#ART_SCIENCE (Engineering_Technology)
g33k-574rdu57-blog · 7 years
Quirks + Perks
It is crucial to pursue objective truth and yet you must remember to also inject your novel quirks and perks into your design / method. 
If you are obsessed with the brain stimulating puzzles like the Rubik's cube, or coding (binary) and algorithms, maybe magnets is your persuasion?! Perhaps you are obsessed with musical instruments or the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Ratio. Is it Space? Stardust - Atoms; Electrons, Photons, Quarks, Neutrinos, et al. Maybe you simply like hats or fascinated with colours and how light reflects and refracts. The “funny bone” (the ulnar nerve) and the sensations or with how a ladybug wings fold or maybe shoelaces strike a cord. You owe yourself the justice of thinking and exploring how these wondrous factors can inform your design and approach. We, your audience, want to celebrate the joy of your eccentric (expressive contribution). Induce the geek and take us on the journey with you!
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g33k-574rdu57-blog · 7 years
Objective tools of Logic
The following will help us maintain intellectual honesty. 
Note; there is no hierarchy as each is important. 
Be sceptical and question the posed theories, arguments and/or claims. Avoid attacking collectives-individuals and their characters _ Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person", short for “argumentum ad hominem“, a logical fallacy).
Avoid misinterpretation, distortion or gross representation of an idea, theory, position or argument presented. Allow the known persons to position themselves _ Straw Man Fallacy.
Do not assert that because there is no evidence to suggest otherwise that something is therefore true or false. Ignorance is not substantiated _ Ad Ignorantiam (Latin: argumentum ad ignorant am, where ignorance represents "a lack of contrary evidence", a fallacy in informal logic.
Statistics are a helpful source but you must always consider all of the variables. Ensure the data available represents the whole as sufficient evidence or identify otherwise. Avoid the informal fallacy _ Hasty Generalisation.
Never assume something to be true, the foundation of any premise must always be based on observable evidence _  Begging the Question.
Never claim or assume that because something occurred before, it must be the cause. There will be a reason but not necessarily a connection _ Post Hoc cause. 
Do not reduce an argument down to 2 possibilities. It is not “black and white”, there may be a “grey area” _ False Dichotomy.
Do not place the burden of proof onto the individual who is questioning your conclusion/claim. You must provide the evidence _ Burden of Proof Reversal.
Avoid assumption that “a” follows “b” when it has no evident logical connection _ Non sequitur.
Be aware that we cannot be truly certain of anything. Be careful to not confuse with measurable/observable Scientific truths. As we make new discoveries and comprehend more of the physical world in greater detail, each theory does not necessarily work at each scale.
Compose your ideas carefully and articulate with clarity but avoid disingenuous rhetoric. Let the content be the conclusive factor not the dexterity of the language itself. 
Consider the subject matter carefully with in-depth research. Mindful that this is not over thinking but a prudent method of avoiding gross simplification. 
a scenario: architects design the human built environment and ergonomics thereof based on observations of how people interact and navigate through space. Often the brief is informed by statistics and experience. Caveat; this is not always true due to various reasons; project complexity, requirements, funding, value engineering etc. It is prudent and professional to avoid preconceived notions whilst expectations could be a useful starting point the risks must be acknowledged. 
Consider this nutritional thought; the truth *is* regardless of what we think or believe.   
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g33k-574rdu57-blog · 8 years
Proportion _Phi
Golden Ratio _ 
Fibonacci sequence _ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...
The equilibrium of proportion can be observed everywhere in Nature. If you wish to achieve this balance you must identify with the Geometric pattern.  
For example; the nautilus shell or the pine cone...
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g33k-574rdu57-blog · 8 years
Cause and effect is a Cosmic Law and can be observed everywhere within the Universe thus your life. Remember "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Sir Isaac Newton.
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