#ARC trooper fives
phantasm-echo · 3 days
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Umbara arc study <3
Fives and Dogma are so happy to be there trust me
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eobe · 2 days
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501st Friday 💙 Fives and Dogma. I love and hate the Umbara arc and I‘ll rewatch it some more times, even if it‘s hard. Dogma is a key figure at the end. He basically saves Rex from doing the most unpleasant duty. I‘m not sure if Rex would have pulled it off but the enemy was on the move and Dogma did it. He‘s absolutely lost and deserves some love ☺️
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Arc Trooper Fives & Echo ✨
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merlincmgirl · 3 days
Clone Kinktober 2024
So I decided to set myself a challenge. I haven't wrote smut for a while and I thought this was the perfect opportunity. So I decided to write for our favourite copy and paste men. I tried to make it as random as possible, typing out a number of clones and kinks and then using an online tool to randomly assign one to each other. Some of them fit perfectly - others were more of a challenge.
The list is below and I will be linking them as soon as the story posts!
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Gif Source
Kinktober 2024 List
Period Sex - Fives
Anal – Rebel!Rex
Rough Sex – Alpha 17
Submission - Gregor
Dirty Talk - Echo
Sensory Deprivation - Hunter
Domination - Howzer
Praise - Keeli
Power Play - Waxer
Toys - Neyo
Ice Play – Fox
Edging - Dogma
Outdoors – Wolffe
Overstimulation – Cody
Lingerie – Bly
Breeding - Kix
Sex Tape - Jesse
Group - 501st
Handcuffs - Rex
Armour Kink - Boba
Sex Pollen – Tup
ABO - Hound
Spanking - Hardcase
Wax Play - Thorn
Gentle Sex – Fireball
Title Kink - Mayday
Threesome - Wrecker & Cross
Masturbation - Tech
Exhibition - Boil
Oral - 212th
Bondage - Jango
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techwrecker · 2 days
Boys by Lizzo except it’s Clones, send tweet.
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squad-724 · 9 hours
Crosshair’s first day in the Pabu Sea Sanctuary part 2
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Part 1
Once again written by the amazing @pinetree-tbb
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Crosshair did not realize that he let out quiet whines and high pitched whistles while asleep. He didn’t realize he was sobbing. All he knew was that he was in pain
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"You shouldn't have grabbed him so hard." Echo told his brother.
"Well, I couldn't just let him go over, you saw how hurt he is."
"He slammed right into the edge of the wall!"
"Not so loud!" Fives hissed "If he finds out we are here, he's probably never gonna rest!" The twins sat at the far end of the pond, hiding behind a few plants, looking to the stones where the eel mer burrowed himself under.
"All I'm saying is, that you could have been a bit gentler..."
"... sorry." From where they hid, they could hear the painful little whines from their new friend, Echo feeling a deep sorrow for him. "Come on, let's talk to the others." Fives chirped and with a few strokes of their tails they broke the water surface, Phee, Kix and Riyo already waiting.
"Hey boys" Phee greeted them and knelt down in the sand "He is still in the pool, right?" They nodded, sitting up in the water and Fives moved his hands to talk
'He burrowed himself under a pile of rocks at the bottom... He's hurt... very hurt.' The humans looked into the water.
"We have to get him to eat somehow..." Kix mumbled "He’s very thin, if he doesn't gain weight again soon, he will die of starvation and malnutrition. And I really don’t want to forcefully sedate him for an IV or feeding tube."
"I don't think he's gonna accept the food we provide, he seems very stubborn." Riyo noted.
"Idea." Echo's synthesizer suddenly voiced out. They all looked at him, he just smiled back and pushed the device again, which voiced out another "Idea."
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Crosshair passed out after a while and fell into a dreamless sleep. When he awoke again he could smell something delicious. It was early morning, the sky only starting to brighten, and the eel mer tasted the water again. It was mostly tinged with the metallic scent of his own blood, but under it he smelled something different... something... tempting. A bit of sunlight shone through a tiny hole by the entrance of his burrow. He dug a bit of sand away to have a look at the outside of his hideout. As his eyes adjusted to the light he saw that, at an arm's length away from where he was curled up, sat two fish wrapped together in seaweed and with a stone attached on top to weigh them down.
He felt a stabbing pain in his stomach, but resisted the urge to go out and take it. It was obviously a trap, in which the humans probably put something in to make him lose consciousness or strength to recapture him. So Crosshair only narrowed his eyes, put his ears back and withdrew, shoving the sand up to close the hole again.
After a while, he didn't know if it had been minutes or hours, the smell of fresh fish filled the water again and he looked up. There was a hole in the sand with daylight shining through it. Which was weird, he knew he covered the entrance fully. Someone must have made that hole, which means that he was not alone in the pool. Crosshair moved, hissing slightly as the pain rushed through his entire body with every motion, removed a handful of sand and peeked outside.
There was another pair of fish next to the ones before, the new ones floating much closer to his burrow than the previous ones, but he just shoved the sand back up. With the painful growls of his stomach he fell asleep to wake up when the sun was already setting. He did not feel any better after rest, no, his wounds felt like they were stinged by a jellyfish and then alcohol was rubbed on them. He felt so nauseous he would probably throw up if his stomach wasn’t empty already. When he was finally able to open his eyes he noticed that once again, there was a tiny hole in the entrance of his hideout under the rocks.
Crosshair dragged his body to the opening to look outside again and saw a third pair of fish, directly in front of him. He was hungry, very hungry. He did not know how long he hadn't been eating. But he won't even touch this. With a quick flick of his tail he pushed the fish away and covered the entrance again. He had to get out of here, he had to find his brothers, he had to make a plan... But his pain and hunger woudln’t let him think straight.
Crosshair hadn’t slept the whole night, feeling the agony of his sunburned back and sand filled cuts. The scent of freshly killed fish didn’t help either, tempting and baiting him. He let out a huff, he was so hungry… He put his cheek on the blissfully cold rocks and continued to drift in and out of consciousness.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
"He still won't eat them." Crosshair shot up startled, eyes fixed on the entrance, when did someone get so close without him noticing?! He heard more clicking and whistling, two separate voices.
"He probably thinks it's poisoned or something."
"You think this is gonna work Echo?" The voices swam nearer and Crosshair pressed himself in the back of his hole, his burns and cuts stinging by the movement.
"I know it will," He saw a clawed finger stick through the entrance, leaving behind a little hole, the morning light shining through. Was it morning already? "Just give him time." After that, the voices disappeared, outside quiet once again. Crosshair peeked out again and sure there they were, directly before the hole. Two fish wrapped in seaweed, weighed down with a stone. He considered for a moment, but then turned his back and shoved the sand up again with his tail.
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Part 3 coming soon
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sergeantgoggles · 2 days
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Prompt: Trust Ship: Jesse/Fives Rated: E - NSFW .
Hot, cracked lips score Fives’s neck with brutal kisses that make him groan under the weight of them despite the goosebumps that race up his spine. This planet is too damn hot, and Jesse is even hotter, especially when he’s already rutting between his cheeks, sweat slicked cock gliding easily and teasingly over his hole. 
The last time Fives gave in to these desires, it was Echo to took him apart and put him back together. It’s been a long time though, and Fives thinks that if anyone has earned his trust to handle him with the same care, it’s Jesse. 
“Please,” he begs with a whisper, and that’s all he needs to say before Jesse gathers all of his pieces and makes him whole again.
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dixieconley · 3 days
Rex: Can you explain why you’re covered in glitter? Fives: I call it 'spontaneous fabulousness'.
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keeradaks · 2 days
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This was in response to the prompt 'Bravery'for Day 3 of #savvystarwarssept over on insta.
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ghostymarni · 2 days
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‘all I hear are echos, echos of you’
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adh-d2 · 5 months
One of my favorite pieces of canon continuity is that clones cannot lie for shit
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secretly-a-trekkie · 1 month
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they deserved a beach episode
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moxie-girl · 5 months
Star Wars clone wars-era tumblr dashboard simulator! this meme format is so old sorryyyy
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hate hate HAAATE that holoblr is so core-centric and you’re expected to post in basic or people just comment asking you to translate. I should be able to post in shryiiwook.
⬜️ senatesux-deactivated00192…
Hey, your choice of Shyriiwook as an “exotic” language to post in ties inherently into old colonialist views on Wookies and I need you to be aware of that, if it wasn’t intentional. Many people on the holonet these days…
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hi! op here. I’m a wookie.
🪐 outer-rim-4lyfe Follow
#core holoblr users stop assuming everyone is human challenge
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🛸 fuckthatoldman Follow
ok but whys grandmaster yoda kinda… 🥵🥵
🧑🏾‍🚀 sora-the-explora Follow
Everybody on here claiming to be attracted to GILFs is lying except for this guy
#everyone unfollow me i wanna be alone with them
6,969 notes
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5️⃣ 55555555 Follow
some of the ppl posting on here against clone rights are so funny like do you have any idea how many clones are on holoblr?? have fun losing like all ur followers lmao
#what do u think we’re doing between deployments??? just standing around waiting to fight????? #clone rights #cloneblr
84,255 notes
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🌃 coru-ssant Follow
I sure hope my pet piece of flimsi is doing well! good thing I left my apartment window open so he could get some fresh air while I was at work :)
🌃 coru-ssant Follow
by the stars this can’t be happening
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🧋 bubble-tea-bounty Follow
⚒ keldabekisses Follow
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#anyways vote vanilla extract for mand’alor it’s what jaster would’ve wanted #mandalore #mando discourse #<- for those of u who have it filtered
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🦾 hero-with-many-fears Follow
anakin skywalker is 22??? he should be at da club….
2,836 notes
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🌌 posts-from-a-darker-galaxy Follow
so was anyone gonna tell me they found out the chancellor is a sith or was I supposed to learn it from a CNL skit???
🌝 pizzathehutt Follow
posts that make you read op’s url
🚀 hyperdriven Follow
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#op if you go asking at enough temples eventually a sith might answer
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dragon-subway · 4 months
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"Who cares if we're a little lost - look at these guys!" "I care, Fives, I care"
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echo-coyote · 4 months
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Ahsoka and Obi Wan having a chat at the Jedi temple
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kokosnusslos · 3 months
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