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ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 - Terza Edizione
Con grande orgoglio e soddisfazione posso finalmente annunciare che il libro ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 è disponibile per l'acquisto in edizione cartacea e digitale su tutte le principali piattaforme di distribuzione, tra cui: Packt Publishing Amazon.com | it | uk | in |de | fr Google Play Barnes & Noble Mondadori Rakuten Kobo Booktopia ... e molte altre! Ecco un'immagine della copertina aggiornata:
Ordinando il libro direttamente sul sito dell'editore Packt Publishing sarà possibile ottenere il 25% di sconto utilizzando il codice promozionale RYADEL25. Come si può evincere dal titolo, il libro è una guida dettagliata all'utilizzo dei framework di programmazione ASP.NET Core (versione 3.1) e Angular (versione 9) per sviluppare applicazioni moderne per il web. Come già nelle passate edizioni la metodologia seguita è quella dell'approccio full-stack, in base al quale lo sviluppatore potrà imparare a cimentarsi con tutti i principali aspetti legati allo sviluppo di un applicativo: dalla configurazione dell'ambiente di lavoro al data modeling; dall'analisi funzionale al processo di implementazione; dal design delle interfacce alla user experience; dallo sviluppo dei web service REST in back-end all'utilizzo degli stessi in ambiente front-end; dalle attività di debug e test fino al deployment in produzione. Tutti questi aspetti vengono trattati nei 12 capitoli di cui si compone il libro, sviluppati in 732 pagine e diverse migliaia di linee di codice sorgente disponibili su GitHub. Spero che il lavoro svolto per completare questo libro possa piacere ai lettori almeno quanto è stato con la precedente edizione (ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5), che ha avuto la fortuna di diventare un vero e proprio best-seller con oltre 15.000 copie vendute in tutto il mondo e un video course pubblicato su diverse piattaforme di formazione, tra cui Udemy. Un grazie in anticipo a tutti quelli che hanno apprezzato i nostri sforzi! Nel caso in cui vogliate acquisire maggiori informazioni sui contenuti del libro, ecco la scheda di presentazione (product information sheet) realizzata dall'editore per le piattaforme di distribuzione online: buona lettura e... alla prossima pubblicazione! Key Features Explore the latest edition of the bestselling book ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 Design, build and deploy a Single Page Application or Progressive Web App with ASP.NET Core and Angular Adopt a full stack approach to handle data management, Web APIs, application design, testing, SEO, security and deployment Book Description Learning full stack development calls for knowledge of both frontend and backend web development. By covering the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9, right from project setup through to the deployment phase, this book will help you to develop your skills effectively. The book will get you started with using the .NET Core framework and Web API Controllers to implement API calls and server-side routing in the backend. Next, you will learn to build a data model with Entity Framework Core and configure it using either a local SQL Server instance or cloud-based data stores such as Microsoft Azure. The book will also help you handle user input with Angular reactive forms and frontend and backend validators for maximum effect. You will later explore the advanced debugging and unit testing features provided by xUnit.net (.NET Core) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular. Finally, you will implement various authentication and authorization techniques with the ASP.NET Core Identity system and the new IdentityServer, as well as deploy your apps on Windows and Linux servers using IIS, Kestrel, and Nginx. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to create efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular. What you will learn Implement a Web API interface with ASP.NET Core and consume it with Angular using RxJS Observables Create a data model using Entity Framework Core with code-first approach and migrations support Set up and configure a SQL database server using a local instance or a cloud data store on Azure Perform C# and JavaScript debugging using Visual Studio 2019 Create TDD and BDD unit test using xUnit, Jasmine, and Karma Implement authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Identity, IdentityServer4, and Angular API Build Progressive Web Apps and explore Service Workers Who this book is for This book is for experienced ASP.NET developers who already know about ASP.NET Core and Angular and are looking to learn more about them and understand how to use them together to create production-ready Single Page Applications (SPAs) or Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). However, the fully-documented code samples (also available on GitHub) and the step-by-step implementation tutorials make this book easy-to-understand - even for beginners and developers who are just getting started. Table of Contents Getting Ready Looking Around Front-end and Back-end Interactions Data Model with Entity Framework Core Fetching and Displaying Data Forms and Data Validation Code Tweaks and Data Services Back-end and Front-end Debugging ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing Authentication and Authorization Progressive Web Apps Windows and Linux Deployment Read the full article
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Il mio nuovo libro su Angular non è ancora uscito, ma è già uno scam
Mancano soltanto pochi giorni all'uscita del mio nuovo libro e, come sempre, l'attesa è tanta. Ancora una volta abbiamo dovuto attendere il rilascio dell'ultima versione "final" di Angular, proprio come già accaduto in passato: la volta scorsa si trattava della versione 5.0.0, inizialmente prevista per il 18 settembre , quindi rimandata di oltre un mese (23 ottobre) e infine rilasciata il 2 novembre dopo ben nove release candidate. Dopo quell'esperienza pensavamo di averle viste tutte, e invece stavolta ci siamo superati, dovendo affrontare un ritardo di oltre due mesi (da dicembre a febbraio) costellato da quattordici release candidate, un vero e proprio record! Ad ogni buon conto, finalmente l'attesa è finita: nella notte tra il 6 e il 7 febbraio 2020, ovvero poco più di 24 ore fa, la versione 9.0.0 di Angular è stata rilasciata su GitHub, consentendo al libro di entrare in stampa e all'editore Packt Publishing di rispettare la data di pubblicazione, fissata pessimisticamente (neanche tanto, come poi s'è visto!) all'11 febbraio.
Tutto è bene quel che finisce bene, direte voi... e invece no! Effettuando alcune ricerche su Google per calcolare il livello di indicizzazione SEO raggiunto dal sito mi sono imbattuto in uno strano post twitter che menzionava il mio libro - con tanto di ISIN, nome, autore e descrizione - invitando a scaricare l'e-book mediante un link non meglio identificato.
Il profilo, intestato a una certa Christine H. McAndrews, sembrava ovviamente tutto meno che autentico, presentando anzi tutte le più evidenti caratteristiche del classico account fake: zero following/follower, iscrizione a gennaio 2020, e una sfilza di post recanti informazioni su come scaricare libri di prossima uscita, tutti corredati da link che puntano allo stesso host.
Il sito indicato dai link di "Christine" ha l'aspetto di un forum a carattere generale, ma è sufficiente una prima occhiata per comprendere che si tratta di una scam page che tenta di spacciarsi come una discussione di appassionati che parlano del libro.
La pagina è stata programmata in modo tale da riempire "dinamicamente" una serie di placeholder disseminati all'interno dei vari fake-post con il nome del libro e dell'autore presenti nei parametri della URL: questo consente a "Christine", che ovviamente altri non è che un tweet-bot automatico, di utilizzarla nei suoi post per ciascuno dei libri che l'autore di questa truffa ha intenzione di "promuovere", o per meglio dire di utilizzare come esche per attirare qualche navigatore sprovveduto desideroso di scaricarli a costo zero. Tra i parametri c'è persino la URL di un'immagine del libro presa da Amazon, che purtroppo è stata implementata male visto che - ad oggi - nella pagina non compare. Inutile dire che, nel finto thread sviluppato dalla pagina, un (finto) utente risponde alla domanda dell'opening poster suggerendo un servizio di "download gratuito di e-book" (all'interno del quale si consumerà la truffa vera e propria):
La truffa prosegue mettendo in scena la classica trovata del dubbio fugato dalla smentita, un classico espediente per conquistare la fiducia della potenziale vittima e spingerla a compiere una call-to-action potenzialmente rischiosa: un utente (finto) risponde obiettando che quel sito chiede la carta di credito...
... ma è subito seguito da una serie di altri utenti (anch'essi finti, ovviamente) che confermano l'autenticità e l'affidabilità del servizio: "non temere, è sicurissimo: metti la carta e potrai procedere con il download!"
Il messaggio viene reiterato dalla conferma dell'utente (finto) originario, che conferma il funzionamento del sito: veniamo così a sapere che la carta di credito serve solo a confermare che chi vuole scaricare l'ebook è una persona reale, praticamente un CAPTCHA:
La scenetta si conclude con un'altro paio di utenti che confermano la genuinità del sito e lodano le caratteristiche del servizio: la truffa è servita.
Nel caso in cui vogliate dare un'occhiata alla pagina in questione, potete accedervi copiando l'URL che trovate qui di seguito e incollandolo nella barra degli indirizzi del vostro browser: https://toositego.ml/az.php?q=ASP.NET+Core+3+and+Angular+9+-+Third+Edition+-+Valerio+De+Sanctis&i=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61kIIUNGgLL._AC_UY327_FMwebp_QL65_.jpg Inutile dire che si tratta di un'operazione da compiere con cautela e facendo molta attenzione: la pagina al momento non contiene script dannosi, ma nulla vieta agli scammer che gestiscono il dominio di modificarne i contenuti nel prossimo futuro; quel che è certo è che non dovete per nessun motivo accedere al link contenuto (e più volte reiterato) all'interno del thread, men che meno inserire la vostra carta di credito o qualsivoglia altro dato.
Per il momento è tutto: devo dire che questo scam mi ha davvero sorpreso, ero al corrente di simili stratagemmi ma vedersi "protagonista" di un raggiro così "futuribile" (in tutti i sensi) fa comunque un certo effetto. Prima di salutarvi, vi ricordo che - se volete dare un'occhiata al libro ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 senza rischiare brutte sorprese - potete farlo gratuitamente sfruttando le anteprime disponibili sia su Amazon che sul sito dell'editore ai seguenti indirizzi: ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 su Amazon.it ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 su Amazon.com ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 sul sito Packt Publishing Alla prossima! Read the full article
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ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 - Third Edition
I'm happy to announce that the ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 book is finally available for purchase – in E-Book and Paperback format – on all the major online stores, including: Packt Publishing Amazon.com | it | uk | in |de | fr Google Play Barnes & Noble Mondadori Rakuten Kobo Booktopia ... and more! Here's the updated cover:
As always, if you get it from the Packt Publishing online store you'll be able to obtain a good discount (25%) by using the RYADEL25 promo code. If you want to know what the book is about, here's a detailed description: as you'll be able to see, the new edition is a complete rewrite of the previous ones, featuring a length of 732 pages (the 2nd edition was 550) and a huge GitHub source code repository filled with brand-new sample projects! I definitely hope that you will like it just like you did with the previous one (ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5), who happened to be a best-seller in multiple countries with more than 15000 copies sold throughout the world and even a video course on Udemy! That couldn’t be made possible without you, so thanks again and… get ready for another development journey! Key Features Explore the latest edition of the bestselling book ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 Design, build and deploy a Single Page Application or Progressive Web App with ASP.NET Core and Angular Adopt a full stack approach to handle data management, Web APIs, application design, testing, SEO, security and deployment Book Description Learning full stack development calls for knowledge of both frontend and backend web development. By covering the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Angular 9, right from project setup through to the deployment phase, this book will help you to develop your skills effectively. The book will get you started with using the .NET Core framework and Web API Controllers to implement API calls and server-side routing in the backend. Next, you will learn to build a data model with Entity Framework Core and configure it using either a local SQL Server instance or cloud-based data stores such as Microsoft Azure. The book will also help you handle user input with Angular reactive forms and frontend and backend validators for maximum effect. You will later explore the advanced debugging and unit testing features provided by xUnit.net (.NET Core) and Jasmine, as well as Karma for Angular. Finally, you will implement various authentication and authorization techniques with the ASP.NET Core Identity system and the new IdentityServer, as well as deploy your apps on Windows and Linux servers using IIS, Kestrel, and Nginx. By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to create efficient web applications using ASP.NET Core and Angular. What you will learn Implement a Web API interface with ASP.NET Core and consume it with Angular using RxJS Observables Create a data model using Entity Framework Core with code-first approach and migrations support Set up and configure a SQL database server using a local instance or a cloud data store on Azure Perform C# and JavaScript debugging using Visual Studio 2019 Create TDD and BDD unit test using xUnit, Jasmine, and Karma Implement authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Identity, IdentityServer4, and Angular API Build Progressive Web Apps and explore Service Workers Who this book is for This book is for experienced ASP.NET developers who already know about ASP.NET Core and Angular and are looking to learn more about them and understand how to use them together to create production-ready Single Page Applications (SPAs) or Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). However, the fully-documented code samples (also available on GitHub) and the step-by-step implementation tutorials make this book easy-to-understand - even for beginners and developers who are just getting started. Table of Contents Getting Ready Looking Around Front-end and Back-end Interactions Data Model with Entity Framework Core Fetching and Displaying Data Forms and Data Validation Code Tweaks and Data Services Back-end and Front-end Debugging ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing Authentication and Authorization Progressive Web Apps Windows and Linux Deployment Read the full article
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My new Angular book is not out yet, but is already a scam
Writing a programming book is a task that almost always proves to be much more difficult than expected, especially when dealing with mutable and unpredictable frameworks such as ASP.NET Core and Angular. Once again we had to wait for the release of the latest "final" version of Angular, just as already happened in 2017 with my previous book: Angular 5.0.0 version, initially scheduled for September 18th, was postponed for over a month ( October 23th) and then released on November 2 after no less than nine release candidates. After that experience we all thought we couldn't experience anything worse, but we were wrong: the latest major release of Angular experienced a delay of over two months (from December to February) and was further delayed by fourteen release candidates, thus arguably being a world record of some sort. Luckily enough, the wait is finally over: on the night between 6th and 7th February 2020, just over 24 hours ago, Angular version 9.0.0 was released on GitHub, thus allowing me to finishi the book in due time and the publisher - Packt Publishing - to honor the expected release date, which had been set to February 11th.
Now that the expected schedule has been successfully met, I would like to spend a couple words - well, maybe a bit more than that - to tell you about a rather odd experience I had this afternoon while surfing the web. Truth to be told, there's a high chance that you've heard similar stories already: however, I personally think that such kind of fun facts never gets old enough; other than being hilarious, they can also greatly help to understand how the web that we're browsing nowadays actually works. So, while issuing some search queries on Google to calculate the SERP indexing level reached by the sites that had the book available for preorder, I came across this strange twitter post:
There was no mistake there: the post was clearly mentioning my book, with matching ISIN, name, author and description; and it was also telling me to download it for free (in e-book format) my clicking on an unidentified link. Such truly incredible opportunity could be seized since February 4th, judging by the tweet's time stamp: 7 days before the book's planned release date, and - most importantly - 2 days before I've actually finished writing it (!) The twitter profile was just like you might expect from a fake account: owned by Christine H. McAndrews, a cute girl with zero followers, registered in January 2020, and only tweeting about forthcoming books and how to download them. Needless to say, each and every link was pointing to the same website.
Given such intriguing scenario, I couldn't avoid taking a look to the website itself. Eventually, I landed on a blatant scam page who looked just like a bulletin board system, where some (fake) users were enthusiastically talking about my book:
The page worked in a rather fun way that deserves a couple words: it was programmed to "dynamically" fill a series of placeholders with the book info (name, author, and so on) brought by the URL GET parameters: those placeholders were scattered within the page, thus trying to emulate a plausible "thread" of enthusiasts who were talking about the book. Such neat mechanic allows "Christine", who's obviously an automatic tweet-bot, to spam the same URL in her posts, filling the GET parameters with the metadata taken from the upcoming books she wants to "promote"; a great bait for any unwary twitter (or google) user looking to download them to no cost. (side note: the GET parameters also included the image URL for the book cover hosted on Amazon; unfortunately, the fake page doesn't seem to have properly implemented it, since it's not showing anywhere). The fake thread developed by the page portrays a rather predictable scene, typical of online scams. The opening message is written by a user which is desperately looking for the book because he/she can't find it anywhere; a (fake) user responds to the request, suggesting a link to a "free e-book download" service (the actual scam website):
The scam attempt continues by staging the typical gimmick of the doubt dispelled by the denial, a trivial social engineering trick to win the trust of the potential victim and push her to perform a potentially risky call-to-action: the (fake) opening poster replies objecting that that site asks for a credit card ...
... but is immediately reassured by another (fake) user who confirms the authenticity and reliability of the service: "don't worry, it's all trusted: just put the card in and proceed with the download!"
The trust level is further raised by the original (fake) user , who confirms that everything went really well; the credit card was just a way to check it was a real user, just like a CAPTCHA: now everything makes sense!
The scene ends with another couple of users who confirm the authenticity of the site and praise the characteristics of the service: the scam is served.
In the unlikely case you want to take a look at the "scam forum thread" page, you can access it by copying the following URLand pasting it in your browser's address bar: https://toositego.ml/az.php?q=ASP.NET+Core+3+and+Angular+9+-+Third+Edition+-+Valerio+De+Sanctis&i=https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61kIIUNGgLL._AC_UY327_FMwebp_QL65_.jpg Needless to say, you should only do that if you know what you're doing: although the page currently doesn't host malicious scripts, nothing prevents the administrators (aka the scammers) from change such behavior in the near future; however, the real threat is inside the suggested "download link" that appears within the thread: be sure to not visit it, let alone enter your credit card or any other data anywhere.
I must honestly say that this scam really surprised me: I was aware of similar tricks, but seeing my name (and book) inside that fake thread was rather awkward. If you want to take a look at the ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 book without scam pages, remember that you can do it for free by taking advantage of the PDF previews available on Amazon and on the publisher's websites at the following URLs: ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 su Amazon.it ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 su Amazon.com ASP.NET Core 3 and Angular 9 sul sito Packt Publishing I hope you'll enjoy the book at least as much as this story! Read the full article
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