asttecsbng · 2 years
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astlite-blog · 7 years
ASTLITE LIVE Info ■2017.4/22 sat 12:45~ 「TOKAI ECO FESTA 2017 SPRING」 ( http://tokaiecofesta.web.co.jp/ ) 場所:モリコロパーク大芝生広場 入場料:¥200- (ペットボトルキャップ50個で入場料[1人分]50円引き) ■2017.4/23 sun 15:00 ~ 17:00 「ASTLITE Presents Boderless Station~ボーダレステーション~」 ( https://www.facebook.com/BorderlesStation/ ) 場所:金山総合駅南口 入場無料 ■2017.5/5 fri 19:00 ~ 22:00 「名古屋音楽交差点」 ( http://www.ustream.tv/channel/%E5%90%8D%E5%8F%A4%E5%B1%8B%E9%9F%B3%E6%A5%BD%E4%BA%A4%E5%B7%AE%E7%82%B92 ) 場所:栄Dream Cube Ticket adv:¥1,000- (Drink代別) Ticketのご予約は開始までお待ち下さい。 ■2017.5/14 sun 「栄ミナミ音楽祭」 詳細等は公開までお待ち下さい。 入場無料 2017.5/28 sun (開始時間はお待ち下さい) 「ASTLITE Presents Boderless Station~ボーダレステーション~」 ( https://www.facebook.com/BorderlesStation/ ) 場所:金山総合駅南口 入場無料
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buymyvoip · 4 years
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Buy the best  IP PBX Appliances - *astLite 40
*astLite 40 is an ideal IP PBX solution developed for small and medium business. With its advanced features, *astLite 40 allows the small enterprises to be flexible, innovative and competitive with latest VoIP technology while reducing telephony costs
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kononykheen · 8 years
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Koji Fujiwara from Astlite band, Japan. Koji is featured artist of Kononykheen Breed Four model, he plays for 20 years already and have experience playing with Paul Gilbert. Check his Artists Profile at www.kononykheen.com (link in bio) #guitar #guitarplayer #japan #japanguitarist #guitarphoto #guitarphotography #guitarporn #gearporn #Kononykheen #kononykheenguitar
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sazzieem-blog · 6 years
All Tied Up
The last few weeks in mummy madness has resulted in a bit of a learning curve in the world of 'ties' notably tongue ties, upper lip ties and inner cheek ties. The formal medical term for these are frenulums which refers to tissue in the body that inhibits movement.
So this story begins with the youngest member of the hatter household struggling with reflux and constant wind pain. Our GP started treatment for the reflux using a proton pump inhibitor which has had some success. But the poor little fellow has still been in agony with wind pain and even now at 3.5 months will rarely sleep longer than a 3 hour block.
So cue our 8 week check up with the child health nurse. I raise my concerns about wind, the nurse suggests using some natural anti colic medication and seeing a lactation consultant (the little guy is exclusively breastfed). 2 weeks later, we see the lactation consultant. She does an examination of his mouth and his attachment during feeding. She notices his upper lip curling up and a clicking sound, both demonstrating he is not latching well and is essentially eating air. She believes that ties are causing issue but suggests to try chiro to see if that frees up his tongue at all and improves feeding. She also has a theory that he is filling up on air and not milk hence the sleeping issues.
After one week, three sessions of chiro and no improvement to feeding, the lactation consultant refers us to a paediatric dentist. The dentist examines young master's mouth and takes some photos. She explains that he has a posterior tongue tie, an upper lip tie and cheek ties. She also says there is other evidence that the ties are affecting feeding. My boy has a sizeable 'milk blister' on his upper lip which the dentist explains is like a callous from his lip rubbing against my skin because he keeps slipping. He also has a strong gag reflex (caused by the fact the tongue can't lift to block and protect the throat) and a build up of milk on the back of his tongue.
The dentist suggests a procedure called a frenectomy where the ties are released by being cut by a laser. She explains that the existence of tissue alone is not sufficient to warrant the procedure, but there should be an issue that needs resolving (in our case feeding) and the thickness of the tissue. The thicker the tissue the greater the restriction (not the length of the tissue which many doctors base their findings on). Other issues that can be caused by ties include tooth decay (from thick folds of skin preventing a toothbrush from accessing the tooth), bite formation (as the thick tissue can pull on the gum and cause teeth to grow at abnormal angles) and speech from being unable to open the mouth or use the tongue properly in forming words. The diagnosis and treatment of tongue ties for feeding is a relatively recent phenomena, as in the past they were only looked at if the child had speech problems. We book in the following week for the procedure - at this point young master is just over 3 months old.
Day One - Thursday
Young master has his procedure. As part of the procedure, they place goggles on his eyes (like what happens to us at the dentist so the lights do not hurt our eyes) and swaddle him. He is in the procedure room for 10 minutes total. Afterwards he feeds really well and sleeps. As predicted by the dentist, four hours post surgery he becomes irritable so we give him some panadol and nurofen and regularly repeat the dose of panadol. He seems a lot more relaxed. We start stretches six hours post surgery. They are easy enough to do but he does not enjoy them. As the day progresses, he becomes a bit lazier with his feeding and is not attaching as well and is also very gassy and distressed from that. We still do not sleep well.
Day Two - Friday
So many smiles! I have never seen this little guy smile so much. He is still a little bit lazy with his feeding but massive improvements from before. Still struggling with his wind. He has a good session with the chiro in the afternoon. The surgeon calls to check up on him and suggests maintaining pain relief. We did however manage a three and a half hour block of sleep, possibly one of the longest sleeps in a while.
Day Three - Saturday
From reports by other mums, day three is the worst post operatively. Our experience is consistent with this. Following chiro in the morning, the little guy is very distressed and unsettled most of the day between wind and pain. In the afternoon, I commence regular dosing of panadol and his mood gradually improves. His pre bedtime feed is probably his best yet (really good attachment) as are all our feeds overnight. He averages about 4 hours sleep between each feed overnight.
Day 4 - Sunday
We still continue stretches. Little man is super cuddly but on the whole seems to be feeling a lot better. His feeding really well and seems a little bit less distressed over his stretches. His wind also appears to have improved. I also notice that the milk blister on his upper lip has started to harden and reduce in size. Yay!!
So as I write this post we are still halfway through day four so I will endeavour to provide further updates as recovery continues. Interestingly, throughout this process I have discovered that there is a lot of division in the medical community about ties. When we were in hospital last week, I mentioned the wind and feeding issues to one of the paediatricians who was adamant that going to the dentist was a waste of time and his wind was from lactose intolerance. I have included an article below from the Australian Breastfeeding Association which claims that genuine lactose intolerance is extremely rare and most diagnosed intolerances are either to the cow's milk proteins or secondary intolerance. As I have already eliminated dairy from my diet under advice from GP to help his reflux (which has not seemed to have had much effect) and I rarely eat other allergens as my husband is gluten intolerant, this does not seem a likely issue. I had so many feeding issues with my first child including nipple grazing, supply issues and reflux, which are typical issues associated with ties. I wonder with better education, if I could have avoided these issues had ties been assessed and diagnosed earlier. It frustrates me to think the stress I endured may have been avoidable.
Further information
The lactation consultant directed me to the work of Dr Palmer and Dr Ghaheri - both doctors who have done extensive work and research around ties and the issues they can cause. I definitely found some interesting articles and blogs here.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association - I always find their articles very informative. I have included links to an article about ties and another about intolerances of breastmilk given how both seem to inform diagnoses of reflux and wind.
The Australasian Society for Tongue and Lip Ties. As outlined to some extent in my post above, the treatment for ties is multifaceted - we will require the support of chiro and lactation consultants going forward as my baby now needs to learn how to use his tongue properly for the first time since it developed in utero. Furthermore, the issues ties cause can require treatment by various specialists (dentists, speech therapists, orthodontists to name a few). ASTLiT endeavours to link these groups up and provide upskilling and best practice. The dentist who treated my son referred to their guidelines regarding diagnosis and stretching. I also experienced the benefit of having practitioners on the same page with the relationship between my lactation consultant, chiro and dentist.
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astlite-blog · 7 years
ASTLITE's LIVE Schedule ■2017/08/26(sat) 【長利和季 2nd Single 「camellia」Release tour「カメリアを君に」 】 Place: 鶴舞Music Bar Parch LINE UP:長利和季 / ASTLITE / 祖父江直人 OPEN / 18:30 START / 19:00 TICKET:ADV 1,500 / DOOR 2,000 ���入場時 別途ドリンク代 500円必要 [チケットのご予約はコチラ] https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/af874c83523462 ■2017/08/27(sun) 【ASTLITE Presents Borderless Station】 Place: 金山総合駅南口にぎわいマルシェイベントスペース LINE UP:ASTLITE / AZURE# / MASAYA / 松浦 秀人 / まるたにあやの / 山口大貴 START / 14:00 END / 17:00 TICKET:Free ■2017/09/16(sat) 【 カモメ・ナゴヤ・フィーバー 2017 】 Place: 名古屋・新栄 ハートランド LINE UP:seagulloop / ASTLITE / 袈裟丸 祐介 / 仙人掌人形 / ベクトル・ユーゴ / Hi-CUBE JUNCTION / 他
OPEN / 16:30 START / 17:00
TICKET:ADV 3,000 / DOOR 3,500 ※入場時 別途ドリンク代 500円必要 [チケットのご予約はコチラ] https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/8da5d677523464 
プレイガイド発売日:7/16 10:00~

*入場順:プレイガイド・各バンド手売り・HP予約 会場に先着順で入場となります。 ■2017/09/18(mon) 【イロドリ presents イロトリドリ vol.5 】 Place: 名古屋・新栄 ハートランド LINE UP:イロドリ / ASTLITE / Stella Letter / TRILOGY OPEN / 18:30 START / 19:00 TICKET:ADV 2,500 / DOOR 3,000 ※入場時 別途ドリンク代 500円必要 [チケットのご予約はコチラ] https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/0836f1b5528507 ■2017/09/24(sun) 【ASTLITE Presents Borderless Station】 Place: 金山総合駅南口にぎわいマルシェイベントスペース LINE UP:ASTLITE / etc... START / 14:00 END / 17:00 TICKET:Free
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astlite-blog · 7 years
ASTLITE 2017.07〜08Live information ■7/23(sun)14:00〜17:00 雨天決行 ASTLITE Presents Borderless Station Place:金山駅南口広場 Ticket:Free ACT: ASTLITE , 仙人掌人形 , そらいろプラネット , 愛夢GLTOKYO , My & co. , ■7/29(sat)20:00〜22:00 小雨決行 太田川ホットサマーガーデン2017 Place:名鉄太田川駅東口広場 Ticket:Free ACT : ASTLITE , Palet , ツキノユメ , Kazusa & エル・ハメーム , まるたにあやの , EARNIE FROGS ■8/26(sat) OPEN18:30 START:19:00 長利和季 2nd Single camellia Release tour 『カメリアを君に』 Place:鶴舞Music Bar Perch Ticket: 前売り¥1,500- 当日¥2,000- (前売り、当日共にDrink別¥500) ACT: ASTLITE , 長利和季 , 祖父江直人 ■8/27(sun) 14:00〜17:00 雨天決行 ASTLITE Presents Borderless Station Place:金山駅南口広場 Ticket:Free ACT:ASTLITE , AZURE# , 松浦秀人 , and more ■9/16(sat) OPEN16:30 START17:00 カモメ・ナゴヤ・フィーバー2017 Place:新栄HeartLand Ticket: 前売り¥3,000- 当日¥3,500- (前売り、当日共にDrink別¥500) ACT:ASTLITE , seagulloop , 袈裟丸祐介 , 仙人掌人形 , ベクトルユーゴ   Hi-CUBE JUNCTION , and more
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astlite-blog · 7 years
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■重大発表■ この度、ASTLITE VocalのAKITOが「明日に翔ける風プロジェクト」に参加が決まりました!! 「明日に翔ける風プロジェクト」とは・・・ 歌手の庄野真代さん (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BA%84%E9%87%8E%E7%9C%9F%E4%BB%A3)を筆頭に活動されており、 音楽を通じて人の心と心を結びつける役目を担うのが 特定非営利活動法人 国境なき楽団。 この国境なき楽団で行われている活動の1つに海外の孤児達に楽器と音楽を届ける活動があります。 今回は、モンゴルの孤児達に楽器と音楽、そして1つの愛を届けにゆく。 また、今回は、国境なき楽団員であり映画監督でもある古川 千恵子さんと共に、この活動をより多くの人に広げるべく、 ドキュメンタリー映画を収録し、国際映画祭に出展、上映をしようという 国境を越えた壮大なプロジェクトです。 「このプロジェクトにおける成功」とは・・・ 今回のプロジェクトに関しては、全ての活動にかかる費用は「クラウドファンディング」で行います。 つまりクラウドファンディングで、皆様からのご理解とご支援があり 活動目標金額を達成して初めて成功になります。 「AKITOコメント」 皆さん、いつも応援ありがとうございます!! LIVEでの発表を聞いてくれたファンの皆は知ってくれている事と思いますが 今回、僕はASTLITEメンバーやチームの皆とも相談して 「明日に翔ける風プロジェクト」に参加する事にしました! どうして参加したのか、なぜこの活動なのかとか、色んな詳しい事は、 長くなっちゃうので、また改めてSNSやLiveで伝えていければいいなって思うんやけど。 とにかく皆には、是非ともこの活動を知ってほしいし協力して欲しいです! ASTLITEとして活動してきたこの1年半の間。 メンバーと一緒にLIVE FOR LIFE (本田美奈子基金 骨髄ドナー登録)での活動も含め、様々な社会貢献をバンドの音楽を通じてやってきました。 僕自身がドナー適合通知が来た事もあった。 それを即答でOKしても、過去巻き込まれた交通事故での後遺症の件もあり コーディネーターさんの審査でドナーになれなかった。 目の前にある自分が救えるはずの命が救えなかった。 めちゃくちゃ悔しかったです。 僕やメンバー、スタッフチームのできる事は、ステージの上から皆に向かっててドナー登録を呼びかける事しかできませんでした。 しかし、今回、ご縁があり、国境なき楽団さん、そして古川監督とのご縁を頂きました。 僕は、今回のプロジェクトを何とかして成功させたいと思っています。 成功させるには「クラウドファンディングでの目標金額の達成」 それが条件です。 大きな事です。 めっちゃ大きい事。 すごい大義な事やとは思うねんけど、それをやろう!って気持ちを後押ししてくれたのは ASTLITEバンドメンバーや小島マネージャー。 今回協力して参加してくれたMiyoちゃんや小鳥遊 音ちゃん。 お話を頂いた古川監督。 何度も相談に乗ってもらった石本さん。 数日仕事に穴を開けてしまうのに僕の気持ちを受け入れてくれた亀山代表。 理解してくれた家族。 その他にもお世話になっている方々。 皆さんの気持ちの後押しがあったからこそ。 言葉の伝わらない知らない土地での社会貢献活動をする勇気をもらえました。 皆の気持ちがあるからこそ。 なんとしても成功させたいです。 ASTLITEファンの皆や、関係者の方々。 是非協力してやって下さい。 宜しくお願いします。 詳細は6月15日ごろにまたお伝えできればと思います! ASTLITE Vocal AKITO。
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astlite-blog · 7 years
ASTLITE Live Schedule
ASTLITE Live Schedule ■11/18(土) Life with your Heart 場所:栄広場 開催時間:10:00〜17:00 ASTLITE出演時間→ 14:25~14:45 Free event!!! ■11/19(日) Life with your Heart 場所:栄広場 開催時間:10:00〜17:00 ASTLITE出演時間→ 12:30~12:50 Free event!!! ■11/24(金) モーターショー名古屋 詳細未定 (AKITO.FUJIのみの出演となります) ■11/26(日) ボーダレスステーション 場所:金山総合駅南口 開催時間:14:00〜17:00 ACT : ASTLITE . 志知美代子 . MARIN . etc… Free event!!! ■12/08(金) rayznotes presents 「SiXX×ZILCONIA 東名阪TOUR 2017〜2018」 supported by FluoLightArch 場所: CLUB ZION (上前津) OPEN : 18:00 START :18:30 ACT:SiXX . ZILCONIA . ASTLITE . ジュリアナの祟り Ticket : 前売¥3,000-/当日¥3,500- チケット申し込みフォームは少々お待ち下さい。 ■12/24(日) ボーダレスステーション 場所:金山総合駅南口 開催時間:14:00〜17:00 ACT : ASTLITE . オガワマサト. etc… Free event!!!
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astlite-blog · 7 years
ASTLITE 10月Schedule
TENGUY Music Lounge 2017 Osaka
Place: BERONICA (大阪京橋)
OPEN 18:00 / START 19:00
前売¥4,000 / 当日¥4,500(1D&1F別途オーダー制)
Live ACT:
TENGUY With:石本勝己 / 森拓磨 / Fuji / Kei / Andy宮本
OA: ASTLITE / オガワマサト
一般社団法人 日本想創エンターテインメント協会 発足パーティー
Place: Dream Cube (栄)
■1部 18:30~20:00
¥2000 1D付
Live ACT;ASTLITE、世田谷のりこ(愛笑む)、青山憂輝 (Wishers)
■2部 21:00~MID
¥4000  飲み放題 シャンパンタワー付
Live ACT;ASTLITE、世田谷のりこ(愛笑む)、青山憂輝 (Wishers) etc…
Magic Show;丸山真一
Place: 久屋大通り公園内 愛の広場(栄)
Free event!!
Place: Dream Cube (栄)
OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00
料金 : ¥3,000-(飲み放題)
LIVE ACT.: 今賀旬一朗 with ??? / ASTLITE / 奥山 尚佳 / CARAMEL MID SOUL / The second rookies / 世田谷のりこ (from 愛笑む)
DJ ACT. タカヒロ
FOOD : LaidBack
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kononykheen · 7 years
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Kononykheen Breed Four model. We are proud that such talented guitar players from all over the world play this our model, this are only few of them: Lukas Kugler from Germany, Hidden Symmetries https://www.instagram.com/then0cturnal/ Koji Fujiwara from Japan, Astlite https://www.instagram.com/fuji_from_astlite/ Daniel Vasquez from Colombia, SUBURBIA https://www.instagram.com/suburbiarock/ Andrew Hacksaw Harney from USA https://www.instagram.com/andrewhacksawharney/ Matt Medwin from Canada https://www.instagram.com/afterimage.technique/ Daniel Rosales from USA https://www.instagram.com/danielrosalesgtr/ Morgan Walper from Canada, Nuclear Feedback https://www.instagram.com/morganwalper/ Vladi Albornoz from Ecuador, FRAKTURA https://www.instagram.com/vladiec/ Sal Moretta from USA, Skonnie Music https://www.instagram.com/skonniemusicofficial/ Maybe we don't build "very best in the world" guitars, but our players are definitely unique. #guitar #guitarplayer #rareguitar #uniqueguitar#collectibleguitar #guitarsrare #indyguitars#guitarist #guitarists #kononykheen
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kononykheen · 7 years
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Godin and Kononykheen, gear of Koji Fujiwara @fuji_from_astlite from Japanese band Astlite Koji is our endorser, check his artist profile at www.kononykheen.com #guitar #electricguitar #guitarporn #gearporn #gearnerds #guitarnerd #godin #godinguitars #kononykheenguitar #kononykheen
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astlite-blog · 8 years
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12/24のリリースイベントの詳細をアップします!! 皆様チケット発売のタイミングを待ってね! 「ASTLITE×うさ亀 Presents」 X'masエンタメパーティー 「アストラタイム」 ◾︎Date…12月24日(sat) OPEN...17:30 START...18:30 (END...21:00予定) ◾︎Place…SECOND VISION (名古屋市営地下鉄今池駅4番出口下車徒歩約5分) ◾︎Ticket… 前売...¥2,500-(+1D別500円) 当日...¥3,000-(+1D別500円) ◾︎ACT…ASTLITE、亀井英樹、うさ兄 音楽×演劇のエンタメパーティー開催! X'masを盛大に祝いましょう! 音楽や演劇にアクションは勿論! お客さん参加型ゲーム等盛り沢山の内容になってます! X'mas一緒に楽しみましょう! 詳細、チケット発売は随時発表!
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