splynter · 1 year
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Echo of The Temple
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
-there is a warm thomas pot pie with fresh gravy and veggies left for nico to enjoy, a note is attached with a yellow strip of ribbon- 'you need this more than honeypetal, ashpup. please enjoy.'
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He's far too hungry to even question the food, let alone bother with the nickname, and quickly digs in like a starved man. Which... to be fair, he is.
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alissamarietart · 10 years
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profoundfall replied to your post: literally feel like i have to vomit an...
*hugs you tight* I’m so sorry you went through that :(
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ashpup replied to your post: literally feel like i have to vomit an...
jfc that’s awful I’m sorry Alissa :(
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ohsebs replied to your post: literally feel like i have to vomit an...
Oh my god. I’m so sorry. *hugs* once I had to give a drunk man my purse in a park because he wouldn’t leave me alone, and it distracted him to let me get back to my brother. I understand that fear. I wish no one did though.
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asexualmagneto replied to your post: literally feel like i have to vomit an...
:((( darling i’m so sorry
thank you for all the support ;3; i'm just really glad the 2 other people working there that day were also women so i felt much safer when he left =__= i'm just gonna try to like chill for the rest of the night
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creamcoat · 10 years
those screencaps are from the hero yoshihiko and the demon king's castle !! ^_^
thank you!!!!
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ashpup replied to your post “hapa is ruled out because it only applies to hawaiian/white eurasian...”
all my half asian friends go by halfies!! a v casual alternative
i always call myself a halfie and i remember being scolded by a white woman (i forget who, though) in high school for it because i guess it's not politically correct or... something
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splynter · 1 year
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Echo Of The Temple
In the temple
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
okay, ashpup, well im glad to know youll at least be able to walk again soon...is there anything else i can get you to help? i have blankets an pillows too. you don't deserve this, we just need you to know that.
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"Yeah... I'll heal." Was that why Punk left him here? He knew he could heal from this? Survive longer without food or water than most?
It might make sense, why stick around if your ~~friend's~~ pet monster regenerates, right? His charity case was done, It would just be a waste.
Was that why he wasn't coming back?
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flyawaybooks · 11 years
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the question the tagger has set for you in their posts, and make 10 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 10 people and link them in your post
Rule 4: Let them know you tagged them
What is your go-to filler word when you don’t know what to say? (uh, um, like, etc.)
I'm pretty sure that I say "uhhh" but often I just fill my empty spaces with awkward silences which is even worse
Best line from a song?
Pick a star on the dark horizon And follow the light You'll come back when it's over No need to say goodbye
-The Call, Regina Spektor
How easily do you blush?
Soooooo easily, it's terrible mostly because I'm not actually embarrassed by stuff, but then my cheeks go pink and everyone teases me about it. It's like one of those weird reactions. sigh
How did you get into tumblr?
do you know that I honestly don't even remember. I remember that when I first got it I was super confused, but I don't remember why I got one in the first place. D:
Worst ice cream flavor ever?
Rainbow Sherbet. I had it once when I was little and it literally made me break out in hives for three days. Never EVER doing that again.
Can you sew?
Can I? Yes. Am I any good at it? Not really. I know how to stitch things together and I've made a few quilted pillows and stuffed animals. I could probably be pretty good at it if I were to actively try, but right now I already have like 12 interests competing for my attention. (as you can see, tumblr is winning right now)
What fictional character would you want to kiss the most? The least?
oh damn, this is a hard one. Okay I'm going to put my top three in no particular order: Daenerys Targaryen, Augustus Waters, Jack Frost
Least: Theon Greyjoy (shudders)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how hungry are you right now?
about a 5; I ate a snack of brussel sprouts, but I definitely need dinner within the next few hours
Have you ever been TP’ed/gone TP’ing?
Best book you’ve read in school?
To Kill a Mockingbird, although I suspect that that may soon change to The Great Gatsby (we just started it though, so I'm not completely sure.)
My questions for others:
What's the last wish you made on a star?
What are your three most favorite books or book series?
What is one food that you absolutely cannot stand?
Which teacher have you learned the most from throughout your school career? Why?
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?
What's on your clipboard? (paste it below. no cheating!)
How much sleep do you usually get? Is it enough?
Describe your dream house.
Have you ever broken a bone? If so, which one(s)?
What is your current favorite quote?
People I’m tagging: gho-ulish, ashpup, anniesscreams, iamsasslocked, justanotherset-of-bones, superwhospocklockian, mrsastoriamalfoy, straybulletakacrayon, fabledfrowningfox, unclebenss
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splynter · 1 year
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The Unraveler
A Prophecy doodle
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splynter · 1 year
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Get de-echoed, soy boy
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splynter · 1 year
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This is a surprise ancient that will help us later
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splynter · 1 year
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I offer low effort Prophecy doodles while I’m still half dead
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