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equarretedddd · 10 months ago
i will bury alive someone who considered dick's death a good script it was so bittersweet i h8 that /srs
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but it gives me more angst stuff ideas so ty💋
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not-handsome-enough · 10 months ago
Alright before I do anything take this with a grain of salt, cause it’s probably a continuity error / can be easily explained away BUT if you all would like to hold onto some hope please just hear me out. And also it offers a question for yall.
Alright! So!
On twitter someone had asked Brendon and Gene about Murmaider III and its placement on Dethalbum IV ( which btw shoutout to Gene’s wife that was brilliant ) and Brendon had mentioned that what sets 3 apart from the other two was that it was more dreamlike, and that it was made AFTER Army of the Doomstar. Now since Brendon and Gene weren’t the ones to make the order on the Album we can’t set a timeline for the songs ( though they are set in Brutal to Dreamlike order once again shoutout to Genes wife you goddess ) we can at least say that some songs were made post Army. In fact we could also make some assumptions about what songs were made DURING army. So I’ll separate that list here.
NOTE : YALL DONT NEED TO READ THIS PART THIS IS JUST ME RUNNING WITH “ some songs were made post AOTD which ones could they be teehee “ JUST KNOW MURMAIDER AND SOS WERE AFTER KUBBLER DIED OK SORRy I’m not deleting that whole thing I like it
Songs with “ * “ are canon, the rest are personal interpretation.
* Aortic Desecration ( the first song of salvation but obviously not )
* SOS ( song of salvation )
Gardener of Vengeance ( Nathan directly references this during the scene where he confides in the band and Knubbler that he doesn’t write songs about hope and he’s just doing what he knows. I believe he wrote and recorded this but felt it wasn’t good enough to be the song of salvation and moved on. HOWEVER the language he used could place this as post AOTD because it sounds more like a thrown out there example kinda like how he figured out SOS in the cave )
Poisoned By Food ( Again I think this is a scrapped song of salvation since besides the actual poisoning of food a lot of the imagery feels like the what the metalocalypse was described like )
BLOODBATH ( guess what another scrapped song of salvation. This one feels like a ‘you don’t scare me I’m going to confidently stop you because if I go down you go down with me’ song. Also it could be Nathan trying to reach out to Magnus since he was one of the people on his list. Also quick note I’m going song by song so I don’t know if I’ll notice if any other songs would reflect the list I just got out of work so I’m not gonna catch it all rn )
Horse of Fire ( this is tricky because lyrics like star still blazing allude to this being written before aortic desecration but also Nathan didn’t have the talk with the whale until the deadline came up in which he had to go with aortic desecration <he wouldn’t have had time to write about the fist or the hand.> But the lyrics don’t have the <we should reach out to the fans> revelation that SOS has. Maybe this was a draft for SOS but I think once Nathan figured out what SOS was meant to be it just came to him naturally. I’m not sure. HOWEVER since the doomstar is referred to as a star that is still blazing and not a portal that’s been destroyed it’s safe to say this is not post AOTD. Either way this is an important song to keep in mind if you look at this speculating )
* Murmaider III ( stated by Brendon Small in the interview. He said he feels that the boys would have written this after AOTD and based off of interviews he’s had in the past about his songwriting process it’s hard to not take this as canon so. )
DEADFACE ( I think this is post because while the song plays during the movie only Skwisgaar knew about the possession so the lyrics wouldn’t quite make sense yet. It’s a tricky placement but I can see Skwisgaar playing around with it since he does play the notes during the movie )
Mutilation on a Saturday Night ( this feels so much like a we survived so now we’re gonna party song I can’t see Nathan Skwisgaar or Pickles make an argument for this being a Song of Salvation. Also all the fucked up shit they talk about references what happened during the metalocalypse but it’s spoken in past tense like a ‘hey we fucked shit up but we fixed it so now we’re just gonna keep fucking around haha’)
I am The Beast ( simply cause I don’t see this as something Nathan would write during AOTD but the ‘ I am a beast this is my domain and when I speak you scream my name ‘ could work as a salvation line but it feels too much like a Mutilation Saturday Night ‘I can write whatever I want cause I lived and I’m not gonna hold back’ vibe )
Satellite Bleeding ( this feels like the first song they would have written and recorded after the doomstar died. Kinda like watching the sky clear up after a storm. )
Now despite me rambling on about this I would like to draw attention to what’s canon. Specifically SOS and Murmaider III. These songs came out after Knubbler died. Yet Dethalbum IV credits Knubbler for production.
Drawing your attention to how crediting in the Dethalbum works, each album has a little section for Dethklok to get musical credits and thank whoever and whatever. There’s also production credit and location credit. On ALL of the Dethalbums Knubbler is credited as producer. Cause he’s the producer makes sense yeayeyaeyah. But whenever there’s a change in location or production, there’s additional credits.
ANOTHER NOTE: I DONT HAVE THE KLOK OPERA CD I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE CREDITING SYSTEM LOOKS LIKE ON THERE but if someone happens to be selling that cd outside of eBay please let me know
Let’s look at them.
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Dethalbum I ^
Shit ton of credits right, and on the other page which I didn’t take a picture of and can’t because I’m not home at the moment there’s credit to Snakes N Barrels for “Kill You” with each member listed. Take note that songs that are considered exceptions are credited differently and locations not at Mordhaus are credited.
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I lied I have the other page. For those without the dethalbum cds the actual credits are usually on another page and “Kill You” got mixed in with it
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Dethalbum II
Hey Knubbies gets to thank someone this time! Anyways once again Knubbler is credited for production, but also Dethklok. Keep this in mind. Also the fact that different location credited for Murmaider II but it’s recorded at Mordhaus
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Dethalbum III
Knubbler credit AND Abigail credit along with Dethklok AND once again location credit is Mordhaus and another fuckass place. Only thing that’s not really credited is Magnus with The Hammer but idk if he was like Toki and William where they play the songs but don’t really write or if he actually wrote The Hammer. I’m not a HammerHead, I’ve seen people interpret him as both, but at the end of the day idrk.
So what about Dethalbum IV
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Knubbler is credited. At Deus Keep. Only Knubbler. Only at Deus Keep. “But he’s not credited as a Producer” True! If the album was released in universe it would probably be a producer credit. Especially since Brendon and Ulrich have Producer credit on the page prior. Maybe it’s because Knubbler didn’t make it to the final production stage. Or maybe he’s staying hidden undercover..
Remember earlier. He canonically was not around for two of these songs on this album. He could not have recorded OR mixed SOS or Murmaider III. Even if you don’t fully think that Murmaider III was made Post AOTD, SOS was done post Knubbler death. Hell, the song was dedicated to him by William! But there’s no separate credit for SOS.
If we went on the same basis as previous albums SOS would have been credited to that part of Norway where they traveled to that I forgot the name of and I’m not gonna look up but you get the point. Or even Dethklok would have been credited as production. I could also say something about how Murmaider III wasn’t recorded in the Mariana Trench and how the whale isn’t calling to Nathan anymore but that’s for another day. Right now though, it’s just Knubbler. Just Knubbler and Deus Keep.
Which leads to 3 possibilities.
Knubbler Lives: Knubbler survived ( the flashing things on the ground were teleporters ) and Deus Keep is rebuilt. To celebrate their survival they make Dethalbum IV but don’t release it
Knubbler Died: The band recorded the last few songs on the album at the remains of Deus Keep. Knubblers presets aren’t changed so credit remains to him. Once again not releasing it.
It’s not an album: Dethalbum IV doesn’t exist in universe. That’s why there’s no producer credit. That’s why Nathan doesn’t thank the klokateers ( he thanks the army of the doomstar which is just him thanking fans ). Dethklok recording it post AOTD is more to do with how Brendon records dethalbums than in universe writing.
I like to think that this is just an unreleased album in universe since the record label is more than likely destroyed, but it has the possibility of releasing one day if society is rebuilt to what it once was. But it really depends on if you think the album is canon to the universe. Cause there’s no Mordhaus credit on Dethalbum IV and there’s no way for SOS to have been recorded at Deus Keep and blablabla
something fun to think about tho yk?
TLDR: two songs on dethalbum IV were made after Knubbler death yet the credit doesn’t change for him in the dethalbum so there’s a chance that he recorded and mixed those songs cause he is alive and well horray
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thatwritingho · 2 years ago
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God damn this Pickles🥵
Went from 'mommy' to 'daddy' so fast
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kevingotabigasschin · 1 year ago
tw// mentions of trauma, overdose and suicide will be brought up//
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This is Misery during the events of Army of the Doomstar, she has isolated herself from the boys after the events of Doomstar Requiem and is trying to find purpose in her life.
As the boys are suffering from their traumas, she is suffering from hers as well, she's tried getting back in touch with wrestling but that was short-lived and didn't make her feel happy, she truly believed she had nothing, she lost the little family she had left, she lost the boys and she lost her dignity.
She's taken to drugs and alcohol which only made it worse for her to try to forget the boys, she left under the assumption that the boys hated her for lying to them about the sting operation that Charles had her do in Doomstar Requiem, and for taking advantage of it just to get back at Nathan after their argument before she faked her death.
She shaved her head so it would make it harder for people to identify her, Nathan keeps sending klokateers to look for her even though she's been gone from the boys for 10 years, he still holds on to the hope that she'll come back one day even though the others have accepted that she's gone.
She now lives in a whole new city far away from the boys, trying hard to find purpose in it, but her hope is running out and she grows even more violent with each sip of alcohol she takes killing each and every klokateer that keeps finding her new hideout.
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The poor girl keeps getting reminded of the boys as she keeps trying to forget them and the guilt was building up so eventually during the movie she decides to call Nathan to try to explain herself to him (even though she explained everything to him at the end of Doomstar Requiem she still feels the need to apologize) from an unknown location so he couldn't track her down, using a payphone.
At first he didn't know it was her, it had been so long since he heard her voice and when she spoke to him, she sounded weak, quiet and defeated, he thought that it was some groupie that wanted to get in his pants again after a one night stand.
It wasn't until he realized far too late that it was her when he remembered something she said from Doomstar Requiem.
"Are you listening now?" but it was much quieter and small.
In the middle of the call she said this was probably the last time that he was ever going to see or hear from her again (she could've meant suicide or someone was after her) but he realized at the very last minute and when he tried speaking back she hung up in fear that he might get angry with her (even though that wasn't the case and far from the truth)
After Misery hung up on Nathan she made an attempt on her life by purposely swallowing a whole bottle of pills, luckily someone saw her seize out and rushed her to the hospital where she was treated and later detoxed.
After he got hung up on Nathan was in shambles and finally admitted defeat in ever finding her again, truly believing he lost her.
After Misery got released from the hospital, she tried retracing her steps once again in order to find purpose in her life, but everything she did lead her right back to being reminded of the boys.
She let her hair grow out some as a way of releasing all the worry and concern.
She finally realized that they needed her and she needed them and that her purpose she had been evading was there in front of her this entire time.
So she finally returns to town right in the time of the band's need in confronting the Tribunal, she never liked confronting the boys but she did like confronting other people and kicking ass, so she came out of no where to help the boys fight off the Tribunal (even at the possibility of it costing her life)
After the battle was over, she once again apologized to Nathan and the boys and believing that she had done what was necessary to heal herself, she was about to leave again under the concern that they wouldn't forgive her.
But as she was about to leave, Nathan grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, refusing to let her leave again, and he broke down crying happy that he finally found her after all these years.
Misery of course returns the feelings and everyone feels the same as well.
Misery is now back with the boys happy to be with them again as family.
(This was really sad for me to write, I just want my girl to be happy with her favorite assholes again)
App I used to make the pics with ElenaA's Windswept Oc Maker|Picrew
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robothell · 2 years ago
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It's all about fear. Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar (2023) Opening Sequences
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basu-shokikita · 2 years ago
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Absolutely underrated moment: Skwisgaar and Toki failing to catch Pickles who was doing a trust fall
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doodilydingdongdethklok · 2 years ago
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wyldestyle · 1 year ago
“Ti’ll Death do us part…”
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yamchala · 1 year ago
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Shoutout to that bass player... deadface...
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feraljayce · 2 years ago
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hey guys so this uhh. let's hear this album
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bardfaust · 2 years ago
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I'm normal about him
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radicalbebop · 10 months ago
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Hi again Metalocalypse people, I did fun little movie redraw of Murderface because his stuff in it makes me want to explode(positive)
(What I redrawed :>)
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strangegutz · 1 year ago
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i can’t imagine Dick was a great student
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river-mort · 1 year ago
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Guys hear me out
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basu-shokikita · 2 years ago
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Extremely thankful for all the shots we got of Toki holding and carrying Skwisgaar
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murmaider · 1 year ago
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PICKLES THE (DRUMMER) PILOT hatredcopter | rehabklok | the galaxy | army of the doomstar
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