaza, surrounded by a temperamental crowd. Some of the townspeople— like the Black Ravens— would be forgiving, but others… 
Others had simply watched as Arianna (an infirm preteen girl) was tied up and put on trial by their corrupt police chief. 
Hershel quietly vowed to stand with Tony whenever he made his confession. 
“Your motive of protecting Arianna was pure,” Hershel said firmly. Those witch’s marks had been a protest against Arianna’s disparagement… and a plea for help. 
A small smile crept over Tony’s face. “Do you have any big sisters?” he asked Hershel. “Or brothers?” 
“…No. I’m afraid not.” 
Why had he hesitated like that? Hershel was, and always had been, an only child. 
Perhaps he had reminded Angela of her older brother (according to Randall)… but that was irrelevant. 
“Oh… That’s okay!” Tony said dismissively. 
Tony picked up another teacup and saucer from the kitchen counter. “I’m just going to… to take this up to Arianna!”
Hershel inclined his head and held the door open for Tony. 
“Be careful,” Hershel called as Tony almost spilled the tea running upstairs. 
Hershel would have gone with him, but he got the feeling Tony wanted to speak to Arianna alone. 
Hershel returned to the kitchen to tidy up the tea supplies. He then did a proper search of the cupboards and the fridge— yes, he would definitely need to do some shopping later. 
During his inspection, he came across a cupboard containing a blue feather duster, a broom, and other cleaning essentials, along with a stepladder. All of this reminded him of a puzzle, but he would have to file it away for another time. 
He might as well make himself useful while he was waiting… 
Rosa would have been proud; Hershel started in the kitchen, wiping the countertops and sweeping the floor, before he proceeded out to the entrance hall.
He stopped for a moment at the bottom of the staircase, wondering if Arianna and Tony would object to his cleaning.
After their father’s death, the children had ordered the household staff to leave. (Even the sympathetic staff, such as Beth, were prone to gossiping about the Barde family.) 
Now, hopefully, the staff would be invited back… but whether any of them would want to return was yet to be seen. 
If Hershel could take some of the work off their plates, perhaps people would be more inclined to stay.
It would make sense to clear the cobwebs from the ceiling first, and then move on to the floor. 
Unfortunately, even with the feather duster, Hershel couldn’t reach the ceiling. (Emmy would be tall enough, but she had claimed spiders were her one weakness!) 
Fortunately, there was that stepladder in the cleaning cupboard…
Hershel placed the stepladder against the wall opposite the staircase. He climbed up and started dusting the ceiling corner. 
“Excuse me, Miss…” he muttered apologetically as a spider scuttled away from him. 
Above Hershel, there were some cobwebs streaming from the wooden beams of the ceiling that he still couldn’t touch— even with the feather duster and the ladder. 
Hershel huffed. Clark had often poked fun at Hershel’s height back in university when Hershel couldn’t reach their top kitchen cupboard— but that was years ago… Surely Hershel had grown since then? 
Hershel stretched out his arm, lifting the feather duster as far as he could. He stood on his tiptoes. 
Hershel smiled as he finally bested the cobwebs. “Aha— WAH!” 
The stepladder toppled over, taking Hershel with it. 
“What was that noise?!”
“Mr Layton? What’s going on?” 
Grunting with pain, Hershel sat up on the floor. He blinked his eyes open as two figures came pelting down the stairs. 
The smaller figure had chestnut-ginger hair, dark eyes and a round face. He was wearing an orange coat-jacket with the buttons done up and a blue tie… Or was it a green scarf? 
Hershel squinted. 
The second figure was taller, with a white shirt collar and a red bow tie-ribbon. They were staring at Hershel with wide, fearful blue eyes— but wait… that wasn’t right…
“Who…?” Hershel thought, or maybe he said it aloud. 
The smaller figure rushed towards him.  Finally, Tony Barde came into focus. 
“M-Mr Layton? Professor Layton! Are you okay?”
“Y-yes, just a bit dazed, is all…” Hershel sighed and fixed his hat. (Somehow, it was still on his head.) 
Tony helped him stand up. Hershel tried not to wince as his knees ached. (Earlier, he had outrun a giant robot and a flood. A little fall was nothing for him to fuss over.) 
Arianna crept to his side as well. She looked from Hershel to the discarded step ladder and feather duster. “What were you doing up there?” 
“Cleaning,” Hershel answered simply, “until I fell…” His knees popped with pain as he bent to pick up the stepladder. “I’m sorry for scaring you—“
Tony beat him to the stepladder. “We were worried about you!” Tony gasped, lifting the ladder up. “We thought someone had broken in and—“
“And injured you!” Arianna interjected. 
Hershel was shocked by their concern— and touched. “I’m perfectly alright,” he reiterated. “And I… promise no one is going to break in.” 
By now, Hershel should have known better than to make promises he couldn’t confidently keep. That outcome would depend on outside forces— Jean Descole, Third Eye Jakes and the like. 
But if the worst came to pass, Hershel would do his best to uphold his promise— to protect Arianna and Tony. 
Thankfully, Tony seemed reassured. “A gentleman never goes back on his word,” Tony reminded him. 
Smiling, Hershel touched the brim of his hat. “Quite right, my boy.” 
Tony asked, “Do you need another cup of tea?”
“A glass of water will do nicely, thank you…” Hershel turned to the feather duster, but Arianna had already retrieved it. 
“You can sit down while you drink it,” Arianna said sternly, pointing the feather duster up the stairs.
While Tony returned the stepladder and the duster to the kitchen, Arianna led Hershel upstairs to a sitting room. 
Even with all the dust, it remained a regal room, with paintings covering the walls, a diamond-patterned green carpet, a large stone fireplace, and salmon pink seating. 
Luke had described meeting Arianna at one of Mr Barde’s parties. Perhaps it was in this very room? 
At Arianna’s behest, Hershel lowered himself into an armchair. 
Arianna hovered next to the chair for a moment, holding her hands behind her back. “Thank you for helping us,” she said formally. 
“Your more than welcome,” Hershel replied. 
Arianna looked around the sitting room. Furtively, Hershel followed her gaze to a 
a portrait of a woman with auburn-coloured hair. 
The woman’s eyes were crinkled shut in a beaming smile. She was wearing a white dress and appeared to be standing on the sunny deck of a ship—
Arianna glanced back to Hershel. 
“How long will you be staying in Misthallery?” The question came out suddenly, as though Arianna was forcing herself to make conversation. 
For as long as I’m needed, Hershel almost said. But on second thought, that was rather presumptuous…
Instead, he answered, “I’d like to catch with Clark and Brenda. The three of us were friends in university…”
That would depend on whether Clark and Brenda wanted to catch up with him. He hadn’t seen either of them since… since he’d woken up in hospital, seven years ago. 
Hershel hadn’t left the Tritons on bitter terms (like with his friends from Stansbury), but he had buried himself in his work at Gressenheller, and they had moved out to the country. They had simply… drifted apart. 
Should Hershel have made more of an effort to keep in touch? 
Arianna continued, “What university did you all go to?” 
“Gressenheller… That’s in Westminster, Lon—“
“In London, I know. Is that where you work now?”
Hershel nodded. “I never left,” he said, somewhat sheepishly. 
After he was discharged from hospital… After his failed investigations into the institute explosion… After saying goodbye to his old university friends… 
Hershel had settled into a life of teaching, late-night research, and assisting Scotland Yard with notable cases. (Nothing too notable— he knew better than that.)
Most of his colleagues saw him as a threat at best and a young upstart at worst. 
His closest companions, outside of his parents, were Dean Delmona, Andrew and Rosa— all of whom cared for Hershel, but at the end of the day, it was their jobs to associate with him. 
Hershel had resigned himself to puzzles, classes and his archaeological career— ironically, never looking back and thinking little of his future. 
Or… that had been the case, until Hershel received a letter (seemingly) from his old classmate and something was set alight inside him. 
Until Emmy Altava veered in front of the Laytonmobile and announced she was his new assistant. 
Until he’d helped Luke save Misthallery, and Luke asked to become Hershel’s apprentice. 
Arianna’s voice breached Hershel’s thoughts. “I suppose you’ll become rich and famous,” she said, her tone guarded, “with the discovery of the Golden Garden.”
Had she not heard him discussing this with Emmy earlier? Or, if even she had, did she believe him? 
Hershel said, “As I told Emmy, I have no intention of revealing the garden to the public until you have recovered…”
Arianna’s eyes brightened. 
“…Or at all, if that would be preferable,” he finished. 
Technically, Loosha was the one who had discovered the garden. Hershel had just solved the puzzle of the gateway. 
Furthermore, the Golden Garden was located on the Bardes’ land. Clark would transfer the land rights to Arianna and Tony— especially now that Arianna would certainly come of age. (Hershel couldn’t bear to imagine otherwise.)
With how things had improved, the Bardes might choose to share the garden with everyone in Misthallery. 
Arianna nodded and quickly changed the subject. “Is— is Luke really going to become your apprentice?” 
“Well…” Hershel cleared his throat. “Luke is very determined and… he has proved himself to be most dependable…”
Hershel was still getting used to having an assistant in Emmy. What would he expect of a ten-year-old apprentice? 
Luke was very good at taking organised notes— but surely he would become bored sitting in on Hershel’s class? 
Luke didn’t seem all that interested in archeology— at least, examining dig sites. His heart was more set on exploring, cracking puzzles and solving mysteries, much like… 
Hershel shook his head. “But I will have to talk to his parents about it first.” 
“Right…” Some of the tension left Arianna’s shoulders. Had she feared Hershel was going to take Luke away? 
“If Luke does come to London, you and Tony will always be welcome to join us,” Hershel said. 
Hershel had no idea how he would entertain three children... Provided that he could get the time off work, perhaps they could go to the museum, or the aquarium, or the theatre. (Arianna played the piano, didn’t she? And Tony had an affinity for costumes…) 
Arianna blinked, before she gave Hershel a grateful smile. “I’ll… see what Tony thinks, and how I’m feeling. Thank you, Professor—“
There was the echo a knocking noise from somewhere downstairs. The fact that they could hear it up here meant it must have been very loud. 
“Tony,” Arianna whispered, glancing at the sitting room door. 
Hershel immediately stood up, ignoring the knock of pain in his knees. 
He strode out to the atrium stairs with Arianna in tow. They reached the top of the stairs in time to see Tony rushing to the front doors. 
“Tony, wait…!” Hershel called in warning. It might have seemed overly-cautious, but anyone could have been waiting on the doorstep. 
Jean Descole. Third Eye Jakes. The police.  Ruffians. An aggravated neighbour… 
Anyone who could hurt Tony and Arianna, given the chance. They might not intend to injure the children physically, but their irate words could still harm Tony and Arianna at this most delicate time. 
Tony froze, his hand on the golden door handle. He turned as Hershel hurried downstairs. 
Tony mouthed, “Professor—“ but he was cut off by someone else shouting outside: 
“Professor? Arianna? Tony? Helloooo?” 
It sounded like Emmy…
“Emmy,” Hershel said slowly as Tony shuffled behind him. “Just for security, can you remind me of how we met?” 
“Sure thing!” Emmy crowed. “I almost crashed into you with my scooter, but before that—“
“Really?” Another female voice exclaimed from outside. 
“Beth…?” Tony breathed. Hershel looked back at him and Arianna. Would they mind if their old maid entered the house? 
“Oh— Beth’s with me too, Professor!” Emmy explained. “But we can trust her!“
Arianna and Tony nodded to Hershel. 
Hershel unlocked the doors. “Sorry about that,” he said as Emmy and Beth swept into the entrance hall. “We just needed to ensure you weren’t imposters—“
“Of course!” Beth said approvingly. “We don’t want another ‘Doland’ on our hands…” She gave Arianna and Tony a small wave. 
Hershel asked, “How is Doland? And Brenda?” 
“Worn out, but they’re both home now,” Emmy said with a smile. “Luke was so happy to see his mum…” Emmy’s smile faded slightly when she noticed Arianna and Tony staring at her. 
“I’m glad they’re alright,” Arianna murmured. 
“Luke said you can visit their house whenever you want,” Emmy parroted, “or he’ll come to you— whatever’s easier!” 
“Maybe tomorrow?” Arianna suggested, to which everyone agreed. 
Hershel was glad; although they would have welcomed Arianna and Tony, the Tritons could spend the evening together as a family. 
Brenda and Doland could finally rest in their own beds. Luke could sleep soundly knowing his mother was home safe. And Clark would no longer have Descole’s threats looming over his head. 
It would also give the Barde siblings a period of respite to grieve for Loosha. They wouldn’t be left alone, of course; Beth offered to stay the night at Barde Manor. She said she would just get on with the cleaning (probably doing a better job than Hershel), unless Arianna and Tony needed anything. 
Before Hershel and Emmy could head back to the hotel, Tony asked, “Will we see you tomorrow as well?” 
Hershel turned to Tony. He was standing in front of the stairs with Arianna. Once more, Hershel was struck by the sight of the two siblings:
The younger, who had hidden his true self away to protect his sister… 
And the older, who was still wary and withdrawn, but had started to hope again. Tony was staring pleadingly at Hershel. 
Emmy raised an eyebrow. “What do you think, Professor?” 
“Of course,” Hershel assured Tony. “And, as I told Arianna, you will always be welcome to visit us in London.” 
Hershel met Arianna’s eye. She smiled softly at him. 
Tony held out his pinkie finger to Hershel. “Promise?” 
“Erm…” Hershel linked pinkies with him and they shook on it. “Promise.”
Hershel would do anything to help the Barde children from now. This was one promise he knew he could keep. 
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101flavoursofweird · 10 months
I wanna see how Tony and Arianna reacted when they first saw Don paolo in the Professor adopts the Barde kids au 😭
Thank you for your interest in the ‘Layton adopts the Barde kids’ AU! And for asking about Don Paolo because his run-ins with the kids are always hilarious to write about.
A series of extracts from my fic about Tony and Arianna reacting to Don Paolo’s disguises (summary in bold)
Basically, Arianna holds a major grudge against Don Paolo (till the end of PL3, anyway), and Don Paolo inspires Tony to become a future master of disguise
Curious Village - Tony works out ‘Chelmey’ is wearing a mask and proceeds to rip the mask off with Luke…
“Admit it, Layton!” Chelmey spat. “You lot wanted to keep the Golden Apple so badly that you conspired to murder... What—?” 
Luke and Tony leapt at Chelmey’s face. 
“GEROFF...!” Chelmey tried to growl as the pair tugged at his cheeks and his chin.
Chelmey attempted to shake them off. Luke and Tony clung to his arms like limpets.
“Almost there...” Tony grunted. He started to peel away at Chelmey’s skin, which was all stretchy. Tony emitted a triumphant cry. “I knew it! It’s a mask—!” 
Chelmey’s ‘mask’ finally flew off. Enraged, he hurled Luke and and Tony across the parlour. The professor caught Luke. Tony landed on the settee next to the horrified Lady Dahlia. Arianna rushed to Tony’s side. 
“I’ve always despised you Layton,” the imposter growled. Everything about him was pointy; his dark brown hair, his moustache, and his nose... How had his face even fit under that mask? 
Tony gasped and repeated something he must have heard from Crow. “Who the hell are you?”
Diabolical Box - Arianna, upon discovering Don Paolo has disguised himself as Luke, loses it and throws a teacup at Don Paolo
As Don Paolo (Because of course it was Don Paolo!) discarded his Luke-disguise, Arianna’s dread was submerged by her rage. 
“YOU!” she yelled, her voice resonating around the hotel lobby. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LUKE?” 
At first, Don Paolo didn’t even acknowledge Arianna. “Curse you, Layton!” he growled. “Curse you and that foppish hat of yours—!”
Arianna hurled the teacup at him. Don Paolo dodged the cup and it smashed against the staircase (much to the dismay of the hotel clerk). 
Turning to Arianna, Don Paolo pursed his lips. “Nice try, little missy!”
“Oh, your boyfriend?” Don Paolo jabbed a vague thumb over his shoulder. “He’s back in Dropstone, probably chatting to some cows in that barn I left him in.” 
The Eternal Diva Prologue - In which Tony and Flora unmask Don Paolo again This is literally a scene from the fic. This is how short the scene is
There were several people suspected of silencing Big Ben’s bell...
Tony pointed at the old lady as soon as he saw her on the bridge. “Mask!”
“And that outfit...” Flora tutted. “It looks like something thrown together in five minutes—“
Lost Future - Arianna argues with Don Paolo about his motives for despising a local archaeology professor
It turned out Don Paolo had also disguised himself as a Future Dr. Schrader in hospital and Future Dean Delmona at the hotel…
“Tony wasn’t with you when you saw ‘Dr Schrader’,” Arianna realised. “And he didn’t see ‘Dean Delmona’ either— he was too busy playing with that toy car—“
“That kid has a great eye for detail,” Don Paolo snorted. “Shame he’s blind as a bat—“
“Shut up!” Arianna sniped at him. “Why are you even here? Don’t you have robots or boxes or— or bells to steal?”
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